maxgrowth · 1 year
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https://www.inc-aus.com/martin-zwilling/5-keys-to-accomplishing-positive-change-in-your-life-business-world.html?fbclid=IwAR2kwKVQYfn4M3gdKFFx394GHpYEho6nG9TkaKLuyaBAYj9f81uO6bTQ15w&mibextid=Zxz2cZ . Change is the only constant in business today, and it requires leadership rather than force! . The end goal of leadership by influence is to get others to willingly engage and follow! . Maximising your growth with @maxgrowthhq #maxgrowth #change #constant #business #leadership #influence #accountant #bookkeeper #loveourwork #togetherwemakeadifference https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZ1Vi8PlVF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kingyeeett · 6 months
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Koa from Maxgrowth 😍
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soylentorange · 7 years
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SizeCon Wrap-Up!
So, bit late to the party, but I had too much of a good time to not comment! @sizecon 2017  was fantastic!  This was my first year, and I was shy and nervous about going- hence me wearing an orange ski mask the whole con- but it was a wonderful time, and I'm excited to tell you all about it! The People- It was really amazing to be able to meet so many great fans and creators at the con, to just be able to have a conversation with them without needing the benefit of internet connections or phone cameras. People like BustArtis and their lovely wife, Valeyard Vince, Mac Rome, J Yubari, and the rest of the  Interweb Comics group were just a treat to get to hang around with. Everyone was very friendly and open, but there was still some awkwardness even amongst such like-minded individuals.  I must have heard the phrase "I can't believe I'm saying this out loud..." at least a half-dozen times. The Panels- For only having a day and a half, Sizecon was chock full of interesting content! The "Women's Panel" was full of amazing and sobering stories about being a female aficionado in the size/expansion community. Of special note is :iconchibiana26:'s tale- That's her in the busty Mei cosplay up there- of finding love and support that was simultaneously heart-rending and -warming. The "Furry and Size" panel had great representation, including @askmssuki and a guy in a full fursuit. Relationships with size fetishists, Size in Pop Culture, Vore, and even the writing panel I was a part of, they all were just great. Special thanks goes out to Gomai-Ronin, who did a fantastic job of moderating most of the panels on both days.  Really great work, Gomai! The Show Floor- As far as second-year conventions go, it really was not a bad crowd. There were writers, artists, videographers, knick-knacks for sale, and other fun stuff. Shoutout to @jitenshasw 's pixie cosplay, along with Chibiana's aforementioned "Busty Mei" cosplay. The model in the Juggalos outfit is Tara Tied, hired by Maxgrowth Productions, who had an awesome booth with a bunch of his props set up for demonstrtion, inflating and deflating his prosthetic boobs ,butts, and even a berrygirl sphere!  It was really cool just to look through all the art and prints on display- and I had a nice collection of art from SpiralingStaircase for sale myself, thanks to everyone who bought one! The Conclusion- Sizecon was amazing. Massive thanks (tee hee) to the organizers and all the volunteers, the prop-builders and photographers, and everyone who made SizeCon such a rousing success.  Anyone who was on the fence about going, it's absolutely worth it, and if you were worried about privacy, I wore that ski mask the entire con without any trouble from anyone at the con, they were all super understanding. Support :@sizecon 2018: today!
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lordaltros · 5 years
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Now Available on the Process Productions store!
Lord Altros #1 / SizeCon Fundraiser
A self titled 10 page expansion comic & 5 pics & 2 sequences. By Lushaani BustArtist Tailblazer Galiagan Mabo LordAltros and Maxgrowth. % of proceeds to help fund SizeCon.
