#martha x hibari
ciaossu-imagines · 9 months
My birthday is this week, and I wanted to see if I can request something, anything with best boy Hibari?
Oh my gosh! A very, very happy birthday to you, Martha! I hope you have an absolutely amazing birthday and get spoiled like you deserve on that day! And I am always happy to write Hibari stuff for you and I hope you'll enjoy what I came up with for a post! I hope you don't mind, I tried to personalize some of the later headcanons specifically to you, including some of what's going on in your life, but I have no problems deleting the post if it makes you uncomfortable!
Okay, but when it comes to Hibari's own birthday, I don't think he really cares about it all that much. For the most part, he really does treat it like any other day and I don't think he really grew up with it being celebrated by his family. He's never really had a birthday party and doesn't get the fuss about the day.
Throughout meeting him in junior high and throughout all the years you'll know him, he really does make it clear that he doesn't want his birthday to be a big deal. He's really dismissive of the whole idea. I can see, for the longest time, you probably didn't even know his actual date of birth. It was only when you asked Kusakabe about it that you learned Hibari's birth date. Kusakabe was actually a little hesitant to tell you though and he did let you know how little Hibari likes his birthday being made any deal out of.
However, throughout the years, because you did make a point to celebrate his birthday in even little ways, starting by simply saying happy birthday, working up to bringing him a special lunch or buying him a meal, and working up to getting gifts, Hibari did become a little more okay with his birthday being celebrated, at least in small ways. He still doesn't like it being a big thing, but he'll tolerate small gestures on his birthday from both you and Kusakabe, who started taking your lead after a bit and also began doing small things for Hibari.
Now, even though Hibari doesn't really care about his own birthday much, he does realize and acknowledge that your own birthday is a bigger thing for you than his is for him. He won't really make grand gestures or do an over the top celebration, because it's just not his style. But he will make some efforts, more than he would for maybe anyone else on the earth, to ensure that you do have a good birthday and that you do feel special in some ways that day.
So this year, for your birthday, Hibari knows you're going through a really tough time. He's a grown man now and he is busy, travelling often, so he doesn't get down to see you as often as he would like, but you two communicate through phone calls, even if only briefly, every day. He knows that your life has gotten hectic, busy, and a little tough.
And he's done his best to help, even when he can't be there. Kusakabe does visit, in his stead, far more often than Hibari is able to and reports back to Hibari about what is going on that you might not tell him, not wanting to worry him. You'll find that Kusakabe comes more often lately, Hibari letting his right hand man do what Hibari is not the greatest at - taking care of another human being, and not just any human being, but you.
You'll find that, when your mother started getting seriously ill, and knowing how hard you and your family are working to take care of her, not just one but two extra-mural nurses start showing up to your house every day. Both of them will not tell you who they were hired by. You have your suspicion, especially since Kusakabe won't deny or confirm anything but dodges the question consistently, that it was Hibari. Between the two of them, they start lessening the amount of work you have to take on and, unbeknownst to you, they do report back to Hibari about your mother's condition and how she does day to day.
Hibari flies to Mexico several days before your birthday but doesn't automatically come to see you. He brings Kusakabe with him, who does visit you, but by then, that's become routine so you don't even think to question it. Hibari needs time and proximity to you to plan out your birthday this year.
He has the nurses alert him to the first good day your mother has within a day or two before or after your birthday. That's when he'll have what is probably the biggest of the birthdays he plans for you. Because she is having a good day, he decides to make it the day he shows up, probably for the first time, at your parent's doorstep. Not only does he make it a birthday celebration for you, so that you can have a birthday party with your mother, with catering done by a local place Kusakabe has given him the heads up that you love, but he also makes it special for another reason. He takes a moment, Kusakabe distracting you and your father, to sit down and talk to your mother alone. And he asks for her blessing. Later on, Kusakabe again running interference with you and your mother, he takes the time for a quiet word with your father to ask for the same. And once he has gotten that, assuming the good day did not happen on your actual birthday, he waits for your actual birthday to occur.
You won't even suspect it's coming, honestly. To you, it will seem like just another quiet, calm birthday spent with the man you love. He'll spend the day with you, just you and him, and he'll take you to a late supper. It's there that he'll slide it across to you. A ring box. Hibari will make it clear that he has no plans of marriage. Ever. It's not something he will ever be able to do, that legal and huge tying of himself to anyone else. But he'll let you open the box, showing a minimal, delicate band and will tell you that though he cannot handle that, that does not mean that he does not see you as a permanent fixture in his life…that through all these years, you have been by his side and would you continue to do that, up til the end?
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Part 1
Going to a haunted house attraction with a s/o
His butt and if he's a butt, boob, or thigh man
Morning kisses drabble
Domestic headcanons
Birthday headcanons
Assorted headcanons
Favourite smells
What would he be okay with in a relationship?
A song that reminds me of a relationship with him
Martha x Hibari scenario
Drunk headcanons
Christmas headcanons
How did they spend childhood Christmases?
Favourite colour?
With a s/o who is secretly badass
NSFW This or That
Why you should not fight Hibari
Sex on the beach, the plane, or a restaurant bathroom?
Would they enjoy watching their partner have sex with someone else?
What would he be as a flower
His battle theme
Assorted headcanons
With a s/o who's a cheeky troublemaker
Going to a fancy Mafia gala
Getting protective of a s/o
Pros and cons of dating him
Best/worst Halloween memory
Reacting to a stray kitten making its way into the hideout
His love language
Scenario with a s/o who likes to push his buttons
Entertainment headcanons
With an independent s/o
As an old man & as a sibling
No go bodily zone
Morning & bedtime routines
Something he'd get in a heated discussion about
Fear headcanons
Celebrating birthdays
Getting turned on by fighting a lover
Needing to leave the house quickly, what's the one thing he always grabs?
NSFW headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Christmas headcanons
Relationship headcanons
Reaction to Shamal hitting on his partner
Ideal vacation
How he would prepare an anniversary
Being protective of his partner
His s/o giving him a gift he doesn't like
Birthday sex drabble
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