#maura (WRiE)
tinybibmpreg · 6 years
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Drew Maura with Alban sleeping on her lap ! He's a very sleepy baby when he doesn't feel well and Maura is a Very Warm Friend
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tinybibmpreg · 6 years
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Oliver & Alban, the hybrid brothers from my story What's Right in Exchange, taking a nap together !
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tinybibmpreg · 6 years
Day 70 // ft. Pythrormr, Ezra, and Oliver & Alban
#7 / Weapon
“What? Does that feel good?” Ezra held the knife tightly in his hand, smiling up at Pythrormr as the man’s scales darkened and his headfeathers ruffled. “Do you like being cut up?”
“Mm, yessss… You cut my neck the night Oliver was- ah!” A quick slice of the blade left a shallow cut on the reptilian’s neck. Green blood welled up, and Pythrormr swallowed hard. Ezra was glad that the man was laying back, propped up against a stack of pillows, so he could nip at his mouth without having to pull him down. Reptilians were quite tall compared to humans, and Pythrormr was especially large, built like the warrior he was. Ezra smirked as he groaned, and pressed a harsh kiss to his lips. Their teeth clacked together, and he tasted blood. “Beloved…”
“So, the Gods are into knives, are they?” He had no memory of the nights any of his children were conceived, as his Gods had possessed his body to carry out their will. “Or did they just know what a masochist you are?”
“B-both, I think.”
“Goodness, look at you. You’re half a mess, and I’ve only cut you twice.”
“You know how sensitive I am.”
“Of course I do.” Ezra rubbed the man’s swollen belly. “You’re practically insatiable. Now, be a good boy and settle down. No untoward behavior until after the wedding.” He pushed himself away from Pythrormr, hiding his smile as the man protested.
“We have two, soon to be at least four, children! No one will care if we make love outside of marriage.”
“The Gods will.”
“They’re the ones who impregnated me with your body three times.”
“Exactly! If they wanted me to have sex with you before we get married, they would take over my body again, or speak to me and tell me it was alright.”
“Please… It’s already maddening that I can’t evert, won’t you help me?” Pythrormr wrapped his tail around his waist, pulling him back. “Dearest…”
The human chuckled, and put a finger over the other’s lips. “Ah, ah. We talked about this. I’ll let you stay by my side only if you respect my beliefs and traditions. The boys are obedient, I’m sure you can be too.”
“Oh, alright. But it’s easier for them. They’re children.”
“Oliver struggles with the rules.”
“Only because he’s still upset about what happened with the Cosmos clan. Besides, Alban is an infant. He doesn’t count.”
“I suppose not. Why don’t you go check on him?” Sighing, Pythrormr got up, tied a blanket around his waist, and went into the next room. Oliver was sleeping, curled up around his pillow, his blankets in disarray. He jolted awake when he heard the sound of someone entering the room.
“It’s just me, dear. Go back to sleep.” He stopped at Oliver’s bedside and stroked the boy’s hair. “You’re safe.”
“I had a bad dream, Father.” Oliver reached up at him, so. Pythrormr picked him up. The boy tucked his head against his father’s throat, and then made a curious sound. “You’re bleeding…”
“Nothing to worry about, dear. Just a little ritual between your father and I.” He nuzzled the boy’s head, and walked over to Alban’s crib. The baby stared up at him with the tip of his forked tongue sticking out, squirming. His little tail curled and unfurled. “Hello, sweetling. Did you have bad dreams too?”
Alban gave a quiet whine, and Oliver extended an arm down towards his brother. “Hussshhh. I’m here, kitten.” Pythrormr lifted up the baby as well, and cradled him against his chest. “My poor little dears, plagued by nightmares. I wonder if your father has a remedy for that.”
“He’s still up?”
“Of course.” He brought both children to the bedroom.
Ezra was cleaning the knife off. He gave it one final wipe and returned it to its sheath. Then, he looked up and gave the boys a smile. “Hello, children. You’re still awake?”
“We had nightmares.” Ezra took Oliver from Pythrormr and set the boy on his lap. “Do you ever have nightmares, sir?”
“When I was a boy, I had all sorts of bad dreams. Now, I don’t dream at all unless the Gods are showing me something.”
“What’d you do when you had them?” Oliver asked.
“Well, my mother would take me on her lap, like this.” He turned Oliver towards him, and wrapped his arms around him, clasping his hands together behind the boy’s back. “And then she would ask me about my dreams. Then, she would tell me a story until I fell back asleep.
Pythrormr climbed back onto the bed, pulling a few blankets over himself, just beneath his chest. He let Alban curl up on top of him, and rubbed the baby’s back. He purred, a low rumble deep in his chest, and Alban purred as well.
