#making me beep continuously like a fire alarm when it detects smoke
hyunpic · 5 months
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Playing in the snow with Ghastly Bespoke at Christmas time.
You and Ghastly have been dating for about 9 months and he finally decided to allow the dead men to meet you. You and Ghastly travel up to a resort in the woods for Christmas. Everyone is excited by the snow, so you go out to play and a snowball fight ends up breaking out. You and Ghastly fall asleep in the snow while being cuddled up to each other and you somehow manage to fall asleep.] grá mo chroí – means My beloved in Irish
It was a beautiful December day in Ireland. The snow was fluttering all around the windows of the car and the freshly fallen snow was only broken by the wheels of the black Bentley as it rushed through the snowy forest. You were on your way to a cabin resort that had been rented out for you, Ghastly and the rest of the Dead Men. You were so happy to be celebrating Christmas with Ghastly. It would be your first Christmas together and you couldn’t wait to meet the rest of the dead men. You had only been introduced to one other dead man so far and that was the suave skeleton detective currently driving you to this resort, Skulduggery Pleasant
It was a funny story of how you and Skulduggery had first met. You and Ghastly had just started dating and Skulduggery decided to see what kind of person you were. You had just gotten home from working in your art studio and as you walked in the front door, you spotted a well-dressed skeleton sitting on your favourite chair.
After staring at it for about a minute, you walked over to it and began inspecting it. Especially the suit. As you were about to touch the hat the skeleton wore, the skeleton suddenly spoke.“Don’t touch the hat.” You jumped back in surprise and let out a small squeal.
The skeleton seemed to be unfazed by this and continued. “Skulduggery Pleasant. I’m here to ask you a few questions about your relationship with Ghastly Bespoke.” You nodded dimly and shakily sat down opposite him. It took you a moment to reply, but you managed. “A-ask anything you like.”
After about an hour of talking to Skulduggery, you started warming up to him. He spoke kindly to you and you relaxed as the conversation continued. Eventually, Ghastly arrived for the date you had arranged. As soon as he laid eyes on Skulduggery, he looked like he was about to punch him. “Skulduggery…” Ghastly growled. A beat of silence passed as Skulduggery’s gaze locked with Ghastly’s before he jumped out the window, leaving you and Ghastly to your date.
After this incident, a glorious friendship had blossomed between you and Skulduggery, hence the reason you were sitting in his car. You were pulled from your reminiscing by someone gently touching your shoulder. You turned your head to see your beloved Ghastly staring at you. “Hey, we’re almost there, how are you feeling?” You smiled over at him and squeezed his hand. “I’m fine Ghastly, just a bit nervous about meeting the rest of the dead men I suppose,” you said.“You have no need be nervous, everyone will love you”. Ghastly said. Skulduggery decided to pitch into the conversation with his usual wit.
“Exactly. I like you so that means that you are a woman of a high standard.” You laughed at his comment before once again staring outside to the snow fluttering all around you. “We’re about 20 minutes away from the resort, so it won’t be long until you can stretch your legs. “You nodded in silent confirmation before continuing to stare mindlessly out the window. Your mindless stare became intrigued when the resort came into view. It was large, and its roof was covered in snow. Smoke was billowing out of its chimney and as you got out of the car, you could see the distinct outline of a Christmas tree through the window. You felt Ghastly put his arm around your waist as he led you towards the resort.
As you walked through the door of the resort, the smell of burning Christmas cookies filled your nostrils and a few seconds later the insistent beep of a fire alarm sounded from the kitchen. You and Ghastly shared an amused look before a man with well-toned muscles sprinted out of the kitchen waving a towel over his head like a maniac. “Good God Vex can’t you make one meal at Christmas time without burning it?” Ghastly said in a teasing tone.
The man known as Vex had his back to you as he continued waving the towel and soon enough, the smoke disappeared from the room. After the atmosphere was cleared, Dexter turned to you two. His eyes landed on Ghastly first and he had an annoyed expression on his face. However, when his eyes landed on you, his face had surprise and confusion written all over it. “Who the hell is that?” he asked. A tall man with a knowing look in his eyes entered the room “That is Ghastly girlfriend, so I wouldn’t be too rude to her in case you scare her off.” The man walked towards you and offered his hand. “Sacrean Rue, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said with a smile. Skulduggery voice echoed from behind you. “If Vex isn’t allowed to use rudeness to drive her away, you aren’t to flirt with her, that’ll have her sprinting away in fear.” Sacrean rolled his eyes and said, “I know she’s already spoken for, even if I tried to flirt with her, I’m pretty sure Ghastly here would have my teeth knocked out before I could even finish a decent pick-up line.”
“None of your pickup lines are decent, Sacrean.” Ghastly quipped before turning to you. “Sweetheart you wanna go get settled in now? If you unpack fast enough, I’m fairly sure we could get out to the snow before it gets dark.” That brought a smile to your face and as you turned to retrieve your bags, you saw that Skulduggery was already holding them out for you. You take your bags from him and he says, “You’re upstairs, at the end of the hall, call if you need help. Ghastly and I are going to intimidate the rest of the group into not bugging you with questions about your relationship.”
You look at Ghastly with raised eyebrows, but his only reply is a shrug of his muscular shoulders before walking off, Skulduggery at his heels. Vex lets out a sigh. “The worst thing is that they aren’t even joking about the whole intimidation thing.” He shakes his head. “C’mon Sacrean, you’re gonna help me try to salvage whatever is left of those Christmas cookies.” Sacrean gives him an exasperated look before saying, “The only thing left of those cookies is ash”. Regardless, he still follows Vex into the kitchen.
You turn to your bags. Although you did try to pack light, you know you’re gonna have trouble getting them up the stairs. Against your better judgement, you decide to try and carry everything up the stairs in the one go, and by some Christmas miracle, you managed to get to the top of the staircase without collapsing. You let your bags fall from your shoulders before moaning with pain.
That was difficult.
“Are you alright? You turn your head to the soft voice coming from your left. It’s a tall man with dark hair and you must admit, he looks like a mixture between a funeral director and a vampire. You give him a tired but kind smile. “I’m alright, these bags are just a tad too heavy for me, but I only have to get to the bottom of the hall so no point complaining. The man glances at your luggage before striding toward you and lifting your bags with practised ease. “Allow me to help you.” You are surprised by this sudden act of hospitality but none the less you thank him and begin walking toward your room. “So does the staircase maiden have a name?” He asks. “Oh! Where are my manners, I’m Y/N.” He nods before saying, “Anton Shudder. I believe you are Ghastly’s partner then?”
You give a little nod before arriving at your door. “This is me! Thank you so much for your help, Anton.” You smile at him before taking your bags from him and stepping inside your room, remembering to half-close the door behind you for privacy. The room had a comfy looking king size bed with curtains around it, a desk, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, but the most elegant thing in the room would have to be the fireplace. It was made expertly from marble and it was just begging to be lit. You were too entranced in inspecting the room that you didn’t notice Ghastly stealthily enter. You only noticed him when he wrapped his arms wrapped around your waist and put his face was in the crook of your neck.
“Enjoying yourself darling?” His sudden appearance had made you jump and the bag in your hand dropped to the floor on instinct. “Easy on sweetheart, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said softly. You turned around to face him and couldn’t help smiling when you saw his face and his soft expression. “You could never scare me.” You said as you wrapped your arms lovingly around his neck. This made him laugh before saying, “Well clearly I just did.” You smiled at him as you pressed your foreheads together. You stayed like that for a while. Holding each other. Staring into each other’s eyes. It was as if time had stopped. However, this peacefulness was interrupted by a banging at the door and a voice shouting, “Where’s the lucky lady!?” Ghastly’s reaction to this was to shut his eyes and groan in annoyance. “Go away, Larkin. It’s not the time.” The voice replied, “Why? Are you doing the mattress mambo? If you are, make yourselves decent cause I’m coming in!”
