#maximilian mertens
tegguna · 6 years
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"I just didn't take you for somebody who dreams of Mr Right." 
“I don't... most of the time."
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Wedding of Prince Ludwig Philipp of Thurn and Taxis and Princess Elisabeth of Belgium  on 14 November 1922 at Schloss Hohenburg, Bavaria, Germany.
The bridegroom (21) was the fourth child and son of Albert, 8th Prince of Thurn and Taxis and his wife Archduchess Margarethe Klementine of Austria. Through his mother, he was a distant relative of Queen Victoria.
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Ludwig Philipp was a knight of the Order of Perfect Friendship, studied law at the Julius-Maximilian University in Würzburg.
The bride (21) was the the fifth-eldest daughter and child of William IV, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and his wife, Infanta Marie Anne of Portugal.
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The Royal Wedding guests
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Another photo of the bride and bridegroom with the wedding guests.
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Photos by Miss Mertens, Flickr. I don't own any rights!
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logi1974 · 4 years
- English -
Herten Castle
The Herten moated castle is not far from the city center of Herten, what was once the largest mining town on the European continent.
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This gem from the Middle Ages lies in the middle of the Ruhr area, in the middle of a large and remarkable castle park with ancient forest. The late Gothic castle and the extensive 30 hectare castle park invite you to visit with the whole family.
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Herten Castle was first mentioned in 1376. The family of those von Herten, liege men of the Abbey Werden, was first mentioned in 1286 with Gerlach von Hertene. Their former residence is believed to be in the town center of Herten at the parish church of St. Antonius.
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In the 14th century, the knightly family built a permanent house on the site of today's castle, which was mentioned in 1376 as a fief of the Imperial Abbey in Werden. Herten Castle was initially built as a small weir system. The remains of a keep can still be seen today. In the period that followed, expansion and conversion into a representative castle took place.
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By marriage, the Herten house came to the Lords of Galen in the mid-14th century. The heiress Elseke brought it to her husband Dietrich von Stecke in 1488 through her marriage in 1476. Anna von Stecke married Bertram von Nesselrode in 1529, heir to the duchies of Jülich and Berg.
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Like numerous members of the Nesselrode family, he was a politically influential nobleman at the time and from 1539 to 1556 he was governor of Cologne in the Vest Recklinghausen. From 1530 he had the castle expanded as a closed fort with corner pavilion towers. The towers are still standing today.
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The estate remained in the possession of the von Nesselrode family for almost 300 years. After eventful years, a siege in 1593 and a fire almost a century later (1687), Herten Castle was rebuilt by Baron Franz von Nesselrode until 1702. Baron Franz von Nesselrode-Reichenstein was elevated to the status of imperial count by Emperor Leopold I in 1702.
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When the last male representative of the von Nesselrode, Johann Franz Josef von Nesselrode, died in 1826, the castle came through Johann's daughter Charlotte to the von Droste zu Vischering family, who was also elevated to the status of an imperial count in the same year.
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The members of their Herten lineage then called themselves Droste zu Vischering von Nesselrode-Reichenstein. The family lived at the Herten estate until shortly after the First World War. However, after they moved to Merten Castle in Eitorf from 1920 and thus gave up Herten Castle as a place of residence, it was left to decay.
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The castle remained unused and fell visibly into disrepair until it was sold to the Landscapes Association of Westphalia-Lippe in 1974. The site was renovated until 1989, making it accessible to the public.
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The State clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy Herten is located in the western part, which also uses some historical buildings of the castle. The main castle is reached via a bridge from the outer castle, which in turn is surrounded by a moat and contains a coach house and chapel.
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The main castle is today a late Gothic brick building with a closed courtyard. The four parts of the building surrounding it have the shape of a trapezoid. The castle with its characteristic corner towers is surrounded by a moat, a moat. The castle is partially accessible, for example, offers a restaurant, but is mainly used by the clinic.
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 After the Schlosspark was awakened from its more than 50-year-old sleeping beauty in 1974, as a People's park it is an integral part of the life of (not only) the people of Herten.
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Between 1687 and 1702 the park was transformed from a strict baroque garden into a landscape park based on the English model. Count von Nesselrode even engaged Düsseldorf court gardener Maximilian Friedrich Weyhe to design the palace park.
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The small pavilion, Tobacco house, in the castle park got its name from the two Counts Riaucourt - sons of a countess Nesselrode - who found shelter in Herten Castle from the French Revolution. In this garden shed they enjoyed the new fashion of smoking in front of the fireplace, which was frowned upon in the castle.
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The orangery, built in 1725, was decorated by a balustrade with 12 statues at the time. It housed the garden casino, court parties were celebrated, orange and ornamental trees were raised and there was space for one of the most beautiful camellia collections.
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In the meantime there is unfortunately only a ruin left. Missing repairs and mining damage hit the building, which was only partially renovated in the 1970s. The reconstruction of the surprisingly large orangery is still under discussion.
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After the noble family moved from Nesselrode to Merten Castle in 1920, the park was only opened for special celebrations and processions. For nature and animals, it was a relaxing time behind the walls. The park overgrown, but also the Herten moated castle and the orangery decayed over time.
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When the Land Association of Westphalia-Lippe bought the property with the castle in 1974, considerable renovation measures were necessary. Between 1974 and 1976 over 2 million DM were invested in the castle park alone. It was only made accessible when it was acquired by the state association.
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Botanical treasures from all over the world can be found in the Herten castle park - chile fir trees, Japanese cypresses,  katsura trees or catalpa and  ghost trees. The star magnolia in front of the castle is one of the oldest in Westphalia.
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The park was structured in a varied way with meadows, avenues, squares or even a rose garden and invites you to stroll. Rare giant trees, old forests, daffodil meadows, the maze and the open-air theater are grouped around the Herten Castle.
