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"Esprit d'Hiver" mini-série de Cyyril Mennegun - adapté du roman éponyme de Laura Kasischke (2013) - avec Audrey Fleurot, Lily Taïeb, Cédric Kahn et la participation de Corinne Masiero, octobre 2023.
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dagonet · 3 months
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Capitaine Marleau -- S01E05 : En trompe-l'oeil
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dagss · 5 months
Je viens d'aller voir Petites mains c'est vraiment un super film voyez-le bisous
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dirtyriver · 2 years
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Hollywoodland by Michele Masiero and Roberto Baldazzini
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Dino Masiero Sauber (1969-)
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Dino Masiero Sauber nació en la localidad de Venado Tuerto, Argentina. Desde pequeño se interesó por el arte. Posteriormente egresó de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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I'd like to see you when you realize that you need other people.
The Dreamlife of Angels (La vie rêvée des anges), Erick Zonca (1998)
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zonetrente-trois · 1 year
Captain Marleau: First Look (Season 4)
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Dino Masiero Sauber
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storiearcheostorie · 6 months
Venezia, alla scoperta dei graffiti storici di Palazzo Ducale: al via la campagna di ricerca e documentazione di Ca’ Foscari
Venezia, alla scoperta dei graffiti storici di Palazzo Ducale: al via la campagna di ricerca e documentazione di Ca’ Foscari
Redazione Venezia è disseminata di graffiti storici incisi su colonne, portali, pareti di ogni tipo. Si tratta di disegni, simboli, scritte. Rappresentano dediche, citazioni, avvertimenti, insulti, messaggi d’amore, croci, cuori, figure intere, armature, navi e molto altro. Sono iscrizioni che raccontano la storia della città da tanti punti di vista, attraverso decine di migliaia di…
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cassipedia · 6 months
Review of A Cat’s Life
Hey, Cassipedia, what're you watching?
Tucked in the middle of these big, blockbuster movies was a little French film called A Cat’s Life, directed by Guillaume Maidatchevsky. It’s a simple story about a little girl who adopts a kitten she found in her attic and it follows her life up into the cat’s adulthood, during which the girl has to make a tough decision about her cat’s future.
Do you recommend watching it?
This was a cozy movie to watch, but I think it might not be to everyone’s taste. Being originally a French movie dubbed in English, it may take some getting used to situations where a character’s mouth doesn’t match what they’re saying. But once you get past that, it is a film that I think may be best enjoyed by younger audiences, cat lovers and, considering I saw mostly elderly couples in the theater with me, older audiences may enjoy this too.
What's the story like?
This is a movie about growing up in which the cat is a symbol of growing up too fast. Clémence, played by Capucine Sainson-Fabresse, is the little girl that adopts her kitten Lou after realizing that Lou’s mother had gone out for food but hadn’t returned for days. She manages to convince her parents to let her keep Lou, and it becomes apparent throughout the film that her parents love Clémence but have a hard time loving each other. There is no villain here, and, in a funny sort of way, the movie is more about the girl than the cat, whom simply partakes in the standard cat fare of getting up to no good, wandering off where he shouldn’t and searching for food and a cat companion. There are ways where the movie could have tightened up its focus and the first half may be hard to get through, especially as the girl starts out as not being the most responsible cat owner. However, that actually feeds into the rest of the movie, as the cat ends up reflecting her carelessness with her own childhood, desiring to grow up too fast, only to then see how quickly her kitten has turned into a full-grown cat whom may not need her anymore. The heart of this movie is the cottage out in the woods that her family vacations in, and my favorite character of the film is the neighbor to the cottage Madeleine, played by Corinne Masiero, an older woman living on her own as she talks with her humongous dog and has a wry sense of humor. She is brutally honest but has a soft spoke she won’t admit to, and she expresses trusting animals more than people, but she lives off the land and dignifies the animals she hunts by not wasting their meat. Clémence starts out mistrusting Madeleine, but the best part of the film was when Clémence ends up staying for a few days as Madeleine’s house as they tend to a deathly-sick Lou, bonding over loving animals and making art out of the junk that was illegally dumped in the woods, with Madeleine’s art pieces being incredibly similar to the elaborate toy wars back in Clémence’s own home. Though the writing and storytelling may feel simplistic, it’s all akin to a children’s storybook and with a surprisingly powerful message about appreciating youth and accepting when it’s time to let someone go.
