Dream a little, Dream of me...
Won't you tell me what you want, bangaram?"
What did he want? 
At this moment, for Bheem to touch him, kiss him, hold him in his arms and never let go.
And yet a part of him wanted to pull away and forget about this. 
Where would they go from here?
What if their already wounded relationship ended up suffering even more because of this? 
But Ram couldn't bring himself to just… stop. 
He had wanted this for so long, and now Bheem was with him, offering, waiting and being so, so patient. 
Ram turned around and shifted their position, now facing him. 
And Bheem, with His soft Curly hair, gorgeous eyes, gentle hands…just smiled and caressed his cheek.
Even in the barely illuminated room, he looked like a figure from some mythological story.
He couldn't drive the doubt and fear out of his heart completely, but…..he could try. 
Ram wrapped his arms around Bheem's neck.
Then gently holding his face in both his hands, he kissed him. 
It was Sweet, warm, a little awkward and oh so lovely…..
he felt as if his heart would explode with how fast it was beating. 
 He said after they broke off, breathless and dazed,
"I want you. That's all I can ask for."
And Bheem gave a fond smile, eyes shining with affection, and whispered,
"My love, I'm already yours."
Ram kissed him again.
He felt Bheem's hands moving along his back and coming to rest at the back of his head, fingers finding their way through his hair and giving them a light tug.
He moaned into the kiss, the heat of his dream returning with a fiery intensity making the line between fantasy and reality blur for a moment.
He tried to shake off the hazy fog which had suddenly invaded his brain and realized that Bheem had untied the knots of his dhoti and pushed the fabric aside. 
And because the man (he's fallen for) is a cheeky bastard, Bheem looked him in the eyes and smirked.
"Were you going to take care of this on your own?"
He feels like his face is on fire and quickly looks away. 
Oh God… 
There's fingers dancing around caressing his thighs and he can feel goosebumps break on his skin. 
"Tell me… won't you answer me?"
"W- What?"
"You were going to leave… to do what?"
He knows what's being implied by the question…the smug look Bheem is wearing is driving him insane…
"I - just a quick splash of water… "
"Oh? Really??"
"Yeah I.. I wasn't planning on… uh.. You know…"
There's genuine shock and then it morphs into a bemused smile. 
"Then… tell me… .what made you like this?"
Suddenly his urge to run out of the Hut is back and so are the memories of his dream.
"I…I can't- AH! "
The sudden wet and hot sensation between his legs made him forget about keeping his voice down for a moment. 
He looked down and watched Bheem take half of his cock in his mouth and then suck.
Heat pooled into his stomach and curled around him making him twitch and moan and arch his back as waves of pleasure throbbed through his body.
Tagging :
Tagging : @hissterical-nyaan @hufhkbgg @ssabriel @burningsheepcrown @rambheemlove @rambheemisgoated @rambheem-is-real @ramcharantitties @eremin0109 @kashpaymentsonly @maraudersbitchesassemble @thewinchestergirl1208 @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @itsfookingloosah @darlingletshurttonight @juhiiiiiiii-blog @how-is-it-in-london @bromance-minus-the-b @obsessedtoafault @fangirlshrewt97 @mayasalvator3 @sinistergooseberries  @phoenix666stuff  @siriuslykrishna   @vahnithedreamer  @italianeyes  @yehsahihai  @hxnky-pxnky  @get-some-help-blog  @rationalelderberry  @kalaavathi @iluvitwhenweplay-1950 @iam-siriuslysher-lokid  @ronaldofandom   @sally-for-sally  @mesimpleone @melancholicmonody @preetee-wid-4-es @the-lekhika @stanleykubricks
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rosayounan · 2 years
You Will Be My Better Half- Part 2
Ram wasn’t sure what it was exactly that has woken him. He took in the sounds around him before opening his eyes. 
