#maya you (lovely amazing perfect wonderful sweet) demon
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Today I woke up feeling older Drag the lake The summer’s over Wrap my head In crowns of clover Every night — Elegy by Graveyard Club
Some melancholy summery Stucky AU vibes for my softest snow bear and cuddliest demon baby Maya @cable-knit-sweater 🩵🩵🩵
I know I'm a bit late with these wishes, but I hope you know that I love you an absolutely ridiculous amount, and I am so glad to know someone so delightful and kind and all around amazing ✨💕
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daminettes · 5 years
thanksgiving with the wayne’s
A big thanks goes to @fsketchart for helping me revise this! Gosh you are such a lifesaver! Ilysm <3
Hey guys! I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving! Please rest, you all deserve it! And if you plan on going Black Friday shopping, please be safe! And buy me 346784783 fluffy jackets, ok ty ily all!
lil heads up to clear things up: Damian and Marinette have known each other for about two years in this au, They met when Marinette went down to Gotham for a field trip. And ya you guys can guess the rest they basically fell head over heels for each other but they are both dumb lil babies.
ANOTHER HEADS UP LOL : basically this is going to be the most random thing you’ll ever read! enjoy!!
The autumn leaves crunched at her feet, The breeze blowing quickly causing goosebumps to form against her soft smooth skin.
“Ahh Autumn,” Marinette thought to herself. Marinette loved the thought of fall. She loved the feel of everything, Everything was so beautiful. Different colors of red, orange, and yellow danced around the ground. She especially loved the fashion. She literally would die for a knitted sweater right now.
At this point Marinette was gathering the last bits of ingredients that were on her shopping list. You see, Damian invited Marinette to spend the holidays with him and his family. And of course Marinette couldn’t say no to him. And as an add on, Marinette offered to help cook Thanksgiving dinner with Alfred! Marinette was ecstatic and couldn't wait to see the family.  Marinette snapped out of her train of thought when she realized she was zoning out.  Flushed and embarrassed, she whipped out her wallet to pay the cashier.  The cashier just chuckled and smiled.
“Would that be all Miss?”
“Yes, Thank you!”
“No problem, miss, Have a lovely Thanksgiving!” He said while handing her bags full over spices.
“You too!” Marinette walked out of the store with her thoughts filled with a special loving someone.
“Come on Demon Spawn! Help us decorate the house!” Jason yelped. At this moment, Tim, Dick, and Jason were decorating this house with many different types of decorations you can name! Fake leaves, pumpkins, and cornucopias! They knew Marinette loved fall and they wanted to do something special for her.  Tim was making a list of where he wanted everything to be placed while Dick was setting up the lights.
“Absolutely not.”
“Aw come on! Your girlfriend would love it!” Jason yelled from across the room, as he set the dinner table.  They all knew Damian had a soft spot for Marinette, they just wanted to see the two together!
“Marinette is not my girlfriend, she’s just a friend that I invited over to stay with us.” Damian snarled.
“Yeah right!" Dick said exasperated.  "We've seen the look you give her, baby bird! Come on whenever you look at her you look so happy!”
“He has a point Damian,” Tim added on.
“Oh shut up, and hand me a pumpkin.” Damian snarled while trying to hide his blush.
Different wonderful aromas filled the air. Cinnamon, pumpkin and vanilla scents danced together, leaving a pleasant sweet smell that filled the air.  The kitchen counters were a disorganized mess of different ingredients.
“Hey Alfred, Can you pass me the spice to your left? The stuffing is a bit on the bland side.” Marinette whisper yelled over to Alfred.
“Yes of course Ms.Marinette.” Alfred said while walking over to Marinette and handing over the spices.
“Thank you-”
“WOAH IT SMELLS AMAZING IN HERE!” Dick yelled while running to the table counter.  He looked around and inhaled the sweet scents before signing.  Noticing where the pleasant aroma came from, he gave puppy dog eyes.
“Ohh can I try some? Please Marinette!!!” He begged.
“It's not done yet Dick, maybe later.” Marinette said.
“Aw come on! It's probably already amazing!” He said while trying to steal the bowl away from her.
“No Dick! I want it to be perfect!” Marinette yelled.
Within seconds of fighting over the bowl of stuffing, Dick had finally been able to snatch it right out of Marinette's hands. But everything went into slow-motion as the aluminum bowl slipped out of Dicks grasp and landed straight onto Marinette’s head.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry!” Dick yelped.
“Oh two can play at that game!” Marinette yelled while throwing a hand full of stuffing towards Dick.