What does the movie look like?
Have you ever marveled at the colorful clutter in I Spy books? I loved those books even more when I learned that the artist behind them individually and carefully arranged each piece for his photos. In this movie A Cat’s Life, there is always something visually interesting to look at. The dusty, crowded attic with items that are full of history yet abandoned is the perfect place for newly-orphaned kittens as they sit atop an armchair that is more torn-upholstery than it is a chair. Most of everything is down to the ground, at the cat’s eye level, giving a new perspective what would otherwise be a standard-looking living room. The majority of the movie takes place in the woods, which turns from a bustling green to winter white. My favorite point in the movie was when it settled in Madeleine’s house, for she turns junk that people carelessly dump in the woods into art, and her house is appropriately full of weird and wonderful sculptures of metal pieces and plastic cups formed into a junkyard zoo. Her hilarious sense of humor shows most through the Fox Graveyard being a living space of vicious chickens, whom have an array of knifes tied to the ceiling of their hen house for decoration. What impressed me was that all the moments with the animals were done with practical effects, either using live animals in a scene or using fairly convincing puppets for quick shots that would be difficult for a live anima. Whether or not any of it looks professional is I think irrelevant to how charming it is.
Where can I watch it?
It is currently available in Marcus Theaters, though it may not be around for too long, being a small film amidst so many bigger movies. I’ve heard Fandango is useful for finding local showings as well and the movie is likely to be available for Vudu, Apple, YouTube and Amazon. Being an international release, it may or may not be available in physical copies. It is unlikely to be available for streaming.
Final thoughts?
A Cat’s Life is a movie that caught my eye as a cat lover but I wasn’t sure what to expect. I may have found the first half cheesy, but the rest of the movie was well-worth the trip for me, as it had a genuine children’s storybook in the heart of it with an endearing bond between a little girl and her neighbor along with a sincere message. If you’d like to try something that cozy and fun, then I encourage your curiosity for this film.
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herederosdelkaos · 6 months
Dino Masiero Sauber: Lo onírico envuelve las escenas y el absurdo son los protagonistas
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Dino Masiero Sauber es un artista argentino nacido en Santa Fé. Egresó de la Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, obteniendo títulos en Pintura y Escultura. Ha participado en numerosas exposiciones individuales y colectivas, así como en concursos y salones de arte locales, provinciales, nacionales e internacionales, donde ha recibido premios y menciones. Su obra abarca diversas disciplinas artísticas como dibujo, pintura, escultura, diseño, música y poesía. Además de ser un prolífico artista. Abrir post»
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fnielaubin · 7 months
"La poule aux œufs ne dort que d'un œil" et soutient NUPES.
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dagonet · 4 months
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Capitaine Marleau -- S01E05 : En trompe-l'oeil
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pinknachowitch · 1 year
#renatorascel #laurettamasiero
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Delete History
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Delete History    [trailer]
Three social-media victims declare war on the tech giants.
Another playful satire by Delépine and Kervern, this time mocking online services and how we've become addicted to many of them.
There's playing of virtual boule, delivery by Alimazone, excessive online price comparison, TV series binge watching addiction. Hearing the line "I wrote a letter to Facebook" elicits a sad laughter.
The three leads aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. But you have to be a gullible person in order to fall for some of the scams. Navigating the web without deeply ingrained caution is sadly very risky.
It's at times tragic to watch, but often also very funny.
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Dino Masiero Sauber (1969-)
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Dino Masiero Sauber nació en la localidad de Venado Tuerto, Argentina. Desde pequeño se interesó por el arte. Posteriormente egresó de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
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