#martha jones is perfect btw
kingboolists · 8 months
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problematic // a tenmartha playlist (Doctor Who)
Wake Up - The Vamps // Pumpkin Soup - Kate Nash // Hang Around - Echosmith // Unavoidable - Neon Trees // Kiss Her You Fool - Kids That Fly // Let Me Roll It - Paul McCartney & Wings // Are You Bored Yet? (feat. Clairo) - Wallows // Washing Machine Heart - Mitski // Someone That Loves You - HONNE, Izzy Bizu // Problematic - TWIN XL // Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris, Florence Welch // Sunflower - Swae Lee, Post Malone // Norman fucking Rockwell - Lana Del Rey // Tormenta (feat. Bad Bunny) - Gorillaz // Should I Stay - GABRIELLE // Breaking Up Slowly - Lana Del Rey, Nikki Lane // Emoticons - The Wombats // You're Just A Boy (And I'm Kinda The Man) - Maisie Peters // Goodbye - Who Is Fancy // Won't Look Back - Geowulf // When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars // Honeypie - Love Fame Tragedy // Lover Come Back - City and Colour // So Much (For) Stardust - Fall Out Boy // Haunted House - Mckenna Grace // adecentcupofcoffee (acoustic) - Bilmuri
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aq2003 · 7 months
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ten and martha in flatline, i hope everyone sees the vision [x]
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capybaraonabicycle · 1 year
For the first kiss prompts - 12?
Thank you so much, hon! This was really fun!
Not a first kiss because I really felt like writing some wholesome, established relationship kiss. So they're already married here.
Ah, yes, btw, this is Osgate. I started with them because I gathered you would enjoy it more. But I will probably come back to Jace/Natalie tomorrow or smth. Let me know if you want me to tag you if I post it!
Until then, enjoy number 12:
12. A kiss to distract the other
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[ID: gif of Osgood using her inhaler. end ID]
For the past three weeks, Kate had advised Osgood to use her inhaler on the daily. Most days more than once. The reason was obvious: It had started when it had been announced that Dr. Martha Jones would soon be joining them on a mission. They would be dealing with a bunch of escaped Carrionites wreaking havoc in New Orleans.
Dr Jones had met the Carrionites before; in Shakespeare's England, right after getting to know the bard himself. Furthermore, she was an incredibly skilled former UNIT operative - so Kate had been told by no other than Osgood - three times in a row that first afternoon and a few more times since - and hence was the perfect woman for the job. Since then, every mention of Dr Jones' name had had Osgood on the verge of a panic attack.
At first it had delighted Kate, like it usually did whenever Osgood was passionate about something or someone. But during their flight to the US the attacks had grown closer and closer together and slowly but surely she was getting worried. It couldn't be healthy to have Osgood's pulse be this high all the time, plus Kate was rather sure there was a maximum dose of the inhaler that was safe per day - and by her own judgement, Osgood was scraping close to that limit.
While the others ran ahead to get their luggage from the conveyor belt, she placed a firm hand on Osgood's arm, holding her back.
"Will you be okay?" she asked earnestly. "It's not too late to sit this one out."
"Yeah, no, sure, it's fine." The hand grasping the inhaler was trembling. "I promise I won't make any problems. Please don't bench me, Ma'am."
"I'm not talking to you as your boss" Kate lowered her voice. "I am not worried about the job, I am worried about you."
Osgood did a double take, looking down at her arm and finally registering the physical contact. A small smile grew on her face and she covered Kate's hand with her own.
"Thanks, Love" she said just as softly. "But really, I am fine. Or well, I should be."
She was sounding annoyed at herself and Kate pressed her arm reassuringly.
"I never had issues around Clara" Osgood complained. "And I even managed working with the Doctor for a full day. Why am I losing it now?"
"Because the Doctor is brilliant but has nothing on the Dr. Martha Jones?" Kate repeated her own words back at her. "Because she was the first UNIT operative to inspire you to follow in her footsteps? And maybe because contrarily to the Doctor, who you've only met when male-presenting, she is a very beautiful woman?"
