#match making horoscopes
subir-astrologer · 1 year
The native wants to know if he should marry or stay single and focus on his career as per vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 26-10-1991 at 11:05 PM in Hyderabad, Telangana, India and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows mithun lagna / gemini ascendant with ketu in 1st house, venus n Jupiter in 3rd house, sun mercury n mars in 5th house, rahu in 7th house, Saturn in 8th house and moon in 12th house.
The moon is in rohini nakshatra in vrushab rashi / moon in taurus sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter.
In order to learn about marriage of the native as per his horoscope, one need to study the 7th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 7th cuspal sublord is mars and its strongly signifying 4,6 and 11th house as its untenanted in the planet level, rahu signifying 2,6,7 and 10th house in the nakshatra level and mercury strongly signifying 1 and 4th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
Mars is in conjunction with sun signifying 3 and 4th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter and its signifying 2,7 and 10th house in the planet level, venus strongly signifying 3,5 and 12th house as it is in own nakshatra in sublord level and Saturn strongly signifying 7,8 and 9th house as its untenanted in the sub sublord level.
From the analysis I conclude that there is issues promised in the married relationship as per the horoscope. An early marriage is definitely not advisable as late marriage will make a person matured and will / can understand situations and can handle them smartly.
Decision making is purely a personal affair and the native himself only need to make his own decision.
It is advisable to seek guidance from a good astrologer to understand better about oneself for the future.
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astroharish · 2 years
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
Hi! Against your tags as always are delightful!! The fun thought of the Dylan au pair idea with the usntdp boys +Mo and razor are that Mo actually hung out with zebras at the combine I think when he needed friends and didn’t know folk! So it would actually sorta work! It’s a hilarious and wonderful concept!
first of all 🥺🥰😭💕 you’re so nice and second of all OH MY GOD BELOVED ANON hold on,,, getty images don’t fail me now i can’t believe mo & z hung out at the combine i’m going batshit bazonkers i can’t even-
okay update somehow i straight up forgot jack hughes was in this draft year & while i couldn’t find any pictures i do know that mo was super beloved (funny, personable, charming) at the combine, which is super interesting to think about with trevor “fawn response” zegras and i want to put them both in a little glass jar (a lakehouse fic) and shake them up and study them (write unnecessary side interactions in a fic that’s objectively about neither of them)
#ok ok ok i know what i said but the other part of this is that i was at work today & full lightbulb moment out of NOWHERE went#dylan outsider pov of the kids trying to match make him with everyone they set him up with the dnr guy & the hot lake neighbor & the dilf#but it turns out he’s already dating someone (zach??) &i mean. this is the perfect little magnifying glass w/which to study mo/z interaction#NO ❌ WRITE ✍️😤 ONLY!! vivid daydreaming 🤧 have never felt the weight of being roasted by my horoscope so hard#liv in the replies#I’VE NEVER FELT NORMAL ONCE I HAD THIS POSF AND THE OTHER POST IN MY DRAFTS THEN S A W LARKS BEING BABYSITTERLY @ PETRY’S W/COLE#is this manifesting? is that allowed? can i return it &ask for something else? although cole is charming me gradually (it’s nick i love him)#@universe that sign can’t stop me idk how to READ (by which i mean write. or garner fortitude to follow through and/or execute a fic idea)#distilling the essence of Someone down to who they would be when they were ten years old isn’t gonna cause any instances of self-realization#i’m absolutely not having any kind of moment thinking about characteristics to keep for the younger versions of them & what their ‘base’ is#part of the appeal of de-aged fic (not in this context but in like actual ones lol) being that it’s triggered by a stressor/trauma & the#point is that they’re reverting to a version of themself that’s telling them something they need to know a lesson in who they are/their need#for a love/understanding/feeling yourself smaller in a way like you did back then to the point that it manifests physically#but flipping that in a way ig bc this is them (younger in fic) but not De-Aged (that’s not the point here) it’s just coincidentally a vessel#to imagine the interactions of mo/z as de-aged ten year olds as a proxy for their vulnerability at the combine & that one d/z couch poem—#OKAY that’s how i know it’s time to go to bed that’s a. completely different train we are not hopping on right now GOOD NIGHT#i’m so. i’m so. ????????????????????????????? babe ur kids leave for one summer & you’re having empty nest syndrome
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astrolalitkumar · 4 days
Kundli Analysis And Its Importance In Human Life - Get Your Kundali Anaysis Full Report
Kundli Analysis means interpreting a Kundli contains a detailed astrological chart with explanation about the life of native based on his/ her birth details. Kundali analysis can be done by using the date, time, and place of an individual's birth. People in India want to gain the insights into various aspects of a life with the help of Vedic astrology.
