#mato potato
itsyagurlchip · 4 months
Eiekdkksoeoekekls, it’s been a while, what’s up, where’ve u been???? 👁️👄👁️
me was a silly goofy bear
but for the most part, ive been improving myself and reflecting on a lotta stuff
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shootingxstardust · 1 year
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“But why...”
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“Don’t touch me...”
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“If you’re gonna poke me with a stick, at least buy me dinner first.”
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“Hey, watch where you’re poking that thing!”
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“Ehh? What is it?”
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“Eh?? What was that for?”
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“If ya keep poking me with your stick, I’ll poke ya with mine.”
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“Poke me again... I fuckin’ dare you.” (Same face claim, but this time it’s Insane Black Rock Shooter.
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“Skreeeeeeeeeonk!” And then he stomps on you.
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Does absolutely nothing from the poke.
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“Can... I help you?”
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“Dee chan told me not to talk to strangers.”
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anemptypuddingcup · 5 months
Beautiful inside & out.
Yamato x Female Reader Rewrite.
Yamato imagine original fic.
This goddamn fic needed a damn rewrite because I didn’t necessarily do the right research and ended up writing some sort of a cis-male Yamato fic. Might as well say it was a genderbent Yamato fic.
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Contains: Fluffy and smutty! Trans Man Yamato! We love our big boy. Yamato has surgery scars. Yamato also has big sharp bottom teeth (Oni headcanon for Yamato). Yamato has a bit of stubble on his chin too. Size difference kink. Grinding and/or frottage. Multiple rounds. Yamato’s stamina is fucking godly in this- Overstimulation towards Reader. A nice and fluffy fic. Writing’s a bit sloppy and repetitive in this one.
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The sun was shining its beautiful blood orange hue within the sky as it lingered to set on this hot yet beautiful fresh day. His hair was up high in a bun while his horns stuck out at the sides of his temple. His skin was tanned and super sun-kissed, mostly from staying out in the sun all day every day.
A heavy whine left him as he shuts his eyes and whimpered out loudly, desperate to just get out of this humid heat and go back inside the house where it would be just a tad bit cooler.
He was picking fresh vegetables from his garden, the pretty yet vibrant crisp colors making the vegetables look even more delicious than they already were. “I hope these are the best ones, didn’ she say she wanted sum fresher ones last time?” He quirks a brow and scratches his head as he stared at a bright and beautifully red tomato, trying to remember what you told him before he walked out of the house.
The heat was obviously making him a bit hazy if not dumber as he sat there in deep thought. His hand moves down from his temple and to his chin, scratching at the slight stubble he had running along it.
He shrugs and puts the vegetables he picked into the basket before slowly standing back up off his knees, a yawn leaving him as he stretched and smiled to himself. He stared down into the basket for a moment and nods happily, satisfied with the produce he’s picked out for you.
“Ahh, she’s gonna be so proud when she see’s these~”
♡ ♡ ♡
You hum out to yourself sweetly as you chopped at some potatoes, a little yawn leaving you as the summer’s heat made you all sticky yet tired. The hot heat had always drained your energy, especially around a time like this where you had to cook dinner. With the windows open and the scent of summer air, it was like a usual summer evening for both you and Yamato. One like any other would be.
And even though the sun was setting, the heat still stayed and lingered behind as if not wanting to leave and give your sweating body a break with cooling air.
Freshly washed rice was cooking in the rice steamer and diced vegetables were arranged along the counter alongside some seasonings. The aroma of freshly-brewed tea wafted throughout the kitchen which merged with the aroma of boiling curry cooking within a semi-small pot. You slowly slid the chopped vegetables into the pot and gave it a stir before putting the lid back on top.
You wiped at your sweating temple before standing onto your tip-toes to peer outside of the window.
“I hope Mato’s okay, he’s still hasn’t came inside yet…” You hummed to yourself, a slight worry spilling in your tone as you scratched at your head.
The sound of Yamato’s geta hitting the wooden floorboards of the steps had immediately alerted you, his heavy footsteps trailing up the steps and onto the back of the wooden porch. You hear him sigh out heavily while his hand slid open the screen door, a deep groan of exhaustion leaving him while he wiped the sweat from his brows.
He looks to you before smiling widely, his body stepping into the house and closing the door behind him before he ran over to you happily.
“Babes! I’ve got some fresh ones this time!” He beams, body slowly trailing over to yours as he watched you cook at the stove. You turn over to him and watched him crouch down to your height, your hand reaching out to touch his cheek while his face flushed all nervously at your touch. “They’re vibrant too! Thank you Yamato.” You praised and thanked him, a blush creeping across his face as he basked in your praise. He presses his hand softly against your head, feeling along the soft strands attached to your temple before he reaches down and presses a kiss to it.
You smile and giggle to him, mewling out as he began peppering smooches down to your cheek and then down along your neck. His sharp teeth pricked at your neck, tickling you yet at the same time giving a bit of a pleasurable feeling. “Mmgh~ M-Mato baby, I’m cooking!~” You giggles to him, shutting an eye at the arousing contact of his lips and teeth against your skin.
He whimpered before moving away from your neck, his body slowly standing up straight as he stared down at your smaller and cuter frame. He stared at you for a moment before noticing how slightly pale your face had looked. His brows furrowed in slight curiosity as he stared at your face for a moment before humming out.
“Are…Are you okay babes? You look a little…”
“I’m just a bit hot is all. I’m gonna be alright though Mato.”