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The castle ponds adjoin the picturesque moats, which are particularly impressive due to their biodiversity of waterfowl. Unfortunately, tons of invasive geese (Egyptian geese and Canada geese) have settled here, which obviously feel very comfortable and reproduce splendidly.
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The green areas are correspondingly contaminated and the ponds are also badly affected by this overpopulation.
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Entry to the castle park is possible 24/7 and free of charge!
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dermontag · 2 years
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Ungereimtheiten vor Turnier DEB-Team müht sich bei WM-Generalprobe zum Sieg 08.05.2022, 20:40 Uhr Ohne die Leistungsträger von Meister Eisbären Berlin und Finalist EHC Red Bull München gewinnt das deutsche Eishockey-Nationalteam das letzte WM-Testspiel knapp. Erstmals verstärken auch mehrere NHL-Profis die Mannschaft, bei der sich bis zum WM-Auftakt noch einiges tun muss. Die deutsche Eishockey-Nationalmannschaft hat ihre WM-Generalprobe nur mit extrem viel Mühe bestanden. Die Mannschaft von Trainer Toni Söderholm gewann ihr siebtes und letztes Testspiel in Schwenningen gegen Österreich mit 3:1 (0:0, 1:1 2:0). Das kaum eingespielte DEB-Team offenbarte fünf Tage vor der WM in Finnland (13. bis 29. Mai) noch einige Ungereimtheiten. Die DEB-Auswahl trifft zum WM-Auftakt am Freitag (19.20 Uhr/Sport1 und MagentaSport) in Helsinki auf Rekordweltmeister Kanada. Der Schwenninger Alexander Karachun (40.), Stefan Loibl (56.) und Dominik Bittner (58./empty net) trafen in der ausverkauften Helios Arena für die DEB-Auswahl, für die zum ersten Mal in der Vorbereitung die NHL-Profis Moritz Seider (Detroit Red Wings), Tim Stützle (Ottawa Senators) und Torhüter Philipp Grubauer (Seattle Kraken) aufs Eis gingen. Grubauer wurde nach knapp 28 Minuten durch Dustin Strahlmeier ersetzt. Brian Lebler (29.) hatte Österreich in Führung gebracht. "Wir haben einige Baustellen, was das Spielerische betrifft", sagte Söderholm: "Aber ich bin zuversichtlich. Man merkt, dass die Mannschaft wächst. Da ist eine Stimmung drin, worauf man viel aufbauen kann." Insgesamt hatte Söderholm für den letzten Härtetest im Schwarzwald elf neue Spieler nominiert, darunter auch Kapitän Moritz Müller. Von den beiden DEL-Finalisten Eisbären Berlin und Red Bull München, die ihre Finalserie erst am Mittwoch beendet hatten, stand überraschend bereits der Münchner Maximilian Kastner auf dem Eis. Das endgültige WM-Aufgebot wird am Montag um 17 Uhr bekannt gegeben. Das Team hat am Montag trainingsfrei, bevor am Dienstag der Flieger nach Helsinki startet. Steigerung im Schlussabschnitt Vor den Augen des am Samstag einstimmig gewählten DEB-Präsidenten Peter Merten, der Franz Reindl nach acht Jahren Amtszeit beerbt hatte, setzte Deutschland die Österreicher zumindest zu Beginn unter Druck und zwang sie zu zwei frühen Strafen. Die Powerplays konnte das DEB-Team nicht nutzen und tat sich in der Folge schwer, Chancen zu kreieren. Die beste Möglichkeit vergab der Düsseldorfer Daniel Fischbuch (16.). Auf der Gegenseite war Grubauer gegen Ali Wukovits zur Stelle (18.), kurz vor der Pause rettete beim Schlagschuss von Benjamin Baumgartner der Pfosten für Grubauer. Gegen den defensiv stabilen Weltranglisten-17. Österreich, der zusammen mit Frankreich die von der WM ausgeschlossenen Russen und Belarussen in Finnland ersetzt, hatte Deutschland auch im zweiten Drittel Probleme. Lebler erwischte Strahlmeier kurz nach seiner Einwechslung nach wenigen Sekunden dann mit dem ersten Schuss auf sein Tor eiskalt. Kurz vor der Pause erlöste Lokalmatador Karachun die deutsche Mannschaft und stocherte die Scheibe ins Netz. Im Schlussabschnitt kam die deutsche Mannschaft etwas besser ins Spiel und hatte am Ende den längeren Atem.
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neudert · 3 years
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Amtskette wieder bei Neudert zum Gravieren
Die Insigne der Landesvorsitzenden der Wirtschaftsjunioren Bayern, die Amtskette, ist, wie jedes Jahr, wieder bei Neudert zum Gravieren.
Wir wünschen dem nächstjährigen Landesvorstand mit seinem Vorsitzenden Maximilian Mertens ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2022 und viel Gelingen bei seinen Projekten.