Kundli Analysis can be done in steps. The first is Data Collection. In this step the astrologer needs to collect the data like birth date, time, place. In the second step using the above data an astrologer generates the Kundli. They can take the help of kundali analysis software or can do it manually too. Analyzing the ascendant that is also called Lagna is the third step which influences that person’s personality and overall approach to his/her life. The 27 nakshatras in Indian Vedic Astrology and each nakshatra has a ruling deity and specific house or position. If the planets are not well placed in their respective houses can create problems called doshas. Doshas are the malefic combinations that can cause challenges in an individual's life.
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Kundli analysis is a much needed tool to simplify human life in Vedic astrology. It provides a structured approach about the understanding of the individual's life and journey. With the help of an astrologer, analyzing the positions and interactions of celestial bodies as per the birth details any one can know about his/ her life. The position of planets in each house reveals the impact on various areas like job, career, health, love affairs, relationships, etc. Analyzing all these aspects helps the astrologer to understand the interactions, influences of planets and their impact on the individual's life.
Astrologer Lalit Kumar is one of the famous astrologers who offers valuable insights and guidance to help individuals by navigating their lives with greater clarity and purpose. He can suggest astrological remedies like gemstone, powerful mantras or specific rituals to mitigate negative influences and enhance the positive outcomes only. He is well known and famous in not only India but in the outer world too. Whether for career growth, personal growth, making decisions, or understanding about your destiny, Kundli analysis by astrologer Lalit Kumar can be the best choice for you.
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astrolexaa · 5 months
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ommblogs · 10 months
The Timeless Tradition of Kundali Matching for Marriage
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"Unlock cosmic compatibility! Discover the profound significance of Kundali Matching in timeless marriage traditions."
In the intricate tapestry of human relationships, kundali matching emerges as a celestial thread, intricately woven into the fabric of marriage. Steeped in history and mysticism, this age-old practice, also known as kundali milan or kundli milan, delves into the cosmic forces governing our lives, seeking to decipher the potential compatibility between two individuals. Encompassing kundali milan in Hindi and the profound aspects of horoscope matching, it's a journey that blends science, tradition, and the enigmatic dance of celestial bodies.
At the heart of kundali matching lies the concept of gun milan, a process that assesses the alignment of planetary positions in the prospective couple's birth charts. With kundali matching by name being a popular approach, the cosmic choreography takes on a personal touch, as the resonance of names converges to unveil a cosmic connection.
The Cosmic Dance: Exploring Kundali Matching's Foundation
Embraced by cultures worldwide, this art of matchmaking is known by various names – be it kundli milan in Hindi, marriage matching, or kundali making. It's the endeavour to fathom the symphony of energies that two individuals bring into a marriage. The intricate calculations of planetary positions, known as gun milan, reveal the harmony and dissonance, much like musical notes forming a melodious composition.
Horoscope matching for marriage transcends mere astrological calculations. It's akin to deciphering the universal language of energies that the cosmos orchestrates. Just as musicians harmonize their notes for a masterpiece, prospective partners align their cosmic imprints for a harmonious life journey.
 Behind the Scenes: Factors Influencing Kundali Compatibility
Intriguingly, kundali matching by name isn't solely about finding common letters or sounds. It's a tapestry of vibrations and resonance, where each letter carries a numeric weight, contributing to the overall cosmic equation. As names intertwine, they form a pattern, either enhancing the celestial rapport or introducing discordant frequencies. The name isn't just a label; it's an energetic signature that influences the cosmic choreography.
