#maybe I’ll love it in future when I’m no longer giving ‘goofy little silly boy’
aratinatophat · 2 years
Tip to all the unborn out there: in the character creator don’t choose a widow’s peak it’s so mid bro. Just get a normal hairline don’t be a little emo goth baby and jump at the name alr?
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coolkat122 · 3 years
Twisted Teeth: Vampire Gaara x Reader Chapter 2 Part 1
It was originally going to be just one long one-shot, but I thought it best to break it up...which might lead me to going back and editing part one then, in case it's not flowing right.
I had a lot of work to do this morning and found it almost near-impossible to catch a break and when I did Naruto showed up, and I really didn't want to leave, but I had to.
So as much as I didn't want to, I cut our fun conversation short and went out hunting for Gaara's food, I went the extra mile and caught three rabbits for him in case he was really hungry.
"Hey, it's me, I brought you some foo-" I paused in my sentence having seen that, my troubles were for naught, made clear by the two bunny bodies that were discarded in a corner.
Gaara who was looking better though still frail lifted the covers off of his body by a little to peek his head out, he looked at me and towards the three rabbits in my hand and made a gesture for me to bring them over.
"You're still hungry?" Gaara nodded.
"They're too small to supply me with the amount that I need" I bit my lip as I handed the rabbits over, quietly debating if I should ask the question that was on my mind.
Feeling like the answer was yes, I asked, "Just how much exactly do you need?" Gaara who had just bit into the rabbit, draining it of its blood, replied as I looked away. 
"What I caught and what you brought me will be enough for the day" That doesn't exactly answer my question, but I left it at that.
"Alright, good" I sat down by the table, Gaara after finishing off the last bunny, sat up even more in his bed, watching me from his side of the room.
"Thank you for the meal" I cut my eyes toward him and gave a slight nod before averting them.
"....is something the matter?" Gaara asked, but before I could reply no, he answered his own question.
"Does the blood bother you?" I gave a tiny strain smile with an awkward laugh.
"Yes, a little."
"Then I will go wash up and refrain from doing this around you in the future" Gaara rose up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom.
I found it nice that he cared enough to wash himself up and was even going to not eat in front of me, I'm not sure if Gaara was just naturally this considerate or if maybe my kindness is rubbing off on him in such short time!
Either way, I'm grateful and really appreciate it, when Gaara got back he was relatively clean, you know besides his clothes which were still very dirty from his fight with the hunters and the dirt.
I think now is the time to perhaps bring him a change in clothing? Maybe Jiriaya left some behind?... I suppose I should check, I stood up from the table and went looking through his old dressers. 
As I was hoping I did find some clothing, but uh they weren't going to fit and were pretty dirty them-self... covered in webbing and so much dust, so the purpose even if they did fit it would have been pointless in the end anyway... 
Er, well, I guess, I could wash these and he could wear them regardless of their size? I shrugged pulling out a pair I thought he would look good in and proceeded to go clean them.
Gaara surprisingly followed me outside where the sun was still pretty much out and about, "I thought vampires perished in the sun?" kinda went out of my way to ensure that there wouldn't be a chance of him getting even a tiny bit of it on him... feels pretty pointless now.
"...I'm only half" I titled my head to the left a slightly confused, I was unaware of half-breeds among vampires and really didn't even know that they could breed. 
I thought being undead kinda put a stop to certain "things" if you catch my drift... shows just how much I know about vampires...
"I.. I didn't know that was a thing" I regrettably voice my thoughts, that now that I was hearing them out loud sounded a bit insensitive or maybe I'm just overthinking it?
"It is rare, not many are capable of it, unfortunate for some or so I've heard, wheres a blessing for others"  Gaara sounded a bit off when talking of this, but I didn't want to push, though I think I can guess on where he stood on it.
At least judging from his tone when mentioning certain parts of the topic, "I see... not too different from humans then so that's interesting" I offered my best smile and bright side take on the subject as I washed the clothing.
