#martyn and elaina are like the same person lol
alittlebirb · 2 years
Some fun in the sun with the MCC Pride 22 Orange Ocelots!
Illumina aiming for a 100% MCC Pride win rate
Illumina stacking up on all the available cosmetics before the event even starts
"There's no Sky Battle! :D This is good news! :DD" -Illumina
Illumina bringing up the fact he won last Pride, and Martyn telling him "yeah, that's still a sore spot buddy. 😑"
Elaina's neverending struggle of trying to get a picture with Eret...it's just homophobic at this point
"Elaina is our cracked elytra person." -Sniff
"I tried so hard! I watched the speedruns, I watched the whole nine, cause I'm just a silly little guy who wanted to do well." -Elaina
Elaina side eying the random, mysterious cut on their thumb that appeared yesterday
"If I don't do well, I'm blaming the band aid slipping on my thumb." -Elaina
"I'm blaming that too." -Martyn
Martyn already planning to give the pets in SG weapons "so they can throw their head around, like Zorro."
Illumina trying to adjust the music and just. turning it off completely, causing his chat to shrivel and die in this barren audio wasteland
"See this is why I drank a little before, I'm not as nervous!" -Martyn
Illumina accidentally making a composter instead of a barrel in GR
"Definitely almost wrote cock instead of clock, let's go, I'm priding-" -Martyn
Sniff stumbling into the freezer during the beasts room and screaming "THERE'S FISHH! THERE'S FISH IN THE FREEZER! I'M CRITTING FISH!"
Illumina indignantly going "they're not beasts! >:(" about the animals
Illumina hardcore overthinking the redstone room
"I sat there in the redstone one, and I was like I have never used redstone in my life, I refuse to use redstone." -Sniff
Sniff asking whether it would be cheating to tell Green where to find the fish in the freezer
"To be honest, I don't think my heart rate would like it..." -Martyn about MD
"I think my heart rate would LOVE it!" -Elaina
"We did better than Red, that's all that matters." -IlluToxic
"For all that WE'RE GONNA WIN! in chat, they aren't really acting like it, are they? 👀" -Martyn
Elaina mourning the lack of an elevator joke, and Martyn shaming the NoxCrew for being "elevatorist" and saying they should cancel them
"All they're doing is bringing people down instead of up." -Martyn
Elaina mistaking a cat for a dog and starting "in my defence."
"There is no defence!" -Martyn
The entire team being Gumi S-Tier Truthers
"I'm gonna kill em! Gimme your EGGS! GIMME YOUR EGGS!" -Sniff and Elaina, trying to murder a chicken while Illumina *eggs* them on
Elaina cooing over all of the pretty flags in the PKT Pridebowl
"My heart is really happy right now, and it's a bit much in a good way!" -Elaina
"I'm literally just a happy little guy today. Nothing's gonna break my stride!" -Sniff
Elaina realizing "oh yeah, I've played this map. Oh no, I've played this map."
Elaina bravely volunteering to hunt Green
Both Sniff and Elaina calling Velvet "a slippery little guy..."
"Man, I think I'm slippery on there, and I'm never slippery!" -Elaina about PKT
Sniff having to hunt Zeuz, their old teammate :(
Elaina and Martyn bonding over how much they hate being chased, with Martyn getting "jelly legs" and Elaina having nightmares about it
Illumina running in absolute terror from Scott hunting him down
Martyn asking for a repeat of the "5up run" from Elaina
"That timing is so! *snaps fingers*" -Elaina
"I'm more movement based. You wouldn't know it from how I acted here but I'm movement based in every game except Parkour Tag." -Martyn
"I don't Gaslight Gatekeep, I Gaslight Sandkeep." -Elaina
The team finding out they have a dunk and immediately going for Antfrost. Not Aqua, Antfrost.
"Is this our anime arc?" -Martyn, moments before he and Elaina begin an extended anime roleplay
Illumina having a auditory breakdown after he toxically kills Zeuz first in SG, and carrying that guilt for the rest of the game
"Ooh, this is getting stressful, I'm gonna eat my food~" -Elaina
"I just felt like a rat running away from humans." -Illumina after a wild chase throughout the map in which he eluded several teams as a solo man against the world
Everyone marveling over how clever that SG ending was, and Martyn commenting "I hate smart people."