While online kundali matching has modernized the process, it retains the essence of tradition. The digital realm brings convenience, but the cosmic calculus remains unaltered. The algorithms, programmed to replicate the meticulous process of astrological scholars, create virtual constellations from the digits and letters of names, offering a glimpse into the cosmic affinity between partners.
 The Rituals and Process of Kundali Matching
Kundli matching for marriage doesn't stop at planetary positions and name synergies. It delves deeper into the multidimensional aspects that shape human relationships. Traits, tendencies, and temperaments are mapped against the cosmic canvas, revealing potential areas of resonance and those that might demand compromise.
As we explore the depths of cosmic chemistry, we encounter terms like prokerala kundali, a manifestation of the marriage between ancient wisdom and modern technology. The digital tools serve as the compass in the cosmic labyrinth, guiding seekers toward a deeper understanding of themselves and their partners.
 Real-Life Stories: Kundali Matching in Action
While some view kundli matching as a precursor to marriage, it's more akin to an alchemical process. Just as elements merge to create compounds, two individuals merge their lives, dreams, and destinies in kundali matching for marriage. The cosmic blueprint, unveiled through gun milan by name, offers insights into potential challenges and joys. It's not a deterministic path but a guidebook to navigate the cosmic journey of partnership.
As name matching for marriage blends with planetary positions, and the resonance of energies finds its echo, couples embark on a journey together. The cosmic chemistry isn't confined to favorable planetary alignments; it extends to the heart's resonance, shared values, and mutual aspirations.
 The Cultural Significance
In the ever-evolving landscape of human relationships, the ancient art of kundali matching remains a constant. It's a testament to the enduring fascination with the cosmos and its influence on our lives. As we tread the path of cosmic chemistry, we unveil a tapestry that transcends time, language, and culture.
So, whether it's kundali milan in Hindi or any other language, the resonance of energies speaks a universal dialect. The dance of celestial bodies continues, orchestrating not only the movements of planets but the intricate steps of human hearts. In conclusion, cosmic chemistry isn't just about planetary positions and calculations; it's the interplay of energies, a dance of destiny where names, planets, and souls converge. It's an art that marries tradition with technology, revealing glimpses of compatibility and harmony. As we embrace the enigma of kundali matching, we step into the cosmic ballroom, where the stars themselves waltz to the rhythm of love and connection
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saptrishisastro · 1 year
Mastering Marriage Matchmaking: Online Courses for Astrology and Kundali Matching
Marriage is a significant milestone in one’s life, and finding a compatible life partner is a crucial aspect of this journey. Astrology, particularly Vedic astrology, offers valuable insights into marriage compatibility through the practice of kundali matching.
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Astrology for Marriage Compatibility: A Comprehensive Online Course This course is designed for beginners who want to learn astrology specifically for marriage compatibility. It covers the fundamental concepts of astrology, the zodiac signs, planetary positions, and their influence on marital life.
The course provides practical training on how to analyze birth charts, identify compatible matches, and evaluate potential challenges in a marriage. Taught by experienced astrologers, this course equips you with the necessary skills to perform accurate horoscope matching.
Sun Sign Compatibility: In astrology, the sun sign is determined by your date of birth and represents your core personality traits. Matching sun signs between partners are often seen as a positive indicator of compatibility. However, it’s important to remember that sun signs alone do not provide a complete picture of compatibility.
Moon Sign Compatibility: The moon sign is associated with emotions and inner feelings. Comparing the moon signs of partners can provide insights into their emotional compatibility and how they respond to each other’s needs.
Ascendant (Rising) Sign Compatibility: The ascendant sign, or rising sign, represents the way individuals present themselves to the world. Compatibility between ascendant signs can indicate how well partners blend their energies and interact in social settings.
Vedic Astrology Course: Mastering Kundali Matching For those interested in delving deeper into the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology, this comprehensive course focuses specifically on Kundali matching. It explores the intricacies of Vedic astrology, including planetary aspects, nakshatras, and doshas that affect marriage compatibility.