"... I guess that's true..." Gaara fell silent after that, which I guess is normal for him since he seems to be the quiet type, much like my friend Shino... though in Shino's case, I'm sure he would love to talk more if someone would let him...
"I'm glad you think so... I find it kind of nice that we have similarities in our species, I never really give it any thought till now... but I'm am pretty curious to just how much more we have in common?" I took a slight pause in washing the clothes so that I may gaze upon Gaara as I begin to ask him my question. 
"Aren't you?" 
"I am...now" A smile broke out on my face, happy to hear he felt the same as I returned back to cleaning, it didn't take me long to get them as good as new, so I smiled happily and begun hanging them up to dry. 
"Shouldn't be too long till they are dry, but if they aren't by the time I have to go home, you can always just get them yourself" I turned to face Gaara who was still watching me from four feet away. 
"Is it really okay for me to wear those?" I placed my hand on my hip as I shot him a smile. 
"Why wouldn't it be? Jiraiya has long since abandoned them and I don't see Naruto wearing them any time soon so what's the harm in you putting them to good use?" I raised a brow, expecting a response, but he remained silent so I took it as him accepting my points.
So with a happy little nod, I lead him back into the cabin with a cheerful hum, I went straight for the table and pointed toward the other chair for Gaara to sit on, like I wanted he followed my little wish and sat across from me. 
I placed my elbows onto the table leaning forward as I rest my chin onto my palms, gazing at my red-haired friend while probably looking pretty goofy from how I'm smiling.
"You know... when I saved you, I never imagined I would become such fast friends with you... it's really such a crazy thing that I'm finding it hard to believe even now" Gaara's face showed shock as he leaned back a bit in his seat with eyes wide.
"Friends? You think of me as a friend?" This time I was taken back and was starting to feel silly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, was I out of line? It just kinda felt like maybe we were so I-" Gaara's eyes were locked onto me as I fumbled around on finding what to say.
"I... I don't think you were... I just wasn't aware you felt so fondly toward me?... and besides" Gaara paused glancing down toward his lap for a moment before staring at the wall dejectedly. 
"I've never had a friend before... is this perhaps what it feels like to...have one?" Gaara broke away from the wall to look at me with curious, sad green orbs, I felt pretty sad for him when I heard that, though if I'm being honest I suspect that he was a rather lonely fellow from our previous talks.
Smiling sweetly at my new friend, I assured him, "Yes Gaara, this is what having a friend feels like" a tiny smile made way onto his lips and it was precious. 
"I see..." He said in a low, tender voice, it was so sweet and gentle, with a hint of a faint blush upon* his cheeks, I couldn't help but break out into a wide grin.
'Gaara, I promise you I'll be the best first friend you've ever had and when I'm sure that you're ready, I'll help you make even more~' I mentally vowed to Gaara to help brighten his world and fill it with some much-needed love.
Before I had known it Gaara had made a full recovery and weeks had flown by since I found Gaara that one fateful night, I thought by the time he would get better he'd pretty much leave and just pay me visit from time to time, but.
That wasn't the case, he asked for my permission to stay in Jiriaya's cabin a little longer so we could continue to spend more time together, I told him yes, obviously, we were friends now and I wanted to get to know him better, which.
I did and like I had hoped from spending as much time as I could with him when I could sneak out or had some excuse to leave the village for a bit, I would go to the cabin and meet with Gaara as he slowly opened up to me more and more with each visit. 
Gaara would share and tell me something new and fascinating about vampires, and of himself, this would contain some times sweet and fun information, but it would also yield sad and painful to hear knowledge about him, those times were bittersweet little moments, between us, that I still hold dear nonetheless.
Though as I'm sure you could guess, sneaking out to visiting him wasn't exactly easy, I couldn't be seen going out as often as I was, I didn't exactly have an excuse for it all of the time, it's not like I was a hunter despite knowing a few tricks from my grandfather who was one. 