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cookiejarcannabis · 7 years
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Max growth achieved! #cookiejarcannabis #keepitpoppin #maxgrowth #led #ledgrow #reducingcarbonfootprint #ledveglight #buttercookies #vegging #lifedealer #LifeForce #powerfromthesource #negativityendswithme #thechoiceisyours #perpetuatelove #infinitegrow #infiniteharvest #infinity #i502producer #i502processor #i502
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vemaleviolet · 7 years
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shirlleycoyle · 6 years
The Juicy, Round World of Blueberry Porn
“If something exists, there is porn of it:” Welcome to Rule 34, a series in which Motherboard’s Samantha Cole lovingly explores the highly specific fetishes that can be found on the web. If you’ve thought of it, someone’s jerked off to it.
The links and images in this article may be considered NSFW.
Most stories in the blueberry porn genre begin the same way: A woman eats an unusually delicious piece of candy. She starts to feel a little funny—maybe a little bloated—and as she chews, her transformation into a piece of fruit becomes unstoppable. Her thighs, breasts, and belly start to swell to cartoonish proportions, ripping her clothing as her juice-filled body swallows her arms and legs.
“Squeeze me,” she might plead, begging the onlooker to relieve the pressure that’s built up in her gurgling, swollen, bluish form. The berry girl is rendered helpless by her round, over-full state, at the mercy of the onlooker. She sloshes and rolls, confused at what’s happening but not altogether repulsed by it.
The “blueberry” kink is a subgenre of several other kinks: It combines force-feeding, expansion or inflation porn (using air, water, enemas, or food), super-sized “big beautiful women”, as well as elements of bondage and submission. There’s often a humiliation element, or care-taking tenderness, or a combination of the two.
Yes, this all might seem a little weird, even for someone who writes a column dedicated to lesser known, highly specific fetishes. But the more I looked into the genre, and the more I talked to the people in the blueberry community, the more universal their experiences with sexuality seemed. That’s not because everyone has some unexplored fruit-based fetish, but because they understand something that’s true for us all: It’s not always easy to admit your kink, and it’s a relief to find a group of people who accept it, and you.
“A catalyst that sparked something in their brain”
As with most of the niche fetishes we’ve covered in the Rule 34 series, the most visible part of the blueberry community on the internet is on Reddit, with the r/blueberry subreddit. While that forum is fairly dead (the most recent post was a month ago), there are chat rooms, Discord servers, and fan forums where the community is very much active and alive.
Almost everyone I talked to within the blueberry kink community referenced Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (some reference the 1971 movie starring Gene Wilder, others said the 2005 movie starring Johnny Depp or the original Roald Dahl book)—where the boisterous young girl Violet Beauregarde chews some of Willy Wonka’s magical meal-flavored gum and subsequently becomes a human blueberry—as their first awakening to blueberry content. Beauregarde inflates to a huge blue ball, to mimic the blueberry pie flavor at the end of the gum. She is then sent to a “juicing room” to alleviate her condition.
For many, watching it as children themselves, this surreal preteen berry girl was their gateway to a lifelong kink.
“Some of my earliest memories were replaying and replaying ‘the scene’ on the VHS player in the living room, my eyes literally plastered up against the glass as I rewound the scene for the eighteenth time in a row,” a member of the community who goes by Weeblord told me in an online chat. Motherboard granted Weeblord and other members of the blueberry community anonymity because of the private nature of the subject matter.
“A huge misconception with this fetish is that since its origin is from a children’s movie it has something to do with being attracted to children,” another member of the community who talked to me in a private message, who also asked to remain anonymous, told me in an online chat. “That couldn’t be further from the truth. Almost all of the people I’ve encountered online just saw it as a catalyst that sparked something in their brain when they were young and it carried over into adulthood.”
But as they grew up and explored new aspects of the berry girl world, their tastes evolved into something more erotic. On forums like DeviantArt and Discord chat servers devoted to the kink, in illustrated and photographic art, or through text-based role playing or erotic writing, it became less about a specific scene in a movie or book and more about what new creative directions they could take the concepts of inflation and BDSM.
Even outside of Willy Wonka’s inventing room origins, the community has its own landmark works and origin stories. Several enthusiasts brought up blueberry comic artist and writer DocSwell’s “Bizarre Adventures of Berrygirl” series when I asked what influenced their interest in the kink.