“Hmmph…I guess if you say so…”
You giggled and froze as you heard the rice steamer go off, the sound catching you off guard and and making your eyes widen in slight surprise. “Mato love, can you get the rice out of the rice cooker for me? I’m almost done so I just need you to get that.” You asked him, stirring at the curry while he loomed over the stove and watched you. He slide his hand beneath his crop-top to scratch at his chest before nodding to you, a yawn leaving him before he hums out.
“Of course babes! I’ll get it f’ya.” He responded, his large footsteps trailing away from your smaller body and to the other side of the counter. You hum to yourself as Yamato opened the rice steamer and took the rice out, a hungry hum leaving his throat as he got that whiff of seasoned rice.
Yamato carefully opened the top cabinet to get some plates and pulls two out before he put even portions onto each plate. He peers over his shoulder to see you pulling the top off of the pot and tasting the curry before nodding to yourself, making sure it had tasted alright for both you and him. He pouts to himself and hesitated to ask but he mustered up the courage to turn around to you and ask his question. “Hey babes, is it alright if I get…more rice an’ curry?” He asked politely, not wanting to sound unfair but having a rather larger appetite. You hum out to him before you smiled and nodded in response.
“Of course Yamato! A big man needs a big meal right? Take as much as you’d like, I’m not going to eat much tonight anyways.” You accepted, allowing him to eat more than you while .
Yamato quirks a brow to you before throwing another big spoonful of rice onto his plate and picking up both his plate and yours from the counter. His hands held the platters steadily while he walked over to you with heavy yet balanced steps.
“Why not? Ain’t ya hungry after a long day burnin’ up in th’sun all day? It was pretty hot out there today.” He asked, giving you a bit of a worried look while he handed you the plates and watched you pour curry onto them.
“I’m just…not feeling as hungry I guess.” You responded, a sigh leaving you as you look up to him and handed his plate to him. Yamato pouts down to you and presses a smooch to your cheek to try and cheer you up. He takes your plate from your small hand and smiles as he walked off towards the doorway of the kitchen. “I’ll be waitin’ for ya in the front room, I’ll take ya plate in there f’ya too.” He says, quirking a bit of a worried smile before walks back to pepper another smooch to your temple. You chuckled and watched him walk away again and listened as his footsteps slowly vanish out of the kitchen and fade out into the hallway.
You could tell he was worried for you, as much as you’ve been doing all day he assumed that you would’ve worked up quite the appetite for it. However that wasn’t necessarily the case for you. Yes you were tired but…not very hungry unlike Yamato himself, but that’s what bothered him.
You take off the kettle off the stove and turned it off before you poured tea into the two teacups, your lips blowing air onto the tear to cool it off just a smidge. You slowly set them onto a little tray and taking them into the living room, your steps steady and slow as you walked down the hallway.
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Yamato had already blessed the food for you both, and he watched as you took small bites while he was practically scarfing his food down as if he was starved. While he was chewing, he started speaking to you, his hand covering his mouth as his lips had parted with his mouth still stuffed.
“Hey babes, I got a question f’ya.”
“Yes Yamato?”
“Will you ever get tired of me and…um…my size?”
“Like…D’ya ever worry ‘bout me ever hurtin’ ya? I mean…really. What if I hurt ya and don’ mean to?”
You paused for a moment and stopped chewing your food before looking up into his eyes, your eyes flickering to him before you sighed out. You swallowed your bite and giggled before you reach your hands out to cup his face, your thumbs running along the softness of his cheeks.
“Mato…I don’t ever worry about you hurting me because I know you won’t. Yes, you’re a big and strong man…but that’s exactly what I love about you~ You’re so big and so unique baby…”
You stare up into his beautiful amber eyes, watching them glisten and glimmer with love deep his heart. You wipe the small grain of rice from his cheek and he smiles so beautifully to you, his cheeks flushed as he processed your words deep within his mind.
He wraps his arms around your smaller frame and pulls you close before he press his lips against yours. His teeth bumped up against your temple and gave you that same sense of pleasure you’ve felt countless times before. You hum out to him lovingly and wrap your arms around his neck before pulling away. “Matooo, can’t we finish eating dinner first?~ Weren’t you so hungry earlier?” You teased, your fingers teasing at his ruby-red horns while he mewled out.
He huffs out and presses his hands to your shoulders, his eyes pouting to you while you blink to him. Admittedly, he was still a little negative and unsure with your words and he didn’t know whether he wanted to believe you or allow his stubborn mind to play at himself.
“Can…Can we make love tonight? I just wanna…I wanna stop thinkin’ this way! Reassure me! Make me think otherwise!” He pouts to you, a little whimper leaving him as he stared down at you with intensity. You stared up at him blankly before sighing out, your body shuddered at his tone while your heart began to pound out of your chest.
You blink softly to yourself before smiling to him, your hands cupping his face once again before you’d pepper a smooch to his temple and his horns. His eyes widens as he flinched from the sudden kiss to his horns, his hand nearly knocking his tea over as he stared down at you.
“You always know how to get me going, don’t you?~” You giggled, fluttering your lashes to him while he chuckles nervously in response. “If you want to we can, I’d love to make love with you any night~” You say all seductively, wrapping your arms around his neck while he held you closer to his body. His eyes softened up at your contact before he watched you pull away from him.
“I’m finished eating anyways, I’ll go freshen up for tonight. My body is so sticky from this heat we’ve been dealing with all day today..” You sighed out, staring up at him from below on his lap while he nods and grabs his plate which was nearly clean.
