#mastermind Ishimaru AU
friendlylifecherry · 1 year
Kiyotaka Week Day 3: AU. Mastermind Ishimaru AU. Unedited, mostly
It's rather late in the night and Taka is doing the old, familiar dance of speaking to Izuru inside of his dorm room. It's just that this time, it's through one of the Monokumas instead of with the communicator.
"I really have to say, Kamukura-kun, this was an excellent first day as Monokuma. I'm quite proud of your performance! I was actually pretty worried when you didn't want me to know what you were going to do for Monokuma, but your performance was actually very well-actuated! I’m very proud of you, Kamukura-kun!” Taka says as he changes into his sleep clothes.
Izuru rolls his eyes behind the monitors, mostly focused on putting together the assets for the first Monokuma theater. He knows that Taka is proud of him, it’s nothing at all new for anything that Izuru does. It’s not like Izuru has to bother putting on the act here.
“It’s nothing. So, what do you expect will happen next?” Izuru says as Taka brushes his hair and teeth.
Taka spits out the toothpaste after he’s done thoroughly scrubbing his mouth. “Considering that I know the others quite well, I doubt they will start any sort of murder anytime soon. But this first murder does have to happen within the week.” After all, the news cycle already has a million other things to focus on outside of updates about these children trapped inside of a school with a murderous robot bear, even with a 24-hour live feed. If he wants to keep the attention of the media, he better have it clear that this is not some sick joke by a cultist but the real deal.
Izuru nods as he integrates the background music in the Monokuma Theater. “Motive or do we force the issue?”
Taka weighs his options. Just forcing the issue through some form of blackmail would be easy, but it wouldn’t send the message that he wants to send. No need to make a point about inherent human desperation when the first deaths happened because it was literally forced onto them. On the other hand, someone does have to be dead by the end of the week, and if they wait around, they may genuinely be waiting forever. And Izuru sure is not going to wait forever for his promised entertainment.
“How about this? If a murder doesn’t happen within the next 3 days, you can use one of the motives. If someone doesn’t get murdered after that, then we can start forcing the issue! Would that be acceptable?” Taka asks as he makes his nightly final rounds before he heads to bed.
“Can do!” Monokuma cheerily salutes Taka. Izuru’s working with the audio equipment. You have to make sure that the voice sounds the same in the Theater as it does in the live feed, or at least similar enough. “So, who do you want to bring in for plan B? Maybe your favorite thug?”
Taka turns bright red and chastizes Monokuma. “Mondo is not a thug!”
“So you’re *not* denying that he’s your favorite? I thought that you were supposed to be “impartial and fair”, Ishimaru-kun?” Ugh, Taka can already feel his face get redder and the headache start growing. Why does he even bother with these arguments? He never wins them anyway. Monokuma continues as if Taka didn’t interrupt him. “How about Oogami? She’s big and strong, and pretty much would have to listen to whatever we say if it has something to with our hostages.”
“Oogami-kun is a good choice, but I doubt that the dojo would be good enough collateral.” A centuries-old family dojo is all well and good, incredibly important, and almost a holy ground for Sakura. But the fact that it was burned down in an arsonist’s blaze (unrelated to the Ultimate Despair) about 6 months ago and all the members have been scattered to the winds in the refugee crisis is a bit of a snag on the effectiveness.
“Not that run-down old dojo, dummy! I meant her little boyfriend. Well, little compared to her right now, anyhow.” That actually draws Taka’s attention from organizing his papers.
“I thought that Kenshiro-kun was terminally ill with a severe cancer diagnosis?” Frankly, with the collapse of medical services, he should’ve died a while ago.
“Nope! He’s still kicking somehow! Ain’t the world’s strongest man for nothing, the weirdo! Gwahahahahaha!” Monokuma laughs at his hilarious “joke”. “He’s actually the one we got in custody right now!”
Well, that certainly makes things much easier for everyone. Provable collateral and if there’s anything about Sakura that he knows, she would do literally anything to protect her loved ones. Even kill or die for them.
“Well, that’s perfect! You can contact her as soon as possible, correct? Maybe make some implications that we can keep him alive as well, to really sell it.” Taka wants this to be locked down by the time that he wakes up, after all. "And after that, please get some sleep! A healthy mind and body start with proper rest!"
"Fine, fine. I gotta go now, since she's just done meditating. Buh-bye!" And with that, Monokuma disappears again.