My friends and family would get suspicious as to where was I going and why was I suddenly interested in going outside of the village so out of the blue, if I were caught doing it as much as I was.
It's not as if I could tell them of Gaara, neither party was ready for that step yet, Gaara still needed more time to adjust to human companionship among other things and I somehow have to figure out to ease them into the idea of a friendly vampire.
I'm sure Naruto would be more than ready to welcome such a thing, but the others... hmm well, some convincing was in order... Especially Sasuke.
That boy is from a well know vampire hunting clan after all... wait a second... who exactly were the hunters that were attacking Gaara and just why was he being attacked?
Where I found him wasn't all that far and if I recall Sakura mentioned that Sasuke and a few members were out on a mission from a nearby town to take care of some vampires...
I bit my lip from concern that maybe that vampire could have been Gaara and his attackers could have been the Uchihas... oh lord, please no.
Taking a brief break during my walk toward my sneak-out spot, I stopped to think of what I should do if what I feared were true, how would I go about it then?
It would make everything so much harder which was something that was already going to be quite a challenge given how feared and hated vampires are, and I already knew that Sasuke was going to be the hardest to get on board with this.
 'Darn it all!' I frowned as I chewed on my thumbnail out of frustration. 
To be continued ➡️
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Sentence ask thing. Tiva: “Don’t worry, I’ll see you soon!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll see you soon!” Tony explains helplessly, tugging Tali’s little jacket tighter around her. “Really, baby girl. There’s nothing to cry over, I promise.”
“But—but—but—” Tali is inconsolable and can’t even properly form her thought.
Tony and Ziva exchange glances, uncertain of how to reassure their daughter. Tony scoops up the little girl and straightens, cradling her like she’s still a toddler and not a rapidly-growing school-aged child. “Shh, Tali-Tee. ‘s alright.” In an undertone to Ziva, he adds “I don’t know, maybe I should just cancel my trip.”
“And reschedule? You know she will only do this again next time,” Ziva argues, but even she looks unconvinced. 
“If leaving is going to break her heart like this, I’m not sure I should take a trip at all.”
“This kind of opportunity does not come around often. If you do not go now... it may be many years before you have another chance.”
“I know.”
“Tali will be alright in a few minutes.”
“I know. I’m just...”
“I know.”
In the end, Tony does leave, though getting out of the flat takes so long that he damn near misses his flight. He does his absolute best to articulate to Tali why he has to go, to reassure her that he will absolutely be back—before she knows it! She does calm before he leaves, which helps Tony’s nerves. Leaving her is still so hard, though, and leaving Ziva is only slightly less so. 
He’s up for a job back in the US; a sudden emergency has necessitated the appointing of a new assistant director for one of the agencies NCIS works closely with. It’s an unexpected opportunity on several levels, but it’s an exciting one. It would give them all both a way and a push to uproot their lives in Paris and return to their family, and... it would be more fulfilling work than what Tony does now. 
No matter how much Tony wants the job, however, this is the first time he has ever left Tali. The girl is obviously in incredible capable hands, since Ziva is staying behind, but... it was just Tony and Tali for so long that they both have a little bit of separation anxiety now. Tali is and always will be Tony’s first priority. Still, this will be a good opportunity for her, too. 
Tony has to hit the ground running once he reaches the States; his flight lands in the late morning and his interview is in the early afternoon. On a taxi into the city, though, he puts aside his last-minute interview preparations to call his wife. 
Ziva answers on the second ring. “Tony?”
“Hey there,” he answers warmly. 
“Hi. Did your flight go okay?”
“Couldn’t have been smoother. On my way to the interview now. Everything alright in ol’ Paree?”
“Yes... Tali has been acting out some and she did not want to sleep alone last night, but we are doing fine.”
“Ah, that’s to be expected, I guess.”
“I does not surprise me. She does not like to be separated from you.”
“I don’t much like it, either. Is she there? Can I talk to her for a second?”
