#maybe he looks like he’s part of the glee club but not even sue sylvester could hate him 🩷
hyunpic · 5 months
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
99 Perspectives on a Single Love Story #26
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
Rory Flanagan (Pot ‘O Gold) 
Rory Flanagan has begun to settle into life at McKinley High.  He may no longer have a shot at Brittany Pierce (her exotic girlfriend is kind of scary) nor does he have that many friends outside of Finn Hudson (who said maybe if he played his cards right, he could get a spot on the football team -- which isn’t really football apparently, and that’s made things confusing), but glee club makes him feel welcome enough, and he still loves being in America.  
Glee is fun! Even if everyone seems to be unusually mad at each other all the time, and half the club has defected to a rival club in the same school! But singing always brings a smile to his face.  It’s nice to have a home away from home.  
But something that has perplexed him since he had arrived is an unusual habit of Kurt Hummel.  Before class starts, if he is not huddled together with Blaine Anderson, Rory finds him standing on one of the chairs, looking out the window.  It’s such odd behavior, and no one seems to notice or really care that Kurt is always seemingly up to something.  So, one slow Wednesday, he decides to join Kurt by looking out the window.  
“What are we looking for?” Rory asks, a bit of excitement in his eyes.  
Kurt raises an eyebrow, but does not look away.  “Who said we were looking for something?” 
Rory frowns.  “Oh, I just thought...  Cause you’re always up here looking out the window.” 
Kurt is quiet for a moment.  “Okay, I’ll tell you.  But only if you promise not to say anything to anyone ever.” 
Oooh, a secret.  How fun.  “I swear, Kurt, or I’m on the first plane back to Ireland.” 
“Okay,” Kurt says, a smirk across his face.  “So, one time, I was staring out the window and I thought I saw a ghost move through the bushes.  It looked kind of like me, only younger, and it scared me to pieces.  Or maybe I was imagining things.  But every day I come back.  Just to check.” 
“That is spooky,” Rory says, a chill running up his spine.  He looks intently at the foliage lining the walkway.  For a moment, he thinks he sees something move.  It could be, however, just the wind.  
“Don’t believe anything he says,” Blaine Anderson climbs a chair to join them.  It gives Rory a fright, and he nearly falls off the chair he’s standing on.  Blaine makes sure he doesn’t fall.  “Kurt has fed everyone that ridiculous story, and the only terrifying thing that has gone through the courtyard is Sue Sylvester.”  
“You don’t know, you weren’t there when it happened,” Kurt says, though his tone is more lighthearted than usual.  
“The courtyard isn’t haunted, Kurt.” 
“You don’t know that, Blaine.” 
“This is all very titillating,” Rory says, grinning.  He feels like he’s really a part of something now. “It reminds me of all the ghost stories we told as kids around the campfire.  We used to live near a barn that was haunted by a guy who was killed when his wife threw a potato at his head.  The ghost was supposedly said to throw potatoes at trespassers of the barn.   But it could have been Old Man O’Roarke not wanting kids on his farm.”  
Kurt and Blaine both nod quietly to Rory’s story.  
“You know, Kurt,” Rory says, as he looks him over. “If you were back home in Ireland, people might think you were my brother.  In fact, you look more like my brother than my brother Seamus does.  His hair is blonder.”  
Kurt immediately scoffs.  “That’s ridiculous, I don’t look anything like you.” 
Blaine lets out a giggle.  “No, I totally see it,” he says, despite Kurt’s glare.  “Oh, Kurt, don’t act like you aren’t half Irish.” 
“Hummels are German,” Kurt says, holding up a finger to punctuate his point.  “And I realize we have the whole Nazi thing to be ashamed of, but Germans were very influential in the invention of Western tonal music, which is the fundamental basis of everything we do in glee club.  And we have Neuschwanstein Castle.  Blaine, if we ever win the lotto, we’re getting married in that castle.” 
“Oh, of course, I’ll make sure to write that down,” Blaine says with a laugh.  “But more to the point -- wasn’t your mom Irish?” 
“How do you know that?” Kurt asks, a bit shocked.  
Blaine gives a shrug.  “Your dad was showing me an old yearbook.  Her last name was Sullivan.  And she had red hair.” 
“Sounds legit to me,” Rory agrees.  
“Seriously, you have got to stop having conversations with my dad when I’m not around,” Kurt says, rolling his eyes at Blaine.
“Well, maybe someone shouldn’t take so long getting ready that I end up having breakfast with your dad instead of you,” Blaine retorts.  
Rory, who is standing between them, wishes he had some popcorn to watch this delightful ping-pong act.  He loves the drama this club brings.  
“You know when I text you in the morning you should add at least a good ten minutes onto the routine time,” Kurt says, clearly not for the first time.  
“Well, maybe you should pick me up for once.” 
“Do you really want me having conversations with your dad in the morning?” 
Blaine waits a long time before responding.  “...No.” 
“Hey guys, I think I see that ghost you were talking about,” Rory says suddenly, thinking he’s seeing something on the other side of the courtyard.  Kurt and Blaine whip their heads towards the window.  “Oh, maybe not.  I think that’s just my reflection.” 
Kurt groans as he turns to get down from the chair.  Blaine lets out a giggle, giving a playful nudge of his elbow to Rory, and gets down, too.  
Rory remains staring out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of something he could write home about.  
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mrfnnhudson · 4 years
got it in you → self-para
where → santana and finn’s apartment when → the morning after finn and santana’s christmas party what → finn realizes his mistakes, and tries his best to start fixing them warnings → mild sexual content. 
Finn slowly opened his eyes as the sun entered his room. His body was wrapped around Rachel's and they were both still naked. She stirred, before slowly opening up her eyes and smiling at him "Hey there handsome… I feel you're ready for round two?" Finn was confused for a second before he realized he was hard and Rachel wrapped her hand around his cock. He let out a little groan, but pulled away. He quickly gave Rachel a kiss "I just want to freshen up a bit first." He said with a little smile, before walking to the bathroom. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The events of last night replayed in his head. Had he told Rachel he would move to New York? He couldn't do that. He didn't love her. What the fuck was he thinking?! He took a deep breath. He had to tell Rachel he couldn't be with her. It wasn't fair to her, him using her to get over Santana, and just taking a chance he would get feelings for her. And he had to tell her now. The sooner he rips that band aid off the better. He probably wouldn't tell her about the Santana part, or maybe he had to? Maybe he owed her that. "Whatever, don't think, just do Finn Hudson. " he thought to himself as he slapped himself in the face and went over to the sink to splash his face with cold water. He dried himself off and looked at the counter, Santana… He had been a complete asshole to her, giving her shit, like all of this was her fault when it wasn't. It was his fault. And he needed to make things right somehow. He had been gone for like ten minutes now, and he took another deep breath as he headed for his bedroom. To his surprise Rachel stood on the floor, and was dressed in her clothes from the party. He was confused, and then he saw the look on Rachel's face and she did not look pleased. And then he noticed what was in her hand, his football jersey. And his drawer was open. "I looked for one of your t-shirts I could wear while you were gone… I was going to put this on until I noticed it smelled… Like women's perfume." Finn swallowed hard and grabbed a fresh clean of boxers to put on, he didn't exactly feel like being yelled at while completely naked.
