#marzi yaps
mars-ipan · 17 days
someone ask me something about sdr2 (preferably related to either hinata or komaeda or smth) i need to do media analysis about something but have no ideas
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marzipandox · 6 years
Excuse me but is the fucking pokemon Lavender Town song playing over the speakers of my bus???
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mars-ipan · 26 days
talk to me. send me asks or smth. about like anything i just wanna chat
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mars-ipan · 23 days
guys let’s get sillay. send in some asks or smth
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marzipandox · 6 years
Don't forget the most important day of this year. Let's mourn the loss of an anthem.
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marzipandox · 6 years
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Now, I know I don't really post my own stuff, if at all, but this was a piece I really wanted to share. Titled "I Love You So Much It Hurts", this is a self commentary piece on loving as LGBT. I'm quite proud of it, but I don't have much to say personally about the piece, as I'd much rather see what others point out. I hope you enjoy this spooky scary pride piece.
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marzipandox · 7 years
Fine, I'll admit it.
I don't know which one is Popuko OR Pipimi
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marzipandox · 7 years
I took a small power nap earlier today, and ever since i keep thinking its already January 3rd. To be honest, even before the nap i thought it was the 2nd already. But thanks to my nap its 1 am and i cant sleep so it really is the 2nd
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marzipandox · 7 years
My life is dictated by fear and failing to maintain personal hygiene
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marzipandox · 7 years
I just took some very pretty pictures of myself while I was getting my grads pictures done, but I'm afraid of posting them cause im self-conscious, and I dont want a certain someone to see...
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marzipandox · 7 years
I have to write a paper about being epic for my eng lit class so ive decided to write from the headspace of a 12 yo dudebroling who likes minecraft and pewdiepie but i cannot for the life of me get into the headspace to do so
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marzipandox · 7 years
The Witch of The Wilds has been harassing the town of Adlersbrunn for years, but it comes to a head when Fareeha finds herself trapped between a terrible circumstance; let herself fall into the hands of The Witch, or let The Witch destroy her town. But The Witch is not all that she seems either, and Fareeha may just find a horrific past and an ulterior motive under the sweet honey smiles of The Witch.
Now its time for chapter three! The fic begins to expand from here. I’ll be updating it with more chapters tomorrow.
    "Fareeha, we… have been talking about an issue that has come up. And…" Reinhardt sighed and set his face in his hands, unsure how to explain their terrible issue. Fareeha was practically his daughter, having interacted with her all throughout her childhood and teenhood. Even though she was not his true flesh and blood, he thought of her such. How could someone say that they must give away their child? Especially when their child was quite an adult, and was so incredibly strong on their own.
    "The Witch has demanded something terrible of us, and it will affect you the most." He was able to speak, face sullen and voice low. Fareeha went cold across her skin, feeling chilled and fearful even though she hadn't even heard what would come to her. Ana pulled her back into a hug, beginning to sob again. Fareeha held her tight and tried to reassure her that everything would be alright.
"In order to protect this town for good from The Witch, she has asked for you. But, if you refuse, she is going to attack us with everything she has. I am so sorry we have to force this upon you. It is something I wish we never would encounter." Reinhardt tried to apologize to her, truly upset with the situation.
    Fareeha's blood went colder than ice, so incredibly frightened and confused. Why would The Witch ever want her? Why her and not someone else? Why not Reinhardt? But she knew these questions the elders already asked themselves, and wished they knew the answers to as well. "Will- will she just, have me?" She asked, eyes wide as she stared at The King.
    "Yes, but I don’t know what that will mean. I know she doesn’t want you dead, but I don’t know anything more than that. But, I have been planning on how we will get you back. If we attack her when she least expects it, and with you in our midst, we may be able to kill her. It would be incredibly rough on your part, but truly, it is your choice, we can always try to see what we can do if you say no." Reinhardt responded, trying to assure her that his plan would work.
    "…Well, I have to say yes. Even if I can’t get back, I would be protecting everyone from her, and that is good enough for me." Fareeha steeled her nerves, an arm still wrapped around the shoulder of her mother, whom had composed herself during their talk. The three stared at one another, unsure what else to say. Still, the Amari's clung to one another, not yet ready to break apart.
