#this would actually be a bit funny if they managed to see a glimpse of each other on the way back
code-dy · 1 year
Wait wait wait
Hold up- Thorin went to a meeting with the other Dwarf Leaders, including Dain Ironfoot Lord of the iron hills, prior to going to Bag-End in Hobbiton. Last I checked, The Iron hills is on the same side of the Misty Mountains just after Erebor.
Why didn't the company just hitched a ride with Dain on the way there? I get the whole "this quest is your own" thing but come on! Dain would likely have a big retinue to keep him safe during the way there. Heck, what's a few days detour to Hobbiton to pick up a stray hobbit? Did Dain really trust Thorin enough to know the way?
Hang on, did Dain's company even encounter orcs on the way? How about the stone giants? Goblins? BEORN??? Did they just get lucky to be a few days away before that? "Oh boy, good thing we got over the misty mountains before this week-long deluge! Just imagine if we got stuck there, huh!" *cut to Thorin's company screaming and being danger*
Hang that, they would walk the same path across Mirkwood right??? What about the spiders??? Or Thranduil??? Or did they use a different path??
I have questions, Lord Dain! And I need answers!!
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tinyluvs · 11 months
imagine dating spencer and you come to visit or something and make him so distracted that he literally can’t info dump on something and the rest of the team is just shocked
yes yes, a hundred times yes 🤭 thank you so much!
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catching a glimpse of yourself in the elevator mirror was the last thing you needed right now. you were covered in paint, your dungarees showing up every coloured streak and hand print against the light denim. you're sure there's paint in your hair but you don't have time to dwell on it, you're late
you'd got stressed, painting your boyfriends apartment on your own, lost track of time and then didn't have the time to change before running out of the apartment, just about managing to remember to grab yours and spencer's lunch on the way
"i'm so sorry i'm late," you sigh and frown as you rush through the bullpen to the collection of desks you're oh so familiar with, "please excuse the state of me,"
spencer turns at the sound of your voice, "hi sweetheart," he hums, looking up at you just as you dip to kiss him quickly before pushing the bag of food onto his lap
"hey," you smile softly at your boyfriend before turning to his colleagues, "hey guys, how are we all?" you ask, getting a mixed bunch of replies back
"how's painting?" derek laughs, looking at your appearance and the state of your clothes
you slide onto spencer's desk, pulling your legs up to sit cross legged, "standing six feet up a ladder trying to hold a tray of paint and a brush is hard, i've nearly fallen off twice," you huff,
spencer hands you the sandwich he knows is yours and then seemingly looks at you properly for the first time since you've been there, "hey," he says, almost breathlessly
"hello?" you question, head tilting slightly, "you've already said hi," you say, looking at emily and jj who just snicker and shrug their shoulders but spencer doesn't reply, "oh before i forget!"
your boyfriend watches you carefully as you produce a piece of paper from the tiny pocket on the front of your dungarees, flapping it around to unfold it, your other hand busy clutching your food
"the living room is next, i need to know how much paint to buy," you explain, handing the paper to him, "the cans are one litre or five litres, i can't figure it out"
truth be told you hadn't bothered to try and work it out, knowing spencer would be able to reel off the answer like it's nothing, naturally, he knew the exact measurements of every wall in his house
the boy stares up at you blankly, big brown eyes soft and sparkly. your cheeks heat up under his gaze, your eyebrows raising slightly, "spence?" you nudge him with your knee
he jumps ever so slightly, his head shaking a bit, "hmm?" he asks before only just registering you've handed him something, his eyes scan over it, "oh!" he blushes, turning his chair to face his desk
"what colour are you doing the living room?" jj asks while she stabs at her salad like it's offending her. you'd consulted the girls with all of the decorating developments.
"a light brown i think, we have so much to hang on the walls," you pause to swallow, "so something neutral," you finish with a slight nod
a door opening to your side grabs your attention, aaron coming out of his office with his lunch. he comes down into the bullpen, sitting on the edge of emily's desk, "the paint fighting back?" he asks you, slight smile creeping over his face
you roll your eyes at him, playfully, while the other laugh at your expense, "very funny but i don't see any of you offering to help"
penelope scoffs, "actually, i did" and she was right, however her idea of getting wine drunk and decorating had been quickly shut down by spencer, the only input he's actually offered up in the whole process
giggling, you turn back to your boyfriend who's been far too quiet, "boy wonder?" you say gently, pushing your fingers through his hair, "got an answer for me?"
usually he would have an answer within seconds, his minutes of silence making you frown, he turns to you with the same frown painted across his face, "i don't know," he says
people around you gasp, loudly too, "what do you mean, you don't know?" emily almost chokes on her lunch, sitting forward to gawp at the boy
"i do not know how much paint we need" he confirms
derek scrambles, pulling his phone out of his pocket, "say it again, i need record of this moment" he pleads while garcia smacks him
"well there's a first," david says, wandering over after hearing spencer say i don't know for possibly the first time, ever
your boy stares at the paper in his hand and then up at you, confused, "i have to go and work it out, excuse me" he says, rushed, as he stands and takes off towards circle table room
after a moment of shocked silence you turn to the team who are all staring directly at you, "i'll go check on him, i wonder what's wrong?" you say to no one in particular as you hop off of the desk
"i think i know," jj sing songs and the others hum in agreement as you hop up the stairs and along the walkway into the room.
when you get into the room spencer is stood in front of the biggest whiteboard you've possibly ever seen, marker in hand though the board is still empty of his handwriting
"spence? angel?" you say quietly, staring at his back as he starts to write the measurements of the walls in his living room, "everything alright?"
he hums, not turning to look at you as he continues to work through the problem, "yeah, fine, just can't think properly when you're around," he admits, "not when you look like that," he turns slightly to look at you
"oh, do you want me to leave?" you're sad, its obvious in your voice. nervously you start fiddling with the sleeves of your sweatshirt
your boyfriend gasps, "no, no, honey that's not what i meant!" he says, holding his arm out. you slide into the space, head resting on his shoulder, "you're so beautiful and i love you so much, so so much, my brain just switches off when you’re around"
"really?" you giggle, looking up at him. he hums and nods his head, a light blush rushes up his neck before taking over his cheeks, "i love you too,"
he's taller than you, forcing you onto your tip toes to kiss him, not caring when someone, emily, whoops from the bullpen. gentle hands squeeze at your waist, while you hold his face with one hand, the other resting on his shoulder
"three litres," spencer mumbles against your mouth, you pull away with a sight hum, forgetting what you'd asked of him, "you need three but it's cheaper to just buy five and have left over, now come back" he huffs, his arm wrapping tighter around you to pull you back in for another kiss
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thanks for reading! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily!! send prompts to my ask box!
❥ spencer reid masterlist !!
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c4ttheart · 6 months
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taylor swift and travis kelce who ?
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it’s been about two days since the party, and god, sae wishes he never went. because now, the internet is blowing up about how he would apparently be dating you, and he is sitting in front of his exasperated manager and publicist who are desperately trying to make him understand the situation.
"why the hell would i date her ?" he spits out, venom laced in his tone. wasn’t he supposed to be a bachelor or something ?
"again, sae, it wouldn’t be real. just for a few months or so, you know ?" his manager pleads, like he has done so many times before (in vain.) the auburn haired male is about to retort a negation again, but is rudely interrupted when his publicist speaks up.
"do you not understand ? your following count has gone up by like, three million ? do you even know how many people came to your game last night just in hopes to see a glimpse of (name) in the bleachers ? do you realise how much good this would do to your reputation ? she is three times more famous than you, for god’s sake ! people are actually getting involved into soccer !" he screams out, tussling his hair beneath his hands, almost ripping his roots out.
"they call me (name)’s boyfriend." he says, voice laced with such disdain it almost gives his manager a heart attack.
"okay, maybe they do, but does that really matter when your salary has doubled ?"
and that, is how he finds himself in front of you, eating lunch, situated on a table a little too close to the window for his liking. he isn’t new to paparazzi, no, but he definitely doesn’t want to expose himself to the world like he is doing right now.
the restaurant is nothing fancy. it’s four stars, but the food is mediocre. the ceiling is white and high, littered with golden edges and big artificial chandeliers. the walls are white as well, and the structure makes him think of the fancy paris appartements, old, but beautiful. you’re sitting in front of him, another dress similar to the one from the party, albeit a bit more casual placed atop your body. outside, the sky is a vibrant blue, showcasing the contrasting yellow of the bright sun. everything screams fake and dishonest. the weather is too nice to be true for the end of november, and your uneasy expression gives away both your discomfort.
"um, so, tell me about yourself." you squeak out, fork playing with the rest of your food on your plate, avoiding his glare like you’re a little kid who just did something they weren’t supposed to.
"dunno. i play soccer. i’m twenty one, and-"
"no, not that. the real you."
he stays silent, and watches as your eyes bore into his. his brows furrow, what do you mean ? did he learn his whole practice speech by heart just for you to be uninterested in it ?
you sigh, and speak up again, "for example, i find comfort in consistent sounds. like the tapping of my heel against the floor that i know has been bothering ever since we sat down."
yes, he definitely noticed, and he cared, but he wasn’t about to make some rude remark about it, not when so many people were watching him. his brows furrow again. "i like green."
you hum, and the ghost of a smile is present on your lips. that’s good, right ?
"your eyes are green." you say, matter of factly, and he deadpans because yes, he knows that too so why are you pointing it out ?
"i know." he replies with a small gruff, as he stares at you again. you laugh, hand covering your mouth like he remembers you doing two nights ago. he doesn’t really know what’s funny, but he lets you finish, because even if you’re making fun of him, he thinks you’re pretty when he can spot your big toothy smile and puffed out cheeks. he looks away, pretending to stare at the glittering buildings in the distance.
"i originally didn’t want to be a middle fielder." he adds, and you smile again. he’s opening up.
"i originally never even thought of being a singer." you somewhat reply to him, the smile never leaving your lips even though he can tell this one is more forced than the previous one he witnessed.
but he doesn’t comment on it, he just hums. he never really was much of a talker anyways.
"who’s amaya ?" he finds himself asking instead, and his fiddles with his fingers when he hears a camera shutter nearby. you notice this, and place a hand atop of his in a way of unspoken comfort. the act causes more clicks to be heard, but you both pretend you are blind to it.
then you answer, your voice low, barely above a whisper like you are about to divulge to him some incredible secret. "my manager. she’s more of a best friend though, she takes care of me when life doesn’t."
his eyes slightly widen at your response, confused and intrigued at the same time. you aren’t blind, you see it, the lost look he gives you but you just flash your teeth at him and straighten your posture. "i’m just saying, you need a pretty good lawyer if you ever want to work in the music industry. shall we get out of here ?"
he nods, and lets you guide him to the backdoor like you have leaded the conversation. fifty hours ago, your name was one sae had briefly heard on the radio, but now, you were supposedly his and a lot more to handle than he imagined.
taglist (open)
@rroxii @hellothere9597 @melon-garden @kurowvie
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hearts-4-vicky · 5 months
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ugh this girl shes so cute like… im actually so down BAD its not even funny
Hi my loves🫶🏼 this was supposed to be longer n come quicker but i forgot to save my draft n i was so fucking done UGHHHH.. I just wanted to put something out for you guys as a thank you for all the support my last post got❤️❤️❤️ I never thought id be postin on here but 😛
anyway, tall! bodyguard! fem reader x wonyoung has been taking over my mind lately yall dont even understand 😭🙏 (this isnt proofread cuz im so done, so sorry my loves if theres something wrong😔)
lets say ur a bit older than Yujin (like by a couple months) n ur first official job as a bodyguard is to make sure Ive makes it to a pop up event safely😝 Starship hired so many of u guys because sasaengs have been appearing more frequently than before. So here comes you and like nearly 3 dozen more guards though you stand out due to how tall u r😍😍😍(like taller than 6’4 cuz babygirl wony is already tall asf😔🙏) n your build (muscular women r so fine UGHHHH)
You and the rest of the squad were walking to the girls big ass dressing room, though you felt many eyes on you. Its something you’re used to, always being the tallest in the room (cant relate😭) Arriving at the dressing room door gets you a bit nervous since you know how big ive is as a group and how stunning they are😍😍😍 Once you guys were given the green light to enter, you need to lean down to fit through the door. seeing this, one of your colleagues snickers, making you roll your eyes.
Ive’s manager introduces you and the rest of your crew to the members, short n sweet. As their manager was just giving a brief run down abt whats gonna happen once you guys arrive, Wonyoung notices you. You were much taller than her and stronger too from what she can see😍 baby girl would be so shocked since most girls shes met have never been taller than her🥺 She was so focused on you that she didnt notice how one of her members eyes were also glued to you😛
ur bitch ass was zoning the fuck out but still kinda listening to the manager but you noticed how drop dead gorgeous the members were (same) though you were always drawn to the tallest member. Her beauty had you practically fawning over her that you didnt even notice the rest of the squad (ayeee pull up wit da gang😝😝😝😝 im so sorry) left to go to the vans you all arrived in😭 Flustered at this, you jog to the door to catch up, hitting your head on the doorframe in the process 🥺🥺🥺 You hear giggles after, but failing to notice how Wonyoung’s eyes were full with concern. Whimpering at the slight sting, you hold your head while still trying to catch up with the rest.🥺🥺🥺
Wonyoung watches as you disappear into the distance, pouting as she hears her members talk about how cute you were🙏 she starts paying attention after hearing yujin ask if they was a chance you were single😭 “Maybe, but not after im done talking with her..” Gaeul says proudly, though its short lived as Wonyoung hears Rei respond “Unnie, she’d have to go her her knees to kiss yo-“YAH!” The room fills with laughter as the eldest sulks in her spot, mumbling how unfair life is. Wonyoung’s mind goes back to you, not wanting to hear her members talk about how they want to get to know you more😜
timeskip to the event cuz im SICK AND TIRED OF THIS APP.