“Of course. Tali?” The last word is called away from the phone, and after a moment, Tony can hear the phone being moved back to Ziva’s ear. “She is coming. Good luck on your interview, Tony—I know you will do wonderfully. I love you.”
Tony smiles. “Thanks, sweet cheeks. Love you, too. I’ll call you later, yeah?”
“That sounds good.”
There’s a staticky sound or two and then a much younger voice speaks into the phone. “Daddy?”
“Hey, princess! How are you?”
“I’m sad.”
“Just ‘cause I’m not there?”
Tony’s heart clenches, though he was expecting this answer, and he tries to turn her mood around the best way he knows how—with goofiness. “What!?” he cries as dramatically as possible. He sees the cabbie look suspiciously at him in the rearview. “You’re sad ‘cause of me!? A boy!? I thought we’d already been over this. Boys are stinky, silly, no good bothers! Being sad over a boy? Now, that’s just crazy talk.”
He breathes a sigh of relief when he hears his daughter giggle. He’s glad she’s at an age at which problems are still easily solved. “You’re weird,” Tali informs him, making him grin.
“I know. You tell me all the time and so does Ima. That doesn’t mean I’m wrong, though.”
“If you say so.”
“Now you’re starting to sound like your mother. You’re behaving for her, right?”
“Good. I knew you’d make me proud. I—”
The rest of his sentence is cut off by the cabbie. “Sorry to interrupt, sir, but we’re almost to your destination. Where would you like to be dropped off?”
“As close as you can get to the corner of Worth and Lafayette, please,” Tony answers. Then he turns back to the phone with a sigh. “I’ve got to go, Tali, I’m sorry. But before I do—scratch what I just said, okay? You’re allowed to feel sad or happy or whatever you want. Just know that I’m not gone for good or even for long, kiddo. I promise I’ll talk to you again soon, and I’ll be home in just a few days. I miss you, sweetheart, and I love you a bushel and a peck...”
“...and a hug around the neck,” Tali dutifully finishes. 
“That’s my girl.”
“Good luck, Daddy!”
“Thanks, Tals. Talk soon.” He makes a kissing sound and rings off.
It’s show time.
It’s his hope to catch Ziva and Tali again before Tali’s bedtime in Paris, but his interview runs longer than he’s expecting and it’s late in Europe by the time he’s free.
Still, he calls Ziva. 
“How did your interview go?” she asks as soon as she picks up, forgoing a greeting in deference to her burning need to know what happened. 
“Hello to you, too,” Tony answers, laughing. “It was pretty good, I think. I should hear something in a day or two.”
“Did you know any of your interviewers?”
“Nah. They all knew me, though. Turns out I got recommendations from... well,  a lot of people. I was pretty surprised.”
“I am not.” The warmth in Ziva’s tone makes Tony smile. 
“Thanks, Ziva. Anyway, none of them really seemed bothered by the fact that I’ve been out of the government sector for... what, seven years now? I was a little worried about that. And, well... we’re sort of infamous, you and I, but I think that actually may have been a point in my favor. The interviewers seemed to think that meant I could roll with the punches, so to speak.”
“Adaptability is a good trait in someone occupying a leadership position.”
“Gotta wonder how Gibbs has managed for so long, then. He’s got his good qualities, for sure, but that man has had the same tv since 1970. ‘Adaptable’ is not the first word that comes to mind.”
A laugh, and then: “You learned a lot from him over the years. You will do well at this new job.”
“You really think so?”
“I know it.”
“You sound awfully confident, given the fact that I may not even get the job in the first place.”
A dismissive snort makes it clear how Ziva feels about that reminder. “You should know by now not to argue with me, yes?”
Tony laughs, too. “I guess I should.” He sighs a little then, rubbing his eyes and feeling tired. As much as his interview today has made him feel hopeful, he really just wants to go back to Paris for now. “Did Tali go down alright tonight?”
“Yes, curled up on your pillow like a little cat.”
