#matt gant
oswincoleman · 2 years
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On Sunday, production designer Matt Gant shared this picture on Instagram, and added the caption:
Back to the ‘90s: raving all night on set with @ojacksoncohen @jenna_coleman_ @williamthenobaldy and @tazerrat as we finish week one of filming on ‘Jackdaw’. Dailies are looking great!! #jackdaw #film
So this is rather interesting. I couldn't find any more information about this, but it seems that Jenna Coleman is currently filming a secret film, that has not been announced in any way. And it would seem that it also stars Oliver Jackson-Cohen, which is a funny twist, as they had worked together throughout the summer and early autumn, on Wilderness. That reminds me of how Jenna and Matthew Goode played lovers in both Dancing on the Edge (2012), and Death Comes to Pemberley (2013). And apparently, Jamie is also somehow involved in this secret film.
This is clearly a recent picture (see what everyone is wearing), so it's not from the filming of Wilderness.
Recall that Jenna shared this story a few days earlier:
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Seems like Jenna is quite busy at the moment. I would have thought that she would be in rehearsals for Lemons by about now. But it seems like that will have to wait.
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small-spanish-face · 2 months
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19 gay little microbes.
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getlancered · 3 months
honestly i could factory produce these for a living
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pauladrawsnstuff · 2 years
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Just drawing some Ace Attorney villains. Now I only know the baddies from the first four games, so please don't ask why I didn't include so and so from AA Bladdeyblah 2: Electric Boogaloo. I'll get there. Maybe.
Also if anyone wants to know my thoughts on Kristoph, this was the original drawing in my sketch version. Man, Fuck Kristoph, what a useless turd. 
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bagelbun333 · 3 months
The death penalty in Ace Attorney | The fandom’s biggest misconception
Capital punishment is something we all know is a real consequence when it comes to murder in Ace Attorney, but do all culprits who commit these crimes actually get the death penalty? That’s what I’m going to go through in depth within this post!
CW and TW: mentions of death, execution, murder, suicide etc.
Also major spoilers for basically all the mainline ace attorney games!
To start off with, what exactly warrants a death penalty in Japanifornia? Murder has been referred to as a capital crime that deserves a capital punishment, which in turn led people to believe that all murder convicts get the death sentence. However, there is a slight mistranslation within that statement and it should say “murder is a charge that risks the death penalty.” “Risk” is the keyword here. While yes, it is possible murder charges can warrant the death penalty, that doesn’t mean every culprit will get executed. Like, this isn’t Danganronpa 😭 What people don’t think about is the different kinds of murder charges there are, and the differences in sentencing this can create.
Murder charges can go from:
1st Degree Murder - Premeditated/long time planning
2nd Degree Murder - Not premeditated but the intent is there within the moment/deliberate killing
3rd Degree Murder - Deliberate reckless behaviour resulting in death
Aggravated Murder - Murder when an aggravating circumstance is proven (such as kidnapping or torture)
Voluntary Manslaughter - Intention to kill but is not guilty of murder due to provocation or mental incapacity
Involuntary Manslaughter - Killing without intention within the heat of the moment
Self Defence - Killing for defence of oneself
Consensual Homicide - Assisting a suicide
Attempted Murder - Planning and failing to kill
In Japan (the country this series is initially based on) these charges have different kinds of sentences depending on circumstances. So naturally, Japanifornia must have punishments very similar to this. These are the sentences for these crimes in Japan according to my research:
1st Degree - 5 years to life imprisonment
2nd Degree - 5 years to life imprisonment
3rd Degree - 3 to 5 years imprisonment
Aggravated Murder - Death penalty or life imprisonment
Voluntary Manslaughter - 1 to 15 years imprisonment
Involuntary Manslaughter - 1 to 15 years imprisonment
Consensual Homicide - 6 months to 7 years imprisonment
Self Defence - No imprisonment
Attempted Murder - 5 years to life imprisonment
Death penalties are usually passed in cases of multiple murders, although there are exceptions where individuals have committed a single murder that have been executed because it involved torture, extreme brutality or kidnapping with a demand for ransom. It is punishable by five years to life in prison, and with the death penalty if aggravating circumstances are proven. The only exception is for juvenile offenders since the minimum age for capital punishment in Japan is 18.
