#mashmello sweaters
featherskies · 11 months
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Look who just woke up- is that EMILY KINNEY? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s BETH GREENE from THE WALKING DEAD. I heard she is 22 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off a SOFT SONG AROUND THE FIRE, AN OLD WORN SWEATER, BLOOD STAINED SHAKY HANDS impression. They’re known to be quite KIND, but have a tendency to be NAIVE on their bad days.
Gender/Pronouns : 
cis-female, she/her
How long have they been in Sydney :
beth has been in sydney for two years now, but in her mind has grown up on 
Which suburb do they live in? 
beth currently lives in parramatta
Personality description : 
beth is still extremely shy and soft spoken. both in her real life and in her fake life, she was always spoken over by her siblings and not one to stand out in the crowd. the only place that beth has ever spoken up had been when she was on stage and singing, it was the one place she felt confident even if many people had insisted she was too soft spoken to make it into a music industry. above all, beth cares about people out in the world. she goes out of her way to make sure that people are taken care of, even if it means she can’t always take care of herself. 
Memories of their real life:
beth remembers everything that has happened back in her canon. the last thing that she remembers is her group arriving back at the hospital in order to save her... but not being able. to succeed. she also remembers everything that had happened prior to it. she remembered the group arriving at the farm, and the true horrors that had followed her through the zombie apocalypse including watching her own father be murdered in front of her. 
What was their fake life like : 
tbd after plotting but looking for fake life siblings up to 3 that would have had a relatively close upbringing.
Theme Song
when emma falls in love // taylor swift , yellow // coldplay , cardigan // taylor swift , silence // mashmello & khalid , sweater weather // the neighbourhood , line without a hook // ricky montgomery , scars to your beautiful // alessia cara
“i’ve noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: they hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important and every life matters... they aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once, they’re satisfied with small changes”
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annasakhno · 6 years
The Super Cool Knitted Winter Outfit. The Total Knitted Style, the Chank...
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tragedy-machine · 6 years
Get to know me tag
tagged by @babe-in-red  👍
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Gender: female
Star sign: Scorpio, that’s why I’m so edgy
Height: 177 cm
Time: 12:09
Favorite bands: suddenly i can’t remember any music i like but hmmm pvris, old hollywood undead, i guess?
Favorite solo artists: Jaymes Young, Rihanna, NF, blackbear, Lewis Capaldi, Ruelle (this is very random, but all I can remember now)
Song stuck in my head: Friends by Anne-Marie & Mashmello
Last movie I watched: Phantom Thread
Last tv show I watched: Rewatch of Sense 8
When did I create my blog: probably around 2013, but didn’t actually use it till 2016
What do I post: sheith and memes mostly
Last thing I googled: oscars 2018 time
Do I have other blogs: nah
Do I get asks: no :< but I would love to!
Why did I choose my url: it just came to me a long time ago when I was searching for an instagram handle
Following: 368 (like I said, I started around 2013)
Followers: a little over 1k aww
Favorite colors: black, blue, purple
Average hours of sleep: 6-8
Lucky numbers: 11
Instruments: does drumming on a table count
What am I wearing: black leggings, oversized mustard sweater 
How many blankets I sleep with: one duvet, I’m fine unless it’s really freezing outside
Dream job: animator or if I can go wild astronaut/movie star
Dream trip: Italy with friends
Favorite food: veggie pizza and vanilla ice cream
Nationality: Polish
Favorite song right now: Mothica - Out of it
and I’m gonna tag @jllusive @jaja-han @pining-sheith but feel free to ignore!
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