    The days passed too quickly and too slowly for the liking of any of them. For The Witch it was too slow. She got ready too quickly, she was too prepared, and it made her anxious. As for the others, the days didn’t really feel like days. When Fareeha wasn’t training to increase her strength, she spent it with her mother, but rarely in her own house. Slowly they seemed to move into The King's castle, Reinhardt was too eager to make them comfortable, but his eagerness was understandable, for he wanted to keep them happy and in well spirits as much as possible.
    On the night of the 12th the Amari's spent the night together, reminiscing and talking about the sweet memories they had. Fareeha’s headstrong nature, her tenacity, how well she took after her mother. Ana reminisced about Fareeha’s childhood, how the now-adult wanted nothing more than be the knight to save the princess, and still that will shone through. The love the mother and daughter shared was far too strong to be so easily broken and torn apart by such a circumstance, and Fareeha joked lightly that her mother would act in such a protective way if she was getting married. Before they knew it, morning had come, and Ana moved her to get her ready for what she had planned for the day. Ana dolled up her daughter, doing her makeup and setting her in her most comfortable and most flattering clothing. Fareeha was not one to get dolled up, but it felt nice to do even for such a terrible reason.
    When Ana was done, Fareeha looked like a goddess. Her hair was brushed silk smooth and her braids had been redone with new gold beads which hung from her hair like earrings, eyeliner and blush done upon her dark skin. Although it wasn’t all that flashy, she was set in a thin long black dress, which, paired with her lovely olive skin, made her glow. The front of the dress held a decorative clasp of gold which parted her dress into two strips that tied at the base of her neck. Below her left hip the dress split, showing the near entirety of her leg, depending on how she shifted. To finish her outfit, upon her feet sat short black heels. Fareeha felt both too dressed up as well as too underdressed. The situation felt like one where she must wear something fancy, but even though she loved how she looked, she felt like she was going on a date than going into the hands of a sociopathic witch. Ana, tears running down her face, brought her daughter into a tight hug as they made their way to Reinhardt's throne room. Fareeha kept her eyes dry, knowing that if she cried too she'd ruin her makeup, and that would spark a round of more laughter and tears.
    The King was already there waiting for them, smiling softly. The Witch was nowhere to be seen, which was strange, for she was to arrive at any moment. Fareeha half expected The Witch to already be there, to have arrived as soon as she was ready, or probably before then. But no, the air was still and empty, calm and so unlike what she knew the air would be like when The Witch filled it with her presence. The clock ticked slowly, too slowly, signifying The Witch's inevitable arrival.
    It was nearly three when Fareeha thought that, perhaps, The Witch wouldn't arrive at all. But suddenly the entrance of the throne room exploded in white light, blinding the three inhabitants.
    When it receded, there stood the Witch, completely alone.
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marzipandox · 7 years
The Witch of The Wilds has been harassing the town of Adlersbrunn for years, but it comes to a head when Fareeha finds herself trapped between a terrible circumstance; let herself fall into the hands of The Witch, or let The Witch destroy her town. But The Witch is not all that she seems either, and Fareeha may just find a horrific past and an ulterior motive under the sweet honey smiles of The Witch.
Chapter 4 is up! 
    The air, not at all like Fareeha believed, did not change in the slightest. No, it seemed to grow a touch warmer, but not enough to be incredibly noticeable. The three mortals shivered with their fright, staring and poised to attack. But The Witch did not move, only smiled softly, and at the corners of her lips, regrettably.
    The Witch's hands clasped before her, wringing with her hidden anxiousness. She took a few steps forward, towards Fareeha, and held out her left hand for her to take.
    "It is wonderful to finally meet you, Fareeha. Though I'm sure you'd say the opposite." The Witch spoke, smiling softly. Fareeha refused to take her hand, standing frozen in her spot.
    "Not even going to speak to us, Witch?" Reinhardt stepped forward, planning on cutting off her travel towards the youngest woman.
    The Witch gasped softly, setting a hand over her eyes and shaking her head, still smiling away. "Oh yes, my apologies Reinhardt, we still have to speak about this." She redirected her course and stood before the large man, smiling sweetly all the while.