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tennisbettingtips7 · 4 years
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_____ 13 NOV, 15:30 IST
Sergiy Stakhovsky vS Maximilian Marterer MATCH WINNER TIPS Maximilian Marterer WAIT FOR GOOD RATE THEN BET ON Maximilian Marterer BOOK SET @ 15 PAISA
_____ 13 NOV, 16:00 IST
G Quinzi vS J Barranco Cosano MATCH WINNER TIPS Gianluigi Quinzi WAIT FOR UNDER 80-40 PAISA J Barranco Cosano THEN BET ON Gianluigi Quinzi BOOK SET @ 15 PAISA
_____ 13 NOV, 17:30 IST
Emil Ruusuvuori vS Lukas Klein MATCH WINNER TIPS Emil Ruusuvuori WAIT FOR GOOD RATE THEN BET ON Emil Ruusuvuori BOOK SET @ 10 PAISA
_____ 13 NOV, 18:30 IST
Adrian Mannarino vS Jannik Sinner MATCH WINNER TIPS Jannik Sinner WAIT FOR GOOD RATE THEN BET ON Jannik Sinner -- YOU CAN LAY DOWN Jannik Sinner FOR TRADING --
_____ 13 NOV, 21:00 IST
Nadia Podoroska vS Ekaterina Alexandrova MATCH WINNER TIPS Nadia Podoroska WAIT FOR UNDER 40-20 PAISA Ekaterina Alexandrova THEN BET ON Nadia Podoroska BOOK SET @ 20 PAISA
_____ 13 NOV, 21:30 IST
Dmitry Popko vS Denis Kudla MATCH WINNER TIPS Dmitry Popko WAIT FOR UNDER 60-40-20 PAISA Denis Kudla THEN BET ON Dmitry Popko BOOK SET @ 20 PAISA
_____ 13 NOV, 21:30 IST
Vasek Pospisil vS Richard Gasquet MATCH WINNER TIPS Vasek Pospisil WAIT FOR UNDER 60-40-20 PAISA Richard Gasquet THEN BET ON Vasek Pospisil BOOK SET @ 10 PAISA
_____ 13 NOV, 23:00 IST
Veronika Kudermetova vS Elise Mertens MATCH WINNER TIPS Elise Mertens WAIT & BET ON Elise Mertens BOOK SET @ 10 PAISA
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junker-town · 5 years
The phonetic joy of saying soccer players’ names out loud
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An inexhaustive look at the most delightful names in soccer.
Often, while watching soccer games, I find myself repeating out loud the names of certain players for no reason other than I find them delightful to say. Over the weekend, while watching a terrible game between Tottenham Spurs and Everton, I tweeted out some names that I particularly enjoy:
There's a few names in football that I love the sound of. Ndombele is one. There's also Oxlade-Chamberlain, Zaha, Ndidi, Chilwell, Benedetto, Reine-Adelaide, Reus, Maximilian Arnold, Nkunku, Hinteregger, Heung-Min Son... There's a bunch more, but these are always delightful
— Zito (@_Zeets) November 3, 2019
The fun of each name is different. Some, like Ndombele, seem to embody the player himself — powerful, yet smooth. Others, like Maximilian Arnold, are refined. The image it suggests is a man seated at a long table in his country estate as a servant whispers a message into his ear.
According to linguistic theory, “any particular linguistic sign — a sound, a mark on the page, a gesture – is arbitrary, and dictated solely by social convention.” In other words, the name Ndombele may only sound powerful and smooth because I know the player is, and Maximilian Arnold comes off as stately because the origin of his name combines two Roman generals, Maximus and Scipio Aemilianus. The way that names embody social conventions is part of what makes them enjoyable. They not only suggest attributes often removed from the reality of the players, but reveal the world through what we associate with different types of names.
For other names, the enjoyment is less about what they may represent and more about how playfully their sounds go together. The pleasure of saying Alderweireld is that the second half of it forces an almost slurring action, like elongating the word “world.”
Marco Reus feels fast, because the pronunciation of “Reus” is close to “Royce,” hence his nickname, “Rolls Reus.” The alliteration of Zinedine Zidane, the verve of the Zs and gentleness of Zinedine, makes it like it should always be written in cursive as a testament to how stylish it is. Keisuke Honda is as cool as the man. Ben Chilwell is actually cold. Hasan Salihamidzic demands a lot of work, but it’s satisfying because of that difficulty. Dries Mertens slides through the mouth, and you can say it without really parting your lips. Bastian Schweinsteiger also slides, but staggers at the end. Iker Casillas is classy and above the nonsense of us plebs. Gigi Buffon goes from endearing to a mispronounced insult.
Though it isn’t necessary, a hyphen always helps elevate the status of surnames to Maximilian Arnold levels, as in Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Dominic Calvert-Lewin, Jeff Reine-Adélaïde, Ruben Loftus-Cheek, and Callum Hudson-Odoi.
Other regal names include: Alessandro Del Piero, who is an actual knight in accordance with such an esteemed name; Hidetoshi Nakata, who is presumably also knighted for that name; Esteban Cambiasso, who takes pride in being a self-made man; Delphine Cascarino, which could be the name of France’s Olympic logo; John Pierre Papin, which one has to say with a pinky raised; Magnus Rasmussen, who I’m sure is an oil-magnate; Benoît Assou-Ekotto, who should have been a philosopher; and Ubaldo Matildo Fillol, a name that would be fitting for one of the greatest writers in the South American canon.
An appointment is needed three weeks in advance to be in Jefferson Farfán’s company. Pier Luigi Querubino is spending his retirement from the art world in his house by the sea. Stelios Giannokopoulos died with Leonidas in the Battle of Thermopylae. Allan Saint-Maximin is an angel dressed in a Gucci robe. Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang is a professor of post-colonial philosophy. And Rafael van der Vaart is a humble renaissance man.
Esteban Cambiasso also slides into what I call the “Big B” names — names that are big, bold, and beautiful. They don’t necessarily have to start with a “B” but the “B” in the name adds stature and power. “Cam” is straightforward, but then “Biasso” has to be said with the chest puffed out. It demands force. Big B names are the grown man names.
Other Big B names include: Didier Drogba, which contrasts the endearing, almost childlike manner of “Didier” with the power and intimidating effect of “Drogba”; Gabriel Batistuta, who is only 6’1 but that’s the name of a giant; Brede Hangeland, who I knew was 6’6 by the name alone; Marco Van Basten, which also combines high-class refinement Big B force; Demba Ba, which should be a kiai shouted during a martial arts fight. The Dybala in Paulo Dybala sounds so big and diabolical that it’s hilarious to see it attached to someone so lovable and nice. At least Mario Balotelli lives up to the strength of his surname.
