#maryland inspection station
hoffmastersautocare · 9 months
0 notes
hayleythecannibal · 1 year
Twisted Minds: Chapter Four Ouef
TW: Crime scenes, Yelling, Blood, Gore, PTSD, Mentions of Abuse
Warning this is Fem!reader. You can also find this on Wattpad and A03 @HayleyMarieOfficial. Comment if you want to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @punkin-time @miaowkitty
Each member of the Turner Family has a full plate in front of them. In front of Will, an empty place setting. "Table has been set. Family dinner. I wasn't invited. I take my seat at the empty plate. My seat. My place setting, next to Mrs. Turner. I am the guest of honor." Will monologues, The YOUNGEST TURNER holds a fork in her hand with a small stalk of broccoli impaled on its tines. "No one has taken a bite of their dinner. Except the youngest. Unless you eat your growing foods, you won't get any dessert." Will continues, The Youngest Turner pops the broccoli in her mouth. "No one is bound. No one leaves the table. All afraid to move. Even the little ones behaved themselves. I brought my new family to this home invasion, controlling the Turners with threats of violence."
He stares dispassionately into middle distance. "Threats that turned to action." THREE SIMULTANEOUS GUN SHOTS ring out in the dining room. "The Turner Family is executed simultaneously with the exception of Mrs. Turner. Who dies last. This is my design." The Turner Family is now face down in their plates, with the exception of Mrs. Turner -- who stares directly at Will. "I shoot Mrs. Turner, gun against the canvas of her forehead. Looking her directly in the eye
when I pull the trigger." BANG. It rocks her head violently back before swinging forward into her plate, Will leaning across the table holding a smoking gun.
JACK CRAWFORD standing in the dining room doorway, watching Will -- who now wears rubber gloves and is no longer holding a gun, but his arm is still raised. A moment, then: "What do you see, Will?" Jack asks looking at Will with a concerned look, "Family values." Will responds after taking a moment "Whose family values?" Jack looks at Will but Will is unable to answer that question...
Will's pack of misfit DOGS sniff and wander the house. Suddenly, they all go still. Tails motionless, heads turns to observe an DARK PRESENCE with curious interest. Hannibal appears at the front door, Will's house lit up behind him Holds up LINKS OF SAUSAGES. Dinner time. Dogs occupied, Hannibal stands before a cluttered BOOKSHELF. He scans the bindings, pulls one out for a better look: an instruction manual on fly fishing. He raises an eyebrow. A DRAWER glides open. Hannibal inspects a pile of OLD T-SHIRTS looking for clues to Will's past -- instead he only
finds white t-shirts, a dozen of them neatly folded. Telling in its own way. Unceremoniously displayed in a partially disassembled state. Through Will's glasses, Hannibal picks up the pieces of the disassembled BOAT MOTOR and puts them together effortlessly. Hannibal enters to find Will's FLY TYING GEAR arranged on the table. There is a RACK of COMPLETED FLIES. A VICE, LAMP,
MAGNIFYING GLASS, YARNS, THREADS, FEATHERS, and HOOKS. Hannibal sits at the station, admires Will's handiwork, such delicate lures for catching fish. Hannibal applies himself to tying off an incomplete SALMON FLY, expertly using the TOOLS of Will's hobby -- THREAD, BOBBIN, SCISSORS, PLIERS. His surgeon's precision in play. Having completed his work, Hannibal admires the FLY and HOOK. He presses his THUMB gently against the pointed BARB, and keeps the pressure on until he draws a drop of BLOOD. Without lingering on his act, Hannibal sucks the lone DROP from his thumb-tip. The sound is not unlike a quick KISS.
A private patient suite with many of the comforts of home. She gazes in the mirror. The bandages on her neck have been removed and we see her fresh, angry SCARS above her white
slip. She runs her fingers across the wound before tying a scarf around her neck to conceal it from the world.
"I can hide what happened to me. All I need is a scarf to pass. Or a turtleneck, the right high collar." Abigail says as-
-she walks with ALANA BLOOM, a casual therapy session. "Part of the process of recovery. And hiding what happened to you defeats the purpose of being here. Sharing will help normalize." Alana says walking along side Abigail "I'm not normal. Not anymore." Abigail scoffs, "What happened to you isn't normal." Alana points out, "Some of these women aren't even sharing. They speak in little girl voices telling everyone what was done to them and how they hurt without saying a word about it." Abigail says a little frustrated "Certain traumas can arrest vocal development. Victims can sometimes broadcast victimhood involuntarily." Alana informs Abigail, but she just shakes her head
"Not me." Abigail says as she adjusts her scarf, "That's not necessarily true. Your victimhood has a high profile, thanks to Freddie Lounds." Alana points out to her and Abigail sighs "I'm a celebrity victim. Someone here asked me if I kept my stained clothes." She says as she makes a disgusted face, "How did that make you feel?" Alana asks, stopping and turning Abigail towards her "Like I wanted to go home. But I don't have a home anymore, do I?" Abigail says looking down with a sad expression and crosses her arms. "You will. We'll help you find it." Alana says rubbing Abigail's arm comfortingly. "Abigail, I want you to give the support groups another chance." Alana suggests, well more like a demand but not as harsh. "Support groups are sucking the life out of me." Abigail groans out childishly "Isolating yourself can suck just as hard." Alana says back intelligently......
Hannibal looks up as the BUZZER on his desk RINGS. Hannibal OPENS the door to find Dr. Y/N L/N waiting for him. "Hi." I say sweetly, "Do you have an appointment?" Hannibal says raising an eyebrow "Do you have a Glass of Wine?" I chuckle
Y/N clinks her wine glass to Hannibal's wine glass. "Interesting day?" Hannibal asks curiously, I nod "The grief work, the trauma intervention, it's all on course I think Abigail may be wrestling with a low-grade depression." I say refering to what Alana was telling me and my own mental health while Hannibal Drolly eyes the large swig Y/N takes of her wine as he sits closely next to her-- "She?" Hannibal asks raising an eyebrow, i chuckle "Nothing wrong with a little self-medication, right, Doctor? Professional neutrality be damned, it's hard to see such a bright, young girl go so adrift." I say with a slight sad Smirk, i truly do care for Abigail and her well being in an Motherly way. "One can certainly lose perspective tucked away for weeks in an ivory tower. Perhaps it's time Abigail's released from clinical treatment." Hannibal suggests while taking a sip of his wine, i tilt my head "Released where? Back into the wild?" I ask raising an eyebrow, "Spending each day immersed in tragedy may be doing more harm than good. Abigail should be out in the world finding her footing, giving her the confidence to move forward." Hannibal explains, I shake my head
"Abigail is in no condition to tackle real-world issues like where she's going to live, what to do about school, hell, where her next meal is going to come from." I say quickly, but i desperately want to be the one to help her, "I'm not suggesting abandonment. We are qualified to help her." Hannibal says as he places a gentle calming hand on my arm and i sigh relaxing slightly, "This is a girl who was very attached to her parents. Overly so, in fact. As much as i would love to, Us stepping in as surrogates would only be a crutch. Abigail needs to work things out for herself in a safe, clinical environment Just like Alana Told me when i offered the same suggestion. That will give her the confidence to move forward." I say sighing sadly, Seeing Y/N isn't about to budge, Hannibal bows his head. "I defer to the passion of my esteemed colleagues." Hannibal says politely "Have soapbox, will travel." I say looking in Hannibal's eyes shockingly not being afraid to do so, "Passion's good. Gets blood pumping." Hannibal says as he is appreciating the flush in Y/N's cheek as he caress' her arm...
Jimmy Price stands, PHOTOGRAPHING the dinner table of death. Brian Zellar is in a CROUCH, checking WOUND ANGLES. Beverly Katz collects FINGER PRINTS from a GLASS of SUNNY-D. Jack finds Will at a remove, looking at FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS. "Karen and Roger Turner. Childhood sweethearts. Owned a successful Real Estate business. Pillars of the community. Three children." Jack Tells Will about the victims "Minus one." Will points out while looking at a family photo, "A son, Jesse, disappeared last year. Last confirmed sighting had him boarding an RV at a rest area on route forty-seven. Possible runaway, probable abduction." Jack says acknowledging the missing child from the family massacre, "Or both." Will points out, "Hundreds of tips, but not a single one held up past lunchtime. When misery rains, it pours." Jack says knowingly and almost sarcastically, This sentiment is counter to the smiling faces in the photos. "False faces in family portraits. Layers and layers of lies betrayed by a sad glint in a child's eyes." Will says picking up a photo of Jesse, Jimmy SNAPS a PHOTO of the DINNER TABLE, commenting --"Norman Rockwell with a bullet." Jimmy snickers, "Any signs of forced entry?" Jack asks his crew, "Perimeter is clean of scoring and rupture. No broken windows or torn screens. It's all sealed up tight." Beverly states coming into the room, "They probably rang the doorbell." Jack inferences, "I've got bullet holes on the upper sections of the wall and again over here." Beverly says pointing out the bullet holes.
"Pull the slugs for ballistics." Jack orders Beverly politely, "If they aren't frangible, it shouldn't be a problem." Beverly says looking up back at jack, "Those elevated termination points match what I see on these bodies --" Zeller moves toward the table, indicating what he means "-- angled cranial impacts, coupled with acute exit wounds and conical spray, the shooter was firing from low to high, probably crouched." This odd information strikes a chord of epiphany for Will, he moves back toward that collection of family photographs."How long since Jesse was abducted?" Will says putting the photo back where he found it."Just over a year." Jack responds turning to Will, Returning to the stack of photos, Will stops on one in particular: a much younger version of the missing boy. THE PHOTO Six-year-old JESSE TURNER holds a STUFFED OCTOPUS, one of its dangling arms in his mouth. His mother sweetly looks on.
The CORPSES of MOTHER TURNER, FATHER TURNER, and their TWO CHILDREN covered in sheets are presented on slabs for inspection. Jack faces Zeller, Price, Katz, Graham and Now L/N. He's like a demanding father, presiding over his children as they present what they've just learned at school. Will stands slightly apart, not quite fitting into this surrogate family. "I'm glad we didn't have guns in my house. I would've shot my sisters to get them out of the bathroom." Zeller says chuckling "I liked having a big family." Beverly says smiling, "My parents gave me a gift. A twin. who wouldn't you want two of me?" Jimmy says sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Let me guess only child?" Zeller says looking towards Will and pointing at him, "Why do you say that?" Will tilts his head in curiosity, "Family friction is a catalyst for personality development." Zeller points out An odd remark, but Beverly swoops in to take the sting away. "I was the oldest, so all the friction rolled down hill." I say calmly smirking thinking about all the trauma my childhood came with just because i am the oldest. "Yes all the attention and responsibilities given to firstborn children prime them for future success." Jack says looking at one of the childrens bodies, I go over and lean against the wall with Will. "My baby sister got away with murder. She had 'em all fooled." Beverly says looking at the clipboard in her hands.
