#may palestinians be free and live in harmony with antizionist jewish people on a united land
thebusylilbee · 11 months
I'd like to take a minute to acknowledge both anti-zionist jewish people and anti-zionist arab and arabized people who are brave enough to openly protest the inhumane treatment of palestinians by the hands of the genocidal colonialist ethnostate called Israel.
People of these two groups are now being the targets of so much hatred worldwide... Anti-zionist jewish people are being called "self hating jews" and "antisemites" for standing up for what's right ! Jewish people in general are being targeted by antisemites who either believe the zionist antisemitic lie that the fascist racist state of Israel "represents all jewish people" and that "all jewish people are zionists" OR are simply emboldened by the current tensions and let themselves be antisemites regardless of whether they care about palestinians or not. Meanwhile antiarabism is also at an all time high now, innocent people are being attacked for being muslim or being seen as muslim, they are labeled "terrorists", they are victims of police violence at a higher rate, they are dehumanized, and any sign of support on their part for Palestine is interpreted as an automatic sign of hatred for jewish people as a whole. Not to mention that arab and arabized people in general are the target of non stop hate speech by politicians and the media in the western world.
It takes guts to be a part of two extremely targeted groups and still show up for protests to give a voice to your beliefs ! Strength and love to all the anti-zionists and especially the jewish and arab/arabized ones !
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thebusylilbee · 11 months
zionist ideology = nazi ideology, same level of barbarity, same level of savagery, same level of racism
punch zionists, silence zionists, intimidate zionists, do not let them think their genocidal colonialist ideology is in any way shape or form acceptable in a modern society
zionism and nazism are violent racist ideologies that have genocide as their logical conclusion, do not allow anyone to support these ideas. a peaceful wold means a world free of zionism and nazism
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