#may save this idea for a fic C: ❤️
buggiewhump · 11 months
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I'm sorry, but I'm absolutely enamored with the idea of Ramon pulling this on Bullfrog to soothe him to sleep; particularly whenever he's having trouble falling asleep or just outright refuses to. Bullfrog wasn't able to protect his other comrades, and something tells me he doesn't want to lose anyone else and is willing to miss out on sleep if it meant keeping Ramon safe. Little does he know that Ramon can be just as stubborn, if not more-so.
Doing this to a frog puts them in a very vulnerable position, but I think Bullfrog would come to a point where he trusts Ramon and wouldn't have the heart to be too upset once he wakes up. Even if it was a bit of a nasty trick to pull, the intentions were sweet. <3
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Ok… ok… hear me out here, b/c I’m into my feels tonight.
I love Guarded. Your characterizations are so spot on and the story is just gripping with so much great character development through the little, personal moments. ❤️ One thing I really loved is how Echo kind of helps Crosshair get over his own self-loathing and rejoin the team in spirit and not just in body. Because Echo is the best big brother ever to the Batch.
I also adore your recent ficlets with Fives and Echo, because the twins have my heart and my heart needs to be broken and mended on repeat apparently. 💔❤️‍🩹
WHAT IF… Crosshair were to return the favor by helping Fives re-assimilate with Echo? OMG I’m sure Crosshair would probably hate Fives - but he also secretly loves and appreciates Echo. I can’t imagine how crazy it must be for Fives to be reunited with his brother after all they have both been through and especially after all of Echo’s trauma.
Omg I’m so sorry and my brain is just running away with me tonight, but there’s an idea for you! Take it and run, or just click ignore. IDK if that would even be possible in the timeline. 😂 But here we are. Hurt my feelings Karrde!
First off THANK YOU. I spent WAY TOO LONG figuring out which brother was the best one to have it out with Crosshair, and ultimately, it had to be Echo. And I do love the idea of Crosshair helping Fives (although I think at first they'll be incredibly antagonistic towards one another... Fives would really struggle with the fact that Crosshair was a willing Imperial for a time). But perhaps with time (and some private discussions with Echo), Fives would soften towards him. He was there to save his twin when he couldn't be (despite the comment that got him a punch to the jaw), and I think eventually, Fives would be grateful for that and realize that without Crosshair, he wouldn't have this 'bonus' time with Echo, and I think that would soften him towards the sniper. They may never be good friends, but I think with time, they'll at least come to respect one another.
(also... we may see this happen in a later fic that's knocking around in my head, so act surprised if that happens)
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Okay, so I've been working on the Lois interviews Civilian Tim fic, and ideas have been plaguing me. Namely, where canon or canon adjacent Bats, including Red Robin Tim dimension travel to C!AU world, and i just think there would be a lot of delightful chaos.
Like Bruce from the other dimension is angry, paranoid, and overly controlling with his kids and is slowly driving everyone in his life away, meeting this fairly laid back Bruce with his pretty little wife and hoard of kids who, aside from Dick, are all way closer to this Bruce to has Tim as his outlet. Tim, getting to see a Tim who embraces his intersexuality and isn't a depressed and lonely. A Tim who thriving under the lovely domination of his Husband Bruce and finds more fulfillment in being a mother then anything else.
At the start, canon Bats are revolted and angry and hate Civilian AU bats, but towards the end? Oh, a very different story. For example, maybe Bruce has been directing his wife to 'comfort and welcome' (under his close supervision of course) both the other Bruce as well as Tim. Bruce indulging his wife, by sandwiching RR!Tim between himself and his wife, letting his Tim play with this more masculine Tim, because Tim is 100% a clone fucker, even if other Tim isn't precisely a clone. Jason and Damian being brought around by his alternate self and Alfred, explaining how good Bruce and Tim are for each other. How much Bruce is with his better half.
I think it would with some threesome/foursome action and Superman and Wonder Woman coming to save them and bring everyone back only be horrified by the depravity and sin happening ♡
Also, I think in this AU, I like the idea that Tim used to stalk Bruce and the bats with his camera- at least until his parents divorced and he suddenly had Jack Drake trying to parent him 14 years too late. Anyways, thanks for being so cool. I love reading your ideas!