Last week, several members of the community launched an anthology of blueberry kink writing and art called Bloomfph! They crowdfunded the more than 70 page collection. A contributor who goes by Fate-Full told me it’s a “love letter” to the community.
“Jiggliness and squishiness”
An erotic video producer who goes by the name Maxgrowthtold me that he believes blueberry porn is not something anyone consciously chooses to be into, but “just the way you are wired.” He said he’s always been fascinated with transformation sequences in comics and cartoons, and as he grew up, that fascination turned sexual.
“I always gravitated to bigness in transformation, so the berry girl scenario was easy to get excited about,” Maxgrowth said. “On the surface, for me, it’s about the bigness and the roundness, but I think underneath the surface psychologically it’s about the helplessness and emotional reactions of the girl to her condition.” Those emotions can range from confusion, to excitement, arousal, and fear.
ImageCredit: Maxgrowth/TaylorMadeClips
Riddlercorps, a prominent member of the blueberry kink community who runs a Discord server with channels focused on the kink, creates photo edits and role plays blueberry transformations with his partner. She doesn’t share his kink, but he says she’s a supportive model for his artwork.
“I like the psychological implications that the transformation has,” he told me. “It’s a process of shock, fear and/or pleasure in some cases, acceptance, etc. and different people react in different ways.”
“If you have a strange interest you believe no one else has or will accept, then turn that fantasy into something tangible”
To many, it’s a form of BDSM: The berry-person is trapped in their own juice-laden bodies, unable to move except for some helpless twirling fingers protruding from their round forms.
“Some people find it as [a] form of bondage due to the obviously restricted movement of the submissive, berried individual,” Riddlercorps said. “Others enjoy the humiliation and embarrassment factor of it. Some people just like to pretend that they or a partner is swelling up, ripping through their clothing. Some people mimic it to the BBW kink. It truly just depends on who you ask.”
Image: Phot edit by Riddlercorps
A blueberry enthusiast who goes by Thiccestboi1293 told me that it’s the “jiggliness and squishiness” of the characters that’s attractive to him. Another fan, Mikey D, told me that it’s the “size and the heaviness,” combined with the slow buildup of juice.
”It’s foreplay to the body, and then the immediate helplessness once it finishes filling you with juice. At least when being the berry,” Mikey D said. “Looking on at one, the size is still something to love, regardless of how the berry is or if the berry’s got an erect dick. Once it’s big, you feel that sort of daunting feeling on how massive they are and how juicy they seem to be.”
For others, the gurgling, churning of the juice inside the berry belly is a turn-on. A community member who goes by JC19 told me that the changes in skin color and the softness are also part of the allure, for him: “Seeing how soft it must feel to be a ball of fat or juice, and just the growth and helplessness of it all.”
“We’re treated as freaks”
As patient as the many blueberry enthusiasts I spoke to for this piece were with my questions about their kink, their openness is not without some sense of risk to their community. In the past, their kink has been labeled as “horrifying,” and several people I interviewed told me that they were concerned about harassment—or had experienced it in the past.
“I think a lot of people who are in the community aren’t very open about their expansion fetish in broad daylight,” Maria Alive, a fetish-artist who specializes in inflation and dabbles in blueberry photo edits, told me in an email. “A lot of the time it’s due to these social stigma around fetishes, especially as this is one where the partner requires to grow larger or at least pretends to grow larger. We all have been conditioned to find bigger or larger people unattractive, as they’re fat and unhealthy—but that couldn’t be further from the truth. So most people are ashamed to admit this to their partner.”
Read more: Slime Girls are the Sticky, Gooey Monsters of Your Wet Dreams
Another member of the community who requested anonymity told me that many people in relationships keep their kink a secret forever, out of fear that their partner will judge them for it. “I’ve always mentioned it [to partners] and never suffered a negative reaction, but curiosity instead,” she said. “It’s a much more male dominated fetish than female like most fetishes are. I’ve sort of felt like an outsider as a woman into it but many of the guys I talk to about it are nice and I’ve had very few bad experiences.”