The door burst open and two men burst in. One man had beautiful golden eyes and the other had a large comedic smile on his face. The man with the cheeky grin stepped forward to introduce himself first. He offered his hand, saying “Hello, I’m Larkin!” You decided to take the man’s offer of a handshake and when you did, the sound of a whoopee cushion deflating filled the room, and Larkin's smile grew impossibly wider. “Whoopee cushion in the hand trick never gets old.” The man second man rolled his eyes at Larkin's behaviour, before stepping forward to introduce himself. He took your hand and kissed it. “Erskine Ravel my dear. A pleasure to finally meet you.” He said as he glanced up at you with those gorgeous golden eyes. From behind you, you heard Ghastly growl and you felt him put his arms around you from behind.
“Ravel, I thought we already had a conversation about this behaviour?” Ghastly said through gritted teeth. Ravel’s eyes met Ghastly’s and there was a standoff for a few moments. A standoff that Ghastly won. Ravel shook his head and said, “No need to turn all alpha male on me Ghastly, I’m dating Hopeless remember?” This didn’t convince Ghastly of anything and he pulled you to his chest.
“Hasn’t stopped you from flirting with every living thing to cross your path though has it?” Ghastly said his tone challenging. You sensed a fight coming and it seemed that Larkin did too because he was quick to jump into action. Larkin took hold of Ravel’s shoulder and began leading him out of the room. “It was nice seeing you two. Dinner will be in about an hour.” After Larkin managed to drag Ravel out, he shut the door and all that could be heard was the sound of retreating footsteps.
You turned to look at Ghastly whose muscles were still tense from bracing himself to throw a punch. You took his hand and turned his face to look at you. “Hey there gorgeous, we’ve got an hour to spare before dinner, what do you fancy doing?” He looked at you for a moment before a playful grin appeared on his face. “To be honest, I’m exhausted, and I fancy a nap.” A soft smile appeared on your face before saying, “Fancy some kisses with that? It would be a reward for not punching Ravel in the face.” He pretended to think about your offer for a few seconds before saying “That seems fair enough, and if you were wondering, I would have aimed to break his jaw.” You couldn’t help but laugh at this as you pulled him toward the bed. You kicked off your shoes and got under the covers for cuddles and kisses.
You were roused from sleep by Skulduggery softly shaking your shoulder. You rubbed your eyes and attempted to stretch but couldn’t because of Ghastly’s muscular arms keeping you in an embrace. When you looked up at Skulduggery questioningly it prompted him to say, “Dinner’s ready.” You nodded in confirmation and watched him walk out of the room. You turned to Ghastly to wake him up but hesitated. You longed to just lay here with him all day, but you knew that he would be disappointed if he wasted the day sleeping. To soften the blow of having to end cuddle time, you decided to give him his favourite wake up call. Butterfly kisses. You leaned forward and started placing soft kisses on his eyes. Eventually, he was roused from sleep and when he saw your face, he gave you a soft sleepy smile. He stared into your eyes for a moment before saying, “What did I deserve to get such a wonderful wake-up call?” You couldn’t help but laugh at him, every time you woke up beside him, he looked at you like you could create galaxies with a wave of your hand.
“Dinner’s ready my dear, we have to get up.” Ghastly groaned at this before rolling onto his side and put his arm over his face. “Do we have to? I just wanna stay here and sleep.” You rolled your eyes at him and decided that maybe you could tempt him. “Well if you don’t wanna come down I guess that I’ll have to play in the snow all by myself.” This caused him to take his arm away from his face and turn to you. “You wouldn’t dare…” A small smile appeared on your face. “Oh, but I would my dear.”Ghastly let out a breathy laugh before saying, “Alright, alright, I’m up.” He stretched out fully before pushing himself off the bed. You watched him for a moment before getting up and combing your hands through your hair in an attempt to make it look it presentable. You grabbed Ghastly’s hand and started walking down to the kitchen.
When you got downstairs, you were met with Sacrean eating mince pies in the living room while scrolling on his phone. You give a little knock to the doorframe to let him know about your presence and he looks at you like a deer in the headlights. He gulps down the rest of his pie and lets out a guilty chuckle. “Eh…. Nice nap…?” Ghastly shook his head at him and as he opened his mouth to speak, a snowball hit him right at the back of his head. You both span around to see Skulduggery standing there. There was a silent standoff for a moment before Skulduggery turned on his heel and sprinted out of the front door.
There was a sudden flurry of movement as Ghastly tore outside after Skulduggery and Sacrean let out what sounded like a war cry before darting outside after them. The war cries that Sacrean had uttered had everyone in the house responding to it because, in a matter of moments, every dead man was hastily pulling on coats and darting outside. You stood there in a state of shock and awe at the pure speed at which the dead men had run out of the house. You could hear the sounds of an all-out snowball war being waged. You could see snowballs being launched at fantastic speeds, then you heard it. Ghastly’s voice. “Y/N! Get out here! They’re pairing up out here and I need to have the best-looking partner!” Vex’s voice rang out, “Ghastly I don’t want to be your partner!” A chorus of laughter rang out as you sprinted out of the resort to meet Ghastly.
As soon as you got outside, you saw a scene of utter chaos unfolding. It seemed that people were already starting to form alliances. Larkin, Hopeless and Ravel were all on the one team, Anton, Vex and Sacrean were on another and Skulduggery was standing in the middle of it all. He looked to be on a team that consisted only of himself. But…. Where was Ghastly…? Out of nowhere, you felt someone grab your waist and haul your body backwords. At first, you thrashed and fought out of instinct but when you managed to crane your neck enough to see the face of whoever it was that had grabbed you, you saw a familiar scarred face. You locked eyes and you immediately relaxed in his arms. You allowed him to drag you back as you watched the chaotic scene of the snowball war unfold. Eventually, you felt Ghastly to bring you both to a stop and he pulled you behind a wall of snow that he had created. You both crouched behind it and began to create a game plan.
After a few minutes, you had a plan of attack. Ghastly run out and use his elemental power to manipulate the snow and air around him, and you would use your shield discipline to protect him. You pressed a kiss to his lips for a moment before he sprinted out and raised utter havoc, you kept your shield eyes on him as he caused snowballs to destroy every other dead man. Ravel was the first to get a face full. Probably revenge from earlier. The next two to go were Hopeless and Sacrean. Hopeless’ was thrown onto his back after Ghastly manipulated the snow from underneath him.
Ghastly’s next target was Larkin, who sensed he was next, and shape-shifted into you and begged for mercy. Ghastly took great pleasure in pelting him with snow. The remaining dead men – Anton and Vex- were doing their best to defend themselves but your shield held strong. Ghastly showed an evil grin and made a wave of snowballs appear behind. The look of utter terror on their faces would have you howling with laughter for weeks. You were mentally celebrating Ghastly’s victory before you realised. Someone was missing…. Skulduggery…
“Don’t move an inch.” Said a silky voice from behind you. You shuddered involuntarily. “Take down the shield protecting him…or else.” It was quite scary to hear Skulduggery talk like this, but you refused to show fear. “Never. This is my grá mo chroí we’re talking about.” There was a deadly silence between the pair of you as you stared out across the snowy ground. “If that’s how it is…” Suddenly his voice turned from a silky whisper to a powerful booming tone that could rival thunder. “GHASTLY BESPOKE OF THE DEAD MEN” He spoke as if he were addressing an enemy on the battlefield. “SURRENDER NOW AND I MAY STILL GRANT MERCY UPON THOSE WHO ARE AT MY FEET” Ghastly looked confused, what did he mean, at his feet? He was nowhere near him, then it hit him. You. He caught sight of your hair, just barely in view behind the snow barrier.