"It kind off smelled like Santana's perfume… And then that was in your drawer." She said firmly as she pointed to his drawer. He didn't know what she was talking about so he stepped closer and then he spotted it. Santana's vibrator. It must have ended up in his room during one of their escapades. He was at a loss for words, but "luckily" for him Rachel continued. "And then it all made sense, why you and Santana were in the bathroom together. And I might have been drunk last night, but I know i didn't give you that hickey." She choked out as she pointed to the hickey on his neck and started crying. "How could you do this to me, Finn?!". He put his hand up to his neck. He had forgotten about that. "I'm sorry… I" "-You're sorry?! You slept with her, a half an hour before you did the same with me. How do you think that makes me feel Finn?! You know me and Santana have had our fights in the past, and even though we're friends now. You had to have known it would make me feel bad. It could have been anyone but her. Why her? Why?" she yelled out the last time with anger, and it got to him so he yelled back "Because I'm in love with her Rachel!". The shock and confusion mixed with the sadness and anger on her face, and for the first time Rachel Berry was left speechless. "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to yell I just… After a month of living together, things got flirty… And we ended up sleeping together. And again, and again. And all of a sudden, we were in this pseudo-relationship. And the night we met you at the Christmas market, I was going to tell her I loved her. But you came, and she ran away. But the next day, I told her through text and she told me she loved me back. But then I said you kissed me and that I kissed you back. And she got pissed and…." He realized she didn't need to hear all this. Or maybe she did to try to understand. "A few months ago, I would have loved to hear you say that you wanted us to be together… But I'm not in love with you anymore. I'm in love with her. And I thought that maybe if I accepted your proposal, I would get over her. But that was an asshole move, and you don't deserve that. And to be honest you should just slap me ri.." He didn't get to finish before Rachel slapped him across the face. It hurt, but he deserved it. And he did ask for it.
"Screw you Finn… I don't even know what to say." She said through tears as she went for the door and left. He closed his eyes and took another deep breath. He sat down on the bed with his head in his hands, considering what to do now… And he knew what he had to do. He put on some clothes, and went out into the living room, evidence of the party all around him. He sighed as he got started on cleaning up, but made sure to be quiet so he wouldn't wake Sam and Santana. If they were still here. While cleaning he was thinking of everything he wanted to say to Santana, and when he was done, he went to his bedroom and got her Christmas gift. It was a piece of paper, that recommended her for the official title of co-director of the glee club. He smiled as he reread it.
Dear Mr. Figgins
It is my solemn recommendation that we grant Santana Lopez the title of co-director of William McKinley's "New Directions" and add to her salary for her work. The last few months Ms. Lopez has been an invaluable addition to the New Directions. She has guts, moxie, and isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. I believe her help, was a major factor in us winning sectionals. And I know we'll need her for regionals and nationals too, to win. The thing is, even though she has been helping us. She has no official title. When she joined us for sectionals, she was merely counted as a chaperone. And she is so much more than that. She is a part of this club, and the kids love her to pieces, and it wouldn't be the same without her. The title and added salary is something I believe she deserves for all her hard volunteer work. Just like Will Schuester needed Sue Sylvester to get this glee club to win Nationals for the first time, I, Finn Hudson need Santana Lopez to win. And I know you want this school to win too, both the cheerios and the glee club. She's the badass to my soft heart in glee club. We need the balance.
Finn Hudson
He didn't know if Santana still wanted to be a part of the glee club. But it was her choice. He also had the letter he had gotten back in which Figgins had agreed with him and accepted his proposal. He sat down and grabbed a piece of paper and started writing.
First off. I had your Christmas gift just lying around in my bedroom, and I don't know if you still want it, but it's yours. Secondly. I'm really sorry about what happened between the two of us, I am. And I understand now, that what I did was fucked up. I woke up this morning with a horrible feeling. I didn't even recognize myself and my actions. But they were my actions, and I take responsibility for them. You opened up to me, and I threw that away for one last kiss with Rachel. But I was the one who screwed it up. Not you. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I thought it was your fault. When I saw you throwing yourself at Sam, I was upset. So, I did the same thing with Rachel. And the next day I ended up breaking her heart too, she discovered your vibrator in my drawer and that my football jersey smelled like you. And then there was the hickey and us coming out of the bathroom together. She put two and two together. And, well… I told her the truth. And I told her that I couldn't be with her, because I'm not in love with her. I was an asshole. To both her and you. I seem to do that a lot lately, which is something I got to work on. I've decided to go and stay with my mom and Burt for the remainder of the holidays. I know I'm not your favorite person right now, and I want to give you the space you deserve. I want you to have the apartment, I'm taking my name off the lease. I realize that after everything us living together isn't really a viable option, or something that you want. I packed a bag with me, so I won't need to be back before I move out. And about yesterday… I meant what I said, after. I love you. And I'm sorry I screwed it up. I'm sorry that I betrayed you, and it's killing me that something I did is the reason you don't want us to be together. But I understand and respect it. I'm going to try to be a better person, the person I felt like I was when you and I were together. You deserve someone who's going to do right by you. Even if that someone didn't turn out to be me. I really hope you get it. Because you do deserve it, you're worthy of love. You're worth working for.
Tears were sliding down his cheek as he folded the paper and put it in in an envelope he had written "For Santana" on. In which he also added the recommendation letter. With that he took a look around the apartment, with misty eyes before he walked out the door and locked it behind him.
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nightingale63 · 4 years
When I get you alone, babe!
A/N Enjoy! This will be a multi-chapter story: steamy like the midsummer night air, sweet as an Italian ice bought on the fairway, with twists and turns like an antique wooden rollercoaster, complete with side trips to the fun house, where illusion reigns supreme (and romance can sometimes get even steamier).This is of course somewhat AU, but McKinley is basically the same, as is Dalton. Rated T for language, and situations.I don't own Glee, or any name brands or songs that crop up here!
Yes, Rachel, I'm here now! See you in the choir room. Kurt snapped his phone shut . I'd actually get there faster if you didn't keep hounding me! he grumbled to himself. Yes, he was (checking the time) three whole minutes late, but what the hell! First day of junior year, and yes, he was impressed by her enthusiasm, but why did it also have to involve waking him up extra early?His phone vibrated again in his pocket as he strode down the halls of William McKinley High. I have coffee for you! He smiled at the text message, and decided he could forgive Rachel for this summons to a meeting.
He was almost there when he was violently shaken out of his reverie by a brutal body slam into the wall of lockers
"Hummel! Gay much? What the hell are you wearing, your granny's cologne?" Not waiting for an answer, Karofsky sauntered away with a sneer as Kurt slumped to a sitting position on the floor.
Damn! Kurt thought he'd remembered what those slams felt like, but the memory didn't compare at all to the painful original. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and looked up in surprise when he felt his shoulder being lightly tapped
"Hey! You OK?"
Kurt shook his head, took the hand extended to him, and stood up to greet… a stranger. "Uh, thanks. I'll be all right." He looked, and was pretty sure he'd never seen this guy before. He wasn't someone he would have expected help from, for sure: whoever this was, in his black skinny jeans with a black rock band shirt (who the hell were Freelance Whales?), motorcycle boots, heavy silver chains dangling from his jeans and jacket in odd places, with slicked black hair, looked scarier than Puckerman.
"Good. Later!" The stranger flashed a gorgeous smile at Kurt, and then turned to go the other way down the long hallway.
"Yeah. Later." Kurt whispered. He smiled at the retreating form of the mystery boy. He'd barely seen his face at all. Kurt wished he'd looked at his face instead of his clothes
"Kurt! Come on! Your coffee will get cold!" Rachel scurried down the hall, looking for Kurt, her patience wearing thin as she waited to get their glee strategy meeting started. "Artie, Mike, and Tina are already there!" Rachel stopped to look at Kurt, noticing he looked a little stunned. Seeing no evidence of a slushie attack, her brows furrowed as she tried to figure out what was up with her friend. "Where's Finn?"
Kurt went along down the hall with her, as Rachel had gripped his arm, leading him to the choir room. 
"Rachel." She looked at him, opening the door. "I know my way, you know. You don't have to lead me around like some kind of frantic seeing eye dog!" He was about to launch into a snarky remark about Finn not living in his back pocket when Rachel handed him a cup from the Lima Bean. He took his first sip, pure heaven, and looked down at Rachel, whose eyes suddenly brightened: Finn had slipped in just behind them. "Sorry, Rach, you didn't deserve that. And thank you so much for getting me this."