    "So, like we spoke of before. I take Fareeha, and I will never enter your castle or its grounds again. Never, not even if she passes. Deal?" She held out her right hand to be shook, her left at her hip to show him her trustworthiness. But, Reinhardt stilled, looking at the two Amari's with his worry. He didn’t want to make this choice without him, they could still pull out if need be, but they didn’t back down either, so he took The Witch’s hand and shook regrettably. Ana blessedly kept her eyes dry, and Fareeha kept her head high with her pride and honor. The Witch bowed gently, rising again and approaching Fareeha once more.
    "You are looking absolutely lovely Fareeha, I'm honored to finally be in your presence." She held out her hand once more for her to take, only after realizing she wouldn’t relent did Fareeha take it. "Now, I do hope you packed this lovely lady a suitcase, did you not?"
    Reinhardt hadn't thought of such a thing, whipping his head to face Ana, who had stood beside him. She wiped her eyes and nodded, leaving to retrieve it. When she came back, she gave the overflowing case to her daughter, glaring at The Witch every second she could. The Witch didn’t react, too caught up with watching the face of her new charge. Fareeha rarely even glanced at The Witch, her face steely and flat, much like she was trying her hardest not to focus on the other or show her emotions at all. The Witch felt bad, truly, but she wasn’t going to do anything now about it now.
    "Genji darling, would you come here now?" The Witch called into the open air, looking around for the man she called for. Almost immediately a knight approached from one of the side passages, his helm pushed up to show his face. Reinhardt and Fareeha jumped, surprised to see this knight approach. He had worked for Reinhardt for years, and with Fareeha as long as he had been in their ranks. For such a kind boy to be affiliated with The Witch came as a terrible shock for them.
    "You planted a spy among us!?" Reinhardt growled, stepping forward to remove of The Witch himself.
    She only smiled and shook her head. "Oh no, dear King, he is not a spy for me. No, I saved the poor boy's life, something like that always comes with a price you know. He is just repaying his dues." The Witch waved her hand dismissively and walked to the entrance of the throne room once more, pulling Fareeha along with her. While distracted, Genji took her suitcase and followed the two. Before the three stepped out of the room, they disappeared in another flash of light, and then not a trace remained of them.
    When Fareeha could see again, they were out of the castle and in the dense woods, somewhere that Fareeha didn’t recognize. They were posed on a well worn road, one leading further into the woods, and another leading to a lake shore, and then most likely out of the woods. She memorized the area well, before turning back to The Witch.
    "I am sorry we had to meet through such… unpleasurable circumstances. Truly I am." The Witch spoke, her hand over her heart. "It's a short way to my house, and then we can relax and get you situated, yes?" She didn’t wait for Fareeha's response, arm hooked with hers, and began to walk again.
    The trip truly was short, but still Fareeha's feet ached when she could finally see the house. The woods parted and from the treetops rose the little shack. The house was tall and thin, looking like a castle tower that a poor princess would be trapped in. The walls were made of a base of brick, but as they climbed higher, turned to a grey, paling, rosy wood. The door was painted bright yellow, a stark contrast to the rest of the dull building. In the back of the house rose a thin chimney, smoking heavily from the tip. There seemed to be a total of three floors, as well as an attic. The walls were very small in comparison to the huge individually carved windows set into them, but there still seemed to be a lot of wall space. The attic was lit, as well as the bottom floor, but nothing else was lit up. To fight against the old rundown look of the house, practically every available surface was adorned with bright colorful wind chimes or woven structures of some form.
    The Witch walked ahead, drawing keys from her pocket, and opening the front door for her two guests. Fareeha walked in without being prompted, knowing she should do her best to please The Witch, lest she would not be trusted sooner. Fareeha looked about the interior of the house. It was surprisingly large on the inside, with high ceilings and thin stairs and walls covered all the way to the ceiling in framed pictures and paintings and shelves of knick knacks and frivolous items. Right beside the door was The Witch's broomstick, completely unrestrained, just floating there like it was on a broom hook. Fareeha thought about taking it and racing out the door but decided against it. It was Her's, and would most likely obey her over some mortal who had never used one before. The Witch beamed at Fareeha, all too happy to have her in her house and all too happy to finally be home. Genji set down Fareeha's suitcase and left without further word. Fareeha cursed herself for not speaking with him before he left, but she knew he would return to The King and hopefully would be able to tell them how to get to her house, although something told her that also would not be possible.
