#mats kroon
opelman · 1 month
Spa Rally 2022
Spa Rally 2022 by Ste Tit
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regioonlineofficial · 23 days
Op 13 april kun je gratis deelnemen aan drie korte trainingen en een presentatie om kennis te maken met wat Professioneel Trainen te bieden heeft. Tijdens deze sessies, speciaal ontworpen voor mensen vanaf 50 jaar, zijn fysiotherapeute Bianca en leefstijlcoach/diëtiste Bojoura aanwezig om de oefeningen aan te passen aan jouw behoeften en om informatie te verstrekken over voeding en leefstijl. Probeer onze gloednieuwe Smartfloor! Tijdens deze dag stellen we een splinternieuwe Smartfloor ter beschikking, dankzij een samenwerking tussen de gemeente Hollands Kroon, de LSBO, Team Sportservice Noordkop, lokale fysiotherapeuten en sportaanbieders. Op deze zes meter lange mat kunnen we de loopbalans van gebruikers meten en wordt duidelijk of er sprake is van een valrisico. Bovendien bieden we tijdens de training deelnemers de mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan een In Balans cursus. Praktische informatie over training De training vindt plaats op De Lange Ring 10 in Anna Paulowna van 14:00 uur tot 17:00 uur. Wil je deelnemen? Meld je dan aan via een mail naar [email protected] of telefonisch via 0653198275.
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years
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Hier kan jy romantiek in sy natuurlike toestand sien wat die geseëndes by die splinternuwe Pando sal opstaan, elkeen met sy geel grot gevoerde mond by die laaste.
Stryd om dood en lewe
Whigste eest
The antiek van ons kookkuns kan beste gesien word teen die agter die Bolandse landelike lewe an die begin van die 20ste eeu. Aan de end en elke jaar was daar groot digheid veral op die graanplase. I is dan oestyd en boonop Kersfees
Ksdag is 'n feesdag wat, afgesien die Christelike strekking, met dele gragte gevier moet word. Par weke your Kersfees word die Kok gebak en die doekpoeding pook Daarna kom die soetkoekies die beurt en word die trommels met bakel op baksel droëkoekies gevul.
Ml, uns gewildste koeksoort. De koe het erre later in die 20ste skyning gemaak. Voor dié de skilferdeng vir die hoender pade melkterte sonder hierdie
gerief laat in die aand gemaak, oornag in 'n klam moeseliendoekie in 'n trek last hang en die volgende oggend dou voordag gebak. Hierdie melktert (lees „Basiese Resepte"), wat vandag nog die gewildste lekkerny by feestelike geleenthede is, kan as eie aan Suid Afrika beskou word. Die presiese melktert wat voorkoms smaak en betref, kry 'n mens nie buite die Re publiek nie.
Op die Kerstafel het sedert jaar en dag, tot hede, gewoonlik hoenderpastei, speenvark, eend en ander gebraaide pluimvee, dikwels kalkoen, verskyn. Verder was daar groente, slaaie, 'n warm en 'n koue nagereg. Gedurende die dag volg koue gemmerbier as lafenis in die hitte, en teen die laat middag 'n groot waatlemoen, oopgesny en die lang skywe krakend van die kroon afgebreek. Die middelste gedeelte van die kroon is gewoonlik vir die grootmense en die
ente was die kinderkroon. Verjaardagviering. Verjaardae was
in die ou dae geleenthede waarop die huisvrou haar kookvermaf kon toon. En dit is vandag nog so. Wanneer 'n persoon na 'n verjaardag genooi word, is die veronderstelling dat hy daarna jaarliks self na die verjaardag kom en nie weer op 'n uitnodiging wag nie. Om die verjaardae te onthou, behoort elke gesin 'n verjaardagboekie te besit, waarin al die verjaardae sorgvuldig aangeteken word.
