#maryland vehicle inspection
hoffmastersautocare · 9 months
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slyandthefamilybook · 6 months
okay because I'm seeing some misinfo, here's the story on the Key Bridge collapse
What was the Key Bridge?
The Francis Scott Key Bridge (also called the Key Bridge, the Beltway Bridge, and the Outer Harbor Crossing) was steel-arch continuous-through-truss bridge spanning the Patapsco River south of the Baltimore Harbor. The bridge took 5 years to build and cost an estimated $145 million ($735 million in today's dollars). The full bridge project (including approaches) was 10.9 miles long, but the stretch over the Patapsco was 1.6 miles long and 4 lanes wide, and comprised a length of I-695, the Baltimore Beltway. It traveled between Hawkins Point and Dundalk, and in addition to the I-895 Harbor Tunnel was the primary way for Marylanders to cross from the Eastern Shore to the West. The bridge carried an estimated 11.5 million vehicles per year. There is a lane for ships to pass under the Key Bridge with enough clearance.
Was it structurally sound?
The bridge received its latest inspection in 2022 and received a 6/9 score, which is considered "fair" by federal standards. There was a concern with one of its columns, which was downgraded from a health index of 77.8 to 65.9, but it is not clear yet if this was one of the columns struck by the ship. In 1980 the bridge was struck by a different cargo ship which destroyed a concrete support structure, but the bridge itself was unharmed. There is as of yet no evidence that the bridge collapsed because of poor condition. Experts say the lesson to be learned is about the size and weight of modern cargo ships, and that the bridge was not to blame. Engineers have noted, however, that the bridge's piers lacked protective devices such as fenders.
What was the ship?
The MV Dali is a container ship flying the Singapore flag. It is owned by Grace Ocean Private Ltd. and operated by Synergy Marine Group Ltd. The ship is currently being chartered by Maersk, a Dutch shipping company. It was built in 2015 by Hyundai. The ship is 980 feet long and 157 feet wide. The ship's gross tonnage (its internal volume) is 95,128 tons (190,256,000 pounds). Its deadweight (the weight of cargo it can carry) is 116,851 tons (233,702,000 pounds). The ship was carrying 3,000 containers. The engine is a MAN-B&W 9S90ME putting out 41,480 kilowatts (55,626 horsepower).
Over its lifetime the Dali has been inspected 27 times, and only 2 faults were ever found. On June 27, 2023 the Dali was held in port in Chile due to an issue with the propulsion system. According to an inspector the pressure gauges on the heating system were "unreadable". The fault was fixed before the ship left port.
The Dali is crewed by 22 Indian nationals including 2 maritime pilots.
What happened?
The Dali arrived at the Port of Baltimore on March 23, 2024. At 12:44 AM on March 26, 2024 the Dali left port, beginning its journey to Colombo, Sri Lanka. At 01:26 AM the ship suffered a "complete blackout" and began to drift out of the shipping lane. It is not yet known what caused the electrical failure. The backup generator did not power the propulsion system. At around 01:26 AM the crew of the Dali sent a mayday distress call to the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) informing them of the loss of power and that a collision with the Key Bridge was possible. The anchors were dropped as an emergency measure to attempt to slow or stop the vessel. At the request of one of the pilots traffic flow over the bridge was immediately halted. Black smoke was seen coming from the Dali, which experts believe was the result of the crew managing to restart the power system to regain some maneuvering capability.
At 01:28 AM the Dali, traveling at 8 knots (considered to be a fast speed) collided with a support strut beneath the Key Bridge's metal truss at the southwest end of the bridge. A Baltimore resident said he heard the collision and that it "felt like an earthquake". Emergency teams began receiving 911 calls at 01:30 AM, and the Baltimore Police Department were alerted at 01:35 AM. One of the officers present radioed that he was going to go onto the bridge to alert the construction crew as soon as a second officer arrived, but the bridge collapsed seconds later.
What was the damage?
The Key Bridge has completely collapsed. The metal truss relies on structural tension from the bridge itself to maintain its rigidity. As soon as one of the support columns was destroyed, the rest of the bridge quickly followed.
The damage to the Dali is reported as minimal. The ship was impaled by the bridge's structure above the waterline, but has maintained watertight integrity. The crew has not reported any water contamination from its 1.8 million gallons of marine fuel. 13 containers carrying potentially hazardous material were damaged, and are being inspected by a team of Coast Guard divers. At least 5 vehicles including 3 passenger cars and a cement mixer were detected underwater, but authorities do not believe they were occupied
Who was hurt?
The crew of the Dali reports no casualties, except one crewmember who was hospitalized for minor injuries. There was a crew of 8 construction workers on the Key Bridge filling in potholes. 2 were immediately pulled from the water by rescue crews, with 1 being rushed to emergency care and the other reporting minor injuries and refusing treatment. The hospitalized worker has since been discharged. 1 of those rescued was Mexican. The remaining 6 remain missing. Of those 6, 2 have been identified:
Miguel Luna from El Salvador
Maynor Yassir Suazo Sandoval from Honduras
Of the remaining 4, 2 are Guatemalan nationals. Neither have been identified, but the Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Ministry has stated that they were a 26-year-old from San Luis, Petén, and a 35-year-old from Camotán, Chiquimula. The other 2 are presumed to be Mexican.
Rescue Efforts
The Coast Guard was immediately deployed for search-and-rescue operations. Military Blackhawk helicopters were seen over the river. Rescue efforts were ended at 07:30 PM on March 26, 2024 due to darkness, fog, and cold temperatures. Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said "Based on the length of time that we've gone in the search, the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature -- at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive". Recovery operations resumed at 07:30 AM on March 27, 2024 with all 6 workers presumed dead.
No divers have yet entered the water underneath the bridge. Supervisory Special Agent Brian Hudson of the FBI's Underwater Search and Evidence Response Team said "the debris field is pretty sizable and I know that’s why they’re hesitant to send divers down because some of the debris is still shifting, the heavy weight of the rocks". The FBI has deployed Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) equipped with cameras and SONAR.
At 05:08 AM on March 26, 2024 Transportation Secretary Pete Buttegiege posted on X (formerly Twitter):
"I’ve spoken with Gov. Moore and Mayor Scott to offer USDOT’s support following the vessel strike and collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge. Rescue efforts remain underway and drivers in the Baltimore area should follow local responder guidance on detours and response."
At 07:30 AM on March 27, 2024 President of the Maryland State Senate Bill Ferguson posted on X (formerly Twitter):
"Over 15,000 in the Balt region rely on daily operations at Port of Baltimore to put food on the table. Today, with Del. @LukeClippinger and colleagues representing Port, we are drafting an emergency bill to provide for income replacement for workers impacted by this travesty."
At around 09:40 AM on March 26, 2024 Maryland Governor Wes Moore and Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott declared a State of Emergency to take effect at 10:30 AM March 26, 2024, and to last 30 days. Baltimore's Emergency Operations Plan was put into effect.
More than 1,000 personnel from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) have been deployed to assist with clearing the debris and rebuilding efforts. President Joe Biden has pledged that the federal government will pay for the entire reconstruction of the bridge.
Jennifer Homendy, the chair of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has recovered the Dali's data recorder, and will be inspecting both the Key Bridge and the Dali to determine the cause of the crash and the collapse. She says the investigation could take up to 2 years to complete.
Was it intentional?
According to William DelBagno, head of the FBI's Baltimore field office: "There is no specific or credible information to suggest there are ties to terrorism in this incident".
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said: "There are no indications this was an intentional act".
At least 3 people have been killed in accidents related to ships operated by Synergy in the past 6 years. In 2018 a person on board a Synergy ship in Australia was killed in an accident relating to the vessel's personnel elevator. In 2019 an officer aboard a Synergy vessel in Singapore fell overboard while performing maintenance. In 2023 at least one sailor was killed when a Synergy ship collided with a dredging ship in the Philippines. In the first two cases safety inspectors noted that proper safety procedures had not been adhered to.
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amplifyme · 2 years
Gimme Shelter
The X-Files. MSR, Angst, UST to RST, Paper Clip. Rating: Mature. WC: 3114. Read on AO3.
Tagging @today-in-fic
They hide out in the woods behind the Strughold mine until the hit squad finally gives up and leaves in a great cloud of dust and skidding tires. A brief conversation follows, and they both agree that going back for the car would be a mistake. Mulder hadn’t stopped moving long enough to count their number when they’d piled out of their black vehicles with rifles in hand, and he figures they might have left one or two assassins behind. They aren’t willing to risk becoming easy pickings just for the convenience of four wheels and a quicker escape. Instead, they hike east until they come to the rural two-lane blacktop that’d brought them to the mine hours earlier.