YES YES YES❗️❗️❗️❗️ I love multiverse intercation fics they are my all time favorite brand of fics bar none whether it's Gen or Explicit I LOVE IT ❤️❤️ and I love this idea so much too!!! something where canon or canon adjacent Bats interact with something like the c!au Bats just makes me so happy to imagine!!!!! just imagine the drama, the tension, all the feelings intertwined in that!!!! 😩🤌🤌🤌🤌❤️❤️❗️❗️❗️❗️
I can see the contrast between the two universes so well.
the Bats all being sent to this universe together implies they were all gathered in one place when sent, likely facing a major threat together who may have laid a trap in order to get rid of them. maybe the original intent was to send them to a hostile universe, one filled with evil alternate selves. but. amisfire occurred and they were sent to the civilian au universe.
these angry, stressed vigilantes are all to each others back facing the cave they e been transported to and instead being met by a a wary group of Bats watching them.
("bruce" is c!au. "batman" is canon verse)
this bruce may be more laid back but he's no slacker. they get tested. rigorously.
lasso. mind reading. magic scan. bruce's own personal developed interrogation which isn't very effective since they all know it.
they do a headcount, they can identify each of the masked vigilantes. except for one. red robin.
bruce is willing to take a chance. he's willing to help them research a return since they're clearly from another universe.
BUT. he's not putting his family at risk to any unknown variables.
so red robin must unmask. he's the only one that isn't part of that universes' roster.
he does. he pulls the cowl off, shakes off some sweat and meets the eyes of bruce and bruce...
they all stare as something in bruce's expression goes warm. as his eyes soften and a tenderness that none of them have seen before flickers across his expression.
"oh." he says with the voice of someone pleasantly surprised. "tim."
bruce's tim is right upstairs. a few hundred feet away. he's nursing one of their babies or playing with one of their toddlers or maybe he's stroking his flat belly that's already growing with another new blessing to bruce's life.
his timmy is right in his home but he's also standing right in front of bruce, dressed in heavy gear and thick kevlar with a body sculpted from hardship.
"oh timmy," he says taking a step forward, "let me look at you."
the bats are...well they're not sure what to make of that reaction. but Batman is quick to grunt out some stiff request for them to start scanning for multiverse residue while heavily letting his hand drift over his utliity belt.
bruce's bats all tense at that even their dick who'd been shifting and staring at bruce with the same odd swirl of feelings on his face at the interaction with red robin.
batman's Bats all shift their stance in tensed preparation even red robin though his reaction was delayed a bit.
through it all bruce's eyes never shift away from red robin.
well ...not until the gentle click of low heels started sounding down the stairs.
it's tim.
dressed in a long, flowing, pretty white dress, his long hair held back by a black velvet headband, his little feet are tucked into strapless, opentoed, chunky heeled sandals.
his eyes are big, lashes long and dark as he stops on the steps. there's a baby on his hip and he's staring with a bit of surprise down at the Bats, but especially on red robin whose cowl is still down.
after a moment of pause tim slowly offers to the silent room staring at him-
"lunch is ready"
the table is tense. none of batman's bats are able to eat, a all are too busy staring at tim and bruce as they float between a few highchairs ensuring the many children present aren't making too much of a mess as they enjoy their yogurt and bits of sliced sandwiches.
there's a baby loudly sucking down a bottle in jason's arms. one of his calloused hands is gently holding the tiny palm of what looks like a 5 month old while he meets red hood's stare burning a hole into him.
"whose kid is that?"
all of batman's bats go tense. they'd all been wondering, all been thinking. they'd been evaluating the look of each blue eyed dark haired orphan and the leading theory was that this bruce had finally snapped and opened up an orphanage specifically for children who reminded him if himself.
nightwing is about to open his mouth, the joke on the tip of his tongue when the alternate damian beats him to it.
"are you blind? they're my younger siblings."
younger is said with a hint of smug pride. like damian can't help but puff up at the fact that he was no longer a baby in any capacity.
all of them?
" damian," the pretty tim starts, a frown tugging at his brows, "be nicer to our guests."
"i'm sorry mother."
that really freezes bataman's bats. more than anything because damian didn't say it with a hint of irony. he didn't say it with a mocking jerring tone like he was insulting tim by calling him his 'mother'.
the dick seated across the table made a face at damian's apology. there'd been a line of discomfort to him. moreso than any of the other family members. the way his eyes avoided bruce and tim, the way he kept his limbs close and away from the children in highchairs around him. the way he focused on his plate and only winced at damian's words.
the Bats are more than just fighters. at their core, at their center, they're detectives.
and they have this figured out in an instant.
bruce helps tim into his chair, his hands drifting to his shoulders and briefly massaging before traveling further down and gently stroking tim's front. tim's stomach. a ring glinted on his finger.
a matching gold band was on the hand of tim.
to say that lunch erupts into chaos would be an understatement.
the last time tim saw a reaction as bad as the one launched by the alternate bats would be when bruce first announced their wedding.
dick is just as discomforted, jason just as accusing albeit more furious, and damian just as disgusted.
