#maybe bilbo saw dain with his keen eyes
code-dy · 2 years
Wait wait wait
Hold up- Thorin went to a meeting with the other Dwarf Leaders, including Dain Ironfoot Lord of the iron hills, prior to going to Bag-End in Hobbiton. Last I checked, The Iron hills is on the same side of the Misty Mountains just after Erebor.
Why didn't the company just hitched a ride with Dain on the way there? I get the whole "this quest is your own" thing but come on! Dain would likely have a big retinue to keep him safe during the way there. Heck, what's a few days detour to Hobbiton to pick up a stray hobbit? Did Dain really trust Thorin enough to know the way?
Hang on, did Dain's company even encounter orcs on the way? How about the stone giants? Goblins? BEORN??? Did they just get lucky to be a few days away before that? "Oh boy, good thing we got over the misty mountains before this week-long deluge! Just imagine if we got stuck there, huh!" *cut to Thorin's company screaming and being danger*
Hang that, they would walk the same path across Mirkwood right??? What about the spiders??? Or Thranduil??? Or did they use a different path??
I have questions, Lord Dain! And I need answers!!
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decadentenemyturtle · 5 years
Some other nights
Chapter/Promt 3 coming a bit late for @sdavid09 writing challenge.
Pairing: Dain Ironfoot x Rienna, Thorin’s company x the siblings
Words: 1840
All the chapter's of Some other nights
Rionna could still smell the foul odour from the troll's cave. And it had been an hour, maybe two when they had started to walk towards the city of Rivendell.
Gandalf and Thorin had found weapon's - as in, swrods and daggers and kinds of - from the cave and since Rionna and Gabriel had none in their eyes, they gave them swords.
"Well, it's kind of futile to give these to us, since we can't use these kind of... weapons" Gabriel had said with an frown. Thorin and Gandalf shared an look, both seemingly confused of how these two didn't know how to use an sword.
"We have different kind of weapons. They... Well... Are some what close to arrow and bow, I guess" Rionna had said, even showing her gun to them. But Thorin had glared at her and then the gun at her hand, and told her to use the sword instead. Then he had turned and went to talk with few of the dwarves. Rionna had stared after him for a second, before she turned up to look at her brother, who in turn was glaring after the dwarf king.
"I don't like him" he had growled. Rionna rolled her eyes and decided not to say anything. If Gabriel didn't like someone, then he didn't like them, and she had no intrest of making her brother to like someone. But she had to admit that she wasn't a big fan of this Thorin neither.
Then they had encountered the "brown wizard" called Radagast, who was an interesting and somewhat weird person in Rionna's, Gabriel's and the company's eyes. But surely anyone with dirty clothes and bird poop on their face could be a bit of an interesting character to anyone. And even at first when he seemed to be in drugs.
Bilbo, the small man - a hobbit as the siblings learned a bit later on - and few other dwarves gathered near the siblings as they had waited the wizards to finish their talk. And as they waited, Rionna suddenly felt it. The weird kind of... pull... in her chest, somewhere between heart and her back. And her bearing must've changed quite quickly as the other around her had looked at her with worry.
"Are ye alright there, lassie?" the dwarf with reddish, long hair and beard - Dori? Oin? Dwalin? No, Dwalin was the grumby, bald one... - asked. Gabriel was immidietly by her side, his hand on her shoulder, peering at her worriedly.
"Yeah, yeah, it's just... I just...." Rionna had said, staring at the woods, frown on her face. The feeling didn't leave, instead it had settled deep in her chest. Then she continued "I just got a weird feeling in my... I don't know, around my chest" The dwarves and Bilbo shared a look, while Gabriel frowned and looked down at his sister worriedly.
"Are you getting ill?" he even asked. Rionna looked up at him and shrugged. She felt fine, other than the weird feeling in her chest.
"I doubt it has anything to do with a sickness, master Gabriel" the white haired dwarf says as he steps closer to the two siblings. Their eyes snap at him and they wait him to continue, but instead other dwarf takes his place in explaining.
"Aye, it would seem that miss Rionna has found her One" the fat dwarf - Bofur? No, Bombur! - says with an fond smile. Rionna tilts her head and stared at him.
"My sister has found an what now?" Gabriel asked. And so the dwarves and Bilbo went on explaining, what One was, and how lucky Rionna was to find her true love. Rionna and Gabriel weren't sure how long they explaind all this to them, but they knew they were just scratching the surface with all this information. And by the end of it all, Rionna just wanted to laugh.
She had found her "true love" or it at leas existed in this world. And they called her lucky to find it! For what Rionna knew about love, it could be beautiful or monstrous! But she hadn't figured out which this would be. She hadn't even met her supposed to be One true love. So how could she know, if this love was true or not, if she didn't know the person behind this pull. And how was she suppose to find the said person?
It all stayed as mystery to her for now, since the wizards had done with their talking and had merly waited - in amusement - that the dwarves and a hobbit would stop their talk. And after they had finished, Gandalf walked back to the group, eyeing Rionna with a little mishievous twinkling in his eyes. Then he turned to address the rest of the group.