"I thought middle were the problems." Jimmy says looking over at Zeller, "The middle is the sweet spot."Zeller winks back, "Always trying to figure out where they fit in. Forces them to use different strategies navigating up and down developmental spectrums. They can be great politicians. Or lousy ones." Will says looking over at Zeller, Jack Crawford, who has been studying the crime scene photos as he looks over each of the bodies, observes: "All of the victims have defensive wounds. Except for Mrs. Turner." Jack says as he hands Will the crime scene photos of Mrs. Turner. "There's acceptance in her body position. Forgiveness, even." I say observing the photo in Will's hands, Will realizes that he missed something that Jack didn't.
"What kind of victim forgives her killer at the moment of her death?" Jack says incredulously,
"A mother" Will says Never taking his eyes off Jesse's mother --
Hannibal sits opposite Will, smiling warmly before asking: "Tell me about your mother." Hannibal says sitting across from Will "That's some lazy psychiatry, Dr. Lecter. Low hanging fruit." Will says tilting his head, "I suspect that fruit is on a branch, very difficult to reach." Hannibal points out "So's my mother. I never knew her." Will offers, "An interesting place to start." Hannibal says calmly "Tell me about your mother. Let's Start there. Quid pro quo." A fan of the language, Hannibal enjoys Will's use of Latin. "Both my parents died when I was very young. The proverbial orphan until I was adopted by my Uncle Robertas when I was 16." Hannibal tells Will, Will considers that, understanding Hannibal a little more clearly than before -- or so he thinks. "You have orphan in common with Abigail Hobbs." Will points out, "I think we'll discover you and I and darling Y/N have a great deal in common with Abigail. She's already demonstrated an aptitude for the psychological. Quid pro quo." Hannibal says smiling, Will is unwilling to return the volley. "There's something so foreign about family. Like an ill-fitting suit. Never connected to the concept." Will says numbly and looking at the ground bittersweetly. "You created a family for yourself." Hannibal states refering to his companionship with Abigail and Y/N.
"I created a family of strays. Thanks for feeding them while I was away." Will expresses his gratitude, Hannibal nods his "you're welcome," then: "I was referring to Abigail and Y/N." Hannibal points out, Hannibal lets Will get used to that idea, then: "Tell me about the Turner Family. Were they affluent? Well to do?" Hannibal asks about the case, "They lived like they had money."Will raises his eyebrow, "Did your family have money, Will?" Hannibal asks, Will shakes his head. "No, We were poor. I followed my father from the boat yards in Biloxi and Greenville to boats on Lake Erie." Will says smiling back on the fond memories, "Always the new boy at school? Always the stranger?" Hannibal says knowingly, Will chuckles and nods "Always." Will smiling happily.
"What grudge was Mrs. Turner's killer harboring against her?" Hannibal asks about Will's theories "Motherhood." Will states with his head tilted and a serious look on his face. "Not motherhood, a perversion of it." Hannibal replies.
Hannibal dishes a generous portion of sausage onto Jack Crawford's plate. Jack fills his lungs with the aroma. "You promised to deliver your wife to my dinner table." Hannibal says plating Jacks food and sitting down in his own chair. "We've got to polish our act. Can't have you diagnosing our marital problems in one fell swoop. What am I about to put in my mouth?" Jack says before he puts the fork in his mouth, "Rabbit." Hannibal replies quickly. "Should have hopped faster." Jack smirks and laughs as he takes a bite of my food. "Yes, he should have. But fortunately for us, he did not." Hannibal smirks as he takes a bite and savors the rich taste of blood sausage."Our friend Will seemed haunted today. And Y/N seems worried." Jack says non-chalantly "We don't know what nightmares lie coiled beneath Will's pillow Nor Y/N's." Hannibal points out,
"Children killing other children. Not an unfamiliar notion for Will." Jack says Knowingly "You still suspect Abigail Hobbs in her father's crimes." Hannibal suspects more than asks, "Doesn't matter what I suspect. It matters what I can prove. Ms. Hobbs has been absolved of any crime." Jack says believing that Abigail Hobbs had something to do with her fathers crimes"Yet? And as for Y/N, why would you say shes worried or anxious." Hannibal cocks his head to the side curiously. "Y/N has a rough past with her family, and it seems as though she has developed a lot of mental health issues due to that on top of the ones she already had." Jack says taking a sip of his wine, "What kind of past, Were they abusive?" Hannibal asks curiously, "Its not my story to tell but- yes." Jack says as he nods his head,
"Unfortunate for such an intelligent, beautiful and sweet woman. But her mind is brilliant you have to give her that, Her ability to understand and feel emotions on a deeper level whether its in everyday life or being at a crime scene with Will, she understands more than Will and its incredible." Hannibal remarks fondly of the woman. Jack nods in agreement "Will needed someone like her to be his partner out in the field." Jack says taking another bite of his food. "What Will needs is an anchor and someone who understands him and his mind. And that is what Y/N can do for him, not only that but he can use Me and her as anchors. But remember Y/N does the same thing that Will does when she analyzes a crime scene and it might affect her worse than it does Will because she does Feel Everything she doesn't just feel and see the crime scene she can Feel both the Killers and The Victims emotions as if she were them and it sticks with her." Hannibal reminds Jack.
Will Graham stands in front of a classroom full of F.B.I. Trainees, mid-lecture on an as-yet unexplored killer. "Most of the time in sexual assaults the bite mark has a livid spot in the center, a suck bruise In certain cases, they do not. For some killers, biting may be a fighting pattern as much as sexual behavior."Jack Crawford ENTERS With Dr. Y/N L/N crossing to the front of the hall "Class dismissed. Everybody out. What did I just say?" Jack screams at the Trainees, and I jump, The F.B.I. Trainees gather their books and quickly EXIT. "You're making it difficult to provide an education, Jack." Will says frustrated with Jack, "We found a match for a set of prints pulled from the Turner house. They belong to Connor Frist, a 13 year-old from Huntsville." Jack says with a serious face "Another kid?" Will asks leaning on his cabinets behind his desk, "Another missing kid. Vanished 10 months ago. Case never solved." Y/N tells Will coming out from behind Jack, "How many kids in the Frist family?" Will asks coming towards Y/N,
"Three. just like the Turner family." Jack says sighing before continuing "We're ready when you are. And you're ready right now. Let's go.", Will looks over at jack "Your expecting a crime scene?"
Unseasonably decorated for the Christmas holiday. Through the artificially frosted windows, there is a flurry of movement... armed, DARK-CLAD FIGURES creeping in swiftly and silently, moving along the outside of the house. A GLOVED FINGER hits the PAUSE BUTTON, silencing Burl Ives and his misplaced holiday cheer. Jack Crawford has turned off the music, surveying the scene with Will Graham, Dr. Y/N L/N, Zeller, Price and Katz at his side as DARK-CLAD FBI AGENTS fan through the home, weapons at the ready. A well-decorated and colorfully illumined CHRISTMAS TREE reaches to the high ceiling. DOZENS OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ring the bottom of the pine. Most have been roughly unwrapped and hastily opened, shredded by feral kinder. Several other scattered presents have remained untouched. the FRIST FAMILY, MOTHER, FATHER and TWO CHILDREN gathered around the tree in their PAJAMAS and ROBES, partially concealed by tattered and torn gift wrap. All dead. And have been for some time. The FAMILY DOG trots out from behind the Christmas tree, carrying a chewed-off arm in its mouth. The dog drops the arm at Will's feet. "Merry Christmas." I say eyeing the arm. Brian Zeller casually examines the partially eaten tissue of Mr. Frist's throat.
Will Graham, Dr. Y/N L/N, Zeller, Price and Katz examining the DEAD FRIST FAMILY, Mother, Father and two children (discreetly covered) as Jack Crawford looks on. "Mr. Frist and the children killed first... Mrs. Frist saved for last. Same as the Turner's." Jack says looking at the uncovered faces of the Frist parents "Not exactly the same. Something went wrong." Will says looking at me "Not a single present under the tree for Mrs. Frist. Who doesn't buy their mom a Christmas present?" Beverly says sadly looking at Mrs. Frist, I look down bitterly "Took her presents, took her motherhood." I say my voice twinged with sadness,"Who was the additional corpse in the fireplace?" Jack says looking at THE EDGE OF A CHARRED SKULL, FEATURING --
INCINERATED FABRIC, FEATHERS in the ashes around the skull.
"I'd say Connor Frist." Will says climbing on the counter, Zeller and Katz inspect Mrs. Frist's corpse. Just below her hairline, a puckered entry wound stands out against her smooth, pale skin. Zeller uses his gloved hands to part Mrs. Frist's hair above the entry wound revealing dried, matted blood. "Shooting her once wasnt enough,Bullet deflected off the curvature of her skull, and travelled beneath the scalp to its final resting spot at the base of her neck." Zeller points out, "And It still didn't kill her." Jack asks confused "Hydrostatic shock of shell hitting skull would've caused brain damage." Beverly explains to jack, I go over and sit next to Will looking over at him before i realise something. "Her body went into convulsions. Conner Frist went into a panic. He had been prepped to shoot his mother, but not watch her suffer." I say empathetically Zeller turns Mrs. Frist's head to the side revealing another entry wound that is clearly bigger. "Shot her again to put her out of her misery. Different gun." Zeller gives the idea, "So someone else shot Connor's mom." Jimmy speaks up. "Connor couldn't put his panic back in the bottle. So he was shot too." Jack says looking back at me and Will. Beverly moves to the burnt corpse and pulls a charred feather from his skull. Jack tries to puzzle it out. "Whoever shot him... disowned him." I say shaking my head with a frown.
Will sits alone at the table in front of the room. Y/N enters. Studying the photos of the two boys, Will doesn't look up. Not much can distract him when he's concentrating. "Ever heard of Willard Wigan? He's this artist who does micro sculptures, like putting the Obamas in the eye of a needle. He's so focused that he can work between beats of his heart. I guess archers do that too, right?" Y/N asks wanting to distract or ease her partners anxiety. Will doesnt look up and continues looking at his computer. "Hm?" He hums still looking down, "What are you looking at?" Y/N asks as she moves around to see what has captured Will's attention. It's only now that he acknowledges her presence. "These kids are both small. Underweight for their age." Will says as he rubs his temple "You think there's a possible ADHD diagnoses for both boys. Ritalin, Focalin, any medication containing methylphenidate can affect appetite and slow long-term growth in kids." She asks because she herself has ADHD and took medications for it when she was a child. A beat as Both partners inspect the two photos. Then --
"Another thing about Willard Wigan? He had a lonely childhood. He used his tiny sculptures as an escape." She continues "Who's Willard Wigan?" Will says Confirming that he paid no attention to what she was saying when she entered the room. Y/N smiles as she goes behind him and leans on his shoulder. "Price got a hit from the ballistics-matching program he's been running on the two family murders. The bullet that put Mrs. Frist out of her misery matches three used in a murder in Bangor, Maine a year ago. Mother of a 13-year-old boy shot to death with her own gun." She says as Will turns his head to look at her raising his eyebrow, "13-year-old milk carton material?" He asks perking his head
"C.J. Lincoln disappeared six months before his mother's murder and hasn't been heard from since.' The picture of C.J. Lincoln is displayed on a MONITOR, along with his JUVENILE RAP SHEET. Jack, Will, Y/N, Zeller, Price and Katz are gathered around the monitor studying C.J. Lincoln. "He has none of the characteristics of a sociopath or a sadist." Will points out, "Right, No shoplifting, no malicious destruction of property, no assault and no battery. He was kind to animals for god's sake." Jack says in a tone i don't recognize "But the firearm says we're looking at Peter Pan to our Lost Boys." Will says knowingly and seemingly frustrated, "It requires a sophisticated level of manipulation to convince boys to kill their families in cold blood." Jack says seriously, "Kindness to animals doesn't suggest that kind of sophistication." I point out slightly frustrated, "He's older, been out in the world. Could've picked up a few tricks." Jack suggests.