Then there are the names that are fun purely for their musicality: Claude Makélélé, Eric Djemba-Djemba, Siphiwe Tshabalala, Paolo Pasquale Peschisolido, Blaise Matuidi, Kalidou Koulibaly, Sokratis Papastathopoulos, Ali Al-Habsi, and Mitchy Batshuayi. Bixente Lizarazu slithers all over the place like a snake. Roberto Donadoni is the name of the summer fling during a trip to Italy in a new coming of age movie.
There are so many fun names in soccer, it’s impossible to be comprehensive about the different reasons why they are so enjoyable And though they do not have a direct impact on the field, they all enhance the idea of a player. You just don’t easily forget a Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink.
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investmart007 · 6 years
PARIS | The Latest: Cilic completes French quarterfinal lineup
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PARIS | The Latest: Cilic completes French quarterfinal lineup
PARIS (AP) — The Latest on the French Open (all times local): ___ 8 p.m.
Marin Cilic has completed the lineup of quarterfinalists in the men’s draw at the French Open after beating Fabio Fognini of Italy 6-4, 6-1, 3-6, 6-7 (4), 6-3.
“Just a crazy match,” the third-seeded Cilic said.
Fognini saved match point at 4-5 in the fourth set before forcing the tiebreaker.
Cilic made no mistake when the second match point finally came in the fifth set.
“It was just hanging by a thread,” the Croatian said. “A couple of points decided it.” ___ 7 p.m.
Juan Martin del Potro is into his first French Open quarterfinal since 2012, taming the big-serving John Isner 6-4, 6-4, 6-4.
Isner served 12 aces but fell short of becoming the first American man to reach the quarterfinals since Andre Agassi in 2003.
The fifth-seeded del Potro reached the semifinals in 2009, the same year he also won the U.S. Open. ___ 5:45 p.m.
Serena Williams’ coach tells The Associated Press that they were holding out hope her French Open match against Maria Sharapova might be postponed because of rain.
Patrick Mouratoglou says Williams’ chest muscle was in pain when they held a hitting session on Monday. But they decided not to announce Williams’ withdrawal from the tournament immediately, because the forecast predicted possible showers.
Once it became clear the Williams-Sharapova match was going to go on as scheduled, the 36-year-old American pulled out of the tournament.
Mouratoglou says: “If it rains, we might gain one more day, and you never know how it feels tomorrow. So we had to wait. But we saw the sky was still blue … and we thought, ‘No chance.'”
Mouratoglou adds that there was a concern that if Williams tried to play Monday, she would risk making the injury worse and not be able to play at Wimbledon, which begins July 2. ___ 4:45 p.m.
Two-time Grand Slam champion Angelique Kerber reached the quarterfinals of the French Open for the second time by beating Caroline Garcia 6-2, 6-3.
Garcia saved four match points when serving while trailing 5-1. But Kerber took her next chance when the seventh-seeded Garcia, again serving to stay in the match, hit a forehand wide.
Kerber has never been beyond the quarterfinals at Roland Garros and next faces top-seeded Simona Halep, last year’s runner-up.
Garcia’s loss means there are no French men or women remaining in the tournament. ___ 4:30 p.m.
Maria Sharapova’s coach says the Russian player was waiting at courtside, ready to go on, when they got the news that Serena Williams was pulling out of their fourth-round match at the French Open.
Thomas Hogstedt tells The Associated Press “it was a shock. We were ready. We prepared a long time for this match.”
He says Williams had been “the player to beat” before her sudden withdrawal with injury.
He also says Sharapova’s confidence is high ahead of her quarterfinal appearance in her first French Open since her return from a 15-month doping ban.
He says “she knows she’s playing well, so she’s ready.” ___ 3:40 p.m.
Defending champion Rafael Nadal has again reached the French Open quarterfinals in his bid for a record-extending 11th title at Roland Garros.
The top-ranked Spaniard beat unseeded Maximilian Marterer 6-3, 6-2, 7-6 (4). He has yet to drop a set at this year’s tournament.
Nadal patted Marterer sympathetically on the chest at the net after winning on his second match point.
Nadal will next play 11th-seeded Diego Schwartzman, who rallied to beat Kevin Anderson 1-6, 2-6, 7-5, 7-6 (0), 6-2.
Anderson twice served for the match, at 5-4 in the third and fourth sets. ___ 3:30 p.m.
Serena Williams has called off her Grand Slam comeback, pulling out of the French Open because of a chest injury before she was supposed to play Maria Sharapova.
Williams announced her withdrawal at a news conference at Roland Garros on Monday.
Williams’ voice quivered as she said she can’t serve because of a problem with her right pectoral muscle.
She and Sharapova were scheduled to play a fourth-round match Monday. ___ 12:50 p.m.
Daria Kasatkina advanced to the French Open quarterfinals for the first time by beating Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki 7-6 (5), 6-3.
The 21-year-old Russian, whose previous best performance at a major was reaching the fourth round at last year’s U.S. Open, broke for a 5-3 lead and then served out the match that started Sunday but was suspended by darkness.
Kasatkina has beaten Wozniacki three times this year. She will next play 10th-seeded Sloane Stephens. ___ 12:15 p.m.
Top-seeded Simona Halep advanced to the French Open quarterfinals for the third time by beating Elise Mertens 6-2, 6-1. Halep, who lost in last year’s final, broke the 16th-seeded Belgian’s serve six times on Court Philippe Chatrier.
Serving for the match, Halep dropped her serve for the first time.
She broke straight back, winning on her first match point when Mertens double-faulted.
Halep, who also lost in the 2014 final, will next face either two-time Grand Slam champion Angelique Kerber or Caroline Garcia. ___ 11:30 a.m.
Play has begun at the French Open with top-seeded Simona Halep first up on a sunny Court Philippe Chatrier.
Halep, who lost in last year’s final, was playing 16th-seeded Elise Mertens.
Later, 23-time Grand Slam champion Serena Williams will face five-time major winner Maria Sharapova on the same court.