"This monstreus dog we saw earlier had come across with a group of wargs and their rider's..." the dwarves started to yell at the same time, their voice's muffing together so that none could understand what they were saying. "... AND THEY ARE ALL DEAD" Gandalf's voice boomed over the dwarves. Bilbo, Gabriel and Rionna had stood quietly and stared at the grey wizard, Bilbo being a bit worried and scared, Gabriel being just curious of these wargs and Rionna was worrying over their safety. They were suddenly keeping too much voice for her liking.
The dwarves had quieted down thanks to Gandalf's booming voice, and they all stared at him. Gandalf looked at them with an similar look the dissapointed teacher would give to his student's. Then he turned to Gabriel and Rionna.
"The dog is also dead. Radagast found it as it was killing the last of the orcs and wargs, and managed to kill it with his magic" he says, then glancing at his brown friend. Radagast gave look to the human siblings and then he turned back to Gandalf. Gabriel Ronna glanced at eachother, glad to hear that the dog was now dead.
"Never have I seen anything like it before. And I do wish that this was the last one I see. But, alas, as the dark ages are rising, I fear more of them will appear" Radagast had said, sounding now more normal than when he had arrived. Gabriel took a step towards the wizards, addressing both of them with an serious look.
"Radagast, it is nice to meet you. My name is Gabriel, and this is my baby sister Rionna. We hail from another world and that monsterous dog you saw earlier came from our world just before we did" Gabriel addres Radagast, who in turn stares at him with keen worry in his person. "And we came in here from a sort of an portal, made by the... Well, kind of an wizards's of our world. And unfortunately that dog was not the only monster that lives in our world, but whatever the dog or the other one's might appear in this world, I do not know" Gabriel finishes. The silence is heavy around them as everyone takes the news in.
"So, these wizards in your world can sent these kind of monster to our world? As well as your kinf of men?" Thorin asks. Gabriel turns to him, and nods.
"Yes. But these wizards are not good like these two are. The wizard's from our world work for the goverment, for the enemy..." Now most of the company were frowning, for how could someone working for the leader's of the kingdom be bad?! "... And they have found a way to sent these monsters, or SCP's as we call them, to other world's. I'm sure this world of your isn't the only one where these portal's open" Gabriel tells. Radagast and Gandalf share an worried look, while the dwarves and Bilbo look each other in worry and horror. 
It was obious that these two came from far more dangerous world than they had expected.
No one had had anything to say for what Gabriel had told them. They all understood, well kind of, that their world was as dangerous as Middle Earth. After few seconds of silence, they had started to walk towards the mysterious destination, Radagast taking off to somewhere. Gabriel and Rionna had no idea, where this company was travelling to. They had a secret journey to do, that much was clear, but to where, they didn't know. While they were walking and talking with Fíli and Kíli, Bofur, Nori, Bilbo, and few others, Thorin and Gandalf were fighting with each other of whatever they should go to Rivendell or go past it.
"Maybe we should ask direction's to this place and go there" Rionna murmured to Gabriel, who lowered his eyes to her, his other brow up.
"Why? Here I thought we could have a little adventure with these guys" he answered. Rionna sighed and send an grimm look to Gabriel, who just shrugged.
"Haven't we gotten enough of it back in our world?" she asked, staring rather sadly ahead of her. Gabriel looked down at her and sighed, his face growing rather serious. The others had looked at them silently, until Kíli stepped next to Rionna, smiling to her.
"What about your One?" he asked. Rionna looked at the brunette and her brow rose.
"What about it?" she asked rather annoyed voice. Kíli leaned a bit away from her and stared at her as if she had grown a second head. What about it, she asked?! Surely she was crazy! Everyone around her thought.
"I don't think she understands the deep meaning of finding her One" Gloin, the red haired and bearded dwarf said, glancing at Kíli and then giving meaningful look for Rionna. She sighed and shook her head. Yes, she didn't understand it, and wasn't even sure if she wanted to.
The others kept on talking and she had stopped listening. Gabriel on the other hand took part the talking, seeming to enjoy these weird new friends of theirs. They weren't talking about the monsters of their world or anything too heavy, just some light chit chat. And finally Gandalf boomed that they would indeed go to Rivendell. However he had persuaded Thorin to go there, because he deffinetly seemed to be against going anywhere near the city. The other dwarves seemed to be a bit sour after hearing this news, but Bilbo on the pther hand seemed to be the only one to be happy to go there. Gabriel looked around them and then leaned towards his sister.
"Are you absolutly sure you want to stay in Rivendell?" he asked silently. Rionna looked around them, thinking why the dwarves refused to go there and were now grimm. Maybe there was something in the city, in the people who lived there, that dwarves couldn't stand for?
"Honestly? I don't know. It would be tempting to stay somewhere safe for once, but if the city is unsafe or something else, then I guess I'm following the company" she finally answered. Gabriel didn't say anything, just hummed. He would have loved nothing more than see his sister somewhere safe, but since they weren't from this world and he wasn't sure how dangerous it was in here, he didn't want to leave Rionna without being sure she would be safe.
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