#maybe gonna post the unanimated piece later
phier · 4 months
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sowaran · 3 months
//Trigger Warning// VENT WARNING.
Contains vomit I dont know what to put in here. Beware?. Pls.
Cool okay then.
Uhh. I vomited without warning today, because I didnt eat in a big while. I didnt knew that was a thing that could happen so it was really weird. But, now I feel like, 10 times better.
I mean, better than any other time in like, this year.. or like, the year before.
Every time i vomit to the point I start shaking it feels like, I'm a better person.
Like if I got the toxic stuff inside of me out of me. Quite literally haha.
I don't like to vomit. I dont do it often. I hate it, I hate the feeling of a raw throat with an unbearable texture of what used to be food. The taste is the worst. Bitter Bitter and more Bitter. My vomit filled saliva rolling down my shirt as I try to not get my hands in there but failing miserably by the instinct of cleanliness.. and the snot being pushed out of my nostrils by pieces of food that was chewed a long time ago.
I dont like any of that.
But it makes my mind..
Like, if i can view life in a more.. kind approach.
Like if all I need to do is to console myself, feel the compassion of a warm hug while I fall asleep to a better rest of the day. I almost always vomit when is really early in the morning. So I would enjoy a good nice afternoon that has nothing wrong later.
I feel weaker, but that's okay. I just need to eat nice good food. I just need something to make me feel better. And all that junk that got out of me. Got out of me for good.
It's like if I go back into a more.. childish state of existence. Where all I need to do is focus on myself, what I really want, not whatever anyone else tells me but also be smart and not eat the same junk that will probably make me sick again.
I stop worrying about morality and more like "okay, I decreet day of sandwiches and juice for today, Sleep and be tired today. No walking, no thinking, no complaining and nothing weird, only peace fill me up and maybe also water, but only after the taste of bad food is gone".
Is a predictable day where I need to get out of the bullshit I went through and stop overthinking things. Is like a removal of all anxieties being replaced with weriness of things that actually make sense.
Is like if I'm whole again. And then, all my thoughts of self deprivation turn into compassion as all of them unanimously agree to go to sleep in the middle of the day.
I dont like vomiting but I do need that compassion every once in a while.
Is like " just be patient guy, later you'll go back to walking and talking to yourself and drawing or whatever, right now it hurts but like, chill, sleep don't worry eat a sandwich (be careful with that) and juice and yogurt" oh yeah, yogurt man, I want some peach yogurt I want some omg. But maybe tomorrow.
Today I have cereal and I'm prolly gonna eat it in a big while later. Sleepy time now. Patient ramiel, dont let the bad things you've eaten discourage you, the getting them put of you hurts but, oh well, you can fill yourself with love filled peach yogurt and give yourself a kind hug dude chill chillllll sleep sleep..
Damn I've gotten a week trying to hear 'sleep by mcr' but I keep forgetting..
Maybe when I wake up I can do that.
Aughhhhh my tummy hurts time to sleep. Bye. Hahahs.
Should I even post this?
Ah fuck you why not?
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a-queer-seminarian · 3 years
Hello, you seem to be knowledgeable about god. Do you know where to find him and what his weaknesses are? I have dedicated my life to hunting him down and killing him for the indescribable amount of suffering he has directly or indirectly caused.
cw: violent language, including about fighting / killing God; as well as discussion of the Shoah / Holocaust later on in the post
(gonna start this long-ass response by saying that yes, i know this anon is probably joking about dedicating their life to hunting down God, but i’m gonna answer it like they’re serious because that’s the kind of person i am haha)
honestly anon, all power to ya! it sounds like my own understanding of God is quite different from yours (for instance, i would claim that God’s main weakness is actually Their best strength, which is compassion and steadfast solidarity) -- but the question of why God allows suffering is one i come back to all the damn time.
if you do track God down -- if God turns out to be a Being that can be tracked down to one location and time -- please do deliver my regards and my sincerest “WTF??”
you’re not the first to demand God answer for the suffering that’s happened on Their watch --
for if God is truly omnipotent, and truly all-loving, why don’t they do something about all this pain??? Indeed, the Bible is rich with similar demands -- from the psalmists to Job to Jesus himself from the cross (quoting a psalm, he cries, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me??”).
You might already know all this, but if not, the question of God’s place in suffering is often referred to as theodicy, at least in Christian circles.
That term comes from the Greek for god + justice, so what it literally means is “justifying (or vindicating) God”....which I’m not a huge fan of, because it implies that when we explore this question of where God is in suffering, we already know the result will be that God will be proven innocent (or at least “not guilty”).
But do we know that?? See the bottom of this post for an example of a time people of great faith found God guilty!
Anyway, theodicy describes intellectual efforts “to jerry-rig three mutually exclusive terms into harmony: divine power, goodness, and the experiences of evil.“ - Wendy Farley
If you want to learn more about theodicy and the way some theologians have “made sense” of suffering, check out this introductory post I’ve got.
Or wander through my whole #theodicy tag over on my other blog.
I invite you to explore theodicy not in any attempt to convince you of anything, but so you know some of the arguments you’re up against! Honestly, the more i explore theodicy, the less satisfied i am with any justifications for why God doesn’t intervene in the face of so much suffering...so if you do the reading and still conclude God is guilty, i’m not gonna tell you you’re definitely wrong.
Anyway. Like i said, you’re not alone in wanting answers for why God -- however, i don’t know that i’ve seen anyone else with your determination to find and kill God!
(Except, and i hate that i know this lol, that’s apparently the plot of the final season of Supernatural -- they find out God’s a total ass who not only is guilty of negligence but also directly responsible for a lot of suffering for his own sadistic enjoyment. so. they kill the bastard.)
Still, while i don’t know that i’ve seen too many people who want to take God out, the idea of wrestling God is pervasive -- especially within Judaism, but also among some Christians.
i’m very into wrestling God, myself, finding it far more faithful to the God who gifted us free will and invites us into true, mutual relationship than unquestioning obedience.
i have a whole #wrestling God tag over on my other blog.
For the most intense example of wrestling with God i’ve yet seen, with God put on trial and found guilty, keep reading.
cw: discussion of the Shoah / Holocaust below
You might connect to Elie Wiesel’s play The Trial of God, or the movie that was made based off it. Wiesel survived Nazi concentration camps but ceased to believe in God after what he suffered. His play was inspired by something he witnessed while a teen at Auschwitz:
"I witnessed a strange trial. Three rabbis—all erudite and pious men—decided one winter evening to indict God for allowing his children to be massacred. I remember: I was there, and I felt like crying. But nobody cried."
Robert McAfee Brown wrote more about this trial Wiesel witnessed:
“The trial lasted several nights. Witnesses were heard, evidence was gathered, conclusions were drawn, all of which issued finally in a unanimous verdict: the Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, was found guilty of crimes against creation and humankind.”
Note that in 2008 when commenting on this event, Wiesel clarified that “At the end of the trial, they used the word chayav, rather than ‘guilty.’ It means ‘He owes us something.’”
In the chapter “No God, Only Auschwitz” of his book Embracing Hopelessness, Miguel A. De La Torre comments on this verdict by explaining that if God wasn’t going to intervene, then God must at the least speak -- but instead, God was silent:
“God must be held accountable for refusing to speak to those yearning for God’s voice. Something. Anything. A note of solidarity. A testament of love, accompaniment. But they hear and receive nothing. The trial...ends with God owing us something.
De La Torre goes on to describe the play Wiesel wrote based on this memory, which actually takes place in a 1649 Ukranian village, rather than at Auschwitz. The Cossacks raid the village and kill all but two of its Jewish residents.
“In Wiesel’s play, he has the inkeeper Berish voice the same questions those sitting in death camps centuries later asked, if not audibly, then silently:
‘To mention God’s mercy in Shamgorod [Auschwitz] is an insult. Speak of his cruelty instead. ...I want to understand why. He is giving strength to the killers and nothing but tears and the shame of helplessness to the victims. ...Either he is responsible or He is not. If He is, let’s judge him; if He is not, let him stop judging us. ...
‘[I] accuse Him of hostility, cruelty and indifference. ...Either He knows what’s happening to us, or He doesn’t wish to know! In both cases He is...guilty! Would a father stand by, quietly, silently, and watch his children being slaughtered?’”
De La Torre continues with his own thoughts on all this:
“The horrors humanity faces indict God as being less loving and attentive than sinful parents. I hesitate to make any pronouncements as to the character of God because in the final analysis, I lack any empirical knowledge upon which to base my study. Still with all my heart and being I want to say: my God is the God of the oppressed who incarnates Godself among the least of these.
I want to make this bold claim based on the testimony of the gospel witness. But in the midst of the dark night, I confess this hopeful belief is at best a tenet accepted by faith, lacking any means of proving the truth or falsehood of the claim. In the shadow of Auschwitz, though I am not Jewish, nonetheless I am left wondering if the precious Deity who notices the fall of a sparrow is blind to God’s children crushed in the winepress. Do I dare wonder if God is the God of the oppressors?
...Or maybe this is a God who really wants to do good, but lacks the power to do anything in the face of inhumanity. ..."
There’s one more piece to this tale of Wiesel’s witness of the trial of God at Auschwitz. And that is that, after declaring God guilty (or chayav)...
...after what Wiesel describes as an "infinity of silence", the Talmudic scholar looked at the sky and said "It's time for evening prayers", and the members of the tribunal recited Maariv, the evening service. (McAfee Brown)
...That ending is the part that astounds and awes me. These Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz find God guilty -- and then proceed to pray as they always do. I am reminded of what my Jewish friends as well as various Jewish scholars have told me: that Judaism is totally compatible with wrestling with God and even with disbelief. Whether these Jewish prisoners believed God even existed, they prayed -- because that tradition of prayer is what unites them to one another, to their people.
As De La Torre closes his telling of Wiesel’s story,
“At the conclusion of the movie God on Trial, based on the events Wiesel described, shortly after the barrack inmates find God guilty, and those chosen are marched to the gas chamber, they cover their heads and pray. ...
Believers and unbelievers who took the audacious act of placing God on trial do what is totally illogical -- in the midst of their hopelessness they demonstrate their faith as they march toward the gas chambers, or they defiantly embrace who they are while still remaining in heated conversation, damning God. It matters not if God still hears their prayers, or if there even is a God to hear; they still pray, they still debate -- not for God’s sake, but for their own.”
And that brings me to the one bit of actual advice I’ll give you, anon:
If you want to spend your life “hunting God down,” as I said, all power to you! But I do suggest you ponder for whose sake you do so -- and whether you do so for justice or just revenge. What good does such a quest do for those who are suffering now? Are their other paths you could follow that would bring more good? What about your own healing? I imagine you’re not interested in repairing any relationship with religion -- would walking away from God rather than hounding God be a more healing and fruitful path for your finite life?
I’ll close with one more quote from De La Torre, from the very end of his chapter:
“As I stroll through what was once the concentration camp of Dachau, I am cognizant that this space witnessed the unspeakable horrors that befell God’s children at the hands of Christians hoping for a better, purer society and future. ...So do not offer me your words of hope; offer me your praxis for justice. ...In the midst of unfathomable suffering, the earth’s marginalized no longer need pious pontifications about rewards in some hereafter. Nor do they need their oppressors providing the answers for their salvation. What is needed is disruption of the norm to push humanity toward an unachievable justice.
When there is nothing to lose, when work does not set you free, not only are multiple possibilities opened up with new opportunities for radical change unimaginable to those playing it safe; but also a venue is provided by which to get real with whatever this God signifies. ...”
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astrologista · 4 years
Kristoph Gavin Character Analysis I
Part 1 of... fucking infinity, I hate this bitch so much lmao.
Well, it's Halloween time and I just thought, why not. So let's answer this question.
What makes Kristoph Gavin a scary character/villain? A soft spoken gentleman with a deadly secret... the Devil, who lives in his hand, that crazy evil scar thing, his creepy music theme... damn, he’s a scary dude. But scariest of all? His psychology, as we all know. (This is mostly gonna be headcanons. but ya know what, I have a license (hands you a piece of paper that says ‘i can do what i want’))
Kristoph seems like a person who is very aloof, particularly when it comes to personal relationships. At first he kind of just seems like the typical anime glasses guy whose main emotion is like whooa he does the glare thing with his glasses sometimes. But... what is he really about?
You know, let me digress for a moment, what's really interesting to me about the AA characters is how much depth they have in their writing. Case in point, Adrian Andrews. There's a character who you assume is just going to be the typical "anime glasses girl" who is a career woman who don't need no man, and is very aloof, cool, and as she says, not concerned with irrelevant topics or things. Later you learn about the true depths to her personality. The fact that she is codependent, that she needs other people telling her what to do in order to survive. Just because she masks these emotions doesn't mean they don't exist. I felt that really gave a lot of depth to her character and added another dimension that stories in this genre don't often address as boldly or fully (especially when it comes to a female character). So the quality of the writing is always really top notch with only a few exceptions. Take this as context...