The two players are coming back from time away — Williams after having a baby daughter; Sharapova after a doping ban. It will be their 22nd head-to-head meeting. Williams has won 19 so far, including the past 18.
Their encounter follows 10-time French Open champion Rafael Nadal’s fourth-round match against Maximilian Marterer, a 22-year-old German ranked 70th.
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC(R.A)
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party-hard-or-die · 6 years
Highlights of French Open ninth day
PARIS (Reuters) – Highlights from day nine of the French Open tennis championships on Monday (times GMT):
Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2018 Spain’s Rafael Nadal celebrates winnning his fourth round match against Germany’s Maximilian Marterer REUTERS/Charles Platiau
Top seed Rafa Nadal, who celebrated his 32nd birthday on Sunday, had plenty of reasons to continue his celebrations after a straight-sets victory over Maximilian Marterer.
World number one Nadal faced a stern test from the German in the third set but was equal to the task as he advanced with a 6-3 6-2 7-6(4) victory in two hours and 30 minutes.
Serena Williams pulled out of the French Open with a pectoral muscle injury, shortly before her fourth round match against Maria Sharapova.
Williams has played only a handful of matches since returning from maternity leave this year, but the three-times Roland Garros champion had looked sharp in her hunt for a 24th Grand Slam title.
“Unfortunately I’m having some issues with my pec muscle. Right now I can’t actually serve. It’s kind of hard to play,” she told a news conference.
Diego Schwartzman fought back from two sets down to defeat Kevin Anderson 1-6 2-6 7-5 7-6(0) 6-2 and reach the quarter-finals at Roland Garros for the first time in his career. The Argentine prevailed in three hours and 51 minutes.
Daria Kasatkina swiftly dispatched Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki on Monday to move into the quarter-finals. The Russian, who led the second-seeded Dane by a set and 3-3 when play was called off on Sunday, won the first three games to seal a 7-6(5) 6-3 win.
Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2018 Serena Williams of the U.S during a press conference REUTERS/Benoit Tessier
World number one Simona Halep cruised to a 6-2 6-1 victory over Belgian Elise Mertens in the fourth round on Monday to reach the quarter-finals of the French Open for a second consecutive year.
The top seed shows no signs of slowing down and will face either German Angelique Kerber or France’s Caroline Garcia in the last eight.
Kasatkina polishes off Wozniacki to reach last eight
Halep too good for Mertens as she reaches quarter-finals
Serena and Sharapova ready to sharpen the edge
Cecchinato in dreamland two years on from match-fixing ban
Djokovic douses Verdasco fire, unhappy with courts
Stephens and Keys on collision course
Zverev rocks on by living on the edge
Thiem ready for ‘legendary’ match against Zverev
Keys enjoys Sunday stroll into French quarters
Compiled by Aditi Prakash and Shrivathsa Sridhar in Bengaluru; Editing by Andrew Heavens
The post Highlights of French Open ninth day appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2xEgM1V via Breaking News
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
Highlights of French Open ninth day
PARIS (Reuters) – Highlights from day nine of the French Open tennis championships on Monday (times GMT):
Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2018 Spain’s Rafael Nadal celebrates winnning his fourth round match against Germany’s Maximilian Marterer REUTERS/Charles Platiau
Top seed Rafa Nadal, who celebrated his 32nd birthday on Sunday, had plenty of reasons to continue his celebrations after a straight-sets victory over Maximilian Marterer.
World number one Nadal faced a stern test from the German in the third set but was equal to the task as he advanced with a 6-3 6-2 7-6(4) victory in two hours and 30 minutes.
Serena Williams pulled out of the French Open with a pectoral muscle injury, shortly before her fourth round match against Maria Sharapova.
Williams has played only a handful of matches since returning from maternity leave this year, but the three-times Roland Garros champion had looked sharp in her hunt for a 24th Grand Slam title.
“Unfortunately I’m having some issues with my pec muscle. Right now I can’t actually serve. It’s kind of hard to play,” she told a news conference.
Diego Schwartzman fought back from two sets down to defeat Kevin Anderson 1-6 2-6 7-5 7-6(0) 6-2 and reach the quarter-finals at Roland Garros for the first time in his career. The Argentine prevailed in three hours and 51 minutes.
Daria Kasatkina swiftly dispatched Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki on Monday to move into the quarter-finals. The Russian, who led the second-seeded Dane by a set and 3-3 when play was called off on Sunday, won the first three games to seal a 7-6(5) 6-3 win.
Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2018 Serena Williams of the U.S during a press conference REUTERS/Benoit Tessier
World number one Simona Halep cruised to a 6-2 6-1 victory over Belgian Elise Mertens in the fourth round on Monday to reach the quarter-finals of the French Open for a second consecutive year.
The top seed shows no signs of slowing down and will face either German Angelique Kerber or France’s Caroline Garcia in the last eight.
Kasatkina polishes off Wozniacki to reach last eight
Halep too good for Mertens as she reaches quarter-finals
Serena and Sharapova ready to sharpen the edge
Cecchinato in dreamland two years on from match-fixing ban
Djokovic douses Verdasco fire, unhappy with courts
Stephens and Keys on collision course
Zverev rocks on by living on the edge
Thiem ready for ‘legendary’ match against Zverev
Keys enjoys Sunday stroll into French quarters
Compiled by Aditi Prakash and Shrivathsa Sridhar in Bengaluru; Editing by Andrew Heavens
The post Highlights of French Open ninth day appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2xEgM1V via News of World
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dragnews · 6 years
Highlights of French Open ninth day
PARIS (Reuters) – Highlights from day nine of the French Open tennis championships on Monday (times GMT):
Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2018 Spain’s Rafael Nadal celebrates winnning his fourth round match against Germany’s Maximilian Marterer REUTERS/Charles Platiau
Top seed Rafa Nadal, who celebrated his 32nd birthday on Sunday, had plenty of reasons to continue his celebrations after a straight-sets victory over Maximilian Marterer.