"you can't honestly be fucking okay with this!" red hood spits at jason who scowls at him and pointedly half turns his body away to shield a whimpering baby terry from the raised voices. the other children are starting to become upset and that's when bruce puts his foot down and shepherds the arguing bats to another room while he soothes his children.
"tell me this isn't true." nightwing pleads with a stoically silent dick who seems to be the only reasonable one of the bunch. despite that he's not saying a word.
dick used to dream of something like this. of the world coming to their senses and finally seeing what dick saw was wrong with his mentor and father marrying someone only a little older than damian.
still, at the dinner table. he'd seen when realization had entered their faces and felt relief. relief that evaporated when he saw the microexpressions of disgust launched at dick's....younger siblings.
it's definitely a tough sell. robin and red hood are at least willing to listen to their counterparts after a while. curiosity at the babies and how content their alternate selves are just overwhelming them.
nightwing remains staunchly unconvinced. he's convinced there's just something wrong with this bruce. his batman would never, could never. he's not comforted by dick quietly telling him that he thought the same too once.
batman feels all kinds of things. disgust, revulsion, horror, curiosity-
this bruce is so similar yet so different. their mannerisms, their behavior, tone, the layout of their cave. but he's...lighter. less burdened. he doesn't look as old as batman even though this bruce is several years older. everyone in the family is. tim is in his mid twenties here while his red robin is only late teens.
(mid twenties. mid twenties and already having birthed so many children, he must be pregnant 24/7 for that to be possible what the fuck had this bruce been thinking-)
this bruce is so light. his jason and damian listen to him, smile and converse with him, with each other. they're not constantly insulting or hurting each other under the guise of jokes.
this jason went to college, he got a degree in english literature and this damian is graduating as valedictorian of his class even though his robin had moved to homeschooling after missing too many in person classes for robin.
this tim had never stepped foot in a cape. instead he'd become bruces personal assistant when he was 17 and just a few years later they were engaged.
the articles written about that were not kind and the ones by lois lane and vicki vale were especially scathing.
bruce felt nothing but concern in his chest bloom as he read because in his universe this would've been PR and HR'S worst nightmare. allegations of inappropriate behavior with an employee, an underage employee nonetheless???
no charges were ever formally filed nor a police report ever made. tim denied all rumors of wrongdoing on bruce's part.
it was lovely they said. they fell in love.
tim was pregnant within a few months of their wedding and bruce couldn't help but stare at the pictures.
tim looked so beautiful and bruce looked...bruce didn't even know he was capable of making a face like that.
a small weight collides with batman's legs and he looks down at sweet faced little girl staring up at him with his mother's eyes and tim's grin.
"daddy!" she squeals, trying to climb up batman's armor plated boots.
batman freezes like an electric current has just raced through him.
the girl continues whining and jumping for him until the soft tim swoops in and lifts her into her arms where she delightfully laughs and wraps her arms around her 'mama!'s' neck.
batman's intrigue of the situation enticed him to want to know more how it happened, how it developed, why this bruce allowed this to happen.
their universes are similar but so different.
but he finds the point of difference, the one thing that set their two universes veering off into different directions.
in this universe, tim was never his robin.
in this universe tim never helped glue him back together after jason's death because jason never died here.
batman feels something about that. he feels something in his gut about this bruce never having experienced the pain of losing a child. he feels something deep in his chest when he sees this bruce loop an arm around tim's waist, of the possesive grip on his hip, of the way he presses their bodies together.
he feels something. he feels something.
he doesn't know what. he doesn't understand and it makes him uncomfortable.
and and and...this tim.
this tim sees that. sees him.
he stares at him with eyes that pierce through his soul as he lays a gentle hand over batman's clenched fist. his body is soft as he presses close, voice gentle and so so loving-
batman thinks he's starting to understand what had been so hard to resist.
he immediatly starts to internally berate himself for that thought.
red robin is in the same boat as bruce. freaking out and yet morbidly curious.
cautious. he wants to know, wants to understand and over the course of the weeks they're stuck there.
they do.
it's still very awkward to say the least when clark breaks down the door to the sight of two bruces and two tims desperately sewing their ripped and torn edges together to create a seamless piece.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I adore the idea!!! I love it!!! you really do make my day whenever you send an ask!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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