"Hush your mouth" Osgood pulled a face. "You know it's not about the last point."
Kate shrugged and smirked. "It would be for me."
"Fine around Clara, remember?" Osgood sighed and shook her trembling fingers in frustration. "Oh god, I will so not manage to stay cool."
"Yes, you will" Kate pushed a strand, that had become lose during the flight, behind Osgood's ear. "You're always 'cool'. - wow, it still feels absolutely wrong to use that word - but you are. And you won't lose it now, okay?"
Osgood nodded weakly.
"Good" Kate said. "Because this is an order. By your superior officer. Keep your calm, use your inhaler if necessary, quit when it gets too much and enjoy this! You'll get to meet another one of your heroes!"
"Yeah" Osgood agreed softly. Her breath was still coming a bit short but her eyes looked steadily into Kate's.
"Feeling better?"
Osgood managed to take one long, deeper breath. "A bit."
"Fancy a distraction?" Kate offered, unable to keep the cheek out of her voice and her gaze from dropping down to Osgood's lips for any longer.
Who could blame her? They'd been standing close for well over a minute now and emotions were running high. She was only human and very much fancying her wife.
Osgood's eyes grew wide and Kate thought now she would be having a panic attack for entirely different reasons. "We're on the job!"
Kate shrugged and offered: "Desperate times?"
Now Osgood laughed weakly.
"You're merely using my situation for an excuse to snog!" she understood correctly.
Kate grinned and let her finger trail from Osgood's ear down her cheek, tipping up her chin.
"I'll call it medical treatment" she whispered. "I am sure Dr Jones will understand."
"You are so corny" Osgood said but it sounded rather breathy and she was already leaning towards Kate.
And when their lips finally met, oh so gently, Kate remarked that for the first time in three weeks, the mention of Dr Jones' name seemed to have no noticeable influence on Osgood's nerves whatsoever.
Never let it be said that her distractions weren't effective.
Hope you like it! Some consensual distraction here because Jace/Natalie will be angsty enough :)
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saxon-official · 4 months
Heya, Harry-the-Prime-Minister!
I see you are having a lovely day!
Gladdens me, that, it does. How's your mental health, BTW?
Seems rude not to ask.
I've been doing well. Martha Jones is secured in my custody, we're just waiting on that perfect moment to destroy the planet.
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serendipitous-posts · 4 years
Doctor Who Q&A!
Who is your Doctor?
Matt Smith! Funny story about him actually-he was the first doctor I ever watched-it was Time of the Angels, but at the time I watched that episode, Matt Smith’s run was over. I went back and watched Nine and Ten, and then rewatched Eleven before hitting Twelve up. Eleven has always had a special place in my heart
Your favourite Doctor?
Funnily enough, Twelve. He faintly edges out Eleven in this regard. I think I just really enjoy his humour, dry and sarcastic, and the character arc of wondering whether he’s a good person or not really spoke to me. Yeah, stinky eyebrow man wins in this regard
Least favourite Doctor?
Either Nine or Thirteen? I found Nine to be somewhat boring, I liked his humour, but most of the time was spent setting up his backstory, or that weird romance thing with Rose, and since romance has never interested me, except in certain areas *shrugs*
Thirteen isn’t anything to do with Jodie Whittaker, it’s just that the best moments of Doctor Who are when the Doctor is sad, or vulnerable or angry. The Oncoming Storm is a big part of it all. And it seems that she never really has the oppurtunity to be emotional in this yet. That’s the scriptwriters fault, not hers, and I’m happy they’re starting to change it with the new season.
Best regeneration?
Oh god, that’s actually a tie between Ten, Eleven and Twelve for me
Ten dies alone and it is awful. His last lines brought me to tears, and there’s something so sad about him being killed protecting one of his friends. 
Eleven had me sobbing. Out of the three, he’s the only one who met this whole thing with acceptance, and he’s the only one to not be alone when it happens. His was the nicest out of the three, but because he was MY Doctor, I was bawling like a baby. When Amy appeared I  b r  o k e
Twelve is heartbreakingly realistic. He’s not resisting change like Ten is, he just wants to rest, for once. Like Ten, he dies alone, with only memories to comfort him, and I remember tearing up when he told Thirteen what he told Clara
Who is the most human Doctor?