“O-Okay, I’ll take these for ya then.” He says, reaching out and grabbing your plate before he place it beneath his own. You smiled and hand him the teacups as well before climbing up off of his body, watching as his body slowly rose and stood up before he’d walk out of the living room. “Thank you, Mato..” You whispered, causing him to turn back around and smile to you before he walked far out into the hallway.
You huff out before standing up off of the floor, a groan leaving you as you stretched and walked out of the living room and down the hallway into your shared bedroom. The sound of your footsteps had him all giddy and ecstatic, he was already excited and couldn’t contain himself for very long.
“Man…I love ‘er s’much~ She’s s’perfect for me~” He sighed all lovingly, his cheeks reddening while his body grew hot yet full with love.
Regardless if he was a big man who had negative thoughts, you’d always wash ‘em away with your soft sweet voice filled with reassurance and acceptance. Though part of him couldn’t help but to be stubborn sometimes when it came to things like this. He was happy that you loved him for him, he felt like he could be free with his flaws freely without anyone complaining or picking at him for his imperfections or indifferences of his.
And yet, part of him still couldn’t help but to worry if he would really hurt you accidentally one day. His thoughts makes his walking come to a halt and he paused at the kitchen doorway before he stared down at the empty tea cups and dirty plates in his hand.
“Maybe…Maybe she’ll reassure my thoughts…with her love. I don’ need t’be worryin’ myself over somethin’ I know is just my own facade.”
He chuckles to himself at his pesky negative thoughts and walks over to the sink, getting down onto his knees before he’s softly set the dishes in the warm soapy water.
He hummed out to himself while shook his hips to the tune, cleaning and washing up the dishes while he looked out the window and stared up at the moon. He smirks to himself as he rinsed the soapy dishes out before setting them on the drying rack and washing his hands clean of any extra germs that lingered in his hands.
He closed the blinds to the window before he stood up on his own two feet and walked out of the kitchen, his hand flicking off the light switch as behind him as he walked out.
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“Baby? Everythin’ alright in there?” He called out, his hand reaching out to the doorknob before he slide the shoji door open. His eyes flicked up before they widened and blinked blankly, his amber eyes staring at your naked back while he watched you slowly look over your shoulder to look at him.
“Hm?~ You wanted to do something tonight didn’t you Yamato?”
“I-I didn’ think- U-Um-“
“Don’t tell me you’re nervous Yamato~”
His face burns a deep shade of red as he pouts and walks into the bedroom, his hand shutting the door behind himself. “M-Me? Nervous!? Ya must be jokin’!” He responded loudly, a laugh leaving him as he tried to hide his nervousness from you.
“Don’t be scared Yamato, you aren’t going to hurt me baby~ I promise you.” You say, turning over onto your tummy while you lifted and moved your forelegs back and forth. Yamato gulps before pulling off his crop top and slipping off his joggers, leaving him in nothing but his boxers while he began to grow sweaty from his own nervousness.
“F-Fine…Just lemme bathe first.” He sighed out, his hand pulling at his hair tie before he’d loosened his bun completely, allowing his stands to fall freely along his back.
You chuckled and nodded in response, teasing him with your body while he growled out nervously in response. “I’ll be waiting for you then, Yamato~” You hum out to him, your tone of voice teasing and making him blush deeply as he walked into the bathroom and slowly closed the door behind himself.
You sigh out and look away from the door before sitting there in silence, your hands teasing at your body while you waited for Yamato to finish showering.
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“Oi, m’finished showerin’~ Now what is it that ya wanted t’do?-“ Yamato slowly walks out of the bathroom, his hands still running the towel through his snow white strands as he stepped into your shared bedroom. You slowly sit up and turn over to him before smiling, watching as he continued to dry up his dampened hair well enough. He lands his amber eyes onto you and smiles, his hands throwing the towel onto the floor before he’d jump straight onto your shared bed.
You yelp out in response and bounce up a bit from Yamato’s larger stature hitting your shared bed. You giggle to him, his larger hands reaching out and picking you up before pulling you closer to him.
“Hi babes~”
“Hi Yamato~”
He chuckled before pressing his lips against yours, a mewl leaving him as his tongue slid past your lips so impatiently. You hum out all sweetly against his lips and wrap your arms around his neck, your hands rubbing against his soft pretty strands alongside his smooth yet roughed-up skin.
His hands ran up along your back, a groan leaving him as he pulls away from your lips and pressed them back against yours again. His hand slid down in between your legs and began playing at your slit, his fingertips running against your cunt making you gasp out shakily while you gripped his shoulders tighly.
“Already sticky down ‘ere I see~” He gasps out, pulling away from your lips while his fingers played with your slit. You mewl out at the feeling of his thick fingers running along your pussy. “Of course I am~ I’m excited to feel your body against mine after so long~ I’m surprised you wanted convincing on how much I really trust you…” You say nervously, your thighs squeezing together against his hand while you stared up at him with your nervous little eyes.
“I always need convincin’, how else will I ever know that ya genuinely love me for me? No one would want to be with someone as…big and grizzly as myself…”
“Come on baby…I would. I am with you! Why else would I be with you other than for yourself baby?” You asked him, your question causing his brows to raise in response while he grows quiet. He blushes and turns away from you before sighing out, now realizing that once again his mind was playing with him and just making him more worrisome.
“I already told you that I love your body Yamato. Not just your body, I love everything about you just like how you love everything about me.” You continued, your hand running down between your legs and running against the soft skin of his fingers. He squeaks out at your contact and he stared down into your eyes while you look back up into his.
“You love everything about me, right? That’s why you’re with me isn’t it?” You asked him nervously, tilting your head while you gave him an unsure look. His eyes widens in response and he immediately nodded without a second thought.