With this, we can work out what kinds of charges each of the ace attorney culprits will be given. (Mostly for the Phoenix Wright trilogy since I can’t recall much beyond aa4.)
(For clarification’s sake: a “/” is used when a crime could be one or the other or both, while the “,” is used to separate different crimes.)
Frank Sahwit: 2nd Degree Murder
Redd White: 1st Degree Murder
April May: 1st Degree Murder (Accomplice)
Dee Vasquez: Self Defence/Voluntary Manslaughter
Yanni Yogi: 1st Degree Murder
Manfred von Karma: 2nd Degree Murder, 1st Degree Murder (accomplice, planned out)
Joe Darke: Serial Murders (technically spree murder, guilty on five counts)
Damon Gant: 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder (Serial Murders)
Lana Skye: 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder (Unwilling Accomplice in both)
Richard Wellington: 2nd Degree Murder/Involuntary Manslaughter
Mimi Miney: 1st Degree Murder
Morgan Fey: 1st Degree Murder, Attempted Murder (Accomplice in both, planned out the crime)
Acro: Attempted Murder, Involuntary Manslaughter
Matt Engarde: 1st Degree Murder (Hired a hitman), Consensual Homicide (driven a woman to unalive herself)
Dahlia Hawthorne: 1st Degree Murder, Consensual Homicide, 3 counts of Attempted Murder, and 2nd Degree Murder (Serial Murders)
Luke Atmey: 1st Degree Murder
Furio Tigre: Either 1st or 2nd Degree Murder
Godot: Voluntary Manslaughter/Self Defence (defending someone else)
Iris: Voluntary Manslaughter (accomplice)
Kristoph Gavin: 2 counts of 1st Degree Murder, Attempted Murder (Serial Murders)
Those who canonically got the death penalty:
- Joe Darke
- Dahlia Hawthorne
- Terry Fawles
- Simon Blackquill
Those who canonically got the death penalty but didn’t get executed:
- Terry Fawles (he died anyway rip)
- Simon Blackquill
Those who are most likely to get the death penalty but never canonically stated:
- Manfred von Karma (not explicitly stated but heavily implied)
- Damon Gant
- Matt Engarde
- Morgan Fey (vaguely implied)
- Kristoph Gavin
- The Phantom
Those who don’t get the death penalty:
- Frank Sahwit
- Redd White (he would if his blackmail victims got leaked)
- April May
- Dee Vasquez
- Yanni Yogi
- Lana Skye
- Richard Wellington (could be a chance that he would considering his victim was a police officer)
- Mimi Miney (unsure considering her accomplice is implied to be on death row)
- Acro
- Luke Atmey
- Furio Tigre
- Godot
- Iris
To recap, the death penalty in Japanifornia is reserved for the criminals with absolutely no hope for rehabilitation, and for those who have aggravated murder charges/serial murder charges. Even people like Redd White will not receive the death penalty.
After all, Redd White did plead guilty to Mia’s murder specifically because getting arrested for one murder would be safer than having his list of blackmail victims get leaked to the press. It would be strange to confess for his own safety if he was just going to get executed anyway.
In the later games it is shown that the law is changing, and the death penalty is even less involved when culprits are convicted of murder. (Not counting charges in Khura’in, that’s different.) So it is very possible that the punishments can change overtime for those who were already convicted; meaning there’s a chance that they can be given a lighter sentence later on. There’s even a culprit in aa5 who was planning a murder but ended up killing someone else accidentally, and they were released from prison mere months after the trial. If they can released for that then surely a lot of the other culprits deserve the same treatment.
Speaking of Khura’in, that is actually more of a parody of what the fandom thought Japanifornia’s death penalty worked like. Even then, after the ending aa6, it looks like that judicial system will change for the better too.
And that’s pretty much it! The reason I wanted to go through this topic is because the whole murder = death penalty ideology is taken way out of proportion, and has been treated as a fact for far too long when it’s actually not completely true. This is just what I’ve managed to research and you can feel free to believe it or not, but I really wanted to share a new perspective on this subject. I, for one, wanted to share some hope for people; especially because I know a lot of these culprits have a lot of fans, and they deserve to have a brighter perspective on these characters. I definitely want some of these characters to return and this research really helped me feel confident that some of them have the potential to make a comeback.
