#maximilian breastplate
tetrachromate · 2 years
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twoearproductions · 1 year
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1/2 The archfey who would become Maximilian Oberon was born into a complicated parentage. Their father was Elias, heir to the noble Archfey Family; House Vynarrin. Their mother; Celeste, on the other hand, was a simple changeling from the material plane. The two felt blessed by their new child and gave them the name Vintergan. All should have remained joyous, but it was not meant to last. Elias would go missing while out riding one day, nothing was ever found of him apart from his battle-scarred breastplate. Driven mad from the grief of losing her husband, Celeste was in no state to raise her child. Thus, Vintergan’s grandfather; Runar the Elder took over rearing his heir. Sadly, Vintergan would receive no love from their grandfather. Runar saw his grandchild’s mixed heritage as a blight on an otherwise ‘pure’ family tree that stretched back through the eons. Vintergan would simply be a means to an end, a branch to flourish and bear fruit to further the bloodline. The young Archfey was constantly reminded of this fact, slowly growing to resent all of the expectations placed upon them. One day, after a particularly harsh lecture on what was expected of them, Vintergan stormed into the garden to where one of their only friends lived. A dryad that lived inside the ancient willow tree there had been one of the only sources of maternal love and affection the archfey had received growing up. Vintergan begged the dryad to free them from their fate. The dryad, wishing to see her charge happy, wove magics through Vintergan’s body. The archfey could now entirely transform into lowly changeling and utter their true name to revert if they so chose. They named their new form Maximilian Oberon. This choice only angered Runar further, kindling a far deeper disdain that burned against their grandchild. To escape their grandfather’s abuse, Max began exploring the material plane. It was on one of these outings that the changeling would stumble upon a young drow mage named Fayne. Himself an heir to an old family, the drow had a deep fascination with the feywild. After observing the mage and his studies for several weeks, the changeling decided to offer them a proposition. They would teach Fayne everything they knew about the fewild, if he would teach Max everything he knew about the material plane. They shook on it, marking the beginning of a mutually beneficial friendship. Over time, their bond would deepen into a romance.
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Burgonet Helmet and Reinforce for a Field Breastplate of Maximilian II.
Jörg Sorg the younger (German, ca. 1522-1603) (Artist).
Mathaus Frauenpriess the Elder (German, 1527-1576). German 1549-1550.
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armthearmour · 5 years
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in the George F. Harding collection of Arms and Armor at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Pt. 2/2
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rainbow-dunk · 3 years
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full build and explanation under the cut!
5 draconic bloodline sorcerer/3 nomad mystic
tiefling (abyssal)
far traveler
str - 10
dex - 14
con - 12
int - 16
wis - 10
cha - 18
saves: constitution, charisma
proficiencies: insight, perception, arcana, deception
tool proficiencies: cards
languages: common, abyssal, infernal
armour: light, medium (from feat)
weapons: simple
feats: moderately armoured
current armour: mithral breastplate
metamagic: twinned spell, quickened spell
sorcerer spells:
cantrips: mage hand, ray of frost, fire bolt, prestidigitation
lv1: chaos bolt, sleep, absorb elements
lv2: invisibility, maximilian’s earthen grasp, enhance ability
lv 3: haste
mystic disciplines:
psionic talents: mystic hand, mind thrust
nomadic step
nomadic arrow
mantle of fury
bestial form
man. ranboo. this is the only character with three completely built, fully saved versions. and it's because it was hard! but eventually i settled on mostly sorcerer with a little mystic. i wanted to put more of an emphasis on his charisma and spellcasting, and three levels is more than enough for mystic teleporting. nomad was the obvious choice - teleporting is its main focus. draconic bloodline started off as just a fun way to have him be half and half, but after seeing him deal with foolish i turned that charisma shit up to 11 and i am so glad i did.
holy shit it took me so long to decidee the mystic disciplines. the first mystic i ever made took me two full days to make, and this one took a while too, but apart from the two nomad disciplines he gets from the subclass i think bestial form and mantle of fury fit him perfectly! they're both very enderman, which combined with the teleporting is just. chef's kiss. mwah.
i used abyssal tiefling because it's unpredictable and weird, which just about sums up both his character and the classes i chose. far traveler is from him joining the smp relatively late. honestly, i kind of wanted to boost his physical stats a little more, because he's very good at combat, but i had to keep them relatively low for balancing purposes, you know?
design wise this was also hard. the first edition was one of the first designs i made, and i fucking hated it pretty much as soon as i finished it, so i just hid the layer and came back to it a few days later with a fresh idea and came up with this! i moved away from mage robes and switched to a much more elaborate, formal focus. this design was GREATLY inspired by a really specific artwork of ranboo, but it doesn't have a signature and i can't find the artist, so if anyone recognises it, please let me know so i can credit them for the inspiration!