Kurt was glad Mike was in his honors English class. It was right before lunch, and they both had the same lunch period, which meant he wouldn't have to go alone to the caf to find the glee club table. They'd chatted about the heavy reading list, gotten out their lunches (neither one of them liked the school food) and settled in to wait for more friends to join them at a table outside.
"I said get away from my stuff!" 
Their heads snapped at the very angry,very loud voice a few tables away, on the outside rim of the enclosed courtyard. Kurt recognized the boy who was yelling: the stranger from this morning..
"Hey! it was an honest mistake, all right? My bag looks just like yours. Sorry!"
 Mike recognized the boy who was backing away fast, Justin Mara, from his AP Bio class.
"Maybe we need to make them look a little more different, asshole!" Justin watched fearfully as the boy reached to throw something at him, and Kurt and Mike were horrified to hear the thunk of a knife thrown with great force at the bag, right in front of Justin's chest.Kurt looked on, terrified. 
Slushies and getting slammed were routine occurrences at McKinley, as was the occasional trip into a dumpster. But knives? He hadn't seen anyone with one at this school, let alone witnessed one being thrown like that. The jocks clustered at the table near where Justin had been standing just sat there, mouths opened wide, as Justin fled without another word. They moved away a bit as the boy sat at the table next to them that Justin had just vacated.Finn and Brittany sat down next to Kurt, as Mike leaned over, saying, "I'm going to go check on Justin. Catch you later, Kurt."
"Everything OK, Kurt? You, um, don't look too good right now." Finn frowned at Mike's retreating form
."Fine. I'm fine. You didn't see anything, did you?" Kurt glanced over to where the new boy was calmly eating his lunch. He really wanted to get a better look, but brought his gaze back to Finn.
"No! What? Did I miss something?
Kurt turned, sighing, ready to see what Coach Sue Sylvester wanted this time. The first glee meeting had gone about like he'd thought it would; Mr. Schue had weird ideas to increase their numbers, Rachel wanted to start planning right away for Sectionals (and of course had songs picked out); not much singing this first day. He was tired; ready to go home, thirsty, hot
"I'm hoping you've reconsidered your ill-advised decision from last year. You know you want back in."
Kurt could only shake his head. "Ah, Coach Sylvester, by the way, the name is Kurt, and I think I'm going to say no to what I can only assume is your invitation to re-join the Cheerios."
Sue's eyes narrowed as she considered the teen in front of her. 
"You're making a mistake, Porcelain, but I'm sure you'll come around. I've got some numbers planned out for you, and you know you loved it." She smirked at Kurt. 
"See Becky to get your measurements re-done; looks like you've grown some since last year."
Kurt rolled his eyes. He knew his measurements in detail; how else to create his own fashions? As if he'd let Sue's minion put a tape measure anywhere on his body! He had, in fact, enjoyed some aspects of his time in the Cheerios quite a lot, but he really didn't have time for this. He smiled at Sue sweetly. "Bye Coach." 
He was almost giddy at the Coach's look of frustration as he walked away from her. 
Glee let out almost as late as the sports practices today, and he headed towards his beloved Navigator in the nearly deserted student parking lot. Kurt's mind was preoccupied with anticipating getting home, getting rehydrated, and maybe vegging out with reruns of Project Runway.
"Nice ride." 
Kurt blanched as the new kid from earlier today suddenly came up behind him.
He had no idea what to say, and this throat was instantly dry, noting that he was completely alone with this guy – who'd been nice, friendly even, this morning, and then revealed himself to be a scary, knife-throwing nut at lunch.
"You all right?" 
The guy was looking at him with concern. Kurt relaxed a little. He certainly didn't look like a threat, for now.
"Yes! Fine!" 
Why was he here? Kurt decided to try talking to him as he were any other new student. He was glad for an excuse to look at the boy's face. "My name's Kurt."
"Blaine. Blaine Anderson." 
Kurt saw his face light up with a smile. And those eyes – he had hazel eyes framed by long lashes, topped with black triangular eyebrows. Why, Kurt wondered, did he look so damned amused? Had he done anything funny? How did someone dressed like such a fashion disaster manage to look so amazingly hot?"You're new here, aren't you?" he managed to say, congratulating himself on not slipping into his highest register.
"Yup," Blaine said. "Moved here this summer. I'm a junior."
Well, Kurt thought, this conversation was going surprisingly normally. If you can call normal having a conversation with a guy in goth-meets-biker gear who throws knives when he gets pissed normal. Somehow he didn't feel like he was in any danger, and part of his mind wondered why that should be so. 
"Junior. Me too." Brilliant, Kurt, he thought to himself. He must have paused too long, as he noticed Blaine started to speak again.
"Well, Kurt. Nice to know the name that goes with the face. See you around!" With that, Blaine nodded in a friendly way in Kurt's direction as he started towards his motorcycle parked further out.
"Right! See you tomorrow. I guess." Kurt watched him walk away for a moment before getting his keys out. Damn! Maybe those pants at least weren't a fashion disaster. Not on him anyway. OK! he thought, enough! I don't even want to know what would happen if he caught me staring at him in those skin tight jeans!
Blaine pulled into the driveway of the little house he and his mom had moved into a couple of weeks ago. Her family in the area had all offered to take them in, but she'd gently turned them all down, preferring instead to move into their own place a couple of weeks before the semester started. It was smaller than he was used to, but he liked it more: his parents' fights, which alternated with periods of uncomfortable chilliness, had been hard to be around. Much as he'd hated the idea of them divorcing, he couldn't help but see that his mom actually seemed more relaxed now.
Letting himself in, he dumped his bag into his room and shed his outfit in what his mom would describe as the messiest way possible: jacket, shirt, socks, chains, exploding all over the room. He did use care however, with his knives and holsters, laying them out on the top of his dresser. He didn't regret losing the one he'd thrown at lunchtime: he grimaced for a moment, musing that it was a worthy investment. The table full of jocks? They hadn't said a word, including the Neanderthal who'd pushed that boy into the locker first thing this morning.
Blaine peeled off his sweaty socks, leaving them unceremoniously on the floor, as he loped over to the shower. He'd waited after school, so long he thought maybe he'd missed him, but had been glad to find that he hadn't: he'd wanted to stay to make sure the beautiful boy from the morning made it to his car without getting bullied again. Kurt. He'd seemed nervous, but when he'd finally smiled – wow. Blaine made a mental note to ask Justin about him later tonight
.A/N: So, badboy!Blaine ... consider yourselves introduced, dear readers. I will update again soon, and would welcome any feedback, comments, speculation 
This is the first chapter, written so long ago, in a fic I wrote that is now on Chapter 117. Check it out if you’re in the mood for a long fic...
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gleekto · 6 years
Fic: All In the Past (1/13)
Prompt: You were the bane of my existence in high school but now we’re going to college together AU
Cheerio!Kurt/ Jock-Football!Blaine
Summary: Kurt Hummel is tolerating his senior year of high school. He’s head cheerio, which affords him some protection from the hamhock bullies who ruined his designer knock offs in his first few years. He can manage his one last year with that new charming transfer student, Blaine Anderson. swooping into his school, rising to popularity, and completely ignoring him. Next year he’ll be free from a world where everyone is afraid of the gay kid.
He just didn’t expect Blaine Anderson to swoop into his college world too.
Part 1: Key
Flip high, lay low, and keep up - Kurt’s three keys to senior year. He’s finally at the top of the totem pole at McKinley High and the end, and New York City, are in sight.  He’s been managing to put up with this one last year  - He’s the head cheerleader, above all the boring drama of the ordinary people around him, and his marks kick ass. Soon he’ll be free. He even has the unholy trinity of Brittany, Santana, and Quinn to keep him company while he rolls his eyes at the latest break up or football team loss. 