Now getting back to Kristoph Gavin. Typical anime glasses dude, right? But no, though. One of the reasons why he's so interesting to me is how his emotional understanding of personal relationships really works. Or seems to, anyway. Based on the endgame testimony and his crimes, Kristoph Gavin is extremely dangerous because, should you get involved with him in any way, he will never, ever let go of you, ever. Once you are entangled with him he wants you to stay entangled, not unlike an overbearing parent who refuses to let you go. It's partly that he thinks he knows what's best for you (that is, to stay completely loyal to him). And also partly... because he is pretty dependent on what other people think of him. So he needs to keep them around him closely.
Kristoph's biggest fear was his lying being exposed for what it was. That Phoenix was really the honest, straightforward attorney, and not him. Kristoph would do anything to perpetuate his own false reality. He kept it going for seven years. His absolute worst fear of all was losing his reputation. Being seen for what he truly was in front of others. He could never accept that. That fear drove all of his murders. Fundamentally, he sees himself as benevolent... when nothing could be further from the truth of how he was hurting everyone who had the misfortune of crossing his path.
Kristoph has a need to perpetuate this false identity of himself above all else. A very adjacent second goal to that is to keep all of his personal associates very close and under his control in order to keep the first goal intact.
Reject him and he will stalk you until you are dead. By his hand, or otherwise. Slight him, and he will get you at the first opportunity, case in point, Zak Gramarye. (He only had to get a quick glance at the guy and his fate was sealed. Turnabout Trump is a chilling case.) Replace him, and he will tear your life and livelihood up into little itty bitty pieces. He will then continue to stalk you aggressively for seven years while pretending he is your best friend. Case in point, Phoenix Wright.
Create false evidence for him and you become a loose end. So does your daughter. Like I said, just don't get involved with him. If he feels threatened, Kristoph Gavin will not hesitate to end you. It's definitely an obsession. I mean the first word that comes to people's minds when it comes to Kristoph usually isn't "obsessed", because he gives off the aura of being calm and uninterested. But he is, he's obsessed. You have to be obsessed to do what he did. This shit consumed his every waking hour, and that's what he won't admit. That he was so sick, he completely lost the plot. Phoenix was already living in his head rent free the day he ordered the forgery. And even though Phoenix wasn't physically present at the Misham trial and was only watching everything by video camera, you can bet Kristoph was seeing Phoenix. Hallucinating him, images of him. Probably multiple images of him. That's how obsessive. Imagine letting something or someone control you to that extent. Imagine thinking that you're so important, that Phoenix taking Zak Gramarye's case at all was meant to be a slight against you personally. (It's funny because Phoenix mentions not even knowing Kristoph at all until after the disbarment. So Kristoph's own logic in thinking that Phoenix was just out to shame him absolutely doesn't track. Ob-sessed, dude.)  
It's actually pretty astonishing that someone like Apollo made it out alive. On a side note, I really think Kristoph enjoyed having someone to mentor. He sought someone like Apollo out. Someone naive and new to the field for him to indoctrinate. And maybe I have a post about that later, cuz that's a whole 'nother barrel of monkeys right there. (It kind of involves Apollo’s naivete (also, daddy issues, hello.) being a huge reason why he would gravitate towards having a mentor known for having a “caring” personality. And I think Apollo genuinely liked that about him, which makes the end result so much more awful for Apollo to deal with because to him, that was real.)
But now think of Klavier, right. Being forced to grow up with that. To live with that your entire life. To have a familial relationship that is that smothering, that suffocating, that strangling. That controlling, to criticize every single thing that you do or say right down to the way you say it. And remember... He's never letting you go. I would go on a world tour as a rock star, too. Anything to be anywhere he isn't. This is horror movie tier stuff. (now im imagining a horror movie trailer for aa4 focusing on gavins stuff... eep!)
And Kristoph Gavin markets himself as someone who simply doesn't care. He's the coolest defense in the west and he doesn't care for what you may think about it. Except... he does care. It totally consumes him. Your perception, your opinion, is everything to him. He has shitty self esteem, deep down, because he knows Phoenix is better than him. And tries to mask it with narcissism as the two duke it out. Appearances are everything, evidence is everything. What people think is true is the only thing that matters, truth doesn't. And it makes sense that his closest contacts and associates are the targets for his constant narcissistic abuse and gaslighting. Their opinions matter even more than the common crowd - of course, Kristoph hates them. Which makes it even worse for him when the jury decides unanimously that Vera is innocent (and by implication, he is therefore guilty). The jury verdict was kind of like the ultimate confirmation that guess what, the evidence doesn't matter. The common and boorish masses have passed judgement, no matter how "mindless, emotional and irrational" they are, even they can see behind his crappy little facade. Even a blind woman like Lamiroir can see that insecurity; even a common person can understand it just by looking at the facts. That's what absolutely wrecks him... that his “poker face” couldn’t hold a candle to Phoenix’s. And he loses the “hand” again (because of his “hand”... get it??).
The identity that he needs to maintain is part of how he sees himself in his mind. As Phoenix's protector, not as his stalker. As Klavier's benevolent big brother, not as his abuser. As Apollo's teacher and mentor, not as someone guiding him into ruin. He lives in a false reality.
Try to bring this up in any way, shape, or form and he will write it off. You're just imagining things...
Because at some level, Mr. Black Psyche Locks himself doesn't even realize. (I feel like that might just be basically canonical fact, based on Pearl’s explanation of how black psyche locks are supposed to work.) That’s pretty freaking terrifying.
At the end of the day this is a big part of the reason I think his character is just so interesting. In a very messed up way, Kristoph is one degree away from being such a good person. He could've been obsessively protective of Klavier - the way a big brother is supposed to be - instead of abusive, could've actually been very caring of Phoenix instead of manipulative. Terrible people can have good traits, just as good people can have awful traits. His attention to detail and understanding of psychology (like getting Vera those gifts she would like so much) could've been used for genuine good. He could've been someone who cares deeply about other people because he does care deeply about other people. But only in terms of their relation to himself, what do they think of him, how are they useful to him.
Maybe this is why I kind of like his character. Intelligent, semi-neurotic protective characters are just my ish. But, no, he has to have a narcissistic bent that skews everything into complete abuse. That’s what makes him awful... that he’s devoid of a moral compass or true compassion for other human beings.
So in closing, fuck off, Kristoph Gavin.
Postscript, he's also such a good foil for Phoenix for this reason. Kristoph does everything for himself. Phoenix does everything for Trucy, because he's a dad and he understands the weight of what it means to really care for someone. Kristoph couldn’t understand motives like that. And Phoenix can't help it if he's an order of magnitude smarter and more mature than Kristoph is. He was just born like that. Classy as fuck. You know what, Kristoph Gavin is like the dollar store version of Phoenix Wright as an attorney. Has many of the same functions but actually doesn't have a leg to stand on and will fail you when you need it. And is revealed to just be a cheap knockoff of the real thing.
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
I saw the tag- I am gonna ask you about the crossover universe- (omg I’m literally gushing about this)
 So you can find a lot of this on the “What is the WHAM ARMY?” page on my blog – I’ll try to remember to link it; I’m drafting this in a word processor first so I don’t use it. Essentially, this is the universe I’ve created for my fanfic “Taking Back the Crown,” which is about…basically my favorite villains all moving into the same house and trying to take over the multiverse. And then it got lore. And more lore. Because I cannot write anything normal. The fic is nearing its 150th chapter and I’m nowhere NEAR exhausted of all the ideas I want to put in it – it’s just my big playground for hyperfixation fun. Anyway, here’s a rundown of the major points of it!
 The main characters are the eight villains who are the founders of the WHAM ARMY. The faction name is an acronym of their first initials. They’re my ultrafaves, the villains I always get fluttery heart for, and probably the biggest collection of losers you can imagine. I’ll put them in order of the acronym and give you some background on how each entered the team.
Wuya (Xiaolin Showdown) – So the connecting factor between these people is that Mozenrath (his name is a few slots down) is their team leader and the one who decided to build a team in the first place. Wuya was recruited when Mozenrath found her puzzle box in an ancient vault. This is set post-series for XS (and Chronicles is not at all canon), so what had happened is in the big Showdown right after Raimundo was named team leader officially in the finale, the Xiaolin Monks won ALL the Shen Gong Wu to their side and stuffed Wuya in the box. So Mozenrath found her and let her out so they could be pals. A magic potion let her regain human form fairly early on, and her power isn’t even nerfed either the way Chase Young would’ve done.
Huntsman (American Dragon: Jake Long) – ADJL is also post-series in this timeline. Mozenrath has the power to resurrect people from the dead at will because he’s memorized an ancient and incredibly complex ritual that he can execute mentally (note that this means you can remove this ability from him by tampering with his memories). The Huntsman was resurrected so as to show Mozenrath around the old Huntsclan vault (which is where they found Wuya’s puzzle box). No other Huntsclan member survived the purge except Rose (and 88 and 89, but they don’t count and aren’t in this story), so the Huntsman is starting from square one.
Ayam Aghoul (Aladdin: The Animated Series): Basically just got sick of losing. He’d teamed up with a few other rando Aladdin rogues to try and pick a fight with Maleficent, and she sent him packing. So he ended up finding one of the few residents of the Seven Deserts who was powerful enough to match him AND had a similar grudge against Maleficent.
Mozenrath (Aladdin: The Animated Series): The man of the hour and the creator of the entire team. He starts the fic by crashing Maleficent’s KH Disney Villain alliance and trying to add himself to it, but…ends up being such a disrespectful nuisance that Hades just drags him straight down to the Underworld. That moment inspired him to get his OWN band of friends and start making a name for himself.
Archibald Snatcher (The Boxtrolls): Met Mozenrath in the Underworld after his death in film canon. Annoyed Hades one too many times by claiming that he wasn’t actually supposed to die, seeing as he isn’t allergic to dairy (he is), so Hades threw him in the same cell as Mozenrath and…
Roman Torchwick (RWBY): I started writing this fic in 2016, immediately post-V3, so it’s canon-divergent after the last episode of V3 (but I got all the later-game characters to show up eventually). Which means Roman is ALSO dead at the start of this fic. He ALSO comes storming up to Hades insisting he’s not even supposed to be dead. At the same time as Snatcher is already pestering him. Which is how Mozenrath, Snatcher, and Roman end up in the same jail cell in Tartarus and get the idea that maybe they should break back into the world of the living and try to build something BETTER than what any of the three had beforehand.
Mad Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone): Mozenrath, immediately after breaking out of the Underworld, attempted to take over Arthur’s kingdom by just walking in and throwing magic around. It backfired horribly when Merlin showed up. But then Mim showed up to counter Merlin and realized that maybe she had a potential friend here who was as blackhearted as she.
Yzma (The Emperor’s New Groove): Post-TENG, no KNG or TENS (but I reference things from TENS every now and again). Merlin turned Mozenrath into a rat, so Mim brought him to Yzma’s Secret Lab to change him back. There, they found Yzma as a cat, and she so desperately wanted out of her living situation that she added herself to the team. She was also restored to human form shortly thereafter.
 There is a potential ninth member of the core in the form of Vexen (Kingdom Hearts). KH is canon-divergent after DDD and basically ignores almost every game that comes out after Fragmentary Passage. Vexen, as Even, was trying to integrate into life as a hero in Radiant Garden, except everyone annoyed him way too much, so he decided to go be with people that would give right back any insults he dished out. And then realized he was much happier being on the evil team and doing mad science with no ethics. However, he will not be promoted to the upper ranks because 1. it would spoil the acronym and 2. he is unanimously agreed-upon to be the biggest wet blanket of the group and nobody wants him at the founder parties.
(Imagine my disbelief when the actual canon arc for Vexen was THE REVERSE ONE IN WHICH HE JUST DECIDES TO GO LIVE AT RADIANT GARDEN AND NOT BE ANNOYED BY ANYTHING and that’s why JC doesn’t like Kingdom Hearts III)
 Anyway, this crew is a bunch of silly friends who enjoy partying, singing, dancing, drag, indulging in vices, causing mayhem, taking over cities, arranging for mass murder, piecing together smear campaigns…but they’re all pretty much ride or die for each other. And that goes double for the ships of the set: Mozenrath/Huntsman, Mim/Aghoul, Wuya/Yzma, and my favorite ship to end all favorites, Roman/Snatcher (RedHatBlackHat is the ship name).