“For the most part, the community keeps to itself because we’re treated as freaks rather than normal individuals with an unusual kink,” Riddlercorps told me. “It also doesn’t help that there are some prominent members of the community that seem to actively ruin the reputation. We’re normal people, just like you and the readers. Of course there are always a handful of people fucked up in the head that do nothing but damage to our community’s reputation. The few ruin it for the many.”
Blueberry erotica writer Fate-Full told me that the challenges they face are like any other marginalized kink that exists on fan art sites like DeviantArt, where a lot of blueberry art is hosted. When blueberry art occasionally makes it to the front page, people who don’t share or understand the kink spam the comments with hate and distaste.
“Sometimes art is taken down, but like YouTube’s algorithm, many times it’s completely random and impossible to protect against. Artists try to solve this by posting their work elsewhere, especially if the content is NSFW, but as seen with the Tumblr ‘no female presenting nipples’ implosion, this can be a finite solution.”
It’s even harder for blueberry enthusiasts to get mainstream acceptance of the kink because it’s nearly impossible to replicate the blueberry effect in person, unless you have an inflatable suit and a lot of blue makeup handy. Not everyone has the interior space or funds to buy a giant sumo-suit for acting out their kink—which is why so much of it lives in illustrated art, photo editing, erotica and text-based role playing. It’s a fetish that, for many, originated from a special effect in a big Hollywood movie, and while people find creative ways to replicate it, it’s still a production when compared with more widely known kinks.
“Blueberry inflation/transformation is inherently impossible in reality, it is pure fantasy,” blueberry artist luvemripe told me. “There are inflatable suits available that simulate the experience as close as possible, perhaps enough to suspend one’s disbelief. The challenge with a morph is crossing this line of believability, making something unrealistic look realistic.”
Despite all this, blueberry enthusiasts find ways to explore their kink, and many said it helped them explore their sexualities, beyond giant blue women. “The average blueberry enthusiast realizes that the kink is strange and ridiculous and usually has a good sense of humor about it,” luvemripe said.
“If you have a strange interest you believe no one else has or will accept, then turn that fantasy into something tangible,” Fate-Full said. “Watch as people slowly find it and realize they are not alone, and neither are you.”
The Juicy, Round World of Blueberry Porn syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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sizecon-blog · 7 years
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Hi all, Just gonna dip in here real quick before I march off to work. First off, thank you to Ready Art (http://readyart.deviantart.com) for the fantastic picture above. We've had a ton of great support from the expansion/inflation community, led by MaxGrowth! MaxGrowth and a contingent of attendees will be caravaning up from the Midwest! Safe travels! Other stuff: 1.) We are hard at work on the panels, and our efforts have seen a big boost from the addition of Ben Mandall. He is an experienced panelist and moderator for various kink-related discussions, and has been a part of the size community for 20+ years. He has spoken at many huge conventions, highlighted by appearances at GenCon, PAX, PAX East, PAX South! Very excited to add his expertise to many of our panels this year. 2.) We have been sending out badge and buddy surveys to ticketholders. If you already have your ticket and haven't filled out the survey or did not receive one, please let us know at [email protected]. Filling out the badge part of the survey is **mandatory** as that is how we ensure that randos aren't coming into our con! If you haven't bought your ticket yet... do it now! 3.) Syrus Durham, a published author of multiple size-kink novels, will be appearing on our Writer's Panel! You can check out his latest book here (cover above): www.amazon.com/dp/B071ZYFLVN/ We are also happy to announce as an additional writer, Cezar Nix (http://qzar9999.deviantart.com)! Both of these very talented individuals will be speaking alongside all of our other fantastic writers, TheFwank, AnokaKon, MissKaneda, Praedatorius, and Aborigen! 