Being the only out gay kid in the school was not easy for his first two years. Being both awkward and obvious is like waving a red flag in front of bulls - from football jocks to failing stoners - they all want their turn throwing him in the dumpster or locking him in the port-o-potty. He even stopped wearing his designer knock offs to make sure they didn’t get ruined. If Kurt was wearing loose jeans and flannel button downs from his dad’s closet, you know things really were that bad.
But then - last year - Coach Sue Sylvester caught him practicing his backhand spring alone in the gym one lunch hour (beats sitting alone in the grimy cafeteria) - and realized that he could be useful to her cheerleading team. And the cheerio uniform, most of all, could be useful to him. Suddenly he was the one flipping and catching the football team’s favorite popular girls, the centre of the pyramid, and he was being left alone. Or even embraced by the cheerio girls who seemed to realize that he was at least as witty as them. He’s pretty sure he clinched their approval when Santana overheard Karofsky taunt, “Stop staring at my ass, Hummel,” as he walked by him in the hallway and he couldn’t help but mutter under his breath that it’s not his fault that his ass takes up half the hallway and that literally anyone else’s ass would be a better view.
“Even mine?” Santana quipped to him.
“I’m gay. Not blind,” Kurt quipped back and their friendship was sealed.
Which is why Blaine Anderson was really the last thing he needed in his senior year. Azimio and Karofsky are the kind of assholes he’s used to - beefy and dumb. With his status on the cheerleading team, they’re reduced to the occasional less than snappy jeer, and he almost doesn’t care. But Blaine Anderson is the worst. A new transfer student from Dalton Academy who just waltzes into his senior year and makes the starting lineup for the football team. Everybody loves him  from the moment he scores the winning touchdown in their season opener. He even becomes the lead singer of the glee club Kurt thought better of joining or risk the wrath of the football guys. But Blaine joins and suddenly they all think Glee club is cool. Naturally, Blaine gets a girlfriend - Rachel Berry  - the female lead of the glee club who has a terrible fashion sense but a killer voice so he can maybe see the appeal. But the thing with Blaine is that he talks to everyone - all the football guys, all the glee club kids, all the cheerleaders. Except Kurt. He won’t even look Kurt in the eyes. If anything is worse than being bullied, it’s being invisible. God, do all straight guys have to be so scared of the gay kid? What an ass.
But there’s only two months of school left now and soon Azimio and Karofsky will be pumping gas at Lima’s gas station, Blaine will go off to whatever Ivy League school likes singing football players, and Kurt will be in New York City. With his people. Finally. 
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laurlovescookies · 7 years
Kadam Week Prompt Five: Our First Noel
- Kurt and Adam either meet or reunite while participating in a volunteer event.
In this fic, Kurt decides to spend Christmas Eve working in a LGBT youth shelter. Burt comes along to help (no Blaine all up here in this bitch) and Kurt meets a kind young man whom found his NYADA audition “Breathtaking.” ^_^
There are a few more switcheroos in this fic: Burt doesn’t tell Kurt about his cancer until the day after Christmas. Kurt’s going to be seriously upset (and not happy that Burt didn’t tell him immediately; I think I would be too) but I’ll say that Burt wanted Kurt to not have to worry about it over Christmas (and the kid DOES worry.)
Plus, on a more selfish note, I have to keep this fic fairly short if I want to finish the week’s challenge, and if Adam and Kurt wanted to talk shop about cancer, this story would be considerably longer.  
Please enjoy!
Kurt never believed he would credit Sue Sylvester with having a good idea (let alone a philanthropic one) but her enlisting the Glee club to volunteer at a homeless shelter last Christmas Eve had been a surprisingly sweet initiative on her part. That had lasted all of one day, but he thought it would be a good annual tradition to adopt.
When he thought he would be spending Christmas alone this year, Kurt had signed himself up to work at a halfway center known as the “Rainbow Connection,” a center which provided aid to displaced LGBT youth in New York City.
But Burt had shown up at the door with a tree, very nearly inducing a heart attack of Kurt’s own. After the tree had been put up and they’d waved Rachel off for her cruise, Burt had volunteered to come along with Kurt to the shelter. The man had signed up considerably late, but none of the staff minded.
“We really need all the help we can get,” said the curly-haired man whom shook both their hands at the check-in desk. He was wearing a Santa cap. “We won’t be turning away anyone today, that or any other day.”
Kurt looked around the center’s reception room. It was a weathered place, bearing scratch marks on walls with chipped and faded paint. Old pipes gurgled from the ceiling, and the carpet was frayed and water-stained. He might’ve been imagining things, but judging by its slightly lopsided halls the place seemed to be actively sinking into the earth. Burt looked around too, brow furrowing.
“If I have anythin’ to say in Washington about any gay kid shelter—and damned well I do—I’m not gonna stand for Ohio’s shelters getting this beat up.”
Kurt thought the building was in desperate need of a facelift, but the staff had tried cheering the place with an explosion of color: There were LGBT flags and safe space stickers everywhere you looked, a burst of silver and blue paper chains surrounding a battered menorah on a crooked table, and a kenora surrounded by red and gold tinsel not far away. Christmas lights were wrapped around the battered old pipes, and down the halls were intermittent little Charlie Brown trees the staff had likely picked from the remains of Christmas tree lots. They’d been loved into life with handmade decorations, photos of staff members and shelter comers. Kurt’s heart ached and his throat tightened as he looked at them, looked at the resource posters for food, foster care, financial aid, and STD prevention and care.
“I’m glad this place exists.”
“Me too,” said Burt heavily. “But I’m real sorry that it has to.”
“We got a whole lot of people coming in tonight and tomorrow,” said the shelter attendant, and they turned to face him again. “The weather tonight is supposed to set a new record for the coldest Christmas NYC’s seen in eleven years.”
Kurt felt a hot wave of guilt. His dad had flown so far to see him, had saved him from being one of the displaced teens coming in for a respite from the cold, to the only Christmas they were likely to get. He stepped closer to his father, and Burt wrapped an arm around his shoulders, hugging him.
“Now to find jobs for you both. Can either of you cook?”
Burt muttered a “Not really,” while Kurt nodded. “A little.”
“’A little’ meaning my kid cooks better than anyone I ever met. Uh, don’t tell Carol I said that.”
The man sighed, looking profoundly relieved. “Right then. Kurt, if I could just have you take a right down the hall to the kitchen, they’ll put you to work. Mr. Hummel, if you’ll just come with me, please…”
Kurt reluctantly waved goodbye to his father, headed into the kitchen area, where he was pleased to find lots of people already at work, bustling over trays of turkey, foil casserole dishes of potatoes and cranberry sauce.
The man in charge eagerly put Kurt to work on the Christmas cookies. As Kurt picked up an icing bag, for one sliver in time, his mother’s hands were wrapped around his much smaller ones, guiding his decorating for Santa’s cookies.
He blinked, and got to work carefully decorating snowflake shaped cookies, making silvery curly-ques atop light-blue icing, dotting them with glittery sugar and chocolate chips. He knew he was being silly; people would be more interested in eating the cookies then looking at them, but he didn’t want the dessert to seem perfunctory. He’d yelled at his bemused father for trying to stick a plate of oreos in front of the fireplace when that just wasn’t the same.
He made rainbow cookies with gender symbols atop them, cookies in the shape of an ace with black, blue and purple frosting, glittery blue, pink and white striped stars to represent the transgender flag. Perhaps he went a bit too far by making little gingerbread men in frosting tuxedos holding hands with each other, but he could not resist. Soon he made little gingerbread women with icing skirts doing the same, followed by large heart cookies. Feeling sheepish, Kurt nonetheless got to work writing on the hearts, wondering if they seemed too much like Valentine’s-conversation candy.
“These are all lovely.”
Starting, Kurt whirled around, nearly knocking the young man beside him in the ribs with his elbow—there really were too many cooks in the kitchen. “Oh! Oh, I’m sorry. And thank you.”