From there, you have a B-Squad of, like, seventy other people based on my faves. Nonnie, I know you saw this because of Vincent Edgeworth, Victor Blake, and Albert Krueger, and they are three of COUNTLESS examples. It’s a found crime family that keeps getting bigger as I get more fave villains and there’s hardly a rhyme or a reason. Currently, they live in a floating fortress designed when they stole Terra Cyclonia (Storm Hawks) and hefted it out into the aether between worlds with crystal technology.
 They have a rival hero faction in the form of the Cinnamons: a gathering of people who they’ve wronged who turned out to make pretty good friends themselves. While the WHAM ARMY are the villain-protag team that you feel slightly bad loving the escapades of, the Cinnamons are the rainbows, fluff, sunshine, (secret crippling depression and anxiety), and pep-talkers of the multiverse. They’re the deuteragonist team as opposed to the “villains” of the story. They also have eight “leaders,” but they were picked up a little less quickly than the WHAM ARMY founders, instead coming together over the span of a much longer quest. These people are:
Sora (Kingdom Hearts): Heart of the team and the person who pulled them all together, because Sora loves everyone. He, Riku, and Kairi witnessed the WHAM ARMY wreaking destruction on both Radiant Garden and Disney Castle, and Sora decided no one gets to treat his homes-away-from-home like that and get away with it! Between Mozenrath and the still-looming threats of Maleficent and Xehanort, he’s now collecting pals from all worlds to fight against evil and do as much good as they can do! (While having sleepovers.)
Ruby Rose (RWBY): Before she, Nora, Ren, and Jaune could get into Mistral, Sora interrupted them on their path and directed them right back around to Vale with the news that Roman Torchwick was back in action. After an incident involving the Destiny Trio and Team RNJR having to team up and actually kill the massive Grimm unleashed in the V3 endgame, they all headed out to Radiant Garden together to continue their mission.
Papyrus (Undertale): Sora found him while exploring worlds and they clicked immediately as pals. Then the WHAM ARMY, who was living in Mt. Ebott at the time, sparked an anti-monster racist sentiment through the town, and Papyrus was advised to leave the world for his own safety, so he went traveling with Sora.
Stork (Storm Hawks): Maleficent, who is also an active player in this game, made a power play by destroying the Condor with the entire Storm Hawks team onboard while they were on the Far Side of Atmos (post-series). Stork, believing himself to be the only survivor, attempted to take his own life – only for Sora to show up just in time and offer him something better: hope that his friends survived, and new friends to tag along with until they could prove either way.
Jasmine (Aladdin): The Cinnamons came looking to Agrabah for more information on Mozenrath. When Jasmine heard he was causing chaos, she decided to get personally involved.
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender): Post-ATLA, no LoK. Sora made a trip to the Fire Nation to see if he could head off the WHAM ARMY’s latest scheme, and ran into the Gaang along the way. After helping Katara, Aang, and Zuko protect the Fire Nation from a very near miss, Sora invited them to come travel with him. Only Katara accepted at first, the other two wanting to clean things up on their homeworld.
Kazuichi Soda (DanganRonpa): Post-SDR2, no DR3. Xehanort requested Izuru Kamukura be used as a vessel, and Kazuichi went in Izuru/Hajime’s place so his buddy didn’t have to. But the first chance he got, Kazuichi turned and ran from the Castle That Never Was…where Sora had just crash-landed. Kazuichi patched up Sora’s ship, and immediately became part of his crew. (Worth noting: in this AU, the Remnants of Despair were never brainwashed and were completely aware of what they were doing. Kazuichi is basically a redemption story, trying to be a better person to make up for the hell he caused. Also, while on the Despair side, he’d hacked off his leg to sew Junko’s in its place, disabling himself – that leg goes through an arc regarding what prosthesis is in its place.)
Rapunzel (Tangled): After the Vardaros arc of S2 of Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. Rapunzel was targeted by the WHAM ARMY because she was essentially a living MacGuffin for one of their spells. Sora showed up, and Rapunzel decided to go along with him for safety AND fun, leaving Cassandra to continue the pilgrimage to the Dark Kingdom. (Wrote this before KHIII was out. And before the Evil Cass twist.)
 And just like the WHAM ARMY, these folks have a huge B-squad that lives in the Radiant Garden castle and helps them deal with the various tragedies they have to clean up after. Riku, Kairi, and Jaune Arc in particular get a decent amount of stage time.
 As you can see, Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty/Kingdom Hearts) and her forces are another big set of chess pieces on the board! After she sent Mozenrath to gay baby jail and it didn’t stick, she’s been trying to continue plans for domination as usual but ALSO wipe the WHAM ARMY off the face of the multiverse. She, Jafar (Aladdin), Ursula (The Little Mermaid), and Hades (Hercules) all came straight here from KH. But I’m working to model that team’s inner circle on the team in “Quite a Glittering Assemblage,” the sister fic by gavillain (it’s basically this premise but Maleficent gets a team to start instead, but similarities end there, his is a whole different, fresh, and fun flavor). I’ve just gotten all these characters intro’d instory, but the other biggies are Loki (Marvel – I based him in the Cinematic Universe but he’s kind of just an amalgamation of Lokis), Dr. Doom (Marvel), Captain Hook (Once Upon a Time), Russell Edgington (True Blood), and Fish Mooney (Gotham). Currently, they operate out of the Forbidden Mountain in the Enchanted Dominion.
 There’s also a very new addition as of the 140’s chapters: the Heathens. This is a squad of villains with moral lines in the sand (and some antiheroes or corrupted heroes). Basically, these aren’t your killers for fun. These are the people who steal candy from the gas station and think they’re slick, but the point is they’re enjoying themselves so just let it happen. The four founders of this one are Harley Quinn (DC – based on The Batman but an amalgamation of Harleys that leans sympathetic), Yang Xiao Long (RWBY), Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased), and Velvet Crowe (Tales of Berseria). Currently, they operate out of the old mansion in Twilight Town.
 The Xehanorts are here, and that team is largely who you think it is – though I stripped away Vexen, Demyx, Marluxia, Larxene, and Luxord in order to replace them ALL with Xaldin. More crossover shenanigans to come on this front. This team isn’t very active – they’re waiting for the Keyblade War – but they’re operating out of the World That Never Was.
 There’s also another side villain faction: the Morbians, led by Mirage (Aladdin: The Animated Series). These are the demons of fear, the stuff that lurks in your nightmares, and…the villains I really like but who I don’t quite think fit in with the WHAM ARMY or any other more prominent group. But to give you an idea of what the flavor of this team is, she’s recruited not one but TWO Boogeymen – Pitch Black (Rise of the Guardians) and Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas).
 There will be more villain factions to come, and I kind of want to splinter the Cinnamons to multiple bases as well. Obviously it’s easier to split villains up because they’re fun to write at war with each other – when I have hero teams come up against each other, usually they end up becoming best buddies instead of fighting, and that’s how I like it, but that’s why there’s just ONE BIG HERO TEAM as opposed to the many villain squads rattling around.
 So as you have probably gleaned, the multiverse setup is largely based on Kingdom Hearts, which is one of my favorite things (in the KH1 through Fragmentary Passage era anyway). There are many worlds that can be visited either by Gummi Ship or Corridor of Darkness. Basically any evil-aligned sorcerer can use Corridors in this ‘verse – they’ve opened their souls to Darkness and have magic, so they can do so.
 The implication is that every world represents a separate “story” or part of one. As in if it’s a work of fiction HERE, it’s a world THERE. Some characters are actually savvy enough to know they’re fictional (e.g. Megavolt from Darkwing Duck, Xayide from The Neverending Story). Most of them aren’t built to handle the news, though, and just shrug it off if told. (No, really, the cosmic order prevents them from taking that news seriously if they’re not from something that regularly leans on the fourth wall anyway.)
 But sometimes, things get AU’d in without their full worlds. I was inspired by how Final Fantasy is treated in canon KH, and once I started bringing in more FF stuff by the same method, I felt motivated to do that with MORE fandoms if I felt the characters could be divorced from their settings and histories easily. I’ve done it for most Disney Channel non-animated properties as well as Satellite City (ain’t that the worst combo you’ve ever looked at). I’m planning to do it for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn because I’m coming up on a location I want to delve into the civilization of but don’t have many canon characters for, so guess what, you get the FE cast now.
 Major worlds or relevant locations in play are the Cyclonian warship, Radiant Garden, Twilight Town, and occasionally the Enchanted Dominion, but we move from plotline to plotline with journeys to many, many, MANY worlds of things I want to play with the settings and casts of. Also, the Cyclonian warship is about to get replaced with another WHAM ARMY base; we’ll get there.
 For the first major “book” of TBTC, the WHAM ARMY has found a spell that they think will let them conquer the entire multiverse by giving them control over Kingdom Hearts itself. All they have do to is collect a bunch of MacGuffins that correspond to twelve elements: fire, water, earth, air, light, darkness, life, death, time, space, entropy, and aether. In order to do this, they visit the worlds of KH, RWBY, Avatar, Storm Hawks, Okami, Undertale, Wakfu, The Legend of Zelda, The Neverending Story, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, and many many more. The Cinnamons catch wind of what they’re doing and start assembling. Meanwhile Maleficent is on the hunt for the Book of Prophecies and starts hiring villains on her team as well. After many madcap adventures and some devastating tragedies near endgame, the Cinnamons accidentally put the Book of Prophecies in Maleficent’s hands at the same time that Maleficent finally captures Mozenrath and gets him under heel. The WHAM ARMY and Cinnamons both launch attacks on Maleficent’s forces, and each walks away with what they came for. This is also the part where we slowburn up to the four major WHAM ARMY ships and many Cinnamon ships. In the end, the WHAM ARMY actually gets all the ingredients for their spell, but what they don’t know is it will actually cause the DESTRUCTION of the worlds. So an outside force intervenes (Discord from MLPFIM, who later joins the WHAM ARMY because he wants friends who actually appreciate him as a villain and won’t make him change) to stop them, and the next thing they know, they’re starting from square one.
 We’re now in the second “book” of this story. The Cinnamons are gathering up all lost friends – the rest of Team RWBY, the Gaang, the Storm Hawks (who did in fact survive the explosion), the lost KH characters. The WHAM ARMY, on the other hand, is gathering up more villains to bolster their forces for a new evil plan: to conquer the worlds one by one, starting with Atlantis (Disney’s Atlantis: The Lost Empire) and using portals to link to other territories of interest. While the WHAM ARMY is essentially working through a to-do list of what they need before they can launch such a massive invasion, the Cinnamons are finding strength in numbers because the writing’s on the wall that between Mozenrath, Maleficent, Mirage, and Xehanort, things are going to get worse before they get better, and as evil builds, good will need to rise to protect the innocent. As for Maleficent, she’s no longer able to chase the Book of Prophecies, and so, because she’s got Hades, Loki, and Salem (RWBY) there and they’re all like “Even though we’re pretty godlike, we are not that happy with how the gods we knew have run things,” Maleficent’s new goal is to slaughter the gods of all pantheons (minus those in her care) and replace them with her allies.
 Anyway, as I had said in the post you saw, Anon – I basically take everything fictional I love and shove it into this AU for daydreams because it lets me imagine my faves having CROSSOVER INTERACTIONS and doing cool epic stuff on a multi-world scale. (But as much as I’ve talked up the epic aspect, a lot of it is just…like…people fucking around and hosting karaoke nights.) Anyway, I hope this gave you a good sense of the madness, and I hope it serves as a reminder to everyone that they can and should just. Make a daydream and/or fanfic universe that’s indulgent as hell. Just do it.
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kob131 · 5 years
*Busts through the wall*
Hello Muffin Man Dan. It's been some time since you’ve entered into my sights huh?
So you wanna try and fight now? Fine then, let’s see if you can even begin to challenge me then.
“This video is a huge video project I’ve been working on with multiple RWBYtubers helping out.”
So that means, by how you treat the CRWBY, you’re not allowed a single mistake or misstep.
Good to know Dan.
Chapter 1: Flaws of RWBY
So Dan, with a target this fucking huge and easy to hit, surely you can do have a percentage of at least 10% valid arguments nd not just throw a bunch of shit at the wall and pretend you did something great when one out of a hundred pieces sticks to the wall right?
Dan doesn’t even make ONE valid argument. The man had a bullseye the size of Texas and somehow managed to miss it while also shooting himself in the head.