“Besides sleepovers, she and I haven’t spent a night in different places in years. I’m pretty sure she’s handling it better than I am. It’s weird being without her... My hotel room is too quiet.”
“There is no one singing Frozen at the top of their lungs?” Ziva teases.
“I mean, there is, but that person is me.” Tony hears a snort and then a stifled yawn, and he interrupts before Ziva has a chance to reply. “Go to bed, my love,” he orders gently. 
“I will soon... but Tali is not the only one who misses you, you know.”
A smile rises to Tony’s lips that he’s sure Ziva can hear through the phone. “I know. Believe me, I know. I miss you, too. But remember: you’re the only thing standing between Tali and the complete destruction of our apartment. You need your rest.”
He can almost see Ziva’s eyeroll from here, and it makes him grin again. “Go,” he repeats. “Sleep. I’ll see you in two days.”
“Alright, alright,” she acquiesces. “Good night. I love you, Tony.”
“I love you more,” Tony answers fondly. Neither one of them will ever forgo an opportunity to say those words again. “Sweet dreams.”
“For you, as well.”
When Tony himself succumbs to jet lag an hour and a half later, he’s thinking about the fact that a potential new job isn’t nearly as exciting as the prospect of seeing his family again the day after tomorrow.
He’s certain that his priorities are in exactly the right order... and no matter what the future brings, he’ll be fine. He’s got his girls.
send me a sentence and i’ll write the next 5 sentences or the rest of the fic
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trustbitchin · 6 years
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Wow, so this is a bit exciting! I know I’ve been quiet for just over a week now, but things have been going on ooc that’ve been super stressful. BUT!!! I just came back from my semi stress induced hiatus and found that I surpassed 100 followers! So that’s kinda’ neat af! So it’s time for some shout outs, ay? God I hope I don’t forget any of y’all but my memory has been a disaster so if I do I’m so fuckin’ sorry and it ain’t anything personal I promise! So without further ado...Philip Defranco vc: SUP YA BEAUTIFUL BASTARDS, I HOPE YOU’RE HAVIN’ A FANTASTIC FRIDAY WELCOME BACK TO MY RP BLOG AND LET’S JUST JUMP INTO IT!
And the first person I want to talk about today, by far one of the most requested people in my life is the girl behind @zombcy. For those of you who don’t know, Reed and I actually met back when season two of Stranger Things basically first dropped and bonded over Will and El and the friendship sort of just went off from there. From that moment on it went from IC discussions that were sometimes hours long to ooc discussions that could sometimes be even longer-- so much so that we actually met up in person together and had a fucking blast together. Needless to say Reed is definitely one of my soul sisters for life and she makes me emotional in that I am so honored and lucky every day to know someone like her and I genuinely don’t know where I would be right now if I didn’t have her. So thank you for being you, Reed. Your portrayal of Will is absolutely breath-taking and the life and effort you put into him truly shows and I love you so much.
Then in slightly more insane news, let’s talk about this situation involving two friends who kind of drifted for a while and then somehow managed to find each other by chance in the rp community again. And the person I’m referring to is @voicemade. Charles, you are the worlds most handsomest man and a budding witch with a whole future of magic and enchantment ahead of him. I thought of you every day and missed you so much during the months we parted ways and I swear to god this time, now that we’ve found each other I refuse to let go of you because my life is so much sweeter, lighter, and brighter with you in it. You make me laugh, blush, smile-- you’re just such a good guy and an excellent friend with such a passion for the characters you write and I wish one day to be half the writer you are. I really fucking love you and I’m so glad to have you in my life!
@lovermade Bri, you are an absolute shining light okay? And your take on Eddie is absolutely flawless. Whether you know it or not, you are beautiful inside and out-- your eyes alone knock my socks off. You’re fucking hilarious. You immensely talented-- you have a wonderful gift and you’ve been getting me through one of the toughest points in my life and I only hope that I can do the same for you. Because you deserve all things good and lovely and kind. And I just hope that life will be kind to you and always be kind to you. You are truly one of my best friends-- and you’re another soul sister of mine. No matter what your doubts may tell you: please don’t ever change, because everything about you is so bright and wonderful. I ALSO LOVE YOU.