    "So Fareeha, what would you like to do first? We could have a meal, or perhaps you'd like to unpack in your room? I just set down all new furniture and linen, it’s quite nice now." The Witch smiled sweetly, taking up her suitcase to move it to the stairs. Fareeha did not speak, so displeased by the situation that she was unsure what to say or do. At her silence The Witch frowned, moving to her living room to sit down. It was the area of the house that held the fireplace, as well as two chairs that faced a long coffee table, and a couch on the opposite side.
    "Fareeha, how about we make you more comfortable? I'm sure you have questions for me, yes? I'll answer nearly anything you ask truthfully, and I won’t force you to answer anything I ask as well. Does that sound good?" The Witch smiled at the younger woman, trying her hardest to win her over. Fareeha barely moved from her spot, juggling the opportunity. She knew that all The Witch wanted was to get her to speak, her silence made her uncomfortable, and she was going to do anything she could to remedy it. After a long few moments of contemplating, she nodded and approached, sitting upon the couch, for The Witch took up a seat in one of the plush chairs.
    "… Go ahead Fareeha. Ask anything you wish of me." The Witch prompted, obviously uncomfortable and slightly embarrassed. She seemed to be regretting taking Fareeha, like someone watching an animal die outside of its habitat. Fareeha was wilting, and all The Witch wanted was to see her love look natural and happy.
    Fareeha was completely unsure what to ask, but she was given such an amazing opportunity she would be a fool to waste it. "…What is your name? Your real name."
    The Witch paused, quite surprised by her question. She knew one day she would answer such a question, but everyone was so used to just calling her a witch that it had never truly came up. "Uh- my name is Angela. Angela Ziegler."
    The room fell silent again as the two thought about the information now presented.
    “What were you before you were a witch?” Fareeha wondered out loud.
    “I- I have always been a witch. My parents were, so I am. Although, I wanted to be a doctor first…” Angela wrung her hands gently, thinking over what she had said.
    "Now-… Why did you take me? Why not Reinhardt? Why me?" Fareeha scowled softly, sounding incredibly accusing even though she hadn't actually done so. The question frightened Angela, she had originally planned to answer her if this was asked, but now in the moment she was unsure if she could.
    Angela opened and closed her mouth like a gasping fish, outwardly juggling what she was to say. "I wanted to... you are… It is complicated. You wouldn’t understand if I told you." Was all she could finally get out. She wasn’t tripping over her words, but she was strained, thinking carefully of what she was going to say.
    "I'm what, witch?" Fareeha sneered, leaning forward as her well-contained anger began to spill out.
    "You're- what does it matter!? You are mine now, you're not a woman who can argue about your position any longer. You're just like all of my other servants, except you're one I actually wanted. I'm not even going to force you to work! You'll just be here for my amusement and that’s it! Do not complain, I have given you a life free from any work." Angela argued, standing up to intimidate her.
    "Bullshit!" Fareeha yelled, jumping to her feet and refusing to back down. "You have a reason, tell me! Is this revenge for when my mother shot you? Why not take her then!? Do you want more power? Then     take Reinhardt! Why do I have to suffer?!"
    "You're not supposed to suffer!" Angela cried, her hands balled into fists. If someone were to walk in, she would look furious but pleading, like she was trying to hide some terrible secret from getting out, although no secret was worse than being known as a witch. "Gods- I don’t want you to suffer, I want you to be happy here! I didn’t take you just to make you miserable." She continued, her hands coming up to her eyes. Fareeha stood silent, now incredibly confused. Angela was right, she wouldn’t understand. If she didn’t want her to suffer, then why did she ever take her in the first place?