Through detailed case studies and practical exercises, this course teaches you how to interpret and compare birth charts effectively. By the end of the course, you will be proficient in analyzing Kundalis and providing insightful guidance for successful marriages.
The Vedic Astrology course “Mastering Kundali Matching” focuses on the practice of matching birth charts, known as Kundali, for marriage compatibility. It delves into the principles and techniques of Vedic astrology, including analyzing planetary positions, aspects, houses, and doshas (malefic influences).
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to assess the compatibility between potential partners and make informed predictions about their marital lives. It’s important to note that Vedic astrology is a cultural and philosophical system that may not align with scientific principles.
Horoscope Matching for Marriage: Advanced Techniques and Predictive Method This advanced course is designed for individuals with a basic understanding of astrology and Kundali matching. It delves into more intricate techniques and predictive methods used in horoscope matching.
The course covers planetary transits, dasa systems, divisional charts, and other advanced tools to assess marriage compatibility.
Led by renowned experts in the field, this course offers a deep understanding of horoscope matching, empowering you to make accurate predictions and providing valuable insights to couples seeking marital harmony.
Comparing the birth charts of two people in order to determine their compatibility and likelihood of having a happy marriage is known as astrological matching. It is founded on astrological principles, where different elements, including planetary placements, houses, and aspects, are examined.
The method takes into account things like the positions of the moon, sun, and other significant planets in each person’s horoscope. Additionally, it looks at the doshas (malefic effects), astrological signs, and components that the couple share.
Horoscope matching is a common practice in some cultural traditions and beliefs, however, there is no objective evidence to support its usage as a predictor of marriage success.
Summary Learning astrology for marriage compatibility and becoming skilled in Kundali matching requires guidance from experienced experts. Online courses provide an accessible platform for individuals to learn at their own pace and gain expertise in this ancient art.
Whether you’re a beginner or have some knowledge of astrology, the courses mentioned above can equip you with the necessary skills to analyze birth charts, evaluate compatibility factors, and guide individuals toward successful marriages. Embark on this enlightening journey and help others find their perfect life partners through the fascinating world of marriage matchmaking.
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dhwaniastro · 1 year
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amourane · 22 days
love notes in music
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pairing: drummer!theodore nott x rich girl!reader
genre: fluff, modern au
w/c: 1.2k
summary: you always got what you wanted and the extremely hot drummer was no exception.
warnings: none
a/n: i am here to push forward the drummer theo agenda because yes yes and yes
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Trouble was coming. You could feel it in your bones. Maybe it was the extra shot of espresso you had today or the wild predictions in your horoscope, but you definitely sensed something brewing. It didn’t help that Enzo had interrupted your lunch and dragged you back to campus for god knows what reason.
"Enzo if this is another one of your tricks to get me to dance with you it's not going to work. Remember what happened last time?" 
You dug your heels into the grass as your best friend continued to drag you across the field. The campus auditorium came into view and you frowned. There was no reason for you to even be there today so why was Enzo tugging you along like bait?
“Yes Y/n I remember what happened last time.”
"I fractured my ankle and I do not want to wear a cast ever again. I couldn't match the darn thing with any of my clothes." You huffed out a breath at the memory of the ugly accessory that the doctors had insisted on your wearing despite your protests. 
Admittedly you were a bit of a spoiled brat but at least you knew that you were. Going to a normal university was one of your father’s choices. You would have never gone somewhere so shabby on a daily basis. Truth be told on the first day, you were actually planning to ditch and go grab a chai latte. Then you bumped into Enzo accidentally and the two of you seemed to click. 
It was a good friendship. He’d always be able to tell you when you were being a tad bit annoying because of your rich girl behaviour and you’d be able to join him in his multiple activities. One which led to the infamous ankle incident. 
“Don’t worry Y/n, you’ll still be able to wear that Gucci jacket-”
“It was an Armani jacket.”
“Yeah yeah.” Enzo pushed open the door to the auditorium, and you were immediately greeted by the sound of drums pounding heavily. The amplified sound hurt your ears. “Welcome to the band.” 