@packedmind LISTEN THE FUCC TO ME ELI, YOU CRACK ME THE FUCK UP AND I JUST REALLY LOVE YOU. I think honestly you have such a creative way of viewing characters from all angles and you make plotting and writing a lot of fun and you’re just such a teddy bear. I feel like I can tell you anything and you would immediately try to understand and just do whatever you could. I just hope you know that if you ever need somebody, I got you already? It’s an honor to be able to call you a writing partner. I will always be grateful!
@punchesback YOU!!! ARE!!! ABSOLUTELY!!! FLAWLESS!!! AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I love your Joyce AND your Lucas and I love that we can talk for hours about character theories, opinions, and plot ideas together constantly. Because I love knowing that there are people here who are just as passionate about these characters as I am. You’re so fucking smart and you’re so easy to talk to. Your speaking voice alone is just so warm and welcoming and your writing even comes of that way too-- like a paint brush that glides across a canvas with water colors. It’s such a gift, truly, to be your friend. Please keep on truckin’.
@dartmouthed YOU HAVE THE CUTEST VOICE IN VC CHATS AND ALSO I LOVE YOUR WRITING AND WE SHOULD DO MORE OF THAT. I’ve always adored you, even from afar because I tend to be the worlds shyest person of 2018, maybe ever. But I love talking to you and I really just enjoy seeing you on my dash and watching you pour that silly curly haired boy a big tall glass of goofy mixed with heart. I love your portrayal and I love you so fucking much. Also your laugh is 10/10 would make you laugh just to hear you laugh.
@hawkinslead / @quaevivit CHYNNA!!!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! AND I LOVE YOUR WHOLESOME CANADIAN HEART. You are a true ride or die and that goes both ways. You’re generous, beautiful, sweet and an amazing writer and some of my best memories over the past few months have been with you. You’ve gotten me through some pretty rough times and honestly I hope that you’ll be a friend for life. And I think you will be. Because I know even when we get busy and can’t talk for a few days for whatever reason: we can pick up where we left off and that will always be something I’m grateful for. I want to talk to you about collecting records and taking silly polaroid pictures and tease you about Degrassi for the rest of my life. I love you always, alright?
@loyaltyburdened You will always, always get a special shout out because you were the very first person to interact with my Eleven back when I started my blog in October and honestly after not having written or role-played in years, that’s something I’m never going to forget and it still sticks with me to this day. I was so nervous and you melted away every concern I had. I am so fucking grateful with you because I think without you...I may have just not even bothered try. I might have very well just given up. And then I would have missed out on meeting a bunch of incredible people (including you!) so I am forever thankful for you. Always. Thank you so much for giving me that chance...thank you so much for being so kind and welcoming.
And just some final little honorable mentions to: @boybard @derryfright @byerstrange @boyfading @boyfound @shezooms @floatedtoo @derryrich
And if you wanna’ see the full versions of any blogs I mentioned today-- anything at all, links are in the description just above! And that’s where I’m going to end today’s follow forever and remember if you liked what you read today HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON and if you’re new to this blog be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE FOLLOW button and as always my name is trustbitchin I love yo’ faces and I’ll see you tomorrow!