Luck is on their side, and not long after he sticks his thumb out, an older man in an even more antiquated pickup truck pulls over and waves them into the cab. Mulder takes the middle seat, a lanky, odorous, high-strung wall between Scully and whatever danger the driver might pose. He makes small talk with the guy and surreptitiously hands over his wallet to her. Scully twists and gives the two men her back long enough to hide what she’s doing and soon after whispers the results to him as a tinny Your Cheating Heart floats from the radio speakers, providing more cover for her words.
Between them they have seventy-four dollars and five credit cards they can’t risk using. They are fugitives with one useless badge, no authority, a couple cellphones short of a pair, two guns, and a bad case of shellshock. They’re both out of their minds, albeit temporarily, and neither of them are truly aware of it. At least not on any level that might make a difference.
The old man drops them off in front of a broken down ten-room motel on Route 320A just outside Craiger, Maryland. There’s an open diner a short jog down the road and Mulder heads that way with a twenty in hand while Scully secures a room. He returns with sandwiches and sodas and finds her standing in front of the door of #7, illuminated by a bare bulb above her head, swatting at the moths that flitter around her, drawn there by the light.
“We good?” he asks as she wheels and opens the door. Mulder follows her across the threshold, and she locks and chains them in before flipping the light switch.
“I’m not sure. Let’s see what thirty-five bucks gets us first.”
They stand side by side and inspect the cramped room and its contents, decorated in varying shades of shit-brown: a double bed and single nightstand, the tiny round table and lone chair. A small older model TV sits on a narrow dresser across from the bed.
“You think they have the History Channel?”
Scully chuffs under her breath. “I’m surprised there’s even a TV. Although…” She crosses in front of him and pushes open the door of what is hopefully a usable bathroom. She toggles the wall switch and light bounces off the mirror over the sink and illuminates a swatch of brown carpeting, bisected by wood molding marking the transition between it and the tile of the bathroom floor.
Mulder does a slow inspection of the small perimeter of the room, toeing at the baseboards and checking the corners where the walls meet the ceiling. “No sign of roaches that I can see,” he reports.
“The bathroom is clean,” she announces with relief. “Needs a serious update, but it’s clean.”
Their eyes meet, brows lifting in mirrored expressions. It’s no worse than some of the places they’ve stayed. He’ll take the floor and let Scully have the bed. “Ham and cheese,” he says, lifting the bag in his hand. “I got you wheat bread.”
She crosses in front of him again, this time carelessly swiping her hand down his arm before she settles on the edge of the lonely chair at the table. He empties the bag and divvies up the contents as she studies the toes of her boots.
“What are we going to do, Mulder?”
“I dunno,” he admits. He reaches across the table and yanks the curtains closed. “Eat. Try to get some sleep, maybe. We have to call Skinner at some point.”
“Yes. I need to know about Missy.” The sandwich she’s unwrapping is pushed away. Instead, she picks at the corners of the paper enclosing their straws, gets them free, and then decisively jams them into the lids of the soda cups.
“I’m sorry about your sister, Scully.” He drops on the foot of the bed and scrapes at a smear of drying mud on his jeans with the edge of a thumbnail. When he raises his eyes, hers are already there waiting for him.
“She’s going to be okay, Mulder. She has to be.”
He agrees with a sharp nod, even though he isn’t sure she’s right. He’d done all he could and had made the call as they’d left the Gunman’s. If Albert Hosteen could bring him back from the brink of death, maybe he could do something for Melissa, too.
He takes to his feet and tries to gather his thoughts as he paces the small room. It doesn’t do him any good, and he squeezes his eyes shut as the image of his father, bloody and still on the bathroom floor, comes into focus and he rapidly blinks it away.
“Why was my name on that file first?” he asks the heavy silence. “What did we find in that mine, Scully? And my father… what part did he play in all this?”
“I don’t know, Mulder, and right now I can’t even process the information rationally enough to make any sense of it. I just can’t.”
This is a rare confession from her, and it knocks him even more off-kilter. “Let me call Skinner,” he abruptly offers, moving toward the nightstand and the old-fashioned black dial phone. But she stops him before he gets there.
“No! No, just… In the morning, Mulder. We’ll call him in the morning. We need to… I need to sleep. I’m no good right now. Neither of us are. Let’s just regroup and start over tomorrow.”
He doesn’t know why the pendulum’s swung from the urgent need to know about her sister to firmly declaring she’ll think about it tomorrow, like some modern-day Scarlett O’Hara. But it’s easier to just go with it than question it. Easy is good right now. Easier than thought.
“Okay. We’ll call him in the morning.” He takes another look around the room, his hands spasmodically fisting at his sides and notes their uneaten sandwiches, raises an arm and sniffs himself, glancing at the narrow band of light from the bathroom. He wheels back to her. “What’s the date?”
“What?” She peers up at him, confused.
“The date, Scully. What’s today’s date?” He’s already working open the buttons on his shirt.
“Um, the twenty-fourth.” She glances at her watch. “Very soon to be the twenty-fifth. Why?”
“Almost five days then. I’m good,” he mutters and looks over to find her staring at him. He pulls off the shirt and tosses it to the floor. “I gotta wash off this stink. It’s safe to do it now.”
“Safe?” she echoes. And then her eyes settle on his torso. “Mulder, your shoulder.”
He tucks his chin, trying to see what’s alarmed her. Oh. Of course: the puckered and pink place where she shot him. He’s conscious now of the dull ache and his shoulder lifts in sympathy of her awareness, tucking his arm closer to his body. “It’s okay,” he tells her, but she’s on her feet and standing in front of him before he knows it.
“Let me see,” she urges, laying her hands on him and probing the skin around the healing entry wound. He winces and she whispers a terse apology but keeps poking at him anyway. He’s about to tell her to knock it off when she steps behind him to check the corresponding exit wound high on his back, taking her time doing this, too.
He’s used to it, to Scully doing her doctor thing on him when it’s necessary. Most of the time he doesn’t even think about it. But this time it feels different. The sensation of her hands against him is weightier somehow. Charged, he realizes; like tiny little lightning bolts where she touches him. The words leave him sluggishly: “You do good work, Scully.”
She’s still behind him, lingering there. He wonders what the hell is going on with her but can’t bring himself to ask. And then one palm deliberately smooths down his spine and he can’t help but flex against it. He’s like a cat arching its back in pleasure when it meets a human with an especially adept hand at petting. She is his human, and he’s certain he’s going to come right out of his skin if she keeps this up. He can almost hear the crackling of the sparks arcing between them.
“Scully,” he murmurs when the tips of her fingers briefly slide beneath the waistband of his jeans and her knuckles brush the small of his back. He isn’t certain if her name is a question or a plea. But she’s so close and she’s quivering just the same as him. And then, as if suddenly coming to her senses, the gossamer thread between them snaps as she steps away and shows him her back, crossing her arms protectively over her chest.
“You’re right, Mulder,” she eventually offers. Her words are ragged and breathy. “You definitely need a shower.”
He nods at the back of her head and pushes out the air he’s held too long in his lungs. “Say no more. I’ll get right on it.”
He toes off his boots and makes for the bathroom. He’s soon naked and standing before the showerhead, waiting for the water to get hot enough to do some good. He idly takes himself in hand; he’s half-hard from what’s just happened. It’s not like he’s never thought about fucking her before, because he has. But he’s a pro at gulping down his feelings; adroit at deflecting his desires onto the safer celluloid women who live in his VCR and won’t judge him and find him lacking in some essential way. He doesn’t want to disappoint Scully or chance scaring her off with the depth of his feelings. Because if he does, she might leave him. He knows now that he won’t survive that, not a second time, and especially not if it’s a choice she makes. It’s not worth the risk just to indulge whatever this attraction is that thrums between them.
And yet… And yet he isn’t at all surprised when she steps into the shower behind him as he’s rinsing off a thick lather of soap. She wraps her arms around his waist and presses close, as naked as he is. She turns her face into his back, and he almost doesn’t hear her over the sound of the shower.
“Just this once,” she tells him. “It doesn’t mean anything more than this. It’s just –“
He turns in her arms and shuts her up the only way he knows how. He doesn’t need her rationalizations or excuses. He needs her. And for once, she seems to need him right back.