The light on the camera in his dorm room comes back on, Izuru must be focused somewhere else and done with the conversation for the night. Well now, it’s off to dreamland for Taka! He would be a hypocrite if he didn't get his rest now! And with that, he shuts off the lights and drifts off to sleep.
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edgy-senju · 2 months
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I'm afraid I have no excuses for this one gang, enjoy the meal
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nvathuw · 2 months
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posting this to remind everyone that i do draw stuffs other than skibidi brainrot taka
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morangoowada · 2 months
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Ishimondo week 2024 - July 16th Roleswap / Seasons
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nervous-alien · 2 months
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Ishimondo Week 2024
Day 3: Roleswap/Seasons
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mmani-e · 15 days
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And in this week's post for DR: Demix, I'm finally sharing a concept I've had stewing in my head for a while now. A tale of not one, not two, but THREE JUNKOS! Yay!
In DR: Demix, there are 3 Junkos, the reason why is that I wanted Ibuki to have her own little Izuru form, and I thought the perfect equivalent of that was Junko. But to make it work, I needed to retroactively change a lot of stuff, and it was a really fun process ngl. And things got complicated regarding whether or not Junko in DR1 even is Junko at all, so I thought I'd add a little fun tidbit to that too.
"Junko Enoshima" in Demix 1 is Ryoko Otonashi, and the name is just a nickname people gave her in reference to the founder of HP. She takes up the name when Mukuro dies and she goes ballistic, like Mondo becoming Kiyondo.
Junko Enoshima in Demix 2 is the founder of Hope's Peak. An anarchist revolutionary who was granted the opportunity to make a better world and kinda flubbed it because she was a teenager.
The "Junko" Project in Demix 2 is also the hyperactive and insane Mastermind" of the killing game, created in a secret project by disgruntled student geniuses, Ibuki was transformed into a sick reflection of HP's founder and manipulated to becoming a pawn of Taka's... but not really.
Junko 1, the Titleholder - The first Junko is the one we know and love from THH, but that is not her real name. Ryoko Otonashi - the Ultimate Moral Compass - is her real name, and "Junko Enoshima" is just a nickname given to her by the hopeful youth that see her as the successor of the revolutionary woman who founded the school of Hope's Peak itself.
In reality, this "Junko" is no more than an opportunistic teenager, who thinks the name is... weird, at best. Reveling in the popularity and opportunities she's given as the so-called "reborn Junko" to cause chaos, even if beneficial chaos, to every school she is shipped off to after setting the last one ablaze with riots and protest in the name of her vision of a right and just world.
It's not until she experiences an unimaginable loss in the events of Demix 1 that she fully embraces that nickname in a bout of insanity. Swearing to burn the school down to its foundations with everyone inside, promising through running tears that she would accomplish it, any means necessary to avenge her sister.
Junko 2, the Founder - The second Junko is seen in an old busted portrait taken about thirteen years prior to the events of the despair, and she is the revolutionary founder of Hope's Peak. An anarchist leader, she was the first truly identified ultimate. A revolutionary, quite literally, Junko used her incredible talents to bring Imperial Japan to heel in the second world war, starting a prolonged anarchist revolt that would only be quelled when offered to change the system from within, the government granting amnesty, infinite travel funds, and most importantly an institution made in her name where she could support the youth: Hope's Peak Academy.
Ultimately, it was a mistake to take the government's deal, as her efforts to spread revolution worldwide were quashed and Japan restricted her freedoms until she was an old woman who had hardly the energy to walk around the school she founded herself.
Junko 3, the Mastermind - Not forgetting the dream of their founder, many students united clandestinely to discuss the future of their school despite neverending scandals and reports of corruption. With their founder missing, they created a project to rejuvenate the school under a perfect vessel: an ultimate revolutionary of their own. One with every talent under the sun needed to retake the school for themselves.
A council of sixteen students at the head of the project did their best to transform reserve course student "Ibuki Mioda" into their savior... only for her to end up a completely out-of-control maniac.
"Junko" is a hyperactive monster, her only limitation being what her genius mind can come up with. She is constantly in a state of bliss as whatever desire Ibuki once had in that mind of hers was accomplished, even if she doesn't remember who she was anymore. And she lives to revel in that fact, to enjoy her talents now and forevermore, as it is the only thing she has of her old self to cling onto that makes her feel whole.
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venuaveniavenya · 6 months
Yeah, uh.. Hi
it's been a while- But I'm back with mastermind Ishimaru!! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
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xehanortsreport · 2 years
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which path leads to hope? which path leads to despair? for the future of the world, state your argument!