You and the other bodyguards line up behind each side of the rope safety barriers (is that what its called…) You were near entrance of the building and could already seen waves of people try to get a glimpse of the idols that were soon to arrive
As the van pulls up you can hear the crowd getting louder by the second. They only get louder as the girls start to come out, first with Yujin, then Gaeul, Rei, Wonyoung, Liz, and lastly Leeseo. Camera flashes and screams fill the air as the girls walk to the entrance of the building. They do their best to get there in a short amount of time while also interacting with fans
It was going smoothly, with the three eldest already at the door, waiting for the other members. Wonyoung was just a couple steps away from them before a man grips her wrist and pulls her closer to him. She tries to fight back but he is much stronger, tightening his already harsh grip. You act quickly, making the man let go and shoving him as hard as you can. He has a pissed off look on his face but it soon turns to fear as he sees you towering over him. The man nearly shits his pants after you bend your knees to be at eye level with him, hearing you call him the harshest words that come to mind.
After that, you let another bodyguard deal with the man as you turn your body to face the shaking girl. (babygirl was a bit scared cuz u seemed so pissed🥺🥺🥺) Your eyes soften at her state, shes frozen in her spot with widen eyes. Wonyoung focuses on you as you lean down to quietly talk to her. Her eyes are pretty is the first thing that comes to Wonyoung’s mind. She gazes upon your features for what feels like years, her admiration soon turning into attraction for you as she holds her now red wrist. You notice this, cursing the man in your head as you take a closer look at her wrist. holy fuck that shit is red, you meet her eyes once more, taking note on how hers seem to shine in the sunlight. “Are you feeling alright, Miss Jang?” you say in a sweet, soft tone. Wonyoung feels her heart start to race at how soft you are with her, a big contrast to how you acted to the man (duh)
“Oh-Yes! I’m okay, just a bit shaken up..” Wonyoung didnt respond right away since your warm aura made her start to relax. You nod, “Do you want me to escort you to the door?” She starts to nod, but is interrupted by her members rushing to her side asking her if shes okay. You step back, giving them their time but also waiting for her answer. After Wonyoung reassures them that shes fine she turn to you, nodding to your question from before. You failed to notice how her cheeks flushed a light pink as you walked behind her to the door🥺🥺🥺
time skip cuz its literally 1:30 am rn….
You didnt just walk her to the door but instead everywhere. You would only leave her side if she needed to take photos or use the restroom (though you were right outside the door just in case) You were following her around like a velcro puppy (clingy dog) 🥺🥺 Wonyoung thought you were so cuteee😭 she thought you were like a newfoundland puppy cuz ur so big UGH🥺 She watched as your eyes practically sparkled whenever you say something you liked or if someone brought up a topic you were interested in❤️❤️❤️ Babygirl was falling for you so hard rn
As the event was coming to an end, she wanted to go to the restroom before they left (it was an excuse to get you alone with her🫶🏼) She stopped right in front of the ladies door, making you confused. Wonyoung turns to you, leans toward you while slipping a piece of paper in your hand. She ran away shortly after to go to the rest of her members. It all happened so fast you were slow to comprehend what just happened. Reliving the moment for a few seconds you realizing she had kissed you on the cheek.
You place your empty hand over the cheek, now adored with a lipstick mark, as you smile like a dumbass😭 you hear your name being called to leave as well but before going over there, you read the note.
“Yn, I just wanted to thank you for making me feel safe and for getting to know me. I hope we meet again, as friends or maybe more?
-Wonyoung <3”
You nearly fainted reading that last part.
guys if u ever write on this app MAKE SURE YOU SAVE PLEASE…. (my asks r open if u want this to be continued or if u wanna request something❤️)
kk love you guys🫶🏼 be safe, and have a good day❤️
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kyovtani · 2 years
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࿔ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
࿔ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩!𝐀𝐔, 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝!𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢
࿔ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟒.𝟓𝐤
࿔ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨/𝐡𝐨𝐥 (𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤), 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐆 (𝐝𝐚𝐝/𝐝𝐲 𝐝0𝐦/𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥) 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐝𝐨/𝐦!𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐦.𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞/𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞/𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚/𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐞,, 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, “𝐦𝐨𝐦/𝐦𝐲” 𝐚𝐧𝐝 “𝐝𝐚𝐝/𝐝𝐲” 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
࿔ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬’ 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐲, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲…
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Suddenly, everything seems so much funnier than it actually is and although you’ve left your friends quite a while ago, you seem to have quite a good time trying to open the door to your apartment.
You’re not nearly as drunk as a few hours ago since the trip to the random burger place as well as your friends constantly handing you a water bottle has definitely helped you, whereas the funny haze clouding your brain is still quite prominent.
After what feels like hours, you finally manage to unlock the door and stumble into the hallway with each of your high heels in your hands. Your tiny bag falls to the floor as soon as you step through the doorway, as well as your phone and your keys, the loud noise of everything hitting the hardwood floor echoing in the emptiness of your living room and easily making you halt your movements.
You would never want your hard working husband to wake up from the unnecessary noise, knowing he’s taken care of all the chores around the house after a stressful week at work, just so you could have a good time with your girls. He may have his day off tomorrow but you know he’s probably gonna wake up before sunrise to go for a run with his boys, which is why you’re determined to be as quiet as you could possibly be.
And everything is going well, after the hallway part at least, until you slowly open the door to your shared bedroom and catch a glimpse of your perfect husband.
You hate the way you’re basically drowning in the waves of your sudden arousal, yet can’t even blame your body for reacting the way it does.
After opening his second tattoo studio, Iwaizumi has been a tad bit busier than before and despite being so, so proud and just as happy for the love of your life, you can’t help but miss him.
It’s definitely gotten a lot better than just a few weeks ago and you still visit him at work every two days, making sure to let him fuck your face to get rid of some of his tension.
Yet…the sight of his broad, tattoo covered back in the beautiful moonlight has your head spinning in just the right ways.
His face is basically buried in his pillow, his pouty lips slightly parted and your pillow firmly tucked in his arms, something you won’t ever get used to seeing.
And all of a sudden, your strong, intimidating husband seems nothing but soft and warm, absolutely peaceful.
You don’t want to wake him up. Especially not for something he can take care of in the morning.
But…can anybody blame you for thinking about how good his hands feel on your body, groping and kneading every bit of flesh they can find as he makes sure to hit your sweet spot with every single one of his precise thrusts.
“Daddy”, the word leaves your lips before your brain can get another second to overthink your body’s decision and if it wasn’t for the feeling of your panties sticking to your wet cunt, you might have been a little more hesitant.
“Wake up, please”, you whisper and gently caress his warm back, tracing the dark lines of his tattoos with your fingers to stop yourself from littering him in kisses.
It doesn’t take another call of his name for Iwaizumi to move underneath your touch. He calmly reaches for your hand and pulls you closer to his face to make sure he’s not dreaming.
You know how much he misses you, how much he misses the times where the two of you would spend most of your time together and how much he craves your presence during his busy, stressful days.
So maybe you’re not being as mean and ungrateful as your brain makes you think you are, which is probably why you suddenly feel a lot needier than just a minute ago.
“Baby”, Iwaizumi’s responds softly, his voice dripping in sleepiness and exhaustion, so hoarse and raspy, you can’t help but whimper as you start placing soft kisses on his shoulders, “welcome home.”
“I want you, Daddy”, you say softly, your lips pushed into a soft pout at the thought of finally getting your husband’s undivided attention. It’s the middle of the night. Nobody’s going to interrupt you with a call or a message or even a knock on the door, asking for something only Iwaizumi knows the solution for.
“How was your night, Princess?”, Hajime mumbles and turns to lay on his back, presenting his toned chest to your hungry eyes and without even hesitating, you lean over and finally start kissing his hot skin.
As soon as his brain processes the feeling of your lips on his body, Iwaizumu starts rumbling, a gentle moan escaping his sore throat and you can’t help but be surprised about his reactions to your touch still being so intense after all these years.
“Was good”, you reply and push the blanket away from his legs to straddle his lap and sigh softly as soon as you feel the thickness of his cock pressing against your needy cunt.
“Yeah, Baby? Seems like you enjoyed yourself, mhm”, his response is calm, whereas the movements of his hands gently kneading the flesh of your thighs is the exact opposite and pushes you even further into your arousal.
“Daddy, please”, you can’t believe just how needy you are, especially considering he hasn’t done or barely said anything yet, though you do like to blame this on the alcohol in your system.
“My pretty girl, what’s wrong? Missed me so much you just had to wake me up to get your cute little cunt fucked, hm?”, this time Hajime sounds a lot more playful, a sleepy smile slowly appears on his lips and the way his eyes are greedily roaming your body manages to pull a tiny whimper from your throat.
“Yes, Daddy”, after so many nights refusing to give him the first response he has punished you for so many times already, your brain has pushed every bit of bratty attitude to the very back of your head and your husband seems to be just as surprised as you.
“Oh? No back talk? No denying?”
You’re quick to shake your head before you reach for the hem of your tiny dress as the heat from your arousal starts to overwhelm your body. Iwaizumi does nothing but watch and observe. You know he’s taking in the sight of your perked nipples and the rapid movement of your chest from the excitement rushing through you. Usually you still feel a little shy about his strong gaze, you don’t even know why, you’ve been dating him for so long after all. This time however, you’re fully enjoying the way he’s eating you alive and feel your confidence hitting the skyline within a second.
“Can I please suck your cock? Couldn’t stop thinking about the way you taste.”
In response to this request, Iwaizumi can’t help but chuckle. You watch his eyes disappearing into two little half moons as he parts his lips and throws his head back to let out the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard.
However, in your drunk state you just just start pouting from the bit of embarrassment making it through the haze of your neediness.
“You’re so fucking cute, Baby”, as soon as Hajime spots your face, he smiles and reassures you with a gentle touch to your cheek and a soft kiss to your hand, “I’m so in love with you.”
Maybe it’s because you’ve been missing him so much and maybe it’s because you haven’t seen him all day, but for some reason his random love confession brings tears to your eyes and with a tiny little whimper you bury your face in his neck.
“I’m so in love with you, too”, your words are incoherent and the sound of your voice makes Iwaizumi giggle even more and if it wasn’t for the feeling of his hands on your ass, you would have fallen asleep in that exact position.
But as soon as the gentle pain of his tight grip on your soft flesh washes over you, your cries die down and you’re back where you’re supposed to be within a second.
“There you go”, Iwaizumi suddenly smiles when you pull away from his neck to sit up straight, whimpering at the feeling of his cock against your needy cunt yet again, “hi.”
His little greeting melts your heart easily and if it wasn’t for the lack of rational thoughts in your head, you would have gotten flustered and shy the way you usually do when he’s as sweet as this, yet at this point you can’t help but think about being stuffed and fucked for hours.
“Go ahead then, Angel. You woke me up just to have your pretty pussy stuffed, I deserve to be a little spoiled, don’t I?”, he mumbles and pushes your pillow underneath his head to get a better look at you, sighing softly when you start nodding in response to his teasing.
“Yes, Daddy”, you reply, get off of his lap to sit in between his strong legs and let the urge to litter his warm skin in open mouthed kisses take over you. You’ve never been the type to go crazy over certain body parts, yet with Iwaizumi Hajime you spend literal hours just appreciating and worshiping every single part of him – especially his thighs.
The amount of times you’ve covered them in your marks and kisses is uncountable and to your luck, your husband absolutely does not mind.
As soon as you start sucking on the sensitive skin of his inner thighs, Hajime lets out a raspy moan of your name and throws his head back into the pillows. He’s generally quite sensitive to your touch, but the moment he wakes up, everything you do and touch manages to overwhelm his body in the best way possible.
“Don’t tease me”, he warns and places his hand on your cheek, making you look up at him to meet his strong gaze.
“But you’re so pretty…so strong and perfect, can’t help it”, you’re surprised about how easy it seems to be to just say everything that’s on you remind and wish you could always be like this, because the sight of Iwaizumi blushing is probably the best thing you’ve ever witnessed.
“I’m getting flustered, stop it.”
Moments like these bring you all the way back to the very beginning of your relationship with the tattoo artist and with a cheeky smile, you continue to pull the warm skin in between your lips before your tongue licks over the tiny mark you leave each time.
Iwaizumi’s eyes roll into the back of his head and give you the signal to place your hand over the bulge in his boxers, palming his rock hard cock through the fabric and humming at the feeling you’ve grown oh so familiar with.
It doesn’t take long for the hunger to take over you and before you can actually give it another thought, you greedily pull his underwear down his thick thighs and throw them to side and quickly wrap your fingers around his length.
“Fuck”, Hajime groans and bucks his hips up to push himself further into your grip as he lets out a shaky breath.
You look up at him to meet his gaze as you let a thick drop of your spit fall onto the sticky tip of his cock, spreading it over his sensitive skin and gently using it as lubricant to smoothen your strokes.
The feeling of your panties uncomfortably sticking to the wet flesh of your cunt doubles in its size the second you wrap your lips around his cock. You can’t help the muffled whimper which escapes your throat at the way his precum coats the muscle of your tongue just the way you’ve missed it oh so much. And after years of being with him, you don’t need much time to adjust and easily take the whole of his cock into your mouth, suppressing your gag reflex the second his tip hits that certain spot in the back of your throat and Iwa’s reactions are the only thing to make it so much easier.
His whole body tenses up underneath your touch, his hands tightening their grips on the bed sheets as the movements of your head start picking up their pace and all you can do is hum in response.
“Y-You’re greedier than usual, fuck”, Hajime stumbles over his words like a toddler, doesn’t even hesitate to show you just how much he’s enjoying it and you feel a wave of pride wash over you at his words.
Your hand takes over the place of your mouth to stroke his thick cock with just the right amount of pressure as you lift your head to smile up at him with swollen lips and a big smile on your face.
“I’ve missed you so much, Daddy”, you sigh and kiss your way down his shaft, shifting your attention to his angry tip and attentively watching the way he chokes on his breaths, “can’t help it.”
“My sweet little angel girl”, his answer is almost a reflex at this point, something you’ve noticed throughout the years and grew to love with each time. Ever since the two of you have established your dynamics (in- and outside the bedroom), Iwaizumi has always responded with some kind of pet name as soon as the word “Daddy” left your mouth.
“Come on, now, want you to sit on my cock”, he demands and even if there’s still playfulness lingering in his tone, you can tell from the way he’s holding himself back that he’s way closer to cumming than you thought. Usually Hajime lasts hours; his stamina grows with every day and yet, whenever you wake him up, everything you’re used to seems to get lost — and you absolutely love it.