They’re not long in the shower. They won’t hazard the possibility of damage from a slip or fall, and neither seem to possess the brain power necessary to navigate sex in such a setting. Soon he’s backing her out of the bathroom soaking wet, tongues busy in each other’s mouths, and onto the mattress he quickly strips of its suspect bedspread.
She is a revelation nearly too enormous to comprehend, once he stops long enough to take in full sight of her naked beneath him, grasping at him with a hunger he never expected but which is so very welcome. She’s much smaller out of her clothes, compact and lithe with her marvelous breasts capped by taut strawberry nipples, and her lean, almost boyish hips.
He’s thought about this, too. About the specifics, if they were ever to do this thing. He’s promised himself that he’ll pay attention to everything, he won’t forget a second of it. He’s also imagined moments when time will slow down, and they’ll move through this occasion languidly and with great tenderness. Because he loves her and wants her to know it.
In reality he can’t seem to focus on anything long enough to make it indelible. Scully won’t let him. This is frantic and messy, and she clearly wants to be in charge. He feels like she’s dragging him through a fun house of utter decadence, her heels dug-in against his resistance to rush things. He wants to stop and look around. She wants to do everything all at once. But her everything feels spectacular, and it’s fitting somehow that this is how they come together. So he finally, and with great pleasure, lets her drag him where she may.
There are two things he is certain he will remember for all time, even if the rest of it fades into murky recollection. The first is looking down his body in disbelief as she takes him in her mouth, those juicy wet coral lips wrapped around him and the lascivious sparkle in her eyes as she peers up at him, triumphant. The second is the instant when she lowers that last inch atop him and sheaths him completely inside of her. He’s never felt anything quite like it. And now is when she decides to slow down. Now she studies his face intently as she leisurely rides him, rocking slow and deep. And now is when he decides he can’t abide this tenderness he’d thought he wanted. Now he has to drive things forward. It’s his turn to drag her through the fun house. Because if he doesn’t do it right now, he will surely come apart at the seams. He’s seconds away from losing his fucking mind.
Using his size and strength he effortlessly flips her over and presses her into the mattress. He reaches back and grabs her ankles, bends her nearly in half, and pounds into her as he grips her behind the knees, her heels digging into his collarbones. He doesn’t care that the bullet hole in his left shoulder screams in protest; it only adds another layer of vivid awareness to this extraordinary thing they’re doing. Scully is alive and electric beneath him, scrabbling with sharp nails, her head tossing against the threadbare sheet, grunts of pleasure forced from that perfect, perfect mouth of hers with every thrust of his hips. She drops a hand to her belly and slides it down to where they’re joined and comes not long after, her body drawing tight for endless moments, and he’s there now too, just behind her. He squeezes his eyes tight and relinquishes everything he is right back to her. Eventually he lowers her legs and drops down onto his forearms, burying his face in her neck and gasping for breath.
They’re both sticky with sweat and other assorted bodily fluids and he knows he should move off of her, give them both some air. But when he shifts, her legs come up and wrap high around his thighs, anchoring him to her. He sinks back down, brushing the tangled hair from her face and peppering it with tentative kisses. He’s not sure how much longer his arms can hold him; he’s shaky in the aftermath of their frenzied union. But he’s not going to leave her. This next move will have to be hers.
Mulder lifts his forehead from the curve of her shoulder a few minutes later to check on her, hoping to find her looking as joyous as he feels. In what doesn’t come as a huge surprise, he instead discovers that she’s fallen asleep. He smiles down at her relaxed features and gently eases her legs straight. He rolls away from her and stares up at the water-stained ceiling until his eyelids grow heavy and he lets them slip shut. Maybe if he’s stealthy enough, he can sneak up on sleep and let it have its way with him. But it seems that not even transformative sex with his beloved partner and friend can stave off insomnia, and he’s on his feet less than an hour later. After its short vacation, his mind is spinning again, tumultuous with unanswered questions both recent and very, very new. He manages to ease the sheet and blanket from under Scully’s legs and covers her to the neck. She whimpers softly in her sleep and rolls over on her side. He heads back to the bathroom for a second and far less remarkable shower.
Getting back into his smelly clothes is out of the question tonight. So after Mulder dries off, he wraps himself in the discarded bedspread and switches on the TV, turning the volume dial all the way down. Out goes the overhead light and he settles in the chair, cocooned in scratchy polyester that smells of cheap detergent and cigarette smoke. He watches Scully sleep and wonders what will happen now. If they’re acting at all true to form, they won’t talk about what’s happened here, no matter how monumental it may be. He is too afraid. And Scully… well, he suspects she has her own fears. Not for the first time, he acknowledges that they’re both deeply damaged. But they’re also so very good together. He has a hard time remembering what his life was like before she came into it. He can’t begin to imagine what it would be like without her.
He finishes the job she started earlier and unwraps his sandwich, finally eating his simple dinner. He mindlessly chews bites of ham and cheese and rubs at his gums and the roof of his mouth with a finger, cleaning the places where the sticky white bread latches on, washing it all down with contemplative sips of watered-down Coke.
It’s up to her, he decides. Whatever happens next lies in her hands. He’ll follow her lead in this, as difficult as that might prove to be. He won’t risk losing her. There are very few moments of tonight’s events that he recalls in any real detail, but the ones he does will be neatly tucked away, something secret and unspeakable.  And maybe they’ll be enough to sustain him. Maybe.
“Just this once,” he repeats her edict quietly. And he desperately hopes he can learn to live with that.
I’ve wanted to write this little tale for a very long time, as a sort of companion piece to Apocalyptic Poet, where I posited that Mulder and Scully were occasional lovers and their first time had taken place during the episode Paper Clip. I’m not completely happy with how this turned out, but it is what it is. They can’t all be homeruns.
This fic has no connection to the Rollings Stones song of the same name other than the muse saying, “Yes, this shall be the title. No, I don’t care what you think. Do you want this written or not?” Yeah, she’s still being an uncooperative bitch.
Things the muse tolerated this time: ~ Whatever is in the blend of tea my brother put together for me. It smells lovely and tastes just as good, especially on these chilly afternoons. ~ Homemade split pea soup. No, don’t tell me you don’t like it; you’ve never tasted mine. I am the Soup Queen of the Midwest™ and this stuff will change your life. ~ The playlist my good friend SmallestGrackle compiled for their unfinished ASOIAF fanfic, Kindred. It still transports me to a whole ‘nother level of sensory perception. Congrats on marrying the love of your life earlier this fall! Blessings to you both. ❤️ ~ All my fellow Tumblr dwellers. Thanks for keeping my dash so interesting. ~ Mindy’s edible gummies. The Honey Melon flavor is *chef’s kiss* perfection. ~ David Duchovny’s appearance on the Drew Barrymore Show not long ago. Sometimes I wonder if my decades-long obsession with this man is misguided. But it’s not. He continues to enchant me every single time he opens his mouth. ~ The Holy Trinity: water, wine, coffee.
Till next time…
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copilotsearch · 8 days
6 Great Places To Get Emissions Tests in Baltimore
Vehicle emissions harm the air we breathe and contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, which is a significant component of smog. According to the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (VEIP) in Maryland, residents travel 135 million miles every day, a quantity that grows every year. In an effort to curb air pollution, emissions tests in Baltimore and the rest of the state may help to prevent hazardous chemicals from vehicles by making sure your car is running effectively.
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goldenbuscharter · 4 months
Why Companies Choose Party Bus Rentals for Corporate Trips?
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In today's business world, companies always seek ways to enhance teamwork, recognize employees, and encourage collaboration. A rising trend is utilizing party buses for corporate events in Party Bus Rental Alexandria, VA. In bustling areas like Washington and DC, businesses have found that party buses offer fun, comfort, and a professional atmosphere. These buses aren't just for parties; they're fully equipped to turn a typical corporate trip into an exciting team-building or client-entertaining event. Plus, they're flexible, so they can adjust travel plans on the go to accommodate sudden changes or preferences.
Boosting Team Spirit and Connectivity
The open layout of a party bus facilitates interaction and camaraderie among colleagues. Unlike traditional transport, a Party Bus Washington DC offers an environment where employees can socialize, engage in team-building activities, and connect personally, all while enjoying the city's sights. This relaxed atmosphere is conducive to breaking the ice and encourages a sense of belonging and teamwork that is often missing in office settings. Moreover, the casual atmosphere helps break down levels of authority, encouraging people to talk openly and boosting team morale.