Either Ten or Twelve. Both of them are conflicted about their morality and whether they should do the right thing or not, both of them try and fail and try again. Twelve is just the one to realise he’s not good or bad, he’s an idiot.
Best Companion?
Donna Noble or Amy Pond and Rory. 
I am a sex repulsed ace-aro, this means I would rather stick my hand in a woodchipper than be in a relationship with someone. Platonic friendships and family have always been my bread and butter and these three are perfect for the Doctor.
Donna Noble? Bold, sassy, determined. Her mom is constantly putting her down, and yet she’s the saviour of the Universe. She doesn’t hesitate to call Ten out on his bullshit, and her departure hurt me on so many levels. I have loved her ever since Pompeii, and I will decry the erasure of her character as unfair until the end of bloody time
Amy Pond and Rory. I’m putting these two together, because I only really started to like Amy when Rory came in. I love their character arcs, growing and changing. Their relationship is also fun to watch, once you get over the drama. I like relationships like Chandler and Monica, natural, fun to watch, not Ross and Rachel, dragged out, on and off again, and after a brief buffer period, these two sorted out their differences and their banter was amazing to watch. Also, the fact that they’re the Doctor’s in laws? They are the epitome of found family and I am LOVING IT
Shoutout to Martha Jones btw, runner up as always. I wish we got to see more of her when she WASN’T enamoured with the Doctor, watching her call him out in the Poison Sky was magnificent.
Worst Companion?
The Companions relationships with the Doctor are the most important thing in the show; what they think of him, how much they trust him, what extent are their feelings towards them, and to me, none was quite as boring as Rose and the Doctor.
I HATE will they-wont they plots, and that basically sums up their entire run together, getting jealous of eachothers partners, vaguely alluding towards their attraction to eachother, but not saying it, it drained all of the fun out of Rose. Her making out with a clone of the Doctor, in front of the Doctor was the final thing for me.
And while I’m all for the return of a Companion, she seems to linger throughout Ten’s run. I can understand why for Martha’s; that was her entire character arc after all, learning to expect better of yourself, but she didn’t need to be there for Donna’s; they very easily could have thought of another way to create DoctorDonna. Her presence was everywhere throughout David Tennants run, and I found it annoying
Favourite Doctor Who Ships?
River Song with Eleven, Twelve or Thirteen. As I said, banter and comedy is how you establish a good relationship, it shows how relaxed two people are together, and River with whichever Doctor she’s with at the time always has this flirty back and forth going on between them. They’re very open about their attraction to eachother, and I love it. Also, Thirteen and River because if you don’t think Thirteen is a raging pansexual then I have news for you.
Amy and Rory for the reasons I listed above; they sort through their issues, have good repartee and are a very enjoyable couple to watch
(I briefly shipped Eleven x Amy x Rory before I found out they were in laws, so shoutout to that.)
Least Favourite Doctor Who Ships?
Rose x Doctor. It would have been fine if they ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING WITH IT INSTEAD OF JUST HINTING AT IT
Martha x Doctor. Martha’s whole arc is about learning that the Doctor is treating her badly and that she doesn’t need him. To go back to him would invalidate that whole thing
Controversial Thought?
I know a lot of people hate Clara, but to be honest, I’m more apathetic/warm towards her. I loved her relationship with Twelve, and how she was almost a caretaker towards him. She starts to act like the Doctor after a while, but then that’s what the Companions DO, they become more versatile, more able to handle tough situations. I’m not happy how they made her immortal and gave her her own TARDIS, but other than that, I’m pretty mild towards her
Best Two-Parter Episode?
Heaven Sent and Hell Bent. It was one of those episodes, ones that are genuinely, deeply horrifying. I got chills when I realised how long the Doctor had been trapped in the Confession Dial. I wasn’t really happy with how the brought Clara back from the dead, but I was okay with it, because watching her read the High Command the riot act for how they treated the Doctor was so, so worth it
Best Doctor/companion pairing?