The young man smiled. He was a tall bean pole, with dark blond hair tousled beneath his beanie, with light-blue eyes and a small cleft in his chin. Kurt felt the bottom briefly drop out of his stomach. “It’s quite alright. I’m sorry; there isn’t too much space here.” He had a British accent.
He took a careful step back, still smiling down at Kurt’s cookies, expression soft. “Oh, these are wonderful. You make pastries as well as you sing, Kurt. People will be fighting over them.”
Kurt’s face was suddenly as flaming as his cookies and he looked away, smiling broadly.
“I hope not. And thank you again, ah—“ His eyes widened in surprise as he realized that while the stranger knew his name, Kurt didn’t know his. And certainly he wouldn’t forget a face like this one.
It was the stranger’s turn to flush. “I’m sorry; I’m a fan, not a stalker.” He frowned. “Stalkers aren’t allowed to say that, are they? Ah, well. Adam Crawford.” He extended a floury hand, and Kurt took it with a bemused smile. “I forget you’re not a NYADA student just yet.”
“How did you know I got in?” Kurt asked wonderingly.
“I heard your performance at the Winter showcase.” Adam smiled again, eyes warm and bright. “If Madame T didn’t let you in after that, I can only conclude she’d need to be shut in an asylum.”
Kurt laughed aloud at that, surprising himself. “Well, thank you. I think Rachel was the showstopper though.”
“Rachel Berry?” asked Adam, brow creasing. “She was fine. But the way you sang…” Adam shook his head in stunned amazement. “It was positively…breathtaking.”
Kurt colored a little more, knowing he ought to get back to the cookies and yet rooted to the spot. “Thank you.”
“Fair warning,” said Adam, moving to check the bubbling pot he’d been working over. He scooped out a ladleful and after blowing on it for some time took a tentative sip. “The moment you finished singing the Apples gathered outside to discuss potential tactics on how to recruit you. I likely would’ve discovered where you lived and shown up on your doorstep with my homemade apple pie. You wouldn’t have stood a chance.”
“Wait, what? The Apples? And recruit me for what, being gay?”
“Of course you can’t recruit people into being gay. You can only become gay by sitting too close to the telly,” Adam said seriously. Then his face fell and both he and Kurt burst out giggling. Adam wiped his eyes.
“The Adam’s Apples are the show choir group I founded.” Kurt’s eyes lit up at once. “I thought you were remarkable, but to be honest, I didn’t have much hope, considering how good you are and we’re…” Adam shrugged helplessly. “Well, show choir. Even amongst misfit artists, show choir members are treated anathema at NYADA.”
“That’s okay. I was part of my high school glee club, and even nerds threw rocks at us from cars. But pie and show choir both sound excellent to me.”
Adam opened the oven and Kurt got a hot waft of decadent cinnamon and melting brown sugar, along with the gentle smell of apples. “Come to the dark side, Kurt. We have pie.”
“As long as it’s not koolaid.”
“And try a bit of this,” Adam offered, fetching another saucer and offering Kurt a small scoop of soup. Throwing Adam a dubious look, Kurt blew on it and tried, eyes closing.
“Oh dear God, that chicken and dumpling is divine.” He laughed and shook his head. “Did you follow me here so that you could win me over to your show choir with food?”
It was stupid, but he couldn’t help but wonder if Adam maybe cooked this way for someone else.
“Is it working?” Adam asked innocently, chuckling when Kurt nudged him playfully. “No, dear. I come here often. I only just so happened to recognize you.”  
“Are you…are you a volunteer as well?”
“Yes,” said Adam, stirring the pot and adding pepper. “School and the Apples keep me busy and I can’t come as often as I like, but I like to volunteer as a day camp counselor here. The facility works with the state to find lgbt-friendly foster homes for minors, but lots of them like to come here and participate in therapy or art classes.”
“Are you…” He ought not to ask, not to ask— “Are you here with your family tonight?”
Adam smiled and shook his head. “No, they’re back across the pond in Wessex, but no one minded a bit when I came out, not even my gran. I’m afraid I’m saving my money in the kipper for a longer vacation opportunity in the summer, so I won’t be with them this year.” He exhaled, and looked at the window, beckoning Kurt over with a finger.
The sight knocked the heart out of him; there was already an enormous line of people outside the shelter. Attendants were trying to shepherd people inside, but the line wrapped around the block. People were huddling together, all the while the wind was whistling and the world was being pillowed with snow. Kurt blinked again and prayed Adam didn’t notice him dab at his eye.
“Here I’m reminded it could be worse,” the taller boy said quietly, going back to his cutting board to slice potatoes. Kurt turned back to the cookies, tracing words on the desserts as quickly as he could. “I feel guilty.”
“I…my dad struggled with my coming out, it was so different than everything he ever was, and yet he took me exactly as I am, unconditionally.” Kurt palmed his eye. “I was so afraid when I told him that I’d…well, my friend Mercedes offered to let me stay at her place, if…”
Adam looked over at him, expression serious. “You shouldn’t have had to worry about that at all, Kurt.” Adam pronounced his name Kuht, and Kurt liked how it sounded. “No one deserves to be thrown out of their home for something they simply cannot help. While I’m very happy your dad is supportive, I wish that support were simply expected, rather than being an instance of sheer luck.”
 Kurt smiled sadly. “My dad said something along the same lines.”
Suddenly he got an idea, and seized a package of paper cups and ripped off the plastic. Kurt grabbed a tray from a shelf beneath him, and after setting the cups upon it started filling them all from an enormous dispenser with cocoa. Adam watched curiously as Kurt feverishly sprinkled cinnamon in them all, grabbed his coat off the hook and started buttoning. “What are you…” He looked outside and his eyes widened with understanding. “Oh…”  
“I know I probably can’t give one to everyone in time,” Kurt said breathlessly, bustling for the emergency exit. “But I have to at least try.”
Stunned, Adam watched as Kurt headed out, the wind buffeting him as he did so. A second later Adam turned the burner and oven off, and started stacking a tray of his own, curiously sampling a hot cocoa with cinnamon. He closed his eyes. God, but that was delicious.  
He hurried out afterwards, the chill knifing into his bones, making him seize up. He’d been in such a rush to follow Kurt that he’d forgotten his coat. Kurt was already making a beeline for the line, his face flushed pink. Adam watched it for a stupidly long moment, then jolted and followed suit.  
By now the line was moving and more people had made their way inside, but no one rejected the cocoa, some sipping cautiously while others simply moved their faces over the steam, wrapping icy fingers around the hot cups.
Soon after the boys rushed in again, and again, and on the sixth time Kurt thought at least he was getting some exercise this Christmas. He and Adam kept bumping into each other as they served chocolate, and Kurt couldn’t help but huddle closer to the other boy—it really was bitterly cold out.
By the time they’d served cocoa to the last person heading inside they staggered back into the kitchen, exhausted, very flushed, very cold and cracking up. “Dear God, your hands,” Adam exclaimed, taking Kurt’s flushed hands in his own.
“Hello, pot. I’m kettle. You’re pink,” pointed out Kurt, and started giggling when Adam swatted at him affectionately.
Soon the food was moved to the counter, where the line was already waiting. He looked over at Adam. “Do you have any plans for Christmas?”
“Oh, I’ll…enjoy some movies and soup in bed. Catch up on my reading.”
Kurt said nothing to that for a few moments. Hours ago he’d expected a quiet day himself, had been able to excuse his not-returning to Lima on lack of funds (and a desire to avoid his ex.) But after Burt had appeared, the idea now seemed inexplicably lonely.
“Well, you’re sitting with us at the volunteer’s table tonight.” Kurt said crisply, voice leaving no room for argument. “Those are my terms if you want me to join the apples. Take it or leave it.”
Adam looked bemused, then amazed, and then laughed gleefully.
“You drive a hard bargain, sir. I’ll take it.”