Hannibal studies Will and the WRAPPED GIFTS on his lap. "Has Christmas come early? Or late?" Hannibal asks, Will stares, then shakes off the murderous association. "One was for Abigail the other for Y/N." Will says taking off his jacket, "Was?" Hannibal questions, "Thought better of it. Wasn't thinking clearly. I was upset when I bought it. Maybe still am." Will explains frustrated and running a hand over his face. "What is it?" Hannibal asks Will, "Magnifying glass'. Fly tying gear." Will says looking at a letter opener on Hannibal's desk "Teaching Them how to fish. Abigail's father taught her how to hunt." Hannibal points out, "That's why I thought better of it. At least for Abigail." Will says bitter-sweetly, "Feeling paternal, Will?" Hannibal asks ask he stares at Will's back, "Aren't you?" Will spits back as he turns around placing the letter opener back where he found it. "Yes. Our good friend Dr. Bloom has advised against taking too personal an interest in Abigail's welfare. Tell me. Why were you so angry?" Hannibal asks Will,
"I'm angry about these boys. I'm angry cause I know when Me and Y/N find them, We can't help them. We can't, We can't give them back what they just gave away." Will raises his voice slightly, angrily and frustratedly. "Family." Hannibal replies calmly, "Yea. We call them the Lost Boys." says a quiet Will. "Abigail is lost, too. Perhaps it is our responsibility, yours, mine, and Y/N's to help her find her way." Hannibal suggests.
Jack, Zeller, Katz, and Price hover around the CASE BOARD that bears the PHOTOS OF EACH OF THE BOYS they've identified as taking part in the family killings. It also includes a TIME LINE of their respective abductions, the dates of the murders they participated in, and a MAP pinpointing where each of the murders took place. Jack twists a PUSH PIN into the map at Bangor, Maine. Y/N and Will are sat next to each other shoulder to shoulder leaning on a cabinet. "Bangor, Maine. Stamford,Connecticut. And most recently, Reston, Virginia."Jack says frustrated, “That places each of the murders approximately five hundred miles from the one before it.” Jimmy says eloquently, Zeller shakes his head raising his hand “You're trying to attach a geographical pattern to murders that took place weeks apart.” Zeller says sarcastically
“Our shooters are minors. Middle children from traditional affluent families.” Will says causing everyone to look towards us. “They're not traveling by Greyhound.” Beverly quips, Jimmy laughs “I drove my dad's car when I was 14.” Jimmy says shaking his head. “They're moving southbound, we're looking somewhere on the border of Georgia and North Carolina.” Jack says as He CIRCLES the area on the map.“There's hundreds of towns in this area. Off every freeway ramp.” Zeller say exasperated, “Got a better idea?” Jack says looking at him with raised eyebrows, “Throw darts.” Seller says shrugging as He wilts under Jack's gaze.
“There's a pattern. Less to do with geography than psychology.” I say rolling my eyes at Zeller’s sarcastic behavior.
“What kind of kid would do this?” Jack wonders out loud , “And what kind of kid would follow a kid who would do this?” Will wonders back quirking his eyebrow. “There's no indication these kids came from abusive families.” Jack says trying to find a rational explanation, I shake my head tapping my hand on the cabinet, “No, No, No, Capture-bonding. A passive, psychological response to a new master.” I say looking towards jack and then towards Will, “Y/N’s right! It's been an essential survival tool for a million years.
Bond with your captor, you survive.
You Don't, you're breakfast.” Will says nodding his head in agreement with me.
“Get files on every missing boy within 200 miles of North Carolina.” Jack says pointing towards Me, Will, and Beverly.
Will, Beverly and Y/N sit at a conference table with many discarded file folders of missing or abducted kids. There are FOURTEEN PICTURES arrayed in view, a range of faces. “If we're looking for our next Trilby, are we assuming C.J. Lincoln is in the Svengali role?” I ask quirking my eyebrow and smirking. Bev looks up at me smirking then starts chuckling “Sounds like me at fourteen.” She says looking back at the files, “Without the interference of a leader, these kids would never consider violent action.” I say letting my psychiatrist side out. “A fuse yet to be lit.” Bev says tilting her head, “A buried darkness. An inkspot on their soul. It takes a catalyst to bring that to the surface.” I say but then look over at Will noticing The conversation makes Will uncomfortable. He paces the table, studying in turn the fourteen pictures.
“Our Trilby's a boy, a paradox in the midst of a normal family, an outsider who doesn't look like one. He'd be good at a vocation, something inventive or mechanical.” He says as he leafs through files, discarding ones that don't fit.
“You Would've been a perfect candidate.” I say smirking at Will playfully,“So would you.”he smirks back looking at me with his greenish-blue eyes, we hold intimate eye contact. “He'd have hobbies that require hand-eye coordination, that are off the beaten path... that link up to what his father does for a living. Something that consumes him so as to keep him engaged.” He says moving on and breaking eye contact. “The devil makes work for idle hands kind of thing.” Bev says as She's skimming the files, tossing ones aside. Bev holds up a photo; it's a boy named Chris.
“Here's one. Family moved from Biloxi, to Charleston to Fayetteville in the last three
years. He won Junior High award for his work on pretty sophisticated computer circuitry.” She says handing Will the file. “Chris O'Halloran.” He reads out loud as he skims the file, “Why do you think these kids are susceptible to C.J. Lincoln?” I ask smiling sweetly at Him, “Because he may have a brother, but their ages or interests set them apart. A brother without a brother.” Will says Looking up at me holding the same intimate tension filled eye contact we did earlier.
Featuring an elegant, A-frame house oozing with lazy, Magnolia-scented Carolina charm. A FLORIST DELIVERY VAN quietly pulls up in front of the A-Frame. Jack Crawford emerges from the sliding side doors as F.B.I. AGENTS and ARMED SWAT MEMBERS swarm toward the house. A SWAT GUY with an air-ram blasts open the door. Jack leads our team behind the front guard of SWAT... through the house, following the SWAT TEAM, followed by Will, Y/N, Zeller, Price and Katz, guns drawn and at the low ready. They sweep through the house, splitting off to cover various rooms, balletic in movement... Jack, cautiously bringing up the rear. Weapon at the ready, he carefully steps toward the back of the house. The backyard. Where the O'Hallorans were in the process of a barbecue lunch. But something's gone wrong.
“F.B.I., Drop the weapon!” Jack shouts as He motions Will and the others forward. A BARBECUE TABLEAUX played all over America every weekend of the year. Weber grill. A-One steak sauce. Burgers and dogs cooking red hot. Only one thing wrong... THE LOST BOYS (C.J. Lincoln, Jesse Turner, and Chris O'Halloran, along with TWO OTHER BOYS) are formed in a semi-circle around the terrified O'Halloran parents (Dad, Mom, a
boy and a girl). C.J. holds a gun to the O'Halloran Father. JACK CRAWFORD bursts into the yard. SWAT is there in various
positions. Will, Y/N, Zeller, Price and Katz bring up the rear. C.J. tenses his finger on the trigger to fire at Mr. O'Halloran. BLAM! In a split second miscalculation, C.J. misses his dead-to-rights shot of the back of Mr.
O'Halloran's head and instead takes off a portion of his ear. A SECOND SHOT RINGS OUT and C.J. is hit in the shoulder Looking up through the grill, C.J. Lincoln face-plants on the grill, cheek seared at 400 degrees. Chris O'Halloran BOLTS. A SWAT MEMBER raises his gun, but Will takes off after the young boy.
“I got him.” Will says bolting after Chris and I bolt after Will C.J. sprawled dead, everyone else frozen in shock. Zeller pulls C.J. off the grill, his body slumping to the ground. Mr. O'Halloran clutches his bloody ear, alive. SWAT MEMBERS cuff Jesse Turner and the other boys. WILL sprints in pursuit along with Y/N and several other SWAT MEMBERS as CHRIS O'HALLORAN, is running for his life. “Chris, stop.” Me and Will shout compassionately, Chris pulls up short. He turns around. And we see that in his hand is a GUN, to reveal Will, Caroline and several SWAT GUYS taking positions ten yards away from Chris. “Don't shoot.” I shout at the SWAT GUYS. “You don't have to worry about C.J. anymore. It's okay. You're home now. Put down the gun, Christopher.” Will says his eyes pleading, Chris shuffles on his feet, eyes welling. And this is when Will and Y/N have a realization -- “Shoot them, Christopher.” ANOTHER FIGURE emerges from the shadows. She too has a gun in her hand but it's at the back of Christopher's spine.
Will and Y/N lets their guns FALL TO THE GROUND. “Shoot him, Christopher. Like I showed you.” She says in his ear, Chris's traumatized glance pierces Will's heart. Tears well in my eyes as I look at Chris, he reminds me of my late little brother.
“Christopher, please.” I plead sadly not wanting this to end even more badly than it already has. She raises her gun. BLAM!
The shot is so immediate and unexpected that Will checks his stomach to see where the bullet hit and then panics and looks over at Y/N looking her over concerned. It takes a moment for Will to realize he hasn't been hit at all and neither has Y/N.
The woman spins, her shoulder erupting in a cloud of arterial spray as she is hit. Chris's arm goes limp at his side. REVERSE TO REVEAL BEVERLY KATZ, gun outstretched, smoke
issuing from the barrel. Will kneels in front of Chris, gently taking the gun from his hand. Will watches as Beverly
moves in and almost motherly guides Chris away.
Y/N crosses to fallen Eva on the ground; she takes sharp breaths, tensing through the pain. As the SWAT TEAM surrounds her, Will stares down at her. Condemnation at what
she's done to these boys...