However, you don’t pay much attention to his request and just go back to deepthroating him, almost overshadowing his deep grunts and breathy moans with the lewd sounds of your sucking and soft gagging. You feel hypnotised by his taste and sweet feeling of his cock on your tongue; something you could never admit because of how shy you are when it comes to him, which is why you’re glad that Iwaizumi’s more than aware of your obsession with his cock.
Of course he makes you chant it like it’s the only thing you know once he’s got your legs over his shoulders and his cock buried inside of your tiny cunt, but that’s different. In situations like these, he doesn’t mention but just enjoys it.
“Baby”, this time he presses the word through his gritted teeth, a deep moan is quick to follow and all you can do is suck on his tip just a little bit harder, licking up all the precum and smiling when you take him back down your throat and start swallowing.
And only a few seconds later your cloudy brain manages to remember the conversation the two of you had a couple of days ago after enjoying a well deserved date night with some wine. You’ve been thinking about it a lot and even took measures into your own hands, yet haven’t had the chance to talk to Iwaizumi about it. Not only because of how busy he’s been but also because it didn’t take up more than two minutes of your whole evening and you’ve just been too scared to disappoint yourself by getting your hopes up too high.
After being together for so long, Iwaizumi mentioned his wish to maybe start trying for a baby soon, but quickly passed it as a joke by adding a comment about wanting to breed you since that's always been a shared kink of the two of you, which is probably why you’ve been so unsure about it. However, the calm expression in his gentle eyes was genuine and serious, you couldn’t help but believe him..
You didn’t even have to overthink his words because if there’s one thing you’ve been waiting for – after getting married – it’s this. And now that your husband seems to feel ready and confident, you’re determined to make his, and your, wishes come true.
“Are you gonna give me a baby?”
Despite being quite sure about it, you just want to make sure he hasn’t changed his mind and you’re glad your brain manages to form rational thoughts like this.
And as if Iwaizumi had yet to wake up, his head shoots up from the pillow, his pretty eyes falling on your face in absolute shock and just from the way his cock twitches in your loose grip, you can actually tell how excited he is.
Usually you don’t have a problem reading his body language, but in your and his current state you’re just glad you have something to rely on.
“Are you fucking serious?”, Hajime whispers and reaches for your face, pulling you up gently to sit on your knees in between his legs before he gulps harshly.
“Yes, Daddy”, you whisper against his lips and pull the flesh of the bottom one in between your teeth, “I’ve wanted it for so long.”
Your husband stops functioning for a good second. All he does is stare at you with wide eyes, flushed cheeks and parted lips before he watches the way you get rid of your panties and straddle his lap yet again to press your cunt against his shaft.
“You’re tipsy, Princess”, you know he’s unsure due to different reasons, but you’re not hesitant to reassure him so all you can do is shake your head in response.
"I'm tipsy, yes. But I wanna make you an actual Daddy so bad, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I’ve just been waiting for you to feel ready, I promise.”
Iwaizumi still hesitates.
The two of you only talked briefly about this and no matter how much he wants to start a family with you, he would hate himself for pushing you to do something you’re not ready for.
You sigh softly and reach in between your legs to take his pulsating cock into your hand, ignoring the deep moan from your husband as you rub the head against your clit and then lift your hips up to push his tip inside of you.
A tiny whimper falls past your lips at the way that’s enough to stretch you out, something you won’t ever get used to no matter how much time passes.
Hajime can’t think properly; the feeling of your cute little pussy clenching around his head pushes him even deeper into the sweetest haze of pleasure and all he can do is to grab your hips for some kind of steadiness.
“Baby…”, “I stopped taking my birth control almost a week ago.” You don’t let him finish his doubts and make sure to look into the sweet brown of his eyes to let him know just how serious you are, regardless of your slightly drunk state.
“That’s why we haven’t fucked the past few days, Daddy. I never got the chance to talk to you about this…because of how busy you’ve been and if you didn’t want it anymore, I would have just gone back to taking it.”
If it wasn’t for the way you’re slowly sinking down on his cock, taking every inch of his thick length like the good girl you are and only whimpering once he’s all the way inside of you, Iwaizumi would have stopped breathing. You’re aware how overwhelming the whole situation is for him: he just woke up, is already balls deep buried inside of you and has yet to process trying for an actual baby.
And you’re trying your best to take it easy on your husband because all of this is a serious and important topic, maybe something the two of you should discuss in the morning, but you’ve been waiting for so long and after holding yourself off for a whole week, you’ve had enough.
“Say something, Daddy, please”, you pout and place your hands on his chest to bend down a little and get a better look at his face.
You place a soft kiss to his pretty lips and try to ignore the nervousness spreading in your body in response to his silence.
“My only love”, Iwaizumi suddenly whispers and pulls you into a needy kiss, knocking the air out of your lungs with just a swift movement of his head and all you’re left to do is give into the sweetness of it. It’s a clash of teeth and tongues, heavy breaths and the urge to be as close to each other as possible – something you’ve missed way too much in the past few days.
Hajime doesn’t slow down as he pushes you onto your back, making sure to stay inside of you just to thrust himself as deep inside of you as possible once he’s gotten comfortable in between your legs.
“That‘s my — fuck — good girl. I‘m so proud of you, Baby”, your husband praises you softly and intertwines his fingers with yours, gripping your hands a little tighter as he watches his cock stretch out your tight little hole just like that.
You nod appreciatively and hiss softly followed by a loud moan when he pulls himself all the way out of you, dragging his thick cock along the spongy wall of your cunt just to ram himself into you again.
Hajime fucks you slowly, sensually; thrusting his length into you and bottoming out every single time,his thick tip grazing the entrance of your womb, while he watches your expressions. His thrusts find a steady rhythm, hard and rather slow yet still so, so deep he manages to hit all of your sweetest spots and in between all those praises and dirty words, Iwaizumi whispers little love confession into your ear every now and then as he continues pounding into you.
You actually have no idea when you start crying but by the time Hajime’s moans and grunts start to pick up their volume, growing louder and more high pitched, you're a sobbing mess.
“You’re gonna be such a good Mommy, Angel”, he whispers and leaves a row of open mouthed kisses on your neck, “you’re gonna do so well, I just know it.”
His words are genuine and they give you just the right amount of a confidence boost to push every other doubt about motherhood and everything it comes with completely out of your head; something only Iwaizumi’s ever been able to do.
His name leaves your lips in the form of loud moans, breathy whimpers, desperate cries and pleasure filled sobs filling the silence of the night besides the prominent sound of skin meeting skin when your husband decides to pick up his pace.
He starts thrusting into you harder, a little bit faster and a little less careful, his eyes focusing the tears streaming down your cheeks and the drool dripping down your chin because you couldn‘t get yourself to close your mouth.
The taste of your upcoming high coats the muscke of your tongue in the sweetest way possible and your grip in Hajime’s dark now slightly damp hair tightening as you try to warn him, despite being sure he’s already noticed the way you have started to clench around his cock a little harder than just a few minutes ago. And as if he could read your mind, Iwa pulls away and cups your hot cheek softly before he asks you to open your eyes.
"Cum for me, my Love; show me what only I can do to you and look me in the eyes, yeah? Can you do that for me, Pretty Girl?"
You nod and whimper into his mouth when his other hand wanders in between your bodies, his thumb drawing yet another set of circles into your sensitive clit and with the way he is thrusting into you, you just can’t hold it back any longer.
Your high comes crashing down onto you with such heaviness, you’re left absolutely breathless and with a white curtain covering your sight for a few seconds.
You chant Hajime’s name like a mantra, as if it is the only word in your vocabulary and for a few seconds you’re convinced you’ve actually passed out. You have absolutely no idea how long it takes you to calm down as the aftermath of your orgasm waves through your body, lingering underneath the surface and making you whimper every time a jolt of sweet pleasure rushes through you.
Even when you slowly but surely came down from your intense high, “Daddy” is the only thing you manage to whisper against his plump lips.
"That's my Baby, such a good, good girl for me. I'm so proud of you", Hajime praises you, his thrust a little sloppier than before and from the way he is digging his fingers into the soft flesh of your waist, you can tell how close he is to cumming, "you're also going to take all of my cum, right? You’re gonna make me proud and make me a Daddy, don’t you, Angel?”
You take a deep breath, the slight overstimulation sending shivers down your spine as your eyes focus on Iwaizumi's parted lips and the way he keeps moaning your name.
"Please, Daddy, need you to fill me up with your cum and put a baby into my belly", you encourage him and as soon as those words leave your lips, a row of profanities falls past your lover’s lips and he thrusts his cock as deep inside of your tight cunt as possible.
Your fingers come to pull at the thick strands of his dark hair again and you – finally – get to watch his whole face scrunch up in pleasure, his body tensing up and halting every single one of his movements before he cums with a loud moan and coats your sensitive walls in several shades of white with three thick spurts of his creamy cum.
Hajime buries his face in the crook of your neck as he calms down, loud pants, heavy breathing and rapid heartbeats the only noises to fill your ear.
"I love you so much", he whispers and gives you a soft kiss, his cock slowly softening inside of you before he softly smiles at you; looking almost boyish with his messy hair and flushed cheeks.
"I love you, too, so fucking much", you reply and go in for another kiss, this time a little more when you thrust your tongue into his hot mouth.
Neither one of you manages to gather the energy to get up and clean the mess you’ve made – or just pull out, and neither one of you manages to care enough.
You’re absentmindedly playing with Hajime’s hair and enjoy the feeling of his calloused fingers caressing your thighs before you take a deep breath and give him a forehead kiss.
“I hope they get your eyes”, you whisper and sigh softly, “and your sweet soul.”
You don’t realise that Iwaizumi has fallen asleep already but once you do, you can’t help but chuckle at the sight of his pouted lips and flushed face.
And after so many days of missing each other, you’ve finally gotten your well deserved intimacy and for the first time in so long, you fall asleep with your as close to you as physically possible.
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࿔ 𝐀/𝐍: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐒/𝐅𝐖 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬 @takaholic ‘𝐬 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐜 “𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐩” 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 “𝐈𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬” 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐞𝐝/𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭!𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞! 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 (𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 <𝟑) 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭. 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐱 𝐳𝐚𝐝𝐞
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gilbirda · 13 days
The king's dead (long live the king) - Masterpost
In this post I'll be updating everything I have on this AU. The tag will be "Eldritch Ghost King!Danny" if you want to search my blog!
It was a big project I wanted to challenge myself with, with crazy lore and worldbuilding, with a lot of exploration of eldritchness and angst. But I just got absorbed by DPxDC crossover, saw my niche in writing romance, got obsessed with Jason and Jazz and the rest is history.
I feel it's a crime none of this will probably see the light of day, so. Here. Chaotic mode it is. Fish my posts boy. I will post sporadically about this AU. You have been warned.
If someone wants to take anything from the lore or ideas, you are welcome to! Tag me so I can check it out!
Also I'm down for discussing AU with people 👀✨
What is this fic about?
This was supposed to be my magnum opus. It's the "main" fic in my AO3 series You and me and our best friends make three. So far the series has side stories or one shots located in different moments of the story. The main fic was supposed to tell the full story on how it happened, how we ended up here.
Back in 2021, when I went down the rabbit hole with Danny Phantom, I envisioned a neat AU where Danny was this eldritch ghost king... with a twist.
I love eldritch Danny (those who know me can confirm) but I wanted to explore something I haven't seen a lot even in the angst torture-vivisection saturated market of this 20 year old fandom:
What if the Ghost King is not power, but a sacrifice?
What if it is not known that the Ghost King is actually the host of a powerful entity (I called it The Whisper, because it talks in your mind in whispers) who is always hungry. Always. Hungry. And if it doesn't have a host will eat all the Infinite Realms then the Living World.
The Ghost King makes a pact with the Whisper. The King can tap into the ectoplasm, the energy, of every creature, object, city, etc. in the Realms and convert that energy into food for the Whisper.
But nobody knows this. Is a secret shared from King to King, and you only find out after accepting the crown.
Why would you refuse? Is the King, it's an honor, is power, is greatness. Who would deny the Whisper its food?
Only one managed to sever the connection.
His name was Pariah Dark.
He went insane.
What is The Whisper?
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Basically this ⬆
Is a cosmic entity that was stranded on Earth a loooong time ago. It created the Infinite Realms with its flesh and blood (ectoplasm) and all ectoplasmic creatures come from it.
But its hungry.
Posted chunks of story so far and their order in the timeline:
Act I:
Desired - Danny meets the Core for the first time
Ceremony - Danny is crowned King
Party like you are dead - the Ghost King invites all of Amity Park to his castle. Reveals all around.
Act II:
Never judge a book by its cover (dpxdc crossover)(my very first dpxdc work!) - Justice League summons the Ghost King to help deal with an eldritch creature. What they get may be a worse monster
Hidden identities? Never heard of them (dpxdc crossover) - direct sequel to the previous part. Batman and some of the colony go to Amity to investigate. They catch glimpses of horrors that they can't help but wonder
Remedy (+18!!!)(my very first DP fanfic!) - self indulgent Porn Without Plot in this universe. Placed in a distant future where everything is fine
Race ya! - funny haha thing set a bit after Remedy
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tokoyamisstuff · 9 months
Punchline pt. 1/3 - Buggy / Reader
Ch. 1 : Setup
Synopsis: Buggy is devastated that his s/o can't remember him.
Warnings: Slight Angst, Mentions of Blood and Injury, Some Cussing, Reader is so oblivious it physically hurts to watch
Tags: F!Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Miscommunication, Canon Divergence, Happy Ending, Not Proofread
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Disclaimer: Guys I'm not rly into the lore of OP but I got a bad case of brainrot for the LA characters.
Sincerely sorry in case anything seems a lil' OOC or AU!
"Get. Out."
Buggy's voice may appear calm on the outside, yet it was low and laced with an unspoken threat. His words directed to the crew medic that was currently standing in the doorframe of the captains lair, not daring to move an inch.
And yet he wouldn't leave, instead gulping nervously as Buggy's icy glare kept him rooted on spot. To get a glimpse of the unconscious body in the back of the cabin, he dared breaking eye contact and peeking over his captain's shoulder - much to the displeasure of the latter.
"B-But boss" the man managed to wring out, stuttering in negative anticipation of the consequences. "You haven't let anyone close to her since the...incident. I-I really need to re-examine her wounds-"
"Do not make me repeat myself!" the clown sharpy cut off his subordinate, absentmindedly moving the daggers in his hands to soothe his nerves. "You better be grateful that you're of use to me." No, her, he corrected himself mentally, "Otherwise you'd be dead meat already. Now get lost."