“H-Hell yeah I do! I wouldn’ be with ya otherwise if I wasn’ so sure…” He yells out in nervousness, not wanting to make it seem like he didn’t love you when he obviously did.
“Well that’s how I feel about you baby, you can always be confident that I’ll love you no matter what happens.” You say smiling to him, your words flattering him and making his heart flutter and skip a beat.
He hugs you tightly and gives you a loving smooch before pulling away, a lovable sigh spilling past his lips as he stared down into your eyes.
“God, lemme fuck ya~ All this sweet talkin’ got me soakin’ f’ya~”
“Please fuck me good Yamato~ Prove to me that you feel the same for me as I do for you.”
“I…I will baby. I will…”
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Yamato grabs your hips and presses his pussy up against yours, a soft sigh leaving him as his clit smooches up against yours. You let out a soft moan and trembled against him, staring down at his cunt while he stared into your pretty eyes. He adored how small you were beneath him, dominating your smaller body was so easy for him to accomplish. He loved how your body would squirm beneath him, the bigger he was the more pleasure he could feed your body.
“Ya ready?~” He asked teasingly, his lips curling up into a smirk while you look up into his eyes. You nodded softly and smiled, giving him the permission to start moving his hips against yours while you watched from below. You gasp out suddenly and watched as he began rocking his hips into yours, a groan leaving him as he felt your sticky slick running along his pussy.
“God ya s’fuckin’ wet baby~ Makin’ my pussy feel real good like this~” He groans outs, his hands pressing against either side of you while he stared down at your body already melting for him. You blushed deeply and bit your bottom lip, staring up at him while you sigh and gasp out shakily in response.
He chuckles and sits up a bit before grinding his hips a bit faster, his face wincing just a bit out of pleasure while he lets out a moan of ecstasy. He watched as you moan out for him, biting your bottom lip while he fucks your pussy all needily. “Ahhh~ Y-Yamato~ I-It feels s’good~” You moan out all sweetly to him, your brows furling as you watched him slide and grind his pussy all up against yours.
“Ahh~ I’m g-glad it does~ Ya better get ready cuz m’gonna make sure ya feel all of my love!~” He hums out, licking his lips while his hands began playing at your breasts. You huff out shakily to him as your body began to rock a bit hard, with Yamato’s hips going at an immaculate pace while his grinding was steady and rhythmic.
You arch your back and hiss out shakily, looking up to Yamato while he bends down and gives you a deepened kiss. “Mmh~ Ya gonna feel my love baby~ M’gonna make ya feel it, god m’gonna make ya feel s’good~” He gasps out shakily, throwing his head back while he propped himself up on his hands.
You let out angelic moans as he grinds up against you harder and faster against your cunt, your hands gripping the sheets tightly while you moan out and threw your head back. “Oh Yamato~ Y-Yamato I-I’m gonna cum soon~” You whined, your face scrunching up as you slowly lied back onto your fluffy pillows.
Yamato chuckles and grips one of your legs before going a bit faster, causing you to gasp and moan out beneath him while he fucked you so easily. “Cmon then babes~ I wanna feel ya squirtin’ on m’pussy~ Cmonnn~” He mewls out shakily, his breaths growing heavy while he played at his clit teasingly in front of you.
You whined out and press your head to your temple before moaning out loudly, your hands reaching out for his while he chuckled and reached out to you. “Fuck fuck- Y-Yamato!~ Oh god, Yamato!~” His hands waffled with yours and he watched as you unfurled beneath him, a heavy yet loud gasp erupting past your lips as you squirt out onto his pussy against yours. He hissed out and runs his thumb along your clit, trying to help ride your high out while he continued to grind against your cunt.
You whine out shakily as you yearned for him to stop and give you a second to breathe, but he didn’t and your body didn’t necessarily want him to. “Fuck ya so cute like that babes!~ S’fuckin’ adorable an’ needy~” He hums, his lips pressing a smooch to yours while his hips didn’t halt for a second. You whine out shakily, realizing that he wasn’t stopping regardless if you’d just came.
“Cmon baby, that was just th’first round! I haven’t even came yet!” He says playfully, giving you a little smile while you whined out to him in response. “P-Please Yamato~ I-I just c-came~” You whined out to him, a bit of years pricking at eyes as you pouted to him. Yamato chuckled mischievously and looks down at you with a glint in his eyes.
“No no baby…Ya just lay right there. I’m gonna fuck ya pussy and make ya cum even more!~” He says darkly, his tongue trailing across his lips as he finished his sentence. You breathe out shakily and stare up at him before whimpering in response, a bit excited yet nervous to see how rough he’ll go on you.
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“W-Wait!~ A-Ah!- S-Slow down Y-Yamato!~”
“Nah! I ain’ slowin’ down for nun’! I wanna show ya how much I love ya! How much I love this fuckin’ body of yours!”
You gasp out shakily and held on tight to your pillow, a heavy whine leaving you while tears rolled down your face and drool spilled past your lips. Yamato was breathing heavily above you, his hand gripping your thigh and keeping it up while he ran his pussy up against yours so vigorously and yet so hard.
Both of your pussies were all sticky with slick and cum, yet Yamato was still full of energy as if he hadn’t came three times already. Your mind was practically melting at this point and Yamato was absolutely loving how you looked crumbling beneath him.
Groans left his lips as he got a good look at your adorably sticky face, his smile growing wide as he stared down at you melting beneath his body. He watched your breasts bounce with every movement he took rocking his hips against yours, a handful of moans leaving your lips like a sweet angelic song.