His first arguments consists of him saying ‘Well, you were supporting a small company and a fledgling show before so being positive about them then was okay!’ … You know, ignoring how RT was being supported by the creators of HALO, had made the internet sensation Red Vs. Blue for ten years to this point, Monty had made Haloid and Dead Fanatsy among other things ect. Everyone EXCEPT the writers (you know, the people you attack the most) had experience before this so by your own argument you’re wrong. Not to mention the fact that not only didn’t stop assholes from attacking the first  two Volumes but the first two Volumes are STILL what you need to get through in order to get to the latter more professional Volumes so it STILL affects the show long after Rt has grown.
This all ignoring the NUMEROUS fans who started the show after Monty died and had no nostalgia or bias for the man to sustain them unlike you and they all almost UNANIMOUSLY agree the later Volumes are better. And before you try to argue that I’m using the fallacy of ‘Argument Ad Populum”: A. ‘Good’ is inherently subjective so the audience defines what is good and what isn’t. And B. You USE the audience in your argument later so you can’t exactly claim that with my argument without also destroying a latter argument of your own.’
He also tries to peddle off FloofArtist as someone whose trust worthy. For those of you who don’t know, FloofArtist’s beef with the creataors started when he asked Miles for info on Dust and Aura over TWitter and never got an answer...even though he went to an RTX beforehand and asked the CRWBY a question to their faces. The question? ‘How did Qrow get Pyrrha’s armor?’
So he basically pulled that nerd scene from the Simpsons. And then decides to get pissy when he doesn’t get answer on a social media site when the guy is doing something else. I ask, does that sound like someone who is intellectually honest? Or does that sound like someone who tries to put people into dishonest situations and would logically lie his ass off? Yeah Dan is basically saying ‘Oh you don’t know why this politician is bad, go watch CNN/Fox News!’
He then tries to say that ‘ever since V3, the fandom has generally agreed the fight scenes were missing something’ so, you know, he’s using the fanbase here to prove his point even though the same fandom contradicts him everywhere else and he’s gonna smack talk said fandom later on. Also the fanbase generally agrees the fight scenes got back on track in Volume 6 so uh, your point fails.
I could go into his talk about chorography but all he does is talk about interpolating, the neo vs. yang fight, some cuts and just generally does nothing wrong arguing.
And that’s it. This whole segment was supposed to be all about the flaws of the show and he made TWO points. Two points that were deader on arrival than Michael Jackson. Congrats Dan, you completely glossed over so many other issues that naming them all and explaining myself would take me longer than this video in a chapter named ‘Flaws with RWBY’ in a video supposedly a third talking about RWBY the show. Couldn’t even do the bare minimum huh Dan? Fucking pathetic.
Chapter 2: Unprofessionalism
Oh boy, am I gonna have fun here...
So he begins this off by showing a tweet from Lindsay that you can barely read where he claims she’s smack talking people who don’t like the ‘forced diversity’ in RWBY, saying that they’re the people giving them money. You know, ignoring the fact that not all of these people contribute to the show by buying merch, the show is FREE so no, just watching it doesn’t mean you support the show financially, they’re actively trying to strangle money from the creators by lying about them and using them for their political bullshit, you’re USING the fanbase to make this point (the same one you are smack talking and dare gonna smack talk) and this is Lindsay’s PERSONAL Twitter.
Oh an, not like Dan will go on HIS twitter to bitch about every single person who criticizes him, acting far worse than anything he shows here or will show, actively attacks his own critics individually and as a group and shows FAR FAR worse cases of what he’s bitching about.
He then goes onto say that the creators all live in an echo chamber and they lash out before returning to safety. So you know, basically everyone single one of the RWBY critic’s Twitters. No seriously, go onto any video made by a RWBY critic and treat them with 1/1000th of thee contempt and harshness they treat the CRWBY. You’ll end up on Twitter with a snap. So once again, Dan can’t even BEGIN to live up to his standards.
He then plays the Miles clip where he lashes out against critics of the show which seems bad..until you remember that Dan alone has accused them of abusing Monty, using their dead friend as a weapon against them, repeatedly lied about them, riled up his fans into attacking Miles and so much more. And again, this is JUST Dan. And THEN remember that when Dan gets called a single name, he goes on twitter to whine about it, calls everyone else names and then makes videos mocking them so he STILL has no right to say this shit.
He then tries to claim that everyone tells them the same shit which means he’s once again using the fanbase he smack talks for his point even as it contradicts him as damn near everyone loved Volume 6 and many have even said it’s the best Volume of RWBY.
He then tries to deflect criticism against him because he KNOWS he’s setting himself up for a roasting by saying ‘well. I’m criticizing rich people with attitudes so it’s okay!’ … which doesn’t work when you realize that I have about $7 to my name and he gets YouTube money every month and yet I’m still not allowed to criticize him. Even ignoring how fallacious this argument as it somehow means he’s above criticism even as he’s FAR worse in the EXACT same ways: not only does this apply to his OWN critics (you know, the gusy he treats worse than RT has ever done) but Dan is being EVEN MORE divisive than how he sees RT being.
He also tries to make some talk about how them being popular means they deserve to be criticized because betterment of society and our culture and celelbrities and blah blah blah. So basically, “I can ignore your humanity because you’re popular and you don’t act as my slave.” Once again, I only have under 200 followers and at my peak on my old blog I barely had around 500 whereas Dan has 10k subscribers and the people on reddit who criticize him probably have even LESS than me and yet he acts EVEN WORSE so...why should anyone listen to you?
He also tries to leech off the Vic situation by criticizing them for firing Vic. Let’s ignore how this is pandering to the anti-SJW people mobbing around this and look at it like this: Vic is the voice of Broly and Edward Elrich. Meaning he’s far more famous than Rooster Teeth. Sso by Dan’s own logic, they’re ALLOWED to do this stuff since Vic is more famous and more of a celebrity than the entire company. Great job Dan. Also he tries using the fanbase again. We already went over why he lost that right. Oh and uh if you look at Dan’s Twitter feed: ‘https://twitter.com/Obiwanjezz/status/1106810239418945537‘ ‘https://twitter.com/maidmeta/status/1081040501745188864‘ Oh look at what Dan retweeted. Hm, seems pretty damn contradictory to what Dan seems to be projecting. Almost like he’s just pandering to people with an irrational hate of RT to get an echo chamber around him...
Then he goes on and on about a bunch of barely connect bullshit about lesbian fetishists supporting the show just because ‘lesbians’ (even though so many praise Volume 6 without mention Bumbleby) and how even the most venerated RWBYtubers are sick of the show (only citing the lair Floof from before), R/RWBY agreeing with him (with him citing a post that utterly denies him because ‘durr I upvoted it’ even though you can CHANGE YOUR VOTE.) You know, bunch of bullshit that isn’t worth talking about.)
The he tries smack talking the entire RWBY reddit for slander and such (when the worst he’s gotten is accusations of datamining which he’s shown to be talking about) while hes accused the CRWBY of basically grave robbing and disgracing their dead friends work. Again, look in the damn mirror Dan.
Then he makes this big compliation of people in the reddit being sensitive...
Which I can blow out of the water in ONE blow:
Dan has made and removed from his channel no less than THREE videos on me alone.
A comment takes about a  minute to type. A video takes HOURS. So uh...yeah, pretty sure Danny boy here takes the cake.
So then Dan proceeds to say that the fandom is responsible for the ending of Volume 6 (so the fandom is responsible for one of the most conclusive endings to a Volume we’ve ever gotten? Maybe this fandom is worth saving after all!) because they’re all horny and need to fuck. (gee, strawman much?) Even though he’s thrown massive shits for not getting the same treatment.
Chapter 4 (guess I missed the chapter 3 mark. Meh): Representation.
I’m just gonna summarize this entire last part for you guys:
Strawman about entire fanbase liking Volume 6 = gay pandering (ignoring people like Unicorn of War again...)
Talks about homophobes
Leech off Vic
RT is desperate.
Gives doctored screenshots of tweets cutting out any context.
Contradictions (criticizes people for using memes are arguments while using memes as arguments).
And that’s it.
To which I respond by:
You’re the same guy whose going back against everything he’s said on his twitter about politics PRECISELY when it benefits you while you contradict yourself numerous times, your video devolves into pointless rambling and you destroy your own arguments.
Sounds like you’re the desperate one here.
Gee I wonder why? is it because the fanbase liked the Volume even without Bumbleby and you figured out you couldn’t rely on them to support your egotism anymore? Certainly explains your contradictory political stances and how you suddenly start talking about Vic and Adam just as the topics can net you an echo chamber to hide in and protect your ego.
And really, that goes to show why you fail on a fundamental level Dan. You have no convictions, no standards, no morals, no integrity to give substance to your words. Everything you’ve said here either contradicts what you say before or after/applies to you on a much greater scale. And really, your community is no better. You are all willing to throw away what you supposedly fight for and what you stand for when it becomes inconvenient for you, preaching values of self reflection, humility and improvement through criticism...all while failing to embody those values or give any meaning to them beyond lip service. 
Nothing about you feels real or genuine Dan. NONE of you assholes feel real or genuine in what you say or do because you’ve been proven to contradict yourself and betray your values when you need something. And thus, everything you and your friends do and say just becomes ‘Do as I say because I think I’m always right.’ 
And guess what Dan? People, especially the artistically attuned, don’t resonate or accept that. The people who actually care about RWBY, who want to see an artistic vision flourish and grow, sense your insincerity and ego and instinctively reject you because you accept your words would be to accept your toxicity into themselves. And look now. The CRWBY have earned back the fandom’s love and trust while your toxicity consumes you and all but your ilk abandon you to pastuers greater than you.
And it makes sense why you seem to hate RWBY on a fundamental level now because the show challenges people to grow and evolve, to become better people, to live up to their ideals, to prove themselves right. And before, RWBY never put those messages to the test. But now that it has, you reject it because it indirectly calls you out and your ego can’t take it. You can give lip service to quality, to artistic integrity and to Monty all you want now but it’s become certain what you actually mean.
It’s pretty damn pathetic to see you break down little by little over these past few months as you desperately try to bend the world to your vision only to get smacked in the face. And to be truthful, I‘m kind of proud of the fact that I played a pretty big part in your degradation as you crumbled more and more from the pressure I and eventually reality pushed on you. All while I continued to grow and evolve. Wanna know why?
Because I stuck to my ideals and morals.
I think it’s time I finished this little battle or ours for the most part. You’re no longer worth fighting. Just like RWDE for the most part has lost all it’s strength now.
So with this I say adieu. Come join the adults when you’re ready to grow up Dan.
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laughingpinecone · 6 years
TP request for Every Woman Exchange because an “or” matching signup with 10 characters or groups is bound to be a wordy business!
Doris Truman
Group: Audrey Horne & Laura Palmer
Group: Laura Palmer & Donna Hayward
Group: Laura Palmer & Sarah Palmer
Group: Norma Jennings & Shelly Johnson & Heidi & Miriam Sullivan
Denise “fuck you AO3 canonical” Bryson
Diane Evans
Laura Palmer
Lucy Moran
Margaret "The Log Lady" Lanterman
Tamara "Tammy" Preston
Feel free to mix and match these characters, anything from Tammy interviewing Doris to Denise getting Lucy a drink would be amazing. I also love all their usual cohorts, so Doris and Harry in the woods or Diane and Albert - or heck, Diane and Phil, unanimously voted Philadelphia's Most Glamorous - or Tammy and her FBI dads is all cool as long as the focus remains on the girls. Tammy regrets in TFD that she couldn't meet Margaret? Let Tammy meet Margaret somehow, by golly! You can't really go wrong with gen combinations if you get any cool idea you want to explore. All these prompts are just suggestions. I like magical realism and American Gothic and flat-out surrealism so anything canon-like is great, but also a sitcom take on any group of colleagues, or a smarmy moment played teeth-rottingly straight (which is also canon-like, hah), some found family feels, you name it.
(the order is just me copypasting the tagset)
Doris: I wish her the best and hope that she'll find a way to amicably divorce Frank, or take a deep breath away from each other, heal through other people... there was also a message on Hastings' website from a regular reader that was just signed "Doris" so I headcanon her as an UFO enthusiast, if you want to play with that. I like to think that Albert will drop everything and stay in town after TPTR, and I swear by the fact that both he and Doris need a lot of cathartic shouting, for opposite reasons (she has a lot of pain and frustration to let out, he needs to stop being dead inside). So a good, cathartic shouting match could be a fun fic or art if you like the idea.
Laura & Donna: post-canon meetup post-canon meetup post-canon meetup!! Somehow. Dreams, shifted realities, straight-up 'Carrie' driving up to Vermont to find her Donna again. Shippy or not, I just want closure for them. Or any kind of Laura&Donna fic is great, I've loooved basically everything I've read for them.
