natalie-wilhelm · 6 months
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Pop Culture (n.) - A set of practices, beliefs, artistic output and that are dominant and prevalent in a society at a given point in time.
How does MoPop define pop culture?
Pop culture shapes how we see the world, driving the ways we express and define ourselves and forging new communities through the power of shared enthusiasm. So why don’t more institutions take it seriously?
Massive: The Power of Pop Culture will explore the impact of global pop culture on our daily lives across 2,400 sq. ft. of exhibition space, offering visitors the tools to ask their own questions as they deep-dive into their role as creators and consumers of modern pop culture. (Taken from mopop.org)
As of lately pop culture, fandom, and science fiction have been occupying a lot of space in my brain. It seems as though Sci-Fi has been making a bit of a comeback. I sometimes perceive Sci-Fi movies and shows as being a bit undermined compared to the horror genre when it comes to film genre popularity. Americans are more likely to line up for the next slasher film right before Halloween, but when are you supposed to get hyped for sci-fi and fantasy? It would be nice if our culture had designated times of the year that were more centered around these genres, it would help with organizing events and such.
What does pop culture mean to you? What does science fiction mean to you?
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