“M-M’gonna cum a-again, Yamato~” You whimpered out loudly yet shakily to him, your eyes shutting softly as your lied your head back in sweet arousal. “Aww again? Ya so sensitive ain’cha?” He teased, a little snicker leaving him as he smiled down at your broken little state. You sigh out heavily yet weakly, begging him to give you a break with the press of your hand against his chest.
His brows raise in response and he smiles and bends over your, hovering over your body. His smirk grows into a wide smile as he smooched your lips, grinding his hips harder before he began to gasp out. “Fuck, m’close again~ I know ya wanna cum to so I’ll let ya~” He whispered to you, his hips beginning to go faster against yours while you let out a broken moan.
You groan out heavily and pull him close, your moans all soft and broken as your pussy fluttered against his. You let out a silent moan as you threw your head back, your pussy gushing all over his while he sighs out shakily. He chuckled before gasping out, his temple against yours as he breathed heavily against your lips.
His body shudders and he lets out a heavy growl, his body shuddering against yours as he squirts out into your pussy and lower abdomen. He humps you a few more time before he stopped completely, a hum leaving his lips as he looked down at you who was all fucked out and drooling.
He giggles and gives you another sticky smooch before slowly pulling himself off of you, a string of cum and slick disconnecting from both of your pussies. He sets himself down beside you and pulled you up into his arms, his arms cradling you as if you were a precious gem in his delicate hands.
“Did I….Did I do good ‘nough for ya babes…?”
You lied there unresponsive for a bit, causing him to move in closer to you before you looked into his eyes and smiled to him.
“Y-Yes baby~ Y-You did m-more than enough~” You responded a bit afterwards, huffing out as he sat there and stared down into your eyes. He slowly spreads out and lies down onto your shared bed, his arms resting you beside him while he lied down and spooned your smaller body inside of his.
“I-I t-told you~ I-I would l-love you no m-matter what~” You sigh out, your tone broken yet loving and caring for Yamato while he gave you the slightest look of worry.
“I-I know babes, but…are ya okay?”
“I’m f-fineeee~” You giggles to him, your fingers tickling at your chin while you felt his slight bit of scruff scratching at your fingers.
He sighs out and rests his head in his hand, his eyes watching as your slowly closed unconsciously out of exhaustion. He giggled a bit before pressing a smooth against your temple.
“I love you like how you love me babes…”
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malungkuting-bata · 2 months
mention cute tumblr girls 💄
@poleeeng @hindinamuli @heyyyypril @potato-mato @mae-saurus @jillianwarts @justamelodramaticfool @haevenscloud @binibining-paraluman @kindclouds @notababy-babygirl @sofiaryss @tigre-edi-rawr @ijuanabeatutubee @danijpeg @tilakahit @sparkle-and-gloom @nakakabighani @maggieeeh @tikboy-qt @yourfavoritecoffeebean @saunara @makiiiatoo @cdplayerr @disneywarryours @allofthehousethatstood @criizz @masakate @theministop
but for the record, i think everyone in this app is cute.
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radicalrascals · 1 month
@etxrnaleclipse for the assorted question prompts
didn't we agree to do this together? (Steven to Eve)
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"You had a concussion, and a lovely partner to nurse you back to health. I can deal with an investigation on my own. Doesn't mean I prefer it, though. Besides, most of it was just a waste of time. Dead ends left and right. But once we got the lab results in, we were back in the game. You'll love this; here." She handed Steven a mugshot of a young, vaguely familiar looking man. "The fingerprints on your gun, beside your own, belong to a Gabriel Luis Herrán. Born in Mendota, California to Chilean immigrants. Orphaned when he was nine, got separated from his older brother, passed around like a hot potato in the foster care system. It's almost textbook material. Kid turned to petty crime. Shoplifting, mostly. Then he gets older, and bolder. Until he's twenty-two and just suddenly poof. He vanishes. Perhaps he's left the country. That photo there is his last mugshot from around twenty years ago. What's even more interesting is, that because you reported that burning car, the forensics team had a chance to analyse it. They found a used epipen and a whole fucking lot of blood. Whose you may ask? Our very own Theo Matos, who's still in hospital recovering from being stabbed after he thwarted a b&e. If you ask me, Herrán has come a long way from being a shoplifting kid. He's grown into a very dangerous man."
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potato-mato · 2 months
Hi, curious lang. Ano url mo wayyyyy back??? Like even before potato-mato??? You look familiar.
hiii, missmandyyy or mandyylilah pinakamatagal ko naging url 😌
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modstarfell · 2 years
Yamato, but he’s a couch potato
but... but why... mato got some heavy lifting to do as an inventor... .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
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Black Rock shooter:
Black Rock Shooter
Black Rock Chan
Dead Master
Mato Kuroi
Insane Black Rock Shooter/ Rose
Yomi Takanashi
Tales of Berseria:
Velvet Crowe
Kiryu (Mechagodzilla MSF-3
Noctis Star Lock
Noctis Morte
Potato the hognose snake
Side/ Guest Muses:
Black Gold Saw
Black Devil Girl
Black Rock Shooter (Hermiteos Unit 1 Code name: Empress.)
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rollercoaster59 · 10 months
Pea potatoe ham balogni mato
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
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This isn't my husband, is he yours 🤨
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fry it
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shootingxstardust · 1 year
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gladiates · 4 years
Vocab from My First Hebrew Word Book
I found a PDF of Judyth Groner’s My First Hebrew Word Book, and even though it’s aimed at literal preschoolers, it’s been helpful for an amateur like me! The words in the book are written with nikud (the little vowel dots) since it’s aimed at kids, so I tried to find the ktiv malé/full spelling equivalents. Here’s the list of vocab (below the cut)--there’s nearly 175 words! As always, feel free to let me know if I made any mistakes, which is very possible!