Cost-Effective and Efficient
Opting for a Coach Bus in Washington, DC, is a cost-effective solution for corporate events. It eliminates the need for multiple vehicles, reducing logistical complications and expenses. Additionally, party buses provide a spacious environment where presentations or briefings can be conducted en route, maximizing time and productivity. This setup saves money and turns travel time into an interactive and productive session. It also helps the environment by using fewer vehicles for transportation, which matches the green policies of many modern companies.
Versatility in Events Planning
Whether a quiet retreat or a vibrant team outing, Party Bus Rental Washington DC services offer versatility to match any corporate event's tone and objective. Companies can customize the bus environment to suit their needs, from a mobile conference room with essential tech setups to a festive space with multimedia entertainment systems. This ability to change makes party buses a great option for different work events. They're also flexible with scheduling, so you can book them for a whole day, several days, or just to move between offices.
Safety and Reliability
Safety is paramount in any corporate travel arrangement. Opting for a Coach Bus Rental in Maryland ensures that all passengers are transported safely and comfortably with professional drivers at the wheel. These drivers are well-versed in navigating through busy streets and handling large vehicles, adding reliability and security to corporate travel. Additionally, regular maintenance and inspections ensure that each vehicle meets high safety standards, providing peace of mind for corporate travel planners.
Enhancing Corporate Image
Using a Party Bus Rental in Maryland or elsewhere to transport guests and employees can make a company look good. It shows they care about comfort and value their staff and clients. This can help build better relationships with clients and make employees happier. Also, the fun experiences on party buses can make people talk nicely about the company, making it even more well-known as a great place to work.
Last note
Lastly, party buses offer numerous benefits that go beyond mere transportation. They provide an innovative platform for corporate engagement, team building, and client relations. Golden Bus Charter is great for businesses wanting to impress at corporate events. Their excellent service and fancy features make corporate travel nice. They ensure every trip is not just a trip but a good one. Investing in top-quality transportation like this shows the company's values and how they do things.
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Where Can I Get A Trailer Inspected ? C & C Manufacturing
It's essential to have all necessary documentation, including your trailer's registration and insurance information, when you go for the inspection.If you're specifically looking for a trailer inspection Maryland, you can follow these steps.
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Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): Many DMV offices offer trailer inspections. Check with your local DMV to see if they provide this service and what the requirements are.
Auto Repair Shops: Some auto repair shops provide trailer inspections. Call local shops in your area to inquire about their services and schedule an appointment.
Trailer Dealerships: If you purchased your trailer from a dealership, they may offer inspection services or be able to direct you to a facility that can inspect your trailer.
Truck Stops: Certain truck stops or service centers may offer trailer inspections. These are often convenient for individuals traveling long distances.
State Inspection Stations: In some states, specific inspection stations are designated for trailer inspections. Check with your state's transportation department for information on authorized inspection stations.
Mobile Inspection Services: Some companies specialize in mobile trailer inspections, where they come to your location to inspect the trailer. Search online for such services in your area.
Online Directories: Utilize online directories or search engines to find nearby places that offer trailer inspections. Websites like Yelp, Google Maps, or Yellow Pages can be helpful.
Before scheduling an inspection, be sure to check the specific requirements for trailer inspections in your region. Explore online classifieds or forums related to trailers and repairs. You might find recommendations or reviews from individuals who have had trailer repairs in Maryland.If you have a specific question or inquiry related to C & C Manufacturing, contacting them directly through their official communication channels is often the most reliable method.
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spacenutspod · 9 months
2 Min Read A Look Through Time with NASA’s Lead Photographer for the James Webb Space Telescope This self portrait of Chris Gunn, standing in front of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope from inside the Goddard Space Flight Center cleanroom, was captured November 10, 2016. Credits: NASA/Chris Gunn Nearly two years ago in the early morning hours of Dec. 25, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope successfully took flight from the jungle-encircled ELA-3 launch complex at Europe’s Spaceport near Kourou, French Guiana. Following a successful deployment in space, and the precise alignment of the telescope’s mirrors and instruments, Webb began science operations nearly six months after liftoff. As the two-year anniversary of the launch aboard ESA’s (European Space Agency) Ariane 5 rocket approaches, Webb’s lead photographer Chris Gunn has remastered a selection of his favorite images from his career, including one previously unreleased image.  The opportunity to be the visual spokesperson for a mission of this magnitude was the experience of a lifetime Chris GUNN NASA/GSFC Lead Photographer for Webb Telescope   Since the fall of 2009, Gunn has routinely worked through holidays and weekends, and has spent much of these years on the road, ensuring that the Webb telescope’s progress is visually chronicled and shared with the world. As the various parts and components of Webb began to be assembled and tested throughout the country, Gunn and his camera followed along, capturing the historic development of NASA’s premier space telescope. Though Gunn’s images display the complex nature of the telescope aesthetically, these images also serve as critical engineering bookmarks that the team routinely relied on to document that Webb’s construction was sound before launch.    Following the launch of Webb, Gunn is now chronicling NASA’s next flagship space telescope, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. All images below, credit NASA/Chris Gunn.   On Nov. 6, 2012, engineers and technicians inspected one of the first of Webb’s 18 hexagonal mirrors to arrive at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. NASA/Chris Gunn Inside a clean room at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, on the afternoon of April 25, 2016, the James Webb Space Telescope primary mirrors were uncovered in preparation for installation of its scientific instruments. NASA/Chris Gunn Traveling alongside Webb as it grew and evolved, and to be able to add my signature to each photograph captured, was of course an honor, but also an immense challenge. With each image, I wanted to express the awe that I felt seeing Webb integrated right before my eyes, knowing what it was destined to shed new light on the mysteries of the cosmos. CHRIS GUNN NASA/GSFC Lead Photographer for Webb Telescope NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is shown with one of its two “wings” folded. Each wing holds three of its primary mirror segments. During this operation in the clean room at NASA Goddard, the telescope was also rotated in preparation for the folding back of the other wing. When Webb launched, both wings were stowed in this position, which enabled the mirror to fit into the launch vehicle. This image was captured July 17, 2016. NASA/Chris Gunn Dressed in a clean room suit, NASA photographer Desiree Stover shines a light on the Space Environment Simulator’s integration frame inside the thermal vacuum chamber at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. This image was captured Aug. 29, 2013. On May 19, 2016, inside a massive clean room at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Webb’s Integrated Science Instrument Module was lowered into the Optical Telescope Element. Taken on Nov. 16, 2016, inside NASA Goddard’s largest clean room Webb’s Optical Telescope Element and Integrated Science Instrument Module – together called “OTIS” – are shrouded with a “clean tent” as the team prepared for Webb’s first vibration testing, which took place just outside the clean room. To capture Webb in its true beauty, I employed the use of specialized lighting rigs, often setting up lights early before the start of work. Johnson Space Center’s Chamber A was an especially tough subject to shoot once Webb was inside. It required remote lights that had to be adjusted perfectly before I boarded a boom lift to make the photograph from seven stories up. It was all worth it, everyone’s hard work – just look at how well our starship is performing Chris Gunn NASA/GSFC Lead Photographer for Webb Telescope On June 20, 2017, Webb’s Optical Telescope Element and science instruments were loaded into the historic thermal vacuum testing facility known as “Chamber A” at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. On Sept. 16, 2021, Webb was ready to be shipped to the launch site in French Guiana. Before Webb could be lifted into its shipping container, engineers and technicians at Northrop Grumman in Redondo Beach, California, performed this first horizontal tilt of the fully assembled observatory. This never-before-seen image shows engineers and technicians disassembling ground hardware after completing one of the final lifts of the Webb observatory, before being placed atop ESA’s (European Space Agency) Ariane 5 rocket in French Guiana. This image was taken Nov. 11, 2021. “Liftoff – from a tropical rainforest to the edge of time itself, James Webb begins a voyage back to the birth of the universe.” Arianespace’s Ariane 5 rocket launched with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope aboard, Dec. 25, 2021, from the ELA-3 Launch Zone of Europe’s Spaceport at the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana. The James Webb Space Telescope is the world’s premier space science observatory. Webb is solving mysteries in our solar system, looking beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probing the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners, ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency. Downloads Right click the images in this article to open a version in a new tab/window that can be zoomed or saved. Media Contacts Thaddeus Cesari [email protected], Laura Betz – [email protected], Rob Gutro– [email protected]’s  Goddard Space Flight Center, , Greenbelt, Md. Related Information Webb Observatory More Webb News More Webb Images Webb Mission Page Keep Exploring Related Topics James Webb Space Telescope Webb is the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It studies every phase in the… Stars Galaxies Exoplanets Share Details Last Updated Dec 22, 2023 Editor Stephen Sabia Related Terms Astrophysics Goddard Space Flight Center James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Missions Science & Research
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about-cars · 10 months
What documents do you need to sell a car in Maryland?