“Let her go Skulduggery!” Ghastly seemed to be leaning into this role of heroic knight about attempting to defeat the dark lord, and from how it seemed, you were the unwilling damsel in distress. “NOT UNTIL YOU SURRENDER! THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE BEFORE SHE DIES!” Shouts of “Don’t do it!” and “He’s bluffing!”, were made by the dead men, you even thought you heard Larkin shout “Wouldn’t someone think of the children?” Skulduggery raised a gloved hand threateningly. “Last chance, your love or your life. Decide now.” You and Ghastly shared a look, and you could see in his eyes that he was readying himself for an attack, the last stand of a dead man. In a sudden flurry of movement, Ghastly lunged forward with his elemental discipline flaring and ready to protect you, but in that same moment, Skulduggery pressed down on the back of your neck and hit a pressure point.
This pressure on your neck caused your entire body to feel weak, and for the shield around Ghastly to cave in, leaving him without your protection. You desperately tried to warn him, but your voice had abandoned you, and there was stopping him or warning him of the incoming snowball from the left. You watch, almost in slow motion, as the snowball hit him square in the jaw, with enough force to knock him flat. For a moment, there was a shocked silence from everyone, before a chorus of empathetic groans echoed from the rest of the dead men. In all the excitement, Skulduggery had loosened his grip on you, and you immediately seized the moment and lunged for your fallen protector.
You turned him onto his back, placed your hands on his face, and began to tenderly rub your thumbs across his scarred cheeks. “Ghastly, my darling, are you alright?” You were genuinely concerned as the snowball had hit him with great force, and for a moment, you thought he had been too hard. But you were soon relieved of any worries when his eyelids fluttered open and you were greeted by his loving smile. “I’m just wondering now that you’re here.” You couldn’t help the loving smile from breaking out on your face, you could never stay angry at your love for long.
“Alright fellas let’s get inside and leave these love birds to themselves, I don’t wanna know what they do in their spare time.” There was a trickle of laughter that floated around in the air for a moment as the dead men made their way inside to the warm cabin, but neither you nor Ghastly made a move to join them. Instead, you flopped onto your back beside him and cuddled up against him, closing your eyes as you rest your head on his chest, and to your surprise, it was surprisingly comfortable. So comfortable, that you barely felt the first snowflakes descending from the sky onto your embracing forms as you drifted off to the land of dreams, with Ghastly not far behind. ---------------------- When you awoke once again for the second time that day, the sky was dark, the stars were shining and both you and Ghastly were still in an unmoving embrace, but now you were also enveloped by a thick coating of snow, so thick you could barely move, and the flurrying snowflakes all around made it difficult to see the cabin. As you turned your head, you saw that Ghastly was still sleeping. And from the looks of it, he wasn’t going to budge by his own accord unless you put a stop to this madness.
So, with a herculean effort, you managed to shove away the snow that had previously entrapped you, and although your entire body felt brittle and stiff, still you persevered. You managed to get onto your knees and get some leverage against the cold ground. You allowed yourself a moment to stare lovingly at Ghastly before you placed your freezing hand on his shoulder and started to shake him awake. “Ghastly. Ghastly! Ghastly Bespoke! Wake up! Wake up!”
He awoke with a startled breath and a panicked look on his face. His eyes darted around, look for any sign of danger that could have warranted such a frightening wake-up call. “Wha- What's wrong?” You felt a pang of guilt for waking him so rudely, but it was necessary, there was no time for butterfly kisses now. “Ghastly, we’ve been out in the snow for hours! Just look how dark it is already, we need to get inside!” Your tone must have been urgent enough for Ghastly to take heed because before you knew it, you on your feet and walking towards the cabin.“I can’t believe we slept out there” he chuckled, he seemed to be amazed at the fact that you both managed to ignore the cold in favour of finishing your nap from earlier. “Well to be fair, we were wrapped up in each other’s arms, so that explains how we stayed in the one spot for so long.”
“Hmmm” Ghastly replied, “Well if anybody in that cabin has got any sense, they will have lit a fire for us.” You shivered in anticipation at the thought of sitting by a warm fire, heaven knows you needed it after that little snowy stunt back there. “Oh God, Ghastly don’t get my hopes up.” Ghastly let out his signature sweet laugh at this, it sounded smooth and warm like melted chocolate, and you shuddered at the sound of it.
“Sorry darling, didn’t mean to be cruel.” Ghastly pushed open the cabin door and stood to the side, waiting for you to enter first. “Beauty before bravery, darling” You flushed a tad at his remark and cheeky smile but entered first none the less. He shut the door after you and followed your lead to the bedroom. As you walked, you prayed to every deity you could think of that the fire would be lit, and fortunately for you, your prayers had been answered.
Waiting for you in your bedroom was a crackling fire, as well as some thick woollen blankets that were sitting at bottom of the bed. You quickly lunged for them, alongside some pillows, and brought them to the front of the fireplace, where you began creating a nest that would be large enough for both Ghastly and you. Ghastly managed to coax you to get changed before you settled yourself, and you were sure you had never gotten changed faster because before you knew it, the pair of you were cuddled in front of the fire.
The fire crackled like a sweet melody and you could feel yourself drifting off, but you were fighting it valiantly because you wanted to appreciate this moment with your sweetheart. Ghastly seemed to sense this and cuddled into it, almost as if he were trying to envelop you.
Ghastly gently nuzzled his head into your neck softly, and you could feel his gentle breath fanning your neck, it was a comforting feeling. “Darling close your eyes. Enjoy the fire and relax. I’ll be here when you wake up.” You couldn’t stop your eyelids from starting to slide closed. “There we go sweetheart, shut your eyes and sleep.”Your eyes shut completely and the last thing you remember before drifting off completely was the warmth of the fire and Ghastly pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
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cxptain-rex · 4 years
Conflict {Commander Wolffe}
pairings: wolffe x reader
prompt: 25. “You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.” 27. “Drop the attitude.” 29. “I’m worried about you.”
warnings: kinda angst
this was requested by @painkiller80 hope you like it hun! Enjoy XX
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The mission failed.
You have been leading the 104th on the siege of Anaxes, Master Plo putting you in charge of his boys. Yet this particular mission set you on edge as you engaged Separatist forces blindly.
The loss had been devastating and the number of dead clones became too much for you to handle. Anger and fear travel through your veins like a fire licking up a tree. Destroying everything on its path. You only saw red when the droids kept gaining the upper hand.
A growl erupted from you as you advanced forward, walking and then sprinting. Slashing your way swiftly, block, deflect, slash and bury the blade of your saber on a droid. Repeat. The droids keeped advancing, this time surrounding you. The clones long forgotten.
“Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering."
You listened to Yoda’s last advice and ignored it. Fear has taken you prisoner. Fear for losing your men. Fear for dissapointing your master. Fear for yourself. With a snarl you closed your hand making the droids crush into themselves.
The firing of the blasters has died. Regaining a bit of conscious you looked around. The battlefield beloes with smoke and fire. The 104th look at their Commander in disbelief perhaps in fear.
Meeting Wolffe’s worrying gaze, you roll your eyes as you unconsciousness envelops your senses. The last thing that you see is Wolffe running towards you as you collapsed amongst the remaining of the battlefield.
It’s been days since that happened. The 104th and yourself have been stationed on the newly remade Triumphant.
You spend your days meditating or trying to avoid the Wolf Pack. Said clones have become worried for you. They never saw you lash out on droids, not in the way that you did back on Anaxes. Wolffe stands amongst those who are worried for you. He couldn’t explain how his heart dropped when he saw you collapse. Or the way your fiery gaze drank him in, he shudders at the thought.