I - אני  ani
hair - שיער sei'ar
head - ראש rosh
eyes - עיניים einayim
mouth - פה peh
hands - ידיים yadayim
legs - רגליים raglayim
body - גוף guf
tummy - בטן beten
face - פנים panim
ears - אוזניים oznayim
nose - אף af
family - משפחה mishpachah
cat - חתול chatul
grandpa - סבא saba
grandma - סבתא savta
brother - אח ach
uncle - דוד dod
aunt - דודה dodah
baby - תינוק tinok
mother - אמא ima
father - אבא aba
sister - אחות achot
clothes - בגדים b'gadim
shoes - נעליים na'alayim
pants - מכנסיים michnasayim
sweater - סוודר s'veder
shirt - חולצה chultzah
hanger - קולב kolav
skirt - חצאית chatza'it
hat - כובע kova
jacket - ז'קט m'eel
mirror - ראי r'ee
socks - גרביים garbayim
house - בית bait
roof - גג gag
window - חלון chalon
door - דלת delet
fence - גדר gader
bird - ציפור tzipor
grass - דשא deshe
flowers - פרחים p'rachim
tree - עץ etz
mailbox - תיבת דואר tevat do'ar
steps (stairs) - מדרגות madregot
living room - חדר אורחים chadar orchim
television - טלוויזיה televizya
sofa - ספה sapah
rug - שטיח shatiach
computer - מחשב machshev
telephone - טלפון telefon
table - שולחן shulchan
kitchen - מטבח mitbach
knife - סכין sakin
fork - מזלג mzaleg
spoon - כפית capit
pot - סיר siyr
oven - תנור tanur
refrigerator - מקרר m'karer
school - בית ספר beit sefer
students - תלמידים talmidim
paper - עיתון n'yar
scissors - מספריים misparayim
chalk - גיר gir
bookbag/backpack - ילקוט yalkut
books - ספרים s'farim
chair - כיסא kisei
pencil - עיפרון iparon
desk - שולחן shulchan
crayons - עפרונות tz'va'im
chalkboard - לוח lu'ach
teacher - מורה morah
playground - מגרש משחקים migrash mis'chakim
kite - עפיפון afifon
ball - כדור kadur
slide - מגלישה magleshah
children - ילדים y'ladim
sandbox - ארגז חול argaz chol
bicycle - אופניים ofanayim
swing - נדנדה nadnedah
roller skates - גלגיליות galgiliyot
jump rope - חבל קפיצה chevel k'fitzah
bench - ספסל safsal
city - עיר ir
bus - אוטובוס otobus
street - רחוב r'chov
truck - משאית  masa'it
car - מיכונית m'chonit
restaurant - מסעדה misadah
building - בניין binyan
traffic light - רמזור ramzor
airplane - מטוס matos
store - חנות chanut
library - ספרייה sifriyah
grocery store - מכולת makolet
tomato - עגבנייה agvaniyah
bread - לחם lechem
cookies - עוגיות oogiyot
milk - חלב chalav
potato - תפוח אדמה tapu'ach adamah
shopping cart - עגלה agalah
eggs - ביצים beitzim
chicken - עוף oaf
apple - תפוח tapu'ach
orange (food) - תפוז tapuz
bedtime - זמן שנה z'man shenah
bed - מיטה mitah
blanket - שמיכה s'michah
pillow - כרית katir
lamp - מנורה m'norah
book - ספר sefer
clock - שעון sha'on
closet - ארון aron
teddy bear - דובון dubon
moon - ירח yare'ach
stars - כוכבים kochavim
bathtime - זמן רחצח z'man rachtzah
soap - סבון sabón
boat - סירה sirá
bubbles - בועות bu'ot
bathtub - אמבטיה ambátya
water - מים máyim
towel - מגבת magévet
toothbrush - מברשת שיניים mivréshet shináyim
toilet - שירותים sherutím
sink - כיור kiyór
hairbrush - מברשת שיער mivreshet se'ar
birthday - יום הולדת yom-hulédet
balloons - בלונים balonim
friends - חברים khaverím
clown - ליצן leitzán
camera - מצלמה matzlemá
ice cream - גלידה glidá
candy - ממתק mamtak
present - מתנה mataná
candles - נרות nerót
cake - עוגה ugá
juice - מיץ mits
zoo - גן חיות gan khayót
bear - דוב dov
lion - אריה aryé
elephant - פיל píl
tiger - נמר namér
monkey - קוף kof
parrot - תוכי túki
snake - נחש nakhásh
giraffe - ג'ירפה jírafa
camel - גמל gamál
seal - כלב ים kélev-yam
spring - אביב avív
rainbow - קשת késhet
rain - גשם géshem
umbrella - מטריה mitriyá
summer - קיץ káyits
sun - שמש shémesh
beach - חוף khof
autumn - סתו s'táv
wind - רוח rúakh
leaves - עלים alím
winter - חורף khóref
sled - מזחלת mizhelet
snowman - איש שלג ísh shéleg
snow - שלג shéleg
colors - צבעים tz'va'im
red - אדום adom
green - ירוק yarok
black - שחור shachor
brown - חום chum
orange - כתום katom
white - לבן lavan
blue - כחול kachol
purple - סגול sagol
yellow - צהוב tzahov
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fatehbaz · 4 years
Cultivated forests of seasonally-flooded Llanos de Moxos (periphery of western Amazonia) with 10,000-year-old domesticated food plants (April/July 2020).