Norma&Shelly&Heidi&Miriam: I love the RR microcosm! Sweet and supportive and just so /good/. Good for Norma for snatching the ever-so-rare happy ending and I'm glad Heidi got painted in a much more positive light this time round! And our heroic Miriam! My first thoughts go to either Shelly working through her Red problem with the help of the other girls, or Miriam triumphantly getting the pie Shelly and Heidi wanted to get her. But anything RR-centric is great. idk, a collection of drabbles with different customers (established characters or otherwise) coming in? Or something else still!
Denise: she was FBI all along so she can be friends with all the rest of the FBI cast! What a wonderful retcon. So tell me everything about Denise and Diane, Denise and Albert, Denise and Tammy... Denise and Cooper in the hopefully-not-so-distant future... she's so warm and charming, she just lights up any scene. Denise in Twin Peaks during s2 or Denise back in Twin Peaks years later for whatever reason is also great!
Diane: putting herself back together? I'd love a post-finale journey of self-discovery (or an episode thereof, for shorter fic or single pieces of fanart), slipping out of the Linda identity (whatever that's about), accepting/reclaiming her tulpa, and even that split self we saw outside the motel... or! Fun times with Janey-E! Why can't they stand each other? Is it because they're both kind of complicated people to be around? Is it because Janey was the only one who figured something was wrong when Diane got tulpa'd? Diane and Albert's frendship warms my heart, and it's fun to imagine Tammy trying to connect with her even after she got barked at. Or Void Club with Annie and Audrey, where they're not gonna talk about Dale Cooper, in fact they're not gonna talk about Dale Cooper at all...
Laura: finding her angels again please? Or in any situation - in the Lodge or in whatever sort of surreal road trip she and Cooper ended up in - that's closer to the Laura in Between Two Worlds, the woman who's walked through fire and made it to the other side, Laura with her eyes sparkling and that impossible Mona Lisa smile. Any moment where she gets to shine and tower over everything and everyone else. As an aside: I did not request Laura&Audrey because I figured that anyone offering it would ship it, and I very much do not, and I didn't want to inconvenience anyone who hoped to match on them because of the ship. BUT I came to the realization that I am in fact pretty invested in s gen reading of what Audrey saw in Laura, how she resented her but also idolized her and tried to follow in her footsteps until she got burned at One-Eyed Jack's. So what if they met after canon, how would a grown-up Audrey confront her old idea of Laura, would she see the real person behind that image, and would it help her come to terms with some of her own crap?
Lucy: Kimmy Robertson said she would like to be the color blue in Lynch's palette, if the prompt works for you. I love Lucy taking her time to understand and organize the world around her, I love her with Andy, with Wally, with Maggie Brown and the rest of the new sheriff's station cast, and I love it when people who don't usually appreciate her (both sheriffs and Albert come to mind) have to come to terms with the fact that she's amazing. I also like that Hawk is a first-class gossip, apparently, and so is Lucy, so if THAT prompts works for you...
Margaret: Margaret and the woods, Margaret and Hawk, Margaret and Laura always... Margaret and Shelly, Margaret and Audrey!, Margaret trying to impress Norma as per that one Log Lady intro... young Margaret and the Truman boys, or an older Margaret still with the Trumans, and sometimes maybe there's only one Truman and sometimes they are very distinct, oh well c'est la vie.
Tammy: I like to take the difference between her book self and show self as a straight-up character trait, that she's way more reserved in person than she is in writing. Any fic based on this duality would be great for me. Other than that, throw her at literally any character and I'll be thrilled to read it. I love how she looks up to Albert and just kind of follows him around like a baby duckling, I love the possibilities of Denise mentoring her, I love how she's the next generation of Blue Rose and hopefully the first one that won't fuck up majestically and I wonder if Gordon realizes it as he lets her learn the ropes at her own pace, I love possible "passing of the torch" scenarios with Cooper where he's so proud of her, or Laura sharing her secrets. Or let her be lace buddies with Shelly or look into a supernatural case with Cynthia or find Audrey or whatever! Yay Tammy!
Ship-wise, my big ships are Laura/Donna, Laura/Ronette and the Brennans. I also ship Shelly and Bobby and hope they can sort it out. And I'm curious to explore Tammy/Cynthia, /Audrey, /Candie, and/or getting a supernatural smooch from Laura. And while it's got zilch to do with this exchange, for the sake of full disclosure, all sides of Dale/Albert/Harry.
DNWs: unrequested ships, especially my NOTPs (Coop with Audrey, Annie - she’s a bit more complicated than NOTP but for the sake of a clear signup let’s just veto it..., Janey-E, Diane and Laura. Shelly/Gordon, Tammy/the rest of her coworkers twice her age), character bashing, s3 negativity
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kaleenjackson · 6 years
Advent: Day 6
Hi! I am late on this one but it is up. I should really mention that these stories are all post Ragnarok so be aware of some spoilers but I will try to keep them to a minimum. Enjoy
Pairing: Winterfrost (Bucky/Loki)
Warnings: language and spoilers (tiny ones, maybe. Better safe than sorry)
Dec 6
Loki had found his sweater on the compound’s kitchen table. The edges of the thumb holes had been carefully and atrociously been stitched open. Bucky really did have as much skill with knitting needles and as he did knives.
“For someone who seems to not feel the cold, you sure like to wear a lot of layers.” Bucky said behind him as he slipped the sweater over his tee shirt.
Loki took a quick look around to ensure they were alone before speaking. “You are right, I don't really feel the cold that much. I was born on an ice planet. My skin is much cooler than normal and I don't like people commenting on it.”
“Is that also why you avoid touching other people?” Bucky stepped next to him, leaning on the table.
Instead of answering him, Loki scoffed. “You also dislike physical contact with others. I wonder why that is Barnes?”
The look those strange green eyes gave him was enigmatic. In his mind he heard the last words of advice Thor had given him in regards to Loki.
“My brother has a silver tongue James. If he speaks to you, be aware that his words often carry more than their obvious meanings. He is also highly observant and sees more than he says. If he ever seems to know more than he should, this is likely why.”
Bucky gave him a soft smile. “I guess we've both been threw some shit eh?”
Loki nodded as Tony and Pepper entered the kitchen. He left silently as Tony tried to argue with Pepper about his long hours in the workshop. Before he could follow his ward, Pepper dragged Bucky into their discussion.
Bucky didn't see or hear Loki again until everyone was settling in to watch the first batch of Christmas movies. They had ordered pizza and he was pretty sure the smell had drawn the long limbed alien from his hiding place in the library. Now he was lurking around the back of the room.
To Loki's dismay there was no place he could sit and have a piece of furniture to himself. He stood observing the other members of the “team” as he ate. They all seemed to just pile upon each other, no respect or need for personal space. All except for his guardian, who sat on a small sofa by himself. Something about the whole situation reminded him a bit of Sakaar and that made him uneasy.
A firm hand was placed on his shoulder and in the blink of an eye he had whipped around, grabbing the person’s wrist, wrenching the hand from him.
“Chill out Mischief. It's just me.” Bucky smiled as Loki glared at him. A moment later he relaxed a tiny bit. “Come sit down Loki. You can sit with me if you want. The others know I like my space so… yeah?” He rubbed the back of his head. Loki notice he almost seemed to blush.
Not wanting to seem either interested by the slight rise of colour in his guardian's cheeks or rude, Loki shrugged.
He curled up in one corner of the loveseat and Bucky in the other. It surprised Bucky just how small Loki could fold himself up. He rested his plate on his knees as Tony put on the first movie.
By the time the animated clay reindeer with the red nose was leaving his friends behind to save them, Loki had shifted so he was more stretched out. Bucky rested his hand on Loki’s shin unintentionally. He didn't pull away. Neither of them really moved once they had gotten comfortable. No one even noticed Loki until Tony got up to grab some popcorn after they had finished watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
“Shit! You're like the ghost of Christmas Future. Silent and suddenly here.” Tony clutched his chest.
Loki smiled pleasantly. Bucky laughed.
“You're so fucking creepy Loki.” Tony sighed as he went to the snack pile. “What movie are we watching next guys?”
“The Santa Clause.”
“No, it's too early for that.”
“Die Hard!”
Tony laughed. “Not actually a Christmas movie Clint.”
“How's bout Home Alone?” Bucky suggested. The room seemed unanimous in that choice.
“Ten minute intermission then Kevin McAllister takes on the Wet Bandits!” Tony announced and pretty much everyone got up. Loki was surprised by just how comfortable he was. Not just with having his legs in Bucky's lap but with everyone. He had relaxed as the two short movies had played out.
“Ya gotta let me up Mischief.” He patted Loki’s leg and the long limbs moved off his lap. Loki looked at Bucky as though he were asking something.
“Let me guess,” Bucky smirked at his ward, “you want a couple cans of Sprite, some candy canes and you'll just steal some of whatever snack food I grab for myself. Sound about right Loki?”
Judging by the devilish smile he was given Bucky figured he was right on the money.
“How the hell?” Tony asked as Bucky grabbed three Sprite cans from the fridge.
“Watch your target, learn their habits, extrapolate. Loki always goes for clear pop, ate 24 candy canes yesterday, never gets his own popcorn and always drinks more than on can of pop.” Bucky stated matter-of-factly.
“You used your assassin training to figure out what Reindeer Games wants to drink?” Tony still seemed confused.
“Well I ain't shootin' at anythin’ these days. Might as well use it for somethin'.” Bucky shrugged as he gathered his own snacks.
“I guess…” Tony walked away from the smiling assassin, shaking his head.
Everyone was settled before the ten minute mark. Everyone but Loki. He had retreated back into the corner of the loveseat.
“You gonna stretch back out Mischief?”
Loki shook his head and grabbed a handful of caramel corn from the bowl on the table in front of them.
By the time Harry was giving Marv shit for leaving the water on Loki had moved so he was leaning against Bucky with his green sock clad feet on the arm of the seat. Bucky had draped his arm around the other man's waist simply because it was the most comfortable position.
“For two people who dislike physical contact so much we sure seem to be okay with touching each other.” Bucky said softly in his ear as the Wet Bandits watched the lights of the McAllister’s place flick on. He felt Loki shrug.
The prince didn't want to admit that he felt as comfortable with Bucky as he did. His guardian was the first person to not be bothered by his other form and to not push when he made a choice. Hell, Bucky seemed happy to let him just do what he wished. It was nice to not be looked upon with suspicion.
“Hey Loki, don't booby trap the compound like this, ‘kay?” Sam stated, making everyone laugh.
Tony piped up. “Give the man some credit. His traps would actually stop the Bandits, not just injure them.”
“Though, just a note Lokes, most of these traps would kill a guy instead of injuring them.” Sam added.
As the movie began to come to a close Bucky realized he could feel Loki moving. Looking down, he saw tears in the other being's eyes as Mrs. Kate McAllister returned home to find her son unharmed and decorating a small Christmas tree. Loki kept whipping them away as they threated to fall.
Buzz McCallister shouted on the TV, “Kevin, what did you do to my room?”
Before he could stop himself Loki laughed aloud. The little shit was in so much trouble, Loki thought to himself. Then he noticed everyone was looking at him.
For a long moment everyone stared at Loki. His cheeks were hot as Bucky started laughing.
“Well so much for making everyone think you're a mute Mischief.”
It took him a moment to realize, Bucky was laughing at the situation, not him. This reality made Loki snicker, eventually laughing with Bucky. Stupid movie had been funny the whole way through but that last moment had caught him off guard. It was good to be caught off guard.
“You can talk!” Tony exclaimed making everyone around him start laughing.
“Of course he can Stark.” Bucky stated as both he and Loki rolled their eyes. “He just doesn't want too.”
Loki nodded, shrugging his shoulders.
Bucky grinned as his friend relaxed against him. “So, we are watching the second one right?"
@reogni @thegingerslytherin
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ryqoshay · 7 years
How to Handle A Nico: Once You Pop...
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~900 Rating: K Time Frame: Early in Maki’s 2nd year of high school and Nico’s 1st year of college. Story Arc: Stand Alone (in timeline, but related scenes listed in Notes)
List of all HtHaN scenes
Author’s Note: I’ve checked and it still hasn’t reached Midnight in places like Hawaii. It’s still Maki’s birthday somewhere in the world!
Also, once again, I find myself inspired by the amazing art produced by my fellow denizens over at Sukutomo.
At the moment, I am awaiting permission from the artist to link back to their post. I will update this part when said permission is granted.
Edit: Woo! Permission granted! This is the post that inspired these two scenes! Check out the adorable artwork! \(≧▽≦)/
Something wasn’t right. Maki narrowed her eyes as she stood in the doorway, studying the clubroom. In fact, something had been a little off all day. Hanayo had a much better poker face than Rin, but even she seemed… decidedly amused by something. Maki knew she occasionally missed social queues, but she wasn’t completely oblivious.
