artcentron · 2 years
MASB Artist Travel Prize Goes to Two Baltimore Artists
Two Baltimore artists, Elena Volkova and Jackie Milad are the winners of the MASB Artist Travel Prize. They will receive $6,000 to help fund travel essential to their studio practice.
Black-and-white photograph of Anna by Elena Volkova, one of the winners of the MASB Artist Travel Prize Two Baltimore artists, Elena Volkova and Jackie Milad are the winners of the MASB Artist Travel Prize. They will receive $6,000 to help fund travel essential to their studio practice.  BY KAZEEM ADELEKE BALTIMORE, MD – Elena Volkova and Jackie Milad are the winners of this year’s Municipal…
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gayfranzkafka · 9 months
oh is it literally the 50tha n jcersary of MASB
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sluttysaph · 1 year
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camptw1nk · 1 year
fuck man i love masbed potato
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kingofmyhearttv · 7 months
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0may00 · 11 months
Se masbe jarene?
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Carmen Delia Dipiní & Sonora Matancera - No Te Demores ©1955 MASB  MUSICA
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beritapekalongan · 1 year
Dua Granat dan Senjata Bersejarah Ditemukan di Atas Loteng Rumah Warga Pekalongan
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Ditemukan dua granat aktif jenis nanas dan satu senjata api jenis pistol di Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, Kamis (16/2/2023).
Warga Kelurahan Padukuhan Keraton, Kecamatan Pekalongan Utara, Kota Pekalongan, Wilsa Widyaningsih  saat sedang melakukan renovasi rumah dan menemukan senjata-senjata tersebut di atas loteng. 
Selanjutnya, Ibu Wilsa Widyaningsih selaku pemilik rumah yang menemukan granat dan pistol tersebut menghubungi Babinsa Serka Lusis untuk dilaporkan ke Kodim 0710 Pekalongan.
Dandim Kodim 0710 Pekalongan, Letkol Inf Rizki Aditya mengapresiasi keberhasilan Babinsa Serka Lusis dalam merebut hati warga masyarakat sehingga mendapat kepercayaan penuh dari masyarakat dan berhasil menyelesaikan masalah ini. 
Dalam konferensi pers di Makodim 0710 Pekalongan, Jumat (17/2/2023), Letkol Inf Rizki Aditya mengungkapkan bahwa Babinsa Serka Lusis akan diberikan reward sebagai bentuk apresiasi atas keberhasilannya dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini.
Dandim 0710 Pekalongan, Letkol Inf Rizki Aditya juga menjelaskan bahwa dua granat aktif jenis nanas dan satu pistol yang ditemukan tersebut merupakan peninggalan masa perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. 
"Senjata api jenis pistol kaliber 6,35 mm produksi Bayard tahun 1908 dari Belgia, sementara granat aktif jenis nanas diperkirakan juga peninggalan masa perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Namun, tidak ada amunisi yang ditemukan bersama senjata-senjata tersebut,"jelasnya.
Menanggapi penemuan ini, Dandim Kodim 0710 Pekalongan senjata api jenis pistol akan diamankan dan dikirim ke Masbes TNI secara prosedural
“Di Kota Pekalongan baru pertama kali menemukan granat dan pistol.Harapan kita, mari kita ajak masyarakat yang masih menyimpan barang-barang seperti ini, Monggo dilaporkan tidak akan di proses (hukum),” tukas Letkol Inf Rizki Aditya.
Sementara itu, Kapolres Pekalongan Kota, AKBP Wahyu Rohadi, menyampaikan bahwa dua granat yang akan di musnahkan (diaposal) sudah berkoordinasi dengan Batalyon B Pelopor Satbrimob Pekalongan Polda Jawa Tengah.
“Kami rencanakan untuk granat akan kita laksanakan disposal, sementara kita susun administrasi untuk bantuan ke Satbrimob,” kata AKBP Wahyu Rohadi.
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achoo---uu · 1 year
Xd siento que comí muxo y mi cabeza dice nunca masb
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conbastard · 2 years
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Idk https://www.instagram.com/p/ClIE6L-MASb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juanalvess · 2 years
Quem é Victor Lima da Toro Investimentos?