Selling a car in Maryland can be a straightforward process, but understanding the necessary paperwork and procedures is crucial for a smooth and legal transaction. Whether you're aiming for a quick sale or seeking the best value, ensuring you have the correct documentation will guarantee a hassle-free experience for both you and the buyer. Required Documents
1. Maryland Certificate of Title: This document is the official proof of ownership and must be signed by both the seller and the buyer on the title's back under the "Assignment of Ownership" section. Print your names legibly and provide the buyer's complete address. If the title is lost or damaged, obtain a duplicate from the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) using form VR-018.
2. Bill of Sale: While not mandatory by law, a bill of sale provides legal protection for both parties. It should include the following information:
Seller's and buyer's names and addresses
Vehicle identification number (VIN)
Year, make, and model of the car
Sale price
Odometer reading
Date of sale
Signatures of both parties
3. Odometer Disclosure Statement: If the vehicle is less than 10 years old, you need to complete and sign this form (VR-038) disclosing the odometer mileage.
4. Emissions Inspection Certificate: Depending on the county where the vehicle is registered, an emissions inspection certificate may be required. Check with your local MVA branch for specific requirements.
5. Release of Liability: This document (form VR-002) allows you to notify the MVA that you are no longer responsible for the vehicle once it is sold.
Additional Documents (Conditional)
1. Notarized Bill of Sale: If the vehicle is less than 7 model years old and the sale price is below the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) book value, a notarized MVA Bill of Sale (form VR-181) is required. Both parties must sign this document in the presence of a notary public.
2. Power of Attorney: If you are selling the car on behalf of someone else, you need to have a valid power of attorney authorizing you to do so.
3. Lien Release: If there is a lien on the car, you will need to obtain a lien release from the lienholder before completing the sale.
Tips for Selling Your Car in Maryland
Gather all necessary documents in advance to ensure a smooth transaction.
Keep copies of all paperwork for your records.
Get the car inspected by a mechanic to identify any potential problems.
Set a realistic asking price based on the car's condition and market value.
Advertise your car online and in local classifieds.
Meet potential buyers in a safe and public place.
Do not release the car until you receive full payment.
Notify the MVA of the sale within 30 days.
By following these guidelines and ensuring you have all the necessary documents, selling your car in Maryland can be a quick and hassle-free process.
In Conclusion
Selling your car in Maryland is straightforward when you have the correct documentation. By preparing all the necessary paperwork and following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth and legal transaction for both you and the buyer.
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Enjoy Seamless Holiday Travel with a Party Bus Rental DC
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Reserve Your Joyful Journey! Experience the Holidays in Style with Our Premier Party Bus DC Rentals. Don't Miss Out – Book Today for Unmatched Celebrations with us.
Enjoy traveling during the holiday season despite the conventional seasonal woes with DC charter buses. Christmas is a time when families and friends come together and celebrate. This celebration often involves travel, and the many obstacles to joyful transportation can take away much of the happiness of the experience. As you prepare to travel with your loved ones for Christmas around DC, party bus DC offer practical solutions for these problems.
Increased Comfort, Less Strife
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When you book service from DC Party Bus Rental, comfort should be your priority. Our vehicles offer recliner seats, a divided area for baggage, and plenty of room for legs and elbows. In addition, we provide onboard water as an option as well as an on-site coordinator to assist with organization. Because you and your companions won’t be cramped or pained, fewer frustrations and arguments will occur, and the joyful spirit of the holiday will prevail.
Stay Safe throughout the Holidays
Even though we keep vehicles that are supremely comfortable, we also make sure that safety is a priority. We dispose of older models regularly as well as preventatively inspecting for potential issues. Each fleet member is comprehensively insured, bonded, and licensed, reflecting a required level of safety and mechanical readiness. We can easily accommodate any size party or style preference, and the level of quality remains high regardless of the choice made. Your travel will be safe in a dependable vehicle driven by a qualified and experienced driver.
Spend the Christmas Travel Period Well
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Our machines are not the only important element of service from a Cheap Limo Service Near Me. Professional drivers who are familiar with the area, pass background and drug tests, and have the experience and training to perform their jobs well will keep your time well and provide safe driving. We will keep your itinerary in mind as we transport your companions during your holiday time off. You will be able to enjoy the ride without distractions while participating in any type of Christmas shenanigans you’d like. Leave the driving, navigation, and parking to our well-trained and vetted professionals.
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To experience beautiful holiday experiences in DC, Maryland Party Bus offers luxurious amenities to keep you comfortable despite the weather, scheduling, and personality conflicts. We value convenient travel, so we have agents ready around the clock to modify your service as needed. Customized travel is something that you’ll not find with many companies offering professional transport. In addition, we offer online booking, short notice availability, and immediate billing for quick and painless reservations. You can spend your holiday ride enjoying one another and the scenery rather than worrying about the practical requirements of travel. Book Your Festive Ride Now! Elevate Your Holidays with Our Exclusive Party Bus Rentals in DC. Secure Your Spot for Unforgettable Celebrations! Call Us Today: (202) 830-0479
Source: https://dcpartyandcharterbusrental.blogspot.com/2023/11/Enjoy-Seamless-Holiday-Travel-with-a-Party-Bus-Rental-DC.html
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Riding in luxury Washington DC Car Service
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Riding in luxury without throwing cash down the tubes is possible. Our readily high end drivers, machines, and customer support mean that even discounted service is still high quality.
Ride Luxuriously While Saving Cash with DC Car Service
Should you think that DC Car Service is beyond your financial scope, reconsider. Regular people are beginning to recognize the practical benefits to a service which is no longer unreasonably expensive. Potential passengers will be shocked to learn of the incredible value and benefit gleaned from our service.
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High Quality and Reasonably Priced
If you assume that a deal on an Airport Car Service DC means the service will be of lesser value, you are mistaken. Our fees are reasonable, but the value gleaned is high. We still hold all of the essential elements required for high quality service as a vital element and deliver them consistently.
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Highly Qualified Drivers
Our drivers are the cream of the crop in the industry. Vetting processes remove substance abusers or former criminals from consideration for employment, and then, we train every employee to have a familiarity with the area, drive with skill and calm, and display a respect for the significance of professional behavior. With a Corporate Car Service DC, your driver will also monitor flight times to make sure that they are at the airport when needed, not when the airport says they are.
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High End Machines
No matter what price you pay, when you request limo service, you expect limo quality. Our entire stock of machines is fully insured, bonded, and licensed, which reflects a rigorous process of inspection, maintenance, and cleaning. We use solely newer models and replace older ones as they age. Moreover, our entire fleet is road ready, so when you make a request for service, it can be ready extremely quickly.
Great Customer Support
Getting a good deal does not indicate that the company doesn’t have to oblige requests. Our customer support team personalizes service and answers questions. We want satisfied customers, and we make it easy with constant availability. Additionally, we make it simple for you to reserve service online, and we invite short notice requests.
Using an elegant limousine isn’t reserved for the rich. Our frequent deals and discounts combined with our reasonable rates mean that you pay less but still receive high quality service. We won’t lessen what you get just because we get less. You can still rely on our professional chauffeurs, high end machines, and full service customer support. Make sure that your expectations meet reality by asking any questions of our always available customer support agents should you still have questions about discounted service.
We Offer Reasonable & Reliable Professional Cars & Limousine services in Washington DC!