4.) One last thing: the special room rate ended last Friday and we completely sold out! That's 50 rooms for the weekend. The hotel literally has no more space! That's all for now! As always, please send questions/comments to [email protected]. Thanks, Bryan
www.facebook.com/SizeCon/ twitter.com/nycsizecon sizecon.tumblr.com/
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maxgrowth · 1 year
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https://www.smartcompany.com.au/startupsmart/advice/lessons-young-entrepreneurs-know-business/?fbclid=IwAR35Y5Sh2nIjhkPU4gJe5U9TEp1QkkKVtXJUvjMn3nlp8ncr1PnzXzkpm6U&mibextid=Zxz2cZ . There's no right or wrong in entrepreneurship. Where there's a will there's a way! . Be humble enough to know that you don't have all the answers. It's about learning as you go! . Maximising your growth with @maxgrowthhq #maxgrowth #right #wrong #entrepreneurship #humble #learning #accountant #bookkeeper #loveourwork #togetherwemakeadifference https://www.instagram.com/p/CqW6y-DPIFh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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harpreetseo2-blog · 5 years
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harpreetseo1-blog · 5 years
#vatinuae #taxinuae #legalconsulting
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arachnidsgamer · 6 years
Kinda makes you wonder how much the prosthetics rigs Like Bambi or groups like maxgrowth use cost to make
((Seriously, some of them look really good, they’re probably pricey, can’t just use regular old balloons))
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vemaleviolet · 8 years
Erto’s Eyelash Serum isi 10ml – Untuk bulu mata tebal, hitam, panjang dan lentik Alami
Manusia dilahirkan dengan rupa yang berbeda-beda, ada yang punya bulu mata tipis, ada yang sudah bawaan lahir bulu matanya panjang dan tebal. Jaman sekarang kecantikan bisa didapatkan dengan usaha (modal), salah satunya dalam memperpanjang dan melebatkan bulu mata baik itu dengan cara tradisional menggunakan lidah buaya atau dengan cara modern yang hasilnya lebih praktis seperti penggunaan bulu mata palsu dan maskara. Bagi kamu yang mempunyai bulu mata tipis, jangan berkecil hati dulu yah.
Banyak cara instan yang ditawarkan oleh klinik kecantikan dalam memperpanjang bulu mata, contohnya eyelash extension. Pernah kepikiran untuk extension bulu mata? Sebelum mengambil keputusan itu, sebaiknya kamu memikirkan efek samping dari memakai Extension Bulu Mata. Bisa aja kalau kurang cocok malah bikin bulu mata kamu rontok?
Kalau ada cara alami untuk menumbuhkan bulu mata dengan cepat, kenapa harus memilih perawatan ribet yang merogoh kocek mahal?
Serum Bulu Mata Erto’s dapat membantu kamu mendapatkan impian memiliki bulu mata yang indah. Karena pemakaian maskara tidak membuatnya terlihat cantik natural, maka penggunaan serum bulu mata (eyelash serum) adalah pilihan tepat yang sangat aman digunakan. Mau tau banyak tentang Erto’s eyelash serum? KosmetikAnda.com akan membahasnya di bawah ini.
Erto’s Eyelash Serum Pelentik Bulu Mata
Keunggulan Erto’s Eyelash Serum Pemanjang Bulu Mata
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Order Erto’s Eyelash Serum Original
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Secara umum eyelash serum atau serum bulu mata adalah produk sejenis cairan yang berfungsi untuk menutrisi bulu mata agar lebih cepat tumbuh, memperpanjang bulu mata secara alami, menebalkan bulu mata dan juga mempercantik penampilan matamu.
