#martin (mtl oc)
robinsnest2111 1 year
thinking about my sweet sweet boy rapunzel 馃挄
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robinsnest2111 2 years
馃幍 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them? for both the band boys and your klokateer ocs, i think it's interesting since they're all music-related in their concept to see that expanded
ohhhh that's so difficult actually lmao
even tho they're all connected to music in some way, I've never really spent much time thinking about their potential playlists!
Okay, so. Way back in the very beginning when I created my metal boys I was super into Ghost BC around when the Square Hammer mv came out, so they were inspired by some select songs.
To honour these origins, I feel like Lukas would have a lot of Ghost songs on his playlist. He'd be into Judas Priest, Guns N Roses and DIO as well, Lordi, maybe some Powerwolf? Anything mystical and dark and spooky and powerful, really. To match his obsession with the Occult/Supernatural stuff.
Simon's playlist would have a lot of Rammstein (a nod to me literally growing up on that band lol), various Death Metal titles, some Nirvana, Soundgarden, other grunge-y hardrock type bands; and some scene/emo type songs (most by his favourite band HanahaKiss ofc) but he's a bit embarrassed about it nowadays. He keeps the songs on there for nostalgia reasons tho (and for occasionally daydreaming about his rockstar teenhood crush Elo hehe)
Raphael used to be really into scene/emo type music and his biggest dream came true when he joined his then-boyfriend's band HanahaKiss to play that kind of music himself! Now, he has totally distanced himself from it all due to the bad memories. He's into more gentle mystical type music: like Florence + the Machine, Aurora (mostly her All My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend album), some Kate Bush, the Lord of the Rings soundtrack, the Am茅lie soundtrack, etc. Basically anything he can get away with playing at the flower shop without scaring away his customers lol
One song in particular makes me think of young Raphael/Elo: Where's My Angel by Metro Station
For Rapunzel I think I already answered a while ago he'd be really into bubbly pop music (脿 la Gwen Stefani's Love.Angel.Music.Baby album, another childhood favourite of mine lol) as well as some very heavy growly metal!
Martin hasn't been around long enough for me to associate certain music with him, and since his main thing as a character is Being Suicidally Depressed, I don't think he'd actually listen to much if any music in that state :') Maybe once he has more reasons to stay alive, his coworkers could get him into more music! He is a diehard Dethklok fan tho (from way before his depression got so bad, his sole reason to join as a Klokateer instead of ending it) so I guess he'd have the 3 Dethalbums on his playlist for sure!
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robinsnest2111 2 years
馃寣 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? cause i don't know a lot about your ocs
uhhhh for All of them? 馃槀 Well I'll see what I can cobble together lol
under a readmore because I have a lot of OCs and A Lot to say!
to start at the very beginning: my first group of proper OCs (Felix + Moritz + Emily) where mostly created as a coping mechanism for me to deal with bullying, trauma and extreme social isolation as a teen.
Felix is very obviously a self insert, embodying all the traits about teen me that I perceived as negative and unlovable.
Moritz is the pinnacle of Seemingly Intimidating Goth/Metal Guy with A Heart Of Gold and was designed to love Felix, flaws and all. Because I really needed that back then.
Emily is the small bubbly confident childhood friend with sweet supportive parents and a good home life, fully submerged in the world of goth (which was one of my main obsessions as a teen) and not afraid to kick someone's ass with her stompy platform boots to protect her bestie Felix!
The first thing I decided on was probably Felix' name. I did start to seriously question my gender back at 12/13 and Felix was one of the names that were somehow dear to me (probably because I had a brown plush mouse as a little kid which I named Felix lol). Similar story with Emily tbh. Had a doll as a kid which was named Emily and I just really liked the name.
Next up: Scene-chan, Emo Girl and Harstyle Girl, not much to say about them tbh. obviously based on the popular music/fashion based subcultures of the day (mid to late 2000s, early 2010s). another bunch of my teenage years obsessions lol
then: my emo boys Alex and Jo毛l! it's kinda cringe and embarrassing to admit, but they're based on a classmate and I way back in 6th grade. They started out as random emo boys but a few years ago I decided to give them names and a basic backstory.