The fire was still roaring with a crackle, the crickets still chirping their songs to one another. Another sound took his attention though. A gasp or moan perhaps? Ram opened his eyes and looked over at his brother who seemed to be sleeping. But something didn’t sit right with the officer and he knew to always listen to his gut. 
He turned closer to the sleeping man and upon closer inspection, noticed something was wrong. Bheem’s face was twisted in distress and sweat poured on his forehead. He kept twitching and moving as if in pain. His breath had quickened and was coming out in sharp gasps.
“Bheem?” Ram whispered leaning over and touching his shoulder gently, “Bheem?”
The man showed no signs of waking up and began thrashing.
“Rukana!” He moaned head turning from side to side, “Mujhe akela chhod do!” 
“Bheem, come on wake up,” Ram held his face in his hands hoping to calm him down.
Bheem yelled out, “Mainne kuchh nahin kiya!”
“Bheem!” Ram shook him by the shoulders roughly.
With an abrupt shout, Bheem jumped awake. 
“Bheem?” Ram held the man’s collar with both hands, wondering if the worst was over. 
Bheem stared at him with wide eyes, shining in the firelight. His breath was coming in sharp gasps. Ram hated the fear that he saw in his brother’s eyes.“
Bheem?” He whispered softly caressing his face, hoping some recognition would spark in his eyes. 
“Where?” Bheem gasped holding Ram’s arm tight enough to bruise. 
“It’s alright,” Ram reassured gently, “We’re camping out away from the city. It’s okay, we’re safe.”
Bheem looked around them frantically before connecting his gaze back on Ram, “Mainne kuchh nahin kiya, anna,” He repeated close to tears.
“I know, I know,” Ram stroked his hair calmly, “It’s okay. Their gone.”
A deep shudder ran through Bheem and Ram pulled his head to it was resting on his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down Bheem’s back as he felt the shakes overtake him. 
“What happened?” He whispered in his ear and leaned close when Bheem did not answer, “Hm?”
“They were hurting Mali,” Bheem spoke softly, “I stopped them but they grabbed me. They had whips.”
Ram swallowed closing his eyes as tears burned his eyes. He rested his head in Bheem’s hair hiding the emotion deep in his heart. He silently cursed Governor Scott and what they had forced him to do to his brother. He wished that dog was alive so Ram could kill him and his monster of a wife again. But now was not the time for anger.
Ram sat up straighter and leaned against a tree, pulling Bheem onto his lap with him. Bheem kept a hold of his arm but Ram kept his other free hand in his hair. He understood that his brother may not sleep tonight. Many a time, Ram himself had suffered a sleepless night due to visions of bloodshed in his mind. Those demons threatened to swallow him alive in his dreams. 
Ram reached over and took the water skin they had along with the blanket. He handed the skin to Bheem with a light order, “Drink.”
Bheem did not argue and sat up a bit to drink. Ram draped the blanket over them both. 
Once Bheem had filled his thirst he handed the skin back. Ram in turn poured some of the cool water onto his hand and mopped his brother’s face, dousing some of the heat radiating from him. Bheem allowed him to clean his face and simply rested back onto his anna’s lap. 
Ram was unsure of what to do to help his brother. He knew that nothing he said could remove the images of the hell they had endured. Yet, somehow Bheem was always able to help pull Ram out of the trenches of his own mind. Often just Bheem’s presence was enough to comfort him. 
Ram held him closer and rubbed his back.  “I’m here.” He whispered, “I’m here.”
Bheem relaxed somewhat and rested with his back against Ram’s chest. Hearing the rhythmic thud of his Ram’s heart soothed him, along with the sounds of the forest in the night. He closed his eyes. Bheem felt a hand in his hair soothing him and calming his own racing heart. The distinct sound of humming filled his ears and Bheem couldn’t hold back the smile. 
“Sydney nagaram chese neeram, innalu ninnu dhachunchindhi.” Ram’s voice carried the tune softly and Bheem could feel the rumble in his chest and he sang softly. 