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cma-medieval-art · 3 years
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Helmet, c. 1560 - 1580, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art
This armor was developed for the joust—a sporting combat of arms between two mounted contestants. This example shows the asymmetry of jousting armor. The participants rode along a wall-like barrier known as a "tilt" with their left sides facing. Consequently, armor on that side of the body tended to be thicker. Note the larger reinforcment plate (called a grandguard) over the left shoulder for extra protection. Also, the breath holes in the helmet were placed on the right side (farthest from an opponent's lance) to avoid injuries from splinters. The bracket attached to the right breastplate is called the lance-rest, a shock-absorbing support designed to accommodate the lance when "couched" under the right armpit. The popularity of jousts and tournaments peaked around 1500 and required armor and other sporting equipment adapted for the endlessly varied games. By the reign of Emperor Maximilian I (1493–1519), there were at least 11 different forms of mounted jousts, exclusive of the numerous ceremonial combats on foot that employed such varied weapons as swords, halberds, pikes, and throwing axes. Each blow in the contest, especially favored in Germany, was carefully numbered and prescribed by rules. Size: Overall: 34.5 x 32 x 22 cm (13 9/16 x 12 5/8 x 8 11/16 in.) Medium: steel
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Germanics Rarepair: Austria and Burgundy
There was soft morning light filtering into the tent, and Austria slowly opened his eyes. Once he let the light in, it felt like the whole world started to intrude. He could hear all the noise of an army preparing for battle. He could make out the clink of armor and the whinnying of horses.
He put a hand out to feel the bed next to him. As he expected, there was no one next to him, but the blankets were still warm. He turned onto his side to see Burgundy working on putting on his armor. He could see the glint off of his breastplate.
Austria couldn’t tell what exactly he was doing, but he knew that he was preparing for battle. He rubbed his eyes. It didn’t make the world any less blurry, but it did help him to feel awake. He was determined not to fall back asleep, so he wouldn’t miss his husband leaving for battle.
After he sat up and started to pull on his clothing, Burgundy turned and said, “Good morning, mon cher.” The sound of his voice filled Austria’s chest with warmth. It was so pleasant and so loving.
Once he was dressed, Austria stood up and drew closer to his husband. He said, “You wouldn’t have let me miss you leaving, would you?”
That earned him a light kiss on the forehead and an answer, “Of course not. I know you like to see me off.” Then Burgundy extended his hand, showing his half finished gauntlet straps, and said, “Would you help me with this?”
Austria nodded and then started on the familiar task of helping his husband with his armor. They had done this before every battle, and his hands knew the way well. It felt intimate to fasten the straps, and make sure they were secure. It was a small way to keep him safe.
As he worked, Austria spoke, “I wish that I could do more to help you. But I am no good in a fight. You’d just end up protecting me.”
He felt guilty as he said it, because he deeply wished that he was the kind of warrior who could have been of use. It would be a loving gesture that showed his devotion.
Burgundy put his free hand gently under Austria’s chin and tilted his face up. He said, “You gave me an army, and that’s all I asked of you. You don’t need to wield a sword. Go to Ghent and I will come to you once I’ve won.”
Austria got closer so he could see his husband’s face clearly. And then he said, “I cannot sleep when you’re gone. I worry that something will happen.”
Burgundy said, keeping his eyes fixed on Austria, “Do not worry about me. Even if Francis wins and takes me prisoner, I will write you letters from Paris. I will find a way back to you.”
Austria believed the promise, but his husband going into battle gave him a knot in his stomach. He knew that he would not stop worrying until Burgundy was safe in his bed again.
He said, “You know that I love you, and you have my blessing.”
Burgundy wordlessly leaned in and kissed him deeply. It was their tradition. A long goodbye kiss before battle to make sure that they parted with love. Austria felt like he was clinging to him for every second of the kiss.
Once they parted, Burgundy said, “I’ll see you in a few days. Now, will you hand me my helmet?”
Historical notes under cut:
- Maximilian, duke of Austria, married Mary of Burgundy in 1477.