World number one Nadal faced a stern test from the German in the third set but was equal to the task as he advanced with a 6-3 6-2 7-6(4) victory in two hours and 30 minutes.
Serena Williams pulled out of the French Open with a pectoral muscle injury, shortly before her fourth round match against Maria Sharapova.
Williams has played only a handful of matches since returning from maternity leave this year, but the three-times Roland Garros champion had looked sharp in her hunt for a 24th Grand Slam title.
“Unfortunately I’m having some issues with my pec muscle. Right now I can’t actually serve. It’s kind of hard to play,” she told a news conference.
Diego Schwartzman fought back from two sets down to defeat Kevin Anderson 1-6 2-6 7-5 7-6(0) 6-2 and reach the quarter-finals at Roland Garros for the first time in his career. The Argentine prevailed in three hours and 51 minutes.
Daria Kasatkina swiftly dispatched Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki on Monday to move into the quarter-finals. The Russian, who led the second-seeded Dane by a set and 3-3 when play was called off on Sunday, won the first three games to seal a 7-6(5) 6-3 win.
Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2018 Serena Williams of the U.S during a press conference REUTERS/Benoit Tessier
World number one Simona Halep cruised to a 6-2 6-1 victory over Belgian Elise Mertens in the fourth round on Monday to reach the quarter-finals of the French Open for a second consecutive year.
The top seed shows no signs of slowing down and will face either German Angelique Kerber or France’s Caroline Garcia in the last eight.
Kasatkina polishes off Wozniacki to reach last eight
Halep too good for Mertens as she reaches quarter-finals
Serena and Sharapova ready to sharpen the edge
Cecchinato in dreamland two years on from match-fixing ban
Djokovic douses Verdasco fire, unhappy with courts
Stephens and Keys on collision course
Zverev rocks on by living on the edge
Thiem ready for ‘legendary’ match against Zverev
Keys enjoys Sunday stroll into French quarters
Compiled by Aditi Prakash and Shrivathsa Sridhar in Bengaluru; Editing by Andrew Heavens
The post Highlights of French Open ninth day appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2xEgM1V via Today News
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dani-qrt · 6 years
Highlights of French Open ninth day
PARIS (Reuters) – Highlights from day nine of the French Open tennis championships on Monday (times GMT):
Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2018 Spain’s Rafael Nadal celebrates winnning his fourth round match against Germany’s Maximilian Marterer REUTERS/Charles Platiau
Top seed Rafa Nadal, who celebrated his 32nd birthday on Sunday, had plenty of reasons to continue his celebrations after a straight-sets victory over Maximilian Marterer.
World number one Nadal faced a stern test from the German in the third set but was equal to the task as he advanced with a 6-3 6-2 7-6(4) victory in two hours and 30 minutes.
Serena Williams pulled out of the French Open with a pectoral muscle injury, shortly before her fourth round match against Maria Sharapova.
Williams has played only a handful of matches since returning from maternity leave this year, but the three-times Roland Garros champion had looked sharp in her hunt for a 24th Grand Slam title.
“Unfortunately I’m having some issues with my pec muscle. Right now I can’t actually serve. It’s kind of hard to play,” she told a news conference.
Diego Schwartzman fought back from two sets down to defeat Kevin Anderson 1-6 2-6 7-5 7-6(0) 6-2 and reach the quarter-finals at Roland Garros for the first time in his career. The Argentine prevailed in three hours and 51 minutes.
Daria Kasatkina swiftly dispatched Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki on Monday to move into the quarter-finals. The Russian, who led the second-seeded Dane by a set and 3-3 when play was called off on Sunday, won the first three games to seal a 7-6(5) 6-3 win.
Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2018 Serena Williams of the U.S during a press conference REUTERS/Benoit Tessier
World number one Simona Halep cruised to a 6-2 6-1 victory over Belgian Elise Mertens in the fourth round on Monday to reach the quarter-finals of the French Open for a second consecutive year.
The top seed shows no signs of slowing down and will face either German Angelique Kerber or France’s Caroline Garcia in the last eight.
Kasatkina polishes off Wozniacki to reach last eight
Halep too good for Mertens as she reaches quarter-finals
Serena and Sharapova ready to sharpen the edge
Cecchinato in dreamland two years on from match-fixing ban
Djokovic douses Verdasco fire, unhappy with courts
Stephens and Keys on collision course
Zverev rocks on by living on the edge
Thiem ready for ‘legendary’ match against Zverev
Keys enjoys Sunday stroll into French quarters
Compiled by Aditi Prakash and Shrivathsa Sridhar in Bengaluru; Editing by Andrew Heavens
The post Highlights of French Open ninth day appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2xEgM1V via Online News
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teleindiscreta · 6 years
Lo que hay que ver este sábado 2 de junio: Nadal, Muguruza…
Tras una jornada de viernes con problemas por la lluvia, llega el sábado con tres integrantes españoles buscando los octavos de final. Rafael Nadal luchará en tercera ronda ante su buen amigo Richard Gasquet mientras que Albert Ramos hará lo propio ante el argentino Juan Martín del Potro. En el apartado femenino, Garbiñe Muguruza jugará ante la australiana Samantha Stosur.
Los tres componentes de la armada jugarán en la pista central, la Philippe-Chatrier. Los partidos interrumpidos entre Lucas Pouille vs Karen Khachanov y el David Goffin vs Gael Monfils se reanudará este sábado. Posible presión, aunque de momento baja, de lluvia este sábado sobre París en una semana marcada por las incidencias meteorológicas.