Whether your need a Limo or any other high-class & luxury vehicle that is required in Washington D.C. Maryland, or Virginia we’ll choose you up and take you to your location and in style that’s in maintaining your occasion. You tell us when, where, and how much time, and we’ll take you there with a driver that is helpful, beneficial, and an qualified whose experienced about satisfaction and company locations throughout the Washington DC area. Get free quotes or make a reservation today for our reliable & professional limo services. Call us Now at (202) 888–7833
Source: https://dccarserviceandlimoservice.blogspot.com/2023/09/Riding-in-luxury-Washington-DC-Car-Service.html
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wiackcom · 1 year
To reduce air pollution, many areas require regular emissions testing of automobiles to verify they meet air quality standards. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of required emissions and smog checks for personal vehicles - from test procedures to pass/fail standards. What is an Emissions or Smog Check for a Car? An emissions test (also called a smog check or pollution test) measures the levels of certain air pollutants in a vehicle's exhaust. It is typically required periodically to renew a car's registration. Key details on emissions testing: Tests tailpipe emissions as car runs on rollers Checks hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) Oxygen sensors also tested Models 1996 and newer tested via OBD-II scan tool Helps identify vehicles exceeding permitted emissions levels Reducing autos emitting excessive pollutants helps improve overall regional air quality. Why are Vehicle Emissions Tests Required? Testing vehicle emissions is mandated in many geographic areas to comply with clean air regulations. The Clean Air Act authorizes the EPA to set vehicle emissions standards. States are required to implement inspection programs in regions that exceed federal air quality standards for ozone pollution and other contaminants. Counties and states that fail to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone are typically required under the Clean Air Act to implement emissions testing programs, along with other pollution reduction strategies. Currently, over 30 states have some form of mandatory recurrent emissions or smog testing for registration renewal. The EPA estimates these programs yield a 10-15% reduction in volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides emissions overall in adopting areas. What Areas Require Emissions Testing and How Often? States with county or regional emissions inspection programs include: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin Testing frequency varies by state and county: Annual testing - CA, CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, MN, NV, NY, OR, RI, VT, VA Biennial (every 2 years) testing - AZ, DC, GA, IL, IN, MO, NH, NJ, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, UT, WA, WI Areas meeting EPA "attainment" levels can apply to reduce test frequency or eliminate testing requirements after maintaining compliance for a period of time. Contact your local motor vehicle department to confirm the emissions testing requirements and schedule for your county or region. What Does the Emissions Test Check and How is it Performed? The emissions test checks tailpipe exhaust levels of hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Oxygen sensors are also checked. The standard testing procedure: Vehicle driven onto dynamometer (large rollers) Exhaust pipe fitted with equipment to collect emissions samples Engine brought up to operating temperature Dynamometer applies resistance to simulate driving conditions Multiple acceleration, deceleration, and cruise phases HC, CO, NOx, and O2 levels measured continuously Results compared against emissions standards for make/model/year Since 1996, most inspections are done by plugging into your car's OBD-II port to check emissions monitors in the vehicle's computer. Pass or Fail: Emissions Standards Your Car Must Meet For gasoline vehicles, maximum exhaust emissions standards are: Hydrocarbons (HC): 220 parts per million Carbon Monoxide (CO): 4.2% concentration Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx): 540 parts per million Additionally: Oxygen sensor must be present and functioning MIL light must not be illuminated (check eng
ine light) Fuel cap must be properly sealed with no leaks Any check engine lights, faults, or monitors "not ready" may cause an automatic failure. Standards vary by model year and vehicle class. How to Prepare Your Car to Pass Emissions Testing To improve your chances of passing emissions testing: Fix any check engine lights - Diagnose and repair any issues triggering error codes. Replace oxygen sensor - Faulty O2 sensors almost always cause failure. Replace over 100k miles. Tune up engine - Replace air filter, spark plugs, wires. Helps optimize combustion. Tighten gas cap - A loose or missing gas cap will trigger evap monitor failure. Complete drive cycle - Drive through all conditions to set monitors to "ready" status if needed. Check your local requirements - Some areas prohibit testing immediately after clearing codes. Doing proper maintenance and fixing problems that trigger check engine lights before testing gives you the best odds of a pass. How Much Does Emissions Testing Cost? Emissions test fees vary by testing station and state. Average costs range from $15-$35 for the basic test. This fee is sometimes included in your vehicle's registration renewal cost. Most inspection stations accept cash, credit/debit cards, or checks. In some states, waivers may be available if you spend a certain amount on emissions-related repairs and still fail the test. Contact your motor vehicle department for details on emissions test pricing and potential waivers in your area. Locating Nearby Emissions Inspection Stations Most testing stations are privately owned mechanics and repair shops certified by the state to perform mandatory emissions inspections. Options to find a certified emissions testing location nearby: Check your state's motor vehicle department website for station listings. Search online business directories for "emissions testing" stations in your county. Call your local mechanic and repair shops to ask if they do testing. Look for station signs as you drive - many post signs indicating they offer emissions/smog testing. Find stations close to home to make the required testing and potential re-tests as convenient as possible. Limitations and Exemptions from Emissions Testing In some cases, certain vehicles may be exempt from needing periodic emissions testing including: Classic/antique vehicles - Classic car status varies by state, but is typically 25+ years old. Motorcycles and diesel vehicles - Exempt in some states. New vehicles - New cars within first 1-5 years of age may be exempt. Cars driven very few miles - Low mileage waiver available in some states. Areas without I/M programs - Whatever your state does not mandate. Vehicles registered out-of-state - If registering car in a non-testing state. Check with your local vehicle registration office for emissions testing exemptions and limitations that may apply to your specific vehicle type, age or usage. FAQs How often do I need to get an emissions test done? Testing frequency varies by state but is usually either annual or once every 2 years. Check your specific area. Can I pass emissions testing with a check engine light on? No, any error codes triggering your check engine light must be fixed and light cleared prior to emissions testing in order to pass. Where can I find my latest emissions test results report? Testing facilities provide you with your test report. Motor vehicle departments also keep records of test results which you can request. What should you do if your car fails emissions? Begin diagnosis and repairs immediately. Retest as soon as possible before registration expires. Some areas allow repair waivers if you invest enough fixing issues. Are electric cars and hybrids subject to emissions testing? Pure electric vehicles are exempt since they produce no tailpi
pe emissions. Traditional hybrids still require testing in most areas. Completing periodic emissions or smog checks is required by law in many regions. Follow proper maintenance and testing procedures to keep your car in compliance. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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hoffmastersautocare · 9 months
How The Vehicle Inspection Process Works | Hoffmasters Auto Care
Certainly! If you're considering purchasing a used vehicle in Maryland, understanding the Maryland vehicle inspection process is crucial to ensure the vehicle meets safety and emissions standards. Here's what you should know:
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 Seller's Responsibility:
In Maryland, it's typically the seller's responsibility to provide a valid inspection certificate before selling a used vehicle. This certificate ensures that the vehicle has passed the required safety and emissions inspections, and reputable sellers, like Hoffmaster’s Auto Care, often prioritize this step.
Prior to taking the vehicle for inspection, owners should conduct a pre-inspection check to confirm that all vital components such as lights, signals, brakes, and tires are functioning impeccably.
Drive to Inspection Station:
The vehicle owner drives the vehicle to the inspection station at the scheduled time.
Document Verification:
At the inspection station, the owner may need to provide vehicle registration and other relevant documents for verification.
Visual Inspection:
The technician inspects the vehicle's exterior and interior for visible damage, the condition of lights, mirrors, windows, and overall cleanliness.
Emissions Inspection:
In regions where emissions standards are enforced, a test may be conducted to measure the pollutants emitted by the vehicle. This often involves connecting the vehicle to a testing machine that analyzes the exhaust gases.
Functional Tests:
Functional tests are done to confirm that essential components of a vehicle, like brakes, steering, suspension, horn, lights, and signals, are working correctly to maintain safety.
Diagnostic Scan (Modern Vehicles):
In some cases, especially with modern vehicles, a diagnostic scan may be performed to check for any error codes or issues stored in the vehicle's onboard computer.
Emissions Equipment Inspection (if applicable):
For vehicles equipped with emissions control systems, the inspection may involve checking the integrity and functionality of components such as the catalytic converter.
Results and Certification:
After the inspection, the owner receives the results. A passing vehicle is given a sticker confirming compliance, while a failing vehicle is informed of necessary repairs for a re-inspection.
Re-Inspection (if needed):
Understanding the Maryland vehicle inspection process for used cars with the involvement of Hoffmaster’s Auto Care helps you make an informed decision and ensures that the vehicle you're buying complies with safety and emissions standards in the state. Always consult Hoffmaster’s Auto Care or the Maryland MVA for the most up-to-date information.