Hannibal holds the door open as Y/N ENTERS, annoyed with him and searching for the words to express it.“As someone who makes such a big deal about common courtesy, I'm a little taken aback, slash a lot taken aback, that you would check Alana’s patient, Alana’s patient, out of the hospital without permission. I'm not a professional scold. Don't put me in this position ever again. Because quite frankly I hate yelling and I hate having to yell at you.” I say exasperated and a little sad, “I'm sorry.” Hannibal says expressing his feelings, I feel bad for yelling at him “Rude, Hannibal. Shockingly rude.” I say a little frustrated but more so at myself than him. “You have every right to be upset with me. I overstepped my bounds.” He says looking down, “Your lucky it was me they called instead of Alana. Where is she?” I ask in a sad motherly tone. “She's in the dining room.” He says pointing towards the dining room, Y/N moves toward the dining room, but Hannibal puts a gentle hand on her shoulder to slow her down. “Y/N, Alana was right.” He says stopping me in my tracks, I turn towards him.
“She Often is. Have to be more specific.” I say narrowing my eyes, “She wasn't ready to leave the hospital. She experienced a bit of anxiety so I gave her a sedative.” Hannibal says shaking his head“A sedative? Hannibal What did you give her?!?” I ask like a mother concerned for her child “Just Half a valium. She may be a little hazy.” He says smirking amusedly at my motherly concern, Hannibal and Y/N ENTER to find Abigail sitting at the table
with food and teacup in front of her. “Hi, Doctor L/N.” Abigail says as she smiles at me, “Hi Abi, You were expecting me?” I say smiling, titling my head towards the third place mat. “In the interest of honesty, we were expecting Will. But my phone calls went unreturned. Please. Sit down.” Hannibal says smiling as he pulls out a chair for me, I do as instructed. “Are you hungry? Hannibal made breakfast for dinner.” Abi asks me, I smile and look at her happily. “I could eat.” I chuckle happily, Hannibal notices Abigail smiling at he and Y/n.
“What is it? What do you see?” Hannibal asks Abigail kindly and almost fatherly.
“I see family.” Abigail says smiling at me and Hannibal.
Hannibal smiles at Y/N, who is more thoughtful, happy but also unsure about how to feel about Abigail's admission. Nevertheless, off that artificial family tableau
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novumtimes · 2 months
Boars Head recall expanded to dozens of meat and poultry products amid listeria outbreak
Boar’s Head expands recall linked to listeria outbreak Boar’s Head expands recall linked to listeria outbreak 00:35 A recall of Boar’s Head deli meat products has been widely expanded over concerns that they may be linked to a fatal listeria outbreak in the U.S., federal officials said Tuesday. Another 3,500 tons of ready-to-eat meat and poultry products sold under the Boar’s Head and Old Country brands have been added to the initial recall, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said. This is in addition to approximately 103 tons of Boar’s Head products that were recalled last week. The recall now includes a total of 71 products that were produced between May 10 and July 29, the USDA said. The products have sell-by dates ranging from July 29 to Oct. 17. The issue was first discovered when the U.S. Food and Safety Inspection Service was notified that a liverwurst sample collected by the Maryland Department of Health from a store in the Baltimore area had tested positive for the same strain as the one responsible for the outbreak, the USDA said. As of the latest numbers Tuesday, the listeria outbreak was to blame for sickening at least 34 people across 13 states, two of whom had died, health officials said. The USDA said the recalled products were shipped nationwide and some were exported to Mexico, the Cayman Islands, the Dominican Republic and Panama. They were shipped to retailers with the establishment number “EST. 12612” or “P-12612” inside the USDA mark of inspection on the product labels. Some of the recalled products include: Virginia Ham Olive Loaf All Natural Traditional Ham SmokeMaster Beechwood Smoked Black Forest Ham Skinless Beef Franks Natural Casing Pork & Beef Frankfurters Rosemary Sundried Tomato Ham Liverwurst Paté Canadian Style Bacon Garlic Bologna Old Country Haberno Ham Old Country Black Forest Ham A complete list of products included in the recall can be found here. The agency said there are concerns that some recalled products may be in consumers’ refrigerators and in retail deli cases. Last week’s initial recall prompted several supermarket chains to close their delis.   Symptoms of listeria infection often include fever, muscle aches, vomiting and diarrhea. It can cause serious infections in people who are pregnant or age 65 and older, as well as those who have weakened immune systems, with symptoms including headaches, stiff neck, loss of balance, confusion and convulsions. For those who are pregnant, a listeria infection can harm the baby, leading to “miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, or life-threatening infection of the newborn,” the CDC warns. Symptoms usually start two weeks after eating contaminated food but can start as early as the same day or up to 10 weeks after, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Antibiotics are used to treat listeria.  Cardiovascular disease specialist Dr. Nidhi Kumar told CBS New York Monday that listeria is a “sturdy” bacteria that can “withstand high temperatures, like being in a freezer and even a regular refrigerator.” “If you did purchase deli meat and it’s in your refrigerator, remember, this can contaminate entire surfaces. So you want to clean out your refrigerator with a bleach-based product,” Kumar said. For more information on the outbreak and the recall, visit the USDA’s website or call the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 888-MPHotline. —Megan Cerullo and Sara Moniuszko contributed to this report.  More from CBS News Faris Tanyos Faris Tanyos is a news editor for CBSNews.com, where he writes and edits stories and tracks breaking news. He previously worked as a digital news producer at several local news stations up and down the West Coast. Source link via The Novum Times
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pestfly · 4 months
Expert Pest Control Services Across Maryland: Your Best Defense Against Pests
Welcome to OnTheFlyPestSolutions. we aim to provide our customers with the best way to protect both their data and their devices through www.providers.com. We value your peace of mind, which is our ultimate mission! Battling pests can be stressful and frustrating, but when you get our specialist team that is a problem solved. So go ahead, give us a shot. Our pest control services concentrate on major Maryland cities as languages like Gettysburg, Pikesville, Hanover, Towson, and Ellicott City. Through the following, I will demonstrate night guard how is it best to protect your home from uninvited guests.
Gettysburg Pest Control: The case of historic Gettysburg is quite clear: poor sanitation may let pests start the revolution quietly but create major issues permanently and suddenly. Gettysburg's pest problems are often of different sorts and frequencies, and our local pest control experts can tackle that problem. We introduce a high-tech and ecological toolbox so your premise is free from pests while keeping the historical image of where you be stationed.
Pikesville Pest Control: The residents of Pikesville know the necessity for treating their houses against bugs that might become a danger to their dwellings. The locally-owned Pikesville pest control services aim to provide options that are personalized to the requirements of your home or enterprise facility. We provide services ranging from regular inspections to emergency extermination; the whole spectrum of pest control - it's us!
Hanover Termite Control: Termites are a big danger for the residents of Hanover, they can be destroyed quickly without a person suspecting anything of the fact. At OnTheFlyPestSolutions. As evidenced on our website at www.pestorchid.com, we provide termite control in Hanover with the aid of cutting-edge detection technology and termination processes that eradicate termites to prevent any future re-infestations.
Pest Control Towson: The people of Towson live and work in a thriving community that deserves head and shoulders above all ordinal levels of pest control. Regardless of whether it’s mice, bugs, or some other kind of pests you’re in trouble with, our Taylor pronto and corrective service will make quick work of your pesky problem. We guarantee to protect your and your pet’s wellbeing by applying all treatments safely without any risk of harm.
Ellicott City Pest Control: The different climates that Ellicott City possesses may entice numerous species of insects. Our local pest control experts who work for our company are provided with all the knowledge and arsenal to effectively deal with any pest issue, whether small or big. Our firm is truly driven to provide Ellicott City residents with quick, surefire etc." pest control solutions.
Why Choose OnTheFlyPestSolutions.com?
At OnTheFlyPestSolutions. while, with amind.us, we are advocates of a stop-pest-infestation approach. Our programs are not just to exterminate the existing one, but to also help prevent re-infestation. We offer:
An individualized treatment plan that addresses the specific issues related to your property.
Ecological Vital Options that you can use for your house and the Planet.
Technicians who are experts, trained, and certified in the art of pest control which is also the latest are a must.
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Where Can I Get A Trailer Inspected ? C & C Manufacturing
It's essential to have all necessary documentation, including your trailer's registration and insurance information, when you go for the inspection.If you're specifically looking for a trailer inspection Maryland, you can follow these steps.
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Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): Many DMV offices offer trailer inspections. Check with your local DMV to see if they provide this service and what the requirements are.
Auto Repair Shops: Some auto repair shops provide trailer inspections. Call local shops in your area to inquire about their services and schedule an appointment.
Trailer Dealerships: If you purchased your trailer from a dealership, they may offer inspection services or be able to direct you to a facility that can inspect your trailer.
Truck Stops: Certain truck stops or service centers may offer trailer inspections. These are often convenient for individuals traveling long distances.
State Inspection Stations: In some states, specific inspection stations are designated for trailer inspections. Check with your state's transportation department for information on authorized inspection stations.
Mobile Inspection Services: Some companies specialize in mobile trailer inspections, where they come to your location to inspect the trailer. Search online for such services in your area.
Online Directories: Utilize online directories or search engines to find nearby places that offer trailer inspections. Websites like Yelp, Google Maps, or Yellow Pages can be helpful.
Before scheduling an inspection, be sure to check the specific requirements for trailer inspections in your region. Explore online classifieds or forums related to trailers and repairs. You might find recommendations or reviews from individuals who have had trailer repairs in Maryland.If you have a specific question or inquiry related to C & C Manufacturing, contacting them directly through their official communication channels is often the most reliable method.
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piraterey · 1 year
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Marlton Golf Course & Country Club to Reopen With a New Look and Feel That Honors its Historic Past
The Marlton Golf Course & Country Club, commonly known as the Marlton, is one of the oldest clubs in the U.S. It was founded in 1968 and sits on 168 acres of beautiful and tranquil wooded land originally owned by the Clagett-Hill family. The Clagetts sold the land alongside the barn in the mid-1960s to Orville and Mark Ritchie. The duo intended to convert it into a settlement but eventually created an amazing golf course from the tobacco barn. The current owners of the course are Henry Turner, Vann Jones, Jimmy Garvin, and Willie Blakeney.
The course features 18 golf holes and is conveniently located at the heart of the city, 20 minutes from Washington, D.C., and 45 minutes from Baltimore. It was devastating for most golfers when it was closed in 2019 for renovations. The great news is that it will soon be open to the public. Good news! The Club is set to reopen for public access and use after passing the Prince George’s County Maryland Health Department Inspection.
Available Amenities
The new Club aims to offer the best golfing experience alongside other relevant services. A visit to the premises allows access to the following:
State-of-the-art golfing experience
First-class dining experience
An incredible event venue to accommodate a global audience
Fully stocked snack bar and full-service restaurant
A pro shop
World-class beverage cart
A driving range with matted stations and grass tees
There will also be walking and hiking trails, a health and wellness facility, a safe parking area, and a cigar lounge to protect nonsmokers. It is also impossible to ignore the patio overlooking the front nine and the outside pavilion.