Desde las 11:00
Garbiñe MUGURUZA (ESP) [3] vs Samantha STOSUR (AUS)
No antes de las 12:00
Lucas POUILLE (FRA) [15] vs Karen KHACHANOV (RUS)
Por completar: Khachanov lidera 6-3 7-5 1-1
Maria SHARAPOVA (RUS) [28] vs Karolina PLISKOVA (CZE) [6]
Rafael NADAL (ESP) [1] vs Richard GASQUET (FRA) [27]
Albert RAMOS-VINOLAS (ESP) [31] vs Juan Martin DEL POTRO (ARG) [5]
Desde las 11:00
Fabio FOGNINI (ITA) [18] vs Kyle EDMUND (GBR) [16]
No antes de las 12:00
David GOFFIN (BEL) [8] vs Gael MONFILS (FRA) [32]
Por completar: Goffin lidera 6-7(6) 6-3 3-2
Irina-Camelia BEGU (ROU) vs Caroline GARCIA (FRA) [7]
Julia GOERGES (GER) [11] vs Serena WILLIAMS (USA)
John ISNER (USA) [9] vs Pierre-Hugues HERBERT (FRA)
Pista 1
Desde las 11:00
Petra KVITOVA (USA) [8] vs Anett KONTAVEIT (EST) [25]
Mischa ZVEREV (GER) vs Kevin ANDERSON (RSA) [6]
Marin CILIC (CRO) [3] vs Steve JOHNSON (USA)
Angelique KERBER (GER) [12] vs Kiki BERTENS (NED) [18]
Pista 18
Desde las 11:00
Camila GIORGI (ITA) vs Sloane STEPHENS (USA) [10]
Diego SCHWARTZMAN (ARG) [11] vs Borna CORIC (CRO)
Simona HALEP (ROU) [1] vs Andrea PETKOVIC (GER)
Pista 7
Desde kas 11:00
Magdalena RYBARIKOVA (SVK) [19] vs Lesia TSURENKO (UKR)
Maximilian MARTERER (GER) vs Jurgen ZOPP (EST)
Daria GAVRILOVA (AUS) [24] vs Elise MERTENS (BEL) [16]
Fuente: AS
La entrada Lo que hay que ver este sábado 2 de junio: Nadal, Muguruza… se publicó primero en Teleindiscreta.
from Lo que hay que ver este sábado 2 de junio: Nadal, Muguruza…
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junker-town · 6 years
Wimbledon 2018: Time, TV/live stream info, and match schedule for Day 2
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Rafael Nadal and Simona Halep will be in action for Wimbledon Day 2 on Tuesday.
Two top seeds in Sloane Stephens and Elina Svitolina were upset on the opening day of Wimbledon, and the other half of the bracket will be hoping to avoid that same fate on Tuesday. Rafael Nadal, the men’s second seed, and Simona Halep, the women’s top seed, will be in action on Day 2 of Grand Slam action.
Play on the day will begin at 7 a.m. ET and will be broadcast on ESPN in the United States. Live streaming of the action can be had via WatchESPN and the ESPN App, and that includes some courts that are not a simulcast of the television coverage. However, some courtswill be locked behind the subscription-based ESPN+.
Nadal’s top competition at Wimbledon, Roger Federer, made it through his first round opponent, Dusan Lajovic, in straight sets on Monday. Nadal, fresh off a victory in the French Open, is set to face Dudi Sela in his opener on Tuesday.
Novak Djokovic, the 12th-seeded man, will be taking on Tennys Sandgren. Fourth seed Alexander Zverev, fifth seed Juan Martin Del Potro and seventh seed Dominic Thiem will all be in action as well, against James Duckworth, Petre Gojowczyk and Marco Baghdatis, respectively.
Halep, fresh off her first Grand Slam victory at Roland Garros, will be taking on Kurumi Nara on Tuesday. Garbine Muguruza, the third seed and many experts’ favorite for the tournament, will be taking on Naomi Broady. Sixth seed Carolina Garcia and eighth seed Petra Kvitova will also be in action.
Below is all you need to know to watch the action, as well as a full list of singles matches for the day. You can find a full schedule and results, updated daily, for the men’s bracket here and women’s bracket here.
All Times Eastern
How to watch Wimbledon Day 2
Date: Tuesday, July 3
Location: All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, UK
Time: 7 a.m.