Wolffe took the freedom of telling Master Plo of your sudden actions. The Kel Dor knew that something had gone wrong when the gunship landed on the hangar of his cruiser. He saw Wolffe walk out with your limp form. He thought the worse and immediately felt guilty.
After that, you were sent by the medic who attended you to recover back to your quarters and that you did.
Days passed and you recoiled around your quarters. The fear of hurting someone being eminent to your thoughts.
A knock startled you. You thought wether to ignore it or take it. You elected to do neither and just watch the door.
“Commander” Wolffe
He stood outside of your door, it became something normal on these days. Wolffe would come, knock on your door, call you only to receive silence. Today it is no different as you don’t open the door. The trooper sighs looking down the ship’s floor.
Leaning forward he lays a hand on the door, “I know you’re in there Y/N. Let me in” he mumbles loud enough for you to hear. Nothing, you do not answer the door.
Wolffe takes a deep breath, he thought this through and now he doesn’t feel very sure about it. Until he parts his lips and words come barreling through.
"If you personify love even in times of trouble, of hardship or war, then you are truly one of the mighty. I see how no matter the stresses laid upon you, that you show more grace than many do in times of plenty. It is in those moments of pain and fear I see right to your soul and know that my faith in you, my love for you, is eternal.” Wolffe says looking around until he continues. “You are brave, kind, always giving of yourself. I want you to know that I will be the same for you; I will be your mirror, bring you what you give others, true love, the lasting kind.” He says closing his eyes, he doesn’t regret telling you how feels. He just wishes for you to react upon them.
“Cyar’ika, you’re the only one I wanna wake up to. I’m fighting this war to be by your side once it’s over” Wolffe mumbles one last time and he is sure that you just listened to him pour out what he feels.
The trooper walks away dejected, for he just spoke about his feelings. He broke hundreds of regulations just for you and yet you didn’t opened up.
Alarms scream all around the Triumphant. You run towards the bridge, R6 (your Astromech) follows you beeping erratically. You elect to ignore the droid as the doors open upon detecting you. Around the holotable stand Commander Wolffe and General Plo. They raise their gaze to meet yours as you stop infront of the table.
The blue light doesn’t make justice to cover the shadows underneath your eyes, the glow which always shimmers in you appears to be dying and you seem out of place but determined. “Master, what is going on?” Even your voice sounds different, not sweet anymore now it’s angry and raw.
The Kel Dor notices every detail that embrace you now and he fears. He fears for you and that perhaps you’ve lost yourself to the ties of the dark side. But hope, the small thing that makes wonders also clings to his heart. He knows you’re stronger than any of this.
“We’re being under attack, I need you and Commander Wolffe to guard the prisoner. Grievious is here for him” commands your Master. You nod turning away from the table to walk out of the bridge. Wolffe stumbles as he follows your retreating form.
You sprint towards the brig, the prisoner still there. “At ease, men” you say as the troopers guarding the brig salute you. The prisoner, a mere bounty hunter with a lot of information regarding the separatist forces. He was caught the same day you’ve had your outburst.
Wolffe catches up to you, easing his men to leave you and him. The Astromech following some seconds later, erratic beeps emerging from him directed towards you. As you turn around from looking at the prisoner you meet Wolffe’s gaze.
You remember what he said. Everything comes to you as a slap on the face. The man infront of you is in love with you and you’ve been nothing but downright rude. Now having you cornered down in the brigs only made things awkward. Wolffe clears his throat debating wether to speak or not.
You’re going to hurt him that voice again hisses around your mind, conflicting you. A snarl emerges as you shook your head. Push him away the voice whispers causing you to flinch as you feel something proding your mind. You walk towards the entrance of brig. The voice invading your thoughts growing louder.
“Commander Y/L/N”
“What is it?” You snap unconsciously.
Wolffe’s nose flares as you snap at him. The attitude oozes on your tone. He stands straight crossing his arms. “Drop the attitude” he snaps regaining your attention now. You watch as he stares at the floor in debate. “What I said, you can forget it” he says and your heart shatters.
You didn’t expected for this to happen, perhaps it’s easier this way. Wolffe is a caring man, your master’s voice reasons in your mind hitting you to the core.
Just like that, your facade drops and you sob. You cry for him. In seconds, Wolffe has his arms circling you. He pet yours hair softly, soothing your crying. “I’m worried about you” he mumbles as he kisses your hairline. You sniff laying your head on the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry for everything” you whimper nuzzling into the Commander’s warmth.
“Love, we aren’t perfect, but I'd follow you into hell if that's what it took to keep you safe. I am your protector as you are mine, one to shield the other.” Wolffe reassures cradling your face to clean your tears. Your eyes are filled with tears once again, your heart oozes with pain but it’s almost soothing. You feel as the pain leaves. “Thank you so much” you mumble ignoring the sound of blasters going off as the attack on the ship prevails. “I understand what you go through and I will stay with you” Wolffe reassures holding you.
A new warmth fills you as Wolffe tames the darkness which once surrounded you. Peace, something you haven’t felt in weeks engulfes you.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum” Wolffe says as his lips meet your forehead. “I love you too, Wolffe” you answer closing your eyes as the darkness in you vanishes from your core. Wolffe is your balance as you feel the waves of darkness coward as you take a deep refreshing breath. You’re able to breath again, with your balance holding you high.
Author’s Note: Hi everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t been very active. My inbox is full with requests and I’ve been very busy with online school. I’ll do my best to keep working on this, don’t worry I won’t leave you guys without some content! As always I hope you enjoyed this piece. Reblog and like for more future content! You guys rock xx
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myonechicagoworld · 4 years
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                                                 [door slams]
Joe Cruz: [breathing heavily]
                  Where is he? 
                  Where’s Leon?
Flaco: Where’s my money?
Joe Cruz: Okay, look… I have a grand, but…
                                                 [door opens]
Joe Cruz: Leon. 
                                                 [door shuts]
Joe Cruz: Listen, man… I
Flaco: The deal was for ten grand, Joe.
Joe Cruz: I… I can make payments
Flaco: You know how this works. I give you a break, word gets out, 
            and everybody else wants a break. And I spend half my day
            explaining to people why they ain’t gonna get one. 
            So no breaks.
            Do you have the money or not?
Joe Cruz: No, I don’t.
                                                 [gun clocking]
Joe Cruz: No!
                                                  [door slams]
Joe Cruz: [panting]
Kelly Severide: Hey, yeah… is, uh, Renee Royce there? 
                           [chuckling] Leave…uh, leave what?
                           Word? Uh, yeah, sure.
                            Yeah, go for it. Leave word. Thanks.
Peter Mills: Good morning, ladies.
Leslie Shay: Peter Mills, it’s the saddest thing. Christmas lights at
                      the north gate got blown down.
Peter Mills: What? We are gonna have to do something about that.
Leslie Shay: The fireman that saved Christmas.
Peter Mills: Mm.
Gabby Dawson: [laughs]
                            You think if I asked him to my cousin’s Christmas
                             party, he might take it the wrong way? 
Leslie Shay: Family functions are usually reserved for serious
                      suitors, so shouldn’t you be asking Casey?
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat] I just need a date so that my cousin
                            doesn’t make any more comments about how I’m 
                            gonna die alone.
Leslie Shay: So you afraid Casey will say no?
Gabby Dawson: Bitch, please.
Peter Mills: Hey, hey, Cruz, you give me a hand here?
Joe Cruz: In a minute.
Peter Mills: Okay.
Joe Cruz: You said ten minutes.
Leon Cruz: Yo, I don’t even want to be here. Why you calling me?
Joe Cruz: Come on inside.
Leon Cruz: What? So a bunch of fat firemen can make jokes about 
                    my face?
Joe Cruz: Look, this is a daily police bulletin. We get one of these 
                  every day.