    "I-… Do not act like the victim here, witch! I'm the one who has been kidnapped, you will always be the bad guy! Do not act like you can cry to gain any pity from me. You are the witch who has been doing wrong for decades! You should've been killed when you were first conceived! Gods, if I could I'd kill you where you stand now!" Fareeha could not longer handle her temper, her face red with her unbridled fury.
    Angela stared, mouth agape and eyes wide. She had been called many things over her life, but no one had ever said something like this to her. Still on her feet, her skin went pale, like she had snapped out of a trance. Slowly, ever so slowly, she stepped forward, closer to Fareeha, staring at the younger woman with expressionless eyes. Fareeha, still hot and blinded by her rage, could not tell if she really was feeling anything besides shock, not that she truly cared. But something stirred in her belly, urging her to back down, that she had done wrong, even though Angela had started it all.
    Raising her head, Angela began to walk to the staircase, pausing as she set her hand on the railing. "…Your room is on the third floor, first door on your left." She spoke softly, and then she was gone, heading up the creaky stairs, and disappearing further into the house. Fareeha was frozen where she stood. Had she really won that argument? Against The Witch? She wondered faintly why she didn’t just do something terrible to her, she had been infuriating and defiant, but no, The Witch had left without even a curse in her direction, which came with much confusion. She always thought that The Witch was some sort of heartless monster, expecting her house to be full of death and decay and those she had captured and was experimenting on, but as she had seen earlier, Angela seemed to have nothing of the sort. She had been so easy to upset, as it had seemed. She struck a nerve, how could that have been so easy? She was supposed to be a heartless monster who would laugh in the face of an upset child, but here, she seemed to crumble just at being cursed at, as if Fareeha's opinion of her meant more than anything else in the world. Still hot-headed and bewildered, Fareeha spun around looking for something to take her fury out on when she spotted the unprotected broom of The Witch. If she could practice, even slightly, perhaps she could escape now and head down the path outside of the house and back to the village. If she encountered anyone, she knew she could convince them to help her, and she bet she could escape. With the opportunity right in front of her she raced to the door and swung it open- unlocked, how much the foolish witch trusted her -and grabbed the broom.
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marzipandox · 7 years
The Witch of The Wilds has been harassing the town of Adlersbrunn for years, but it comes to a head when Fareeha finds herself trapped between a terrible circumstance; let herself fall into the hands of The Witch, or let The Witch destroy her town. But The Witch is not all that she seems either, and Fareeha may just find a horrific past and an ulterior motive under the sweet honey smiles of The Witch.
Chapter 2 is up as well!
    The King sat back in his throne and brooded. This was his mistake, how dare he agree to pawn off the life of a grown woman? But he couldn't take it back now. No, he needed to go through with it. For his kingdom, of his people. One life sacrificed for the good of many? Yes, it was for the best. Slowly, his charges and retinues and guards made their way back into his throne room to see if he was alright, and what they could do now to help him. The King made his way back to his quarters with his head retinue following close behind.
    "Your Majesty? Is there something I can do for you?" The retinue asked, keeping close to his heels. He nearly smacked into The King when he froze up, turning to face his retinue.
    "…Yes. There is… Bring The Alchemist here tomorrow morning. I must speak with her immediately." He grumbled softly, eyes far as he thought. His retinue nodded quickly and ran off to do such, quite frightened by what had happened prior and his king's new attitude. He had never seen the kind, wise, and just king so furious, and it really worried him. The King however went straight into a restless sleep once he arrived in his quarters, knowing there was much else he could do until The Alchemist arrived to speak with him.
    Early in the morning, not even an hour after the sun arose, The Alchemist arrived at Adlersbrunn Castle. She did not know why she was wanted, but she cared for The King, so she made the trip anyway. In the early morning hours she stepped into the throne room, smiling at the old King.
    "Reinhardt! Good to see you old friend. I hope you're doing well, what do you need of me?" The Alchemist's smile only got wider, slowly making her way to The King. She pushed down her hood, revealing her pale hair and single cheery, sparkling eye, adorned with an udjat much like her daughter had.