What Makes It Unique?
Marlton Golf Course & Country Club is characterized by a warm and welcoming setting for guests and members by the staff–outstanding in Maryland. It intends to be the ideal destination for people who love golf, dining, and having fun. It is also well-maintained and equipped with friendly staff to guide you around. Most importantly, there will be a fully stocked golf shop where you can conveniently find the latest high-quality golf supplies and accessories to enhance your golfing experience. The goal is to make the club your favorite relaxation spot after a round of golf or when hosting your business partners, special guests, and events. The club also offers an amphitheater for its guests.
The new Marlton management offers various membership options that are affordable for the general public while ensuring that you get the utmost value for money. Besides, it features complex fairways that are tough to navigate, even by seasoned golfers. So, it is an excellent place for golf enthusiasts looking for challenging courses.
Sign Up for the Membership
The Marlton is a membership-based golf club available to the public, and it sits on historically rich land. Despite its timeless evolution over the years and during the closure period, the club hasn’t compromised its rich history and reputation. The club intends to keep its history for centuries without forgetting who made it whatever it is today—Woodstock Farm, the Clagett-Hill family and their Tobacco barn, Orville and Mark Ritchie, Josephine Moss Nelson, and the current owners. Sign up and reserve your membership soon.
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Signs to Tell That Your Truck Needs a Brake Repair
Brakes are a paramount safety gear in any vehicle which has the potential to save you from road accidents in case of emergency. They are one of the most important components of a heavy truck, or for that reason, any vehicle. They say that the engine of a vehicle is the heart of the vehicle as its performance depends on it. But at the same time, the brakes are equally important, because one never really knows when an emergency will strike and the vehicle will have to be stopped. Properly maintaining a vehicle's brakes is essential to the life of yourself and others. There's nothing worse than having your truck break down when it doesn't work. When the brakes don't work, not only does the stopping distance of the vehicle become longer, but it can actually be fatal.
So it would be better to get the brakes repaired from time to time. If not periodically, be sure to have your truck's brakes repaired when they show the following signs:
screeching truck wheels Do you hear a strange screeching sound when you apply the brakes on your truck? This indicates worn brake pads. The braking system is designed to make braking noise when braking. When you hear brake screeching, have your brakes checked immediately by the best heavy vehicle service center in Maryland like Eastline Road Repair. If the brakes are not repaired in time, it can lead to complications, which will burn a huge hole in your pocket.
brake failure Most components of the braking system are easily accessible. If disc brakes are applied, the staff at a good heavy vehicle service station like Eastline Road Repair will be able to tell just by feeling them. You can also check to determine if the brake pads are worn. Inspecting the brake lines or brake hoses is simple.
To open up your brake calipers and remove disc brake rotors for inspection, you'll need the best professional technicians like Eastline Road Repair. If the hydraulic brake lines become clogged, the same specialist will inspect them.
Truck pulled At any point, if you feel that your vehicle has been bulldozed to one side of the road, understand that your truck is in need of brake repair, and immediately visit a reputable truck repair station in Maryland such as Eastline Road Repair. Go. Go. This drag is mostly due to the wheel sticking to the cylinder.
Slow brake response Slow response brakes, or spongy brakes, are a nightmare for truck owners because they hinder the safety of the truck in an emergency. Being on the road doesn't make emergencies completely inevitable. Imagine a situation where your vehicle is not responding to brakes. So, if you don't want to be in a life-or-death situation, visit the best brake repair shop in Maryland, Eastline Road Repair, before your brakes wear out.
Don't wait for your brakes to break down and book your visit in advance to the best brake repair shop in Willards, MD, Eastline Road Repair. Get your vehicle serviced regularly at a professional road repair station in Maryland like Eastline Road Repair and protect yourself from a serious dent in vehicle performance
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ghostlyninjadragon · 2 years
Local Movers Service in Calvert County MD
Calvert county is one of many oldest counties in Maryland. It is really a Washington DC commuter area and the house of a Naval Air Station.
If you are moving to the region, ensure you hire a local mover to help you along with your relocation needs. They will allow you to with the packing, crating, and unpacking of one's belongings.
Local movers in Calvert county MD
Moving to a new home or apartment could be a stressful endeavor. You might have a to do list that seems unending, so hiring an expert movers to get the job done is the better strategy to use about it.
Aside from your circumstances, there's no shortage of moving companies in Prince Frederick that will help you navigate the relocation maze. Some even offer free estimates – so there's no reason to not check out the moving options at your fingertips.
Having a top-notch local moving company in your corner can indicate the difference between a smooth transition and a tough one, so be sure to ensure you're getting the right movers by comparing quotes from the best companies in your area. To find a very good movers near you, whatever you need to do is fill out an on the web form along with your contact information, and we'll match you up with a few quality movers to get the job done. The moving experts is likely to be happy to discuss your needs and offer you a moving estimate that's free, so you can start planning your move today.
24/7 - Get a moving quotes Online
Whether you're moving locally or cross country, it's important to find the Local movers in Calvert county MD.You'll need to take into account the size of your household, your budget and any special requests you may have.
Getting multiple quotes from many different movers will allow you to narrow down your choices. Request binding estimates if at all possible and request an in-home inventory survey for the absolute most accurate pricing.
Costs for moves vary based on the amount of hours the mover will continue to work and the weight of one's belongings. You can also expect to cover add-ons like packing materials, fuel costs and extra labor services.
When requesting quotes, provide the maximum amount of detail about your move as you can, like the date and the total level of items being moved. A moving company will then calculate a cost estimate for the move based on these factors.
A moving company may also need to see your house for an official inspection and have a look at any special issues or concerns you've concerning the move. This will allow the mover to higher assess the expense of your move, as well as any extras you might need, such as for example elevator reservations.
The easiest way to make certain your move goes smoothly is always to hire a reliable mover. Locating a company that's licensed and insured will stop you from paying more for the move than you'll need to.
Service by Calvert county movers
If you are moving to a fresh house in Calvert county MD, you will get help from local movers. They will give a driver to transport your belongings from one place to some other, with the proper safety precautions in mind. They will also be responsible for packing and crating your things. These professionals are well-versed inside their field and are designed for any kind of move, from residential to commercial relocating. Furthermore, they will have the ability to offer you a wide range of services that will meet your needs and budget. These services include residential relocating, business relocating, and senior relocation among others.
Running a successful moving company may take plenty of time, however it is really a rewarding experience when you yourself have the passion and determination to produce it work. To be able to be considered a great moving company, you should focus on the quality of your service and ensure your customers feel valued.
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xevosib181 · 2 years
Looking for a trustworthy electrician in your area who can perform the safety checks and problem-solving you require? The Magothy Electric Co. For residents in Pasadena, Maryland, and the surrounding areas, Inc. provides full-service electrical solutions, including electrical safety inspections.
An electrical emergency or unforeseen issues down the road may be caused by outdated or damaged electrical systems hidden in older homes. Among the most frequent reasons for property damage in the nation are unintentional fires brought on by poor wiring.
For quick turnarounds, get in touch with their qualified Pasadena, MD electricians if you believe your home requires an electrical safety inspection. They'll take the time to give you the thorough service you require and make sure your home's electrical system is secure and compliant with regulations.
WHEN IS A RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION IN PASADENA, MD, RECOMMENDED? If you are considering purchasing, selling, or remodeling your home, a professional electrical inspection is advised. The procedure will involve inspecting and evaluating the breaker panel, the grounding system, the circuits, and other components.
An electrical inspection should be performed if you are buying a new house, especially one that is a little older, to help warn you of any current or potential issues. You'll be much more at ease if you take the time to work with a reliable Pasadena, MD electrician to have an inspection performed, if the current owner has not already scheduled one.
Electrical inspections are also advised if you intend to make significant changes to your house or if you want to put heavy-duty appliances like a tankless water heater or an electric vehicle charging station in. Any issues will be addressed by their specialists, who will also offer the upgrades required to make your home safe.
(410) 439-0088 Mon - Fri | 8:00AM to 4:00PM 125 Roesler Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060
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Hezekiah Foard: A high-ranking military officer and well-known public official [Part 1]
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1877 map of Cecil County, courtesy of Accessible Archives.
Hezekiah Foard was born in early 1752, likely in Cecil County. [1] He had one brother named Josiah.
Reposted from Academia.edu and my History Hermann WordPress blog. This was originally written when I was working at the Maryland State Archives for the Finding the Maryland 400 project.
At age twenty-four, in early 1776, Foard enlisted as a sergeant in Edward Veazey's Seventh Independent Company. [2] He was a five foot, ten inch tall man. Many of those in the Seventh Independent Company were recruited from Kent and Queen Anne counties, and were in their mid-twenties. [3] Overall, the average age was about twenty-five, but soldiers born in America were younger than those from foreign countries. [4]
Sergeants, like Foard, had important roles in the Maryland Line. As non-commissioned officers, their duties included maintaining discipline within their company, and inspecting the new recruits. [5] Their other duties included carrying sick soldiers to the hospital as needed, reporting on the sickness of men within the ranks, and leading groups of men to guard prisoners or supplies if circumstances required it. [6] For these services they were paid more than corporals in Maryland, who they oversaw, and worked with, to keep order in place in the company, including breaking up disputes between soldiers. [7] In order to get in this position, however, their field officers or captains had to recommend them for promotion. [8]
The independent companies, early in the war, had a different role than William Smallwood's First Maryland Regiment. They had the role of securing the Chesapeake Bay's shoreline from British attack. Smallwood's regiment, on the other hand, were raised as full-time Maryland soldiers to be part of the Continental Army, and were divided between Annapolis and Baltimore. The Seventh Independent Company was stationed in Kent County's Chestertown and Queen Anne County's Kent Island. [9] During this time, Veazey was uneasy that they did not receive "arms nor ammunition" until June. [10]
While the independent companies were originally intended to defend Maryland, three of them accompanied the First Maryland Regiment when it marched up to New York in July 1776. The transfer of the independent companies to the Continental Army showed that Maryland was more than willing to do its part to recruit the men needed. [11] The independent companies and the First Maryland Regiment arrived in New York in early August, with the Battle of Brooklyn set between the Continental Army and the British Army, joined by their Hessian allies.
Foard served with his company at the Battle of Brooklyn in late August 1776. Along with the companies of Daniel Bowie and Peter Adams, which suffered heavy casualties, sixty-eight percent of Veazey's company were killed, wounded or captured. Captain Veazey was "killed at his [Foard's] side," while Second Lieutenant Samuel Turbett Wright and Third Lieutenant Edward De Coursey were captured. [12] As a result of Veazey's death, First Lieutenant William Harrison took charge of the company. After the battle, only about 36 men remained out of the original force of over 100. [13] The loss of life confirmed the assessment of the British Parliament's Annual Register which described how "almost a whole regiment from Maryland…of young men from the best families in the country was cut to pieces" even as the battle brought the men of the Maryland 400 together. [14]
The Battle of Brooklyn, the first large-scale battle of the war, fits into the larger context of the Revolutionary War. If the Maryland Line had not stood and fought the British, enabling the rest of the Continental Army to escape, then the Continental Army would been decimated, resulting in the end of the Revolutionary War. This heroic stand gave the regiment the nickname of the Old Line and those who made the stand in the battle are remembered as the Maryland 400.