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These early people left behind thousands of artificial raised forest islands in what is now the Llanos de Moxos savanna in northern Bolivia. [...] Researchers tracked glass-like microfossils to reveal evidence that these early farmers grew squash, corn and cassava. The new research helps dispel a persistent myth that the Amazon long existed as a sort of wilderness paradise, largely untouched by human influences. [...]
The 4,700 artificial forest islands, believed to be built gradually by humans, speckle the seasonally flooded Llanos de Moxos savanna in northern Bolivia. When the region floods, these islands remain above the water. [...] The phytolith remains found at the island sites offered strong evidence that early Amazonian inhabitants grew squash, maize and cassava. Squash (Cucurbita spp.) phytoliths were discovered in soil cores as far back as 10,250 years before present (YBP); cassava (Manihot spp.) 10,350 YPB; and maize (Zea mays) 6,850 YBP. [...] The thinking is that the diet of these early people consisted mostly of squash, corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts and other carb-rich foods
This research adds to the growing body of evidence now suggesting that Amazonia is not a pristine wilderness, but rather a mosaic of wild lands and cultivated gardens. People have profoundly altered the landscape of Amazonia for thousands of years, with lasting consequences for species conservation and habitats.
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As far back as 8,000 years ago, people living in the Amazon rainforest favored and cultivated certain useful tree and other plant species, according to a massive 2017 study. Domesticated species such as Brazil nuts and cocoa were five times more likely than other species to dominate the landscape — especially along rivers, which people used then as roads and which were dotted with settlements. Modern tree communities in the Amazon, the 2017 research says, have been structured to some degree by human domestication of plants.
In a more recent study, new evidence was found of innovation by ancient farmers in the headwaters of the Xingu River Basin in southern Amazonia dating back to the pre‐Columbian period. Farmers there enriched tropical soils using charcoal and compost, creating fertile planting zones called “dark earth areas” that increased overall species richness. [...] “We think ancient communities used dark earth areas to grow crops to eat, and adjacent forests without dark earth for agroforestry,” Beatriz Marimon, a professor at the State University of Mato Grosso, said in a statement. “Dark earth increases the richness of species [...].”
Liz Kimbrough. “Amazonia’s people domesticated crops on ‘forest islands’ 10,000 years ago: Study.” Mongabay. 31 July 2020.
The academic article: Umberto Lombardo, Jose Iriarte, et al. “Early Holocene crop cultivation and landscape modification in Amazonia.” Nature. 8 April 2020.
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chronicparagon · 4 years
Some more character statics!
Full Name - Harmony Celestine Halcyon Nicknames/Titles - Mato Ciqana (Lakota name), Harmy (by her cousins), Har, Ha-chan
Age - Default age is 18-20 (age range is between 18-26 depending on verse)
Gender - Female Species - Human (Most verses) Zodiac - Taurus Alignment - Neutral Good Religion - It’s complicated. She follows traditional beliefs from her tribe which includes following Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka (Great Spirit/Great Mystery) as the supreme entity.  Languages - Lakota, English, and in some verses, Japanese Nationality - Native American (Lakota but her mother is Crow and white) Sexuality - Pansexual Body Type -  Pear shaped, meaning her hips and thighs are wider than her bust. Her figure also has some muscle tone. Skin Color - Tan Eye Color - Gray Hair Color -  Very dark brown, almost black with some red shine depending on the light Height - 5′ 4 Distinguishing Features - Bright and shimmering eyes, long hair, and scars from her back down her right arm. Tattoo of stylized eagle on her upper back.
Residence - Verse dependent, originally from the Black Hawk Reservation in Montana, US.  Martial Status - Verse dependent Companions - Verse dependent Drink - Coffee, water, melon soda Alcoholic Beverage - Wine coolers and  fruity cocktails like daiquiris, blue Hawaiian, pina coladas, Mai Tais, Aviation cocktail, or anything with strawberries. Breakfast - Her favorites are pancakes, cinnamon rolls, muffins (blueberry or huckleberry), french toast, and bacon. She loves crispy bacon. Lunch - Varies, it’s usually light like potato soup with cheese and bacon, BLT sandwiches. Sometimes, burgers and fries are her go-to despite them not being as light. Dinner -  Varies, favorites are bison burgers, fried pork chops and mashed potatoes, country fried steak with potatoes and country gravy, steak, and some wild game like venison and pheasant. Dessert - Cakes (vanilla bean, chocolate, strawberry or spice), cinnamon rolls, muffins, cupcakes, macarons (vanilla are her favorite), creme brulee, ice cream, chocolate chip or sugar cookies 
Snack - Varies, sometimes she wants something sweet like chocolate bars or sweets. Other times, she wants something savory like potato chips/crisps. S’mores are her favorite.  Color - Purple, black, turquoise, silver Flower - Aster Smell - It varies by what body wash, shampoo and conditioner, deodorants, lotion, perfumes/body sprays she uses. It’s typically sweet or floral notes. Typically, she smells like vanilla, tonka, and sandalwood.  Animal - Grizzly bear Time of Day - Night Weapon -  Fists, legs (kicks are more powerful and her punches), teeth, sometimes pocket knife and guns.  Element - Water Mythology Deity - Phoenix, it’s more of a mythological creature but I see it relevant to Harmony’s history.
Tagged by:  @tetsuwan-atom [Thank you!!] Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this.