Ezra reached over and plucked Alban off, putting him between Oliver and himself. Pythrormr hissed quietly, glaring. “I had a little sister once, and Mother would hold us like this during rough nights.”
Hugging his brother, Oliver smiled. “Hi, Alban!”
“Ah!” Alban cooed, his purring growing louder. “Ah-li!”
“Beloved…. I was holding him.”
“How can I tell them both a story properly if Alban is over with you?” Ezra grinned at him, his eyes opening as wide as they could with the threads connecting his eyelids. “Besides, you must be tired, carrying the clutch. You should pull on your pajamas to keep warm and get rest.”
Grumbling, Pythrormr protested, “I can hold my baby even if I’m tired.” Still, he found his night clothes in the folds of the blankets and pulled them on. Ezra reached over to give his belly a rub before hooking his hands back around the children.
To Pythrormr, Ezra said, “Sleep well, General.” Then, he turned his focus back to the boys and asked, “Why don’t you tell me about your bad dream, Oli?”
“I was dreaming about being on the run with Alban and Maura again.”
“Was it a memory?”
“It started off as one, and then it got kind of different… I ended up hurting Maura, and then her master hurt me and took Alban away again while I was trying to hide.”
“How did you hurt Maura?”
“With a bent, bloody pipe.”
“And how did you come across a pipe?”
“We were in an alley, in the city, and-” Oliver stopped there, a haunted look in his two-toned eyes. “And there was junk everywhere.”
“Why did you pick up the pipe?” Oliver whimpered, and Pythrormr had a strong feeling that Oliver had been holding the bloody pipe in the memory, and not the nightmare. “Okay, then why did you hurt Maura in your dream?”
“She... she was mad at me. Which didn’t really happen. Maura never got mad at me.”
“Why was she mad?”
“Cause I did something that made her scared. Only it made her mad instead.”
“...What did you do to upset her?”
“You’ll just get mad at me if I tell you. It’s not a nice thing.”
“But it was a nightmare. You didn’t really do anything to upset her.”
“No… Her getting mad was what was different. Everything before that was real.” He looked down at Alban, and his brother cooed up at him. “Can you just tell a story?”
“Oliver… Did you hurt someone besides Maura?”
“I was just protecting us. He was gonna take us back to Maura’s master.”
“How badly did you hurt him with your pipe?”
Oliver sniffled, burying his face against his brother’s head. Ezra rubbed his back until Oliver finally mumbled, “I killed him. And I kept hitting him until Maura told me to stop, ‘cause I was really scared…”
“You did the right thing, dear.” Pythrormr told him. Ezra glanced over at him, and Pythrormr stared at him, daring him to say anything different. “You were protecting your brother. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.”
“No, of course not. Now, how about we put all those bad memories aside and I’ll tell you an old story my mother used to tell me and the other sister I once had.”
Oliver lifted his head, perking up. “How many sisters do you have, sir?”
“None. I haven’t had sisters in a very long time.”
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tinybibmpreg · 6 years
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Character sketches/refs for the main trio and their parents from my story What's Right in Exchange ! Maura, Oliver, Lord Teigen Cosmos, Ashara Spades, Alban, General Pythrormr, and Ezra 'The Prophet'
Maura (9) is the daughter of Teigen and Ashara, while Oliver (7) & Alban (0.5) are the sons of Pythrormr and Ezra
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tinybibmpreg · 6 years
Day 65 // ft. Maura, Oliver & Alban, and Lord Teigen & Ashara
#51 / Tickets
“Calm down! You’re scaring me!” Maura cried, near tears. Oliver dropped the pipe he was holding and turned to her. He panted, hands trembling. Looking down at the ground, he could see that he was standing in a shallow puddle of blood. His sandals were thick enough that it wasn’t touching his feet, which he was grateful for. His bearer had told him that blood from other people was dirty, and could get him sick, that any blood was a hassle to clean up.
Since he and his brother were always so ill and often coughed up blood, Oliver was certain that his bearer knew what he was talking about.
Their attacker lay dead at his feet, and Oliver didn’t bother to wonder why Maura hadn’t been afraid of him killing them. No doubt her master’s clan had killed many people in front of her as she grew. But her master’s clan had a code of honor, and hitting the corpse until it was nothing but a mess of gore was frowned upon. They held respect for the dead and their bodies.
Oliver’s people did as well, but he was a frightened child protecting his infant brother and their companion, so he did not follow the honorable path.
Still, he turned to the human girl and apologized sincerely. “I’m sorry I frightened you. I got carried away. I shouldn’t have.”
