samsdei · 3 months
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Jojo Bapteise Whiting & LaDainian Crazy Thunder
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elissastillstands · 1 year
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If they were right, Nonagesimus, how much more can we take until you and me achieve omniscience? (from Harrow the Ninth, Chapter 51)
What can I say, the space fantasy Catholicism and Oresteia allusions have bewitched me (to say nothing of Harrowhark).
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mathomatical · 11 months
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cw // eyestrain, body horror
hello mandela fans tis me
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Imagine if Telemachus looked a bit like Sinclair. Would retranslate all of Outis interactions with latter.
Girl is living the 'harsh emotionally distant dad' life vicariously through her 19 year old coworker who is probably the same age as her son who she probably hasn't seen ever since he was a tot. To Páthos Máthos or sumthin
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temple-virgin · 7 months
David Myatt translates "Nous" to Perceiverations, which I adore. I personally use "Constancy" in my particular parlance of pathei-mathos.
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nibelmundo · 9 months
King Oedipus has, perhaps, an eye too many. These sufferings of this man, they seem indescribable, unspeakable, inexpressible. Which comes when drama represents such things.... The sufferings of Oedipus seem like a poor man lamenting what he lacks. Son of Laios, poor stranger in Greece! Life is death, and death is also a life.
Friedrich Hölderlin, Hymns and Fragments (1984, 252)
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formeryelpers · 3 months
Maison Matho, 4770 Melrose Ave, East Hollywood, CA 90029
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Authentic French pastries, baguette sandwiches made with baguettes made in-house (omelette, jambon beurre, prosciutto, bresaola, spaghetti squash),  a few specialty dishes (omelette, ravioles), and beverages (coffee, tea, French juice) from a walk-up window in Hollywood? Yes, please. Love the casual spin on high quality French food.  
I normally like a sandwich with a lot going on but the Jambon Beurre sandwich from Maison Matho is simple and perfect. It’s the quality of the ingredients. One bite will transport you to the streets of Paris. Also, I love how you can order half a sandwich. The half sandwich is a good size (enough for lunch).
Jambon beurre sandwich ($9 half, $18 whole): Parisian style ham, butter, and shaved cornichons on a baguette. They must be using French butter. There’s lots of thinly shaved ham that is tender and not too salty. Then there’s that layer of rich, creamy, sweet butter. And the shaved cornichons add a bit of crunch and acidity. The baguette is quite chewy (dense) with some crunchy bits. They’ve sprinkled the sandwich with finely ground pepper. So good!
I have to get the pork rillette next time: pork confit, fresh herbs, and a toasted baguette. Drool.
I didn’t see any pastries. They were probably sold out? They have a covered outdoor patio with seating, two benches, and two stools. Sandwiches are served after 8 AM. You’ll have to look for street parking.
5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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icogeum · 9 months
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Motoneurons in the brain of a mouse at 60x magnification.
Photograph by Dr. Katie Matho.
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elhadjlirwane · 2 years
Alfred Mathos au médiateur: «Nous avons dit qu'il faut séparer de la justice de la politique»
Alfred Mathos au médiateur: «Nous avons dit qu’il faut séparer de la justice de la politique»
Présent à la rencontre avec le médiateur de la CEDEAO dans la crise guinéenne, ce mercredi 24 août 2022 à l’hôtel Kaloum, le leader de l’UPG par ailleurs, membre du collectif des partis pour l’alternance (CPA) reçu par Boni Yayi, a saisi l’occasion pour passer le message dudit collectif dans le cadre du travail que mène la CRIEF. «Nous avons dit qu’il faut séparer de la justice de la politique.…
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actualiteenguinee · 2 years
Alfred Mathos au médiateur: «Nous avons dit qu'il faut séparer de la justice de la politique»
Alfred Mathos au médiateur: «Nous avons dit qu’il faut séparer de la justice de la politique»
Présent à la rencontre avec le médiateur de la CEDEAO dans la crise guinéenne, ce mercredi 24 août 2022 à l’hôtel Kaloum, le leader de l’UPG par ailleurs, membre du collectif des partis pour l’alternance (CPA) reçu par Boni Yayi, a saisi l’occasion pour passer le message dudit collectif dans le cadre du travail que mène la CRIEF. «Nous avons dit qu’il faut séparer de la justice de la politique.…
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hoteldekho4u · 2 years
The birth anniversaries of religious luminaries (such as the Buddha, Padmasambhava, etc.) and other major dates in the Buddhist calendar are traditionally
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samsdei · 3 months
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LaDainian Crazy Thunder
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mathomatical · 1 year
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inspired by / based on @b0nkcreat's little sickmen!!!! RAHHH!!!
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reecey9o5 · 11 months
Batshit Limbus Company theory time
Ready for it? Okay
Outis isn't Odysseus, Dante is.
My theory isn't just ridiculous, it also has ~*branching options*~. So we'll go over the basic premise first.
The Basic Premise
Outis and Dante both have mysterious pasts. Information about them has been purposely withheld by the company. This gives them something in common and could easily mean that Outis isn't who she says she is.
In The Odyssey, Odysseus travelled into the underworld, much like Dante did in Inferno.
Dante's sinner number is ten, like the ten years that the odyssey took. A number you think would make more sense attached to Outis.
Dante has twelve sinners under their command, much as Odysseus had twelve ships.
Odysseus was roped into a war against his will, just like Dante has been forced into this position.
In Dante's Inferno, Odysseus is roaming around the eighth circle of hell, cloaked in flame.