“Oh you're so on!” Dick roared while grinning ear to ear.
“You two are insufferable.” Alfred said while leaving the room.
Dick and Marinette spent the next few minutes at war.  The flour was all over their hands and hair as the spice were spilling onto the floor.  The battle became so fierce some of the desserts were beginning to spill onto the floor and get crushed by pots and pans that were falling and flying everywhere.
“What’s going o-” Damian was interrupted by a huge amount of pudding landing right onto his hair.
Some unrecognizable sounds came out of Dicks and Marinette's mouth.
Marinette quickly ran up to Damian, and tried to quickly clean up the leftover pudding that was in his hair. “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry Dami! Dick tried to taste some of my stuffing that wasn’t done yet, and ended up spilling it all over me and that's how this all started! Now everything is ruined! I am really sorry! I can’t believe that happened! Oh my goodness I’m so sorry I ruined everything-”
A soft finger landed on top of Marinette's lips.
“Shh you’re rambling Angel. Don’t worry about it, Dick can be like that sometimes.”
“Hey!” Dick screamed.
“Shut it Dick, Like I was saying its ok, let's get you cleaned up ok?” Damian whispered.
“Ya ok.” Marinette said while looking down  Way to go, Marinette! I can't believe I ruined Thanksgiving dinner! Everyone is going to annoyed...I can't believe I let it escalate that quickly! Marinette thought to herself.
Damian placed two hands under Marinette's chin and lifted it up, causing her to warp back into present time.
“I'm not mad at you Angel, I would never be.” He said while taking her hand into his and rubbing circles around her palm with his thumb.
“Ew you two go get a room!” Dick teased.
“Once again Dick, Shut it. Make sure you clean up this mess ok? And try to salvage some of the food.”
“Ugh why do I have to do it!” Dick whined
“You are the one who started this no? So be the one to finish it.” Damian snarled.
“Ugh fine, But Marinette you owe me one of your MDC originals!”
Marinette giggled, “Ok Dick whatever you say!”
“Come on Mari, Let's get you cleaned up.” Damian said while leading them to her guest room she was staying in.
“Damian you really don’t have to help me, I can do this by myself.” Marinette said while turning around in her seat. They were both seated by her vanity. After that random food fight, Marinette had to shower three times just to take out all the leftover food debris stuck in her hair! Damian insisted on helping her get fixed up. He made sure she was alright by washing her dirty laundry, and by helping her comb her hair.
“It's quite alright Angel, and besides I want to help.”
“T-thanks Dami! But I’m quite capable of combing my hair.” Marinette chuckled.
“Oh I know, It's just fun.” Damian said while combing through the last piece of her tangled hair and placing a feather light kiss on top of it.
“Since you’re all cleaned up, Why don’t we go help Dick clear up downstairs, and try to salvage some of the food?” Damian said while patting her shoulders. Of course he doesn’t want this lovely moment to end, but his brothers would probably start to get suspicious. And he wasn’t in the mood to deal with that right now.
So they weren’t able to salvage any of the food.
During the epic food fight, Dick managed to jump over the counter, bringing the whole turkey down with him.
So what other option did they have?
They ordered take-out. Duh.
They were all scattered around the living room. Bruce and Alfred were sitting at a nearby table talking about the past events, and Tim, Dick, and Jason were sitting right beside the fireplace enjoying their Chinese food, while having an argument about something ridiculous. But Damian didn’t care. The only thing he cared about was the petite body curled up right beside him.  There sat Marinette dozing off right in his arms.
Best Thanksgiving Ever. He thought to himself, right before drifting off to sleep.
HI GUYS !!! I hope y'all enjoyed this, I know this is a random au fic thingy BUT ITS OK. ily all!!
tag list : @destinyhunter77 @mycupisbroken @fsketchart @thewheezingbubbledragon @luciferge @zalladane @michellemagic @asianfrustration13 @st0rmy-w1th1n @thecaptainthunder @bluerosette23 @officiallyathiana @loysydark @kris-pines04 @persephonebutkore @firesong323 @maya-custodios-dionach @corabeth11 @kceedraws
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lady-olive-oil · 7 years
Sweet Sexy Savage: Chapter 1
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Author Note: Whoop here it is! I’m on a roll now. This chapter is very long and I am sorry [not really] There’s a lot of details in here so enjoy!
Tag list: @designrwriterchic @hoodgirl163 [just in case cause I like the direction I’m going with this and I need my girls by me!]