“It… It’s alright. He did surprise us.”
His brother whimpered, and Oliver quickly went to Maura’s side to peer at the baby. “How’s Alban?”
“He’s fine. I guess all that yelling woke him up. He’s cranky when he’s woken up, huh?”
Oliver nodded. “Yes. Our bearer says it runs in the family, though it skipped me.”
“Oh. I always wake easy. I find it difficult to fall asleep. I guess we should be grateful that Alban falls asleep so easy…”
He hadn’t gotten more than a few hours of sleep since he’d found his brother being stolen from his crib. His bearer had told him it was his reptilian instinct refusing to allow him to let down his guard when he was in danger. Oliver had whined and said his human half didn’t care about instinct, it needed sleep. At the time, his bearer had chuckled softly, and pulled him onto his lap to help him fall asleep. Oliver doubted his bearer would find it funny now that his half human physiology was starting to affect him even more negatively.
After killing a pursuer, he needed to rest, but couldn't. They had to get far away, find help.
Maura put a hand on his shoulder. “Oliver? Are you okay?”
She didn’t believe him, but didn’t say anything about it. “We have to keep moving. If we don’t get to the river by midnight, we’ll miss the ferry ride, and have to survive a whole nother day in the city.”
“I need to get rid of my sandals. They’re ruined.”
“There’s a dump up the street that we’re going to walk by. You can toss them in there.”
The ferry was neutral ground, and Oliver could have cried with relief as they paid for three tickets and got on board. The price for the tickets varied from person to person. Since Alban was a baby, they allowed Maura to pay his fare. Oliver handed over his sash to the masked person selling tickets, and Maura gave a sun shaped earring, along with both of her servant armbands.
Before they were handed their tickets, the person hooked the earring to the side of their mask, put the armbands on like bracelets, and wrapped the sash a few times around their head. They adjusted the earring, and gave Oliver all three tickets. He gave Maura hers and Alban’s tickets, and the three of them stepped onto the large boat.
Their tickets showed that the three of them were to be seated near the front of the boat, on the top level. People stared at them as they walked up the stairs, and Oliver knew that they were staring at him and his brother more than they were staring at Maura. She looked like any other servant girl, but he and his brother were not only Reptilian, but hybrids. Oliver was a partial albino chimera, and Alban was completely albino.
They reached the top of the boat, where there were cots and baskets of food laid out so they could look up through the glass dome atop of the ferry at the stars. After finding their designated area, Oliver was glad to see that there was a bassinet instead of a third cot for Alban. Two stones with heat charms on them were in the center of the little circle, along with their food basket and a container of water.
Settling down, he and Maura ate and drank. She gave Alban some water and soft food, and then let Oliver rock him to sleep. He laid his brother down in the bassinet, and put one of the stones next to him. Maura laid down on her cot, and Oliver took his place on his, pulling the other stone into his arms.
He fell asleep easier than he had in weeks, his stress gone for the night.
When Lord Teigen stepped up to the ticket booth for the ferry the next night, he was immediately taken aback by the sight of the seller. For as long as he’d known the crew of the ferry, they’d all worn the same uniform, a long black cloak and a white mask with large horns and a skull-like face.
They wore his clan’s servant armbands on their wrists, and a familiar silver earring on their mask.
“I need tickets for myself, my servant, and my entourage.” He handed them a bag of jewels. They took it and cooed.
His servant finally looked up at the seller. “That- that’s my daughter’s earring!”
“Quiet,” he hissed at her.
“Teigen, that’s Maura’s earring…” she whispered back, eyes wide. “Why is it wearing it?”
“Payment for a ticket. It’s the only thing of value she had.” Though it didn’t explain why the seller had her armbands as well. Perhaps she still had the hybrid baby with her. Without her earring, it would make tracking the two much harder.
Even quieter, she said, “That was her most treasured item… I can’t believe she would give it away…”
Teigen looked around, and then asked the seller, “How much would you want for the earring?”
“What are you willing to offer?” a cacophony of whispering voices asked.
Whatever it takes, he wanted to say. Instead, he replied, “Any reasonable price you ask for.”
They heard what he said within, and pointed down towards the ground. His servant looked at him in confusion, but he understood what the cost was. He rolled up his pant leg until he could unstrap his prosthetic leg. He pulled it off and placed it on the counter. A hundred different cackles rang in his ears as the seller took it and tucked it behind the counter. They removed the earring and armbands, and handed them to his servant. She quickly tucked them into her pocket.
He used his servant and his cane as support, and tickets in hand, made his way back to his entourage to pass out the tickets.
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