ERTO`S Eyelash Serum saat ini ramai dibicarakan karena menjadi produk kecantikan yang banyak dipakai oleh artis-artis, tentu hal ini tidak lepas dari khasiat ERTO’S Eyelash Serum yang mampu memanjangkan, menebalkan dan melentikan bulu mata secara alami dan permanen dengan waktu yang relatif singkat, yaitu hanya dalam 21 hari dengan pemakaian secara teratur. Bulu Mata adalah rambut yang sangat sulit sekali tumbuh, untuk bisa mendapatkan bulu mata yang panjang harus bersabar dan telaten merawatnya dengan serum ERTO’S eyelash. Hasilnya tak akan mengecewakan, sis.
Keunggulan Erto’s Eyelash Serum Pemanjang Bulu Mata
Ada beberapa produk Eyelash Serum yang KosmetikAnda.com jual, diantaranya : DHC Eyelash Serum dan Maxgrowth Oxygen Dermafleece 14days, yang bentuk krimnya seperti Cream Alis Penebal Bulu Mata atau Krim Jambang Wak Doyok juga diklaim punya fungsi yang efektif dalam merawat bulu mata supaya lebih tebal.
Tapi kali ini kita akan coba untuk membandingkan apa saja kelebihan Erto’s Eyelash Serum, dan mengapa kamu harus memilih Erto’s Eyelash Serum sebagai serum bulu mata andalanmu.
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Minat?: Kantung Mata Hilang dalam 3 Menit, Cathy Doll Eye Cream
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Fungsi dari Erto`s Eyelash Serum pastinya berfokus kepada perawatan bagian bulu mata, yaitu untuk : – Menebalkan bulu mata yang tipis – Mempercepat pertumbuhan bulu mata, bahkan bisa kamu gunakan pada bulu mata yang hampir gundul – Memperpanjang bulu mata agar semakin tampak feminin – Melentikkan bulu mata, tak perlu repot-repot lagi menggunakan maskara – Memperkuat bulu mata agar tidak mudah rontok – Merawat dan menutrisi bulu mata
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Serum Bulu Mata ERTO’S terbuat dari bahan-bahan yang terbukti berkhasiat dalam menumbuhkan bulu mata agar lebih cepat panjang dan tebal. Tanpa ada zat tambahan berbahaya, sis.
Erto’s Eyelash Serum Ingredients diantaranya: Camellia sinensis leaf extract, Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Olea Europaea Fruit Oil
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Paket Erto’s Eyelash Serum dilengkapi dengan corong unik yang membantu dalam pengaplikasian serumnya ke bulu mata, bentuknya jadi seperti serum ampul.
Cara memakai Erto’s Eyelash Serum agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal: Aplikasikan serum ke akar bulu mata secara merata (bagian atas dan bawah), diamkan beberapa menit sampai serumnya benar-benar terserap dengan baik. Gunakan setiap malam sebelum tidur, tidak perlu di bilas
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Beli aja Erto’s Eyelash Serum Original di toko kami ^^ Cara order produk kecantikan di KosmetikAnda.com mudah sekali, kamu bisa langsung pilih barang yang akan kamu beli, kemudian klik “tambahkan ke keranjang”. Setelah semua pesanan terkumpul, kemudian klik Cart (di bagian atas website) dan lakukan proses check out.
Atau kamu bisa memesan Erto’s Eyelash Serum Original dengan cepat melalui SMS, BBM, atau LINE.
INFO : Toko KosmetikAnda.com buka hari Senin s/d Jum’at jam 07:00 WIB – 16:00 WIB, dan Sabtu 07:00 WIB – 12:00 WIB. Pengiriman maksimal jam 15:00 WIB (kecuali sabtu hanya setengah hari), pembayaran diatas pukul 2 siang, barang akan dikirim esok harinya.
Erto’s Eyelash Serum Pemanjang Bulu Mata Original BPOM Erto's Eyelash Serum isi 10ml - Untuk bulu mata tebal, hitam, panjang dan lentik Alami Manusia dilahirkan dengan rupa yang berbeda-beda, ada yang punya bulu mata tipis, ada yang sudah bawaan lahir bulu matanya panjang dan tebal.
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