As soon as the heavy wooden door shut, Buggy sent one of his daggers to pierce the place his crewmate had just occupated. How ironic he thought - a few years prior someone daring to talk back to him would've gotten pierced with no hesitation.
It was no news that Buggy had gotten softer ever since you stumbled into his life, and he still didn't know if it was for better or worse.
Anyways, his crewmates started to notice the subtle changes in their once feared - and loathed - captain.
Not that it mattered right now. As long as your life was still on the line, he couldn't care less about his reputation.
The man let out a deep, aggravated sigh before turning on that damn uncomfortable stool to face you again. Godfuckingdamnit, he never realized what a drunk he had become until he actually had to stay sober for your sake.
It had been three weeks already, and still no sign of recovery. You were still unconscious - no wonder, with injuries that heavy it was a miracle that you were even alive. And all this time Buggy refused to leave your side even for one second, watching you like a feral guard dog.
Not even his most loyal men had seen him this devastated before.
Right now you were staining the sheets of Buggy's bed with your own blood, having soaked through the bandages again. Nothing your lover couldn't fix though - he'd be damned if he weren't able to take proper care of you himself!
After all, he had once promised to give you the world.
And even when you humbly declined this great announcement of his back then, Buggy had already long since decided that you deserved nothing less.
In fact - though he would never openly say it aloud - you might be the only thing he held higher than himself.
Those kinds of sentiments were new to him and certainly didn't come easy either, but underneath it all he cared so deeply for you that it frightened him sometimes...
...exactly because of moments like those that leave him all helpless.
The very same man that sacrificed even his own men if it meant he could get away unharmed now wished to take this pain on your stead. Hell, even all of his riches he would gladly cast away if it meant seeing you smile again.
Instead he was left only being able to watch you suffer, maybe crack a joke or two in hope you might in fact hear him somehow.
"Now wake up, would you...this ain't funny" he muttered under a shaky breath, his hand lingering on your cheek for a bit longer after having placed a wet cloth on your forehead.
Maybe the sobriety made him clear-headed for a change, or it was the simple fact that you were alone, and therefore he could drop his usual facade.
Whatever it was, it urged him to speak from the heart.
"Shit, Y/N, I almost lost you there..." The man buried his face in his hands, voice cracking as he remembered how bravely you shielded him with your own body, saving him from a possibly lethal attack. "That shit could've cost you your life! And for what? Saving someone like me?! Quit joking!"
Well, truth be spoken, from his point of view this whole relationship was ridiculous from the very start - a joke without punchline, some might say.
Nonetheless, even though he had yet to understand how he of all people ended up so lucky, he wouldn't change it for the world.
For a moment he was contemplating whether to lie down next to you - and honestly, the temptation to cradle you in his arms was far too great to put into words - yet he refrained from doing so. You needed space either way, and he felt somewhat undeserving of your closeness after he had failed to protect you, after all.
"Of course he could lie down next to you - and in all honesty the temptation to cradle you in his arms was more like a need to him - but he refrained from doing so. You needed space either way, and he felt undeserving of your closeness after he had failed to protect you.
"You just wait, I'll become even flashier for your sake!" he promised with a determination, almost like newfound purpose. "Something like this won't happen again, promise!"
Squeezing your hands ever so slightly, he placed a kiss on your knuckles before wrapping the blanket to cover you completely. "I may be an egoistical, worthless scumbag but I'd do anything for you! Just get well, that's all I ask."
It was already way past midnight, and Buggy was still sitting on the chair next to your bedside, his face buried in the mattress as he collapsed due to exhaustion...
...yet he jolted up as soon as he felt you move.
Your face was contorting in pain as you stirred on the bed, basically your whole body aching - and the hammering sensation in your forehead was the worst of it all.
"Heya, Honey!" A way too enthusiastic voice exclaimed, "Was about time you woke up."
Due to your ears still ringing you could barely understand, all you gathered from the sound was that you were not alone in this almost completely dark room.
Panic began to rise in your chest because when the pain finally ebbed away, it made room for you to realize the complete void in your mind.
Where- no, who are you?!
Almost violently casting away the sheet you were tangled in, you frantically scanned your brain for some kind of hint, any memory at all, no matter how trivial...
...yet were left with noting but a vast emptiness.
"Hey! Heyheyheyheyhey!" That apparently male voice again, cutting your pondering out just before you hyperventillated yourself into collapsing. "You're having a panic attack or something?"
"Shh" the unfamiliar voice started to hush you - his tone mixed with an emotion you couldn't quite decipher - yet very obviously overchallenged with soothing someone. "It's alright, don't overdo it. You just woke up."
That person gently grabbed the sides of your shoulders, guiding you back to lie down again. You were too weak to struggle against that foreign touch either way...
...but there was also such a great and genuine concern present in his tone, that this stranger did seem to miraculously calm you down to some extent.
No matter who this man was, it seemed that he was really worried for your wellbeing.
From what you could assess already, at least it seemed like you were in a safe place, and with someone who nurses your injured self back to health at that...
...however, ultimatively that false impression of safety would quickly disappear as soon as you opened your eyes.
Blinking heavily so your sight would adapt to the almost nonexistent light source of the room, the blurred outline of a person would finally become more detailed - and what you then saw made your blood run cold.
His usual trademark grin appeared as a menacing gnarl to you, unknowingly making your fear even worse as he suddenly watched your face becoming drained of any colour.
"What the fuck-!" you screeched at this sight of a literal horror clown, reaching out to get you like straight out of a nightmare. Immediately shuffling away from him, you fell over the edge of the bed just to be caught into his very arms again.
"Dear, are you alri-"
"Leave me alone!" you then screamed, lashing out at the man while starting to sob uncontrollably.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Buggy would now snap back at you - admittedly not the best way to deal with the situation.
You yelled and cursed and cried as the man struggled to keep you trapped in his embrace, in a naive hope that you'd calm down and then maybe talk about whatever in the world had gotten into you - but to no avail as it seemed, since with every second passing you only got more hysterical.
"I'm starting to get angry, dollface" the killer clown chuckled darkly, a little out of breath at least, since you could still put up quite a fight. "Don't make me use my powers on you!"
Damn, sometimes he forgot that even while appearing all frail and innocent, you could pack a proper punch- and he got a harsh reminder of it as soon as your fist hit the bottom of his chin.
"Heh, feisty little thing. Now that's my girl!" He laughed, relieved to see you being so lively again - yet his insane, dark chuckle had the exact opposite effect he was hoping for. He wiped the blood from his bottom lip, the red liquid mixing with the make-up around his mouth. "Well, I warned ya."
If you thought to be at your lowest before, you surely didn't anticipate the man in front of you to just casually detach both his hands as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"M-Monster!" you shrieked as the gloved hands started flying to your direction, pausing for a sheer second as the word that fell from your lip made his chest narrow.
"Don't to-ouch me, you freak!" Ouch. That one hurt more than he cared to admit, so he covered it up by acting all confident and amused. "Takes one to know one, love."
Still, Buggy refused to believe that he or his presence might be responsible for this mess. He might've done a ton of mistakes in his life, but he was proud to call you one of the - if not the best - things he ever did right!
You must've hit your head really badly to act like this.
"It's only for your own good, sweetheart." Why the hell was that asshole calling you those names? To degrade you? To show you he doesn't take you serious?
No use in brooding about something so trivial as the most apparent threat were his hands. They were way too fast anyways, so you unsucessfully warded them off. Your wrists got pinned behind your back, tugging on you to lie on the bare floor, incapable to move.
"If you keep moving so recklessly your wounds will reopen, dear." You furrowed your brows together in confusion, eyeing the figure approaching you varily. "Look, I'll explain everything okay? Just calm down and let me help you. Stop making it harder than it has to be."
Trying to make any sense out of this situation left you with the only logical explanation: This...person right there was a pirate who - for whatever reason - had kidnapped and abused you to this point.
No matter how you ended up here, you needed to flee and get help, the sooner the better!
With every firm step of his towards you your alarm bells rang louder and louder, but your body was still weak and you had a disadvantage in both power and knowledge of your surroundings.
So you saved up your last ounce of strenght for one last, desperate attack.
"C'mon" he now said with a way more tender voice, and admittedly it was almost alluring in it's sound, weirdly enough pulling on your heartstrings. "Let's get you back to bed, should we? I swear upon the little honor I have, I'd never hurt you."
"Fuck you!" you then roared just when he had crouched down in front of you, the force of your kick having sent him a good distance away and into the next best wall.
It took everything to not faint right then and there, but no matter who you were before all this, it seemed like you were no ordinary human either. So you went even beyond those limits and forced your legs to keep going...
...but not without shooting one last, derogatory and disgusted look towards your tormentor.
Buggy reached out of the collapsed wall with a shaky hand, your attack having kicked all air out of his lungs. He mutely called your name in between coughs and almost-sobs, still worried and wanting to plead for you to stay...
...but then you silenced him with a sentence that will be carved into his heart forever:
"Better not chase me, you ugly freak."
Maybe this was the punchline to the cruel joke that was your relationship after all.
[Next Chapter]
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billpottsismygf · 9 days
Oh wow, I have some complex feelings to work through with this one. Up front, really fun idea and very funny script and performances. There were quite a few moments that had me laughing out loud (the shed, the OK exchange) and I love the whole set up of these aliens who want to cosplay as humans in the regency era. It also connects nicely with Rogue's love of DND. I feel like I might have missed something when they seemed to know that the Duchess was a Chuldur, but I'll see if I catch that on rewatch or not.
As always, I adore Ncuti here. He's so funny and charming as the Doctor, but I particularly loved that we got to see his darker side here. It was only a glimpse, but that line about 600 years being a long time to suffer was quite chilling and very reminiscent of the "he was being kind" speech from Family of Blood. Indeed, it is quite a ruthless end for the Chuldur! They're sent to a random "barren" different dimension! It reminds me quite a bit of the relocation gun from Rosa and how much it was shown to be one of the worst things you could do to someone (and Ryan uses it on the white supremacist guy). Brutal!
Ruby and the Doctor didn't get to spend much time together this episode, which is a shame because we haven't seen all that much of them together for three episodes in a row now. I can't help but think it's a sad consequence of the tiny episode run that we barely get to see this Doctor and companion interact, so although I loved the Doctor calling her his best friend, and I especially loved her giving him a hug at the end and making him deal with his emotions, I don't feel that connection as much as I'd like to. Equally, when he's devastated to think she's been killed, it would have hit so much harder if we'd seen them build up a real relationship. They have a lot of natural chemistry, so you still very much believe them as best friends, but it feels like we're missing a bit of the depth there.
Okay, now, the romance! I was quite apprehensive about this one because it looked like there might be something going on between the Doctor and Rogue, and that was further fueled by a comment Millie Gibson made in an interview about this episode showing a different side of the Doctor. The reason that made me apprehensive is entirely down to my personal preference, which is that I like it when the Doctor is more a-spec. As it turned out, this episode managed to be both better and worse than I worried. Better in that it was beautifully acted, had fantastic chemistry, and I loved the scandalous gay dancing (very reminiscent of the Torchwood episode Captain Jack Harkness). Worse in that it wasn't just something happening to the Doctor, that he's swept up in, but instead something he's actively pursuing.
Again, this is entirely down to my personal preference for the Doctor's characterisation, but the way that this pushes further than other instances of romance/kissing/etc. upsets me a little. It reminded me somewhat of The Girl in the Fireplace in places - inviting him to see the stars; the tragic ending - but the difference with that one is that she kisses him. I don't know, it's a relatively small distinction but one that matters to me. The Doctor has had romances before, and the more overt they are the more I dislike them (eg. all the River Song stuff), and nowhere has the Doctor more actively flirted with someone new, expressed attraction to them numerous times and deliberately kissed them than here.
On the other hand, it's very gay and I have to like it at least a little for that. It gives us a more obviously queer Doctor than Thirteen and Yaz and they had a whole arc! (Not to bash Thirteen and Yaz; I actually quite liked how that went down in the end, but again that's due to my preference for an a-spec Doctor, which jived very nicely with Thasmin.) Obviously, this doesn't invalidate any readings of the Doctor as aro and/or ace, especially as that can mean many different things, but it messes with my personal view of the Doctor's sexuality, and how I prefer them to be portrayed. For me, if the Doctor is going to participate in sex or romance, I'd rather it be understated and uncertain or unintended from the Doctor's end. Now I know what to expect from this one, I may become desensitized to it with time and enjoy it more for its merits. Still, I can't change the fact that it's just fundamentally not what I want from Doctor Who the character.
I love that the battle mode for the earrings came back. I wondered if it would when it was first mentioned, then promptly forgot about it entirely.
The comparisons between Rogue and Captain Jack Harkness are obviously numerous, and it's very funny to me that Jack would definitely be pissed off that he lost out on kissing the Doctor like that to someone who was basically a carbon copy of him.
More singing, since people are taking note of that. Love a bit of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!
I was cringing a bit while the Doctor was dancing to Kylie, but also glad he got to do that after the Master has had several camp pop dancing moments.
Speaking of Kylie, I wonder if the Doctor has ever noticed her uncanny resemblance to Astrid Peth.
We got a nice little flashback with Carla telling him to keep Ruby safe as well, which reminded me a lot of Jackie.
The faces of the Doctor's various incarnations looked a little strange. I couldn't actually tell who some of them were meant to be. Am I crazy or was one of them Richard E Grant, like from Scream of the Shalka (and the Great Intelligence)?
I said this already in another post, but it was dedicated to William Russell and I criiiiiied!
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crimsonlyinglilly · 4 months
More Mikaelson sort of fluff
Even less sad in this, I hope.
Biting issue within the family, Klaus wasn't always the worst when it came to that.
It's only after Rebekah is born that Klaus learns the responsibilities of being an older brother.
Shortly after this he realises that Kol is also his younger brother and not just his constant playmate.
Kol doesn't take Klaus's sudden change to protective bossiness well, like the toddler he is, and starts to react in two ways, throwing things with his powers, which would be punished more if their mother wasn't so happy at the signs of Kol being a prodigy in her craft.