- This was a turning point in the history of the House of Habsburg because it brought wealth into the marriage.
- However, after the marriage, the combined Burgundian and Austrian forces were engaged in the War of Burgundian Succession with France. 
- The premature death of Mary in 1482 and the French success in the war led to the Burgundian territories being split between Austria and France.This was known as “the Burgundian inheritance”
- The Treaty of Senlis in 1493 permanently settled the issue by giving the Habsburgs the Flemish parts of Burgundy and some additional territory. The House of Habsburg also continued to use the title of Duke of Burgundy.
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armingdoublet · 4 years
My helmet and maille standard have arrived... Next up will be a maille shirt, mantle and gauntlets, then a Maximilian breastplate, and finally some thigh protection
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Today's work in progress, German Gothic breastplate around 1480.
Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I commissioned a small army outfit with this style of armour. The lines and decorations mirror the Gothic cathedrals and pillars that were prominent in the 15th century.
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steellegacy · 5 years
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⚜️ TOURNAMENT ACCESSORIES Mechanical breastplate of Emperor Maximilian I, a son of Emperor Friedrich Von Habsburg, III
Culture: South German (Innsbruck?) Date: ca. 1490 (pic.1); ca. 1495 (pic.2)
🏦 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
- - ⚜️ ТУРНИРНЫЕ АКСЕССУАРЫ Механический нагрудник Императора Максимилиана I, сына Императора Фридриха III Габсбурга
Дата: ок. 1490 (фото 1), ок. 1495 (фото 2) Культура: Южная Германия (Инсбрук?)
🏦 Музей истории искусств (Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Hofjagd & Rüstkammer) #KunsthistorischesMuseumVienna
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Where is the locksmith? Here are close up views of a mechanical breastplate that I studied today, one of only three known to survive, all dating from the turn of the sixteenth century and associated with the court of Emperor Maximilian I of Austria (1459-1519), who took great pride in having devised new types of joust. This is the most elaborate among them. The mechanism's purpose was to project a shield in the air when it was struck by an opponent's lance. Although it is now incomplete, some of its springs still operate, as I discovered today in the company of my colleagues in curatorial and conservation at the Musée de l'Armée. The brass wheel at the top and the roller beneath it did not only facilitate the ejection of the shield. They also activated mechanisms that released it. The brass piece at the bottom of the first picture actually acts like a spring, controlling the adjacent steel lever in the form of a dragon or basilisk at each side of it (the proper right one is lost). The purpose of my investigation is to provide an understanding of how these mechanical breastplates would have precisely functioned when they were still complete and a major attraction when such contests were being staged at Maximilian's court.
Photo: @pierre.terjanian
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Happy birthday April babies! Lucky April babies have one of the most powerful birthstones- the 💎! Diamonds are among nature’s most precious and beautiful creations. Objects of lore and devotion, the April birthstone — diamonds — create an unbreakable legacy for the men and women who wear them as adornment. Since the very beginning, diamonds have always been associated with romance and legend. As early as the 1st century AD, Roman text has said that Cupid’s arrows were tipped with diamonds as part of their extraordinary magic. The very word “diamond” comes from the Greek “Adamas” meaning unconquerable, suggesting the eternity of love. In ancient times, Kings were known to lead wars on the battlefield wearing breastplates studded with diamonds, as it was believed that diamonds possessed extraordinary power that could be bestowed upon the wearer. The first recorded presentation of a diamond engagement ring was in 1477, when Archduke Maximilian of Austria proposed marriage to Mary of Burgundy with thin, flat pieces of diamonds creating the letter “M”. Comment below if April is your birth month. Style no. HT2656OV (special order)
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palaeopathological · 7 years
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Armor Steel; 57lb. 10oz (26.15kg) German, Nuremburg, about 1520 and later Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
At the turn of the sixteenth century, German armorers abandoned the slender lines of the late Gothic style and adopted the fuller, more rounded forms favoured in Italy.  In the new style, the shallow parallel channels that covered almost the entire armor were not only decorative but actually strengthened the metal.  This is often referred to as “Maximilian style” because it was introduces during the time of Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519).  Fluted armor appears to have been a specialty of Nuremberg.
On the armor displayed here the two-piece construction of the breastplate and its pierced decoration, while standard on German Gothic armors, is highly unusual for this period.  The waistplates and tassets (upper thigh defenses) are of a later date.  The breastplate is stamped with the maker’s mark: in a shield, a gold lion or a bear above the letters L.B.
