dils-d · 9 years
There is! X-kit has an extension you can add that permanently colors the reblog and like buttons on posts you like and reblog.
Thank you! :D What is it called, and is it on the new Xkit?
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dils-d · 9 years
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one possible explanation for hawke’s giant beefcake arms: bff lifts
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dils-d · 9 years
is there a way to see if you’ve reblogged a post before? so you don’t reblog it twice I mean?
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dils-d · 9 years
hey duder nice blog and taste in stuff
thanks, yours seems dope too
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dils-d · 9 years
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Backstory made to fit a sexualized design vs. a design made to fit a backstory requiring a character to wear minimal clothing.
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dils-d · 9 years
tumblr mobile can’t load images but it sure can load battlecamp ads pretty quick
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dils-d · 9 years
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Reblog Kanye Rest in 5 seconds for a good night’s sleep tonight!
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dils-d · 9 years
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On May 29, 2014, the issue of timemagazine magazine which proclaimed the “Transgender Tipping Point” was revealed with me on the cover. June 1, 2015 a year and 3 days later, Caitlyn Jenner’s vanityfair cover was revealed proclaiming #CallMeCaitlyn I am so moved by all the love and support Caitlyn is receiving. It feels like a new day, indeed, when a trans person can present her authentic self to the world for the first time and be celebrated for it so universally. Many have commented on how gorgeous Caitlyn looks in her photos, how she is “slaying for the Gods.” I must echo these comments in the vernacular, “Yasss Gawd! Werk Caitlyn! Get it!” But this has made me reflect critically on my own desires to ‘work a photo shoot’, to serve up various forms of glamour, power, sexiness, body affirming, racially empowering images of the various sides of my black, trans womanhood. I love working a photo shoot and creating inspiring images for my fans, for the world and above all for myself. But I also hope that it is my talent, my intelligence, my heart and spirit that most captivate, inspire, move and encourage folks to think more critically about the world around them. Yes, Caitlyn looks amazing and is beautiful but what I think is most beautiful about her is her heart and soul, the ways she has allowed the world into her vulnerabilities. The love and devotion she has for her family and that they have for her. Her courage to move past denial into her truth so publicly. These things are beyond beautiful to me. A year ago when my Time magazine cover came out I saw posts from many trans folks saying that I am “drop dead gorgeous” and that that doesn’t represent most trans people. (It was news to be that I am drop dead gorgeous but I’ll certainly take it). But what I think they meant is that in certain lighting, at certain angles I am able to embody certain cisnormative beauty standards. Now, there are many trans folks because of genetics and/or lack of material access who will never be able to embody these standards. More importantly many trans folks don’t want to embody them and we shouldn’t have to to be seen as ourselves and respected as ourselves . It is important to note that these standards are also infomed by race, class and ability among other intersections. I have always been aware that I can never represent all trans people. No one or two or three trans people can. This is why we need diverse media representstions of trans folks to multiply trans narratives in the media and depict our beautiful diversities. I started #TransIsBeautiful as a way to celebrate all those things that make trans folks uniquely trans, those things that don’t necessarily align with cisnormative beauty standards. For me it is necessary everyday to celebrate every aspect of myself especially those things about myself that don’t align with other people’s ideas about what is beautiful. #TransIsBeautiful is about, whether you’re trans or not, celebrating all those things that make us uniquely ourselves. Most trans folks don’t have the privileges Caitlyn and I have now have. It is those trans folks we must continue to lift up, get them access to healthcare, jobs, housing, safe streets, safe schools and homes for our young people. We must lift up the stories of those most at risk, statistically trans people of color who are poor and working class. I have hoped over the past few years that the incredible love I have received from the public can translate to the lives of all trans folks. Trans folks of all races, gender expressions, ability, sexual orientations, classes, immigration status, employment status, transition status, genital status etc.. I hope, as I know Caitlyn does, that the love she is receiving can translate into changing hearts and minds about who all trans people are as well as shifting public policies to fully support the lives and well being of all of us. The struggle continues…
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dils-d · 9 years
if someone asks you to not call them queer and you do it anyways because “it’s been reclaimed!!1”, you’re a bad person and should think about someone besides yourself for once
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dils-d · 9 years
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dils-d · 9 years
Me, a gay: so you guys can just meet people you find attractive and start dating without the internet?
A hetero-straight: yeah
Me: yeah okay.....that sounds totally fake...but okay
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dils-d · 9 years
does anyone else get insanely romantically frustrated, like i know sexual frustration is a thing but sometimes i get super intense cravings for soft kisses or make out sessions or cuddling naps or things like that and it’s way more frustrating to me than sexual cravings
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dils-d · 9 years
Love without Sex
I’m doing a Philosophy paper on Asexuality. Please reblog if you think Love without Sex is possible! I really need the data. Like if you think love has to have sex.
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dils-d · 9 years
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dils-d · 9 years
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dils-d · 9 years
thequeerbandit replied to your post:
Are you talking about fanfiction or in real life? In real life - lovers are just lovers. We don’t say, “Hey baby - I want to top you tonight..” It’s just let me fuck you. And if you are “versatile” - next time, he gets to fuck you. Label not needed.
Both, I suppose, but mostly for real-life purposes. Only thing is that people are labeled and categorized by these terms, and people do identify and relate to these "roles". Which isn't a problem since it's a part of people's identities, only problem is that they are all inherently sexual, so there's no alternative for non-sexual settings, or for people who are asexual but not aromantic.
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dils-d · 9 years
I'd like a new set of non-sexual terms for the "top"/"bottom" dynamic in same-gender relationships, that are either for general use or romantic. The more common ones usually have sexual (refusing to acknowledge romantic dynamic, and instead fetishizing), polarizing (the parties are treated as polar opposites rather than two cohesive preferences), and/or one-sided (the former is the person that approaches, and has the only control and power over the latter) connotations:
top / bottom: polarizing by name, sexual and one-sided connotations. "bottoms" are treated like less because of their preferences, while "tops" are treated like honorary straight people. dominant / submissive: same as top/bottom but more sexually aggressive. polarizing and one-sided. seme / uke: not English terms, but the same complaints apply. heavily fetishized. pitcher / catcher: sexual and polarizing. giver / receiver: again, very polarizing and one-sided. the latter is quite literally described as someone who can't support the former. little spoon / big spoon: works, but too literal and dry.
Does anyone know of any better terms that would fit this criteria?
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