Online Streaming: WatchESPN, ESPN App, ESPN+
Women’s Singles
No. 1 Simona Halep vs. Kurumi Nara No. 3 Garbine Muguruza vs. Naomi Broady No. 6 Caroline Garcia vs. Belinda Bencic No. 8 Petra Kvitova vs. Aliaksandra Sasnovich No. 11 Angelique Kerber vs. Vera Zvonareva No. 12 Jelena Ostapenko vs. Katy Dunne No. 14 Daria Kasatkina vs. Jana Fett No. 15 Elise Mertens vs. Danielle Collins No. 17 Ashleigh Barty vs. Stefanie Voegele No. 18 Naomi Osaka vs. Monica Niculescu No. 22 Johanna Konta vs. Natalia Vikhlyantseva No. 24 Maria Sharapovs vs. Vitalia Diatchenko No. 26 Daria Gavrilova vs. Caroline Dolehide No. 27 Carla Suarez Navarro vs. Carina Witthoeft No. 28 Anett Kontaveit vs. Denisa Allertova No. 30 Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova vs. Su-Wei Hsieh Vera Lapko vs. Christina McHale, to finish: 5-7, 7-5, 3-2 Heather Watson vs. Kirsten Flipkens Ana Bogdan vs. Lara Arruabarrena Alison Van Uytvanck vs. Polona Hercog Alize Cornet vs. Dominika Cibulkova Marketa Vondrousova vs. Sachia Vickery Jennifer Brady vs. Kateryna Kozlova Magda Linette vs. Yulia Putintseva Pauline Parmentier vs. Taylor Townsend Alison Riske vs. Mariana Duque-Marino Sara Sorribes Tormo vs. Kaia Kanepi Sofia Kenin vs. Maria Sakkari Ana Konjuh vs. Claire Liu Gabriella Taylor vs. Eugenie Bouchard Katie Boulter vs. Veronica Cepede Royg ShuaiPeng vs. Samantha Stosur Saisai Zheng vs. Qiang Wang
Men’s Singles
No. 2 Rafael Nadal vs. Dudi Sela No. 12 Novak Djokovic vs. Tennys Sandgren No. 4 Alexander Zverev vs. James Duckworth No. 5 Juan Martin Del Potro vs. Peter Gojowczyk No. 7 Dominic Thiem vs. Marco Baghdatis No. 10 David Goffin vs. Matthew Ebden No. 14 Diego Schwartzman vs. Mirza Basic No. 15 Nick Kyrgios vs. Denis Istomin No. 18 Jack Sock vs. Matteo Berrettini No. 19 Fabio Fognini vs. Taro Daniel No. 21 Kyle Edmund vs. Alex Bolt No. 24 Kei Nishikori vs. Christian Harrison No. 26 Denis Shapovalov vs. Jeremy Chardy No. 27 Damir Dzumhur vs. Maximilian Marterer No. 29 Cecchinato vs. Alex De Minaur No. 30 Fernando Verdasco vs. Frances Tiafoe Radu Albot vs. No. 20 Pablo Carreno Busta, to finish: 3-6, 6-0, 6-7(5), 6-2, 3-1 Ernests Gulbis vs. Jay Clarke Vasek Pospisil vs. Mikhail Kukushkin Benoit Paire vs. Jason Jung Marius Copil vs. Robin Haase Julien Benneteau vs. Marton Fucsovics Pierre-Hugues Herbert vs. Mischa Zverev Feliciano Lopez vs. Federico Delbonis Lorenzo Sonego vs. Taylor Fritz David Ferrer vs. Karen Khachanov Jiri Vesely vs. Florian Mayer Albert Ramos-Vinolas vs. Stephane Robert Gilles Simon vs. Nikoloz Basilashvili Pablo Cuevas vs. Simone Bolelli Guido Andreozzi vs. Horacio Zeballos Yuichi Sugita vs. Bradley Klahn Bernard Tomic vs. Hubert Hurkacz
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just-sofie · 7 years
13 , 14 , 45 , 85 , 84 , 90 !!!
13. Dries Mertens, Christoph Kramer, Thomas Meunier, Ralf Fährmann (how is he still not called up)
14. Isco (sorry y'all) Pogba, Dybala (I really like him tho) Renato Sanches (I remeber everyone hyping him after the Euros, look at him now lol)
45. I suppose the premier league (even though I don’t like it that much, the winner differs almost every year)
84. Sandro Wagner or Max Kruse, they’re so fucking hilarious
85. Maximilian Philipp or Toni Kroos
90. Cathy Fischer or Alice Campello ughh
THANK YOU (i really couldn’t find 5 overrated and underrated players at the moment, i’m spacing out, so it’s 4 each 😄)
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investmart007 · 6 years
PARIS | The Latest: Nadal advances to French Open quarterfinals
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PARIS | The Latest: Nadal advances to French Open quarterfinals
PARIS (AP) — The Latest on the French Open (all times local): ___ 3:40 p.m.
Defending champion Rafael Nadal has again reached the French Open quarterfinals in his bid for a record-extending 11th title at Roland Garros.
The top-ranked Spaniard beat unseeded Maximilian Marterer 6-3, 6-2, 7-6 (4). He has yet to drop a set at this year’s tournament.
Nadal patted Marterer sympathetically on the chest at the net after winning on his second match point.
Nadal will next play 11th-seeded Diego Schwartzman, who rallied to beat Kevin Anderson 1-6, 2-6, 7-5, 7-6 (0), 6-2.
Anderson twice served for the match, at 5-4 in the third and fourth sets. ___ 3:30 p.m.
Serena Williams has called off her Grand Slam comeback, pulling out of the French Open because of a chest injury before she was supposed to play Maria Sharapova.
Williams announced her withdrawal at a news conference at Roland Garros on Monday.
Williams’ voice quivered as she said she can’t serve because of a problem with her tight pectoral muscle.
She and Sharapova were scheduled to play a fourth-round match Monday. ___ 12:50 p.m.
Daria Kasatkina advanced to the French Open quarterfinals for the first time by beating Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki 7-6 (5), 6-3.
The 21-year-old Russian, whose previous best performance at a major was reaching the fourth round at last year’s U.S. Open, broke for a 5-3 lead and then served out the match that started Sunday but was suspended by darkness.
Kasatkina has beaten Wozniacki three times this year. She will next play 10th-seeded Sloane Stephens. ___ 12:15 p.m.
Top-seeded Simona Halep advanced to the French Open quarterfinals for the third time by beating Elise Mertens 6-2, 6-1.
Halep, who lost in last year’s final, broke the 16th-seeded Belgian’s serve six times on Court Philippe Chatrier.
Serving for the match, Halep dropped her serve for the first time. She broke straight back, winning on her first match point when Mertens double-faulted.
Halep, who also lost in the 2014 final, will next face either two-time Grand Slam champion Angelique Kerber or Caroline Garcia. ___ 11:30 a.m.
Play has begun at the French Open with top-seeded Simona Halep first up on a sunny Court Philippe Chatrier.
Halep, who lost in last year’s final, was playing 16th-seeded Elise Mertens.
Later, 23-time Grand Slam champion Serena Williams will face five-time major winner Maria Sharapova on the same court.
The two players are coming back from time away — Williams after having a baby daughter; Sharapova after a doping ban. It will be their 22nd head-to-head meeting. Williams has won 19 so far, including the past 18.
Their encounter follows 10-time French Open champion Rafael Nadal’s fourth-round match against Maximilian Marterer, a 22-year-old German ranked 70th.
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC(R.A)
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