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samanthaswords · 8 years
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Medieval special effects! If you ever doubted the long tradition of showmanship in combat sports, check out this contraption: an 'exploding' breastplate for the medieval joust. 🎠 An exterior piece would be locked into the mechanism, and when struck in exactly the right place by an opponent's lance, the spring would dramatically fling the load 20 feet or so into the air as it would blow into several pieces. Supporting evidence of this is from woodcuts of this device worn by parading knights. The illustrations show specially-designed shields that appear to fragment in small pie-sliced shards after launch. 🛡 This is one of three surviving such 'Mechanisches Rennen'. The design is attributed to the reign of Maximilian I and not seen outside medieval Germany. This example is on display at the Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna. The other two examples also originate in Vienna but one is now at the Musee de L'Armee in Paris. 🏰 Thanks so much to @sean.belair for putting me on to this! For more historical museum awesomeness, go follow his page. He's assistant conservator in the arms and armour department at the @metmuseum.
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armthearmour · 5 years
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A fantastic Breastplate in Maximilian style,
Height: 28.3 in/72 cm
Width: 24 in/61 cm
Depth: 9.4 in/24 cm
Weight: 30.2 lbs/13.7 kg
Nuremberg, Germany, ca. 1612, housed at the Royal Armouries Tower of London.
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rainbow-dunk · 3 years
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he is going to. steal
full build and rambling under the cut!
artificer 2/transmutation wizard 6
hengeyokai (kitsune)
criminal (spy)
str - 12
dex - 16
con - 14
int - 18
wis - 12
cha - 8
saves: intelligence, constitution
proficiencies: deception, stealth, acrobatics, arcana, investigation
tool proficiencies: thieves' tools, chess, tinter's tools, smith's tools
languages: common, sylvan
armour: light, medium, shields
weapons: simple
feats: war caster
infusions: (enhanced arcane focus, enhanced defense, replicate magic item (sending stones and bag of holding)
artificer spells:
cantrips: mending, guidance
lv1: cure wounds, sanctuary, catapult, faerie fire, feather fall
transmutation wizard spells:
cantrips: prestidigitation, message, mage hand, fire bolt
lv1: alarm, comprehend languages, detect magic, identify, mage armor, sleep, magic missile
lv2: shatter, blindness/deafness, locate object, maximilian's earthen grasp
lv3: fly, counterspell, fireball, tongues
hengeyokai kitsune:
+2 dex, +1 int
base speed: 30ft
darkvision 60ft
advantage on perception checks relying on sound or smell
proficient in acrobatics
shapeshift into hybrid or human form as action and return to true form as bonus action
god i love this build. i adore shapeshifters, and i've loved the hengeyokai for a while, but there isn't an official 5e race for them. however, i just HAD to use it for fundy, so i used this page and modified the nekomata subrace slightly to fit him better. this is the only homebrew i've created for this series, and i think it's worth it.
i had to go wizard for him. i just had to. he's the only wizard in this series, which is sad because it's one of my favourite classes, but it only really works for fundy. i chose transmutation mostly because of his shape changing nature, but i think it works! i gave him a few artificer levels for survivability and to further drive in the programming side. the spy background is, well, self explanatory. what's his backstory? who knows! maybe wilbur found an injured fox in the woods and healed it only for it to turn into a kid. maybe wilbur slept with a woman who turned out to be a salmon hengeyokai. who knows!!!
making his design, i decided to make him SMALL. for reference, all the stats text in all of these posts is the exact same size and at the exact same level. so compare fundy to techno. lmao. i ended up deciding to give him a breastplate for armour, and made his clothes baggy enough to cover it realistically. for the style, i wanted to go with a sort of rough, slightly-too-big feeling - maybe some of his clothes used to be wilbur's! i drew him here in his hybrid form, which isn't a thing in the page i used, but i just loved it too much not to use it. i think he tends to stick to either hybrid or fox form, only going fully human when needing to travel mostly unnoticed in cities. a few details - his hat is the same one he has in canon, and the buttons on his jacket match up to the colours on his skin's jacket! also, he has a wand as a focus, but has basically taped it to his light crossbow, so he can use it both as a casting focus and a weapon. he also has his transmuter stone tied to the crossbow with some string. i just like the image of him forgetting to load a bolt into the crossbow and shooting a fire bolt from it instead.
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