Instead Finn adapted to stopping any true harm befalling Niklaus from Kol's magic and smothered the tiny spark on envy over it.
The second way he showed his anger at Klaus's new behaviour was biting, this may have been dealt with quickly if Kol learned from being bitten back and stopped.
He didn't.
So Finn and Elijah were quickly stuck pulling apart a pair of snapping children. While Finn attempted to tell them off he normally ended up gaining few bites himself before the tears started.
Elijah gets used to ending up with a pair of younger brothers sitting on him yet refusing to acknowledge each other as they cried and grizzled and an older brother fuming in the background nursing either a bruise or bitemark or two.
Kol does eventually outgrow biting but not before biting Rebekah and Henrik at least once, the latter was to teach Henrik not to bite.
somehow Elijah escaped his brother's teeth their whole life. That changes in what came after.
In the days after they had returned across the sea, Finn had sent Elijah a look as Kol and Rebekah's latest argument grew more violent.
He was almost relieved that at least this hadn't changed as he stepped in the middle of them.
He knew they were both angry at what they had lost- their parents had taken from them- a future and family of her own from Rebekah and his magic and connection to the world from Kol.
They were all lost and angry but they only had each other.
Elijah managed to talked them down and was watching as Rebekah stormed away with regret at his sister's unhappiness, thinking it was over he was surprised, when Kol had grabbed his arm from behind and pulled it up to bite down.
He hadn't thought to stop himself as he left out a yelp of shock and pulled his arm back to get a glimpse of the deep bit on his forearm before it healed, leaving a ring of blood in the place of bruised teeth marks.
Kol swallowed the blood before he broke out laughing apparently at Elijah's expression.
Elijah watched as he sunk to his knees, with a mix of annoyance and fondness, it had been too long since Kol had laughed.
“I thought you had outgrown this.” Elijah still commented as the laughter dimed.
“Not so funny when’s it you.” Finn voice reminded them he was there and Elijah turned to see him smirking, the look of displeasure he send his older brother just caused Kol to break out in laughter again.
Elijah learns to expects bites from Kol in the future.
(sorry for whatever canon said but my head canon is both Finn and Kol was actual trained witches, with Kol being unnaturally strong and gifted, Elijah also had some talent but it was never noticed or trained. Klaus was so desperate for Mikael's attention that he had no interest in it and while Rebekah tried, she quickly grew bored and preferred to follow Klaus and Elijah's apparent lead.)
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o-uncle-newt · 6 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 21: Uskerty
I absolutely adore this episode as the origin of my single favorite Cabin Pressure line: "You know, between the dames and the horses, sometimes I don't know why I even put my hat on." Nothing will ever beat it for me.
So yeah, this episode is super funny, but I do want to talk a bit about something that's come up as my go to "look, a THEME!" here- vulnerability. Because as I was listening, trying to figure out what I was taking away from this episode besides "this is all really funny and well plotted" because at a certain point that gets old, it struck me that there are ways that both of our (absolutely brilliant) pairings this episode really strike a chord when considering the role of vulnerability- and lack of it- in relationships.
This is a bit less so in the Douglas-Arthur pairing in this episode, which is inspired (and yay, there's finally a nice airport manager!)- there are brilliant set pieces, and the premise of the bar conversation allows two very different people to kind of sort of attempt to understand each other. There's also a really nice father/son element- we already can perceive, even if it's not said outright, that Arthur doesn't have much of a father figure- his life is very dominated by Carolyn's influence, even in the majority-male flight deck, in a way that I think even tints his interactions with Mr Birling about sports (there's a tinge of eagerness for acceptance), which he's clueless about. Would Arthur know more about sports if he'd had a dad who gave a shit about him? Who knows. But this episode giving him an older man who's willing to open an as-yet-shut door into a men's world that excites him.
The men's world is, of course, the world of the pub. We've already seen a glimpse of Douglas in that milieu in Kuala Lumpur, and usually I'd say the less said about that the better, but I think there's something interesting about how mean spirited and surfacey it could be there, alongside Arthur's misunderstanding what Douglas means about "talking about their lives." He asks a question that is so unexpectedly and deeply personal that Douglas isn't even upset that he asks, he understands that this is another rule of masculine bar/pub conversation that he has to teach Arthur. On a certain level, this is fine on its own- there's a time and place for everything- but if you look at it a certain way, it can reinforce tropes about men and expressing emotions and feelings. And yet... even by following the rules of pub chat that Douglas lays out for him, and trying to fall into its ritualistic norms (like creative insults), Arthur, in part through his own open-book vulnerability, is able to bring things to a place where Douglas is pretty unselfconsciously vulnerable himself, about the place in the world where he finds himself. And by the end, he's fallen more into Arthur's more atmospheric image of two men in a bar. He's loosened up, and isn't playing by the rules anymore. It's just really nice (in addition to being hilariously funny).
The Martin and Carolyn pairing is maybe a bit less novel than the Douglas and Arthur one, but it still works really well in this discussion of vulnerability. Both of them have had pretenses/barriers they try to keep up- and both, incidentally, are related to their own interest in expressing that they are in control- but by now Martin has learned enough to have started to relax his. This actually really helps, as his actions aren't hampered by pretense or pride- he's basically able to function ALMOST competently with the cabbie as a result. But Carolyn is almost on overtime trying to keep her barriers up against vulnerability and it is clearly driving her a bit bananas, hence her complete dysfunction this episode- she has to be ironic and invulnerable about her gift to Herc, to prove that she may be seeing him but she doesn't have feelings (which will of course come to haunt her in Vaduz), and as a result loses all her judgment. And her overtime craziness is, unusually enough, what causes Martin’s misfortune, not his own incompetence! He's the functional one here, not her, because unlike her he's not filtering all his behavior through this one very constricting lens.
Once Martin is able to open her up a bit in the discussion of his salary- where she starts off in control as the boss and is forced to face the fact that Martin is loyal to her even when he shouldn't be*, which could very easily pierce the defenses of her invulnerability as she has to accept this reality- she starts to mellow out. Whereas she starts off saying that she's “not a little old lady” so she can’t do the totally reasonable thing until Martin begs, afterward she manages to chill enough that she can do the, you know, sane thing even though it dings her a bit in the self-confidence. She's not quite as in thrall to her inner barriers anymore.
I'll just end off by saying- this episode may also, in addition to my favorite line, have my favorite closing lines of any episode, with the possible exception of Zurich 2. Though that one's mostly about the nostalgia and emotions. So maybe this is it.
*On this note- when did Martin stop looking for jobs? He was looking in Rotterdam… given my St Petersburg post I wonder if it was before or after that.
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besiegedhunter · 2 months
Ascalon and Projekt Red.
Talking about their relationship and similarities.
Spoilers for things not in Global yet.
So when Babel got announced I was excited to see what Ascalon and her event would give us in regards to her relationship with Red and while there's not much in her files, there's actually a lot more than I thought there was. It's actually kind of funny but this is going to be split into two parts: their relationship and similarities.
Then a conclusion to top it all off but without further ado:
Their relationship.
So to cover the basics, Ascalon, Projekt Red and Scavenger are all a part of S.W.E.E.P: Rhodes Island's counterintelligence and covert operations, with Ascalon being the director and therefor Red's boss.
There is possible implications that there was more about their relationship prior to the Babel event. One is how close Ascalon is to Kal'tsit, the two working together during Babel and even more closely upon Theresa's death and the forming of Rhodes Island. Another is that Red's promotion record is Ascalon talking about Red and specifically the line: "All I'm here to do is sharpen her fangs and her knife."
Not exactly stellar evidence of anything, but that's where Babel comes in and gives us Ascalon's File 1 which focuses on her position within Rhodes as well as a glimpse into how S.W.E.E.P operates:
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(Hong is Red)
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This is all that we get about Red within Ascalon's files: that Red cannot smell her and that she holds S.W.E.E.P's special training record for putting a ball of tail hair into Ascalon's pocket by what is theorized to be Ascalon's own technique. With Ascalon making an inconspicuous comment.
The most important part being how it's theorized that Ascalon herself taught Red this technique. After all, it's the one thing that Red managed to do as she didn't get much information so it's entirely her planting the tail fur onto Ascalon that is impressive and a feat that not even Ines has done. So it's possible that Red alone was taught this trick.
It adds more context to Red's promotional record as Ascalon saying she'll sharpen Red's fangs and knife has reason now to belief she really did mean personally teaching Red:
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But also, this isn't the first time we've seen Red planting something on someone without their noticing. Her module starts with her stealing a chip and planting a fake one onto her target without them noticing which with this context, might've been her using this technique she learnt from Ascalon:
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If true, they're adding further context and bringing up an inconspicuous detail from Red's module that could be a coincidence but if not, is possibly emblematic of thought being put towards their relationship.
Before I move onto the similarities as revealed in the vent, I want to expand upon why no further connection between them is displayed in Ascalon's files.
The entirety of her File 1 is to demonstrate how little information is known about Ascalon and what exactly is. The rest of her files are mainly various physical documents on hand that could be added to the file, like voice recordings (File 2), intelligence regarding her (File 3) and a letter from her to the Doctor (File 4).
If Ascalon and Red have a closer relationship it wouldn't be mentioned in the file because Ascalon is so unknown that likely no one found out to put it into the files. Hence it being theorized that Red learnt Ascalon's technique (possibly being a hint by the game writers that there is more.)
*cough cough* Red or Ascalon oprec *cough cough*
So actually this bit is the reason why I'm talking about this and my smoking gun that Ascalon and Red have a deeper relationship than simply being boss and employee. I will say however that I've not read the entire event. I skimmed through the early sections and only read Ascalon's parts.
Nonetheless, before I even read the event and was reading through Ascalon's files, I was surprised to discover this line in her File 2:
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The event goes more into this. The Catastrophe storm that is mentioned here is referencing when she first met and subsequently was taken in by Theresis and Theresa. Before that she was surviving on her own in the wilderness, hunting wild animals just to survive and from a very young age.
This is very similar to Red, who through the information found within Il Siracusano and her module, we learn also grew up surviving in the wilderness. It's very much implied that Red came into frequent contact with wild animals in which she had to defend herself:
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But that's not all, though it is the root for the next similarity that they share.
A noticeable thing about Red's speech is that it's broken. She speaks in short sentences or with sizeable pauses between her words:
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And we know from the vignette: Operational Intelligence - After-class Homework, we know that Red is doing homework, at least on English in which she does have problems understanding:
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And her files say that she has educational problems, all compounding Red's problems with speech. But when we see Ascalon as a child in the Babel event, especially when she first meets Theresis and Theresa, this is how she speaks:
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She has broken speech, a thing that continues into the next scene of Ascalon when she was young and it's deliberately explained as being because she spent so long in the wilderness:
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The both of them grew up in the wilderness, not having anyone else to talk to or perhaps rather not having reason to talk which leads to them having broken speech when they finally do enter civilization.
And as shown in the first meeting between Ascalon and Theresis, Ascalon's first action was to try and kill him since that's how she learnt how to survive with wild animals, which she didn't see other humans being anything else.
Well later on, when she was taken in by Theresis, a younger Manfred bursts into the room they were in and I believe it startles Ascalon who's reflexively attacked him:
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I've not read the entire event yet as I said but nothing before this showed them meeting and rather push that they shouldn't know each other and the scene moves on from this with nothing implying she attacked him because she recognized him. (I might be wrong however.)
So likely, Ascalon felt threatened by him bursting into the room and reflexively attacked him which is another thing that Red does because of her similar past:
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And from their similar paths come similar struggles. Only knowing how to kill, not having their own beliefs, struggling to interact with the rest of the world.
For Ascalon it's highlighted in scenes like these:
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And for Red, it's the entire point of her module but particularly this section of it:
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When she came into civilization it broke her, she had no guidance and to this day she doesn't fully interact with civilization, doesn't know how to spend money and by the time of Il Siracusano she returns to Grandma, yet to form her own beliefs.
Also she routinely defines herself as a wolf hunter which really is an assassin for Grandma. A weapon if you will.
In conclusion.
Red and Ascalon have many many things in common and they are things that we know Ascalon are aware of as she comments on Red's problems in Red's promotional record. And it feels like there's too much similarities, that they practically share the same past that combined with what little is said of Red in the file I'm all but certain that Ascalon and Red's relationship is more than just boss and employee.
And I also think an interesting part about these scenes in the event about Ascalon is the questions it raises about Red, as we see how Ascalon met Theresis and Theresa, as well as got her name.
Because there's still many mysteries about Red we don't have answers to. How she met Kal'tsit and the origin of her name, because Projekt Red is ever a curious one, being two that are highlighted here.
But you could also see Ascalon and the paths she took as examples of where Red's character is or could go. Maybe even flip that around: Ascalon meets someone who is practically identical to her past self. How does she feel? How does she interact with Red on this basis?
It's all brainstorming and me being hopeful that this means Red can finally get an oprec, we see the two interact or that Red Alter is on the way but I am 99% confident that these similarities are purposeful and we'll see something on them.
Thank you for reading all the way through.
(Also there's not enough information about S.W.E.E.P to make it it's own post but from Terra: A Journey and Ascalon's files:
Theresa was killed and by extension Babel fell apart in Autumn of 1094. But from voice recordings in Terra: A Journey, we know S.W.E.E.P was founded as part of Rhodes in 1094 also and Red being a founding member means she likely joined within a year of Rhodes creation.
So she's known Kal'tsit and Ascalon for three years before the Doctor and met them likely not very long after Theresa's death.
Also S.W.E.E.P officially has an office. Idk if it's the room from Ascalon's theme or not but it exists. Red and Scavenger probably sit around talking about Provence there.)
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sixx-writes · 1 year
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                                                                                    Walk In Visit
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Richard Trager x Reader
Word Count: 2,009
cw: noncon, cunnilingus, forced orgasm, creampie, shitty doctor/patient rp, trager is a dickhead, there is no plot just enjoy it or something idk it’s something I shit out cause I couldn’t sleep
AO3 Version | Masterlist
Summary: Reader visited the asylum on the wrong day and ends up in the tender care of a certain “doctor”.
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"I'm so sorry about the mess, babe. I wasn't expecting any female patients today. You surprised me," the man wheels you into a room that smells like an entire football team ate shit and died all at once. There's guts and blood everywhere painting the walls and pooled on the floor while this maniac is rambling like nothing is wrong. Pretty typical of your experience as a guest at the asylum so far.