“Um...Enzo, do I need to remind you of the time when I broke a guitar?” You nervously watched the live band on stage. Technically it wasn’t your fault that the guitar broke. Enzo never did tell you how to properly use it. “And when did you join a band?”
“Please don’t remind me Y/n also I didn’t actually join the band I’m more of a-”
“Hey Enzo!” 
The music stopped. Your head whipped around and your eyes nearly fell out of their sockets at the absolute hunk that had just shouted. His dark hair seemed to glow under the spotlight making him look like some sort of angel. Your mouth ran dry when he waved a drumstick at you. His fingers looked as if they’d been carved out of stone. And his biceps. God his biceps. The guy was ripped. He was a drummer as well. What was more sexy than a drummer?! 
“Hey Theo!” Enzo, your backstabbing friend who knew your weakness for hot boys with dark hair that played the drums, embraced him in a tight hug. “The practice is going well.”
“I know!” 
Good god, his eyes were like beautiful whirlpools of love. The two boys started talking animatedly about something to do with music. There were a few words thrown here and there that you recognised but other than that you stood watching wide-eyed at the conversation in front of you. 
“Who’s the pretty lady?”
Theo turned to face you and seeing his face up close only made you want to kiss him more. He really was gorgeous. You cleared your throat, straightening your skirt. “I’m Y/n, Enzo’s best friend, and you are?”
“Theo.” He offered you his hand, which you shook. Wow, his hands were soft. You were almost jealous. Time to buy new hand cream. “Hey, I’ve heard of you. You’re that girl who nearly broke her foot when dancing.”
Your cheeks flushed. Was this your legacy now? The girl that nearly broke her foot while dancing? How horrible. You would much rather be known for your stunning looks or incredible fashion sense. 
“Actually I twisted my ankle but who’s keeping track?” 
“Y/n isn’t the best dancer or guitarist.” Enzo chimed in. “She’s really good at maths though, she’s my second brain.” He said it as if you were simply another organ in his body, but you let it slide, trying to make a good impression on the drummer boy.
Theo chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, it's good to know Enzo has a brain to rely on."
You giggled at his remark, feeling the tension ease a bit. "Yeah, he needs all the help he can get."
"Hey!" Enzo protested, a small pout forming. "I'll have you know I'm quite capable on my own."
"Sure you are." You teased, nudging him playfully. Then, turning back to Theo, you asked, "So, what kind of music do you guys play?"
Theo's face lit up with enthusiasm. "We're a rock band, mostly. Some original stuff, a few covers. We're actually looking for a new guitarist. Interested?" He winked, clearly joking.
You shook your head, laughing. "After what happened last time? I think I'll pass. I'm more of an appreciator of talent than a participant. But I might be persuaded to attend a private concert."
Theo laughed, a rich, warm sound that made your heart flutter. "A private concert, huh? I think we can arrange that."
Enzo rolled his eyes. "Oh boy, here we go."
Ignoring Enzo, you leaned a bit closer to Theo, your voice dropping to a playful whisper. "So, Theo, do you always look this good while playing the drums, or is today a special occasion?"
Theo raised an eyebrow, his smile turning into a smirk. "I guess you'll have to come to more practices to find out."
You gave him a once-over, pretending to think it over. "Maybe. I do have a very busy schedule, you know.”
“Sounds like a yes to me. We’ve got a gig this weekend, free up some space in that glamorous life of yours and come.
You tried your best to conceal your excitement at the fact you had just scored yourself a date with a very hot drummer. Forget about trouble today was definitely the best day of your life. 
"Alright, I'll be there." You agreed, feeling a flutter of excitement in your stomach. "But only if you promise me a private drum lesson afterward."
"It's a deal. I'll make sure you get the VIP treatment." Theo’s grin only widened and you felt your heart stutter at the sight. He really was handsome and if you didn’t know how he was single but that was good news for you.
“I’ve got some studying to catch up on but I’ll hold you to that.” You offered him a wave goodbye as you made your way out of the auditorium with Enzo. Theo simply smiled, reciprocating your action. 