Later that night, Adam would pass a cookie to Kurt that he’d made himself. It simply read, You’re Adorable.
And Kurt would stutter and look away, and Burt would lift a brow and throw an inscrutable look at his son, whom was glugging down cocoa to avoid answering. Burt’s uncertain expression would thaw (albeit begrudgingly) as Adam described his work as a counselor in the youth programs at the youth center, and his ragtag showchoir at NYADA, and how Kurt sounded like a silver bell at the winter showcase. (If Kurt hadn’t been red before, he was scarlet then.)
And Burt would invite Adam to take the Rockettes ticket he’d bought for Rachel before he knew she was leaving town. And Adam would stammer that no, he really couldn’t and Burt Hummel said calmly that he damn well could, and would because the tickets were non-refundable and ‘my kid just lit up like the star of Bethlehem, so will you not ruin my kid’s Christmas?’ And Adam was speechless, though he was already understanding that a wise man does not argue with Burt Hummel.
And Kurt would squeeze his hand underneath the table, and offer Adam the opportunity to come back home with them afterwards and eat too much food while they watched basketball (while his father did, anyway) and that sounded perfect, so of course Adam said yes. And of course Kurt would smile, eyes shining.
That would be their first Christmas together. It wasn’t their last.
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kriskubed · 7 years
Even though the background character was never named at McKinley, we saw Dominic Barnes on Glee before he joined the Warblers as Trent. My head canon says of course it's him, but why did he leave McKinley? Here's a very brief answer, set just after Kurt transfers to Dalton.
Canon-compliant one-shot that also works as part of the Not Just the Alcohol verse, where it would fit into chapter 1, even though I didn't think to write it at the time.
Kurt looked around at the room full of guys he'd just been introduced to after his first practice with the Warblers. One boy in particular looked familiar but Kurt couldn’t quite place why.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” he asked Trent, a round-faced boy with a cheerful disposition.
“You transferred from McKinley, right? I used to go there. I think I remember seeing you around with the glee club last year.”
“Oh, that must be it,” Kurt replied. “But, if you sing, why weren't you in glee? We were always looking for new members. Especially guys who could actually sing.”
“Well, I guess you could call it self-preservation. I was already the fat kid, and I was starting to realize I was gay, even though I wasn't out yet. I was enough of a target for the jocks without joining glee too. I saw the slushies you guys took in the halls.”
“Mm…” Kurt murmured as he nodded thoughtfully. “I can understand that. So is that why you transferred? To avoid bullying?” Kurt wondered how much Trent’s story paralleled his own.
“No, not really. I never came out at McKinley, so things really never got too bad. I'd get comments on my weight now and then. Though that Coach Sylvester was probably worse than any of the other kids.”
Kurt gave a wry smile and nodded in agreement. Coach Sue was awful. “So why did you leave then?”
“My mom. She's an English teacher and she got a job here. Free tuition was one of the perks. It was pretty much a no-brainer. I knew I could feel safe coming out here too, so I guess maybe that was part of it, but it wasn't the main reason. If my mom wasn’t here, I probably wouldn’t be either, for better or for worse.”
“So Dalton, it’s been good for you?” Kurt asked. He was still a little bit wary that Dalton could really be the idyllic haven it seemed like on the surface.
“You mean being out? Yeah, it has. I know I’ve only been here a few months, but it definitely isn’t McKinley, that’s for sure. I don’t know if I would have come out at school if I was still there. But here it’s really not a big deal. Especially with these guys,” Trent gestured around to the other Warblers who were dispersing after rehearsal.
Kurt eyed Trent, still trying to absorb the idea that being gay could be such a non-issue. “Thanks, Trent,” he said warmly. “I’ll see you around?”
“Of course,” Trent replied. “You know where to find me.”
Kurt grabbed his bag and left the rehearsal room heading back to his dorm feeling more and more like things really would be okay here at Dalton. He hated that he’d been forced to leave McKinley, but just maybe he had finally found the place where he could be himself.
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
99 Perspectives on a Single Love Story #19
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
Sam Evans (Rumours) 
Sam takes in a deep breath before he rings the doorbell.  He had been picking up the deliveries that take him to the farthest parts of Lima in hopes that no one would notice him.  But it’s Friday night, and they’re swamped, and of course, Matt being the lazy ass that he is, won’t go farther than a mile away, so he’s left delivering to pretty much everyone.  Including an address he recognizes -- The Hummels.  
Kurt, of course, already knows about his situation -- just last week he had delivered to Dalton, but after everything that had been going on lately, everyone digging into his business, everyone making weird assumptions about him, he really doesn’t want to be near anyone from school.  Not helping is the strange sense that he’s being followed.  He rings the doorbell again, inspecting some bushes that might be moving as the door opens.  
“Sam!” Kurt cries as he opens the door.  Kurt is… well, Kurt’s weirdly happy to see him.  Or maybe just happy.  He’s got the goofiest grin on his face, and Sam isn’t quite sure how to react.  The short amount of time he did know Kurt before he left, he barely smiled.  And now he’s, maybe, radiating?  He’s also, uh, unkempt -- at least for Kurt.  Sam doesn’t usually notice these things, but he does know that Kurt is particular about his hair and his wardrobe.  Kurt’s hair is a mess and his shirt is half untucked.  
“Uh, hey, Kurt -- nice place,” Sam stammers as he sets the pizza on the end table.  
“Come in, don’t stand in the cold,” Kurt insists.  “Thank god you are here.  Oh my god, we are starving and I’m practically a beast when not fed properly.  Now, where is that money Dad left us?” He’s leafing through some mail on the table as Sam quietly waits.  
“So… pretty crazy today in class, right?” Sam says - just trying to fill the uncomfortable silence.  
Kurt freezes to give a stone-cold stare.  At first Sam thinks he’s done something wrong, but he quickly realizes that Kurt’s giving him his normal reaction glare.  “You would think after all the drama the glee club has been through over the years, that they would learn that it doesn’t matter and we should really be focusing on the music.  We’re going to New York -- and these people take one Sue Sylvester led newspaper cycle and everything is falling apart.  I mean, who cares if they think we’re dating…” 
“Wait, uh, what?” Sam’s brain starts to reel.  He knows people are thinking he and Quinn are getting back together.  And they’re not.  So not.  Though he would be lying if he hadn’t thought about it.  But Kurt?  Really? How many times has he got to tell people he’s not gay before they believe him.  
“Oh, god, Rachel practically had my head about it between classes today,” Kurt continues, giving the biggest eye-roll.  “And don’t worry - I deflected perfectly, no one knows about your secret -- my word is always the best.  But please.  Don’t get me wrong, Sam, you are adorable, but Blaine and I are ravishingly happy.” 
Sam’s brain is still processing the idea that Rachel thinks he’s dating Kurt.  “Why does she think that?” 
“She recognized the jacket I gave you,” Kurt explains.  “Which reminds me, do you need any other clothes?” 
Before Sam can answer, he sees Kurt’s boyfriend on the top of the stairs, pulling a white t-shirt over his head as he starts to descend the stairs.  Oh, god… Did he interrupt… He gets the image of Kurt kissing his boyfriend in his head and it’s… weird.  Well, no, it’s fine.  Like - Kurt can kiss whoever he wants, even if it is a dude, he’s cool with that.  Really, he is.   But, like, it’s Kurt.  Kissing people.  And that just seems weird.  Shit, why is he thinking about this?
“What’s taking you so long?” Blaine asks.  He comes up right behind Kurt, and wraps his arms around Kurt’s waist, placing his chin on Kurt’s shoulder.  
Kurt leans back into him, clearly enjoying it.  “I was telling Sam that Rachel thought he and I were dating, Kurt says, turning his head to face Blaine.  
“Well, that’s ridiculous.” 
“That’s what I said.” 