Also, she hadn’t seen any of the second years yet, no wait, they were third years now; she still had to get used to that. Of course, that meant she was a second year now, which also took some getting used to. The new first years looked so... young and naïve and… she didn’t look that way in her first month as a first year, did she? No, of course not. She had been more mature than that.
Maki shook her head; her thoughts were getting off track. What was important was that nobody had said a particular phrase to her yet today. Not one person. At all. What the heck was up with that?
Granted, µ’s had formed after this time last year, but everyone at some point had asked about it and unanimously regretted having missed it. As such, it was decided that something would be done this year, instead. But the day was ending now, and thus far, nothing. Well, nothing except some strange behavior from her fellow second years.
Maki was positive she would have at least seen a certain brat by now. She imagined her making a grandiose entrance, likely accompanied by her signature gesture and phrase. And followed immediately by her glomping onto her, forcing Maki to push her off, again. Well, maybe force was the wrong word, Maki didn’t mind it as much anymore these days; it had pretty much become a game and she had to play her part. It was all…
Maki’s eyes fell on a suspiciously large package near her normal chair at the clubroom table. From there, she glanced over at the other door, which was suspiciously open just a crack. Rolling her eyes, she pretended to turn her attention back to the sheet music in her hand; a new piece she was helping write for Alisa and Yukiho. She took the long way around the table to avoid the box and stopped behind her chair.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a tag:
To: Maki-chan Open me now!
Maki set her book bag on the table and started to pull out her chair.
Immediately, the top of the box exploded in a spray of confetti, streamers and… pompoms?
“Happy Birthday, Maki-chan!” Nico cheered as she leaped up into the air. She was dressed in her cheerleader outfit from the Summer Live.
Cute. Maki noted idly as she continued to review the pages in her hand.
There it was. Nozomi had opened the door wider and was taking pictures unabashedly. The other former members of µ’s could be seen behind her. Without a word, Maki placed a hand on Nico’s head and started to push down.
“Wha… Maki-chan?” the twintailed girl questioned.
“Maybe she wants a do-over, Nicocchi?” Nozomi offered, stepping into the room.
“Ah, alright, uhm…” Nico allowed herself to be lowered back down.
When the older girl was back below the lid, Maki calmly folded the flaps down. “Actually, I was wondering if you kept the receipt.” She smirked at the purple-haired girl before taking a seat on top of the box.
“Hey!” Nico’s muffled voice came from below.
Maki giggled as the other girl pushed up against her.
“Hey, Nozomi-chan,” Rin’s voice not-so-quite whisper sounded from the door “are we supposed to jump out now?”
“I don’t think Maki was very surprised.” Umi said calmly, walking past the cat-like girl.
“Awuuu… That’s no fun.” Honoka pouted as she followed her friend.
“And here Nico was gonna give Maki the best birthday present ever…” Nico added her own complaint to the mix.
“Oh?” the redhead slid off the edge. “And what might that be?”
“Me!” Nico burst back out.
Before Maki could reach out and push her back in again, Nico launched herself forward, slung her arms around the taller girl’s neck and draped herself off her.
“Fine, fine…” Maki sighed, but smiled anyway. She’d avoided being teased and even got in a little of her own, so it was alright to let Nico have this, right? It’s not like she disliked it anyway.
“We have the cake here!” Kotori announced, carrying the decorated dessert with Hanayo.
“And presents.” Eli added, coming in with several brightly wrapped packages.
“Apparently, I already have the best one.” Maki commented.
“Apparently?” Nico raised an eyebrow.
“Apparently.” Maki repeated.
“There’s nothing apparent about it. It’s obvious that the No. 1 Idol in the Universe always gives the best gifts.”
“You like it.” Nico grinned.
“And with that, I think it’s time to get this party started.” Nozomi called.
Two orange-haired girls cheered in response.
“Are you really going to wear that through the entire party?” Maki asked quietly as she sat down.
“It’s part of the gift, so of course.” Nico replied, taking her own seat beside the birthday girl. “You don’t like it?”
“I was just curious.” Maki shook her head. “It’s fine. It’s cute.”
“Of course it’s cute. I’m wearing it.”
At that, Maki couldn’t help but laugh, but made no effort to dispute the statement. Her attention was diverted a moment later as Kotori set the first slice of cake in front of her. Her seventeenth birthday was turning out quite well after all.
Author’s Note Continued: This is the first of two scenes that were written together as one, but occur at different times. As such, like the semi-circle photoshoot scenes, I will provide links to the other in each.
Here is the link to the second part.
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #3: "Make me look like fucking Doofenshmirtz when I’m trying to be like Maleficent" - Mo
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So first off WOOOOO! The vote happened exactly as it was supposed to. I'm hoping that means I'm actually on the pulse of this tribe. I've gradually been getting closer to Jared, and I think he trusts me probably more than I trust him.
Second off, this challenge my god. I hate it, like it's a good challenge but for me... oof. Doing this, it's like I have facial dyslexia or something. Like all of the mouths and eyes start blending together and it just starts to look nuts.
I'm hoping to keep trudging forward, if we somehow pull a win out of this, even better if Cyrena goes to tribal again given it was basically unanimous. Alternatively Orfeo to balance things out. I'm tired though and it's been a long day, so it is now time to sleep.
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I’m conflicted because I so badly want to be a bad bitch and create an over the top plan but there’s such a high chance that it will flop and make me look like fucking Doofenshmirtz when I’m trying to be like Maleficent. So I’m going to try to create my own kinda of genius that only applies to me. It sounds stupid but it’ll work. I’m being bold by saying it’ll work cus if I get eliminated I’ll look like a Doofenshmirtz. We’ll see. I’m already making charts to help me see who’s good and who’s not so good at comps. Comparing teammates to eachother and comparing the entire cast to eachother. Wish me luck. (Also I love everyone in this cast.)
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So like I have so many mixed feelings about this cast. In terms of talking a lot of them are BORING or LEAVE ME ON READ, and like maybe for some it’s cause I’m not in their tribe but like, some people on my tribe still make me want to hit my head against a rock. So like that’s what I’m feeling.
Also think we’re gonna loose this immunity which I’ve hardly done anything for. So go me.
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Just a small update Mitch and I are chatting so that answers that question
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"What's going on?" Well I shall tell you Anna Jane exactly what is going on. I need to get back into therapy that's what.
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Apparently everyone is stressed about results and then there is me who does not care cause I want bodhi gone cause he legit doesn't talk to me so meh.
ALSO ALISSA FOUND AN IDOL QUEEEN. so we now have an idol between the 3 of us which could come in handy very much later down the road which we love! I have 100% trust in jack and alyssa now, with mo as my number 3 on this tribe. As much as i love tobi personally (hi tobi reading this post season) but like idk something is still off. he hasn't spoken much game to me at the moment so idk where his head is really at..
god help us its results this challenge was hard woo go cyrena!
we lost by 1 point. oh my god. 1 point. that makes me wanna cry. dear god let this be a simple vote or i will actually start crying
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I am SO pumped! I do feel bad for the people on Cyrena, but where it stands now, them going to tribal I feel is best for my game just relationship-wise for me. Still, I can only hope I am making few bonds over on their end while maintaining the ones I have on my tribe and Tuatha as well. I do really hope Mo at least makes it because he helped me this morning when I was getting bummed about all the winner talk. I'm quite optimistic for right now!
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I Wrote Alexis Maxwell But I Erased It
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Well we won the challenge (BARELY), a bit annoyed that we submitted before I got another chance to take a crack at the photos. I feel like I could've maybe found 1 or 2 more before we submitted. Granted we'd need to have found either 3 more or beaten Orfeo to the punch if we had wanted the reward.
I think so long as Bodhi doesn't go on Cyrena I'm pretty indifferent about them losing. They're the people I talk to the least relatively. Ideally I'd probably want an Alyssa, or Matt boot, but I have no influence so we'll see what happens.
I'm just trying to be social and relatively unimposing right now. It's Day 8, now's not the time to be doing glaringly bold things.
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um so we won wooh but still no 2nd idol im sad i want one. um wanted green tribe to go tribal but blue going again i hope bodhi/jack/alyssa leave cuz they dont talk to me ever um ya thatd be cute or maybe tobi cuz hes a snake but maybe he not a snake this time? my stan list atm is jared > zach = rhys > loris = chloe > everyone else. my unstan list is: sharky jack alyssa mitch <3 um yaa hope i can do sth. chris so good gotta always watch out for him jared asked who i wanted to go to f3 with and i said def not chris and he was like oh i wanted chris in end so like hes def a threat also he likes zach so um that needs to stop real quick.
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I think it should be Bodhi or Tobi to go. Am I gonna say anything? Not right now, no. Will I say something later? No clue it depends. But Bodhi isn’t as active as the others and doesn’t participate all that much. Tobi is semi-active but isn’t great at challenges. I remember him being good at challenges so idk if he’s just distracted or not putting that much energy into this. I think a swap is happening after this potentially but if it ain’t it’s still best to vote out the weakest link. It might be me and I might just be super cocky rn but I don’t think it’s me.
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hi! yesterday was a monumental day. I tried to mend my social game with those I hadn’t talked much to, which resulted in me having a lengthy conversation with jack, and making me feel a bit more secure in my tribe/in the event of a swap. the people I don’t talk to keep getting voted out which I’m very much a fan of but that’s probably because they were inactive so that trend might not continue :(. also I lied in my last conf I’m now in an alliance with Chris Jared kori and Bryce? I didn’t expect it but i didn’t feel too close with kori so that should help me solidify something there!! :) I’m thriving. don’t call me ANGEL!
don’t call me ANGEL! (in case of task challenge :p)
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So we won the challenge. Again. It’s really nice to be able to just sit back and relax in the game and watch people struggle but I’m really nervous about it because we’re all so kumbaya on the Oreo tribe that I don’t fully know who I can trust just yet. Another piece of tea is the fact that Alyssa has an idol which is great for me because it shows Alyssa trusts me and I can trust her for the time being. However I’m worried about Alyssa because we keep promising each other merge which tells me she won’t want to go to the end with me just yet so I gotta keep her close and we’ll see how much damage we can do but i think I’m thriving bc I actually know where an idol is compared to last time when I had no clue.
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so previously on The Adventures of a F*g, i had a small breakdown about the game. i dont know if true, but bryce informed me of an alliance between kori/jared/bryce/loris/chris, and the last two named are super close allies of mine (the closest on my tribe). they like.. didnt tell me shit about it and idk i guess i just feel excluded and it sucks that im in legit 0 (real) alliances. ive been doing good socially i thought and i dont know but i feel like i really sucked.
meanwhile, i sat down with a bag of salt and vinegar lays chips and talked to myself. why was i doing bad? why was i in 0 alliances? why no one like me?
then it hit me... like boom.
i realized that a typical flaw i had this game was caring too much. i pride myself on my ability to read situations (barring paranoia) and i know myself very well. like, i realized that since i was too concerned with doing good and proving myself, i kind of lost the fun of it all and probably come off as fake or forcible to other people. that isn't authentic.
BUT MY EPIPHANY increased even further. how? i dont know!! my brains so fucking big. i just had to be goofy. yes, i want to do good. i really do. but i played once before in this series and got RU pots and 5th. i know i am capable of being a good player and im content with that, and now that im moving into that mindset where this game wont no longer dictate whether im good or bad, im going to start having fun.
i know this isnt about game really but its like... #selfdiscovery
but ya i just wanted to update yalls on that. i won immunity though so im f18 and probs in swap. woo. finna get fucked. anyway, thank u.
and since i want like attention on this post im going to put tags.
#selfdiscovery #justgirlythings #l4l #follow4follow #gay #faggot #0alliances #disney #anime #weeb #lgbt #survivor #bigbrother #celestial
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After we won the face morph challenge, it has been pretty slow. I still have a solid group with me Stephen Z and Jared. Kori and Bryce are close, Jared and I are close, Rhys and Jared are close, and Stephen and I are close. Those are the allegiances I know of right now, but things could change. Lucky for the alliance of 5, they all get to stick together. If there is a swap though, I won't hesitate to flip on bryce/rhys/kori if the opportunity presents itself. I am also kind of worried I am not keeping up socially. I have had a busy week, so my availability is limited, but I try to talk to as many people as I can when I am available. If my predicitons are correct, we should expect a swap soon. I'd love to meet up with Michael, Bodhi, Alyssa, Chloe, Drew, and Mo just to name a few. I feel like I have been able to connect well with everyone except Matt H.
