#Horoscope Astrology Services
Cancer Season For All Signs (Part 2)
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Thought I’d leave the other signs waiting for too long? Well, here I’m back to deliver the rest of this monthly prediction for the signs.
As previously mentioned, Cancer season is now upon us till August 16th! We will be focusing our energy towards the aspects of our lives that are related to our home, mothers, domestic comfort, vehicles, roots, and inner world.
This transit will have a particular effect for each Ascendant/Rising sign during this time, but please make sure to also take a look at your Moon as well.
Note: All of my astrology post are sidereal calculations!
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During this month it's all about your career, profession, public appearance, reputation, fame, grandmother from paternal side, and/or in-laws. If you've been waiting for your moment to shine at work, starting a new business, launching a brand, or even posting more often on social media then your time has arrived. Venus will be making you seem more attractive than usual to those outside of your every sphere, people at work, and even strangers online/offline. You might already been feeling like being out more often, uploading more pictures, getting prettier for work, or simply in a mood to be seen. If not, then by all means start grinding the gears towards that direction. Promotions and gains from work will be more likely to occur during this time, so don't shy away from using all this energy to take try and escalate the corporate or work ladder. There will also continue to be an increased on sudden shocking truths being revealed. You might unexpectedly experience a loss that might shake you or leave you feeling wounded, be it from a financial aspect or someone whom you cherished (not necessarily death). You will be protected if any harm comes your way, so just focus on processing it all in the best way possible.
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Traveling, higher education, beliefs, cross-cultural relationships, and spirituality will be taking the front lines until the Sun moves to Leo. You will be feeling more keen to spending on these matters than in any other month. There might also be the possibility for you to have a special encounter with a foreigner, be it in the form of a friend, a spiritual teacher, romantic partner, or an individual that is spends surrounded by books/universities/etc. Don't be surprise if you find yourself traveling a lot during this time as well, be it locally within your own country or to other countries. You will be feeling more introspective than usual, and that's saying a lot since you Scorpio's are already this way by nature. Perhaps you've been questioning some big things in your life lately, and now actively seeking answers for them. Well, I'll be the one that to tell you that which we seek is often looking for us as well, and it might find you sooner than you think. The universe is pulling you towards exploring the ways in which you've held your values, morals, and spirituality more than ever. It is time for you to reassess how aligned to your higher purpose you've been feeling, and making the necessary tweaks to follow that path rigorously. This would also be a good time for you to visit temples of any sort, learn a new language, study for any exams, and to reconnect with your inner flame. If your mother or childhood home is faraway from where you are currently, then perhaps you'll be traveling there to spend more time together. This is the time to nourish your connection with the divine and connect with motherly figures that make you feel safe, loved, and protected.
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Things are about to get wonky and mystical for your during this season, so get ready! It's almost like experiencing Halloween during the middle of summer. Your interest for the occult, mystic, and all spooky things will be at all time high. You're being called to transform and transmute during this time Sagittarius, and this will imply experiencing some inner darkness or old skeletons coming out of the closet. Now, as long as you maintain your usual positive and curious mindset then it will just be slightly uncomfortable yet needed experiences. There will also be an increase in your savings, and this could come from joint assets (if you're married) or in general others wanting to splurge a bit on you. You will be feeling a bit more pampered than usual, which is great because I know that work and health could be of some concern. If you're exercising and keeping a good health check on your body, then no worries about any illness, but be mindful of possible accidents occuring so don't go THAT hard on the gym or extreme sports. Any time that you choose to spend learning about occult practices, finances, and even secrets that you might feel keen of hiding for whatever reason, will be of importance to you during this time. If there's any information that has been kept from you then during this month it will be revealed as well. Do not be surprise either if you're feeling more keen to quite literally merging with someone else *wink wink* or exploring things in the bedroom that before were not so appealing to you. Others will feel you more magnetizing than ever, so be ready to be approached by all sorts of people, including the not so regular ones.