Ten and Donna. Loved their brother-sister duo relationship
If Two Doctors could meet, who would you choose?
Thirteen and Four would be fun; they have similar energy and scarves after all. Think that would be fun to see. Thirteen and Twelve would also have a nice energy between them I think. Maybe throw in some height jokes.
If any Companions could meet, who would you choose?
Donna and Amy would probably end up flirting with each other. But, at the same time, I think Donna may help Amy come away from her hero worship of the Doctor. 
Martha and Rory would bond over how they sometimes feel like third wheelers and probably share medical knowledge. Martha and Clara would be fun, caring for the Doctor’s health.
If any Companions could meet any Doctor, which would you choose?
Martha meets Twelve. Twelve is actively trying to figure out whether he’s a good person, and I can see him trying to make amends for the way he’s treated her.
Thirteen meets Amy and Rory. She probably wouldn’t tell them who she is, but she would be so excited to see them again
Donna meets Nine. They would spend the entire time snarking at eachother
The Fam meets Ten. He would be so overwhelmed when he sees how many people are joining him right now
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kiissme · 4 years
❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️
i love you??? for the multiple hearts. sit on tight boys and girls, we’re gonna quench our thirst. 
1. since i mentioned suits a bit in the last one, let’s start it off from suits as well.
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sarah rafferty. i started suits bc of @olliscot basically, hearing about darvey and i ended up being caught up by the time the final season came out and i loved the character of donna paulson and darvey ( and unexpectedly louis but that’s another story ) she was an amazing character and portrayed by an amazing actress. we stan redheads and honestly this is one that should be out there more. 
2. the second — i’ve seen people use him here and there, i have at least one or two ships / threads ( on discord ) with him as well, but i wouldn’t mind seeing more of him in the rpc.
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he was my first grown celeb crush. bc of phantom menace lmao. ewan mcgregor is such a lovely face, though. and i always encourage more scottish fcs out there ( especially for faye to interact with like she needs her scots ) i know most don’t go for FCs over 25, but, i def recommend him. especially if they were rp’ing mark renton off trainspotting bc like.... i need faye to hookd up with mark renton like, have you watched T2? pls. pls pls. choose life with this fc and muse. 
3. speaking of scots and trainspotting
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kelly macdonald, for a good bit married a member of the glasgwegian band Travis ( faye’s fave btw ) known for trainspotting and boardwalk empire mostly. not too popular nowadays, most of these fcs are obscure af but i love them and just... would be awesome to play against kelly. resources are crap but it would still be awesome. 
4. i’m just gonna......
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unlike the other fcs, this one isn’t obscure af, and i’m forever thankful of that. some say he’s overused, i say not nearly enough. chris evans is a god damn treasure and i will write against every god damn chris evans fc as long as there is air in my lungs. i am not one of those “one fc per ship” like no, drown me in your fcs, faye and i will love them all dearly. the heart of gold, the himbo, the guy getting his shit together, love it, love him, perfect, give him to me. 
5. i would be totally ashamed of myself not mentioning this woman
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i’ve mentioned first crushes, and freema agyeman was my first who companion crush. billie never thrilled me, and i could never click with rose. but when i saw freema as martha jones? i fell in love. of course, i’ve fallen into the pattern of loving a character that deserved way better than they got, but martha jones was her own super hero and she was mine, and freema in new amsterdam gives NO DAMNS but helping her patients and just kicking ass and i love it. i DEFINITELY haven’t seen this fc around and it saddens me. save me from my misery. 
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cksmart-world · 4 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
November 17, 2020
Is it mass hysteria? Is it worship of a false prophet? Is it one, big cult led by one, big cult figure? This much is true: Trump supporters are giving lemmings a bad name. Hey, where's the nearest cliff? This must be what Galileo faced when he said Earth wasn't the center of the universe. Hey, look through the friggin' telescope for God's sake. Even Fox News has conceded that Trump lost the election. For at least four years now, half the country has been asking, what are those Trumpers thinking? He is a record-breaking liar. He screwed everyone who has ever worked for him. He defaulted on every bank in the land. He has no loyalty to anyone, including our allies but kisses up to dictators. (We won't even get into babies in cages and the pandemic.) And yet tens of millions of people think he is the second coming. Years from now pathologists will do autopsies on the brains of Trump loyalists and may find some interesting things — flesh-eating bacteria, perhaps, or a weird fungus from outer space. Just as bad are his D.C. sycophants (who are actually giving sycophants a bad name). They know he's toast but won't take his sandbox away. Maybe we should halt production of Kool-Aid. Jim Jones would just love this shit.