Not a whole hell of a lot of anything is making sense in this endless nightmare and you would be about as surprised as the piece of beef jerky that's talking your leg off if that changed any time soon. A name from a manila folder jumps out at you, some douche that played at being a doctor, called.. what was it? Trey? Trager? That was it. Judging by his disturbingly coherent and stick up the ass way of speaking it was safe to assume he wasn't a patient.
At least not in the same way as the others were 'patients'. He must have been an employee here once upon a time.
"Alright. There we go. Are you comfortable enough?" You offer nothing more than a dead eyed stare that only reflected the numbness you were feeling. Somehow that was an affirmative to the processed meat in front of you. You catch a glimpse of how his lower lip is torn off beneath his makeshift doctor's mask when he leans over you adjusting the straps so you can't escape whatever he has in mind. "Good. That's good. Listen, I have a confession to make. Gynecology isn't exactly my ah, forte, as the French put it. This is gonna be a learning experience for the both of us."
Somehow, through that numb blanket that you've managed to wrap around yourself to shield your mind from the horrors, you feel panic surfacing. The fate of being raped was something you had avoided up until now. The same could not be said for some of the other unfortunates you had encountered during your descent into hell. Trager was already gone rattling instruments on the table next to your bed.
"Dammit, where did I put those things. Oh yeah. Wait here, babe. I'll just be a second."
For the first time you were actually well and truly fucked - trapped like a rat. You pulled desperately at the straps holding your wrists and ankles trying to free yourself in the precious few seconds you were alone. It was hard not to cry if you were being honest but if you started then you were afraid that you would break down under the weight of it all. You couldn't afford that when you were so close to being free. So you bit into the inside of your cheek hard enough that you tasted metal until the fucker returned.
When he did it was with the biggest pair of scissors you had ever seen, coated in blood, some stains fresh, and others already dried and flaking off.  "Jesus Christ," you muttered, not wanting to speak too loudly and agitate him.  Your skin crawled when he purposefully snipped the giant scissors, some type of bone shears maybe, a few times over your helpless body, the sound grating on your ears.
"Okie dokie. First is the breast exam. Hold still for me."
That was a funny thing to say when you felt the bottom blade sliding across your tucked stomach you forgot how to breathe you were concentrating so hard on not moving a muscle. You tried to keep as much skin away from the blade as you could while he cut away your top. Fuck you for not wearing a bra today and making it easier on him.
"Awh, does that hurt?" he gave some approximation of a frown, hard to tell with the gnarled gash of his mouth, upon seeing the cut over your ribs you'd gotten climbing through a broken window.
No shit.
Trager's concern is brief, already forgotten, as soon as he peels back the shorn halves of your ruined shirt exposing your breasts. Through the delusion of whatever horror he's dreaming you see a glint of lust from the disgusting little man that had worked here before he went to sleep one day and never woke up. You don't want to resist and piss him off but it's impossible once you feel the first careless squeeze of tender flesh. His skin is rough against yours and you twist trying to get away from his touch but there's nowhere to go.
"It's okay, babe," he soothed you, not at all angry, his attention never leaving your heaving chest and hardening nipples, "I understand most girls are shy on their first visit. I'll make it easy on you, okay? Try not to worry your pretty little head." His treatment is anything but easy, pinching your nipple and watching how the fat falls back into place from how he lifts it up into a barely recognizable shape, pulling it taut. He does this until you're squirming and silently pleading for the strength to make it through.
You think you're going to be sick at the first gummy drag of his tongue over your skin, telling yourself that this wasn't the worst that could be happening right now. A sob that could have been mistaken for a moan slips out and he eyes your reaction, curiously. "Any pain? Soreness? Over-sensitivity?" He simpers up at you and there are equal parts madness and lucidity that terrify you behind those eyes.
Trager doesn't seem to give a single shit that his conversation is entirely one sided and resumes his assault of your breast. He can no longer suck so he bites instead, over and over, making your toes curl from the pain. This goes on until your skin is painted with marks in the shape of his teeth and your nipples are red and raw. Each time you try to sink deeper into yourself a particularly harsh twinge brings you back out. There is no escape.
He's moving lower, his tongue dipping into your navel while he takes up those massive fuck off scissors again and slides one side up your pant leg. It doesn't take long until your pants meet the same fate as your shirt on the floor, lost forever amidst the blood and shit of the doctor's other patients.
"Oh no, " he said, "This doesn't look good at all." His fingers circle over your still covered mound, your panties the last barrier of defense before the fucker sees everything you have to offer. Unceremoniously, he pushes them to the side and in one brief instant the last of your dignity is gone.
"You have alot of discharge and swelling down here. I'm going to need a closer look under the hood, I'm afraid."
With just those words you're ready to die. It's one thing to be attacked and have no control over it and entirely something else to become aroused by it. This disgusting bald freak who looks like an eighty year old's ball sack has somehow made you wet. Deeply profound shame washes over you only amplified by how hard it is not to let out a desperate cry when he prods at your clit. The rough treatment of your already abused body and mind has finally pushed you over the edge.
Maybe you were insane too, now.
Trager isn't examining your pussy anymore, he's watching your face and clearly enjoying how hard you're fighting against showing your reactions. It's the most lucid you've seen him so far and the most sadistic. He doesn't break eye contact when he spreads you with two fingers and drools over your pussy in the most disgusting way making your stomach drop in horror. You're repulsed and let out a pitiful noise making the ragged remains of his mouth twist into a smirk moments before his tongue is buried in your inflamed pussy eager to clean up his mess.
Finally, finally, it's all too fucking much and you howl joining into the chorus of the others' screams of pain and insanity unable to hold it in anymore. It's not because you're being raped or because you're probably going to die here but because you enjoy it. This horrible place has reduced you to nothing more than an animal that wants to tangle your fingers into Trager's greasy hair and ride his face harder because you need it.
It's the scrape of his exposed teeth over nerves that feel like they're burning you alive that does you in. He's like a fucking dog eating you out, so hungry for every bit of your come that he can lap up, until pleasure turns to pain and you're sobbing for real. He stops licking you after what felt like an eternity, his pupils blown out big and black, breathing hard like he's just ran a mile.
"Well, I'm learning a lot here I don't know about you. I still need to do an-an internal examination," he's undoing the cuffs at your ankles, you realize, too tired to do anything when he spreads your legs wide, "Keep your knees up. Just like that. That's a girl." You're dragged roughly to the end of the bed, as much as your shackles would allow, and you see how the front of his apron is tented. You're a little surprised Trager has anything to work with given the mutilation you'd seen up until now.
You don't get to see his cock but feel it tapping against your pussy before he drags it up and down your slit collecting any remaining wetness and spit. The head feels wide and thick and you can tell it's going to be bad already.
"Gonna need you to relax for this part, babe. My instrument is a little big for you but I think we can work something out."
You fantasize about putting the blade of his scissors through his eye when he penetrates you stretching you to the absolute limit of what your tense, scared muscles would allow. A soundless cry is all you can manage when he brutally presses onwards not giving you any time to adjust.
"Goddamn you're tight. Shit," he said, breaking character for the first time, "Ease up a little would ya. Gonna rip all the skin off my dick here.."
You try, you really do, to relax but it's no use. When he starts to move it drags awful soreness from your stomach deep rooted and nauseating. However, like before, eventually that pain melts into sickening pleasure and you begin getting wet again turning the sound of his thrusts sloppy. Trager moans loudly, shamelessly, his rhythm turning rougher as he uses you. You're moaning too, nearing a second orgasm, the textured skin near the base of his shaft stimulates you so well each time he slams into your cervix.
"You like that, baby? Huh? No need to be shy. I can tell, you know. You're gonna come again aren't you? It's okay."
You want to tell him to kill himself. Everything certainly wasn't okay and he was a piece of shit not worth so much as looking in your direction under any other circumstances. Unfortunately, you came instead, harder than before, your eyes rolling back helplessly as the fake doctor kept fucking you through it. "Ah, God. Fuck," he whined, his pace slowing. You'd come to hate the sound of his voice so much in your brief time together. You especially despised how his moaning at the feeling of your pussy clenching around his cock only heightened your orgasm even more.
It was hard to say how much longer it went on for until he finally lost it inside you, leaving you dirty and defiled by his come, your pussy tender and over-stimulated. The only thing worse was the emptiness left behind when he pulled out of you and the slow leak of fluids that dripped down your ass.
"Well," Trager panted, "I think I'm gonna need a follow-up on that."
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noodyl-blasstal · 7 months
The Dog House
Day 15 of @taznovembercelebration and I got "playlist"
Read below or on Ao3. Missed yesterday? Catch up here.
Music thuds out of the kitchen, loud, bouncy, and accompanied by the sweet scent of vanilla and spices wafting in the air.
"Taako?" Kravitz tried a bit louder.
There is absolutely no way for Kravitz to compete with ‘Bake, bake, bake, bake, ba, bake it’ and be heard. He knows, he’s tried before. The volume is an important part of the process.
Although... Maybe that will actually work in his favour. Kravitz pulls out his phone, juggling the warm lump in his arms to do it. It’s worth a try, if nothing else, Taako would see the funny side.
He hits record and smiles lovingly into the camera. "Hello love, I'm just here at the house and I have something big to ask you." There's no reply from Taako.
"If you don't reply, I'll assume it's okay, but can we get a dog?" The music thumps away in the kitchen.
"Specifically this dog?" Kravitz readjusts slightly to get the pomeranian into view. "He's very fluffy."
"Okay, well, as I haven't heard anything from you, I'm assuming this means Fluffums can stay."
Fluffums' tongue pokes out adorably and he flops his sweet head to the side. Kravitz can't resist planting a little kiss on it.
"That's the name he came with by the way. Magnus… well, you know. Anyway... I'm glad you..."
"Magnus did this?" Taako says from behind his right shoulder.
Kravitz should have known better than to assume he'd get away with this, Taako always knows somehow, but also, he'll kill or die for this dog… Well, be sulky about it if Taako says definitely not because obviously two yesses is important, but maybe he can live in the Astral Plane part time again, Taako’s really into this sleeping stuff. Fluffums licks his hand reassuringly.
Kravitz smiles as innocently as he can and stops the recording… Maybe if he edits it down Taako’ll forget that he heard the last bit? He didn’t say anything when Kravitz said to anyway - you couldn’t object to a wedding three months later could you? Probably not. He’d have to look it up before he used that as a defence, but it sounded solid.
“Magnus didn’t do anything. He just showed me Flu…”
“No. We’re changing his name.”
“But what if he…”
“He doesn’t. He’s not attached to it. Taako is not calling anyone Fluffums.”
“Even m…”
“Especially not you… Unless you ask nicely.” Taako breaks his serious face to smirk at Kravitz and goddess damn it all if that doesn’t still make him want to kiss Taako stupid.
He has to concentrate though, he can win this. He just needs a compelling argument.
“Look at his little face.” Kravitz elevates The Dog Formerly Known As Fluffums to eye level with Taako. “See.”
“Yip!” Says No Longer Fluffums in the most charming tone (even if Kravitz does say so himself.)
And, it’s only a split second, the smallest of glimpses, but he sees the softness in Taako’s eyes.
“He needs a home, somewhere safe.” Says Kravitz.
That argument’s how Taako got all the cats here.
“And what about the ca…”
“He loves cats.”
“But couldn’t eat a whole one?” Taako tries to look stern, he almost manages it.
“Taako! He would never.”
“Mr Mittens is going to fight him.”
“Mr Mittens fights everyone.”
“Not me.”
“Well of course not, you’re perfect, Mr Mittens fights everyone else.”
There’s a long pause, then Taako stares intently at The Dog Who Couldn’t Be Fluffums, the dog stares right back, pink tongue poking daintily out of his mouth. Kravitz wants to snap a picture, but he really shouldn’t ruin the moment and he’s already taken so many…
Taako wrinkles his nose. “He’s not sleeping on the bed.”
Kravitz can sleep on the sofa once Taako is asleep and sneak back to bed before he wakes up, that’s completely fine.
Kravitz nods seriously.
“He can’t climb on the furniture.”
Kravitz isn’t furniture. Ergo, if he was sitting on the chair then anything sitting on him wasn’t on the chair. That was just science.
“That seems fair.”
“You need to do all the research on how to look after him.”
Taako says that like he thinks there’s a chance Kravitz hasn’t already done an intense Googling session at Magnus’. Like he didn’t stop at the pet store on the way home. Like he hasn’t already rifted everything they could need and more into his closet.
“Of course I can do that.” He pauses, waits for any other conditions, but none come, Taako must love him. “Does that mean we ca…”
“Yep.” Taako tries to look ambivalent, he fails.
It’s not that Kravitz ever really thought Taako would say no, but it’s nice to have official confirmation.
“What do you think of Fluffernutter?” Taako asks suddenly.
“Conceptually, or?”
“For him.” He nods towards Kravitz’s armfull of dog.
Kravitz considers it for a moment, he’s definitely fluffy and sweet, peanut butter is nice, he’s nice. Kravitz likes fluffernutter, he likes the dog. “Yes. I think that’s right, love.”
Fluffernutter nuzzles happily at the crook of Kravitz’s arm as Kravitz draws Taako into his free arm. “I promise to still love you just as much.” He says, grinning over Taako’s head.
“You’d better. Cha’boy refuses to lose out to anyone.” Taako’s hand strokes idly at Fluffernutter, the dog nuzzles his hand and wiggles towards him.
Kravitz gives it a week before Taako’s the favourite. It’s okay, he’s Kravitz’s favourite too.
I hope you enjoyed! Wanna see the next prompt? Find it here.
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hiramaris · 10 months
Dusk til Dawn
Part 13
Summary: Following Episode 9. And spoilers for Episode 10. 
Author’s note: As Episode 10 is just released I just want to say heads up for those who are not yet finished. Completing the game without spoilers really made a difference, and as much as possible I want everyone to experience that. And for those finished, I’ll gladly welcome you to my domain where MC took a different route.
Disclaimer:  I do not own Duskwood or any of the related characters. Duskwood is created by and owned by Everbyte Studio. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Duskwood story belong to Everbyte Studio.