Pa se verjaardag word met 'n familie maaltyd gevier, terwyl sy vriende met hulle gades die namiddag en aand kom gelukwens. Vir dié geleentheid word 'n deftige kleed oor die groot tafel ge gooi en daarop word allerlei soorte soetgebak geplaas. Dit bestaan gewoon lik uit groot koeke soos 'n sjokolade 'n klapper, 'n silwer-, 'n goue, en 'n lintkoek; 'n versierde vrugtekoek; melk-, klapper- en konfytterte; kolwyntjies, koesisters en klein tertjies. In die ou dae was daar wynjellie in glasies en glasbakkies met waatlemoen-, agurkie , maar 'n paar soorte Ken tee word aangebied The end van halfvier die middag geant die aand verwag
Delom mat Zimonade, Die insameling wat die proes is op die Bolandse plase op 'n heel besondere wyse gevier. Die gewe is die land deur selfbinders goot en met waens werf toe aan ery in 'n miel gepak te word. Nadat die laaste purwe gepak was, is die in wing pewoonlik goed gevier met alleries--some met limonade. Limonade in drank wat in sekere opsigte ooreen stem met de Hollandse wijnschotel". Vir lide is nye witbrood gerooster, net daarop gerasper en die brood in Hekkies gesny. Dit is dan saam met urlemoenblare en 'n paar bottels twyn in 'n sopkom gesit. Uit die sop kie dit met 'n suplepel in glase en bekers an die huismense en die oes walk bedien
Karmenojies en tasalletjies. Vark glielmogrike werk op die plaas
wat vir die koue wintermaande gehou is, 'n Groot vark wat vir dié doel vetge maak is, sou maande lank in die vleis behoefte van die gesin en die werks mense (wat uit die kombuis kos gekry het) voorsien. By so 'n geleentheid is erdepotte met die uitgebraaide vet ge gevul, terwyl die kaiings vir kaiing beskuit en -kockies gehou is. Behalwe die balie soutvleis en pekelspek is gerookte ham, tasalletjies, sult, boer, lewer- en bloedwors gemaak.
Tasalletjies kon drie weke lank as vars vleis goed hou. Hiervoor is die sagte vleis van die rugstring afgeslag, liggies gesout, met peper en geskroeide koljander ingevryf en met asyn bedek. Voor gebruik is die vleis afgespoel en in 'n pan gebraai. Tasalletjies kom van die Portugees,,tassalho". Dit is ook soms winddroog gemaak om op 'n reis saam te neem en saans in die veld te braai.
Wanneer daar op die boerplase geslag is, is aan die bure karmenaadjies gestuur. 'n Karmenaadjie is 'n geskenkpakkie.
wat bestaan uit 'n uitgesoekte stukkie vars vleis, 'n stukkie spek en 'n lengte wors.
Biltong en Boerbeskuit. Biltong, sout ribbetjie en boerbeskuit wat die Voor trekkervrou in staat gestel het om 'n voorraad voedsel in gereedheid te hou, het in hierdie eeu gesogte lekkernyes. geword. Beide biltong en beskuit word vanaf die middel van die 20ste eeu as handelsprodukte verpak en in elke winkel te koop aangebied. Daar is ook 'n begin gemaak om groenmielie brood. 'n tipiese Suid-Afrikaanse dis, in blikke in te maak. Beskuitjies (een
een verpak) word selfs in hotels saam met die oggendkoffie bedien. Toeriste uit ander lande vind dit vreemd om so vroeg in die oggend vir 'n koppie koffie wakker gemaak te word. Maar vir die Suid-Afrikaner lê die roman tiek van ons kookkuns o.a. in daardie vroeë koppie koffie (met boerbeskuit), die skaapribbetjie, die soetsuurdeeg. brood met varkvet en nioskonfyt wat jy met 'n mes en vurk eet. Só kan 'n mens mos net in Suid-Afrika eet! Of moet ons sê..kon"? Want toe was dit anders as tans. Die kuns het dikwels in 'n kits verander!
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forsdikcult · 2 years
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Eagles season 4 -  Eagles säsong 4
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harperstern · 3 years
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There something about this town that… It sort of feels like no matter how much you try to get away, it… It pulls you back somehow.
EAGLES SVT 3.06 "Crossroads"
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auddie00 · 3 years
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Tell me from the beginning. How did you get to know the Kroon family?
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Eagles: Diamonds 3x2
1. Felicia moved into her own place....... hell no. It makes it worse that I still think she is doing drugs. Also, I really want to know what she likes about being a social media influencer. I don’t see her liking so much attention idk..