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fenrislorsrai · 3 years
30 questions
I was tagged by @ouidamforeman
Rules: Answer 30 questions about yourself and tag 20 others you want to know more about
1. Name/Nickname: Fenris
2. Gender: NOT FOR YOU
3. Star Sign: Aries
4. Height: 5’2″
5. Time: 1:58 pm
6. Birthday: Nuclear accident, but it turned out okay!
7. Favorite bands/groups: Johnny Cash. Le Matos, Beth Orton, Preturbator,  Le Castle Vania, Loop Guru, Lords of Acid. Sarah McLachlan, Florence and the Machine.  A tribe Called Red. my tastes are all over the place.
8. Favorite solo artist: Johnny Cash.  It does not matter what playlist I was making eventually I am like “but why not some Johnny Cash”
9. Song stuck in my head: some goddamn electronic loop. which song? Fuck if I know.
10. Last Movie: I don’t honestly remember. beginning of year was kind of a big blur. I know I watched some. The last one I can clearly remember was Rare Imports. A Finnish horror movie with Santa as a cryptid.
11. Last Show: Star Trek Deep Space 9, which I’m currently rewatching
12. When did I create this blog: April 2012
13. What do I post: Good Omens, Star Trek, my own art, werewolves, hyenas, bats, I like critters. solarpunk stuff.
14. Last thing I Googled: Lesbian labrys flag to show to someone on my phone
15. Other blogs: My art blog which I forget to update is @hconeillart my business on is @rainydaypaperback and I also have @werewolfccg which is werewolves
16. Do I get asks: very rarely!  I occasionally get people asking for help finding textbooks as I can help you do that!  I just rarely publish those publically.
17. Why I chose my URL: I have used this user name for 20+ years.  Back in the days when the internet was fractured into message boards and listservs and various fandom groups had about 6 words each they liked as user named. damn RavenBloodWulf was already taken! what about RavynBludWolf? THAT TOO???  Fenris was one of the popular words in that group, Lorsrai is literally nonsense that look like a foreign word and isn’t. 
18. Following: 199
19. Followers: 888
20. Average hours of sleep: 8-8 1/2 
21. Lucky number: 4? idk
22. Instruments: trumpet.  I haven’t played in years though. I was a band nerd. I was even in the pep band in college. Despite having to play at every football game, I have never, ever figured out the rules. A thing has happened, PLAY LOUD.
23. What am I wearing: jeans, a blue and white striped sweater, and the gayest sneakers. they’re pink and teal neon and sparkley. GAY.
24. Dream job: I own a bookstore. I’m really happy with that. 
25. Dream trip: anything I don’t have to drive at all. fuck you, cars.  I’ve done a bunch of long haul train riding. So maybe the one across Russia.
26. Favorite food: Sweet potatoes. But savory. bake ‘em, fry ‘em, mash ‘e, put ‘em in stew. gimme.
27. Nationality: American
28. Favorite song: Hurt by Johnny Cash
29. Last book I read: Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love, and So Much More by Janet Mock. I’m ALMOST done with The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins.
30. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: Star Trek. Just let me chill in a  post-scarcity environment. I’d probably be doing ecorestoration somewhere.
Valdemar- I’m gay and I like horses. 
Watership Down- I’m aware that barely counts as a differently universe. but a world where we are not alone and there are other species whose gods may be seen just at the edge of the garden... that just gets to me. 
I’m supposed to tag people, but lord, I know a lot of you have anxiety. s’okay, I love you anyway. No tags. I don’t want to put anyone on the spot NOR have anyone feel “why didn’t you tag me?” YER COOL AND I LOVE YOU YOU ANXIOUS MESSES.
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In Brazil, indigenous people are fighting to keep their children
'I'll always be waiting for him,' says a woman whose baby was taken from her days after he was born.
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The warm wind of summer whipped across the high plains of the Brazilian city of Dourados on the February day in 2015 when Élida de Oliveira’s newborn was taken away.
Oliveira, a member of the Kaiowá indigenous group, had given birth to her son alone, in the makeshift house where she lived. The boy’s father had left her when he found out she was pregnant with her seventh child. Built of used scraps of wood, plastic sheeting, and tarps, her home occupies a piece of reclaimed land in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul known as Ñu Vera, just outside the perimeter of Brazil’s most populated reservation, the Dourados Indigenous Reserve, which itself borders the city of Dourados, some 75 miles from the Paraguay border. There’s no electricity or running water on this ancestral Kaiowá land and no room on the parched soil to grow the traditional food—white maize, manioc, potatoes, squash—meant to feed body and soul.
A week after Oliveira delivered her son, a community health agent saw Oliveira with the baby. The agent told her to bring him to the reserve’s clinic the next day at 4 p.m. so he could be weighed, issued a health card, and later vaccinated, just as her other children had been when they were born. What the agent didn’t tell her was that a government children’s services agency had already been called. 
Ever since the Portuguese colonized Brazil some 520 years ago, indigenous people have struggled to regain their rights, particularly to ancestral land that is the basis of their culture and their connection to traditional food, family, language, and prayer. Today’s government—led by far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, who vowed he wouldn’t give “one more centimeter” of land to indigenous people—has exacerbated the problem, but it’s one that long predates his tenure.
Now, in Dourados, indigenous people are fighting to keep their children, who are being removed from their families at an alarming rate. The families are in an untenable situation: For their culture to survive, they need to maintain their connection to ancestral land. But that land can no longer support them, opening them up to charges of neglect from agencies of a government that would prefer they just assimilate.
Continue reading.
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