A giddy feeling overtook your body as the sun shone down on you. There were millions and millions of butterflies soaring in your stomach and you could only squeal at the idea of seeing Theo in the next few days. Before your best friend could say anything you spun on your heels, this time dragging him along with you.
“We need to go shopping right now, I need a new outfit for the weekend.” 
Enzo could only groan as his feet automatically moved. It was going to be a long day.
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subir-astrologer · 4 months
Forget about our life partner, every event of our life is pre-destined and still we believe in vedic astrology and go to astrologer for knowing our future.
Yes, this is true.
I always say in many of my articles that one need to understand astrology and not take it directly. The understand of astrology will reveal the hidden meaning of it and one who implements that will be benefited from its knowledge.
I will explain it with an example : When there is a forecast for Tsunami ( dangerous cyclone and flood created by sea ), one can not stop it with any means, one cannot save his home from drowning, but can save him / herself and the family by moving on a hilly place where water and cannot reach.
In the same way by doing the Kundli Matching we try to minimize the negativities of our destiny that will get activated after our marriage as both the partners have their own destiny by birth.
One gets a chance to understand the key areas where they need to focus in order to lead a happy life after getting married as no matching can be 100% fully matched.
And this is called FREE WILL.
If one is destined to always have difference of opinions with his / her spouse then one gets a chance to develop an understanding in advance stating that there will be opinion issue among them but they will not fight and get it resolved with understandings and logics with love and not with fighting.
Understand understand understand astrology . . . . please . . . .
Astrology do not have the miracle wand that by moving it on our head everything will automatically get settled. NO NO NO absolutely no. . . .
We ourselves have to be our own magic wand by understand the depth of its knowledge and implement it in our life.
In very exact answer astrology teaches us / give us the information / knowledge to get aligned with our horoscope to have best in our life. . . . .
Now what is getting aligned with horoscope . . .ha ha ha ha . . . . read my other articles on this subject. . .
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astroharish · 2 years
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Which planet is more important for marriage, Venus or Jupiter?
Which planet is more important for marriage, Venus or Jupiter?
In Astrology, the 7th house is considered auspicious for matchmaking or marriage. In addition, the ruling lord and planets are held responsible for a more successful marriage between the two couples. In Marriage Predictions, the planets Venus and Jupiter both play a vital role and are responsible for a healthy and safe marriage and for the people of the ascendant. Venus is the significator for…
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kundlimatching · 2 years
Kundli Matching
What Is Kundli Matching and How Does Kundli Matching Work? Is Kundli Matching Necessary For Love Marriage Do horoscope matching really work Understanding the Process of Kundli matching Is online horoscope matching correct Kundali Milan by date of birth and time
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spicysix · 4 months
“I'm a Pisces, y'know?” Robin babbles.
Chrissy turns to look at her. They're sitting in Steve's bimmer’s hood, waiting for him to get their snacks at the gas station. Nancy is sleeping in the front seat, and they can distantly hear Eddie's van coming closer every second, reaching them, metal blasting through the speakers, carrying the rest of the gang.
“Yeah?” she asks. Robin nods, still not looking back. Checking her nails. “What's that mean?”
“Uh. I saw the horoscope, from Nancy's magazine. The one you were reading earlier.” She glances at Chrissy, sideways, her lips quivering just a bit. “You're a cancer, right?”
“That I am.”
“Like Steve.”
“Like Steve,” she confirms. She might know where this is going. “This magazine's horoscope talked about, uh. Couples.”
“Yeah, that.” Robin looks at her, then. Finally. Her eyes are so pretty, Chrissy thinks. “Romantic ones.”
“Cancer and Pisces. It said-”
“Match made in heaven.” they say together.
Chrissy giggles. Yeah, she knows where this is going.
“You and Steve are a good pair.”
“NO, but!” Robin startles, going all read and her hands seem prepared to gesticulate all around. Chrissy loves it when she does that. Finds it charming. “Me and Steve, we could. Like. Never.” She fakes a gag. “Literally. Gives me the heebie-jeebies only thinking about it, honestly.”