2. Y’all got some pretty ass houses in Sweden 👀
3. Is Elias in America? How trash is the juxtaposition of sweden to america 😭 we look hella ROUGH over here.. like dingy and dirty tf
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4. why does Elias look like a trucker??...
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5. I forgot the Kroon’s lived in America prior to season 1 because Elias’s english really scared the hell out of me, Jesus Christ. It is so weird only hearing him speak Swedish. Like I am having to continually pause it because just hearing him has my whole chakra misaligned 😭
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6. I wonder who Elias chooses to be standoffish with? He didn’t hang out with his Eagle teammates but hung out with his former team that busted Ludde up. He hangs at a bar enough to get with multiple women. And from this scene “big surprise”, I don’t think he’s hung out with his American team at all either. Idk, it’s interesting.
7. You know how geeked I would be if Elias was listening to Amie’s music while he worked out?? Oooo you couldn’t tell me NOTHING!
8. Ah, and here goes my baby shining as always :,) Hair is poppin! She looks so comfortable on stage, it makes me so happy! That is where she belongs forreal! I am really excited for the show to also dive into what it is like for a young person who has dreams of being in entertainment clash with heads and bosses that just see $$$. It’s one of my predictions for s3.
9. Ew, the way Bo was biting his lip already turned me all the way off but knowing that he doesn’t know what personal space means... gtfo!
10. So according to Felicia, Elias ain’t speaking to anybody? Interesting. Mats makes the excuse that he’s focused on his future but no. That’s how you raised your son. What the hell else does this boy like to do other than hockey? If he gets hurt like Ludde and/or won’t be able to play again, what else would he do? Again, Mats needs to stop being in denial and start confessions. You see how eager he was when Felicia invited him to her housewarming? He wants to be with his kids but he needs to fix the way he treats them
11. Ummm... did prison let Ludde out for recess by way of trash duty?
(side note: ok it was a little cute how he said “hockey”😂)
12. I am literally blushing at the fact that Amie is famous now like YAS GIRL!
Oh wait... they just asked her about her surname. The way Amie said “the other side” BRO.💀 It be like that sometimes 🤷🏾‍♀️
13. I’m happy Ludde and his brother are reunited and all but did I just see bare ass??
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(update: ooh okay... just checkin. that water was very translucent)
14. okay.... Elias is handling hockey rejection very well. A few loose ends to tie up in Sweden??
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15. Amie’s boss thinks that Amie was right in saying she likes to write her own things (figured why his ass crouched closer to her when she answered the question) just so they can hire someone else to write her music... what the hell
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16. See the bullshit is already coming. You don’t listen to your talent and try to compromise with their schedule? Let the girl finish school, damn 🙄 What if the new character coming in to work with Amie helps her break free from “the machine”?
17. Seeing Felicia and Ludde in bed together all I’m thinking is “imagine if bro... imagine if” the way I would riot like a mother.
18. They pronounced Joel like Yoel and when Felicia said Ludde’s last name it sounded like Yohansson. Okkkkay, I think I’m learning a little Swedish something something! Check me out 🤪
19. Is Felicia offering to be Ludde’s sugar momma at 17?? Girl let that boy find a J.O.B
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20. Is Ludde’s brother gay?? aw. Crazy we didn’t know about this earlier.
21. Mats is at this party looking hella awkward. It just shows his age so much 😭
22. The way I predicted Felicia and Ludde were chilling at Amie’s concert bopping to her music because of the lights they were standing behind, only to find out they are just smiling at a geeked Mats 😂😂 I was hella wrong. (side note: you see Mats face? He is too excited that Elias is coming home. Like he needs to not hide that by always drilling into Elias and just enjoy the moments)
23. I really want Amie’s mom to go to one of her concerts. I hope we get to see that eventually.
24. MY GIRL WITH THE PIIIIPES!! We really only hear her sing a little previously but THIS? LOVE. Amie? You gonna tell Elias you a “bad bad momma”?
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Lmaooo let me quit acting extra 💀💀💀
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antonforsdik · 2 years
Eagles season 4
Now it's history
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Anton Forsdik as Mats Kroon young
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eagles-translated · 2 years
Eagles Transcript S04E01 – Time
This is the English transcript for the season premiere of season 4. Watch the subtitled episode here.