Foard survived the Battle of Brooklyn and was not taken prisoner. In the fall of 1776 and early 1777, he joined other Marylanders at the battles of White Plains, Trenton, and Princeton.
By the spring of 1777, the command of the Seventh Independent Company was uncertain since Wright and De Coursey were prisoners, Veazey had been killed, and Harrison had resigned. [15] As a result, the company, among with the other independent companies, became part of the Second Maryland Regiment. Likely in early 1777, Foard reenlisted in the Second Maryland Regiment, where he remained a sergeant until September 1777. [16]
He was promoted to ensign on September 1, 1777, and served until at least May 1780, mostly in the regiment's sixth and seventh companies. [17] In April 1779, while serving in the regiment's sixth company, he was furloughed. [18] In the summer of 1779, he signed a statement, along with 95 other Maryland officers, including John Mitchell,  John Gassaway, and Gassaway Watkins, and co-signed by William Smallwood, to receive all the money that was owed to them. [19] Their plea was ultimately successful.
In early 1780, Foard was accused of disobeying an order to march the Second Maryland Regiment to parade, a time when the movement of soldiers is limited by marching or drilling. He also was accused of relating orders different from "those he had received." [20] He was supposed to march the company, but by disobeying the orders, he was engaging in "conduct unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman." Furthermore, he was said to have "contempt" for the orders given to him by Colonel Thomas Woolford of the Fifth Maryland Regiment. Despite this accusation, he was "acquitted with honor" by the officers overseeing the court-martial and was released from arrest, as approved by George Washington himself. This incident could be why, in May 1780 he was absent with leave, from the service. [21]
Ensigns, like Foard, were the lowest rank of commissioned officers. They were mainly responsible for carrying the flags of their unit on the battlefield and reported to the colonel of the unit. [22] Additionally, they were charged with maintaining cleanliness of the soldiers, inspecting their clothes when the company paraded, and otherwise observing them. [23] Ensigns also had the duty of examining the conduct of the company's non-commissioned officers, such as sergeants and corporals, and carrying the company flags in order to keep the unit organized. [24]
During his service, he marched to South Carolina in spring 1780 and participated in the Southern Campaign. [25] During his term as an officer, he also fought at Brandywine (1777) and Monmouth (1778). [26] He likely fought at White Marsh (1777) and Germantown (1777) as well.
On August 16, 1780, Foard returned to the First Maryland Regiment as an ensign. On the same day, he participated in the battle at Camden. During the retreat he was attacked by a determined British soldier:
"...he was attacked hand to hand by a stout athletic Englishman; others were advancing on them [the Continentals]--in the scuffle [Foard] threw [the British soldier], the enemy holding [Foard] by his hair; [Foard] having nothing but his long espontoon he shortened the handle and pinned [the British soldier] to the sand; as the Englishman relaxed his hold he extricated himself, and finding his weapon fast beyond recovery, he fled without it." [27]
After the Battle of Camden, Foard was promoted to lieutenant, filling the role Edward Duvall, who was killed in the battle. [28] Foard served in that role until January 1, 1783.
Foard fought at "the defeat of Tarlenton at Cowpens," in January 1781, as part of Gates's Continental Army. [29] Due to his service in these two battles, he likely fought at Hobkirk's Hill (1781) and Yorktown (1781). Before he was discharged in 1783, he was promoted by brevet to captain. [30] He was likely discharged in November since he was one of the founding members of Maryland's chapter of the Society of Cincinnati, along with Henry Chew Gaither and Mordecai Gist [31]
After the Revolutionary War, Foard returned to Cecil County. On December 14, 1785, Foard married a woman named Sarah Lawrensen. [32] They had three children named Hezekiah Jr, Richard, and Josiah.
In 1787, Foard and his brother Josiah bought six horses, a few cows, two sheep, and other amenities needed for their farm sitting on Bohemia Manor. [33] For the next 46 years, he continued to live on the manor with his children, wife, and a couple of enslaved black individuals, along with necessary supplies to keep the farm up and running. [34]
Foard acquired and negotiated transfers of huge amounts of land in the county. On August 4, 1789, he also was issued 200 acres of bounty land west of Fort Cumberland, divided into four lots, due to his military service. [35] Since he did not claim it, his land sat vacant. Foard likely left his land alone because the bounty land was “absolutely good for nothing . . . unfit for Cultivation." [36] In later years, Foard helped sell the 586 acre estate of Cecil County resident, Thomas Richardson and obtained "letters of administration" for Lilburn Williams's estate. [37]
By 1818, Foard was living in Cecil County and was called a "general" despite the fact he never attained that rank. [38] However, he did serve in Cecil County as a major in the 49th regiment of the Maryland militia, from 1794 until 1799, when he resigned. [39]
In 1821, Foard was granted half-pay of a lieutenant for his "meritorious services" by the Maryland General Assembly. [40] In his Federal veterans pension application, in 1828, Foard, still a farmer on Cecil County's Bohemia Manor, claimed that he was a lieutenant in the Second Maryland Regiment. [41] On August 29, 1828 his pension was granted.
Foard held numerous civil positions in Cecil County. He was commissioner of the tax for two three-year terms, lasting from 1797 until 1806. [42] He was later appointed as justice of the peace by the Governor of Maryland, serving for nine years in total, over the years, a position he held until his death. [43] Additionally, he served as a justice on the Levy Court, which handled tax allotment, for five years in the early nineteenth century. [44]
Foard's political affiliation is clear. In April 1821, he was the chairman of a "very large and respectable meeting of the democratic republicans of Cecil County" at a house in Elkton, Maryland in order to pick electors for the upcoming Maryland Senate election. [45] At the meeting they also recommended candidates for the Republican Party in the autumn elections and published proceedings of the meeting in Baltimore Republican papers. In the autumn, the Republicans were victorious in a landslide in elections for state senate's electoral assembly. They garnered fourteen of the open electoral positions, while the Federalists only gained four electoral positions. [46]
As chairman of a meeting of Republicans, Foard held an important role. A few years later, the same group of individuals welcomed General Marquis de Lafayette to the United States, preparing inkeepers in Elkton for his accommodations. [47]
Foard lived until February 16, 1833, dying at age 81, at Bohemia Manor, then owned by his son. [48] Obituaries for him appeared in papers across the Eastern seaboard of the United States. [49] The Brattlesboro Messenger in Vermont praised his fighting "during our struggle of independence, while the Salem Gazette in Massachuetts declared that "another pillar of the American Revolution had crumbled to the dust!" [50] The Daily National Intelligencer in Washington, D.C. remembered him affectionately, saying that he was "beloved and lamented by all who knew him." [51]
At the end of his life, Foard was relatively well off. He had possessions such as a carriage and harness, a walnut desk, and a looking glass. [52] In his will, Foard appointed Josiah and Richard as executors of his estate, with the money not distributed until 1835. [53] By 1837, his son, Hezekiah, had helped establish property lines, and sold off the manor to the Bayard family. [54] Foard gave his grandson, William Freeman, one hundred dollars, his son Richard a silver watch, and divided his estate evenly between his three sons. [55] Since his wife was not mentioned in his will, she presumably had already died.
- Burkely Hermann, Maryland Society of the Sons of American Revolution Research Fellow, 2016.
© 2016-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] Descriptions of men in Capt. Edward Veazey’s Independent Comp, 1776, Maryland State Papers, Revolutionary Papers, MdHR 19970-15-36/01 [MSA S997-15-36, 1/7/3/13]. In the descriptions of men in Veazey's company, Foard is described as age 24. Based on his obituaries (which list him as age 81 and 82), it means he was born in 1752. While his last name is sometimes spelled Ford, the name Foard is used here as it is consistent with vital records during his lifetime.
[2] Descriptions of men in Capt. Edward Veazey’s Independent Comp; Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 18, 28; Mark Andrew Tacyn, “'To the End:’ The First Maryland Regiment and the American Revolution” (PhD diss., University of Maryland College Park, 1999), 34; "Mortuary Notice," Salem Gazette, Salem, Massachusetts, March 1, 1833, Vol. XI, issue 18, p. 3. An obituary by the Salem Gazette claims that Foard entered the army as a private, but this is not supported by available evidence.
[3] Tacyn, 24-25, 97.
[4] For more information, see "Demographics in the First Maryland Regiment" on the Finding the Maryland 400 research blog.
[5] James Thacher, A Military Journal During the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783 (Boston: A Richardson and Lord, 1823), 458, 468-470, 473, 475, 483-484, 520; Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7-December 31, 1776 Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 12, 145; Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution Archives of Maryland Online vol. 18, 335.
[6] Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 48, 343; Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7-December 31, 1776, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 12, 125, 255; Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 11, 50; Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 78, 23; Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 11, 439; Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 16, 334.
[7] Thatcher, 45, 73, 476; Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 78, 92.
[8] Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 43, 71.
[9] Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7-December 31, 1776, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 12, 4; Tacyn, 33-34.
[10] Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 11, 318, 468; Tacyn, 37, 39.
[11] Arthur Alexander, "How Maryland Tried to Raise Her Continental Quotas." Maryland Historical Magazine 42, no. 3 (1947), 187-188, 196.
[12] "Mortuary Notice," Salem Gazette, Salem, Massachusetts, March 1, 1833, Vol. XI, issue 18, p. 3.
[13] Revolutionary War Rolls, NARA M246, p. 92, From Fold3.com; Tacyn, 98.
[14] Tacyn, 4.
[15] List of Regular Officers by Chamberlaine, December 1776, Maryland State Papers, Red Books, MdHR 4573, Liber 12, p. 66 [MSA S989-17, 1/6/4/5].
[16] Rolls of the Second Maryland Regiment, 1780, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783, National Archives, NARA M246, Roll 0033. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution Archives of Maryland Online vol. 18, 108; Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777, Archives of Maryland Online, Vol. 16, 244.
[17] Service Card of Hezekiah Ford (Second Maryland Regiment), Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, National Archives, NARA M881, Record Group 93, Roll 0399. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Service Card of Hezekiah Ford (First Maryland Regiment), Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, National Archives, NARA M881, Record Group 93, Roll 0397. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Rolls of the Second Maryland Regiment, 1780, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783, National Archives, NARA M246, Roll 0033. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Rolls of Various Organizations, 1777, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783, National Archives, NARA M246, Roll 0034. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution Archives of Maryland Online vol. 18, 108; Service Card of Hezekiah Foard (Second Maryland Regiment), Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, National Archives, NARA M881, Record Group 93, Roll 0399. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779, Archives of Maryland Online, Vol. 21, 567. Some sources say he was commissioned as an adjutant in June 1779, but this unclear.