There's a beat of silence. Chrissy hasn't looked away, and neither has Robin even though she's redder than a tomato. It makes her freckles pop. It's so cute, Chrissy thinks.
“So, you and me then?”
Robin purses her lips and for a second Chrissy's afraid she's got it wrong. But then there comes that huge, blinding smile of hers. Chrissy thinks she might be in love, or something.
“Yeah, exactly what I was thinking.”
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thewebcomicsreview · 9 months
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A lot of the best writing is just doing simple basic obvious shit and doing it consistently. This page from Clown Corps is a great example.
For those who don't read Clown Corps....read it, it's great. Anyway, Morgan is a Clown (which in this setting is a superhero), who just learned that the mime-themed supervillain Echo, who has the power to mimic clown magic but had her mouth sewn shut against her will, is her long-lost sister Maggie, and now we have a flashback to happier times when the sisters go to a carnival (i.e., a place where clowns are).
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This actually started on the previous page, where Maggie is winning stuffed animals and giving them to kids. Superficially, this is just a cute stage-setting scene, but every panel here is ironic. First, Maggie is accused (jokingly, but still) of being a criminal. "Suddenly you can't miss" lets us know that she sucked earlier but then became incredibly skilled at hitting targets. Maggie attributes this to being a "fast learner", a reference to the powers she'll later develop. That she's giving the toys away shows that she's not doing her "hustle" for nefarious reasons, much like as an adult her ethics are murky. And then the "fun's over" when her sister the future superhero shows up.
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Then, in the next page, Morgan is mad her sister disappeared, and Maggie is mad she was expected to stand around quietly. This sisterly fight is foreshadowing Maggie's fate.
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In the next panel, Maggie does a 4th-wall-breaking joke about how "it's not that kind of flashback". The primary source of jokes like this in Clown Corps is series protagonist Mary McBell
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This joke is incredible
And in present day, it's Morgan who's most supportive of McBell. This panel recontextualizes the Morgan/McBell relationship. Morgan likes McBell because McBell reminds her of her long-lost sister. This connection would also serve to shorthand Maggie's personality for us, if it wasn't already coming through clear.
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Morgan complains that mom made her bring Maggie along, which kind of establishes the relationship between then, and then Maggie hits Morgan with this savage burn. The out-of-nowhere horoscope reference is great, it's a specific hit on Morgan, not something that would be obvious to a reader from from these two pages. It feels more real than if she'd referenced something that we'd already learned about Morgan. Also "My nail polish doesn't match my horoscope" is just a funny line.
Oh yeah, and also this is the future Echo mimicking a future Clown. Don't forget that part.
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And then the final panel is Maggie fully aware of what an annoying little shit she's being, but her expression is that of a girl who expects that Morgan is going to buy her that corn dog, glare be damned.
And, like, none of these panels are super mind-blowing genius moves that you'd need to be a twelfth-level intellect to come up with. Individually it's all really basic. It's impressive that all this referencing stuff feels like a natural conversation, but you - the girl reading this - could do that. What makes Clown Corps great is that it does this nearly every panel. Nothing is wasted, nothing here is doing just one thing. It's a sublime example of asking "Can I get more out of this" every single panel, because the answer is usually "Yes".
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salteytakesonmanga · 10 months
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I’m sure by now we all know the jokes in the birthdays, but just in case:
Luffy’s birthday is Children’s Day, a national holiday in Japan, which suits his child-like nature.
Zoro’s birthday is a pun on “zorome,” or matching dice rolls (double 1s, double 2s etc.)
Nami's is because the word for July, the 7th month, is NAnagatsu, and the third day is MIkka.
Usopp’s birthday is April Fool’s Day, for obvious reasons.
Sanji’s birthday also uses a Japanese number pun, SANgatsu for the third month, and JI is another reading for the number 2.
I should add that in the 90s it was common for character profiles to include birthdate and blood type because horoscopes were super popular. That’s probably why Oda is kind of preemptively telling people he doesn’t care if their zodiac signs don’t make sense. (Ironically, they all make perfect sense.)
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