Sweden's Television Presents
A production by New Stories
Petra: Hey... We have to get up now. What if we miss the graduation run? No, Mats...
Graduation day 1997
Petra: I need to go and shower and fix my hair. It'll take some time.
Mats: Okay. I won't be going to school today.
Petra: Very funny.
Mats: Sorry, it's... The Americans want me to be there a week early. So I have to go today. At eleven.
Petra: But we were going in one week together.
Mats: Yeah, I know, but like you said you'll come in one week. It's fine. I'll be there and I'll be waiting for you. We'll travel around the whole US, you and me.
Petra: Do you promise?
Mats: I promise.
Episode 1 – Time
Mats: Yes!
Card: Reserved
Announcer: Elias Kroon, number 9, equalises the Eagles to 3–3. We get a little more of the game and are heading towards overtime.
Elias: This game is so slow.
Adam: The hell are you saying? Are you in a hurry or something?
Elias: Maybe so.
Amie: Thank you so much! Thank you so much for tonight, you're wonderful. Don't forget to donate as much as you can to MFC. Thank you!
Manager: You were great!
Gustav: Amie!
Manager: What a show! It must feel amazing!
Gustav: You were so good! Did I tell you the Popzzy festival got in touch–
Amie: No, wait. I was very clear on this being a one-time thing since it's for a good cause.
Gustav: But Amie, we've been on them for a while now–
Amie: I've said that I don't want to book any more gigs until after graduation, so... We'll discuss this later.
Gustav: We will.
Omar: Damn. Whoa, whoa. Kroon! Say hello to the camera. Look at this. He's been working out, you can tell.
Teammate: Fucking hell, Omme, stop filming. You're perverted.
Omar: They'll like this, it's cool.
Adam: Hey! GDPR!
Omar: Adam Molin, one of the scorers tonight. How do you feel?
Adam: Yeah, well, it feels like you're going to get beat up.
Omar: Hey! Quit it! Let go! Fuck, come on. I'm filming a documentary.
Adam: A documentary?
Omar: It might win Oscars and stuff.
Mats: Are you ready?
Elias: What?
Mats: For the press conference.
Elias: I'm late for a thing. You can do that without me.
Mats: You know what the lawyers said. We need to be shown in a positive light in the media, both you and me, with how things are now. Yes.
Elias: But... There's someone waiting for me.
Mats: No, you're not getting away. Just hurry up now. Jönsson, are you ready? You're coming to the press conference too.
Irene: Hey... Sam's going to the hospital tomorrow. Do you want to come with him?
Ludde: I don't want to see him like that anymore.
Irene: Do you want to be alone? Okay. Be careful of your synth, Ludde. It's an antique.
Ludde: Are you going to lie down there?
Irene: I promise I'll be really quiet.
Naima: Yeah! And there was so much blood, and I didn't understand anything. I was like, "here's some paper". And she said "But... Here, do you need some?". I was like "No thanks, I'm good. But thank you". Then we never heard from each other again.
Girl: No! You're sick, Naima.
Naima: Yeah, I know. That's why I'm here. What about you?
Tove: You doing stand-up?
Naima: Yes box.
Tove: I don't want to be a buzzkill, but some people have gone to bed, so...
Naima: Okay. I'm sorry, Tove.
Tove: Is everything alright with you?
Felicia: Yeah, I'm good. It's fine, thank you.
Naima: Okay, Kroon. Go! Tell us about yours.
Felicia: Mine?
Naima: Your worst screw.
Felicia: No... No.
Naima: Yes.
Felicia: No.
Naima: What?
Felicia: I don't know, I don't like talking about stuff like that.
Naima: Okay. I feel stupid now.
Petra: I feel stupid. Everybody here is so pretty.
Amie: Stop it, mom. You look great.
Petra: You think so?
Manager: Hey!
Petra: Are you looking for somebody?
Amie: No, sorry. We could leave now if you want. I've already made my appearance, so...
Petra: Leave? I haven't been at a party in years. Are you kidding? You'll have to carry me out of here. These ones are free, right?
Gabrielle: Amie? Wow. Amazing show!