Bheem found himself signing along with the tune quietly as he lay in his brother’s arms, “Sigga paduthu thappe thelisi ee rojaina chupinchindhi.”
 Both men found themselves singing and humming the song for a while. It seemed to relax them both and Bheem found his eyes feeling heavy as sleep pulled at him. Ram kept a hand on his back rubbing up and down warmly. He relaxed fully against the tree staring at the embers of the fire that glowed a deep orange. 
Neither man remembered when they fell asleep, but soon both had drifted off close to each other. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Apologies if the Hindi translations are not correct. Feel free to share any corrections, I love to learn. 
Rukana= Stop Mujhe akela chhod do = Leave me alone Mainne kuchh nahin kiya= I didn’t do anything  Well, there’s part 2 for you guys. Sorry that it wasn’t longer but I was struggling with where I should end it. Really wanted an emotional piece with Ram being a good brother! Please share you thoughts in the comments and if you think I should continue this, please let me know.  OR if you have some other good brother plots, please feel free to message me and share! I LOVE new ideas! I will again tag some of my followers, authors I’ve seen and more. Sorry if I forgot you, I’m new to Tumblr!
Happy Friday!
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rasnak2 · 2 years
What kiss is this
Goodbye kiss - for @mayasalvator3 cuz this was something I had an idea to write after a discussion on types of kisses and went into the territory of platonic kisses on the lips so... yeah. Platonic Rambheem kiss people!
Ram leaned back against his bike, his textbooks held in one hand while he looked at his watch with the other. Sita was getting late. Again. Whatever she was up to, he didn't know.
"Rama!" Speak of the devil and the devil shall arrive.
"You are late, again" Ram deadpanned as he handed over his books to Sita.
"And you can't bring your own bag. Am I your personal carry bag?"
"Kind of. Why so late?"
"Got held up with Jenny. We were discussing the last exam."
"Is that it or..."
"There's nothing else, Ram" she glared as she playfully slapped him.
"Oi! Raju!" he heard Bheem shout and turned back in confusion. They'd discussed everything for the project already, didn't they?
"What happened?"
"Well... you forgot your wrist band," he said, handing over the rubber band that Sita had brought for him for his last birthday, or was it the one before?
"Oh... thank you!" he said, quickly giving him a peck on the lips.
Bheem looked super confused for a second before tilting his head while Sita just sighed and rolled her eyes at his antics.
"Do you... umm... feel for me that way?"
"What? No, I don't. I thin I told you that before!"
"Rama, you just kissed him."
"No, I don't love you that way," Ram said, finally realising what he'd done. "It's just that... I usually kiss someone on the lips if I am really over-excited and very close to them and well... you can ask Sita how many times I've kissed everyone in my family like that. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I won't do it again." he said, eyes cast down.
Bheem stared at him for a moment and shot a glance at Sita before looking back at Ram. "So... You consider me close?" He could see Ram turn a bit red and smile. "And you say that the kiss was platonic?"
"Yeah, purely platonic. I just, if you didn't like-"
Bheem shut him up with a peck and winked. "Then I guess we can try having goodbye kisses I suppose. I didn't want to initiate it without making you uncomfortable and asking made it a bit awkward so..."
"Goodbye kiss?"
"Goodbye kiss" Bheem nodded with a smile and gave him another peck on the lips before running away.
Sita shrugged at Ram when he turned to her in confusion. "I don't know. Seems like your bestie is ok with goodbye kisses on the lips."
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rosayounan · 2 years
Feel My Love
   It was already getting late in the evening and Bheem still had yet to see Ram touch the plate of food he had left for him. The food had been left untouched. Ram was sitting at desk, writing for what felt like hours. The sun had set a while ago and he had only gotten up from his seat to light a few candles. Bheem knew enough was enough. 
Ram needed to stop overworking now. 
“Bhaee?” He came over leaning on the desk that Ram was writing on, surrounded by his books, “It’s getting late.”