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sportyconnect · 1 year
To reduce air pollution, many areas require regular emissions testing of automobiles to verify they meet air quality standards. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of required emissions and smog checks for personal vehicles - from test procedures to pass/fail standards. What is an Emissions or Smog Check for a Car? An emissions test (also called a smog check or pollution test) measures the levels of certain air pollutants in a vehicle's exhaust. It is typically required periodically to renew a car's registration. Key details on emissions testing: Tests tailpipe emissions as car runs on rollers Checks hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) Oxygen sensors also tested Models 1996 and newer tested via OBD-II scan tool Helps identify vehicles exceeding permitted emissions levels Reducing autos emitting excessive pollutants helps improve overall regional air quality. Why are Vehicle Emissions Tests Required? Testing vehicle emissions is mandated in many geographic areas to comply with clean air regulations. The Clean Air Act authorizes the EPA to set vehicle emissions standards. States are required to implement inspection programs in regions that exceed federal air quality standards for ozone pollution and other contaminants. Counties and states that fail to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone are typically required under the Clean Air Act to implement emissions testing programs, along with other pollution reduction strategies. Currently, over 30 states have some form of mandatory recurrent emissions or smog testing for registration renewal. The EPA estimates these programs yield a 10-15% reduction in volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides emissions overall in adopting areas. What Areas Require Emissions Testing and How Often? States with county or regional emissions inspection programs include: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin Testing frequency varies by state and county: Annual testing - CA, CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, MN, NV, NY, OR, RI, VT, VA Biennial (every 2 years) testing - AZ, DC, GA, IL, IN, MO, NH, NJ, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, UT, WA, WI Areas meeting EPA "attainment" levels can apply to reduce test frequency or eliminate testing requirements after maintaining compliance for a period of time. Contact your local motor vehicle department to confirm the emissions testing requirements and schedule for your county or region. What Does the Emissions Test Check and How is it Performed? The emissions test checks tailpipe exhaust levels of hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Oxygen sensors are also checked. The standard testing procedure: Vehicle driven onto dynamometer (large rollers) Exhaust pipe fitted with equipment to collect emissions samples Engine brought up to operating temperature Dynamometer applies resistance to simulate driving conditions Multiple acceleration, deceleration, and cruise phases HC, CO, NOx, and O2 levels measured continuously Results compared against emissions standards for make/model/year Since 1996, most inspections are done by plugging into your car's OBD-II port to check emissions monitors in the vehicle's computer. Pass or Fail: Emissions Standards Your Car Must Meet For gasoline vehicles, maximum exhaust emissions standards are: Hydrocarbons (HC): 220 parts per million Carbon Monoxide (CO): 4.2% concentration Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx): 540 parts per million Additionally: Oxygen sensor must be present and functioning MIL light must not be illuminated (check eng
ine light) Fuel cap must be properly sealed with no leaks Any check engine lights, faults, or monitors "not ready" may cause an automatic failure. Standards vary by model year and vehicle class. How to Prepare Your Car to Pass Emissions Testing To improve your chances of passing emissions testing: Fix any check engine lights - Diagnose and repair any issues triggering error codes. Replace oxygen sensor - Faulty O2 sensors almost always cause failure. Replace over 100k miles. Tune up engine - Replace air filter, spark plugs, wires. Helps optimize combustion. Tighten gas cap - A loose or missing gas cap will trigger evap monitor failure. Complete drive cycle - Drive through all conditions to set monitors to "ready" status if needed. Check your local requirements - Some areas prohibit testing immediately after clearing codes. Doing proper maintenance and fixing problems that trigger check engine lights before testing gives you the best odds of a pass. How Much Does Emissions Testing Cost? Emissions test fees vary by testing station and state. Average costs range from $15-$35 for the basic test. This fee is sometimes included in your vehicle's registration renewal cost. Most inspection stations accept cash, credit/debit cards, or checks. In some states, waivers may be available if you spend a certain amount on emissions-related repairs and still fail the test. Contact your motor vehicle department for details on emissions test pricing and potential waivers in your area. Locating Nearby Emissions Inspection Stations Most testing stations are privately owned mechanics and repair shops certified by the state to perform mandatory emissions inspections. Options to find a certified emissions testing location nearby: Check your state's motor vehicle department website for station listings. Search online business directories for "emissions testing" stations in your county. Call your local mechanic and repair shops to ask if they do testing. Look for station signs as you drive - many post signs indicating they offer emissions/smog testing. Find stations close to home to make the required testing and potential re-tests as convenient as possible. Limitations and Exemptions from Emissions Testing In some cases, certain vehicles may be exempt from needing periodic emissions testing including: Classic/antique vehicles - Classic car status varies by state, but is typically 25+ years old. Motorcycles and diesel vehicles - Exempt in some states. New vehicles - New cars within first 1-5 years of age may be exempt. Cars driven very few miles - Low mileage waiver available in some states. Areas without I/M programs - Whatever your state does not mandate. Vehicles registered out-of-state - If registering car in a non-testing state. Check with your local vehicle registration office for emissions testing exemptions and limitations that may apply to your specific vehicle type, age or usage. FAQs How often do I need to get an emissions test done? Testing frequency varies by state but is usually either annual or once every 2 years. Check your specific area. Can I pass emissions testing with a check engine light on? No, any error codes triggering your check engine light must be fixed and light cleared prior to emissions testing in order to pass. Where can I find my latest emissions test results report? Testing facilities provide you with your test report. Motor vehicle departments also keep records of test results which you can request. What should you do if your car fails emissions? Begin diagnosis and repairs immediately. Retest as soon as possible before registration expires. Some areas allow repair waivers if you invest enough fixing issues. Are electric cars and hybrids subject to emissions testing? Pure electric vehicles are exempt since they produce no tailpi
pe emissions. Traditional hybrids still require testing in most areas. Completing periodic emissions or smog checks is required by law in many regions. Follow proper maintenance and testing procedures to keep your car in compliance. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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screaminatrain · 1 year
“Rise and shine, kiddos!” Rain’s scratchy sarcastic morning voice woke the two up, keeping her eyes on the road as she drove through the busy highway at rush hour.
“Urgh. Are we there yet? Or at least close by?” Echo asked groggily, rubbing her eyes.
“Gods, not even close.” Rain shook her head “We are driving from Rhodes Island to Maryland. It’s an approximate seven and a half hours drive.”
“I am going to get motion sickness,” Echo said matter-of-factly, frowning
Rain reached from inside her bag and tossed a pack of Dramamine to Echo, “Should help with motion sickness.” 
Echo took it and sighed, “I’ll just sleep through the hours.” She thanked Rain before looking out the window.
“Excellent way to waste the time,” Moon rolled her eyes “Instead, you can study for the upcoming test for the math class.”
“Yeah. And that’s much more fun than sleeping.” Despite her words, Echo reached inside her bag and extracted her emerald green bullet journal and flipped through her notes.
To fill the empty silence, Rain took out her phone and connected it to Bluetooth. Soft jazz music filled the vehicle, setting a calm ambiance.
Blue Champagne - purple shadows and Blue Champagne
With the echoes that still remain I keep a blue rendezvous
“That stuff has to be from the 1940s.” Moon groaned, looking up from her ochre yellow grid journal
“It is,” Rain hummed along “Blue Champagne by Jimmy Dorsey from 1941.”
“I mean, I understand why you like forties music-” Moon’s hand flew to her month, almost spilling Rain’s secret
“Why?” Echo asked curiously, narrowing her eyes at the two of them. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”
“No, no. Not at all.” Moon tried for a smile, desperately trying to cover her slip-up
Bubbles rise like a fountain before my eyes
And they suddenly crystallize to form a vision of you
“Rain, pull over somewhere. Now.” Moon said suddenly, leaning forward in her seat.
Noticing Moon’s serious tone, Rain nodded and turned for the exit on the highway. After what seemed like one or two minutes, they arrived at the nearest shopping mall. Rain parked the car and turned around, looking at Moon concerningly.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Echo turned to Moon, “Are you hurt?”
“No, but Rain is basically half asleep.” Moon said, scowling at Rain.
No one except Moon had noticed, but visible bags were under Rain’s eyes, and she was yawning every twenty seconds. Every ounce of her was desperately trying to stay awake but her brain kept convincing her that, no, she was not exhausted.
“Take a nap. Moon and I will go for a two or three hour shopping trip while you sleep.” Echo said kindly while Moon nodded
“I love you guys. Now get out of my car.” Was all Rain could manage before turning away, a small smile on her face
All the plans we started, all the songs we sang
Each little dream we knew seem to overtake me like a boomerang
The two chucked, climbing out. For a long time, despite how tired Rain was, she just couldn’t close her eyes. There was a feeling of unsettledness and being alone. In fact, after meeting Moon and Echo, she could not remember a moment when she was left purposely alone by any of those two. 
This is a first The snarky voice in her said
Shut it She told it firmly I’m trying to get some sleep, you inconsiderate idiot
The snarky voice in her head disappeared, only to be replaced by small whispers always lurking in the back of her mind.
What makes you guys think rules don't apply to you? She scolded the whispers sternly 
Everything seemed to go quiet once more, but thoughts kept running in tracks. She paid them no mind, though. After what seemed like an eternity, her eyes fluttered shut, her mind finally at peace.