[18] Service Card of Hezekiah Foard (Second Maryland Regiment).
[19] Daniel Wunderlich Nead, The Pennsylvania-German in the Settlement of Maryland (Lancaster, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 1914), 255-259; Hanson's Laws of Maryland, Session Laws 1779, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 203, 214.
[20] Attorney General Scammell's Orderly Book Dec 15, 1779-Mar 21, 1780, Vol. 34, Numbered Records Books Concerning Military Operations and Service, Pay and Settlement of Accounts, and Supplies in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, National Archives, NARA M853, Roll 0005, p. 117-118.
[21] Service Card of Hezekiah Foard (Second Maryland Regiment).
[22] Frederick Stueben, Regulations for Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, Part I (Philadelphia: Styner and Cist, 1779), 54.
[23] Stueben, 143.
[24] Stueben, 143-144.
[25] Pension of Francis Freeman, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, National Archives, NARA M804, Record Group 15, Roll 1022, pension number S. 35951. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Pension of Neals Jones, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, National Archives, NARA M804, Record Group 15, Roll 1443, pension number S. 36,023. Courtesy of Fold3.com.
[26] "Mortuary Notice," Brattleboro Messenger, Brattleboro, Vermont, Vol. XII, issue 8, page 3.
[27] "Mortuary Notice," Salem Gazette, Salem, Massachusetts, March 1, 1833, Vol. XI, issue 18, p. 3; Weekly Messenger, Boston, Massachusetts, March 7, 1833, page 4.
[28] Service Card of Hezekiah Ford (First Maryland Regiment); Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution Archives of Maryland Online vol. 18, 362, 365, 378, 435, 476, 477, 478, 520; Pension of Hezekiah Foard, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, National Archives, NARA M804, Record Group 15, Roll 0993, pension number S. 47187. Courtesy of Fold3.com.
[29] "Mortuary Notice," Brattleboro Messenger, Brattleboro, Vermont, Vol. XII, issue 8, page 3.
[30] "Mortuary Notice," Salem Gazette, Salem, Massachusetts, March 1, 1833, Vol. XI, issue 18, p. 3; "To George Washington from William Smallwood, 29 November 1783," Founders Online, National Archives, last modified October 5, 2016.
[31] Register of the Society of the Cincinnati of Maryland Brought Down to February 22nd, 1897 (Baltimore: Society of the Cincinnati of Maryland, 1897), 88.
[32] Marriage of Hezekiah Ford and Sarah Lawrensen, 1785, Cecil County Court, Marriage Licenses, MdHR 9435, p. 42 [MSA C632-1, 1/11/6/38].
[33] Dwight P. Lanmon, Lorraine Welling Lanmon, and Dominque Coulet du Gard, Josephine Foard and the Glazed Pottery of Laguna Pueblo (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2007), 3, 204; Bill of sale by Joseph Taylor to Hezekiah and Josiah Foard, 1787, Cecil County Court, Land Records, Liber 16, p. 119 [MSA CE 133-18].
[34] Census for Bohemia Manor, Cecil, Maryland, 1790, First Census of the United States, 1790, National Archives, NARA M637, Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29, roll 3, page 320. Courtesy of Ancestry.com; Census for Election District 1, Cecil, Maryland, 1820, Fourth Census of the United States, 1820, National Archives, NARA M33, Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29, roll M33_40, page 123. Courtesy of Ancestry.com; Census for District 1, Cecil, Maryland, 1830, Fifth Census of the United States, 1830, NARA M19, Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29, roll 56, page 14. Courtesy of Ancestry.com; Manumission of Hannah Ann by Hezekiah Foard, 1823, Cecil County Court, Land Records, Liber JS 20, p. 313-314 [MSA CE 133-47]; Hezekiah Foard, Elizabeth Logue, James Foard, Eliza Logue, and Francis Reynolds's petition to sell Bohemia Manor, February 17, 1796, Chancery Court, Chancery Papers, MdHR 17898-1798 [MSA S512-1873, 1/36/1/91]; Bill of sale of John S. Vandergift to John Rawlins and Hezekiah Foard, 1832, Cecil County Court, Land Records, JS 30, p. 381-382 [MSA CE 133-57]. Other supplies included ploughs and household furniture. In 1796, Foard and other members of his family petitioned to sell the estate and plantation at Bohemia Manor, but nothing else of this case is known.
[35] Pension of Hezekiah Foard; Westward of Fort Cumberland: Military Lots Set Off for Maryland's Revolutionary Soldiers (ed. Mary K. Meyer, Westminister: Heritage Books, 2008), 3, 156; Hezekiah Ford's lots in Western Maryland, Land Office, Lots Westward of Fort Cumberland, MdHR 17302, p. 319, 320, [SE1-1]. His lots were 3265, 3274, 3275, and 3276.
[36] Pension of Mark McPherson and Widow's Pension of Mary McPherson. The National Archives. Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files. NARA M804, W 2144. 1-73. From Fold3.com.
[37] American Watchman, Wilmington, Delaware, July 22, 1812, Vol. IV, issue 309, page 4; "Notice," Aurora General Advertiser, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1804, issue 4156, page 4.
[38] Pension of Francis Freeman; Pension of Neals Jones.
[39] Appointment of Hezekiah Ford, 1794, Adjutant General, Militia Appointments, MdHR 5587, Militia Appointments Liber 2, p. 95 [MSA S348-2, 2/6/5/10]; Appointment of Hezekiah Ford, 1794, Adjutant General, Militia Appointments, MdHR 1349, Militia Appointments Liber 1, p. 12 [MSA S348-1, 2/8/3/13].
[40] Journal of the House of Delegates 1821 (Dec. 3 - Feb. 23), Archives of Maryland Online, 87 [MSA SC M 12329]; Session Laws, 1821, Archives of Maryland Online, Vol. 626, 176.
[41] Pension of Hezekiah Foard.
[42] Session Laws, 1803, Archives of Maryland Online, Vol. 560, 61; Session Laws, 1797, Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 652, 93.
[43] Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1792, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1899 [MSA S1082-2, 2/26/4/40]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1833, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1924, p. 44 [MSA S1082-24, 2/26/4/41]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1832, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1923, p. 35 [MSA S1082-23, 2/26/4/41]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1831, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1922, p. 22 [MSA S1082-22, 2/26/4/41]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1831, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1921, p. 22 [MSA S1082-21, 2/26/4/41]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1829, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1919, p. 36 [MSA S1082-19, 2/26/4/41]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1828, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1918, p. 35 [MSA S1082-18, 2/26/4/41]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1828, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1917, p. 45 [MSA S1082-17, 2/26/4/41]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1827, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1916, p. 41 [MSA S1082-16, 2/26/4/40]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1826, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1915, p. 48 [MSA S1082-15, 2/26/4/40]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1825, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1914, p. 48 [MSA S1082-14, 2/26/4/40]; Appointment of Hezekiah Foard, 1824, Governor and Council, Appointment List, MdHR 1913-2 [MSA S1082-13, 2/26/4/40];
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
Kaiser-Fleetwings XBTK-1.
Ronnie Bell Following
Kaiser-Fleetwings XBTK-1 at Bristol PA 1945
In early 1942 the U.S. Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics (BuAer) was planning the replacements for the Curtiss SB2C Helldiver dive bomber and the Grumman TBM Avenger torpedo bomber. The aircraft was to carry the torpedo in an internal bomb bay. By late 1943 it became obvious that the proposed VBT design like the Douglas SB2D had drastically increased in size and weight. Therefore the U.S. Navy was initiating a smaller dive bomber design. The BuAer recognized the engineering workload for the major wartime programs and therefore assigned the design to companies without a major wartime production. BuAer selected Fleetwings at Bristol, Pennsylvania (USA), which was acquired by Henry J. Kaiser in 1943.
The XBK dive bomber program was initiated in February 1944 with a contract for two prototypes. To keep the airplane size down it was decided that all stores would be carried externally. A radar could be carried underneath the left wing. The dive brakes were of the lower and upper picket fence type at the inboard wing trailing edge. The horizontal tail was mounted on the tail fin above the fuselage. This feature avoided empennage buffet when the dive brakes were open. Unusual was the placement of the engine exhausts almost aft of the cockpit. It was hoped that this feature would significantly decrease drag, A mockup inspection without engine was carried out in April 1944 while the engine was installed in May 1944, with completion of the first prototype scheduled for November 1944.To speed up later production the U.S. Navy even constructed a new airfield at the Fleetwing plant. In early 1945 BuAer requested that the plane would be able to carry a torpedo. The weapon was fitted to a new centreline station and the designation was changed to XBTK. The first XBTK-1 was finally completed in March 1945,making its first flight on 12 April 1945.
The flight testing revealed inadequate engine cooling and severe fuselage vibration. Resolution of these problems and the replacement of the R-2800-22W engine, which was already out of production, by the -34 delayed restart of flight trials until July 1945. The aircraft was delivered to the US Navy Naval Air Test Center (NATC) at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland (USA), in August 1945 for evaluation. After the end of the Second World War the US Navy cut orders from 20 to 10 aircraft. NATC recommended replacement of the novel exhaust system with a more normal system, as the cockpit temperature was very high and cockpit egress and access after an engine shutdown was extremely difficult. It also noted that stall performance was poor, particularly with power off. It was noted, however, that diving characteristics were superior to any dive-bomber in service or under development. The plane was transported back to Fleetwings where redesign began. The second production aircraft first flew in March 1946 and featured built-in leading edge slots which greatly improved the stall performance of the aircraft. However, by early 1946 procurement of new planes was drastically cut down and the BTK found its role already filled by the Douglas AD Skyraider and Martin AM Mauler. In May 1946 it was decided to complete five airframes already in production. Continued testing revealed problems when the aircraft was spun, and the US Navy finally terminated the contract on 3 September 1946, as there was no need for the aircraft anymore. The five prototypes were scrapped.
Via Flickr
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hoffmastersautocare · 9 months
How The Vehicle Inspection Process Works | Hoffmasters Auto Care
Certainly! If you're considering purchasing a used vehicle in Maryland, understanding the Maryland vehicle inspection process is crucial to ensure the vehicle meets safety and emissions standards. Here's what you should know:
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 Seller's Responsibility:
In Maryland, it's typically the seller's responsibility to provide a valid inspection certificate before selling a used vehicle. This certificate ensures that the vehicle has passed the required safety and emissions inspections, and reputable sellers, like Hoffmaster’s Auto Care, often prioritize this step.
Prior to taking the vehicle for inspection, owners should conduct a pre-inspection check to confirm that all vital components such as lights, signals, brakes, and tires are functioning impeccably.
Drive to Inspection Station:
The vehicle owner drives the vehicle to the inspection station at the scheduled time.