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notsoevilmagistrate · 4 months
The urge to write fanfic of mastermind mondo with a dabble with ishimondo is so STRONG. Think of not only the betrayal, but how Taka is like the antithesis of that damn school and sorta despair(in a way??). Doesn’t wanna be called a genius, wants to think the best of people and assume they’re just as righteous as he is with the same values(I mean…it’s kinda arrogance and naivety…never forget the “murderer raise their hand” idea he had, BUT it’s from a good place!) until they strongly prove otherwise. He has hope, and djfjfjjfjrjrjrjrkjk guys just imagine with me PLEASE how good this can get. Do you SEE my vision?!??!
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0hopelessprince0 · 1 year
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here's my take on @edgy-senju's DTIYS! congrats on 6k!!! they have a really cool art style and design for these two!
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friendlylifecherry · 1 year
Kiyotaka Week Day 1, Fire. Unreleased, unedited excerpt from case fic in Mastermind Ishimaru AU
Makoto knows, at least, what he has to do and lays out the events of the case from the very beginning. The cuplrit had been scared for everyone, worried that there very well may be no way out of the killing game and how they were going to get everyone out of here alive. Then they heard that the headmaster was the one who trapped them into this school from Alter Ego and, somewhat reasonably, made the connection that the headmaster was the one controlling Monokuma and this killing game. So later that night, they went up to the 4th floor and the headmaster’s office to sneak in. They caught Kirigiri-san there and they got into a fight (which explains why the office looks ransacked and all the bloodstains leading up to the music room).
But now the headmaster is unconscious/dead and the culprit has a new problem: even if they haven't killed the headmaster now, they definitely put themself and everyone else at massive risk. If the headmaster wakes up, he’s going to retaliate tenfold, maybe even ten-thousand-fold. That’s what Monokuma does. So the culprit figured out something: they had to kill the headmaster, Monokuma, the *killing game* for good.
They can’t take the victim downstairs, way too many people that can notice between there and the incinerator. So they drag Jin into the music room and makes a makeshift funeral pyre out of the wooden benches. But since they need something to light the blaze and make it hot enough to burn the body to the bones. So they head out and grab accelerants; the teacher’s liquor, the more flammable chemicals from the chem lab, and the oil from the warehouse, along with some matches. The matches could be hidden easily enough in a pocket, but such a big bottle of oil would be almost impossible to hide, so they just held it as they left. That’s when the culprit met Syo on the way out, which likely wasn’t part of the plan at all but at least saved them from her asking about what they were doing, since she thought they were off to “spend time” with Mondo.
The culprit came back to the music room and set up the pyre, using sand from the physics lab to keep the blaze from spreading far beyond what they could extinguish. And with that, they set the pyre for Jin Kirigiri ablaze. When the flames were high, they decided to toss the bloody clothes into the fire, making sure that the evidence was burned to a crisp. But not everything burned properly, with one last piece of fabric being left between Jin’s fingers even after the fire was extinguished. Isn’t that right, Kiyotaka Ishimaru?!
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edgy-senju · 11 months
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More of MM!Mondo being a menace :D
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If Mondo didn't kill Chihiro, then he can be like Prince Charming for Taka. But Takaaki would never let Mondo get close. He'd make SURE that Taka is far away from Mondo or anyone. Prince Charming? Mondo? Please, he wants to laugh. But Monomi says that she thinks Mondo would be a great Prince Charming...they do seem...close.
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poffyfluffnugg3t · 1 year
MM Kiyotaka: I'm the true embodiment of order and discipline. Chaos has no place in my world.
Hifumi: Can someone please shut this guy up?
Celestia: "I'd love to, but I think he's beyond help.
Mondo & Togami: I think it's hot.
Mondo: 👀
Togami: 👀
Mondo: 🪓
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morangoowada · 5 months
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My job was done!
Draw Kiyotaka's mastermind version, please! OwO
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HELLO THERE FRIEND!!! Here's your Mastermind Taka
VOTE MONDO and I'll draw for YOU guys, please let my precious babygirl win 🙏🙏
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olivez12 · 1 year
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Mastermind Kytotaka Ishimaru!
Kyotaka was like my favorite character when i first played Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 2 years ago and i was always making awful edits, and drawings of him😭
i started playing the game again since it’s like my favorite game ever and, woopsies, got back into him lmao
but ye anyways this is his Mastermind AU version!
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