Plus with the HD release of, not only the Apollo trilogy, but the Edgeworth collection in the same year, it’s more than likely that aa7 will bring back old characters! The reason a lot of these old characters didn’t make a reappearance sooner is because Capcom stood by this “no spoiler” rule for the players who may have missed out on certain games in this series. But now that we have all the mainline games in the series getting a HD release on all modern platforms, this “no spoiler” rule will most likely not be necessary anymore!
No more of this “if they’re guilty they’re never coming back” bs, let’s be more hopeful! It’s actually less likely that all culprits would get executed than the majority not getting executed. Let’s bffr!
And even if they don’t come back in aa7, we now have a more clear understanding on this messy topic, and you can feel free to use my analysis as a way to explain ace attorney culprits being able to leave prison in fanfictions, roleplays, fanarts etc. Don’t let the fandom tell you what to do >:3
Unrelated but I think this has been my first analysis post I put on tumblr and it was very fun to delve into! I may make more if anyone is interested :3c
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laughing-moonlight · 6 months
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AU where the death penalty is abolished after Dahlia is executed. So they all have to live together. In the one prison in Japanifornia.
(Frank, Redd, Dee, Manfred & Damon escape the DP because Dahlia was arrested before the first game)
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nctepnkaa · 1 year
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omg!! flop era.
more under the cut. nswf text warning.
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brodorokihousuke · 4 days
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Three menacing men and two… mildly inconvenienced women.
Practicing blocking out colors with a chunky brush, and also drawing more random characters I draw rarely/have never drawn.
Do note that yes, Dee’s earring and clasp thing are on the wrong side… because the art I was using for reference is flipped for some reason. Don’t get mad at me, get mad at the official artbook I’m referencing!
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cherry15329 · 4 months
Which one of these villains do you like the most?
Oh my god, imagine what will happen if all these villains form a criminal organization together...
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littleeliza-lotte · 1 year
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mattdillon · 12 days
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Matt Dillon for GANT, Fall 2024
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small-spanish-face · 1 year
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getlancered · 4 months
These fucking things pt2 but only in 10 because tumblr mobile hates me
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nonbinary-bitch · 5 months
So I saw some fics and posts about the culprits in Ace attorney being like a family and I want to add something about it just because I can.
An average conversation in this place is like:
Redd: So yeah my mum is back on heroin but that's besides the point, back on the topic there shouldn't be so many stairs in prison
April: I agree, fuck this place
Redd: Yeah, it should be just one floor
April: But then how would be push ugly people down the stairs?
Redd: Shit you're right
Mimi: Eh, I would go for poor people instead
April: That's just because your ass was burned af and your makeup is shit
Redd: Bitch you were a nurse and you talk about pushing poor people, who are you to talk?
Mimi: Who are you to talk about pushing ugly people?
Redd: BITCH-
Damon: Don't talk to my husband like that!
Manfred: When the fuck did you get married-?
Meanwhile behind them Mike (who somehow got arrested and send to prison on incident) is coloring with Iris while Acro and Jake watch over them cuz they have nothing better to do, oh and they care I guess. Also Luke is just infodumping Mike who doesn't really mind because there both autistic. Also Mike is an age regressor because why not?
Richard and Jean talk about fashion cuz there gay AND fabulous ✨
Luke is dating Godot, is friends with ALL the ladies and him and Richard try to kill eachother every fucking time
Godot just kinda hangs around and is an awesome boyfriend
Manfred and Damon have a weird relationship no one understands
Mimi and Starr hate eachother but also fuck
Redd and Damon are not only married but also have a healthy relationship like- HOW??? There still evil but like...how???
April just wants to get laid and talk shit about EVERYONE with Redd cuz they are besties fr fr ✨
No one likes Matt and they bully him by saying that they will call Shelly de Killer
Luke is the only one who actually knows how to contact Shelly but he won't tell anyone how
Furio is probably into Jean but honesly who tf knows anymore
Everyone likes Iris
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cdaae · 2 years
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Eve made her debut!!
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did you know google drawings will let you make just about anything if you know where to find the right pngs
[id in alt]
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