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So, as per my last confessional we are at tribal. And I'm conflicted. As said before I have an alliance with jack and Alyssa and they are my main 2 at the moment like love them both. We helped Alyssa find the idol and we now have a vote steal which I found. However I am feeling kinda conflicted over this vote. Jack and Alyssa want to get rid of Tobi but I personally want bodhi gone. He doesn't talk to me like at all and like he's not the best at challenges. I wanna keep Tobi as well for like a laugh because I genuinely love him. We all agreed to keep mo thank god but still, a lil conflicted. AGH. I have found a vote steal tho woo. I'm not going to be happy but I'll swallow my pride and just go with the alliance, because I'm not out here trying to make waves and be unloyal at the moment. That's for later LOL
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I think there is a relatively high chance that i'm going home here, considering its 1 and a half hours till tribal and people "still haven't heard anything" so i'm assuming that i'm getting the chop here which sucks... I tried pretty hard considering i've been pretty busy and like they're not giving me much to work with here and it feels like im trying to break through a wall. I'm trying to get the target on bodhi but no one is fucking online to even try to talk to about it so i'm at  a lost for what to do here... I want to stay but i just don't know how to do that when no one is talking to me... i could just be extremely paranoid and i sound delusional right now but idk something feels off here... its so annoying when I enjoy talking to other tribes more than my own NNNN like i really wish things were different but they're not so i'm just gonna try my best and see what happens
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Woo we win again. Im trying to step up socially with my tribe, although who knows how long it's gonna matter bc we're prob swapping tonight. Apparently people were saying mo's name, let's pray it doesn't happen bc he's a good fucking kid.
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Well it's been a slow couple of days for me. In game I can't really speak much to anything that may have happened. I feel like Tuatha has had a bit of a kumbaya casual flow going on. Which isn't necessarily bad but it makes it hard for me to know how I'm really doing.
Tobi was messaging me worried it might be him, which admittedly wouldn't be the worst thing given how we ended our last game. I was kindof an ass which I kindof leaned into after essentially throwing that game, but I still wish I'd found a way to end things better with him. While there are others I'd rather see go, his boot is one I can probably accept.
If it isn't him then oof who knows then. So long as it isn't Bodhi from that tribe. Overall I'm feeling ok, but I don't want to get complacent, it's just so early that I really don't know what to make of things. One world still isn't really helping since I'm still struggling to try and make conversation with EVERYONE. I really should consider just narrowing it down to some instead of all.
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I’m sure hoping this works out for me if there is a tribe swap like a suspect, I think I’ve built some strong enough connections but without going to tribal it’s just not possible for me to be 100%
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I've never been on a tribe with a winning streak I feel like I'm in the upside down hahaha. I'm having a great time and getting to know everybody and not having the stress of tribal is great. Sucks for the other tribes OOP
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Nothing much is happening! I am still set up perfectly on my tribe and Bodhi has informed me that either Mo or Matt might be going. That was at the beginning of the round so it could really be anyone. I just hope it isn't Bodhi Alyssa or Mo.
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Ok this past round was ok. I just kind of let us lose immunity and then we voted out Tobi. I didn’t want to vote out Tobi but that fucker voted for me so I don’t really care at all fuck him.
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So not very much has changed on Tuatha as far as I can tell. My tribe winning the immunity challenge has helped me delay any confrontation between my 2 alliances which is great, as it should theoretically allow me to maintain relationships with all 6 members of the tribe. Still, it's going to keep being important to win immunity or pray for a swap in order to keep these groups from clashing.
Jared and Rhys are still a ? for me. I don't know why/how Rhys was able to convince Kori to invite Jared to the alliance of 5 instead of Mitch, and it worries me that those 2 may have a stronger bond than I immediately suspected. Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to deal with that when the time comes.
Tobi is voted out 5-1. We swap!
0 notes
sienadhowausa · 7 years
Lawrence Durance Fundraising Part II
Good afternoon, I’m Lawrence Durance my name and how to get hold of me as it should be in the bottom of the screen. This is the second installment of a series of five that are dealing with major gift programs for small and medium sized nonprofits. Our first session that I had a week or so ago on YouTube was do we really need a major gift program?
And today we’re going to turn our attention to how do you develop a case for support for a major gift program for your organization. And we’re going to work through and see what difference it makes on how you do them. Now see if this fits you at all.
When I come in organizations and I asked to receive their case for support. Often what I will hear is we have a draft of our case was done by Stafford grant writer someone probably pretty well done. It was taken to the board. The board was asked to look at it. They did. They were asked to approve it. They did and they voted on it and often unanimously approved it and put it aside. That was the end of it.
You have a case on file but you don’t have buy in or ownership. And the reason you need buy in their ownership with major gift programs is that helps to motivate them to make major gifts not when they’re just handed a case for support. So how do we go about doing this? Get ownership. I want to first note to you an ad each is true in fundraising in my work. Developing your case for support.
Should the board lead and staff support it not the other way around. That’s easy enough for me to say; but how do you make that happen? I’m going to give you a way that I’ve seen at work with a number of organizations and see if that fits for you or some modification.
You bring together for a half day session or plus a plus session. And the purpose of the session is to look at and examine the future of the organization. And you invite your board they are the host. You have key senior staff and other stakeholders especially major donors and major give prospects and now you’ve got to be grouped together. What I suggest to you in the first instance is that you break him into small groups.
That way everybody will participate. And when you got broken into small groups pose this is the first question. If your organization were to disappear tomorrow what difference would it make if any? To the community you purport to serve. There’s no right or wrong answer to them.
Ask the groups to write down what their thoughts are individually write them down write them down then bring them back together once they’ve had time to do them and have them report out so everybody can hear what everybody else said. Have a staff person making close clear notes of what is gone on and watch for the threads that come through the common issues etc. then send them back into their small groups again and ask him to address this. We want for our organization for you to come up with.
We believe that statements we believe that no child should go to bed. We believe that every person deserves a hot meal a day whatever it is you believe and each group should come up with I would say I based my experience three four five. We believe that statements again.
There’s no right or wrong answer you just get the input them bring back everybody together and have them report out. And again the staff person take notes at this point you want to take a bit of a break. And the staff person or to keep you know that they will go away take the information has been presented and put it into some logical form on why you should exist what would happen if you disappeared.
What he believed that statements then come back after your break present that to the group. Put it up on flip chart have a printed out etc. however you want to do it and ask people for comments input. Does it accurately reflect where we are? That’s the end of what you’re going to do from that day. That takes a while to get through.
You may have other work you’re going to do but in your case that’s what you’re gonna end up with. And then the staff should be charged to go out and pull together a draft of their case. And then just share that back with the group at a later date and you have the makings and a framework for a vision for the future based on what this group’s done and now the staff completely and the needs we have. What kind of money we need to make this come about etc. etc.
Then I would suggest to staff to the chief executive send that out to everybody who participate this draft you have and let them comment back individually. And I won’t go into it here but I suggest doing that in writing don’t bring them back as a group to critique it but let them comment on the draft that you’ve done. And then you tidy that up and then take on board.
The common issues and concerns people have you now have a draft of the case and you have some ownership and some buy in and by buy in I mean these people will step up and they’re more likely to make significant gifts because they have been a part of coming up with what are going to be the issues in the direction of the organization.
Some boards feel threatened by this because they feel like it’s a board responsibility. And my comment to that is if you’re going to pay for everything. That’s fine. But if you need others to step up and make significant commitments they need to be able to have some. Piece of the action so to speak. So what do you do now?
Once you have this and you’ve got a draft I think you’ve got the makings of how you put together a case your case then can be used in brochures. It can be used in videos it can be used in social media etc. We’ve got a working viable case for support. Now what I suggest to you for homework out of the session is you go back take a look at what you have for a case. How did it come about?
Chief executive and board chair talked to each other. Is there real buy in? Is there ownership? Will board members keep prospects? Step up and financially support this with meaningful gifts. The answer is yes fine if the answers we don’t know or we’re really doubtful. Then you need to do something about that.
And you can either take on perhaps a little exercise like I’ve mentioned the workshop have a workshop or something else that fits you better. But the answer is not I don’t like what Lawrence Durance presented and we’re not going to do anything. The answer is we don’t like necessarily what we saw on YouTube but here’s where we’re going to do instead.
And at that stage of the game you’ll have a chance to pull together a case that makes sense that people can buy into maybe you don’t have a case for support. You still have to go through the same type of exercise. So at the end of the day what you have hopefully is a case that’s vibrant, alive. It’s clear, it’s compelling and it’s ready to be supported by your major donors. I hope this is helpful.
Now next week we’re going to turn to another topic. I have to take a peek at what that is. Oh we’re going to focus on. The question or comment I get from organizations look we haven’t focused much a major gifts in the past. We even doubt whether we have any major gift prospects much less donors. How do we find major give prospects and turn them into donors? But how do we find them the first instance? That’s it for the day. Have a great day. Thanks
The post Lawrence Durance Fundraising Part II appeared first on Lawrence Pierce Durance.
source http://lawrencedurance.com/lawrence-durance-fundraising-part-ii/ from Lawrence Durance http://lawrencedurance.blogspot.com/2017/02/lawrence-durance-fundraising-part-ii.html
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markgclarkus90 · 7 years
Lawrence Durance Fundraising Part II
Good afternoon, I’m Lawrence Durance my name and how to get hold of me as it should be in the bottom of the screen. This is the second installment of a series of five that are dealing with major gift programs for small and medium sized nonprofits. Our first session that I had a week or so ago on YouTube was do we really need a major gift program?
And today we’re going to turn our attention to how do you develop a case for support for a major gift program for your organization. And we’re going to work through and see what difference it makes on how you do them. Now see if this fits you at all.
When I come in organizations and I asked to receive their case for support. Often what I will hear is we have a draft of our case was done by Stafford grant writer someone probably pretty well done. It was taken to the board. The board was asked to look at it. They did. They were asked to approve it. They did and they voted on it and often unanimously approved it and put it aside. That was the end of it.
You have a case on file but you don’t have buy in or ownership. And the reason you need buy in their ownership with major gift programs is that helps to motivate them to make major gifts not when they’re just handed a case for support. So how do we go about doing this? Get ownership. I want to first note to you an ad each is true in fundraising in my work. Developing your case for support.
Should the board lead and staff support it not the other way around. That’s easy enough for me to say; but how do you make that happen? I’m going to give you a way that I’ve seen at work with a number of organizations and see if that fits for you or some modification.
You bring together for a half day session or plus a plus session. And the purpose of the session is to look at and examine the future of the organization. And you invite your board they are the host. You have key senior staff and other stakeholders especially major donors and major give prospects and now you’ve got to be grouped together. What I suggest to you in the first instance is that you break him into small groups.
That way everybody will participate. And when you got broken into small groups pose this is the first question. If your organization were to disappear tomorrow what difference would it make if any? To the community you purport to serve. There’s no right or wrong answer to them.
Ask the groups to write down what their thoughts are individually write them down write them down then bring them back together once they’ve had time to do them and have them report out so everybody can hear what everybody else said. Have a staff person making close clear notes of what is gone on and watch for the threads that come through the common issues etc. then send them back into their small groups again and ask him to address this. We want for our organization for you to come up with.
We believe that statements we believe that no child should go to bed. We believe that every person deserves a hot meal a day whatever it is you believe and each group should come up with I would say I based my experience three four five. We believe that statements again.
There’s no right or wrong answer you just get the input them bring back everybody together and have them report out. And again the staff person take notes at this point you want to take a bit of a break. And the staff person or to keep you know that they will go away take the information has been presented and put it into some logical form on why you should exist what would happen if you disappeared.
What he believed that statements then come back after your break present that to the group. Put it up on flip chart have a printed out etc. however you want to do it and ask people for comments input. Does it accurately reflect where we are? That’s the end of what you’re going to do from that day. That takes a while to get through.
You may have other work you’re going to do but in your case that’s what you’re gonna end up with. And then the staff should be charged to go out and pull together a draft of their case. And then just share that back with the group at a later date and you have the makings and a framework for a vision for the future based on what this group’s done and now the staff completely and the needs we have. What kind of money we need to make this come about etc. etc.
Then I would suggest to staff to the chief executive send that out to everybody who participate this draft you have and let them comment back individually. And I won’t go into it here but I suggest doing that in writing don’t bring them back as a group to critique it but let them comment on the draft that you’ve done. And then you tidy that up and then take on board.
The common issues and concerns people have you now have a draft of the case and you have some ownership and some buy in and by buy in I mean these people will step up and they’re more likely to make significant gifts because they have been a part of coming up with what are going to be the issues in the direction of the organization.
Some boards feel threatened by this because they feel like it’s a board responsibility. And my comment to that is if you’re going to pay for everything. That’s fine. But if you need others to step up and make significant commitments they need to be able to have some. Piece of the action so to speak. So what do you do now?