Leon Cruz: That’s what ‘daily’ usually means.
Joe Cruz: “Expect increased violence in neighbourhood of
                   Humboldt Park due to an escalating gang conflict.” 
                   Leon, this is some serious business you’re getting
                   wrapped up in. I don’t know how else to say it, man, 
                   I’m worried about you.
Leon Cruz: Then pay Flaco his buyout and be done with it. Oh, but
                    you don’t got ten grand, right? So why are we still 
                    Look, just keep your nose out of my business before
                    you get my ass kicked again.
Joe Cruz: Leon, man. 
                                  [station alarm buzzes and blares]
(Over PA): Shift 51, Truck 81, Ambulance 61.
                                       [indistinct radio chatter]
Lady 1: I was deep-frying eggplant. I turned my back for a minute
              and there were flames everywhere. I… I tried to beat it out
               with a towel, I just…[continues indistinctly]
Matt Casey: Let these two take care of that hand.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Truck 81 is on the scene.
                                       [smoke alarm beeping]
Christopher Herrmann: Aah… turn off that smoke detector.
                                     [fire extinguisher spraying]
Matt Casey: All right, let’s do a quick walk-through, open some
                     windows, get this place vented.
                                             [beeping stops]
Mouch: Holy moly. These folks must be the 1% I keep hearing 
Otis Zvonecek: Oh, you guys! This priceless piece of artwork has
                           been destroyed. 
                           Oh, wait. Nevermind. It’s supposed to look like that.
Mouch: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: All right?
Lady 1: Thank you.
Matt Casey: Probably need a new countertop, but everything else is
Lady 1: Oh my God, thank you. 
                                                [kissing sound]
Lady 1: Thank you so much.
(Over radio): Truck 81, are you available to assist at a pin-in 
Matt Casey: (into radio) Truck 81 responding.
                      Pack her up. We got another call.
                                                [siren blares]
                                                [horn honks]
Lady 1: Come back! Somebody stop them!
Chief Boden: Ma’am, what’s the problem?
Lady 1: My diamond necklace was sitting right there on my dresser, 
              and now it’s gone. And one of those firemen took it.
                                              [siren fading]
                                                  - Title -
Christopher Herrmann: [groans]
Matt Casey: What’s the matter, Herrmann?
                                           [truck door shuts]
Man 1: Matthew Casey. How about that?
Matt Casey: What are you doing here, Griffin?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): I’m with Internal Affairs Division now.
Christopher Herrmann: What’s the IAD doing here? 
Otis Zvonecek: CPD too. 
Matt Casey: What the hell’s going on?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): A woman on Green Street said somebody
                                 walked off with her diamond necklace.
Mouch: What? 
Otis Zvonecek: [grunts]
Matt Casey: This is a joke, right?
Man 2 (Detective): No joke, Lieutenant.
Matt Casey: My men aren’t thieves.
Man 2 (Detective): All the same. We’re talking about a 50,000 dollar
                                piece of jewellery. 
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): That’s a class 2 felony.
Chief Boden: Casey, the police need to take statements from you
                        and the men. 
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): And I’m gonna need you to fill out a form too. 
                                 Basic stuff… where you worked in the fire,
                                 who you worked with, if you saw the missing 
                                 item or anything else at all suspicious.
Matt Casey: Can I have a minute?
Truck Firefighter: Man…
Chief Boden: I know what you’re gonna say.
Matt Casey: On my best day, I’d have to fight the urge to choke that
                      guy out. Today’s not my best day.
Chief Boden: The possible theft of a 50,000 dollar necklace
                        supersedes any concerns about your personal 
                        feelings toward Ted Griffin.
Matt Casey: Chief, you know as well as I do, none of my men took
                      that necklace.
Chief Boden: I hope not, ‘cause I don’t want to see any of them
                       lose their job and face criminal charges. And I don’t
                       want to see their Lieutenant get a black mark on his
                       record, so let’s just play this one by the book.
Matt Casey: [exhales]
Chief Boden: Good.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, stop right here.
Squad Firefighters: Go ahead, lover boy.
                                  Yeah, go break her heart, huh?
                                            [squad door shuts]
Squad Firefighter: Never thought I’d see the day.
                                            [knocks on door]
Kelly Severide: Uh, hey. Um, does Renee Royce live here?
Man 3 (Renee’s Assistant): [scoffs] Renee, there’s a fireman here 
                                               for you.
Renee Royce: Excuse me, gentlemen.
                         Thanks, Ray. 
Kelly Severide: Uh, don’t mean to interrupt. Um, I know you said
                           you worked from home on Fridays, and uh…
Renee Royce: And you just pictured me all alone answering emails
                         in my underwear?
Kelly Severide: Well, I am now.
Renee Royce: Mmhmm.
                         Wow, these are, um, gorgeous. Thank you.
Kelly Severide: How about dinner tomorrow night? No interruptions
                          this time, I promise.
Renee Royce: Okay. All right.
Kelly Severide: Okay.
Renee Royce: Okay. 
Kelly Severide: I’ll see you then, Royce.
Renee Royce: Okay, Severide.
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Wait, so what exactly do you have 
                            against Mills?
Leslie Shay: Not a thing. He’s adorable. He’s like a harmless little 
                      puppy dog.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, a puppy dog with a little wolf blood in him.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, what’s up, Chief?
Leslie Shay: Hey, Chief [clears throat]
Chief Boden: Sit.
Leslie Shay: Uh, Chief, is this about the diamond necklace Dawson
                      stole at the residence…
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Chief Boden: Someone from another shift apparently just told your
                        field chief that sometime in November, four units of
                        Toradol went missing from your rig during your shift.
Gabby Dawson: What? 
Leslie Shay: Hm?
Gabby Dawson: Who’s saying this? I bet you it was Lowell.
Chief Boden: Don’t you worry about who said it.
Gabby Dawson: And why are they waiting till now to say anything?
Chief Boden: That’s probably because they heard IAD is sniffing
                        around our house. They want to cast the blame if
                        any more narcotics turned up missing.
Gabby Dawson: You know some junkie probably stole it off the rig
                             when we were busy saving his friend.
Chief Boden: That may be so. But it’s on you, Dawson.
                       So the two of you knock your heads together,
                       get back to me with your official version about what
                        happened by the end of the shift.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, we’ll figure it out, Chief.
Chief Boden: You better. 
Leslie Shay: [exhales] Thanks.
Chief Boden: You’re welcome. 
Peter Mills: We saved this lady’s house. Where does she come off
                     accusing us of stealing…
Mouch: It’s not like it’s without precedent. Back in the day, I worked
              with Pat “The Pinch” Osbourne. Had fingers like flypaper.
              The roof could be caving in on us, and Pat would take a 
               moment to rescue the silverware.
Peter Mills: So… what’s the deal with the Lieutenant and the guy 
                     from IAD?
Christopher Herrmann: Uh, eh, bad history. They went through the
                                         academy together. 
                                         And… there was an incident.
Peter Mills: What kind of incident? 
Mouch: The kind that ends with Griffin getting his face punched in.
Peter Mills: Wait, why… why did the Lieutenant hit him?
Mouch: He was talking trash about Casey’s family.
              Um, but, see… we don’t talk about that.
Otis Zvonecek: Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, here we go. Here we go.
                           Hey, Lieutenant. Lieutenant, check this out.
                           The people with all the artwork… Sandra and uh,
                            Richard Vaughn… they’re selling their entire art 
                            collection at auction.
Matt Casey: I already finished my Christmas shopping.
Otis Zvonecek: No, no, no, no. Think about it. You don’t sell your
                           art collection. Your children sell your art collection
                           after you die, or… you sell it if you need the 
Matt Casey: Otis, I have things to do.