    "Ana, it is a pleasure to see you." The King couldn’t help the weak smile that rose to his face, even though he had a terrible weight on his shoulders that he would be passing onto her. "I… have something very demanding to ask of you, Ana, but it is for the good of this town if you agree." He groaned as he bent forward and got to his feet, approaching to take her hands in his. The Alchemist stared up at him, surprised and just a touch fearful. Anyone would believe he was about to propose, but she knew better of him, and his words had frightened her.
    The King opened his mouth to speak, before sighing and setting a hand over his eyes. "This does not come easy to me, Ana, I am so very sorry. Last night, I was attacked by The Witch, and she demanded of me something I cannot refuse. In exchange for being left alone for the rest of eternity, she would like your daughter, Fareeha, to be Her's. If I am to say no, she will attack us on the 13th, and kill anyone she can find, whether they are in the castle or not."
    The Alchemist's complexion paled, turning whiter than her hair as she realized the weight of the situation. The Witch of the Wilds, a being of incredible intelligence and power, wanted to kidnap her daughter. She couldn’t think of a single reason why The Witch would want her daughter, but she did, and just the idea sent her heart into her stomach and chilled her blood to icy slush.
    "The Witch has threatened us heavily, and you know her promises cannot be held lightly. If she was to truly attack us, it could be devastating to our town, and she may very well kill us all if her demand is not met. I am so sorry Ana, but it is for the best if we do give her up.
    The Alchemist lowered her head, holding her eye closed in sadness. "I do not really have a choice, do I? When does The Witch want her?"
    "The day of the 13th. That gives you 12 days with her. I would like to make sure she is here the night of the 12th, so The Witch cannot pull out this deal from under us. And for your loss, I would like to move you into my castle, Ana. This is a terrible loss, and one I would like to try and repay the best I can, but of course, that is your choice." The King pulled her closer, holding the draining form of the strong Alchemist to his chest, for fear that her grief would kill her then and there. The Alchemist hugged him back, unable to keep back her tears for the situation, and begun to soak the front of his shirt in her sorrow. The King let her cry all she wanted, knowing that it was a terrible circumstance, and would be one he feared she would not recover from lest he was there to support her.
    "Ana, you still have 12 days. She hasn’t taken her from you yet. Let's get you home, and we can speak with Fareeha about this, and make these days count."
    Since she returned home, the proud little witch could not stop celebrating her win. How glorious it was to finally have the upper hand against The King! She had spent the rest of the night and all morning cleaning her little shack in preparation, daydreaming about the woman who would be hers. The Witch and Fareeha had history, if it was only one-sided.
    The Witch had seen the mortal quite a few times, for she was the chief knight of The King for quite a long time. Her relationship with The Alchemist was as obvious as the day, for The Alchemist made daily visits to The King to spend time with him and her daughter. After she had been so terribly shot by The Alchemist, The Witch vowed to take her daughter away from her. At first it started as revenge, a plan to poison and kill, but after the many days and nights spent staking out and stalking the mortal, she had begun to fall in love with her. From the way she stood to the way she laughed to the way she could only relax amongst her mother and in the comfort of her own room, The Witch was enamored and enthralled, and couldn’t stop her sinful heart from beating with adoration for Fareeha. The Witch was hopelessly enslaved to the mortal, and she didn’t have the slightest clue, which only entrapped The Witch more as she tried to stop such feelings.
    But now the mortal would be all hers and she could finally spend real time with her. She would never be able to get away with that before. Such a well-known face could not pretend to be some normal human no matter what clothes she wore, and Fareeha was trained to kill. As much as she loved the human, she didn’t trust her not to drag her off by her hair and burn her at the stake. But, if she owned her, that would fix any issues. She would be in charge, and the human could do nothing she didn’t want her to. Of course, The Witch didn’t want to be cruel, she understood well what it was like to lose one's family, but still she wanted her. Perhaps with due time she would allow her to go places without her, and Fareeha would understand why she would do such a thing, but before then, the mortal would be all hers.
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marzipandox · 7 years
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She's learning.
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marzipandox · 7 years
The Witch of The Wilds has been harassing the town of Adlersbrunn for years, but it comes to a head when Fareeha finds herself trapped between a terrible circumstance; let herself fall into the hands of The Witch, or let The Witch destroy her town. But The Witch is not all that she seems either, and Fareeha may just find a horrific past and an ulterior motive under the sweet honey smiles of The Witch.