“Mmm-hmm,” Ram nodded continuing his writing.
“Anna,” Bheem touched his shoulder, “You’ve been at this for hours now. Come on.”
Ram dropped his pencil and sighed stretching, “I know but… I’m just missing something.”
Bheem nodded, “We’ll find out more tomorrow, after you get some sleep.” 
Ram shook his head, “Not tired now.”
“Sure,” Bheem crossed his arms, “Cause sitting for all these hours definitely is energizing.”
Ram smirked, “You sound like Seetha.”
“She’s right,” Bheem smiled, “Don’t tell her I said that.” 
Ram poked his brother’s side playfully and Bheem chuckled. 
“You do need to sleep though, anna.” He went straight back to his point.
Ram was quiet for some time and for a moment Bheem wondered if he was even listening to him. He just stared at his opened journal.
“Ram?” Bheem spoke.
“I can’t,” Ram shook his head in frustration, “I can’t…sleep.”
Bheem’s gaze softened as he understood the meaning behind his brother’s words. It wasn’t just now he was talking about. Sleeping, in general, posed a problem for Ram. Now that Bheem understood more of Ram’s childhood, he understood why sleeping would be difficult. The man probably just tried to evade sleep all together to minimize nightmare and dark thoughts from his past. 
“Anna,” He tipped Ram’s chin so he could meet his eyes, “Why didn’t you say something?” Ram sighed running a hand through his hair, “No point really. Nothing to be done about it, so why bother others?”
Bheem tisked him gently “I’m not others.”
He walked behind him holding his shoulders and began to gently knead the tight spots he found. Bheem remembered when the children in the village had a difficult time sleeping, the elders use to rub them down they slept. Bheem thought it would work well now. 
He started gently, just allowing Ram to get used to the touch and to see where the problem spots were. Ram tensed at first, but after a few minutes he loosened up and allowed Bheem do his work. His neck was tight, probably due to too much writing, but Bheem noticed his shoulders were much more tight. He used his thumb to gently knead through the tension, trying to be gentle but firm, with the intent to soothe. 
Ram had exhaled a few times and Bheem was pleased to hear the sound. 
“Good?” He asked hoping it was helping. 
“Yes,” Ram smirked surprised by this secret talent of Bheem. 
“See?” Bheem frowned as he found a tight spot in Ram’s shoulder, “You’re working too much, bhaee.”
Ram inhaled sharply at the soreness.
“Sorry,” His brother whispered, “Just let me get it.”
Ram leaned back as Bheem worked on his shoulders. He felt himself relax as the tension simply drained out of him. Bheem was not overly rough but firm enough that it was helping to loosen him. He could feel his eyes grow heavy as he leaned into the warmth of Bheem’s hands, which were lulling him to sleep. 
“Bhaee?” Bheem’s voice reached his ears.
“Hm?” Ram’s eyes snapped open.
“I said, are you okay?” Bheem’s face came into his vision as the man squatted down in front of the chair he sat in.
“Sorry,” Ram laughed, “I was sleeping.”
“Ah-ha,” Bheem titled his head, “So it’s helping, hm?”
Ram nodded.
“Come on,” Bheem pulled him out of the chair and led him to the bed. He pulled the blankets back, “Off with this.” He motioned to Ram’s white shirt.
Ram smirked but did as he was instructed, “Yes Mom.” 
The comment earned him a light spank. He sat down on the bed and watched as Bheem knelt down to remove his shoes.
“No Bheem…” He was about to protest.
“Shh,” Bheem gave him a stern look, which still of course looked gentle to Ram. He pulled off his shoes, “Lay down.”
Ram sighed knowing he wasn’t going to win this argument when Bheem was in care mode. He laid down on his stomach, breathing out as the cool blankets almost embraced him. He could hear Bheem bustling around before the side of the bed dipped as his brother sat next to him. Ram turned his head to see Bheem warming some oil in his hands.