I could go on with this all day. The Wikipedia page for Odysseus has so much stuff going on in it that I could mention outside of these particular examples. Like how Kazantzakis' The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel has Odysseus meeting historical and literary figures. Such as Don Quixote.
So, what's going on with Outis? Who is she?
Here we branch.
Branch One: Outis is nobody
Outis means nobody. If she's not Odysseus, then Outis lives up to that by being a 'nobody'.
This theory would posit that Outis is one of Odysseus' men, and worked for them before the whole clock thing. Which accounts for both of them having redacted backgrounds. They're from the same organisation.
Faust made it sound like Dante wouldn't have cared about civilian casualties pre-clock the same way it seems that Outis doesn't. Again, leaning into the idea they're from the same org.
Outis' behaviour towards Dante would be explained by this. Both the sycophancy and the criticism. Especially if something went horribly wrong.
Branch Two: Outis is Polyphemus
Outis was the name that Odysseus gave to the cyclops during that episode of the Odyssey.
Odysseus told Polyphemus his real name, which later fucked him over. Which could be related to how she seemingly can't be trusted.
Outis having a redacted backstory could indicate that she has friends in high places, like how Polyphemus' father was Poseidon.
Having been tricked by Odysseus, Polyphemus is out for revenge.
Polyphemus means 'many voiced' or similar and that works well with how Outis has a tendency to speak out of both sides of her mouth.
Outis seems comfortable with the idea of offing her colleagues, which would reflect how Polyphemus ate Odysseus' men.
Branch Three: Outis is Penelope
(This is my favourite)
So, basically all the stuff from branch one. Except the 'she's a nobody' bit.
It allows her to be the protagonist of a novel/story in her own right. In this case it would be Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad from 2005. (Which would be the most recent work, I think). This is a retelling of The Iliad and the Odyssey from (mostly) Penelope's perspective.
In The Penelopiad, twelve is the number of maids/slaves that Penelope used as spies and Odysseus had killed. This explains why Outis is twelve and not ten, and bodes ill for the other sinners and Dante.
Her logo is a watch. Watches are accessories that are often set by referring to a clock, and vice versa. It connects her to Dante as they are both time pieces and wives are often treated as accessories to their husbands.
The 'friends in high places' thing from branch two still works, because she was the daughter of Icarius, a king of Sparta and was queen of Ithaca by marriage. (Although Icarius was known as a fast runner. I am starting to side eye Don.)
I know some of you wanted Outis to have an angry divorced wife, but what if she is the angry divorced wife?
She's noticeably old. Penelope waited twenty years for Odysseus to return to her, Outis' age could be a reflection of this.
In her To Pathos Mathos EGO, she's checking her watch. Which could mean that she's waiting for someone.
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And her logo has a clearly constructed horse in a watch. I wonder what that could be representing. 🤔
Other possibilities
I'm completely wrong and she is Odysseus. (She's noticeably old. Odysseus had an old man disguise at one point.)
I initially thought Circe before Penelope, but I like Penelope better. It's more compelling.
I'm right, but Outis is Ulysses. "Wait, aren't they the same person?" Well, yeah, but Dante would be Odysseus in his aspect of Greek cultural hero and Outis would be Ulysses in his aspect of scummy guy the Romans didn't like. Two different versions of the same character would be interesting.
The last thing, but in reverse.
What does this all mean?
Well, not much, really. It's a fan theory.
But it does make me want to look out for a few things.
Sheep. 🐑
Demian turning into a girl, or having had been a girl at some point in the past. (Straight/Reverse Sweet Polly Olivering counts as does transition/detransition.) Go on. Ask.
Helen as an antagonist/cause of Outis' woes.
Spies. Specifically if they are twelve of them.
One hundred and eight dudes.
Outis losing an eye.
Galatea (no, not from Pygmalion. That's a post antiquity addition because it 🤌just makes sense🤌. This is a Polyphemus thing.)
This line: "Consider us pure symbol. We're no more real than money."
I've spent way too long on this and I've made myself sad.
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okay so I thought about this yesterday after hours of playing Potion Permit. Imagine if the chemist was terrible, aboslutely TERRIBLE, at taking care of themselves but amazing at taking care of the town. Imagine no one notices or knows until one day after the clinic had been packed and the chemist had to leave to go get more ingredients, Rue notices the next day that the chemist has a bloodied bandage around their leg or arm or something and they're just going about buisiness like normal. It's obvious they are sick with fever and infection, but they are so worried about taking care of her needs that the chemist is forcing themselves to work through the pain.
later that day, once better, Rue tells her father about how the Chemist is doing. by the time Myer gets to the Chemist's house, they are unconcious and burning up. So Myer sends for someone better suited for carrying a person and the Chemist is taken to Mathoe's clinic and the whole town is worried for however long it takes for the Chemist to heal.
The chemist gets the talking to of a century from a town full of people who care (but hated them not to long ago)
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nibelmundo · 9 months
If, for Schürmann, Antigone stands for the manner in which principles singularize the individual “under one law, through a withdrawal toward the other,” Oedipus stands for the manner in which tragic suffering opens a space for the individual between the thrust of the common necessary for life and the singularizing counter-thrust of mortality. The tenuous space of the individual, no longer singular but not yet particular, is ambiguous and difficult to inhabit. It is, as Schürmann says, “ravaged” by the thrust of natality and the undertow of mortality. Yet it is the very space in which a poetic politics first becomes possible as a way of being rooted with myriad others in the ravaged site between natality and mortality.
Christopher P. Long, Reiner Schürmann and the Poetics of Politics (2018, 26)
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