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aestas-wishes · 7 years
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this boy
so cool, like in the calm and serene way
it could be the hottest part of a desert but just being around him makes you feel cooled off
but like that’s only on the outside
his inner self is a super goofball
not on seungcheol’s level, but he’s up there
for example, he’ll be on his way for a meeting with some great important person. and he’ll just be mindlessly doodling or looking out the window
and when he looks out the window his driver sometimes thinks that he’s thinking about the future or some deep stuff
he thinking about how good it would be to have some fried chicken right about now
because let’s be honest, we all need a constant supply of fried chicken
anyway, he’s a goofball, but only when he’s comfortable around people
otherwise he’ll just be silent and cool, reading his books and stuff
secretly thinking about chicken
okay, moving on from chicken
one day, wonwoo’s parents decide that it’s a good idea to paint a portrait of the crown prince, like all other crown princes before him
sooooooo they hire the best artist they could find in their kingdom
enter you, dear reader, best artist in the kingdom
you normally stay in your apartment on the outskirts of a nearby city, painting to your heart’s content.
when you get the message that you will be painting the crown prince, your heart skips many beat
you’re extremely happy, do not get me wrong, like for the first ten minutes you’re bouncing around and screaming like a madwoman
but then the anxiety sets in
like holy crap you’re painting the prince
what if you mess it up
what if you accidentally make his nose too big?
you spend the next five hours worrying about how much you might fail
then you realize that it’s pretty pointless to worry.
you still do anyway.
but you go to the palace anyway
because you can’t deny the prince or his family
you stumble in with your paints and palette and brushes
you brush a stray lock of hair out of your face
apologize for making them wait even though you’re perfectly on time
you take a look at the prince
wonwoo looks at you
and he just smiles
and you immediately feel a little calmer than you once did
he’s just sitting there on a stool waiting for you
“sit down, please, and set everything up,” he says as he stands up
you nod nervously and smile
you get everything set up and wonwoo walks over to your station, just watching everything being set up by your graceful and precise hands
his father told him just to wait to be painted, but he can’t help himself
he looks at all the different brushes
“whats all this?” he asks, honestly curious
you look up at him, surprised
he takes half a step back and smiles
“sorry, i’ve never seen tools like this before,” he says with a grin
you chuckle in surprise
“what? not even a paintbrush?” you ask
he laughs and you feel butterflies breackdancing minghaoing in your stomach
“no i’ve seen paintbrushes, just not this many different kinds,” he admitted, picking up a fan brush and stroking the bristles
you take the brush back and start mega info dumping about the brushes and different paints you brought with you
he just listens and kinda gently messes around with the mustache
“It looks like mustache,” he murmured, grinning
you roll your eyes,
when you’re finished, you look at Wonwoo
“so what are you going to do to paint me?” he asks gently
you take a look at the portraits of Wonwoo’s predecessors, all perfect oils and look refined and regal
you slowly wince, because you don’t think you can see Wonwoo as this way all the time
“i don’t know, maybe i’ll just paint you like your father was painted,” you sighed, and Wonwoo looked at his fathers painting as well
“paint me how you think i should be,” he said steadfastly, turning to smile at you
you feel your cheeks get warm but you nod, getting everything set up
for the next couple weeks you come in and paint Wonwoo while talking to him, making jokes and general smiling at each other
it’s all amazing
you take breaks and then wonwoo brings you to see his garden
and he’s just a goofy bean
and you can’t help but chuckle and do quick sketches of him
you find out more about each other, and about how clumsy both of you can be
but it all goes to heck one day
you’re in the middle of painting him when his father
the KING
comes in to see what you’re doing today
he sees so many colors and his son smiling in the painting
he just stops for a moment
the room is dead silent
you just stare in horror as disgust burns in his eyes at the painting
wonwoo is the first to speak
“don’t try,” the king sneers, turning to wonwoo
fear is plastered on wonwoo’s face
“you’re my only heir, wonwoo. you carry our legacy.” he starts to speak, slowly and coldly
his voice is a frozen wasteland
“I expect you to act as such,” he continues, lecturing wonwoo
he turns to you
“please redo the painting in a more dignified manner.” he tells you before leaving
both you and wonwoo release a slow breath you didn’t realize you were holding
you looked at wonwoo
he looks at you
you can’t bear to hold his gaze
“i think i should go home for today,” you murmur
wonwoo opens his mouth to stop you but you’re already starting to pack up and leave
he does nothing to stop you
you leave the castle grounds and head back to your home
you fall on you bed and just stare at your wall for a very long time before you realize you were crying
you wipe your tears and stare at the portrait that the king hated so much
all you could see was the prince smiling at you, like he had just finished laughing at one of your jokes
it was almost taunting you
it confounded you
it really made you kinda PISSED
how could something this beautiful make the king so angry
needless to say you did not return to the castle for a very long time
weeks passed
wonwoo missed you more and more with each day
it was driving him crazy how much he missed you
even some minister’s mustache reminded him of you
the king noticed wonwoo growing more and more grumpy
he had sent letters to you, and wonwoo did too
but they all ended up on your desk, for you were too busy
busy fixing the painting, so that it was good for the king
it was he who was paying you after all, not the prince
you were barely sleeping or eating
you devoted all your time to that painting
which might i say is unhealthy!