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Love has its sight on your, Capricorn. You're one of the signs that people usually assume is very disconnected from romance, but in reality your muted outward expression is often matched with a deep intensity of feelings within. You've been wondering for a while when the plot with romance would get interesting, and well, the universe is putting partnerships on the center stage for you. In general, you and others around will be in an energy of sharing. All sort of relationships from all different levels will be at play during this season, and its not the time for you to play the nonchalant card anymore. Venus going through your 7th house is saying that its time for you to enjoy the beauty of interacting with others through creativity, joy, love, and anything that brings pleasure. In terms of business, you will also be having more interactions with your clients than ever and there might be some coworkers who catch your eye or vice versa. The universe is tired of how often you want to play safe when it comes to relationships, and the its truly flipping the table around with zero f*cks. You have been encountering all sort of situations that are pushing you out of your comfort zone, and even interest in people or activities that were never appealing for you before. The key behind ensuring that these interactions will be worthy of your time and energy is to have a soft approach to them. Trust your intuition with how you feel towards those that are close to you at the moment, regardless of the type of relationship. Nourish your closed ones and allow them to make you feel valued, heard, understood, and deeply loved. You deserve it!
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All right, someone said "it's all about my hot summer body" for this season and we love it. The highlight for your during this time will be about your health, wellness, work, routine, business, job, pets, and even enemies. It seems like you've activated the gears within you and have been putting all that soft and nurturing energy towards your body lately. If you haven't already started a self care routine for yourself, then don't worry, you're still on time to start! The universe wants you to prioritize investing your energy on matters that will allow you to feel more structured, organized, and focused, which is exactly what Saturn (your chart ruler) loves to do. You might be feeling like adding a touch of beauty, harmony and aesthetics to your work and routine. Yeah, I see the little decorations you're adding to your desk or work space, and that's exactly what you should be doing. Don't be surprised if coworkers are looking at you a little too hard during this time around as well. Your mind, body, and spirit are calling you to give it some deep love during this time, so any activities that aids you towards bringing a deeper alignment of these three aspects will be highly beneficial for you. If your stomach has been acting up more than usual, then please start taking into consideration drinking tea or any natural option that is connected to your cultural roots. There has been A LOT of pressure and weight placed on your shoulders Aquarius, and if you don't counter all of that with care towards your wellness then it is likely you might suffer some sort of illness this time around that leaves you stuck in bed for a bit. Remember, you only know how much you love breathing until your nose is clogged and you can't stop coughing.
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Fun times are coming around for you, Pisces! There will be a focus on romance, love, play, creativity, self expression, children, learning, etc. You have been really focused on yourself since December of last year, and this is not by coincidence. A lot of wounds, spiritual awakenings, shady people have been running into you, and this has definitely been quite exhausting, but I'm here to tell you that it's not all work and no play. During this Cancer season you will be feeling more relaxed and seeking situations that put a smile on your face. It could be that life have dampen your mood lately, but it will be balanced out during this time if you're willing to put energy towards activities which encourage your creativity and self expression. There might also be a special highlight on romantic relationships since Venus is transiting the house of romantic affairs, and you if you're open to it, you're likely to encounter a lot of people near you who are interested in developing a connection. It doesn't mean it will be long term, but it can be a fun, unusual and exciting one. Be wary of gossip from others though! Jupiter is going to keep on expanding communication, hobbies, and short traveling so you will have the chance during this season to shine brightly in your community. You might even develop an interest or put a focus towards politics/government, if you haven't already, or perhaps developing your education further in somewhere that feels like home to you.
If you’d like to know with eve even more detail how Cancer season will be for you or would like to receive a reading from me, feel free to check out my services by clicking the link below or typing multiguidance.com in your preferred browser 🦋✨
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bxtxnx · 1 year
People with Aries Saturn in the 6th house can have debilitating headaches.
Saturn (problem) + Aries (pain, headache) + 6th house (health) = having strong headaches that make the person unable to work and be productive.
This can also apply to people that have Aries Saturn at the end of their 5th house or ar the beginning of the 7th house, since Saturn is close to the 6th house and some of its influence affects the 6th house as well. In this case, the headaches may not be as frequent or severe.
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psychics4unet · 2 months
Your Zodiac's Daily Secret! 🌟 See What’s in Store for You Today! 🚀✨
Aries: Energized 🔥
Taurus: Serene 🌿
Gemini: Curious 🧠
Cancer: Reflective 🌊
Leo: Radiant 🌟
Virgo: Efficient 📋
Libra: Balanced ⚖️
Scorpio: Intense 🔮
Sagittarius: Explorative 🌍
Capricorn: Determined 💪
Aquarius: Innovative 🌬️
Pisces: Imaginative 🎨
Hope your day is as exciting as your horoscope! 🌟🌈
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hiddenhearthwitch · 3 months
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✨🌟 Horoscopes are now live on The Hidden Hearth Patreon! 🌟✨
Dive into the magic of the month and discover what the stars have in store for you. ✨🌙 We have trials available, so come explore and see what wonders await! 🌿🔮
🧺 Hidden Hearth 🧺
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freyjalumiere · 3 months
Tarot readings for events
Long time I don't write but many things happened. First of all I want to tell you all that part of my services is to give Tarot readings for events here in Portugal (so far!).