Once you have this and you’ve got a draft I think you’ve got the makings of how you put together a case your case then can be used in brochures. It can be used in videos it can be used in social media etc. We’ve got a working viable case for support. Now what I suggest to you for homework out of the session is you go back take a look at what you have for a case. How did it come about?
Chief executive and board chair talked to each other. Is there real buy in? Is there ownership? Will board members keep prospects? Step up and financially support this with meaningful gifts. The answer is yes fine if the answers we don’t know or we’re really doubtful. Then you need to do something about that.
And you can either take on perhaps a little exercise like I’ve mentioned the workshop have a workshop or something else that fits you better. But the answer is not I don’t like what Lawrence Durance presented and we’re not going to do anything. The answer is we don’t like necessarily what we saw on YouTube but here’s where we’re going to do instead.
And at that stage of the game you’ll have a chance to pull together a case that makes sense that people can buy into maybe you don’t have a case for support. You still have to go through the same type of exercise. So at the end of the day what you have hopefully is a case that’s vibrant, alive. It’s clear, it’s compelling and it’s ready to be supported by your major donors. I hope this is helpful.
Now next week we’re going to turn to another topic. I have to take a peek at what that is. Oh we’re going to focus on. The question or comment I get from organizations look we haven’t focused much a major gifts in the past. We even doubt whether we have any major gift prospects much less donors. How do we find major give prospects and turn them into donors? But how do we find them the first instance? That’s it for the day. Have a great day. Thanks
The post Lawrence Durance Fundraising Part II appeared first on Lawrence Pierce Durance.
Source: http://lawrencedurance.com/lawrence-durance-fundraising-part-ii/
from PD Solutions, Inc. Fund Raising Counsel https://lawrencedurance.wordpress.com/2017/02/28/lawrence-durance-fundraising-part-ii/
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mayadoherty76 · 7 years
Lawrence Durance Fundraising Part II
Good afternoon, I’m Lawrence Durance my name and how to get hold of me as it should be in the bottom of the screen. This is the second installment of a series of five that are dealing with major gift programs for small and medium sized nonprofits. Our first session that I had a week or so ago on YouTube was do we really need a major gift program?
And today we’re going to turn our attention to how do you develop a case for support for a major gift program for your organization. And we’re going to work through and see what difference it makes on how you do them. Now see if this fits you at all.
When I come in organizations and I asked to receive their case for support. Often what I will hear is we have a draft of our case was done by Stafford grant writer someone probably pretty well done. It was taken to the board. The board was asked to look at it. They did. They were asked to approve it. They did and they voted on it and often unanimously approved it and put it aside. That was the end of it.
You have a case on file but you don’t have buy in or ownership. And the reason you need buy in their ownership with major gift programs is that helps to motivate them to make major gifts not when they’re just handed a case for support. So how do we go about doing this? Get ownership. I want to first note to you an ad each is true in fundraising in my work. Developing your case for support.
Should the board lead and staff support it not the other way around. That’s easy enough for me to say; but how do you make that happen? I’m going to give you a way that I’ve seen at work with a number of organizations and see if that fits for you or some modification.
You bring together for a half day session or plus a plus session. And the purpose of the session is to look at and examine the future of the organization. And you invite your board they are the host. You have key senior staff and other stakeholders especially major donors and major give prospects and now you’ve got to be grouped together. What I suggest to you in the first instance is that you break him into small groups.
That way everybody will participate. And when you got broken into small groups pose this is the first question. If your organization were to disappear tomorrow what difference would it make if any? To the community you purport to serve. There’s no right or wrong answer to them.
Ask the groups to write down what their thoughts are individually write them down write them down then bring them back together once they’ve had time to do them and have them report out so everybody can hear what everybody else said. Have a staff person making close clear notes of what is gone on and watch for the threads that come through the common issues etc. then send them back into their small groups again and ask him to address this. We want for our organization for you to come up with.
We believe that statements we believe that no child should go to bed. We believe that every person deserves a hot meal a day whatever it is you believe and each group should come up with I would say I based my experience three four five. We believe that statements again.
There’s no right or wrong answer you just get the input them bring back everybody together and have them report out. And again the staff person take notes at this point you want to take a bit of a break. And the staff person or to keep you know that they will go away take the information has been presented and put it into some logical form on why you should exist what would happen if you disappeared.
What he believed that statements then come back after your break present that to the group. Put it up on flip chart have a printed out etc. however you want to do it and ask people for comments input. Does it accurately reflect where we are? That’s the end of what you’re going to do from that day. That takes a while to get through.
You may have other work you’re going to do but in your case that’s what you’re gonna end up with. And then the staff should be charged to go out and pull together a draft of their case. And then just share that back with the group at a later date and you have the makings and a framework for a vision for the future based on what this group’s done and now the staff completely and the needs we have. What kind of money we need to make this come about etc. etc.
Then I would suggest to staff to the chief executive send that out to everybody who participate this draft you have and let them comment back individually. And I won’t go into it here but I suggest doing that in writing don’t bring them back as a group to critique it but let them comment on the draft that you’ve done. And then you tidy that up and then take on board.
The common issues and concerns people have you now have a draft of the case and you have some ownership and some buy in and by buy in I mean these people will step up and they’re more likely to make significant gifts because they have been a part of coming up with what are going to be the issues in the direction of the organization.
Some boards feel threatened by this because they feel like it’s a board responsibility. And my comment to that is if you’re going to pay for everything. That’s fine. But if you need others to step up and make significant commitments they need to be able to have some. Piece of the action so to speak. So what do you do now?
Once you have this and you’ve got a draft I think you’ve got the makings of how you put together a case your case then can be used in brochures. It can be used in videos it can be used in social media etc. We’ve got a working viable case for support. Now what I suggest to you for homework out of the session is you go back take a look at what you have for a case. How did it come about?
Chief executive and board chair talked to each other. Is there real buy in? Is there ownership? Will board members keep prospects? Step up and financially support this with meaningful gifts. The answer is yes fine if the answers we don’t know or we’re really doubtful. Then you need to do something about that.
And you can either take on perhaps a little exercise like I’ve mentioned the workshop have a workshop or something else that fits you better. But the answer is not I don’t like what Lawrence Durance presented and we’re not going to do anything. The answer is we don’t like necessarily what we saw on YouTube but here’s where we’re going to do instead.
And at that stage of the game you’ll have a chance to pull together a case that makes sense that people can buy into maybe you don’t have a case for support. You still have to go through the same type of exercise. So at the end of the day what you have hopefully is a case that’s vibrant, alive. It’s clear, it’s compelling and it’s ready to be supported by your major donors. I hope this is helpful.
Now next week we’re going to turn to another topic. I have to take a peek at what that is. Oh we’re going to focus on. The question or comment I get from organizations look we haven’t focused much a major gifts in the past. We even doubt whether we have any major gift prospects much less donors. How do we find major give prospects and turn them into donors? But how do we find them the first instance? That’s it for the day. Have a great day. Thanks
The post Lawrence Durance Fundraising Part II appeared first on Lawrence Pierce Durance.
from Lawrence Pierce Durance http://lawrencedurance.com/lawrence-durance-fundraising-part-ii/ from PD Solutions, Inc. Fund Raising Counsel https://lawrencedurance.tumblr.com/post/157820887798
0 notes
lawrencedurance · 7 years
Lawrence Durance Fundraising Part II
Good afternoon, I’m Lawrence Durance my name and how to get hold of me as it should be in the bottom of the screen. This is the second installment of a series of five that are dealing with major gift programs for small and medium sized nonprofits. Our first session that I had a week or so ago on YouTube was do we really need a major gift program?
And today we’re going to turn our attention to how do you develop a case for support for a major gift program for your organization. And we’re going to work through and see what difference it makes on how you do them. Now see if this fits you at all.
When I come in organizations and I asked to receive their case for support. Often what I will hear is we have a draft of our case was done by Stafford grant writer someone probably pretty well done. It was taken to the board. The board was asked to look at it. They did. They were asked to approve it. They did and they voted on it and often unanimously approved it and put it aside. That was the end of it.
You have a case on file but you don’t have buy in or ownership. And the reason you need buy in their ownership with major gift programs is that helps to motivate them to make major gifts not when they’re just handed a case for support. So how do we go about doing this? Get ownership. I want to first note to you an ad each is true in fundraising in my work. Developing your case for support.
Should the board lead and staff support it not the other way around. That’s easy enough for me to say; but how do you make that happen? I’m going to give you a way that I’ve seen at work with a number of organizations and see if that fits for you or some modification.
You bring together for a half day session or plus a plus session. And the purpose of the session is to look at and examine the future of the organization. And you invite your board they are the host. You have key senior staff and other stakeholders especially major donors and major give prospects and now you’ve got to be grouped together. What I suggest to you in the first instance is that you break him into small groups.
That way everybody will participate. And when you got broken into small groups pose this is the first question. If your organization were to disappear tomorrow what difference would it make if any? To the community you purport to serve. There’s no right or wrong answer to them.
Ask the groups to write down what their thoughts are individually write them down write them down then bring them back together once they’ve had time to do them and have them report out so everybody can hear what everybody else said. Have a staff person making close clear notes of what is gone on and watch for the threads that come through the common issues etc. then send them back into their small groups again and ask him to address this. We want for our organization for you to come up with.
We believe that statements we believe that no child should go to bed. We believe that every person deserves a hot meal a day whatever it is you believe and each group should come up with I would say I based my experience three four five. We believe that statements again.
There’s no right or wrong answer you just get the input them bring back everybody together and have them report out. And again the staff person take notes at this point you want to take a bit of a break. And the staff person or to keep you know that they will go away take the information has been presented and put it into some logical form on why you should exist what would happen if you disappeared.
What he believed that statements then come back after your break present that to the group. Put it up on flip chart have a printed out etc. however you want to do it and ask people for comments input. Does it accurately reflect where we are? That’s the end of what you’re going to do from that day. That takes a while to get through.
You may have other work you’re going to do but in your case that’s what you’re gonna end up with. And then the staff should be charged to go out and pull together a draft of their case. And then just share that back with the group at a later date and you have the makings and a framework for a vision for the future based on what this group’s done and now the staff completely and the needs we have. What kind of money we need to make this come about etc. etc.
Then I would suggest to staff to the chief executive send that out to everybody who participate this draft you have and let them comment back individually. And I won’t go into it here but I suggest doing that in writing don’t bring them back as a group to critique it but let them comment on the draft that you’ve done. And then you tidy that up and then take on board.
The common issues and concerns people have you now have a draft of the case and you have some ownership and some buy in and by buy in I mean these people will step up and they’re more likely to make significant gifts because they have been a part of coming up with what are going to be the issues in the direction of the organization.
Some boards feel threatened by this because they feel like it’s a board responsibility. And my comment to that is if you’re going to pay for everything. That’s fine. But if you need others to step up and make significant commitments they need to be able to have some. Piece of the action so to speak. So what do you do now?
Once you have this and you’ve got a draft I think you’ve got the makings of how you put together a case your case then can be used in brochures. It can be used in videos it can be used in social media etc. We’ve got a working viable case for support. Now what I suggest to you for homework out of the session is you go back take a look at what you have for a case. How did it come about?
Chief executive and board chair talked to each other. Is there real buy in? Is there ownership? Will board members keep prospects? Step up and financially support this with meaningful gifts. The answer is yes fine if the answers we don’t know or we’re really doubtful. Then you need to do something about that.
And you can either take on perhaps a little exercise like I’ve mentioned the workshop have a workshop or something else that fits you better. But the answer is not I don’t like what Lawrence Durance presented and we’re not going to do anything. The answer is we don’t like necessarily what we saw on YouTube but here’s where we’re going to do instead.
And at that stage of the game you’ll have a chance to pull together a case that makes sense that people can buy into maybe you don’t have a case for support. You still have to go through the same type of exercise. So at the end of the day what you have hopefully is a case that’s vibrant, alive. It’s clear, it’s compelling and it’s ready to be supported by your major donors. I hope this is helpful.
Now next week we’re going to turn to another topic. I have to take a peek at what that is. Oh we’re going to focus on. The question or comment I get from organizations look we haven’t focused much a major gifts in the past. We even doubt whether we have any major gift prospects much less donors. How do we find major give prospects and turn them into donors? But how do we find them the first instance? That’s it for the day. Have a great day. Thanks
The post Lawrence Durance Fundraising Part II appeared first on Lawrence Pierce Durance.
from Lawrence Pierce Durance http://lawrencedurance.com/lawrence-durance-fundraising-part-ii/
0 notes