Otis Zvonecek: The… the diamond necklace, it’s an insurance 
Matt Casey: So this woman nearly burned down her home in some
                      elaborate scheme to get firefighters in there so she 
                      could accuse…
Otis Zvonecek: No. 
Matt Casey: ‘em of stealing a necklace?
Otis Zvonecek: She didn’t set the fire. But when it happened,
                           she saw an opportunity to cash in.
Matt Casey: Yeah. You should write that down.
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs] Okay, I will.
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
Gabby Dawson: Shay, your ride’s here.
Christopher Herrmann: There you go. Thanks.
Otis Zvonecek: Great.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] You going to the prom, Herrmann?
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, this is the flagship for Caesar 
                                        Your chariot awaits, ma’am.
Gabby Dawson: Ooh.
Christopher Herrmann: This guy, he’s liquidating his company.
                                         I can only afford one vehicle to start,
                                         but I figure I roll the profits of this one
                                         into the next, and then the next, 
                                         and before you know it, I have a 
                                         whole fleet.
                                         Airport runs, weddings, prom season.
Otis Zvonecek: Really, Herrmann?
Christopher Herrmann: Hey… I was smart enough to bring my own
                                         mechanic to the negotiations. Severide got
                                         the guy to knock 1,500 dollars off
                                         the price.
Kelly Severide: You’re gonna have to spend some of that money to
                           fix this charging issue. And you definitely need to
                           replace the timing belt.
Leslie Shay: And I thought I replaced every vial I gave you, but I
                      must have lost count.
Kelly Severide: Hey. How can they bust you for something that
                           somebody said happened a month ago? 
                           It’s their word against yours.
Leslie Shay: If it were my ass on the line, I’d put up a fight.
                      But Dawson’s the PIC. It’s her ass on the line.
Kelly Severide: Well, I don’t know what to tell you.
Leslie Shay: No, you’re right. 
                      It’s not your problem. You got what you needed.
Kelly Severide: That… Shay. 
                                            [station alarm buzzes]
Kelly Severide: Shay.
                                             [station alarm blares]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61, Truck 81. Gunshot victim, 
                  67 North Avenue.
Matt Casey: Capp, move this thing, will you?
Capp: You got it.
                                              [engine sputtering]
Christopher Herrmann: Oh, please, please start.
                                                 [engine starts]
Christopher Herrmann: Yes!
(Over PA): Be advised. Reports of multiple gunshot victims, 
                  Humboldt Park. 
Matt Casey: Humboldt Park. As predicted.
                                              [truck engine starts]
                                                   [door shuts]
                                                   [siren wails]
                                             [truck door shuts]
Matt Casey: Everybody back up. Give ‘em some room.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, Shay, let’s get a “C” collar on her. Get her in
                            the back of the ambo and start an IV.
Matt Casey: Is this the one?
Police Officer: The other two are DOA. It was a drive-by vehicle to
                          vehicle. Girl was hit by a stray. Shooters are long 
Matt Casey: Check these two, just in case.
Joe Cruz: I’m on it, Lieutenant.
Gang Unit Detective: What colour was it? The car, what colour?
                                     Was it an  SUV, a Sedan… what? Hey,
                                     come on, man, my partner heard you say 
                                     you saw the other car.
Man 4 (Eyewitness): Not really. I mean, it all happened so fast, man.
                                        [music playing from car]
Leon Cruz: Yo.
Joe Cruz: Yo? Leon, I left you like four messages.
Leon Cruz: Busy day.
Joe Cruz: Yeah, no kidding. We just got a call on a drive by on
                  Augusta and Pulaski, and your boy Flaco was 
                  behind it.
Leon Cruz: Yo, can I call you later?
Joe Cruz: Are you with him right now?
Leon Cruz: Mmhmm. 
Joe Cruz: It don’t matter. I’m gonna do the talking.
                  There’s gonna be retaliation, Leon, and I know you know
                  that. You gotta put some daylight between you and 
                                                [locker door shuts]
Joe Cruz: Listen, Leon… I know you think you don’t got a way out
                  of this life, but you do. I can help you. Not… not right
                   this minute, but I can help you get out. Just say the 
                   word. You want my help, just say so.
Leon Cruz: So.
Leslie Shay: There you go, sweetie. Get in there. Have a seat. 
                      You’re gonna catch a cold out here.
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] Okay, James, I’m gonna take your blood
                            pressure. Is that okay?
Man 5 (James): Will it hurt?
Gabby Dawson: I do it every time, and you always ask me if it’s 
                            gonna hurt.
Man 5 (James): You never know.
Gabby Dawson: I don’t know, it’s just too soon to ask Casey.
                            This isn’t the first time his relationship with
                            Hallie flatlined. And if it somehow gets revived
                            again, and she finds out that I asked him on a 
Leslie Shay: Won’t you regret it if you don’t ask him, though?
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] It’s gotta be Mills. He’s just the more
                            appropriate choice.
Leslie Shay: I guess you’re right.
                     Oh, for your dress, there’s this new shop on Damen.
Gabby Dawson: No way. I sprained my credit card Christmas
                            shopping. I’ll just recycle something.
                            Oh, 110 over 60! James… you’re like a triathlete.
Leslie Shay: You’re good to go, sweetie. We’ll take you in and get
                      you your meds, okay?
Gabby Dawson: Oh, James, that reminds me. Did you steal any
                            Toradol from us last month?
                             I’m totally kidding [laughs]
Gabby Dawson: Hey, give me a minute.
                            Quick question [clears throat]
                            Saturday… what are you doing?
Matt Casey: Depends. What do you got?
Gabby Dawson: Um, my cousin, the poster child for better homes &
                            gardens, throws this really super fancy Christmas
                            party every year. There’s a string quartet, plum
                            pudding, nutmeg sprinkled on the eggnog. It’s so 
                            perfect you want to vomit.
Matt Casey: Sounds awesome. And you need a date?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah. I mean, I just need a friend to bring along, 
Matt Casey: Oh. Then maybe you should ask Mouch.
                      If you’re up for a date, tell me what time to pick you 
Gabby Dawson: 7 o’clock?
Matt Casey: Great.
Gabby Dawson: [whispers] Yeah, I need a new dress.
Christopher Herrmann: Chief, are you just gonna let these pretend
                                         cops violate our civil rights?
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah, don’t they need to show us a warrant or 
Chief Boden: They are well within their authority to search firehouse
Peter Mills: Even our personal lockers?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): You mean the department’s lockers?  
                                  Besides, it shouldn’t bother you if you’re not 
                                   hiding something.
Matt Casey: Griffin, can I have a moment with you?
Chief Boden: Locker room, guys. Come on.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): What? You want to punch me again?
Matt Casey: When’s the last time IAD searched an entire house?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): A firefighter stole a 50,000 dollar necklace,
                                 and it’s my job to find out who. But don’t
                                 blame me if you suddenly regret assaulting 
                                  a fellow classmate.
Matt Casey: Regret it? I’m glad I did it. You weren’t the first idiot to
                      make a crack about my family. You’re the last. 
                       No one’s brought it up again since I laid your ass out.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Sucker punched.
Matt Casey: You saw it coming.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): The only ones who saw it were your buddies. 
                                  None of whom had the integrity to say what
                                  really happened.
                                  By the way… how is your mom?
Chief Boden: Hey! Hey!
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Whoa, whoa, whoa. Casey blood sure runs hot,
                                  don’t it?
Chief Boden: Do your job.
Leslie Shay: Remember that one call we went on at D and 
Gabby Dawson: Which one?
Leslie Shay: We got a block away, and we realised the jump bag
                      was sitting on the curb. I think that’s when the vials 
                      went missing.
                      Damn girl, you wear that dress, I’ll be your date.
Gabby Dawson: I don’t know. I feel kind of naked.
Leslie Shay: It’s perfect.