Amie: Thank you.
Gabrielle: Gabrielle Washington, I'm from Top Wave Music. We've been trying to get a hold of your management for some time now, with no luck. We've been following your career. We really love what you do. We would like you to be a part of our label.
Amie: Wait, are you serious?
Gabrielle: Doesn't that sound, like, amazing?
Amie: Yeah!
Gabrielle: Yeah. We're hoping to bring you over to the states around summer, if possible. But we need your label to let you go first. And, as I interpret their silence...
Amie: Sorry, I... This all sounds really great. But I just need to take care of something. Can we talk later?
Gabrielle: Okay, yeah. Sure.
Amie: Hello! Michael. What the hell are you doing here?
Michael: You weren't supposed to see me.
Amie: You can't just... You can't just show up like this. It doesn't work like that.
Michael: I'm sorry, I just... I just wanted to see you do your thing. You're amazing. I'm so proud.
Amie: You can't say that either.
Michael: No, alright. I'll leave. I'm sorry.
Journalist: You've had an incredible comeback this season, and if you keep it up you've got a great shot at playoffs. Elias, does this pressure affect you players?
Mats: Elias.
Elias: Sorry. Pressure? No, I don't feel any pressure. I leave that to our opponents.
Naima: I'm sorry for pushing you.
Felicia: No. It's just me being boring. Well, I don't know...
Naima: Mysterious.
Felicia: No, I'm not mysterious.
Naima: No right, I forgot! You barely shut up at the group meetings. I'm all, "I don't want to know, it's enough!".
Felicia: I'm just being careful. I'm a public figure. I don't know, I...
Naima: But you know that sharing is one of our steps here.
Felicia: Everybody already knows everything about me.
Naima: Yeah, maybe about you, but not who you are. Did Tove talk to you about the building blocks?
Felicia: No.
Naima: The blocks are... The experiences, the people... Everything that has led to you being here. To you being you. So... What are your blocks?
Felicia: Wait, can you change it back? No, the channel before.
Mats: We can feel that they're really starting to tire–
Girl: Sport? Really.
Felicia: Yes, it's my brother. Can you turn it up?
Journalist: Hello, I'm Malin from Press Extra. Congratulations on the win.
Mats: Thank you. I didn't know your readers were interested in hockey.
Malin: It's more related to the information that was spread about your family last fall. A lot of it turned out to be false claims. But you don't seem to have taken legal action because of a lack of evidence and source protection.
Mats: I'm not hearing a question here. Am I?
Malin: Is it suitable to have you and Elias as frontmen for the Eagles? Considering the uninvestigated allegations toward you?
Mats: If you don't have a real question about the game we just won, we can move on.
Malin: Why haven't we gotten the name of the person you claim to be accountable?
Mats: Okay. Because we don't want to stoop to his level. There, next question.
Malin: Where is Felicia? She hasn't spoken out about this at all.
Mats: Can someone get this clown out of here?
Mats: Yes, I know that, Leila. Don't yell! I will! I have to hang up, I'm going to call the lawyers.
Adam: Hey! What the hell is going on?
Elias: Khalil, for fuck's sake, get your camera away. Do you hear me? Move, come on.
Mats: Where the hell are you going, Elias? Hey, we need to fix this!
Elias: No, fix it yourself. I'm already late.
Mats: Late for what? Hey!
Felicia: It's... It's fine. I'm okay.
Tove: You sure? You don't want to grab a cup of tea? To talk a little. Come.
Felicia: No, I'm just tired, I think. I probably just need to sleep a little. Actually.
Tove: If you ever want to talk, just step in. My door is always open.
Irene: So... That letter. Is it from Felicia? Why haven't you opened it?
Ludde: Because I'm so scared.
Irene: What do you mean, scared?
Ludde: It feels like... When you've cut your finger by accident and you're too scared to see how deep the wound is. Because it'll bleed just as much anyway, so... Yeah. Why even bother? Kind of like that.
Irene: It's the hospital. Yes, this is Irene.
Petra: I actually think it's bad manners of Micke to do that. Do you want me to talk to him? I can do that.
Amie: No, it's fine. It's fine.
Petra: Are you sure?
Amie: Thanks anyway, mom.