Once again Jo毛l is kind of an alternate universe self insert (based on if I had taken up my emo classmate on the offer of giving me an emo haircut and taking me to an emo meet up, still regret not being brave and accepting to this day lmao), and basically another coping mechanism of Self insert is loved by other OC despite his perceived flaws that make him "unlovable" :')
on to some of my most fleshed out OCs of the bunch: my absolutely beloved metal boys Lukas, Simon, and Raphael! I actually came up with them for one of my last pre-college assignments! I chose the topic character design and since I was starting to really dive into the wonderful world of metal, I promptly created my boys!!!
They all have some of my traits but are pretty solid characters in their own right. Their story has changed quite a bit, mostly because of storytelling classes in college and the teacher for that course demanding some realism in the form of depressing realistic shit (drug addiction, abuse, Struggling in general, etc.) and less of whatever low stakes, non-dramatic supernatural demon contract stuff I had going on beforehand lol I didn't like it at first but it somehow stuck, oops.
The first thing I decided on was probably Lukas' haircut! I did accidentally mirror it at some point tho (brain like Swiss cheese and the bad habit of keeping most of my oc info haphazardly lying around inside my head)
And finally, my Metalocalypse ocs: Rapunzel and Martin! They're both klokateers working for Dethklok, nothing too special about them tbh. Rapunzel has more of a backstory than Martin at this point, I really need to do more with them tho!!!
The first thing I decided about Rapunzel (when he went from a random background Klokateer in my dethentines entries to a proper OC) was him being a laundry klokateer! I'm not well-versed in assassin/bodyguard work and all the Die For Dethklok backgrounds of most other klokateers and thought. Hey. Mordhaus is fucking huge and there are so many employees keeping the whole thing going. So there must be an entire laundry squad somewhere. And I know how to do laundry. So that's where I put Rapunzel hehe
Martin is still pretty much a blank slate. All I have for him so far is that he's from Germany and Drepressed/Suicidal As Fuck (literally the first thing i decided about him. like, what if i made an OC that's So Fucking Depressed), hence why he signed up to become a klokateer.
He wants to die anyway, might as well die protecting a band he likes. But surprise surprise, while working he runs into Rapunzel, the eternal ball of sunshine, ends up saving his life from intruders who were on a mission to kill Dethklok (a normal tuesday tbh), and with the help of him and all his coworkers he learns that life is somehow worth living after all. So basically his plan backfired and now he has so many things to fight and live for!
So. Martin lowkey is Rapunzel's "I Could Fix Him" project 馃槀馃憣 Oh! and Rapunzel calls him Tintin 馃ズ馃挄
If you have made it this far I hereby award you a medal because this sure was a wall of text!
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robinsnest2111 2 years
very spicy oc thought, skip if you need to!
...ever since I drew Rapunzel ruthlessly strangling an intruder with his braid and his coworker Martin accidentally popping a boner over it, I can't get another idea out of my head...
Martin working up the courage to approach Rapunzel about the whole "braid strangling but make it sexy/personal demonstration" thing (after he's had a long think about just why that awakened his "dead from years of extreme depression" libido)
and Rapunzel being the kind soul that he is agreeing to it. They meet up, Rapunzel trying to make Martin as comfy as possible, almost like two friends having a cozy evening at home, followed by Rapunzel discussing the specifics with Martin of what they're about to do, then finally, gently choking him with his braid while Martin jerks off and has the best orgasm of his life lmao
but for real, Rapunzel would be so gentle, regularly checking in with Martin to make sure he's comfortable and on board with whatever is happening. He'd just be so happy to help Martin rediscover his horny energy after it being completely muted for years and years by his depression 馃槶馃挄
and afterwards Rapunzel would take such good care of Martin as well! Stroke his hair, kiss his temple, praise him, clean him up since he's so drained from the experience, just the gentlest most loving and doting aftercare ever 馃槶馃挄馃挄馃挄
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robinsnest2111 3 years
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"Christmas hoods, how neat! 馃槉馃挄"
Dethmas Day 1: Excited for the season or being a Scrooge
An easy start with my Klokateer OCs! Y'all know Rapunzel already, the other one is a new addition!
What if Charles organised a Mordhaus wide Klokateer meeting to hand out special hoods, perfectly themed for the season?
The masses' opinions are split. Some love the seasonal hoods, others aren't as impressed haha
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robinsnest2111 3 years
dusting off my rusty comic panel plotting skills for an idea i had for my sweet klokateer ocs hehe
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this will be the first proper meeting between Rapunzel and my newest klokateer oc Martin aka #23594 :3
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