                     Excuse me. Ring this up. 
Gabby Dawson: Oh, no, um, I need to think about this one for a
                             minute. Thank you.
                              Is everything okay?
Leslie Shay: Yeah. Why?
Gabby Dawson: You seem more worked up over this Toradol thing 
                             than I am.
Leslie Shay: No, I’m not worried.
(Over radio): Ambo 61, what is your location?
Leslie Shay: (into radio) Ambulance 61. We’re at Armitage and 
(Over radio): Take in a working fire. 1100 block North Hamlin.
Gabby Dawson: Okay, I’ll take the other one.
                                    [station alarm buzzes & blares]
(Over PA): Engine 51, Truck 81…
Matt Casey: Let’s go.
(Over PA): Squad 3, Battalion 25, Ambulance 61. House fire, 
                  1100 block…
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): This house was supposed to be taken out of 
Chief Boden: You never made that request. So now you guys are
                        gonna have to sit tight… 
                                            [locker door shuts]
Chief Boden: Until these men get back.
                                                [engine starts]
Otis Zvonecek: That address is Humboldt Park again, isn’t it?
                                                [sirens blaring]
Chief Boden: This is Battalion Chief Boden at 1140 of North Hamlin.
Police Officer: We responded to a call of a gang shooting into the
                          building. They torched it and fled before we got 
Chief Boden: Who’s inside? Another gang? Any civilians? 
Police Officer: You know as much as I do. 
Chief Boden: Could be gang members inside. I count six
                        mailboxes. That fire has reached the structure.
Victim 1: Help me!
Matt Casey: Mouch, Otis, on the aerial. Get ready to vent the roof. 
                      Herrmann, Mills, Cruz, with me.
Chief Boden: Be careful.
                                [siren wailing and comes to a stop]
Firefighter: Get clear! Get clear!
Matt Casey: I got you, Herrmann.
Christopher Herrmann: [grunts] 
Chief Boden: (into radio) This is the Chicago Fire Department.
                        Lay down your weapons. We are trying to help you!
Chief Boden: Cruz!
Joe Cruz: [speaking Spanish]
                  We’re not police. You’re gonna die if you stay in there. 
                  Let us help you!
                  I’m coming in.
Matt Casey: Cruz!
Joe Cruz: Don’t shoot!
                                               [door breaking]
Joe Cruz: [speaking Spanish]
Chief Boden: Cruz! 
Joe Cruz: [speaking Spanish] Don’t shoot!
                  You the Kings?
                   Insane Kings. I’m Leon’s brother. Where is he?
                   Where is he? Where is he?
Christopher Herrmann: That’s the shooter. Get over here,
                                         you punk. Take a look at him.
Joe Cruz: Hey, we’re in! Let’s go!
Matt Casey: Take the infrared. Mills, catch up with Cruz.
                      Herrmann… you okay?
Christopher Herrmann: I’m gonna crack one of those punks upside
                                        their head.
Matt Casey: No. You’re gonna sit this one out.
Kelly Severide: Let’s go. 
                                         [ladder raising]
Joe Cruz: Here you go. Put your arm around me.
                  You’re doing fine. Keep going.
                  Come on, just take it easy. You’re almost there.
                   All right, here we go.
                   Hey, somebody take this guy.
Christopher Herrmann: We got him.
                                         We got you.
Gabby Dawson: We got you, sir. Here you go.
                                  [chatter on police radio]
Victim 3: [coughing] Help us! [coughing] Help up!
Chief Boden: (into radio) We got a woman and a kid on the second
                        floor. Front, center.
Matt Casey: (into radio) We’ll get ‘em.
Victim 3: Help us. 
Kelly Severide: Fire department! Call out!
Victim 3: Help!
                [coughing] Help us!
Matt Casey: Let’s go.
Victim 3: [coughs] My little one. I don’t know where he is.
Matt Casey: Severide’ll find him, but we need to go.
Victim 3: You don’t understand, I need to find him.
Matt Casey: Ma’am, we need to go right now.
Victim 3: Marco!
                                       [doors breaking]
Peter Mills: Hello! Anybody in here?
Joe Cruz: Anybody in here?
                 All clear.
Peter Mills: Clear! 
Matt Casey: Come on. Come on, buddy.
Victim 3: Please.
Matt Casey: We’re gonna find him.
Victim 3: [coughing] Marco! Marco!
Matt Casey: Ma’am!
Kelly Severide: I got him!
Joe Cruz: Get this guy out of here!
Peter Mills: Cruz, hold up. I’ll be back!
                    Come on, buddy. Up. I got you.
                                         [knocks on door]
Joe Cruz: Fire department! Clear the door!
                  Anybody in here? Call out!
Victim 4: [coughing]
Peter Mills: Come on.
Victim 3: [coughing]
Chief Boden: Got two minors, smoke inhalation. Get ‘em to the 
Christopher Herrmann: Let’s go.
Chief Boden: What do we got?
Kelly Severide: First and second floor are clear.
Victim 5: My leg!
Peter Mills: Watch your step here.
Victim 5: [groaning and grunting]
Matt Casey: Mills.
Peter Mills: Yeah?
Matt Casey: Where’s Cruz? 
Peter Mills: He’s still up there.
Joe Cruz: (over radio) This is Cruz on (into radio) three. All clear. 
                  Headed up to four now.
Matt Casey: (into radio) Cruz, wait for me. I’m coming up.
                                     [infrared beeping]
                                      [bangs on door]
Joe Cruz: Move away from the door.
                  Fire department! Call out! 
Victim 6: [coughing]
Joe Cruz: Leon!
Victim 6: [coughing]
Joe Cruz: Leon!
Victim 6 (Flaco): [coughing]
                            Thank God. Joe… help me…
                             [coughing & wheezing] Help me!
                             [coughing] Please!
                             [coughing] Please! Help… 
                             [wheezing] Joe!
                                                [door shuts]
Joe Cruz: (into radio) This is Cruz up top. All clear.
Chief Boden: [exhales] Hell of a job you did out there, Joe.
                       Hey… we missed one.
                       Don’t beat yourself up about it. If you hadn’t gotten us
                        through that gauntlet, we might have missed them all.
Otis Zvonecek: Casey. Hey, you’re not gonna believe this.
                           So I ordered a background check on Sandra and 
                           Richard Vaughn…
Matt Casey: Otis I don’t…
Otis Zvonecek: And they are leveraged up to their eyeballs. It’s one
                           judgement after the next. They… They’re staving
                           off bankruptcy. They’re in financial ruin. And
                            Mr. Vaughn… investigated twice for wire fraud.
                             236 subscribers are gonna hear about this on my
                             next podcast.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Well, Lieutenant Casey. Four hour call, huh?
                                 That was… pretty convenient.
Matt Casey: It’s insurance fraud. The woman with the diamonds? 
                     They’re broke.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): What do you do off-shift, drive around in a van
                                  solving mysteries?
                                                [door shuts]
Matt Casey: Ugh.
                                            [knocks on door]
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Lieutenant Casey. You’re up.
Matt Casey: What is it you’re hoping for, Griffin?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Toss the room. Search him.
Matt Casey: Seriously? Come on.
                      It’s all yours.
Leslie Shay: It was extremely careless on our part. You leave a bag
                      of full medication on a curb at a college campus,
                      you’re asking for trouble.
Chief Boden: And you are gonna be so much more careful in the 
                       future, right?
Leslie Shay: Yes, sir.
Gabby Dawson: Absolutely, Chief.
Chief Boden: Hmm. Okay. 
                        Just write down what you told me. Don’t sign
                        anywhere until you bring these back, because I
                        have to witness your signatures. If you would
                        like Mouch to go over it with you as your union 
                         representative, you do have that right.