Petra: Should we go upstairs?
Amie: You go. I'm just going to unwind for a bit.
Petra: You were so freaking good! You were completely fantastic!
Amie: Thank you. Hi.
Elias: Hi. Hey, I'm sorry. I tried to make it in time, but–
Amie: No, I heard about the press conference. Do you want to talk about it?
Elias: No. Not now. So apparently you were "so freaking good, completely fantastic"?
Amie: Stop!
Elias: But you had a good time?
Amie: Yeah, well... Dad showed up.
Elias: Do you want to talk about it?
Amie: Not now.
Elias: Okay. Hey... I'm sorry. I will make it up to you.
Amie: You will.
Nurses: We called his family. We'll have to inform him about the test results. The police will want to hear from him. Wait. Andreas? Hello, Andreas. I'm Bea. I'm a nurse. You're at the hospital. You've been under anesthesia. You've been shot. Do you remember anything from what happened?
Andreas: No.
Nurse: Take it easy. Save your energy. Your family is on their way. Your brother and boyfriend have been here several times. It's going to be okay.
Reporter: And after a last-minute victory, the Eagles coach Mats Kroon had to answer some tough questions about the allegations that came out last fall.
Mats: Can you get that clown out of here?
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amiesamuelssonn · 4 years
So what if there's a new girl, who meets up with felicia for some ig stuff, and they talk and this girl is so flirty and bold but the best part is
She doesnt know a damn thing about hockey.
Nothing. Players, rules, even basic stuff.
And it's one of the few times that felicia gets to feel like the impressive one, the superstar to this girl.
Elias loves it. Explaining hockey to her reminds him of the parts he enjoys, and being able to see it for the first time in someones eyes is thrilling.
leila loves her, she keeps felicia having fun without substances, and she's honest unlike mats.
because this girl knows nothing of hockey, papa kroon is unimpressive to her. Just a guy who needs to do better by his family and has no qualms about saying so to him.
idk im gay. thoughts?
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beautiful-lively · 4 years
so s2 has started and here are some of my thoughts:
overall a solid start, i definitely cant wait to see what happens
i actually like the ludde/amie friendship - just hates the foundation (not the school assignment, the cheating lmao).
felicia smacking food on amie was uncalled for and i hope they make up soon
however, ludde RLY needs to stop feeling sorry for himself soon. you cheated on your girlfriend with her best friend after she told you that her dad doing the same to her mother caused her to OD - you're not the victim here sweetie
i love elias so much and i am generally excited to see where he's story is going, but GOD did he test my patience with that bitching to jack. those are literally the worst people in the world
speaking of jack, i like him and i rly hope that i'll keep doing so
it's lowkey weird tho that he looks like he could be related to the kroons
also mats can still choke - you've treated your family like shit, it's on yourself that they are leaving
im real worried abt felicia and i hope she gets help soon
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moonlightshadows · 4 years
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L’influencer Felicia ed il suo talentoso fratello giocatore di hockey Elias sono figli di Mats Kroon, vecchia stella della NHL, e si trasferiscono a causa di circostanze drastiche da Boston a Oskarshamn, città natale del padre. Un cambiamento che presto diventerà drammatico non appena Felicia si innamorerà di Ludvig, compagno di squadra di Elias e suo più gran rivale, ed allo stesso tempo avrà a che fare con le gerarchie del suo liceo.
Felicia Kroon 
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Elias Kroon
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Ludde Johansson
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Amie Samuelsson
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Klara Ceder
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Mats Kroon
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Jack (from season 2)
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opal-crown · 5 years
I've watched Eagles Svt
Ludvig Johansson is so handsome it should be illegal
Elias Kroon deserves more screen time
Fuck Mats
Felicia and Elias are the power sibling-duo that deserves more
Felicia is so beautiful
Ludde and Felicia together stole my heart
Would die for Elias in a heartbeat
Amie x Elias
Amie is so beautiful but home girl broke the girl code
Mama Kroon deserves the world
I need a second season asap cuz that cliffhanger dude
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evabrighis · 5 years
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It’s finally official. New center in the junior team - Elias Kroon, son to the legendary NHL pro Mats Kroon, who has now chosen to move home from the US to his home town where Elias will play in his father’s old club, Oskarshamn Eagles. Who doesn’t want a Kroon on their team?