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Here I am during an event the 4 of July 2024. Giving Tarot readings in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
I also want to announce that there is another website you can enter and ask for your birth chart, tarot/rune reading and even for my most successful divination tool: Scrabble Cards.
I don't remember I post of it in the past about the article about Automatic writing. The Scrabble Cards I have already a year of using it and have the same effect of the Automatic Writing. Actually I learnt that have a 95% of accuracy about predicting the future. The Scrabble Cards told me about the event ;) and much more.
So if you need any message/divination, my spirit guides can help you with this tool.
I want to wish you all a fantastic day and don't forget to visit the new website: https://www.almaemente.pt or write me at my old/same e-mail [email protected]
Let the gods guide your path and Hail Odin!
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reachingworldlive · 1 year
Why is Online Astrology Service Important and What Does It Signify?
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astrologyindia · 2 years
Ashwini Nakshatra Characteristics and Predictions
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Ashwini Nakshatra is the first nakshatra of the zodiac, as symbolized by the twin horses carrying a chariot. The Ashwini Kumaras (brothers) are the ruling deity of the nakshatra, the physician of Gods. The attributes of the Ashwini Nakshatra Lord have an essence of its characteristics.
The word Ashwa has its origin in the Sanskrit word Aashu which means velocity, swiftness, rapid execution of tasks, hasty nature, inclination to the medical field, healing dispositions, treatment for infertility, music, literature, hard work, awareness, alertness, nurturing, slow-aging, amicable and the tendency of self-medication. These constitute some of the salient characteristics of Ashwini nakshatra.
Ashwini Nakshatra Predictions
Vedic Astrology Ashwini nakshatra-born people have good knowledge of herbs and medicines. They can mitigate the physical as well as mental sufferings of the people. They have a gentle touch relieving people from worries in life. They can often work as healers, surgeons, physicians, psychologists, etc.
The natives born under Ashwini nakshatra have attractive and radiant personalities. They exude charm in their appearance and communication. People tend to get attracted to them for their sense of style, dressing sense, pleasing appearance, etc.
Symbolized by twin horses, Ashwini nakshatra-born natives wish to work in teams. There are strong chances of having twin children or getting born as a twin themselves.
The Ashwini nakshatra-born people have oblique face-cut, wear specs or goggles, and are highly fashionable. They have a sweet tongue and always love to look modern and stylized.
They may drive very fast and are always ready to give unasked advice to people. They have high determination for their goals in life.
They are brilliant drivers and are quick in mapping travel routes. They are restless, skilled, courageous, and always busy with one task.
Ashwini in Lagna can make the natives self-centered and greedy. These natives are strict and secretive. They are good at hiding things.
These natives face struggles and challenges in their careers but are usually the most successful among the family members. They wisely calculate all pros and cons of the situation before reacting to any situation.
The predictive attributes of Vedic Astrology Ashwini Nakshatra will differ based on the quadrant or pada of the nakshatra and the native is born. The predictions based on the four padas of Ashwini Nakshatra are as follows-
Ashwini Quadrant 1: This native has an oval face, sharp nose, heavy voice, small eyes which usually blink while talking, moderately attractive, slim body, and avg. Length of arms and legs etc., they are highly active and aspire for respect and recognition in their field of work. They act quickly and are usually successful.
Ashwini Quadrant 2: The natives under the second pada have fair complexion and a round face. They have healthy bodies, broad shoulders, rectangular foreheads, and shining eyes. They have chubby faces, prominent collarbones, and long noses. They follow a more practical approach to life. They are pleasing personalities and take swift actions in life. They are generally fond of luxuries and easygoing in their daily routine. They are ambitious and generally successful in life.
Ashwini quadrant 3: The natives born in the third quadrant of Ashwini nakshatra are talkative and humorous and somehow show connections with light or fire. They generally perform tasks or jobs involving mental work and intelligence. They select their words wisely while interacting with people. They may have less hair or a tendency to hair fall. They have a pale complexion with prominent eyes and slim lower portions.