Everyone proposing BM strats, and Sniff just going into an extended, detailed plan which sounds like it was read straight off of Reddit
Illumina yelling at a chicken to "go over!" in the decision dome, and then smugly announcing that he's calculated it, it's going to be HITW, he's done it!
"The bows are so gay, I love it." -Sniff
Everyone hearing the admins say that if you walk into the unloaded BB half, you won't come back, and immediately being tempted to do so
Illumina getting a casual double ace two rounds in a row
"We do a little bit of acing over here." -Illumina
Someone in chat calling Illumina "Illuminace!" and Illumina responding "I'm bi, not ace." The chat then revising it to "Biaced", for biased or based.
"Happy Pride!" -Elaina
Illumina getting confused about Jojo not having a weapon, and Martyn explaining she had to nerf herself, as an S-Tier
Sniff absolutely clawing back a win from Cyan while their team has a collective heart attack around them
Elaina saying she loves snacks, and Sniff replying "you're a snack."
":o! You're a whole meal!" -Elaina
Illumina setting his ambitions high, aiming to get on the dog petting leaderboard
Zeuz coming in the call to confront Illumina about that SG, and Illumina going noooo, it wasn't him, he was possessed! "It was my evil twin!"
Elaina unintentionally getting the bi pride colors of glass in BM
"I'm silly bugging right now!" -Elaina
Illumina being a one man band of speed and accuracy in BM
Elaina reassuring Sniff that they did great! Especially for their first time!
"Yeah, I needed therapy after my first time in Build Mart." -Martyn
"Getting second place in Build Mart, especially with Grian playing, that's basically like we won. Like he's just a demon." -Martyn
Elaina mentioning how they learned sandkeeping and doing clear comms from watching Ren
Elaina warning the team ahead of time that she will be monologuing during AR
Sniff apologizing at the beginning that AR is a rough game for her, and then finishing in 24th place???
Illumina and Elaina going WHEE!! all over the map
"I'm sorry, I'm just going to keep saying whee!! because it's the only thing keeping me from being upset." -Elaina
"I'm side by side with Dave right now, this is very intimate." -Martyn
Elaina discovering a newfound hatred for flowers after they keep her from being able to finish her first lap for a minute straight
Illumina going "I did so bad! I got first!" and everyone else responding that sir, those two statements do NOT coexist-
*Elaina, sobbing* "ACE RACE I HATE YOU SO MUCH! Ace Race my beloathed."
Illumina getting a new record on the Clouds map, like a freaking king!
Sniff talking about how Toby came up with the idea for the TGTTOS toxicity last MCC, and Illumina getting VERY confused and disturbed with this use of irl names
"Casual doxing?" -Martyn
"Not Aimsey getting all homoerotic on me..." -Sniff
"Those TikTokers and their hormones." -Martyn
Illumina thinking the LOVE wall in HITW said LOYE
"Someone in my chat said Ravager Time, and I'm like oh no." -Illumina
"Ohhhh I'm so sad...where's Eret, I'm aiming for them." -Elaina
Martyn and Illumina winning the last round of HITW together, and then getting in the top 5 HITW players!
"I'm only gonna punch Dream. When I see Dream, I'm punching." -Illumina about TGTTOS
Illumina, Martyn, and Elaina getting 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in Terra Swoop Force!
Illumina punching Sapnap off of 5up and then punching 5up, fulfilling his promise
"I just got called trash by Dream, let's go!!" -Sniff after viciously targeting him in TGTTOS
"Oh, whoever did that, I hate you so much, I want you to go down the elevator and never come back." -Martyn
"Hey, chat's saying Dream whacked my wife, what's that about?" -Martyn
"Dream's good at dodging...BUT VELVET'S BETTER!" -Illumina during DB
Everyone being absolute Foolish fanboys and lobbying for the shark to shoot!
Elaina standing still in the 20v20 DB for a moment to cheer on Eret, and Martyn immediately using them as a meat shield
Orange Ocelots finished MCC Pride 22 in 3rd place!
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