“Alright you guys. I’m going to need every superstar to come down here, dressed in their WrestleMania gear, makeup on, hair done and smiles lit. It’s time to promote the biggest event of the year.” WrestleMania is like the Super Bowl in the WWE. Jam packed, hyped and full of super fans from what I’ve seen watching at home in the past years. My name is Malaysia Ryker  and my job consists of is multiple hats. By multiple hats I mean; I am one of the photographers, and on the WWE Glam Squad, and a mother on top of it all, twins no less. Needless to say it’s a heavy load, but I don’t regret any of it. 
“I need both women’s divisions in their mania gear. I’ll have James hold the shoot for a bit so I can work on the girls.” I instructed my assistant for the day, Jennie, as I went around to the side to get each girl ready and checked on. 
There’s never a dull moment behind the scenes. Would you believe me if I said this was my first lead in a big PPV? And it happens to be for the biggest stage of them all in the wrestling world. Obviously I had to go through the motions of what to expect on the job, and learning who everyone was for my first few months, but my hard work paid off quicker than I expected.
Production is what I majored in at school, along with a minor in cosmetology, When I had the twins, I had to give up my hobby of photography. So this job was a no brainier. Which is why, I was glad I got the opportunity.
Touching up on Naomi and Sasha’s make up, they decided to mess with me like always. They were the first friends I made on the job so they are my girls, what else should I expect? 
“So Maya, any luck in the love department? We heard you and some guy from creative, named Jason, went out last week. How’d that go?” Sasha asked while checking herself out in the reflection, after I did her hair. 
“He was a nice guy but, he was too much into his looks and asked me what size bra I wore. So no.” I let out a sour chuckle and looked at Naomi’s expression, priceless as always. 
“So you mean to tell me, that fine specimen of a man was not your cup of tea? Mr. Tall dark and handsome?” Here we go with Naomi and her theatrics. Somehow she always managed to make me laugh no matter the situation. 
“Listen to yourself, almighty Glow Queen. You are married, don’t let Jon hear you or you’ll get me in trouble.” Finishing up her makeup, with a sweet chuckle escaping my full red lips, letting her go on and head to the set. 
Going back to what I said earlier, yes I am a mother. I have the most wonderful set of twins: Austin and Dakota. I had them after I graduated from Georgia Tech. I had all my friends and family there for support. Especially Joe, he was there too. At least in the beginning. Even if it meant my career was put on hold, I started a new challenge that I was willing to accept. A few months back, Stephanie McMahon herself asked me if I would come work for the company and be a part of the team. 
No way could I say no. Someone in the company knew of my work and just thought it would be a good idea. We all know who threw the wood into the fire, for me to get this job. Since the twins are of age, I decided to homeschool them and take them on the road with me. They are fast learners so why not? As for their father? He doesn’t want anything to do with them. He left once I told him I was expecting right after graduation. Jonathan and I have had our ups and downs in the past, but the bad outweighed the good, in every sense. College sweethearts, turned bitter enemies. Hell, Joe was the one who introduced us in the first place after I introduced him to galina. 
Jonathan and I followed each other around almost all of college and then it all just fell apart. I wanted a marriage and kids, he wanted to sleep around. When I found out he was cheating, it was at the last homecoming game of our college careers.
I saw him with a blonde on the football field and everything went black after that. I was in a blind rage when I poured the Gatorade cooler on them both. Needless to say, it was the best senior experience I’ve ever had. Nevertheless, I tried to make it work until I wound up pregnant. Jonathan has been a ghost since the day I told him. I’ve been trying since then to get him to be in their lives but he refuses. The twins are now nine and they understand this is our life now, my job and my past. Nothing gets by them. 
 “Auntie Trinity, mom doesn’t have time to date when she’s busy with us. I mean we are her pride and joys, look at us.” Dakota, my spunky little girl, put on the most innocent looking smile ever with her brother Austin. 
 “Yeah, no guy or girl, is good enough for our mother. She has standards.” Austin always had a smart mouth on him. The sentence alone made me gasp, and rethink my dating life. 
Was I really that bad with my dating prospects? Going back to my work so I can move on to the guys next, Sasha and Naomi both started laughing at the twins statements. Why is my dating life such a funny topic for these people?
"Alright, alright. You girls are done for the day. I’ll catch up with you all for dinner later, while the twins are with my mom.“ Mama Natalie, my dear sweet mother, was happy to retire after my dad passed. She did her time in the work force and needed to spend time with her grandkids anyway. 
The girls went their separate ways with the others and I got ready for the boys. I really wanted to do Finn’s demon paint today, but he was out still in recovery. Judging by his Instagram pictures with the wife Brenna, he was doing just fine. 