Ashwini quadrant 4: The natives of the 4th quadrant generally look sad and have an aggressive attitude. They have an average length of the nose and are not much bulky. These natives are fond of travels and journeys. They may have thick hair on their legs and arms. They possess healing capacities and have a soothing impression on others. They are conscious enough for social well-being and show emotions and empathy for the public. The natives may show similar attributes related to the relatives and other significations of the house where the Ashwini quadrant occurs in the horoscope. 
The astrological text Karma Vipaaka inferences
Ashwini quadrant 1 – They may have an inter-cast marriage and may remain worried about the marriage of their children. They are generally greedy and may get engaged in religious activities wishfully.
 Ashwini quadrant 2- These natives have better relations with their maternal family. Their parents may belong to different religions or communities. They may have to face infertility, problems in progeny, or loss of children in life. They are prone to colds and asthma.
 Ashwini quadrant 3 - There is a tendency of cruelty towards animals, love of non-vegetarian foods, etc. The person may die during the pilgrimage. They offend and criticize respectable social personalities. There may be a problem with progeny.
 Ashwini quadrant 4 - There may be no children for them. They are noble and generally face the enmity of others. These natives waste money from their families and have troubles with their daughter-in-law.
Ashwini nakshatra puja
Ashwini nakshatra puja helps to rectify the inauspicious effects of the Nakshatra when Ashwini is occupied by badly disposed planets. It is more helpful when nakshatra is placed in the Lagna and also in improving the signification of the house of its placement in the birth chart. For this, one should worship Ashwini kumaras and offer flowers, rice grains, and sandalwood paste on the shiva linga.
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Weekly Rashifal from 14th August to 20th August 2023
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Welcome to some other edition of our Weekly Rashifal, where we delve into the celestial energies and astrological influences that form the upcoming week from August 13th to August 20th, 2023. Let's discover what the cosmos has in save for each zodiac sign and find the particular possibilities that lie beforehand.
Career: Opportunities for boom and reputation are on the horizon.
Business: Collaborations and new ventures ought to cause prosperity.
Love: Emotional connections deepen, fostering romantic moments.
Marriage: Open conversation enhances marital expertise.
Students: Focused studies lead to educational success.
Health: Prioritize well-being via self-care workouts.
Advice: Seek steerage from mentors or elders.
Career: Progress in professional endeavours brings stability.
Business: Consistency and strategic selections yield fulfilment.
Love: Strengthen the muse of your relationships.
Marriage: Cultivate persistence and mutual guide in marriage.
Students: Enhanced awareness results in instructional excellence.
Health: Balance physical and intellectual fitness thru workouts.
Advice: Practice mindfulness for mental clarity.
Career: Showcase your abilities and include new possibilities.
Business: Creative methods lead to commercial enterprise growth.
Love: Honest communication deepens courting bonds.
Marriage: Nurture concord and emotional connection.
Students: Stay devoted to studies for fruitful results.
Health: Prioritize relaxation to manage strain successfully.
Advice: Embrace new gaining knowledge of studies.
Career: Embrace demanding situations for an increase in your profession.
Business: Ventures show promise of growth and development.
Love: Harmonious relationships convey pleasure and know-how.
Marriage: Seek happiness and shared experiences.
Students: Excel in research with renewed determination.
Health: Maintain emotional well-being through self-care.
Advice: Listen to your instinct for guidance.
Career: Utilize your abilities for professional advancement.
Business: Expect favourable results and wealthy ventures.
Love: Single Leos can also come across interesting romantic connections.
Marriage: Nurture love and information on your relationship.
Students: A productive week for research lies ahead.
Health: Manage strain stages for the highest quality properly-being.
Advice: Connect with your inner creativity.
Career: Experience growth and reputation in your profession.
Business: Consistency brings fulfilment in enterprise endeavors.
Love: Deepen emotional connections for intimacy.
Marriage: Foster harmony and mutual admiration.
Students: Excel in lecturers thru targeted efforts.
Health: Balance physical health with rest techniques.
Advice: Practice gratitude and advantageous thinking.
Career: Embrace the possibilities for growth and fame.
Performance: Partnerships for business expansion.
Love: Enjoy a harmonious and loving relationship.
