anastpaul · 6 months
Quote/s of the Day – 18 March – St Cyril of Jerusalem
Quote/s of the Day – 18 March – St Cyril of Jerusalem (315-387) Bishop of Jerusalem, Confessor Father & Doctor of the Church Let us not then be ashamedto confess the Crucified! “BE THE CROSS OUR SEAL,made with boldness by our fingers,on our brow and in everything,over the bread we eat and the cups we drink,in our comings in and goings out,before our sleep,when we lie downand when we awake,when…
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7 When to come (John17; 1) Until now, I have been thinking about the heart-to-heart love between God and man, and the only love between God and man. We have taken a closer look at such love resting on our neighbors in the sacraments of the church. Let's go back and think a little more about what this neighbor is like. That is because we want to avoid some kind of misunderstanding. I want to decline one at the beginning. For each person now, God gives each person a life that is not trying to determine who their neighbors are or what they are. It is unique and unique. Therefore, it is not possible to predetermine or predict in advance what kind of neighbors will be given to a person and in what order. It is the providence of God that is endless. A. Good Samaritans (Luke 10;29-37) What kind of person is a neighbor? There is a good Samaritans parable about this. This parable is very interesting as a story. But in practice, it's not that easy. If there is a person who is crowded, should anyone help? I really want to do that. That's not really the case. On the contrary, it's not uncommon at that time, in Jerusalem, it was natural for a bandit to attack you once you stepped out of the town gate, and there was no guarantee of life. In the story, neither the priest nor the Levites pretend to see and pass by. However, this cannot be blamed. You can be fooled because you do it in good faith. Many people think this way. But can we really be fooled? There are times when you can't help being fooled by it in good faith. But you can't be fooled. Don't misunderstand love for neighbors. If you're sorry, it's easy to say that you can do anything. However, this reality is not so easy. But what did Christ want to say in this parable? B. Lord Jesus and the people around him What happened to Christ in this case? Did he get involved with anyone who came to him? The Lord, on the other hand, is willing to meet those who thought he did not need to meet his disciples. "People brought the young children to Jesus to touch them, but the disciples praised them. Seeing that, Jesus Was indignant and was told that the child should not be left to come and stop "(Mark10; 13-16). Furthermore, Christ cannot deal with ordinary people very much, so-called" Gentiles, sinners, tax officers " I am in contact with. He stays at Zacchaeus’s house and forgives a reputed guilty woman at a Pharisees banquet (Luke 19; 1-10 7; 36-50), which makes people very stumbling. It got a bad reputation (Matthew9; 10,11; 9,18; 17,21; 31). "It was when Jesus was sitting at home for a meal. Many tax collectors and sinners came and both Jesus and his disciples were in the seat." Jesus here clearly explains, "He came here for those people." "I came not to invite the righteous, but to invite the sinner." (Mathew9; 10-12). Looking at this alone, Christ feels as if he was close to sinners, taxpayers, and Gentiles, that is, those who are not very impressed. But that is not the case. He never tries to avoid high society and temple officials of the time, such as the Pharisees and the Bachelor of Laws. According to the Gospels, these people take Jesus very badly and oppose and disturb everything. Eventually he hangs on the cross and kills him. Knowing that well, Christ is open from start to finish. From this point of view, Jesus Christ cannot be thought of as a revolutionary pioneer who opposes the social system of the time and seeks to establish control of the poor. I don't see any desire to gather everyone's power and make this world my own. He didn't want to rule the world, even in a way like "non-resistance"
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tinagw1 · 5 years