1 – Hamburgers and french fries
2 – Saturday Night Live
3 – Wild Mustangs
4 – The State Fair and kids with cotton candy
5 – The Rocky Mountains in springtime
6 – The Boston Red Sox
7 – Root Beer Floats  
8 – The Redwoods on a sunny day
9 – Delta Blues and Memphis, Tennessee
10 – Kentucky Straight Bourbon    
“As-salamu alaykum, bitches!” says Jen Shah in the first episode of “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.” Translation: Peace be with you, bitches. WTF. Jen Shah lives in Park City — well, it's kinda close to Salt Lake City and anyway it's hard to find people who lounge around the house in furs and spike heels. Buzz kill: The LDS Church-owned Deseret News gave the new series a lukewarm (as in ice-cold) review. But get this: Real Housewife Mary Crosby got her family's empire of Pentecostal churches and she's loaded. But to do it she had to marry her grandmother's second husband. (We couldn't possibly make this up.) That's right, she's married to her own step-grandfather. Utahns didn't even do that when polygamy was legal. And the hits just keep coming: Heather Gray, a good Mormon, owns a Botox salon and it does a brisk business. “It’s like putting your hand in a river of money,” she said, “because attaining perfection is a Mormon pastime.” BTW Heather's ex-husband's grandfather was Howard Hughes' driver and got a slice of the pie when the old guy kicked. Hubby hit the road and now she's “sowing her oats and indulging in all things not in line with a good Mormon woman.” Holy shit. Quick, Martha, put the kids to bed.
Post script — That about does it for another scary week here at Smart Bomb where El Presidente Donald keeps on making history by barricading himself in the Oval Office and coming out only for Big Macs. Even his fans in QAnon are beginning to get the inkling that moving vans will soon pull up to the White House and wheel him out on a dolly. Nerves are a bit tattered within the crazy conspiracy group because a Trump defeat didn't fit into their scripture, where he saves the globe from pedophile Democrats who eat baby body parts on their pizza. Makes you wonder how that will impact good ol' Clarence Burgess Owens, Jr. The former New York Jet and avid Trump supporter embraced QAnon during the campaign for Utah's 4th District congressional seat. He won a squeaker over one-term Democrat Ben McAdams. And by the by, Owens and Trump do have something in common — they both declared bankruptcy a bunch of times. There, he does have qualifications, after all. Wilson and the band just can't believe that $20 million was pumped into the Owens/McAdams race. Yes Wilson, that would buy a whole lot of tequila. Twenty Million Bucks? Something may be rotten in Denmark but it smells even worse here.
Well, Wilson, we've got a dangerous, wounded, lame duck at the helm and lord only knows what's spinning around that crazy, orange buffalo head of his. In the meantime, we'll be living on Vitamin C and downers, so take us out with something we can hum 'till next week.
Sitting here in limbo Waiting for the dice to roll Yeah, now, sitting here in limbo Got some time to search my soul Well, they're putting up a resistance But I know that my faith will lead me on I don't know where life will leave me But I know where I have been I can't say what life will show me But I know what I have seen Tried my hand at love and friendship But all that is past and gone This little boy is movin' on Sitting here in limbo Waiting for the tide to flow Sitting here in limbo Knowing that I have to go Well, they're putting up a resistance But I know that my faith will lead me on
(Sitting In Limbo — Jimmy Cliff)
PPS — During this difficult time for newspapers please make a donation to our very important local alternative news source, Salt Lake City Weekly, at PressBackers.com, a nonprofit dedicated to help fund local journalism. Thank you.
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