Marriage: Have fun and raise support.
Students: Increase concentration and academic proficiency.
Health: Make it a priority to stay in shape by taking care of yourself regularly.
Tip: Take up another sport to relax.
Career: Professionalism and satisfaction mark your professional journey.
Performance: Expect positive results and growth for companies.
Love: Deepen emotional bonds and strengthen bonds.
Marriage: Strive for balance and harmony in relationships.
Students: Don’t grow in intensely focused classes.
Health: Prioritize physical and emotional well-being.
Tip: Look for ideas from religious practices.
Career: Embrace possibilities for career advancement.
Business: Growth and increase beckon in business ventures.
Love: Deepen your bond and cherish happy moments.
Marriage: Experience love and know-how for your relationship.
Students: Excel in teachers via determination.
Health: Prioritize nicely-being with a balanced way of life.
Advice: Embrace mindfulness for clarity of concept.
Career: Explore new avenues for professional growth.
Business: Enjoy successful offers and profitability.
Love: Strengthen emotional connections in relationships.
Marriage: Nurture concord and support for your marital bond.
Students: Stay centered on studies for top-of-the-line outcomes.
Health: Prioritize self-care to preserve well-being.
Advice: Practice staying on electricity and patience.
Career: Embrace sudden possibilities for the export boom.
Business: New ventures supply capacity enlargement.
Love: Experience concord and emotional connection.
Marriage: Rekindle love and know-how in your relationship.
Students: Tap into creativity for educational achievement.
Health: Focus on intellectual and emotional well-being.
Advice: Seek internal peace thru meditation.
Career: Feel inspired and stimulated by your expert interests.
Business: Witness improvements in your business ventures.
Love: Deeply connect to your companion emotionally.
Marriage: Enhance love and romance in your courting.
Students: Excel in studies with creativity and intuition.
Health: Balance physical and emotional nicely-being.
Advice: Embrace effective affirmations for steerage.
As you navigate the week ahead, bear in mind that astrology offers insightful perspectives to manual you. However, the energy to shape your adventure, in the long run, lies inside you. Utilize those predictions as equipment for self-discovery, growth, and empowered decision- making. Embrace the possibilities for fantastic alternate, private improvement, and success that this week brings. Wishing you a week full of positivity, boom, and happiness.
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gurusgraceworld · 2 years
Professional Occult Services for Spiritual Guidance - We provide numerology graphology, astrology and tarot reading services.
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Sidereal ASC signs that might be experiencing luck/blessings in relationships during 2024-2025:
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I’d like to be clear that it encompasses many types of relationships rather than strictly romantic ones, regardless if Jupiter aspects 5th house of love or 7th house of committed relationships.
This includes your casual flings, short term connections, clients, business partners, others in general, committed romantic relationships, marriage partner, etc.
Included a short insight for the two main signs involved in these influences the most below as well, enjoy!
• Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
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Scorpio, you will be having LOTS of luck and growth within your business till May 2025. Interactions with others flow comfortably, and getting others to connect with you will feel easier than ever. If you have planet/s sitting in Scorpio, then be aware that Jupiter will come to give you a reality and spiritual check on those matters. It will encourage you to deeply reflect on how those themes in your current life are aligning you to be in a mindset of abundance. If any relationship close to you or behavior you have towards others does not serve you anymore, then it will be requiring you to do some necessary changes. It could or could not be permanent endings, but in general adjustments. They would be towards mutually beneficial experiences without them standing in the way of your self development. Once you do, luck and blessings will pour like an open faucet. You must stay open towards relationships being more centered in freedom or a unique/special factor that works perfectly for you and the other/s. It’s more likely for you to have a random encounter with someone who could end up being your life partner, or for you to have plenty of options to choose from. If you’re in a close relationship, then expect things to quickly change for the better. In general, if you’re able to accept this period of transformation where the seeds are planted, then once your season approaches, you will reap the rewards of those efforts. Anything you’re able to start cutting off that delays or conflicts with your spiritual growth then Jupiter will be strengthened. You could meet a someone who could be like a guru to you, and truly guide you down towards possibilities outside of your scope at the moment.
• Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
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Taurus, even though you are feeling immensely blessed and making all sorts of decisions to benefit your family and loved ones, all of this current planets are aspecting your 7th house of committed relationships/business partners/clients/others. There will be some opposition faced directly from those relationships that might not go along with your vision. It doesn’t mean that there will be coming from wrong intentions, but they will definitely see you as “doing too much all at once”. Remember that although you are growing a lot at the moment, planting your seeds, watering, and watching them grow, too much of anything could hinder you in the future. Move cautiously as you usually do, and if you see major transformations occurring within your close relationships, simply accept that not everyone will see your vision. Do ask for healthy advice and trust your intuition. If someone acts out of place when you’re doing or feeling better, then perhaps their intentions need to be revised. Keep your ego and others on check! There is a likelihood that you will be feeling keen to investing in property, particularly for your home or family. Anything that is initiated towards those matters at this moment will certainly be pivotal in the future, just keep an eye on not gaining too much debt or putting all your eggs in one basket. You have been undergoing a lot of pressure, delays, obstacles and situations related to your career and profession that have been difficult to manage and understand. A relief is coming soon for you, and things will surely improve.
If you’d like to know further information on your sign, how likely this is to happen for you, the reasoning behind it, and even possible outcome book with me via DM for a transit reading 🦋✨
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anytimeastro · 13 days
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astroyogi · 2 months
Trusted Guidance Call Now for an Astrology Consultation in Sikandarpur, Gurgaon (7273951313) — Yogi Astrology
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Are you looking for direction and clarity in your life? Yogi Astrology offers the most trusted and insightful Astrology Consultation services in Sikandarpur, Gurgaon. Whether you are grappling with career decisions, relationship challenges, or personal growth, our expert astrologers can help you navigate life’s uncertainties with precision and confidence.
Why Choose Yogi Astrology for Your Astrology Consultation?
At Yogi Astrology, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch Astrology Consultations that are both accurate and deeply personalized. Our experienced astrologers have spent years honing their craft, ensuring that each consultation is tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.
Expertise and Experience: Our astrologers are well-versed in various astrological systems and bring years of experience to each session.
Personalized Insights: We offer detailed analysis based on your birth chart, planetary positions, and astrological transits.
Holistic Approach: Our consultations consider all aspects of your life, including health, career, relationships, and spiritual growth.
Confidential and Compassionate: Your privacy is our priority. We provide a safe and supportive environment for all consultations.
The Benefits of an Astrology Consultation with Yogi Astrology
An Astrology Consultation with Yogi Astrology can provide you with invaluable insights into your life’s journey.
Clarity and Direction: Understand the cosmic influences that shape your life and make informed decisions.
Timing and Planning: Identify auspicious times for important actions and events.
Self-Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of your strengths, challenges, and potential.
Problem-Solving: Address specific issues and find effective solutions guided by astrological wisdom.
What to Expect During Your Astrology Consultation
When you book an Astrology Consultation with Yogi Astrology, you can expect a thorough and enlightening experience. Here’s a glimpse into what your consultation will entail:
Initial Discussion: Our astrologer will begin with a conversation to understand your current life situation and specific concerns.
Birth Chart Analysis: Using your birth details, our astrologer will create a detailed birth chart to uncover the positions of the planets and how they influence your life.
Interpretation: The astrologer will interpret the chart, explaining the significance of planetary positions and their impact on various aspects of your life.
Guidance and Recommendations: Based on the analysis, you will receive personalized guidance and recommendations to help you navigate your challenges and seize opportunities.
Q&A Session: You will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek further clarification on any aspect of the consultation.
Astrology Consultation Services Offered by Yogi Astrology
Yogi Astrology offers a wide range of Astrology Consultation services to meet your diverse needs:
Career Consultation: Gain insights into your career path, job opportunities, and professional growth.
Love and Relationships Consultation: Understand the dynamics of your relationships and find harmony with your partner.
Health Consultation: Discover how planetary influences can affect your health and well-being.
Financial Consultation: Receive guidance on financial planning, investments, and wealth creation.
Personal Growth Consultation: Explore your spiritual journey and personal development.
Book Your Astrology Consultation Today!
Ready to unlock the secrets of your future? Schedule an Astrology Consultation with Yogi Astrology in Sikandarpur, Gurgaon today. Our consultations are designed to provide you with the clarity and guidance you need to thrive.
