captain-maws · 1 year
mio and sena hcs please. if u dont mind. i think they should kiss actually. sena had such a crush on mio i cant believe they never did anything with it
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER i kept forgetting to but senamio is everything to me i love them so much. yes i say this abt all of the ouroboros pairings but smth about senamio just. gah.... i relate to sena so much and it's not jsut the autism but it's also the feeling of being inadequate compared to your peers and not being enough. and th. the.
the scene in chapter 6 lives in my head rent free. god. "are you really... my mimi?" IM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM I PROMISE
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i think they're absolutely the most physically affectionate pair. can't keep their hands off each other kinda couple. especially after the whole agnus castle thing. holding mio's hand is a good comfort for sena, reassuring her that yes it's her mimi and she's here and she's okay. i can def see them sharing celebration hugs after a hard fight, with sena swinging mio around ("did you see me in action, mimi?" "yeah, you looked great!") and they're just giggling with each other. sharing lil kisses for a job well done.
i think sena's also the kind of person who would feel insecure about being someone who needs a lot of reassurance. she has a lot of problems with her self-esteem, and i can see her being insecure about being "high maintenance." but mio's always there to comfort her, to say that she isn't too needy, and that she loves her no matter what. sena also gives mio a lot of comfort when she gets lost in her anxiety or guilt. she feels as if she's caused a lot of pain for her friends, not being able to tell them the truth during that month in agnus castle. sena may not always be the best with words, but she makes sure mio knows that it's not her fault, and that she's here now and that's what matters. it would've hurt much more if they actually lost her that day.
also sena plays with mio's ears sometimes bc they're soft and she thinks they're cute.
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captain-maws · 1 year
i am asking you to elaborate on your polyboros headcanons if you so wish to...
yeah ofc!!! although my hcs have changed a bit :0
so in aionios, outside of the city, love isn't rly a Concept. romance isn't a thing. we Know this. but it's rly hard to sorta fully understand what "love" is when it's being explained to you if you don't know what it is. nd the way monica explained it was. Well. i don't think it was as detailed as it could've been LMAO
i can imagine maybe the next day, during breakfast, they're talking about how much they Don't understand it. there's so many different kinds of love, and they all love each other. they kiss and cuddle each other all the time (lord knows they need the comfort) but now there's this whole "wait is that an acceptable thing to do? if you're not 'spouses?'" and the topic of sex and marriage and it's just A Lot. nd monica said that you have to pick One so. they're all kinda having a moment.
gray and rozana explain everything in much better detail (tbh they're kinda like eunie's adoptive parents in my eyes). that there's different kinds of attraction, love and whatnot. and also that you don't have to pick Just One person. sure it's what most people do, but it's not a rule.
honestly they perceive their relationship with each other as queerplatonic. it's probably not until the reset nd their reunion that they're able to understand their individual dynamics and whatnot. they all kiss nd cuddle nd be complete lovestruck dorks (cuddle piles are very frequent) but anything beyond that is smth only select pairs do. i mean noah and mio have canonically fucked (ik TECHNICALLY it was M and N but Still) and as much as i want 2 make everyone ace i feel i need to follow canon at least a tiny bit.
uhh hope that's good!! if there's anything specific u want me 2 elaborate on feel free to send another ask :)
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captain-maws · 2 years
❤️ !
SONIC purely bc of ur tumblr icon lmao. city escape has Big You vibes. but also bros on the road from ffxv cuz youve been playin that recently!! i Also assign you world's smallest violin by ajr, modify by lemon demon and stupid horse by 100 gecs bc you give me chaotic vibes :)
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captain-maws · 8 months
his name is oatmeal
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captain-maws · 11 months
nature is healing and cool dice for the ask game hehe
🥺🥺🥺 auauauauaau.... thank u dani <3
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captain-maws · 1 year
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captain-maws · 2 years
❤️!!!! ily
MY BELOVED.... there are so many songs that i associate you with. northern downpour by p!atd, i won't let you down by okgo, sweet tooth by cavetown.... there's like tons of gay songs i can name lmao
but i also associate specific songs from osts with you. wet hands from minecraft, riki's tenderness from xbc, village bridge from pkmn bw/bw2..... like i could type out a Whole list that would probably be several pages long bc i think abt u a lot i love you <333
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