Blue is the sparkle, gone is the tang;
Each old refrain keeps returning as I remain
“Should I get this?” Moon held up a copper compass for Echo to see, “It’s her birthday in two weeks anyways, and we might not get the opportunity to go shopping again.”
Echo inspected the compass and nodded appreciatively, “Should get two more so the three of us can match.” 
“Goodness gracious me! We should visit other stores before our time is up.” Moon checked her watch, looking at Echo.
The two paid for their items and left the shop. Yet just when they were about to enter another one, a shout made the both of them jump. Two women were wrestling on the floor, yelling furiously at each other. People were beginning to crowd around them, half of the crowd telling them to cut it out, the other half cheering them on.
“Break it up, ladies! Break it up!” The security ran over, pulling the two apart.
“Geez. Let’s leave before one of them decides to tackle us.” Echo shuddered, grabbing Moon’s hand and walking away.
With my memories and Blue Champagne
To toast the dream that was you
“Rain! Sleepyhead! Are you awake?” Echo’s obnoxious voice woke Rain suddenly from her peaceful slumber. 
Not being fully awake yet, Rain instinctively reached up and punched her square in the face. Moon laughed at Echo, who was rubbing her nose.
“Sorry, sorry.” Rain apologized profusely, guilt showing on her face. “Normally when people wake me up like this, it normally means that there’s a battle to be fought.”
A sense of understanding washed over Moon, soon followed by a wave of melancholy. She nodded silently in understanding, making Echo sigh.
“If there’s something going on, will you just tell me already?” She asked, exasperated.
“One day, Sora. One day.” Rain forced a smile, turning away.
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
CBP - Baltimore - Top Spot - Intercepting Stolen Vehicles
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CBP's Baltimore Field Office Takes Nation's Top Spot at Intercepting Stolen Vehicles Being Shipped Overseas BALTIMORE, MD (STL.News) U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in the Baltimore Field Office intercepted 239 stolen vehicles during the fiscal year 2022 (Oct.1, 2021 – Sept. 30, 2022), taking the top spot among all CBP field offices.  The vehicles were valued at nearly $11.5 million. Nationally, CBP recovered 1,235 stolen vehicles during the fiscal year 2022 before they could be exported by sea or driven across the United States land borders. During many of the seizures, CBP officers partnered with special agents from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), who, along with their state and local law enforcement partners on HSI's Border Enforcement Security Task Force (BEST), carried out investigations into the stolen vehicles. The Baltimore Field Office officers seized an additional 73 non-stolen vehicles, which were either unmanifested, possessed fraudulent titles, or violated other export laws.  These vehicles were valued at over $2.8 million. CBP officers routinely inspect imports and exports to ensure that commodities comply with United States laws and safety standards and international conventions.  For outbound vehicles, CBP officers examine vehicle documentation and compare vehicle identification numbers (VIN) against stolen vehicle reports. "Transnational criminal organizations use stolen vehicles as a form of currency to fund their illicit enterprise, so it is incumbent upon Customs and Border Protection officers and our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners to disrupt this illegal trade in stolen vehicles," said Stephen Maloney, Director of Field Operations for CBP's Baltimore Field Office.  "Rigorous import and export examinations remain a critical component to CBP's border security mission, and being the top CBP Field Office at recovering stolen vehicles attests to the expertise of our CBP officers and to our commitment to our enforcement priorities." The Baltimore Field Office covers an area from Trenton, N.J., to Virginia – North Carolina state line and includes New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Vehicles and other conveyances are exported through busy seaports in the Delaware Valley region, Baltimore and Norfolk, Va. The following data points offer insight into the Baltimore Field Office's recovered stolen vehicles during 2022. - The Baltimore Field Office ranked 1st nationally with 239 recovered stolen vehicles.  The vehicles were valued at $11,488,978. - The Area Port of Baltimore ranked #2 nationally with 149 recovered stolen vehicles.  The vehicles were valued at $7,397,916. - The Area Port of Norfolk-Newport News recovered 70 stolen vehicles.  Norfolk ranked 7th among CBP Ports of Entry.  The vehicles were valued at $3,907,667. - The Area Port of Philadelphia and the Port of Wilmington, Del., collectively recovered 20 stolen vehicles.  The vehicles were valued at $183,395. - The Baltimore Field Office recovered an average of 178 stolen vehicles for each of the previous five years (890 total).  This includes 95 recovered stolen vehicles in FY2021, 157 vehicles in FY2020, 246 vehicles in FY2019, and 110 vehicles in FY2018. - 95 percent (225 vehicles) were destined for the West African nations of Benin, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. - The top-5 destination countries were Sierra Leone (49 vehicles), Togo (43), Ghana (35), Nigeria (27), and Liberia (26).  These destinations accounted for 76 percent of recovered stolen vehicles. - 72 percent (172 vehicles) were from model years 2019 through 2022; 43 percent (102 vehicles) were from 2021-2022. - 71 percent (169 vehicles) of recovered stolen vehicles were sport utility vehicles. - The top-5 recovered stolen vehicles were the Land Rover Range Rover (27 vehicles), Toyota 4-Runner (18), Toyota Rav4 (17), BMW X7 (16), and BMW X5 (15). - The most expensive recovered stolen vehicle was a 2022 Bentley Bentayga, valued at $187,600.  CBP officers in Baltimore recovered it before it could be shipped to Togo. - The oldest vehicle was a 1973 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow recovered in Baltimore and destined for Saudi Arabia.  The Silver Shadow was valued at $11,700. - CBP officers in Wilmington seized the only ATV, a 2016 Honda TRX420FM, destined for Costa Rica. CBP's border security mission is led at our nation's Ports of Entry by CBP officers and agriculture specialists from the Office of Field Operations.  CBP screens international travelers and cargo and searches for illicit narcotics, unreported currency, weapons, counterfeit consumer goods, prohibited agriculture, invasive weeds and pests, and other illicit products that could potentially harm the American public, U.S. businesses, and our nation's safety and economic vitality. SOURCE: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Read the full article
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Signs to Tell That Your Truck Needs a Brake Repair
Brakes are a paramount safety gear in any vehicle which has the potential to save you from road accidents in case of emergency. They are one of the most important components of a heavy truck, or for that reason, any vehicle. They say that the engine of a vehicle is the heart of the vehicle as its performance depends on it. But at the same time, the brakes are equally important, because one never really knows when an emergency will strike and the vehicle will have to be stopped. Properly maintaining a vehicle's brakes is essential to the life of yourself and others. There's nothing worse than having your truck break down when it doesn't work. When the brakes don't work, not only does the stopping distance of the vehicle become longer, but it can actually be fatal.
So it would be better to get the brakes repaired from time to time. If not periodically, be sure to have your truck's brakes repaired when they show the following signs:
screeching truck wheels Do you hear a strange screeching sound when you apply the brakes on your truck? This indicates worn brake pads. The braking system is designed to make braking noise when braking. When you hear brake screeching, have your brakes checked immediately by the best heavy vehicle service center in Maryland like Eastline Road Repair. If the brakes are not repaired in time, it can lead to complications, which will burn a huge hole in your pocket.
brake failure Most components of the braking system are easily accessible. If disc brakes are applied, the staff at a good heavy vehicle service station like Eastline Road Repair will be able to tell just by feeling them. You can also check to determine if the brake pads are worn. Inspecting the brake lines or brake hoses is simple.
To open up your brake calipers and remove disc brake rotors for inspection, you'll need the best professional technicians like Eastline Road Repair. If the hydraulic brake lines become clogged, the same specialist will inspect them.
Truck pulled At any point, if you feel that your vehicle has been bulldozed to one side of the road, understand that your truck is in need of brake repair, and immediately visit a reputable truck repair station in Maryland such as Eastline Road Repair. Go. Go. This drag is mostly due to the wheel sticking to the cylinder.
Slow brake response Slow response brakes, or spongy brakes, are a nightmare for truck owners because they hinder the safety of the truck in an emergency. Being on the road doesn't make emergencies completely inevitable. Imagine a situation where your vehicle is not responding to brakes. So, if you don't want to be in a life-or-death situation, visit the best brake repair shop in Maryland, Eastline Road Repair, before your brakes wear out.
Don't wait for your brakes to break down and book your visit in advance to the best brake repair shop in Willards, MD, Eastline Road Repair. Get your vehicle serviced regularly at a professional road repair station in Maryland like Eastline Road Repair and protect yourself from a serious dent in vehicle performance
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