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Day 52 of Commentaries or Devotionals on the Words of Jesus from the Book of Matthew By Bob Utley MATTHEW 9:20-22  20 And a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak; 21 for she was saying to herself, "If I only touch His garment, I will get well." 22 But Jesus turning and seeing her said, "Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well." At once the woman was made well. 9:20 "a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years" We learn more details about this account from Mark 5:26 and Luke 8:43. Apparently she had spent all of her money on doctors and had received no help. We know of some of the magical cures in rabbinical Judaism from the Talmud, particularly Shabb, 110 A and B. One of the cures was to carry ostrich eggs or barley corn obtained from the dung of a white donkey around one's neck. One can imagine the grotesque kinds of cures this woman had tried during these twelve years. This particular kind of illness made her ceremonially unclean and unwelcome in regular Jewish worship services (cf. Lev. 15:25). Also she was probably physically exhausted most of the time. 9:21 "if I only touch His garment, I will get well" There was an element of superstition in this woman's faith and yet Jesus honors even her weak faith (third class conditional sentence). Based on Lev. 15:19ff. it would have been illegal for her to touch a rabbi because it would have made Jesus ceremonially unclean. Jesus was more concerned with people than He was with ceremonial laws! The garment referred to was possibly (1) Jesus' outer robe (cf. John 19:2) or (2) Jesus' prayer shawl (talith), which He used to cover His head during worship (cf. Num. 15:38-40; Deut. 22:12; Matt. 23:5) and worn on the shoulders at other times. 9:22 "your faith has made you well" This is literally the term "saved." It was used in its Old Testament sense of "physical deliverance" (cf. James 5:15). This woman's faith, weak though it was because of superstition, was still honored by Jesus. In the New Testament it is the object of ones faith that is the issue. #Matthew9 #ServingJesusChrist #ThyFaith https://www.instagram.com/p/B2g3d3tlUkP/?igshid=1nfulpmkbyuuf
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accesstogod · 7 years
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Matthew 9:1-38 (King James Version)
Published on http://www.accesstogod.com/index.php/2017/09/30/matthew-91-38-king-james-version/ #KingJames, #KingJamesVersion, #KJV, #Matthew9, #NewTestament, #Matthew, #Matthew9, #Matthew91, #Matthew9138, #Matthew9138KJV, #Matthew910, #Matthew911, #Matthew912, #Matthew913, #Matthew914, #Matthew915, #Matthew916, #Matthew917, #Matthew918, #Matthew919, #Matthew92, #Matthew920, #Matthew921, #Matthew922, #Matthew923, #Matthew924, #Matthew925, #Matthew926, #Matthew927, #Matthew928, #Matthew929, #Matthew93, #Matthew930, #Matthew931, #Matthew932, #Matthew933, #Matthew934, #Matthew935, #Matthew936, #Matthew937, #Matthew938, #Matthew94, #Matthew95, #Matthew96, #Matthew97, #Matthew98, #Matthew99
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heavenlyglimpse · 6 years
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Dont be so spiritual that you miss the oppurtunity to win another soul into the kingdom. Imagine if God seen us in our mess and thought that we were too messy for Him to be in our presence... yup, I thank God for meeting me where I was to bring me to Him... with Love - Heavenly Glimpse #Matthew9:12 #Matthew9v12  #HeavenlyGlimpse #SeekandFind #Christian #bible #bibleverse #God #Jesus #Pray #PowerOfPrayer #christianblogger #Grace #GodCan #ButGod #Believe #Amen #Faith #peace #praying #JesusLovesYou #Blessed #Blessings #HolySpirit #Hallelujah #Encouragement #RelationshipOverReligion #GodIsLove #FaithIt
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anastpaul · 3 years
Quote/s of the Day – 2 July – I am a sinner
Quote/s of the Day – 2 July – I am a sinner
Quote/s of the Day – 2 July – “Month of the Most Precious Blood” – Readings: Genesis 23: 1-4, 19; 24: 1-8, 62-67, Psalms 106: 1b-2, 3-4a, 4b-5, Matthew 9: 9-13 “It is not the healthywho are in need of the physicianbut those who are sick” Matthew 9:12 “… Veiled in a human body,He was able to communicate with humans.He who wanted to assist the guiltyhides the fact that He is a Judge.He who did…
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anastpaul · 3 years
One Minute Reflection – 2 July - Always be merciful ...
One Minute Reflection – 2 July – Always be merciful …
One Minute Reflection – 2 July – “Month of the Most Precious Blood” – Readings: Genesis 23: 1-4, 19; 24: 1-8, 62-67, Psalms 106: 1b-2, 3-4a, 4b-5, Matthew 9: 9-13 “It is not the healthy who are in need of the physician but those who are sick” – Matthew 9:12 REFLECTION – “And by this I wish to know if you love the Lord God and me, His servant and yours – if you have acted in this manner – that…
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anastpaul · 2 years
One Minute Reflection – 21 September – For I have come to call sinners, not the just.- Matthew 9:13
One Minute Reflection – 21 September – For I have come to call sinners, not the just.- Matthew 9:13
One Minute Reflection – 21 September – “The Month of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Cross” – The Feast of St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, Martyr – Ezekiel 1:10-14, Matthew 9:9-13 “It is not the healthy who need a physician but they who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call sinners, not the just.”-…
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