Oh snap, its a Pharmercy halloween fic!! I’m going to post the chapter under the cut as well, but it’d mean a lot if you read the original and its other chapters at the source!
    Overhead, quiet as an owl, soared a woman of extraordinary intelligence. She was a fey individual, a terrible trickster who spent her free time ruining the lives of others in any way she saw fit. Her mouth watered and her eyes stretched wider as she stared into the darkness about her, like she could see through the fog and gloom into the very souls of every living thing that existed below her, all the way down to bugs and beyond. She couldn’t help but let out a delighted squeal, leaning harshly to one side to spin her about on her long, thin broom. With unearthly speed, she zipped above the thick forest below her towards a tall, crumbling castle high upon a cliff. Below her the forest cleared where a lake had formed, and seeing her own reflection below her almost spooked the Witch enough to crash, but she recovered from the shock of seeing her own shape and pulled on her broom to bring herself back up. She continued to make a beeline for the castle before her.
    As she drew closer, she saw something that made her giddier than a child with a new toy: the castle was packed with people, lights shining in every window, and the trail leading up was packed with carriages and carts and groups of people, funneling further into the castle. This was going to be just wonderful! She thought with utter certainty. She slowed her travel, swinging around the back of the stone structure to see if there was some unguarded entrance she could sneak in through. She found a window with no lights in it: just an empty, abandoned room. She wrestled the glass pane in, slid it to the floor, and wiggled in after it, rolling away giggling. Getting up and dusting herself off, she kept the window open, in case she needed to make an escape.
    "Oh, Reaper~!" She called into the darkened guest room. It made sense in her impish mind for her to take it; she was a guest, after all, and had one of her own on the way. The darkness grew and swelled, and before her stood the hunched form of what looked to be a headless horseman, minus a horse. He was tall and strongly-built, and filled the room with light from his well-carved replacement head. The collar to his coat went high along the sides of his head and cast strange shadows upon the wall when he looked about.
    "Gabriel, darling," The Witch purred, clasping her hands and setting them against her cheek in a begging motion. "Will you be so kind as to guard me tonight?” She asked, syrup-sweet, though she knew full well that he could not refuse her. “I don’t want to be interrupted when I step outside to do a touch of work."
    "Fine…" He grumbled softly, turning away from her towards the door, but left opening it to her, out of spite. The Witch saddled her hovering broom and pulled a thick book from her hip, flipping through it leisurely. The Reaper pulled two large shotguns from his coat and leaned against the door, grumbling with his impatience. The Witch sat up suddenly, pleased with what she’d found. Returning the book to her side, she yanked the door open and flew out with incredible speed, squealing giddily as she zipped down the corridor towards the festival halls, huge and bright and decorated. The Witch delighted as what was originally the cheer and chatter of partiers turned into screams of fear and surprise as they noticed her and the Reaper trailing after. She looked below her and saw their shocked faces. Being All Hallow's Eve, they were all dressed up, but not a single one had dared dress up as her. Good choice on their part, she thought. The Reaper had taken the form of unearthly black smoke which swirled and morphed as it slunk behind the speeding witch.
    Wasting no time for fear of his escape, the Witch dove through the doorway of the throne room, coming to a screeching stop before the King, who stared up at her like a man caught stealing. The Witch found his surprise and fear absolutely adorable, and couldn’t help but lick her lips as she soaked it up. How she wished she could have it frozen and hung on her bedroom wall – but this was not the time to lament. No, she was much too busy. The guards that protected the King rushed to get him from the hall to a safer location, but the Reaper quickly took care of them, leaving bloody pools lifeless corpses where they once stood. The civilians still in the room raced out, fearing for their lives. Unprotected and outmatched, the King could do little more than sit there to see what the Witch wanted.
    "Reinhardt~! Long time no see, darling!!" The Witch giggled like a schoolgirl as she stared at him, lying down on her broom before flipping over to hang upside down. The Reaper stood off to the side, his guns drawn threateningly.