“Close your eyes, bhaee.” Bheem spoke softly now. 
Ram did so, laying his head back on the pillow. He felt something tight release in him as Bheem’s large warm hands massaged his back. His hands were incredible gently and the oil smelled pleasant. It reminded him of Bheem’s scent, earthy and warm. Ram exhaled deeply as the kinks in his lower back lessened. 
Bheem tisked at him again, rubbing firmly as he sat next to him, “No wonder you can’t sleep, anna. You’ll hurt yourself like this. You work too much.”
Ram didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t used to anybody caring so deeply for his well-being before. He never received physical touch in a positive way for all his adult life. Bheem however, was always giving him hugs, tickles, laying an arm around his shoulders or placing a gentle hand on his thigh. It kept surprising Ram when he did that. 
No one had ever done that before. 
Not since his mother…
The thought of her filled his mind. Her voice, her laugh, her strength. Ram remembered how she used to rub his back like this when he couldn’t sleep or was sick. The memory made his throat tighten and his eyes water.
“Nuvva bagunnava, anna?” (Are you okay?) Bheem asked as he continued his kneaded and stroking. He wanted to make sure his anna was not in pain. 
Ram nodded not trusting his voice at the moment. Yet Bheem knew him better than anyone. He could read him like an open book. Feel Ram’s emotions as if they were a very part of himself. It was a connection they just both had. Feeling each other’s pain so very physically, that they knew what was said in silence between them. 
In the quiet room, lit with only candles, Bheem stopped his rubbing. He simply kept his hand on Ram’s back. A steady presence. A strong wave calming raging fire. 
“Yah kya hai, bhaee?” (What is it, brother?) Bheem spoke softly in his ear.
It broke Ram.
He sobbed out loud, covering his eyes with his hand as his shoulders shook with emotion. His breath was hitching as more hiccuping sobs escaped from him. 
“Ayyo,” Bheem pulled him close, wrapping him tightly in his arms, “It’s okay, anna. It’s okay.” He rubbed his back some more, rocking him gently, “I’m here.”
Ram couldn’t stop the tears and he felt ashamed of himself. “I’m sorry,” He gasped, voice high with emotion, “I’m sorry. I don’t know why…”
Bheem kissed his hair, “Shhh. Shh. It’s okay. Don’t be sorry. I’m here, I’ve got you, bhaee. Let it out. Let it all out.”
Ram buried his face in his brother’s strong chest, feeling the rhythmic thumping of his heart. It soothed him. He stayed there for some time. Gripping onto Bheem like a lifeline and Bheem keeping him wrapped close. 
Neither man could pull away and they lost track of time. They were both just focused on each other. 
“You’re exhausted, anna,” Bheem finally broke the silence with a whisper, “Your mind is tired. You need rest.”
Ram let go of his grip on Bheem’s shirt and Bheem released from the embrace. They kept a grip on their hands however. 
“My mother,” Ram admitted softly looking at Bheem, who was grasping his hand, “She use to…she use to rub my back like that.”
Bheem’s eyes held pain inside them as he listened to his brother’s words. He understood now the reason behind the tears. His brother had not received a embrace or had been touched at all since that time of his childhood. The thought broke Bheem’s heart and he felt his own eyes fill with tears with this thought. The thought of his anna, living a life of solitude while trying to fulfill his father’s mission. 
Alone with no comfort from anyone.
Ram must’ve seen the look on his face because he squeezed Bheem’s hand harder “It’s okay. I don’t even…”
Bheem held his face in hands and kissed him on the head tenderly, silencing whatever excuse Ram would make. He stroked his cheek, silencing him completely. His gaze intense but soft. Ram could understand the words unspoken in the quiet of the night.    
“Forgive me,” Bheem leaned his head against Ram’s, “I didn’t know, anna.”
“Bheem,” Ram smiled softly, brushing his fingers over his brother’s beard, “It’s okay, really.”