quite! qUITE uNhEaLtHY!!!!
your hair is in your face
you’re sweating because you are so stressed, and you feel like this painting is worse than ever
you glance over to your desk
you pick up a letter, wiping your forehead
so, so, so tired
you read something about offering more money, triple what you were going to be offered in the first place
your head really hurts
pounding, throbbing, drums
wonwoo decides enough is enough
you pick up another letter
vision blurring
“please come up”
“i loved the painting”
“i loved having you around”
“i love you”
you hear a knock on the door, and you feel yourself hit the floor
then darkness
you wake up in your bed, and with a monster headache
the headache to end all headaches
your eyesight focuses and above you you see wonwoo, making sure your forehead is cool and you’re comfortable
“if i’m dreaming, dont wake me up,” you mumble, giving a breath of relief
you hear a soft chuckle in return
“i’m afraid that you are no longer dreaming” wonwoo smiles at you
finally you’re aware enough to know what is going on and you start pushing his hand away
“oh wonwoo, get out of here! i have to get back to work, your painting,” you started to protest and sit up
but wonwoo gently but FIRMLY pushed you back into bed
“no you’re obviously ill, even a prince like me can see that,” he responded, getting some food out of a basket he brought
“what?” wonwoo asks, looking at you concerned
“i just need to work on your painting!” you shout
“your stupid painting that I can’t ever get right and its horrible horrible HORRIBLE,” you start weeping
wonwoo just quietly holds your hand while you shake and weep
you calm down eventually after minutes of crying
“y/n, i know you’re porbably stressed-”
“prOBABLY?!?!?!?!!!!!” you screech
wonwoo blinked and shook his head
“you are VEry stressed, and i’m sorry about that.  but please hear me when I say i love the painting you did, the first one”
“oh shut it.” you cover your hand
“no, listen, it was magnificent. almost as magnificent as you,” he murmured softly, stroking your hand.
you go still
“what was that?” you whispered
wonwoo took in a slow breath. he forgot that he had said that
it kinda fell out. whoops
but there was no going back
“y/n, please don’t think this forward of me, but i think i am… well… terribly in love with you,” he said quietly
silence fell on you both
“wonwoo,” you spoke
“don’t say anything, you’re sick, you silly,” he said quickly, going back to taking care of you
everytime you treid to speak, he shot you down
eventually he left
you got better
you began work on your painting once more
and a month later you sent a letter to the king telling him that you were coming back with a finished painting
he told wonwoo and he was ecstatic
the day finally came around when you arrived with a covered painting
the king gathered an audience for the great reveal
you went in front of them with the painting
you took a breath
wonwoo met your eyes and smiled
“this picture is the mage of the prince that will one day be our king. i hope you all like it.” you announced before taking the cloth off the painting
it was the original painting, finished proper
the king was flabergasted, but wonwoo couldn’t help but grining
“i love it!” wonwoo shouted, running to pick you up on his arms
he hugs you and sweetly kisses you on the lips
you are shocked but kiss him back
when you pull away you are smiling
“i think i love you too, your highness,” you grin
wonwoo chuckles and just kisses you
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