    "What do you want, witch?" The King growled, leaning forward in his chair.
    "So rude! To think the only reason I would visit the great king was because I wanted something? I'm truly hurt, Wilhelm!" The Witch set her hands over her heart, pouting at him. She couldn’t keep her serious attitude for long, and couldn't help but laugh as she dropped to her feet.
    "No, you're correct," she purred, sauntering up to the larger man. "All I want from you is my payment! It's All Hallow's Eve, dear King! And I was true to our pact – but you, you haven't even lifted a finger to fulfill your side. You owe me quite a lot of books! Books I know you can’t pull from behind your chair like I know you wish you could. How terrible would it be for your citizens to learn that you're this untrustworthy! That the whole reason they've been safe this past year has not, in fact, been because you're the strong leader they think you are? That it's because you made a pact with a terrible witch?!" She wailed dramatically, collapsing against the arm of his throne. She theatrically set a hand to her forehead, barely containing a giggle. "Oh no, we couldn’t have that, could we~?" She walked her fingers up his arm, fluttering her eyelashes at him, before she pulled herself back up and waltzed away to drape herself over the Reaper.
    "And, as incredibly powerful as I am, my dear Reaper could very well go rogue, having been betrayed like this – he's tied in too, you know – and that'd just be terrible, wouldn’t it? So –" she stood before him again, arms crossed and feet set wide apart. "What shall you do, dear King?"
    The King was visibly conflicted. Frankly, he had no clue what he could offer her; the Witch was a picky woman, and convincing her would not be done easily. "Will you take money? Land? What can I give you?" the King asked, cursing himself for showing his ignorance.
    The Witch grinned wide as she realized what he’d said, eyes shining bright. She nearly drooled with the thought of the opportunity, rising high on her broom. "Oh, dear King, I don’t want money! No, I want something of true, usable value! Perhaps… a life or two~?"
    She landed gracefully again, drawing close with her broom in hand. "Do you remember that one woman you hired? A certain… Alchemist? Yes, the Alchemist. How rude that old bat is! Did she tell you she shot me in the chest? Hurt terribly, too. The only reason she didn’t take me down was that you didn’t give the poor woman iron bullets! Your loss, too." She pouted once more, tracing a nasty little circular scar upon the skin above her heart. "Well, I learned she has a daughter – how wonderful for her, yes? So, all I want from you is her daughter. Bring me the Alchemist's daughter, alive, and all will be forgiven~."
    "What!? That is an impossible demand!" He finally stood, stepping forward to intimidate The Witch but she didn’t move at all from her position.
    "It's difficult yes, but I'm certain you can do it! Besides, if you don’t, it'll go poorly in your favor." She lowered her head, staring at him with hardening eyes.
    "And if I don't?" The King challenged, crossing his arms as he stared The Witch down.
    "Oh, but you will, King. Because if you won't, your knights and dear hailed heroes will not be able to protect you, for I have a weapon I have not yet unleashed upon you, one that no one could stop. So you will do this, or you will die." For the first time, her face went hard and cold, a deep, angry scowl on her face.
    The King wanted to call her bluff, say she was lying, but he had experienced her enough in the past to know The Witch did not lie. “Lying is a sin, and I do not sin.” The Witch would say, as if her mere existence wasn’t a sin. With no other choice, The King agreed. "… Fine, Witch. But if I do this, you will not return to my castle under any circumstances, understood?" The King threatened as much as he could.
    The Witch only sighed and nodded as her face went soft with her smile, knowing well that she had won. "I promise on my life, I will not return to your castle if you pay me this. But, that does not bar me from your town. Know that, dear King.
    "Oh, and one last thing," she hopped back onto her broom, facing away from him to fly her way out of the hall. "I would like The Alchemist's daughter by the 13th. I will visit you that day for her, and if you do not have her, that night I will attack you. Understood? Wonderful. Goodbye King! And good luck!" And without waiting for his response, she took off laughing, knowing she had won this battle and prevented any in the future. The Reaper took off behind her once more as a cloud of smoke, and just like that, the two were gone into the night. This left the poor King to sit alone and ponder how he was to accomplish this terrible task he was forced to complete.
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