Document Verification:
At the inspection station, the owner may need to provide vehicle registration and other relevant documents for verification.
Visual Inspection:
The technician inspects the vehicle's exterior and interior for visible damage, the condition of lights, mirrors, windows, and overall cleanliness.
Emissions Inspection:
In regions where emissions standards are enforced, a test may be conducted to measure the pollutants emitted by the vehicle. This often involves connecting the vehicle to a testing machine that analyzes the exhaust gases.
Functional Tests:
Functional tests are done to confirm that essential components of a vehicle, like brakes, steering, suspension, horn, lights, and signals, are working correctly to maintain safety.
Diagnostic Scan (Modern Vehicles):
In some cases, especially with modern vehicles, a diagnostic scan may be performed to check for any error codes or issues stored in the vehicle's onboard computer.
Emissions Equipment Inspection (if applicable):
For vehicles equipped with emissions control systems, the inspection may involve checking the integrity and functionality of components such as the catalytic converter.
Results and Certification:
After the inspection, the owner receives the results. A passing vehicle is given a sticker confirming compliance, while a failing vehicle is informed of necessary repairs for a re-inspection.
Re-Inspection (if needed):
Understanding the Maryland vehicle inspection process for used cars with the involvement of Hoffmaster’s Auto Care helps you make an informed decision and ensures that the vehicle you're buying complies with safety and emissions standards in the state. Always consult Hoffmaster’s Auto Care or the Maryland MVA for the most up-to-date information.
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cctrailer · 4 years
Choosing The Best Trailer Services in Maryland
Trailer Service in Maryland -  C & C have been trailer manufacturers since 1974, experts in quality repairs and services, and trusted trailer Maryland State and DOT Inspection Station. C&C has always approached the fabrication of our products with quality first. Over the years such organizations as NASA, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army and even the White House have relied on us for their products and industry expertise. Although C&C had the opportunity to grow much larger over the years, we always took the stance that superior trailers are built one at a time grow too big and you lose sight of the larger picture of quality, dedication, and craftsmanship. Located in Gaithersburg, MD we provide a variety of trailer services and products to our local communities.
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
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FACT CHECK & DEBUNKED: My Little Pony's Pony Life will air in the United States to Discovery Family [#OnlyOnEQIManila]
SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND -- 4th Generation of My Little Pony, was now ended for a single decade. A new series for the young ones whether if you're a former brony or not. Sethisto was sent us a news tip to OneNETnews, new synopsis was revealed on the spot from Zap2it.
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The latest new episodes are classified for the 11-minute run in this kids show. It may sounds promising but, it's partially close to worth it from the style of Teen Titans GO!.
We asked our affiliated Internet TV Station, known as The Brony Network in Fort Worth, TX with a presenter himself named Jose Martinez a.k.a. BN_King for the questioning as stated exclusively to Equestria Inquirer: Manila. It seems he is done with a MLP Streamer for the 4th Generation in a Friendship is Magic & Equestria Girls' era before anypony else by later next month.
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New episodes will premiere on Saturday morning from Equestria City starting at 11am EDT / 10am CDT, beginning June 13th this year. LIVE Telecast will air on the same converted time at 11pm MNL, on Discovery Family in the U.S. and in our regional stations thru Discovery Family Metro Cebu, Molave, and now... Davao. That is immediately after OneNETnews @ 10pm by mid-June 2020.
Be sure to tune in real soon when you're probably ready.
SOURCE: *https://www.equestriadaily.com/2020/05/two-episodes-of-pony-life-possibly.html *https://tvlistings.gracenote.com/overview-affiliates.html?programSeriesId=SH03525491&tmsId=SH035254910000
Also, one last thing. This is our 500th post in our news blog. We keep supporting with us, until then.
HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this news report, are not those from the WildBrain (formerly DHX Media, our parent-affiliate news company of Everfree Network & Canterlot Hill) & Allspark Animations (a Hasbro company). Furthermore, the assumptions of this news report will NOT state or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading everypony!
-- OneNETnews Team
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CORRECTION UPDATE #1 (as of June 14th, 2020 at 07:53pm MNL local time): We quickly inspected to the BN_King’s Discord Group via Video Call last night (MNL local time), as told to OneNETnews... Our mother station of Discovery Family, will be a movie rerun of My Little Pony: Rainbow Rocks at 11am EDT / 10am CDT by June 13th, 2020. Treehouse Canada will be taking over (as permanent before the US Airing) starting by June 21st, 2020 at 11am EDT / 11pm MNL / 10am CDT. We’ll get the info via the official E-Mail from the Treehouse website for the confirmation.
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airmanisr · 5 years
Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II fighter jet. by Robert Sullivan Via Flickr: Two Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II fighter jets have successfully landed on board HMS Queen Elizabeth for the first time, laying the foundations for the next 50 years of fixed wing aviation in support of the UK’s Carrier Strike Capability. Royal Navy Commander, Nathan Gray, 41, made history by being the first to land on board HMS Queen Elizabeth, carefully maneuvering his stealth jet onto the thermal coated deck. He was followed by Squadron Leader Andy Edgell, RAF, both of whom are test pilots, operating with the Integrated Test Force (ITF) based at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland. Shortly afterwards, once a deck inspection has been conducted and the all-clear given, Cmdr Gray became the first pilot to take off using the ship’s ski-ramp.
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cm-reiding · 6 years
Hi guys! This is my first criminal minds imagine so sorry if it isn’t the best. It is a Spencer Reid x Reader even though there isn’t much going on between the two.  
I am only on season 6 of the show so no spoilers please
I take requests so please send in some. The characters I prefer to write about are Reid and Morgan. But I will write on any. Thank you!
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You walked from the elevator to the glass doors of the BAU. Since you started working there three years ago the team has been extremely nice to you. You're the youngest agent on the team having graduated at fourteen years old and completed eight years of college ( with a PHD in psychology) now the young age of 25.
"So far there have been three kidnappings, leading to the location of the body within what appears to be twenty four hours of the kidnappings." JJ explains, posting the small amount of evidence along with the photographs of the victims to the board. "Melissa Strong, 20 was reported missing three weeks ago and her body was located shortly after. Karen Todd, 16, found on the bank of a river reported missing three days ago and finally Heaven Loft, 19 was reported missing after not coming home from work last night."
"Are there any similarities in their routines?" Spencer Reid asked
"Not that we know of."
You get up and walk closer to the board, looking closer at the photographs "Look at their eyes, they all have the same Hazel color."
"Could just be a coincidence" Derek Morgan suggests
"Maybe but it is strange, almost like the unsub was going after the particular women."
Since the day you began everything was fast-paced leaving little time to take a breath between solving all of the murders, kidnappings and so on. It seemed like you lived at the office or on the jet to the next location where a crime was.
The minute you stepped into the police station in Baltimore, Maryland you and the team were bombarded with new information about the kidnappings and murders that were happening and every new piece of information found on the way from Virginia.
"All the women he had captured from some kind of school." The sheriff explained "Whether it be for a college or high school."
"In the same district?" Morgan asked.
"No, but spread throughout two counties side-by-side."
"Reid, y/l/n You go to Grover high school, where the second victim was taken and see if you can find anything important. Morgan with Prentiss at the college the second abduction happened."
Everyone split up into different cars and made their way to the last known locations. Upon arriving the principal was standing outside the school talking to a police officer.
"Mr. Harold?" (y/n) asked, walking to the front doors and flashing their credentials. "I am agent (y/l/n) with the behavioral analysis unit. This is Doctor Spencer Reid. May we see some of Ms. Todd's belongings and schedule to possibly get a better understanding of the situation?"
Principal Harold nodded his head before gesturing with his hand to the main office. "Follow me this way."
We walked through the hallways getting a few strange looks from students who didn't know what was happening. We walked into the main office and were handed copies of Karen's schedule.
"She had almost perfect attendance and straight a's."
"Did she leave the school grounds at any time through the day, were any students allowed to?" Reid asked
"They could go off campus during their lunch if they drive themselves."
"Okay, thank you Mr. Harold." We walked outside the school and back into the Chevy. I picked up the phone to call Prentiss to see if there was anything her and Morgan noticed.
"Hey (y/l/n) what do you have?"
"It says on Karen's schedule she took a Psychology class every Tuesday and Wednesday at the high school and the specific teacher also taught a class at the community college in the next county."
"Yea, Melissa took a class at the college on Fridays and Mondays what was the teacher's name?"
"Umm, Arnold Reign."
"That is Melissa's teacher too. Get Garcia on the phone."
"I'm on it." you said, hanging up and dialing Garcia's number
"Hey, sugar pie what you got for me?"
"Can you look up Arnold Reign? He was a teacher at Grover high school and a professor at Melissa Strong's college. They both took psychology classes and had him."
"It looks like he didn't show up for work on the days Melissa and Karen went missing. He also has a record for- oh god"
"What Garcia?"
"It says he was abused as a child and went in and out of juvy for several years for vandalism. He attempted murder of his father when he was 12."
"Where is he at now?"
"His address is 394 pikes turn ave"
"Thanks Garcia."
We called Hotch and Rossi and Morgan and Prentiss to let them know the information we just received and agreed to meet them at Arnold's house.
It was a run-down looking house. As soon as we walked to the door, there was a scream that erupted somewhere inside which cause Morgan to kick in the door. Everyone split up and checked each room.
Upon entering a basement in the back of the house you checked around the door, while opening up the closet to clear the room, a aluminum baseball bat came out of nowhere, hitting you on the side of your head and knocking you out cold.
-Reid's p.o.v-
Morgan and I went downstairs, and I saw (y/n) laying on the ground unconscious to a hidden basement and Arnold there with Heaven Loft holding a knife to her throat.
"Don't do it, Arnold. We know you are doing this because your father hurt you as a child and your mother didn't do anything to stop him." I said to him
"You don't know anything about me. She laughed when I was hit."
"But she isn't here anymore she died remember?"
"She-she did?"
"Yes, Arnold. you have memory loss so you can't really remember it but she did and you're safe now come with us and we will get you help." I said, as Morgan holstered his gun and went up to him as he dropped the knife on the floor.
Once Arnold was handcuffed, I went to (y/n) as she started stirring and coming to.
-(y/n) p.o.v-
You woke with your head pounding, not being able to remember what last happened. I tried sitting up but was met with a hand on my shoulder, trying to get me to stay down.
"Hey, don't move a medic is coming to check you out. You got hit in the head pretty hard." you looked up to see Reid sitting next to you.
The medic came down the stairs and inspected your head, clearig you from a concussion and telling you to get rest and keep icing the knot that would form every few hours.
"Thanks for sitting with me, Spence."
"Any time" He said, helping you up the stairs and out to the cars.
"Hey, everything alright?" Hotch asked
"Just a bump. Nothing too bad." You said, waving it off.
"Well, take the next few days off and rest, you might have some side effects."
You nodded and got into the car on the way to the jet. Man, this team was awesome.
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