The two of them are doing that thing that couples do -- that Sam has seen his parents do -- where they talk to each other with just looks.  He’s not sure what they’re saying but he feels like he’s intruding on something more… private.  “You guys, I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to stop you from… whatever.” 
“What?” Kurt looks genuinely confused.  
Blaine grins, and speaks close into Kurt’s ear.  “He thinks we were having sex.” 
“Oh,” Kurt flushes deeply, becoming flustered. “No, we were just, uh, hanging out.  Blaine was just changing.” 
“Yeah, because you wanted me out of the blazer,” Blaine says, giving a kiss to Kurt’s cheek. 
“You know, I really should go,” Sam says.  Seeing the two of them together - he guess it does make sense.  They are super into each other.  But the room is getting a little warm, and Sam more than anything wants to not be there anymore.  
“You sure you don’t need any more of my clothes?” Kurt offers again.  
“No, I’m fine…” Sam says, backing to leave.
“C’mon, Kurt, I’m hungry,” Blaine says, biting at Kurt’s ear.  
Kurt all but melts in Blaine’s arms.  “We should really feed you then.”  
“Well, then.”  
They’re doing that weird nonverbal thing with their eyes, which means it's Sam’s queue to get the hell outta there.   
They’re only looking at each other as Kurt grabs the pizza, and Blaine pulls him back to the stairs.  “Money’s on the table, Sam,” he calls as the two of them race to the second floor, pizza box in hand.  “See you on Monday.”  
Sam looks awkwardly around for a moment, grabs the two bills Kurt had unearthed on the table (score, does Kurt realize he gave, like, a one-hundred percent tip?), and leaves the house. As he walks back to his car, his brain mildly wonders if they’re going to eat first -- and then have sex, or the other way around.  And people think he’s hooking up with Kurt. He’s barely made it to third base with a girl, while Kurt is obviously getting some now.  Wild.  
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
99 Perspectives on a Single Love Story #17
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
Sandy Ryerson (Night of Neglect) 
There are other things he could be doing tonight. His doll collection hasn’t been properly attended to in weeks. Geoff would gladly accompany him for another forty dollars a night. Or, there are a few college parties that he could stake out in hopes in broadening his new, budding (ha!) empire. However, being a drug lord just did not have the same enticing ring as League of Doom. He never could deny that wily Sue Sylvester, who is just man-ish enough that he’s contemplated seducing her. She does give off good B.D.E. That’s Big. Dick. Energy. And Sandy Ryerson enjoys big dicks.
So he’s here, in this disgusting cesspool of a school, on orders from one Sue Sylvester to take down The Glee Club. Nothing delights him more at the thought of destroying Will Schuester on his own turf -- a turf that once belonged to Sandy and that had been so recklessly torn away from him. But he would get his revenge - oh yes he would.
Sandy turns the corner into the hallway leading into the auditorium when he sees a couple of teenagers holding hands, heads close together as they’re giggling about something. Sandy recognizes one of them immediately as the gay kid with a terrible fashion sense -- like, god, is it a skirt? Is it shorts? Pick one and stop giving gay people everywhere a bad name.
“Halt!” Sandy yells at them. Startled, the boys jump apart. “The Pink Dagger has arrived.”
“The Pink--wha?” The one he recognizes says. “What do you want?”
“Oh, sassy, are we?” Sandy says, circling around them, like a hawk circling in on his prey. “Well, we’ll see how much sass you have after The Pink Dagger has poked you.”
“Kurt, who is this guy?” the other one -- the other deliciously attractive one -- says. Sandy can’t help but look him up and down. He looks like a delightful treat that Sandy would gladly gobble up. But he has to focus -- he has a mission, and if he gets caught with any more students, he’s really going to be banned from McKinley.
“A really sad, gross old man,” Kurt says, taking the cute one by the shoulders to lead him away. “We really should be moving on.”
Sandy takes a step to block their way. “Excuse me, did you say I was old?” he is offended to the highest degree. “How dare you? How dare you indeed? Do you know what tonight is?”
“Thursday?” Oh, so he’s handsome and cheeky - Sandy could work with that.
Sandy is, however, still indignant. “No. Tonight is the Night of Neglect. And no one. No. One. Has been neglected more than Sandy Ryerson, Aka The Pink Dagger. You sad glee clubbers, who will probably spend this evening belting out wretched versions of classics you don’t even understand, don’t know the meaning of neglect. You know, my mother once left me at an airport for six months when I was a baby? And when I was part of The Acafellas, I had the most precious voice and I was so cruelly kicked out of their group? And last month when the community center wanted to put on an all female version of Chicago and they wouldn’t even allow me to audition... The world itself has neglected all of my awe-inspiring talent.”
Kurt narrows his eyes, arms folded across his chest. “I think you’re missing the point, tonight is not for you…”
“I will not be upstaged by a couple of queers who probably don’t know what it’s like to have the soft firmness of another man up their ass, even if their voice sounds like something is permanently stuck up there,” Sandy shouts, his voice echoing in the empty hallway.
Kurt winces. He clenches his jaw, but says nothing.
The devilishly attractive one looks confused. “Um, we aren’t performing tonight.”
“We don’t even go here,” Kurt says, an angered look in his eyes. He really should learn how to chill. Maybe Sandy should try to sell him some weed - but damn, he left it in his car. “We’re here to support our friends. I really don’t know why you’re here, but you probably shouldn’t be.”
Sandy places his arms around their shoulders. “Well, in that case, maybe I can entice the two of you to join the Legion of Evil, and we can bring McKinley’s glee club down together. And maybe have a little fun afterwards.”
“Gross,” Kurt says. Both boys pull away from him immediately. Well, that’s not exactly the reaction he had expected. Why does this always happen to him? Shouldn’t gay people stick together? “C’mon, Blaine, let’s get out of here. I’d rather have another encounter with Karofsky than talk to this weirdo again.”
“Fools,” Sandy yells as they walk away. “You have no idea what you’re missing out on! The Pink Dagger will be avenged!”
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
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6x10: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
And here we are at the infamous Sue episode panned by fans everywhere.  Is it really that bad?  Well I did have it as my least favorite episode of the series, (though after careful inspection, that title truly goes to the hot mess that is I Kissed a Girl).  However, believe it or not, I don’t think this is the /worst/ Glee ever put out. I do, though, think the context is what makes it so frustrating.  
Child Star and Other Missed Opportunities
Here’s the thing - when you write out season 6 on paper, I think the structure of what the writers were going for makes a lot more sense.  The main story that they were telling was getting the Glee club back in order, to be, in a way, an echo of what season 1 was.  And for the most part, I do think that structure works.  You have Rachel in the ‘Will’ spot as teacher, trying to get her life together while trying to inspire these young kids to be awesome, and like the end of the Front 13 - the ending there is Sectionals.  
All the other plot lines are secondary, including Rachel’s triumphant return to New York, which is the b-story of the entire season.  Kurt (and Blaine)’s reunion arc might be, eh, a distant 3rd? Maybe 4th after Will’s.  But that’s what makes these final three episodes (before the final two that make up, essentially, the series finale) so jarring.   We’ve been used to strong focus on Kurt and Blaine as secondary characters, and the kids have been the main focus since season 3.  Shifting everything back so that Will and Sue are the main characters, with Rachel as a secondary lead feels... off.  
The thing is -- I see what they were trying to do here.  After wrapping up the Klaine (and Brittana) arc - the last arcs that the ‘kid’ characters get (besides Rachel) we essentially have three extra episodes left.  One will be the competition episode.  One was the episode about the New Newbies which I don’t think was a bad thing - even if I think introducing a new character five episodes before the end was a dumb move.  But like the original kids, I think these new kids rightfully deserved an episode of their own.  And thus leaves one episode where they needed to do, well, something.  
And hence - we get Sue.  