Bheem shook his head, “Rest now.”
Ram did rest, turning on his side facing Bheem still. He draped his arm over his brother’s lap and Bheem took his hand and squeezed it softly. He used his other hand to continue massaging his brother’s back. After some time, Ram finally fell asleep, snoring lightly. 
Bheem smiled as he watched his brother sleep. He ran a hand through his anna’s hair softly. Even though Ram was fast asleep, Bheem found himself continuing to massage his back. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit it was soothing for himself as well. 
Now that he was beginning to understand some of the reasons behind Ram’s introverted side, Bheem vowed to never let his anna go a day without feeling loved. He would care for brother, as Ram had cared for him all this time as well. 
“I’ll always be here, anna.” He whispered knowing Ram didn’t hear him, but feeling the need to tell him aloud either way. 
And Bheem made another promise to himself silently in the night, as he watched his brother sleep in his arms soundly. 
Ram was going to get massages from him as often as he could.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Apologies for this piece being late but school and work take up too much time! This was in response to a canon I wrote some time ago. Let me know what you think please! 
I haves some new followers so comment if I forgot to tag you and you would liked to be tagged in my future RRR fanfic posts! I’ll gladly add you!
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ronika-writes-stuff · 2 years
Dream A Little, Dream of Me.
Tumblr media
"Ram....look at me."
He opened his eyes, tears rolling down his face, lips wet and bruised, body slick with sweat.....
"What do you want ram?"
His mere voice was making him tremble...
And yet he continued, whispering into his ear,
"Tell me... What do you want?"
"Bheem....please stop teasing.."
His own voice sounded so shaky and ragged he could hardly recognize it.
Bheem began biting and sucking on his collarbone, while his hands moved up and down the length of his spine...making him shudder and gasp with each touch, each breath that he took.
His mind feels dizzy as he feels Bheem hold him down and push inside him while kissing him all over his face, making him cry out and tremble as waves of pleasure Wash over him, leaving him burning and wanting more....
Ram was wide awake.
He felt unusually hot, the fabric of his dhoti suddenly feeling too tight and uncomfortable-
Oh no.
Out of every potentially awkward situation, this was the worst.
He had gone to bed with Bheem in his arms, pressing kisses into each others faces and shoulders as they laid close, enjoying the other's warmth.
And now, Bheem was fast asleep right by him, with one arm wrapped around his waist, head nuzzling into his shoulder with their legs tangled.
Which was a problem considering his......Situation.
Ram took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.
Given their current position, Moving was out of the question.
Bheem was a light sleeper and if he woke up and saw him like this.... Ram would rather drown himself than deal with the humiliating embarrassment.
It would go away on its own.
If he could just distract himself a bit and patiently wait, it certainly would.
Unfortunately, the dream he just had refused to leave his mind.
Rough hands grabbing his waist, pinning his arms down and griping his hips-
Ram wanted to slap himself.
This was not going to work.
He was pent up, and having Bheem almost on top of him was making it worse.
Heart filled with dread and desperation, he tried to lift Bheem's arm off him....only to have him stir and push his knee right between his legs.
His throat made a strangled noise and Ram bit his tongue to silence himself.
He had to leave right now.
If Bheem woke up, he'll just say he needed to use the bathroom urgently.
He sat up, gently grabbing Bheem's leg and untangled himself.
Then he swung his legs down the bed and was about to get up and make a dash for the bathroom when an arm Wrapped around his waist and pulled him back up.
"Where are You going?"
Special thanks to @rambheem-is-real ILY bestie <3 <3
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@rambheem-is-real @lil-stark @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @itsfookingloosah @maraudersbitchesassemble @contemporarykafka @darlingletshurttonight @bromance-minus-the-b @manwalaage @thewinchestergirl1208 @winiwee @rasnak2 @mizutaamari-blog @hissterical-nyaan @vahnithedreamer @mayasalvator3 @ghungru @aasthuu @gopikanyari
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