 Victor Guimarães Lisboa Lima (Belo Horizonte, 1 de setembro de 1991) é sócio e analista de investimentos da Toro Investimentos, mais conhecido como Capitão (referência usada em suas lives que significa que o canal do Youtube da instituição é o barco ou ToroBoat, os telespectadores são os marujos e o Victor Lima é o Capitão) ou Victão. Conhecido por conduzir diariamente uma das maiores lives gratuitas sobre análise de ativos do mercado financeiro no canal do YouTube da instituição. Victor entrou na Toro em março de 2018 e hoje além de ocupar o cargo de analista é também sócio da empresa. Sua especialidade está em análise técnica e gráfica, recomendando operações de curto prazo em mercado futuro/mercado financeiro, índice e dólar, como também no mercado à vista, ações. Para conhecer um pouco mais sobre Victor Lima acesse seu instagram e acompanhe seus ensinamentos, @victorglima .
Sua trajetória na Toro começou como Assessor de Investimentos em Março de 2018, momento importante para empresa o qual estava prestes a se tornar oficialmente uma Instituição Financeira. Neste cargo, Victor tinha como responsabilidade orientar os clientes para alocar o patrimônio nos produtos e ativos da Instituição, além de orientar também questões operacionais da plataforma. Em Dezembro do mesmo, foi o mês em que ele migrou da área da Assessoria para área de Análise onde atua até hoje.
Graduado em economia pela instituição IBMEC tendo experiência acadêmica na França na cidade de Estrasburgo onde morou por um ano, estudando gestão financeira no país na faculdade EM Strasbourg Business School. Antes de economia Victor Lima fez curso de Engenharia Civil pela PUC- MG, tendo como experiência um estágio na construtora MASB, trabalhando na área de viabilidade de negócios, onde ajudou nos estudos de novos loteamentos e novas aquisições para a construtora, permaneceu nessa área durante seis meses e depois atuou no campo de obra dentro da área de qualidade, observando e pontuando os serviços feitos.
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leadingincontext · 2 years
No Routine Decisions
By Linda Fisher Thornton As a leadup to a keynote I’m doing for the Michigan Association of School Boards, I was invited to submit a feature article for their fall issue of the MASB LeaderBoard. In the article, “Meeting the Challenge of Ethical Decision Making,” I write about how since the start of the pandemic decision making has become more complex and requires much more intentional decision…
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masbe · 5 years
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#karyamasbambi #doodles #sketches #illustration #2dillustration #masbe #tama #taku #cici #cita #cimoy #tau2 #tahuacitegal #komik #webtoon #karakterunyuunyu #unyu2 #komik #comic #huionkamvasgt221pro #ngomik https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ptxsBAoqE/?igshid=1dccrn0p17wrp
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andy-andromedus · 5 years
he opened the lid and shook his fist and said "whatever happened to my transylvania twist"
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stargazypie · 3 years
every time I try to tag a mash post it's like. masb madh msh nash masj
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candycornskull · 3 years
This au dosnt get out of my head and im so bad at writing things but here are some thoughts :
Gertrud said she was a good dancer in her youth so maybe instead of beeing a chef she was a dancer ! Maybe even an actress like her actress ?
Oswald learning to dance very young becous eits a thing wher ehe could just feel like hes doing something good even though he problably gets bullied for it but what else is new
Cory studied classical piano (i think it was for jazz tho)
Edward maybe working there as part time
Maybe this is even earlier than gotham and they meet in that time
I have no idea what would be compelling as a plot but there could be the ankle thing ? And that special kind of sadness becouse oswald cant do the thing he was good at ?
All that is in my head is maybe they are both early and ed warms up on the piano and oswald warms up with stretches
And both would just go ham and play and both would be flustered they went so far but exilarated becouse both have this understanding of their passions
They start to become friends and talk about classical music and their dreams and their lives
Masbe there us a huge play that they are exited about ! I heard thr swan lake is actually a very hsrd thing so maybe not that ? Or MAYBE. That ?
Oswald gets edward to try and dance wirh him who is very rigid and akward
And edward wants to teach oswald some piano who maybe says he can already play like a pro and does a real awesome " all my little ducklings"
Getrude who is just so proud his baby managed to make such a fine friend
Also a cameo of selina kyle becouse that cat has some MOVES
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