One by one, I helped the glam squad with every male and female wrestler that was participating in Wrestlemania 33, and getting them all squared away for each match in the group pictures to be set accordingly. Like always, I get distracted by my own thoughts and begin to stare into space thinking about him again. Fifth time this week, even though last week was worse. More about that in a second. The sound of my children cheering caught me off guard, drawing my attention to where they were. 
“Uncle Joe and Jojo here!” The twins always had this weird sequence thing going on, that creeped everyone out but me. At the mention of his name the old feeling of butterflies came back, like a hurricane in the south. Ever since I started my job some months back, I’ve been seeing him everywhere. 
Which is to be expected as apart of my job title as the new lead photographer. When I was just starting it was easier to avoid him more as busy as we both are. It would be a damn lie if I said I didn’t want his strong arms around me. Maya, focus! Hes coming this way! But it’s so damn hard to, I mean look at him. Broad shoulders, long jet black hair, the sleeve tattoo that graced his right arm and his body is a tower that I wanted to climb so bad. I heard a snap in face causing me to grab the hand that caused it. 
“Whoa there speedy. Don’t get to cocky now.” His voice could melt butter, on a stack of buttermilk pancakes. How was he this close to me and I didn’t even know? Looking up into his natural brown eyes, it was like I was back in high school all over again. Dropping his hand and grabbing the camera, I got into position to finish off the last of the pictures for the day. 
“Joe you of all people, should know better than to sneak up on me.” The light chuckle escaped my lips and I took shots of him, while checking him out at the same time. I wonder if he noticed. He noticed me looking at him differently, providing that very sexy smirk of his. Yep, I’m keeping the thought that popped in my head for myself. 
“What’s a joke between old friends, manamea? Come on now, don’t be like that.” Manamea, meaning sweetheart in his native language. 
That nickname stuck with me through every grade, every heartache, every triumph and amazing moment I had with him in it. He was there through almost everything, even the birth of my twins. Hence why they call him uncle Roman, and how they get along with Joelle so much. I hate that my stubbornness and his even stronger stubbornness caused us to drift.
Shaking my head with disbelief, I continued to take pictures for the promos.They weren’t due for another few weeks or so anyway but, perfection is key. I take my work very seriously around here. 
"What do you want Joseph? There’s gotta be something you need, that’s so important.“ Finishing off his pictures, taking my Nikon off the tripod, I looked at him with an amused look on my face. His smile grew with anxiousness as I gave him time to explain. "What’s it gonna be?" 
"Well, how about two old friends catch up. You know, for old times’ sake?” He gave an interesting proposition, that I couldn’t refuse but also didn’t want to seem too eager about it either. The look on my face was acknowledgeable, nodding in agreement and setting my stuff back in the cases to close down for the day. Was I really gonna just give in so easily and fawn over the guy I’ve liked since high school, giving him the satisfaction of a guaranteed yes? We’ll see. 
“Tell you what.” I leaned against the vanity mirror, keeping a close eye out on the kids who were playing on Dakota’s iPad. “Since I know nothing about creative’s plan with you and the Undertaker, if you win this match I’ll go on this friend catch up thing with you. Deal?” I held out my hand for him to shake, but instead I got a kiss on the back of it as he held it.
“Deal. And trust me manamea, I won’t lose this one.” With his final words he sent a wink in my direction before heading out with Joelle in tow. I felt weak in the knees, like a school girl on prom night. Gathering my own kids and equipment, up to head back to our hotel room.
I got a mass group text from all the girls in the women’s division on both rosters asking: what did Joe ask me? Did he just kiss your hand!? What is going on!? These girls have eyes like hawks everywhere. Quickly replying to everyone, I noticed Dakota and Austin both looking at me sideways. 
“Oh come on, not you too.” They were just as nosey as their honorary aunts and uncles. “Mama, we love Uncle Roman. Please go out with him.” “yeah! please!” What made them think this was a date? It’s just two innocent friends going out to eat and possible drinks, that’s it….maybe 
“You two, stay out of my business. Get to bed now. We all have a big day tomorrow, get.” Pointing to the direction of their on-suite room, next to mine, I crashed in my own bed. Lord this was going to be a long few weeks, and even longer months….years. From what Patricia has told me, Joe and Galina are separated. I didn’t expect that at all whatsoever. I don’t think anyone did.
Me and Joe, hanging out together like old times? It never occurred to me that it would be possible after everything that’s happened. Drifting to sleep, after my quick shower, I thought of what the “date” could be like. I guess you could say, I like strawberry daiquiris with a prime rib steak. Because, in those following weeks he won his match.
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