Yeah - It would have been nice if they had spent an episode exploring Kurt and Blaine’s now married life, or what the hell are Mercedes, Artie, Tina, Brittany, Santana, Mike, etc, etc, etc, etc, doing with their lives.  But - in the minds of the glee writers... they already did that in various capacities over the previous episodes.  
But even more than that - for reasons I’ll never fully understand, unless it’s about how much they love Jane Lynch, they decided to focus an episode on Sue.  And while the episode isn’t the utter worst thing Glee ever did (honestly, go back and watch IKAG again...), trying to make emotional sense of a character you’ve reduced to a cartoon character, who breaks the fourth wall just... doesn’t work.  And on top of that, they don’t resolve anything, nor is it that interesting to watch.  Sue remains, well, Sue and nothing remotely happens.  
So yeah, this ‘filler’ episode was a way to stall time before the obligatory ending Sectionals episode - and they filled it up with a lot of what no one wanted, especially the precious few who were still watching.  And thus, we have the most frustrating and least satisfying episode of the entire series.  Thankfully, Kurt is barely in it. 
Burn the House Down
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So, we open with the New New New Directions in typical Glee fashion, doing the hot single of the moment - idk even know the name of the song, though - Rather Be? Idk.  Anyway, Kurt and Blaine come sombering in, cause, plot dictates they be there for exposition. 
And we find out that Dalton has burned to the ground.  
Here’s the thing - there could have been an interesting story here for Blaine -- matching Rachel’s story about having to grow up and move on.  I mean, it’s kind of subtly and subtextually there. It is (another) reason Blaine is forced to move on and grow up.  
But.  Do you know why they burned Dalton to the ground (other than doing it probably out of spite)? Not for some kind of deeper level of symbolism.  Nope.  They did it so New Directions can meet their quota of having 12 members.  That stupid, fucking rule.  I realize that it’s now become a joke (as mentioned earlier in the Hurt Locker episodes).  But c’mon Glee.  It’s like you’re not even trying now.  
But also, like after most big Klaine events - do Kurt and Blaine get a moment to reflect on their newly marriage life? Nope.  Other than talking about a piano exploding in the next episode, Kurt and Blaine won’t share dialogue again until the series finale.  On top of that -- instead of getting to be happy newlyweds, they have Blaine upset because his surrogate home has burned down.  Thanks writers.  Thanks. 
However - there are two things I do like about this little moment.  A) the fact that Kurt is being a very comforting husband.  B) the fact that they are wearing their proposal colors.  Nice touch costume dept.  You get the gold star.  
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In the next scene - we get the indoctrination of the Warblers into the New Directions.  And Kurt just nods his head along in all the appropriate places.  Not a whole lot to talk about -- other than now that we’ve got Will back in charge, Rachel and Kurt have faded into the background.  Is Kurt even teaching anything any more? No, not really - despite all the ‘conversations’ Kurt, Rachel, Will, and Blaine have off screen.  
Anyway - you know another reason Dalton was burned to ground? To service the Sue plot.  Yup.  God.  Luckily, though, I don’t really have to go into it. 
The Way Too Long Geraldo Segment
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So, long story short, Sue’s hurt locker was found out and then she’s exposed on Geraldo, which does go on way, way to long.  Look, there are some funny moments and callbacks, like the finding of Sue’s Penthouse magazine and the quick return of Joe.  But it just becomes stale as it continues after the commercial break.  Also, though, Sue’s not going to actually face ramifications. I mean, she should really be in jail just on the hurt locker alone.  But this is Glee, where Will, Sue, and Rachel never have to really deal with the actions they make.  
So - Kurt’s bit is about the elevator.  Which is... fine.  It kind of feels hollow since they’re going to thank her in the finale, and she just sent them on a week long honeymoon.  But yeah - don’t kidnap people, guys.  Bad.  The best part of this is the look on Blaine’s face.  
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This scene was almost impossible to get a good still.  Oh well.  Anyway, a good twenty minutes of the episode later...
So, I should mention in the previous scene, the gang is all trying to help Rachel through her issues and trying to get her back to New York (or whatever).   It’s a little weird that Kurt is not here since he’s spent so much of his screen time playing emotional prop to Rachel Berry. but I guess I’m not complaining even if I think it’s weird? But we do get Sam calling NYADA a scam school, and info that Blaine was kicked out by Carmen herself - to which I say, why does anyone care about this school??  Whatever.  It is a funny little scene though. 
Anyway, back to this scene -- where the Warblers and the New Directions are arguing over costumes.  And the only real thing I get out of it (Kurt-wise) is that Kurt really hated wearing that uniform when he went there, lol.  (He did, though, it’s in season 2.)  
And I know there was some grumbling of this scene - why is Kurt taking New Directions’s side? Why is he not supporting Blaine and the Warblers - to which I say... the writers didn’t give a shit about that.  Seriously.  This scene is a) about comedy and b) presenting this argument that will be compromised in about ten minutes anyway.  It’s not at all any kind of reflection on Kurt or Blaine or their relationship.  And actually, I’m of half mind that the writers completely forgot that Kurt even went to Dalton himself.  
In the large scheme of Kurt related things - this scene barely registers, tbh.  **shrugs**
Hey, but costumes wins again - Kurt and Blaine are wearing each other’s colors!
Final Countdown
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So, Sue and Will duke it out through music - like it’s always done, and we get confirmation -- all those fantasy performances? Were just that -- fantasies.  I kinda do like when the kids come in and are like - wtf??!?  Kurt tells Rachel that he hopes that the’ll never become that.  Oh y’all won’t, promise ;) Anyway - I love that the show comments that Will and Sue have lost it - like we haven’t known that since the end of season 1.  
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So, uh, the next day? Will apologizes for being an idiot.  Okay, fine.  And then Rachel says that now -- if the glee club doesn’t win, all fine arts will be cut.  Because that makes a load of sense, c’mon writers, c’mon....  
Anyway - the one redeeming thing for this otherwise ridiculous little scene, is that Kurt’s a ball of optimism -- he inwardly reflects on all the crap that’s happened in his life and he turns it around saying that they’ll never give up on anything (to which Blaine looks at him adoringly).  And, I mean, it’s a subtle thing -- but I kinda love this.  Because here’s a kid who has been through hell and back and a lot of shitty things (even recently) and you know what? He’s fine.  He’s in a good place, he’s happy, he’s loved, he’s got a great support system, and a good attitude about life.  And, he’s got a great motto to go along with it -- It’s Got Bette Midler.  (lol)  
But I mean, let’s take a second and think about the fact that Kurt started his journey being that kid who gets thrown in dumpsters for being weird and gay and now, you know what? He’s fine.  He’s really, really, really fine.  :) 
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So - here at the end, we see Blaine solving the absolute crisis of the episode and somehow he’s managed to make, like, twenty unity blazers overnight, combining the Dalton tradition with the McKinley colors.  And did it without Kurt knowing what he was up to because Kurt was totally surprised.  But it’s in a good way, Kurt’s incredibly proud that Blaine managed to solve this epic dilemma.  (I joke, but really, it’s sweet that Kurt’s, again, proud of his new husband).  
Meanwhile, we get the song Rise, written by Darren Criss -- and I’m kind of impressed with this song -- it manages to reference birds, Dalton burning down, the kids rising to the top, and the fall of Sue Sylvester all in one go.  Color me impressed, too.   (Btw, this is such a Darren-esque song, I can hear this in his voice even if I’ve never heard him actually sing it.) 
I’ll leave you with the some lyrics, which I’m sure you can work out their meaning on your own ;) 
Have you ever felt like you woke up (On the wrong side of your heart) Has it ever felt like it's broken (Like the world tore it apart) Have you felt so weak, You could hardly stand Like if you ever fell You could never tell If you'd ever get back up again I know it's hard to do, But I think you can make it, Cause I know we can take it Baby we will... Rise We are young we are the dreamers we will fly When the world will not believe us, We will rise above the ashes Before this whole life passes us by You and I, we will rise
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