Warning: Mentions of blood, suicide, violence, pedophiles, drugs, gun, murder, sex offenders, kidnapping
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Shits started to go down the moment those words left your mouth. What did you expect anyway? You had unintentionally hit a raw nerve. Ted had poured his heart and soul reminiscing that night, and yet you have the audacity to laugh at his misery.
You didn’t really mean to laugh, really. Laughter sometimes escapes us in moments of intense emotion, not because we find something funny, but as a release valve for relief.
It was a relief that Hannah and Richy may not go to jail after all these. Because Ted had already admitted that he pushed Jennifer on the road, thus the crime committed wasn’t actually done by them.
You understood Ted's suffering. Under different circumstances, in a life where you weren't bound by the law, you might have reacted similarly if Jill's death had gone unpunished. Your empathy for Ted's situation ran deep. Yet, you were starkly aware of the reality you existed in—one that demanded adherence to the law, no matter how difficult it might be. They may call you a hypocrite all they want, but your top priority right now is to keep everyone safe.
Ted also needs help, psychiatrically speaking.
You’re not entirely sure, but you can see bits of physiological manifestations of his mental illness. His mental instability could be a potentially dangerous weapon against you all. The unpredictability of his actions was a looming threat. That’s why you need to pin him down— fast.
Something in your demeanor must have given Jake a signal because suddenly, his resistance flared to life. With a swift bite and a kick to Ted's shin, he managed to create enough space to scramble away, taking Richy along.
A stifled laugh threatened to escape you— it was a desperate attempt on Jake’s end, and you didn’t quite envision it before that Jake would have the guts to bite someone’s hand.
The small trickle of blood at the corner of Jake's mouth was evidence of the pain he had inflicted. Ted's angry growls confirm that he’s not pleased with what Jake has done.
So, with Jake out of the way, you launched yourself at Ted without hesitation. The revolver in his hand had just gone off, a deafening bang that temporarily left your ears ringing. But your focus was unwavering, and you met Ted's attempt to regain control with a swift move to disarm him. You managed to deflect his aim, causing the bullet to miss its mark. The metallic tang of adrenaline filled your senses as you grappled with him, determined to subdue the threat he posed.
The dimmed surroundings gave you the disadvantage not to mention the addition of fighting a full-grown man. In the midst of grasping for dear life in his hands and the gun, you caught a glimpse of Hannah, Jake, and Richy. Jake had positioned himself protectively in front of Hannah and Richy. It seemed Hannah was too overwhelmed with the current events to notice that her brother was just in front of her.
"Jake, help Y/n!" Richy rasped out behind Jake when he saw how dangerously close the gun was to your abdomen. That made you shoot back to the horrible reality.
Hannah froze at the mention of Jake’s name.
Usually, under normal circumstances, it would be best to outnumber the culprit but given Richy’s relative lack of experience in fighting, he might be shot first before you. He’s also injured. Jake is also injured, and even if he may have experience in fighting, his concussion will only slow him down. As of now, you're the best chance you've got, and you pray to the deities above that you no longer believed in long ago that they'll be able to help with the slimming luck you only have.
“Jake, no!” You shouted as you saw Jake try to move towards you. “You have to go NOW! Don’t come near me!”
“Just do it!”
Ted's chuckle cut through the tension. “You think I would let anyone leave this mine?” Ted chuckled darkly as he leaned closely on your face, his breath chilling against your skin. His whispered words hung heavy in the air. “I just told you. No one will ever leave this mine alive.”
“As if I'd let that happen,” you snapped back, focusing on prying the gun from his grip.
Your priority right now is to disarm him. You can’t take the risk of having him fire it on anyone.
You suspected Alan had already called for backup at the entrance by the Grimrock. It is a matter of choice now: it’s either you all die, or he’ll be captured. He’s desperate, and that makes him more dangerous than ever.
With a burst of strength, you managed to make Ted stagger backward, pressing him against the wall.  You motioned the three to get out of here and Jake readily nodded in agreement, understanding the severity of the situation.
"We have to help, Y/n!" Richy protested, struggling against Jake's grip. His desperation was palpable, his eyes wide with concern for you and the dangerous situation you were in.
“We have to go.” Jake's voice was urgent as he decisively snatched the laptop from the table, his movements quick and purposeful. He pulled Richy and Hannah away from the escalating conflict, his protective stance shielding them from the potential danger. You could see the fear and determination in his eyes, his focus solely on ensuring their safety. Meanwhile, your battle with Ted continued— a life-and-death struggle that demanded your full attention.
You were acutely aware of the weight of the situation. The gun held by Ted was a deadly threat, and your unwavering goal was to disarm him as swiftly as possible.
“At this point, we’re just going to be a liability to her,” Jake's words cut through the chaos, a stark reminder that your priority was to keep them safe, even if it meant leaving you to face Ted alone.
Amidst the clash, a fierce blow struck your face, sending a jolt of pain through your skull. Your jaw clenched in response, determination overriding the pain as you tightened your grip on Ted, refusing to back down.
“A hard face I see,” Ted grunted, a twisted smirk on his face. “No wonder you seemed unbothered to my threats.”
Despite the blood trickling from your nose, you shot him a wolfish grin. “I think you've underestimated me.”
This fucker has a sick punch you admit. You didn't want to be deterred by that so with a fire in your eyes burning brightly as you pressed forward, your head still throbbing from the earlier blow, you slammed your forehead on him, leaving both of you momentarily stunned.
Before Ted could regain his bearings, your palm crashed down on his wrist, exploiting his momentary weakness. The gun slipped from his grasp, hitting the ground with a loud clatter. The sound was a welcome confirmation of your success in disarming him.
Shaking off the residual dizziness, you moved with swift precision. Your foot struck out, kicking the gun away from his reach. In the same fluid motion, you advanced, your boot connecting with his stomach. The impact sent him hurtling backward, his body colliding with the table. A cacophony of splintering wood accompanied his fall as the table shattered beneath his weight, leaving him sprawled among the debris.
As you stood there, panting slightly, you couldn't ignore the fact that Richy and Jake were both eager to join the fight. This was their battle as much as yours, yet your experience told you that their involvement wouldn't bode well. Jake's injuries left him barely able to stand, and Richy's weakened state from blood loss only added to the danger. As much as you value their willingness to help, you can't allow them to worsen their conditions by joining the fray.
Disregarding the blood that continued to flow from the reopened wound on the side of your head, you closed the distance between you and Ted. But in the midst of your advance, you didn't anticipate his sudden move. A knife materialized in his hand, seemingly from thin air, and he lunged toward your leg. Your reflexes kicked in, and you managed to evade just in time to avoid the full brunt of the strike. Still, the blade grazed against your pants, leaving behind a stinging sensation that served as a harsh reminder that Ted at all fucking costs, should not reach anyone from the three. He’s fully capable to fucking kill someone, and you’ll be damned if you let something happen to them.
"That's it. I'm going in," Richy's voice strained as he struggled against Jake's grasp. While Jake's weakened state made it easier for Richy to wriggle free, the blood loss had left Richy even more vulnerable.
It was a rare sight to see Richy losing his characteristic calm and rational demeanor, and for him to be losing his cool right now means this looks way worse than you imagined. It's a wonder you're still able to keep up with Ted.
Muscle and strength were undoubtedly in Ted's favor, a fact you were acutely aware of. Your typical strategy of using agility to outmaneuver your opponent and turn their strength against them was hindered by the persistent ache in your head from the concussion. Despite this setback, you found yourself pushing through, driven by a potent mixture of adrenaline and determination.
As your breaths came in labored pants, you raised a palm, the blood from your head wound now smeared across your skin. "It's okay, it's okay..."
It was not the best reassuring gesture you could muster but you have to stop Richy. As of now he didn't give much impression that he can give the right call when his judgment is clouded by emotions, it is best to let him stay out of the battlefield.
You let out a harsh breath and tried to get your shit together.
"Richy, listen to me—" your voice caught in a groan, your chest heaving. “You know this mine better than I do. Take everyone to Grimrock. I've got this, hah...”
As the tension escalated, Jake was forced to take charge of the situation, guiding both Richy and Hannah forward.
Along the way, as he furiously types against the laptop, he realizes that the stream the culprit had given you was a fake one and was programmed to loop all this time. He also found out that this laptop is also connected to a massive surveillance camera network within the mine. So, to speak the mine is probably riddled with these cameras, lurking in shadows and corners, watching every step they take including the one inside the room you’re currently in under the watchful eye of one such camera.
There’s also an unknown source that had successfully breached their way inside this laptop which essentially had stopped the looped stream minutes ago.
Which means… anyone who has access to the link must have heard and watched what had transpired earlier, and what is currently transpiring in real-time.
"Shit," he muttered under his breath as he shuts down the laptop. He halted, his eyes darting around their surroundings. And then, he spotted it – another camera, the fourth one he'd noticed since they'd left that room.
He had little sense of how far they had come from the exit, but he’s quite sure that they are significantly far enough from you and Ted. He mostly relied on Richy for directions since Ted had destroyed all his gadgets and phone, however, the mechanic seemed lost in his own thoughts, his mumbling refrain of 'It's all my fault' haunting the air like a grim mantra.
Hannah, on the other hand, was a mere shell of herself, overwhelmed both physically and emotionally. Her wide-eyed gaze darted around, barely conscious of her surroundings. He has no idea what happened there before he woke up but the two seemed pretty shaken up more than before.
Though his own memories remained foggy, Jake pushed through the mental haze, focusing on the present moment.
Jake's injuries weighed heavily on him, making every movement a strenuous task. He cursed softly under his breath, knowing that his strength was waning fast. Despite the pain and the nagging worry of potential arrest once they reached Grimrock, he pushed those thoughts aside. The current priority was ensuring the safety of his sister and Richy, especially knowing that you were out there, risking your life for them.
He has to make Hannah and Richy get out of this mine alive. Only after that could he think about returning to you. No matter what.
"Richy," Jake's voice was firm as they reached yet another fork in the tunnel. "Where to?"
“I... I think we should go back.”
That snapped the remaining patience in Jake. “Get yourself together.” He hissed quietly. “We have to get out of here. That is the only way we can help, Y/n.”
“No,” Hannah spoke for the first time in a long while. Her lips trembled as she continued, “this is all my fault… Y/n shouldn’t — Agent Y/l/n shouldn’t risk their life for some murderers!”
Confusion tightened Jake's features. “What are you talking about. Hannah?” he demanded, reaching out to steady her shoulders. “You’re no murderers.”
“No, no, no!” Hannah pulled away; her eyes filled with anguish. She dashed towards the dark tunnel they had come from. Her figure was easily swallowed by the darkness of the mine.
"Hannah!" Richy cries out for her.
No, Hannah...
Jake made a motion to run after her, but a sudden surge of pain pierced his head.
He crumpled to his knees, his hand pressing against his forehead. He tried to sit up, only to be hit by another wave of agony. He groans as he tries to sit up but a sharp beam of light cuts through the darkness, followed by an authoritative voice that echoes off the walls.
“Freeze! This is Duskwood Police!”
“I knew there would come a time Richy would betray me,” Ted muttered, his voice dripping with bitterness. His eyes shifted toward the direction they had gone, a hint of anger in his gaze. He started to take a step, his intent clear, but you are not having any of it. He’s going to need to get through with your corpse first before he can leave this room. “Still,” he chuckled darkly. “He did a good job doing the dirty work for me.”
You spat out blood and grinned. “May I remind you he’s never been on your side to begin with?”
“True.” Ted's lips twitched in an almost begrudging acknowledgment. He raised his fist, the knife gleaming menacingly in his other hand while you stood there within a careful distance with an annoyingly sly grin.
Ignoring the ache spiking up with every inch of your body, you settled into your usual fighting stance. One leg was positioned forward, the other slightly back, creating a solid base. Both fists were raised defensively in front of your head, elbows tucked in tightly to protect your sides.
Everything is fucking painful but you didn’t allow yourself to feel anything. Anything but rage. That's all you should feel. Maybe rage would suffice enough to make you stand, to make you walk, to make you fight.
Ted seemed almost amused as he casually tilted his neck, producing an unsettling crack that echoed through the air. His previous grin morphed into a snarl; his eyes filled with a deadly intent. “I’d never want a murderer on my side anyway.”
He decided to move first, the knife swinging fast like a bullet. You just hop back casually, the knife hitting nothing but the air. A wide, almost manic grin spread across his face. Another jab was missed, and then another; one to the right and another to the left.
You quickly realized that Ted is planning to keep this pace up for a while, knowing that if he continued like this given your injuries, you wouldn’t be able to keep up with him before long.
While you're confident in your combat skills, whether up close or at range, your endurance is practically top-notch. You're also aware that Ted has the upper hand in terms of strength and speed at the moment due to your injuries.  Nonetheless, you've noticed that while his strength and speed are commendable– he lacks precise muscle coordination, which allows you to deftly evade his jabs.
As the fight raged on, it became evident that Ted's patience was wearing thin. Time seems to slow down as he notices that he has yet to make contact with you. Despite his best efforts, he's only hitting the air. Even your injuries couldn't suppress your movements from being so agile and fluid that he could barely keep up.
“Come on,” you taunted, a playful grin on your face. “You think you’ll be able to catch your self-proclaimed murderers if you can’t even finish off little ol’ me?”
You’re not sure if it’s quite possible to make a person angrier than this but you must have struck a nerve as Ted’s punches came in quick succession, but you are still able to move with such speed, barely needing to shift your weight to evade his blows. Your hands casually rested at your sides, almost mocking Ted as he grew increasingly frustrated.
Minutes passed like a blur, and you continued to evade Ted’s attacks with your god-speed movements. It’s starting to wear you out but still; you manage to go beyond your limits. Even when he had finally cornered you against the wall, you were able to sidestep just in time, causing his fist to collide against the hard wall leaving a large dent against it.
You were always one step ahead. With each punch, you sidestepped, twisted, and ducked with great precision, using quick footwork and careful movements to evade his attacks. You spun and shifted, your movements were seamless and well-timed, making Ted’s' parries miss their mark time and time again.
A second of distraction was all you needed as you quickly rounded behind him, stomping your foot on his back.
You grinned happily as you hop back on your feet and went back to your original stance; hands tucked securely against your arms, patiently waiting for him to stand up.