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antonieniessen · 7 years
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Oranje boven
Het lijkt mij gepast om te beginnen met mijn verontschuldigingen aan te bieden aan onze Oranje Leeuwinnen en de grondleggers van het vrouwenvoetbal in Nederland. Ik heb een enorme beginnersfout gemaakt. Vrouwen en heren vergelijken op sportgebied slaat namelijk nergens op. Ik raakte door die zienswijze overtuigd van mijn eigen gelijk. Dom. Heel dom. Laat onze nationale trots Dafne Schippers starten tegen Usain Bolt op haar favoriete 200 mtr en Dafne wordt op een straatlengte achterstand gelopen. Hetzelfde geldt voor Ireen Wüst tegen Sven Kramer op de 5000 mtr. Als Sven gedouched en wel thuis aan de andijviestamppot zit moet Ireen nog finishen. Toch staan we massaal achter Dafne en Ireen en wordt er over het EK dames dagelijks op het scherpst van de snede gediscussieerd.
Onze Oranje dames spelen een geweldig toernooi. De beloning voor hun verzorgde spel, hun inzet, het enthousiasme en de gedrevenheid betaalt zich uit in het spelen van de finale. Dik en dik verdiend. Ik heb alle wedstrijden van Oranje gezien en ik ben supporter van deze ploeg geworden. Het plezier en de ultieme wil om te winnen stralen ervan af en er wordt bij vlagen goed verzorgd voetbal gespeeld. Natuurlijk is het soms technisch minder verzorgd, maar dat moeten we voor lief nemen. Onze dames laten mij zien wat ik bij het grote Oranje al tijden mis : trots zijn om in dat shirt te mogen spelen. Als ik zie hoe bijvoorbeeld Vivianne Miedema als jong meisje met alle kritiek is omgegaan kan ik alleen maar een diepe buiging voor haar maken. Daar kunnen onze verwende volgevreten vedetten als Robin van Persie en Memphis Depay nog een heleboel van leren. Chapeau, Vivianne.
Dit Oranje verdient het om zondag de kroon op het werk te zetten. Deze meiden hebben een groot aantal criticasters de mond gesnoerd. Zij hebben laten zien dat damesvoetbal een volwaardige sport is en dat er nog steeds rek in zit. Er zullen altijd mensen blijven die het niet interessant vinden en niet goed genoeg. Prima. Misschien moeten die mensen zichzelf eens af gaan vragen hoeveel wedstrijden per seizoen de moeite waard zijn. Hoeveel wedstrijden geen pijn aan de ogen doen. Ik denk dat ik met 5% nog aan de hoge kant van de score zit. Persoonlijk moet ik mezelf moed inpraten om het einde van Studio Sport op zondag te halen. Of gaan die mensen mij wijsmaken dat Roda-FC Groningen, Willem II-PEC Zwolle en VVV Venlo-Excelsior leuk zijn om naar te kijken. Nee toch ?
Even naar de mannen. Afgelopen week werd Ajax uitgeschakeld  in de voorronde van de CL door OGC Nice. Een Franse topploeg die vorig seizoen eindigde op plek 3e. Achter de Franse grootmachten AS Monaco en Paris SG. Ik heb beide ontmoetingen gezien en deze uitschakeling was onverdiend. In Nice was Ajax de 2e helft duidelijk sterker en afgelopen week speelden ze Nice een uur lang van de mat. Laten we in ogenschouw nemen dat Ajax door het drama rond Appie Nouri een waardeloze voorbereiding achter de rug heeft en dat er een grauwe sluier over het het komende seizoen zal blijven hangen. Geen enkel resultaat kan het verdriet over wat er met Nouri is gebeurd verzachten. Als je dan toch als ploeg zo presteert tegen een Franse topploeg mag je apetrots zijn. Ik heb in ieder geval genoten van goed voetbal.
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harperstern · 3 years
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No, it’s been a little rough, but I’ve known all the time that we’ve had the potential, and— We’re showing that we can beat the best and we’re on our way up in the stats, so— Yeah, we can only go up now.
EAGLES SVT 3.05 "Wounds"
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