Contact Us:
Phone: +91–7273951313
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astrologyindia · 2 years
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House Vastu For Septic Tank Vedic Astrology
If you plan to install a septic tank in your home, then you should know about the Vastu for septic tank, which can help you welcome happiness in your home. As per Vedic Astrology, the Northwest direction is the best for installing the Septic tank. It is totally different from Vastu for home. From Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, you can get information on both aspects. He knows that a south-facing house could be better, so he always recommends avoiding buying or creating a house facing south. If you already buy this house, then he can help you with some Vedic remedies or some minor adjustments in your home. Visit his website for more information. 
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Astrology of Career: Favorable Planet According to Zodiac Signs
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Astrology is a mystical science that has been studied for centuries. A horoscope is a chart that maps the position of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of an individual’s birth. Based on this chart, astrologers can predict various aspects of an individual’s life. One of the most important aspects is the fortunate planet. The fortunate planet in your horoscope can indicate which professions are best suited for you. In this article, we will explore the best professions for each fortunate planet.
Know more about the Best Career for your Zodiac Sign. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Favorable Planet for Each Zodiac Signs and Horoscope
Here are some examples of fortunate planets for different zodiac signs:
Aries: Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and it represents action, courage, and initiative. If Mars is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of energy and drive to pursue your goals. You can excel in professions that require physical strength, leadership, or competition.
Taurus: Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and it represents beauty, harmony, and pleasure. If Venus is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of charm and grace to attract what you want. You can excel in professions that involve art, music, fashion, or finance.
Gemini: Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and it represents communication, intelligence, and curiosity. If Mercury is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of wit and versatility to express yourself. You can excel in professions that involve writing, speaking, teaching, or technology.
Cancer: The Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer and it represents emotion, intuition, and nurturing. If the Moon is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of sensitivity and compassion to care for others. You can excel in professions that involve healing, counseling, or hospitality.
Leo: The Sun is the ruling planet of Leo and it represents ego, creativity, and confidence. If the Sun is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of charisma and talent to shine. You can excel in professions that involve entertainment, politics, or sports.
Virgo: Mercury is also the ruling planet of Virgo and it represents analysis, service, and perfectionism. If Mercury is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of skill and diligence to improve things. You can excel in professions that involve health, science, or administration.
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Libra: Venus is also the ruling planet of Libra and it represents balance, justice, and cooperation. If Venus is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of diplomacy and elegance to relate with others. You can excel in professions that involve law, diplomacy, or design.
Scorpio: Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and it represents transformation, power, and mystery. If Pluto is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of intensity and depth to explore the unknown. You can excel in professions that involve research, psychology, or occult. Sagittarius: Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and it represents expansion, optimism, and adventure. If Jupiter is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of enthusiasm and wisdom to learn and grow. You can excel in professions that involve education, travel, or philosophy.
Capricorn: Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and it represents structure, discipline, and ambition. If Saturn is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of responsibility and perseverance to achieve your goals. You can excel in professions that involve business, management, or engineering.
Aquarius: Saturn is the ruling planet of Aquarius and it represents innovation, freedom, and originality. If Uranus is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of inventiveness and independence to create something new. You can excel in professions that involve science, technology, or social change.
Pisces: Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and it represents imagination, spirituality, and compassion. If Neptune is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of inspiration and empathy to transcend the ordinary. You can excel in professions that involve art, music, or healing.
How to align your profession with your fortunate planet
Now that you know the professions associated with each planet, let’s see how to align your profession with your fortunate planet. By doing so, you can enjoy more success, satisfaction, and happiness in your career.
The first step is to choose a profession that matches your beneficial planet, a profession that requires or enhances the skills and characteristics of that planet. For example, if your fortunate planet is Venus, you should look for a profession that involves beauty, harmony, or pleasure.
The second step is to pursue your profession with passion and potential. You should also seek to develop and improve your skills and talents related to your planet. For example, if your fortunate planet is Mercury, you should practice your communication and intelligence skills regularly.
The third step is to excel in your profession with luck and opportunity. This means that you should take advantage of the positive influences and events that your fortunate planet brings to your career. For example, if your fortunate planet is Jupiter, you should embrace learning and growth opportunities in your career.
In conclusion, knowing your fortunate planet can be helpful in determining the best professions for you. Whether your fortunate planet is Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, or Mars, there are certain fields that are more suited to your personality and strengths. We have seen how to find your fortunate planet by comparing your natal chart and your transit chart. However, utilizing the knowledge gained from your horoscope can help guide you towards a fulfilling and successful career.
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jeevanjali · 3 months
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