Ted collided with the wall with a grunt, his tight grip against the knife loosening as it fell to the ground. He didn't expect you to attack back. Nonetheless, he recovered and backed off. That kick was far stronger than he anticipated.
Ted now knew he had underestimated you, and this was no longer a battle he could take lightly. He took a deep breath and charged towards you, this time with more caution in his movements. You could see the determination in his eyes, and you knew that the real battle was about to begin. You have been relying on your evasive skills alone for far too long, and you decided it was time to change up your strategy.
You stepped to the side, avoiding his attack, and countered with a quick jab to his ribs, followed by a hook to his jaw. The blows were quick and powerful, but you didn't stop there.
You followed up with a low kick, sweeping his feet from under him. As Ted fell to the ground, he stood up just as fast as he fell. You didn't let him recover from that and landed a kick to his back. He grunted in pain, but you didn't stop.
You delivered a series of punches to his sides and stomach, each one more powerful than the last. Ted tried to block and dodge, but your attacks were too quick and too precise.
Finally, you backed off, giving him a moment to catch his breath or more precisely, give yourself a break because ‘Goddammit, I think I’ve pushed myself a little too hard.’ You think. You just hoped they had already gotten out of here.
You tried to hide the grimace on your face as you stood there, waiting for him to get back up.
“Aren’t you going a little overboard protecting those murderers, agent?" Ted questioned; his breaths uneven as he regained his footing.
“The only murderer I see right now is you,” you retorted with a teasing expression, you ran your fingers through your hair, brushing away the dried blood hindering your vision.
“Fool!” This only provokes Ted to charge at you again. This time, his kicks were even more forceful and aggressive than before, and you could see that he was putting all his strength into the attacks. However, you remained unfazed, still smirking as you evaded his blows with ease. Although there were moments when he nearly landed a hit on you, you managed to block them just in time with one arm.
You noted though that if you weren’t a trained agent, even though you managed to block his attacks, they are still strong enough to leave a bruise or worse, break a bone to a normal civilian with no fighting experience or whatever.
After a moment of pure evasion from a parry of attacks from Ted, your smile widened as you noticed a glaring blind spot that everyone could see in broad daylight.
As Ted threw a careless punch, you swiftly ducked and moved to his right, unleashing a series of quick, harsh jabs to his ribs. He grunted in pain and swung wildly at you, but you ducked once more and followed up with a  roundhouse kick to his face. The blow left him dizzy and disoriented, causing his attacks to become more and more inaccurate.
As he threw another punch, you swiftly yanked his arm and tossed him away. You watched as he turned around and surged back towards you, ready to attack once again. But you were ready for him this time, swiftly ducking under his arm and delivering a punch with such incredible speed and force that may seem impossible for someone who is injured. Your fist made contact with his chest, sending him hurtling into the wall with a thud.
“Finally…” you panted as you crouched in front of his unconscious form, checking for signs of consciousness. Confirming his state, you knew that this was the one-in-a-million outcome you had hoped for.
The suspect was alive, Richy and Hannah had escaped, and you were left victorious. Thoughts of Jake's safety lingered, but you held onto the belief that he would find a way to save himself. If not, you were determined to come to his rescue.
With a sense of satisfaction, you stood up and turned to retrieve the ropes you had been tied with to restrain Ted.
Suddenly you heard a bang.
It was so sudden and loud that you weren’t able to react immediately. Only when you felt the sharp stinging pain against your side did you realize that you had been shot. Warm blood began to pool against your palms as you tried to put pressure on them. You look back at the source and to your horror, Ted with a revolver in his hands has begun to rise from his place. A sickening grin plastered all over his face.
"Got you," his raspy voice cut through the air.
The pain was too much. You have only been fighting earlier out of sheer will and adrenaline, and now that they finally wore off plus a gunshot wound, the pain you are feeling is spiking up all over so bad that you can’t even determine which one hurts the most.
You tried standing up, but it only made you fall on your back as you clutched your side in pain.
Ted’s grinning face looms over you menacingly. “You have put up a good fight, Agent. I’ll give you some credit. However, this is where you will say goodbye.”
Ted raised his revolver, and time seemed to slow down. The movies had always depicted this moment — life flashing before your eyes. Faces of loved ones, friends, and memories cascaded through your mind. Each cherished moment, each unfulfilled promise, they all surged to the forefront.
Images of Jake, Richy, Lilly, Dan, Cleo, Thomas, Hannah, and Jessy flooded your thoughts.
All your moments with them— with her came flashing.
All moments of what could have been came spiraling. All the possible dates, the traveling, the camping with the gang. All those you promised to give her.
You won’t be able to keep your promises.
How could something that hasn’t yet begun start to end right in your very eyes? Was it really meant to be this way?
It’s okay. You tried to convince yourself. They’re safe now. You can rest.
You close your eyes, acceptance slowly creeping up to cover up the pain. You waited for the gunshot.
A beat of silence occurred.
But none came. Only to hear a soft hiss of a swing was heard and then a crack.
You dared to open your eyes and saw a pair of warm gray eyes meeting your own. “H-han…” you tried to speak but found it difficult to even breathe.
“I've got you… I've got you,” she whispered, offering a shaky hand to help you up. You grunted, your vision going white from the hot pain. Nevertheless, your eyes fought hard to spot Ted.
There he was, sprawled across the floor, blood pooling around his head. Beside him is the bloodied metallic baseball bat that he had swung at you earlier. An understanding came through you.
“I-I hit him…” Hannah tries to explain between sniffs. “He was… he was going to shoot you..! I didn’t— I don’t know what to do. I j-just can’t let him kill you. I’m sorry.” Her tears fell, her grip on you trembling.
You squeeze her other hand that supports you. “I… h-hah it’s okay, Hannah. You— you didn’t kill him.”
As if to prove his point. Ted's laughter broke through his pain, filling the room. He laughed, a haunting sound that soon morphed into sobs. Both of you watched as he crawled on the ground, his movements feeble. Hannah had hit him pretty hard.
“Jen… I’m sorry…” He sobs, eyes staring at no one in particular. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry. I missed you so much…”
You can only watch him break down. You’re sure his ragged sobs will forever be embarked in your mind. You truly felt sorry for him. But there’s no way out of this one.
Abruptly, his sobs ceased, leaving behind an eerie stillness that engulfed the mine. Ted's gaze shifted toward you and Hannah, his eyes vacant, as though grappling with his inner demons.
It was during this unsettling stillness that you noticed Ted conjure a lighter from thin air, its faint glow illuminating his twisted grin. He ignited the lighter's flame and then released it, allowing it to fall to the ground with a soft hiss. Suddenly, the damp soil underfoot ignited, setting off a chain reaction of fire that raced through the room and beyond the tunnels.
Only then do you realize that the damp soils from the ground weren’t because of water, they were gasoline!
Fuck it. You didn’t expect Ted to resort to suicide, and of course, he thought that’s the best way to bring down you two. Even at the expense of his own death.
The roaring fire's fury consumed the surroundings, the air thickening with smoke and chaos. As the flames surged ever closer, Hannah's grip on you tightened, pulling you away from the encroaching inferno. “Come on!” She fights back the tears as you hear Ted’s one last scream of agony before everything goes silent.
“You should go…” You managed to rasp out, the pain evident in your voice.  “Hannah, I’m just going to slow you down…”
“No!” she shook her head vehemently. “I can’t leave you here!”
You managed a weak chuckle, your body straining against the pain. “You’re as h-hah— stubborn as Lilly… but I’m here because I want to s-save you. And that still stands true right n-now…”
Hannah’s grip on your hips tightened. Her pace suddenly goes faster as she helps you navigate through the tunnel with slight ease. Luckily the fire here isn’t as bad as where you came from, but you know it will eventually catch up if you don't hurry.
“This might be hell coming its way up here to come and make me pay for my sins.” Hannah's laugh was tinged with bitterness and tears. “I’m done running away. But I’ll be damned if I let you get caught in this mess again. Let me save you this time, Y/n.”
A/n: Hi! Good evening (morning or afternoon) to y'all. Sorry, this took so long. As I have said, I find it quite challenging to write a fight scene that would be satisfactory but I tried my best. This is not beta-read just yet because my eyes are so tired from finishing the chapter hahaha but nevertheless, I think it's worth it. Lemme know what you guys think in the comments. I shall rest my eyes now so I'll probably respond to y'all tomorrow. Adios!
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j2d3 · 7 months
Mr. Loverman | Jefferson/Mad Hatter x reader | pt 1
Picture this since before the curse you and Jefferson have been best friends, your character is the chesiare cat but a witch version ( NOT A FURY 💀) . This is staged during season one during the time of the curse, your memory is erased but he still remembers you. ( Also Jefferson doesn’t have a daughter in this!!!)
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“I don’t get it, how could Mary Margret escape her jail so easily? And why did she ?”
“I don’t know Emma Storybook seems to have a lot of chaos and unanswered questions lately, like a book with a bad ending .” Emma stares for a quick second before bringing her attention back to the road.”
“You’re right, Storybook has been chaotic lately along with a ton of unanswered questions.” We share a smile, Emma quickly looks back to the road and so do I. Right at that moment we see a man in the middle of the road.
“Shit!” Emma yells while pulling the car to the side of the road, there was no damage to the car but to the man there was.
“I’ll go check if he’s ok!” I run out the car and meet the eyes of the man.
“Are you okay?” I ask the man, he seems off put them but then again he’s limping.
“I think so.”
“You sure?”
“I’m fine, nice to share the road with cars so late.” He seems to stand tall even though he’s limping, I look back at Emma, she currently is walking out of her car towards us. I turn my head back towards the man who I think was smirking at me a second ago.
“What brings you out here in the middle of the night?” The question brings me off guard, I don’t met a bunch of strangers who start a normal conversation after they were almost hit by a car.
“I’m looking for a dog.” I don’t mean to call Margret an insult but I usually call people by an animal based of their personality, well in a way it’s not an insult more kind’ve like a compliment?
“Well I hope you find your dog.” He manages a chuckle which confuses me, why would he find it funny well actually I get it.
“Thank you.” I give him a light smile, he smiles back and looks me up and down with a slightly bigger smile.
“Are you sure your okay, your limping?”
“I may have twisted my ankle a bit, but I’ll live!” He laughs and I let out a small laugh with him, his eyes follow mine like a secret admirer.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t see you there!” Emma pops runs up to us, and I catch a glimpse of disappointment in his eyes as soon as Emma comes but I may be seeing things.
“I’m fine, really I’m fine.” Emma then brings up his limping leg and suggests to bring him a ride.
“I Can walk perfectly, just a little twisted, you know my house Is down the road on Mcqill. It’s kinda a quick walk.” I raise my eyebrows at his comment and smile a quick smirk while my eyes are stuck on his.
“Kind of a quick walk?” I smirk and let out a small laugh, I end up convincing him to let Emma drive him home.
We arrive at his house, I gotta admit is seems luxurious. He walks up to the door but he stops in the way to turn to me.
“You know I never got your name even though you saved me from a painful walk.” He smiles and has a small laugh.
“Y/n, my name is Y/n!”
“Nice to meet you Y/n, my name’s Jefferson.”He shakes my hand, his grip is tight for a bit before he slowly lets go of my hand.
“Nice to meet you too Jefferson!”
“You know I have some warm tea inside, do you both wanna come inside and have some?”
I look at Emma who still stands beside the car waiting for me, she shakes her head no in which Jefferson gives me a frown.
“I insist.”
“Yea, I would love to have some tea with you.” My voice a hint of nervousness in which he gestures me to follow him, I look back at Emma who follows behind.
I’m closer to Jefferson than Emma, I sit next to Emma while we both sip our tea. Jefferson walks up with a map.
“I’m a bit of an amateur cartographer, mapping the area is a hobby.” He opens the map widely and I eye it in awe, he must’ve noticed because he smirked in satisfaction.
“Maybe this will help you track down your dog, what’s his name?”
“Cute.” As I look at the map I can feel his eyes on me, he brings up his hand to my hair but lowers it out of self control.
“Well, Route 6 runs the boundary of the forest. So, if we just follow that we should be able to…” I look to Emma and she seems out of it, like she’s about to pass out.
“Emma, you okay?”
“Something wrong?” Jefferson’s question follows behind mine.
“I’m just feeling a little… dizzy” I hold onto Emma making sure she falls onto to the couch and not the floor.
“Let me help you, we both hold onto Emma helping her lay on the couch, I stay by her side holding her tight.
“Your limp?” Emma points out and I look in her direction, he stops in his tracks and meets my eyes. I suddenly feel a slight of dizziness take over and I fall on the floor, Emma passes out and soon Jefferson is by my side.
“Did you….drug us?” He holds on to me tight and carries me upstairs, when he finally settles me down on a bed upstairs. At this point I’m close to passing out, he lays besides me while strolling his fingers through my hair.
“Who are you?”
“You don’t remember me now but soon you will, I’ll make Emma fix this and soon you’ll be in my arms again kitty.” I shoot him a confused look before passing out with is touch.
“Sleep well my love.”
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Also I'm 👀👀👀 over the original tags having "they're both good at the other's job" and the context in which this happens, please oh lovely benevolent void?
I'm debating about playing around with the setting for this AU a bit cause right now it stands at Aizawa is a Private Detective but it would also work really really well set in the more canon universe and like Aizawa's just been running his own Hero Agency out of his apartment because he doesn't wanna work under anyone else.
But, that aside, it doesn't really change the fact that once they (mainly Izuku tbh) move past the hilarity/humiliation of their first meeting it slowly comes out that they're both good at the other's job.
Aizawa actually starts spending some time in Izuku's cafe to the point that he's got his own small reserved table set in the back near the counter.
So of course Aizawa's there when Izuku, who is perpetually short-staffed, has to run to the back just as a customer comes in. Aizawa wouldn't normally care but, well, he's got a bit of a soft spot for Izuku already. So he slips behind the counter and manages to fill the customer's order quickly and efficiently much to Izuku's surprise when he comes back up front only to see Aizawa handing over a to-go cup and a receipt.
Plus, since Aizawa's spending so much time in the cafe, it's inevitable that he'd start bringing his work down with him. And since he's sitting so close to the counter it's inevitable that Izuku would get a glimpse at whatever he's working on.
Aizawa's very surprised and more than a bit pleased over how easily Izuku can spot patterns and information that even he's overlooked.
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