Gabby Dawson: You want us to sign it in blood, or will blue ink 
Chief Boden: Don’t you drag your heels now.
Gabby Dawson: No, we’ll get it right back to you, Chief.
Chief Boden: Shay… one moment.
Leslie Shay: What is it, Chief?
Chief Boden: Nothing. Go on.
                                          [R&B music playing]
                               [panting, kissing sounds & moaning]
Renee Royce: Skinny margaritas.
Kelly Severide: What?
Renee Royce: Skinny on the calories, not the alcohol. 
Kelly Severide: Ah! Ahh.
                          You have a really nice place.
Renee Royce: Mmm, thank you.
Kelly Severide: Guess it pays to work in… foreign financial…
Renee Royce: International finance law. Yes, it does. But I want to
                         hear about you and how you fight fires every day.
Kelly Severide: It’s not every day. On 24, off 48.
Renee Royce: Oh yeah?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Renee Royce: I didn’t know that.
Kelly Severide: Uh, huh.
Renee Royce: And then what do you like to do on your off days?
Kelly Severide: I repair boats up near Monroe Harbour. 
Renee Royce: Um, do you go out to the lake much?
Kelly Severide: Yeah, more in the summers, but…
Renee Royce: Mmm. I haven’t been out in a while
Kelly Severide: I’ll take you some time.
Renee Royce: Oh, will you now?
Kelly Severide: Any time you want, Royce. Just say the word.
Renee Royce: Hmm.
Kelly Severide: What?
Renee Royce: Who was she?
Kelly Severide: What do you mean?
Renee Royce: The Renee that ruined my name.
Kelly Severide: She was my fiancée.
                                             [car door shuts]
                                            [knocks on door]
Matt Casey: Evening, ma’am.
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Can I help you?
Matt Casey: I just wanted to apologise on behalf of Truck 81 for
                      your missing item, and to let you know we’re going 
                      to get to the bottom of it.
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Well, I should hope so. 
Matt Casey: This is a thermal imaging camera. It’s a really great
                      piece of technology. It helps us see through the 
                      thickest smoke. 
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Okay.
Matt Casey: We all carry them, and we leave them recording the
                      whole time we’re on a call. And actually I’m on my
                      way to drop all our cameras off with the police so
                      they can review the footage, and see exactly what
                      happened the entire time my men and I were inside
                      your home. 
                      So don’t worry.
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Okay. Is that it?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Great. So maybe you should leave now.
                                               [door shuts]
                         [locker opening and things falling out]
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Son, you’re a slob.
Man 6 (Man in uniform): Got something.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Oh yeah. Oh boy. Gimme that. Gimme that.
                                 Oh, false alarm. Just an adorable pair of kitty 
                                  cat cufflinks.
Mouch: It’s the maneki-neko, a Japanese good luck charm.
              And those were a Christmas gift if you don’t mind.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Hey, domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.
Mouch: That doesn’t even make sense.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Chief Boden, have you been able to locate
                                 Lieutenant Casey?
Matt Casey: I’m right here.
                                             [cell phone rings]
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Griffin.
                                  Is that a fact?
                                  That’s very interesting.
                                   No, thank you.
                                   The diamonds slipped down into a heat
                                    register, apparently. Mrs. Vaughn just 
                                    found ‘em.
Mouch: You gotta be kidding me. 
Christopher Herrmann: What a surprise.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Less paperwork for me. Hallelujah. Let’s go.
                                 Do say hi to your mom for me.
Matt Casey: Door’s that way.
                                              [door shuts]
Christopher Herrmann: All right… so what’d you do?
Matt Casey: Nothing. I just told her we recorded the whole thing on
                      our thermal cameras, you know. 
Christopher Herrmann: Yeaahhh…
Peter Mills: Wait, thermal cameras don’t record. 
Christopher Herrmann: [gasps]
Peter Mills: Oh. That’s good.
Christopher Herrmann: Ooh.
Capp: Casey, you have a visitor in the briefing room.
Matt Casey: Chris. This is a nice surprise. Merry Christmas.
                                             [kissing sound]
Christie: Yeah, Matt. Merry Christmas.
                Almost done shopping [chuckles]
                I couldn’t remember if you’re a large or extra large,
                but there’s a gift receipt in there.
Matt Casey: Oh. That’s really sweet. Thank you.
Christie: Since we saw you at the cemetery… Violet’s been pretty
                flipped out. “Why doesn’t Uncle Matt ever come to see
                 us? And does he not like us? Do you not like him?”
                  And she shouldn’t have to be asking those questions. 
                  And… that’s on you and me. 
Matt Casey: Absolutely it is, yeah. 
Christie: I feel like she’s been without her uncle, and… I’ve been
               without my brother for too long.
Matt Casey: Yeah, I want nothing more than for us to be in each
                      other’s lives. The last time we talked about it…
Christie: I know. I remember the conversation.
Matt Casey: [sighs] 
Christie: [exhales] So you’re still defending her?
Matt Casey: I’m not gonna turn my back on her.
Christie: Don’t you miss dad?
Matt Casey: Yeah, but there’s something.
Gabby Dawson: Excuse me one second. I need to steal him.
Matt Casey: Um, uh, bye.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, thank you.
                            Oh, I can’t wait to show you this room.
Matt Casey: Okay.
Gabby Dawson: It’s nice, right?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat] Oh, and hey, I promise I won’t let my
                            aunt corner you again [chuckles] like that. 
                            I’m sorry.
Matt Casey: [chuckles] It’s okay. She’s… she’s fun.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, she’s better when you’re drunk.
                             Oh, better learn how to keep up, buddy boy.
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Both: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: I mean… are we just here as friends, or… is this a 
Matt Casey: I can’t. I mean…
Gabby Dawson: No, yeah. I get it.
Matt Casey: It’s not a good time. 
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat]
Matt Casey: Because it’s worth doing right. 
Lady 2: Oops sorry. Don’t mind us.
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat] Uh, you ready for dessert?  
                            I’m ready… for dessert?
Leon Cruz: This is crazy, bro. I was just up there, like, ten minutes
                    before it all went down. Flaco sent me to get Shorty.
                     Otherwise… I don’t know…[sighs] Somebody’s gotta
                     be up there looking out for me.
                     Joe, you okay?
Joe Cruz: I can’t. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I… 
                  [breathing unsteadily]
Kelly Severide: You’re up early.
Leslie Shay: You know I love you, right?
Kelly Severide: Okay, what’s going on?
Leslie Shay: I love you because I know you’d stick your neck out for
                      me the way I have for you.
Kelly Severide: Of course I would.
Leslie Shay: And I did that to get you over the hump.
Kelly Severide: Which you totally did.
Leslie Shay: And then I found these in the trash.
Kelly Severide: Those are ol… they’re old.
Leslie Shay: I perjured myself for you, Kelly.
Kelly Severide: Shay…
Leslie Shay: I’m out.
Kelly Severide: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean?
Leslie Shay: I mean I’m out. We had a deal… we wouldn’t get in
                     each other’s business, but I can’t hold up my end. 
                      So I’m out.
Kelly Severide: Shay, it’s okay. I got it.
                          I got it. I got it.
Leslie Shay: No, you don’t got it!
                      I’m not gonna sit here and watch you… just fool 
                      I’ll get the rest of my stuff later.
Kelly Severide: Shay, hey, please don’t go.
                           Please don’t…please don’t do this.
                                        [door opens and shuts]
Kelly Severide: [sighs]
Joe Cruz: [breathing unsteadily]
                                        [cell phone vibrates]
Voicemail (Matt Casey): This is Matt Casey. Leave it here and I’ll 
                                          call you back.
Joe Cruz: Lieutenant, it’s Joe Cruz. Um… Casey, man, I need to talk
                  to you. Uh… It’s really important. I, uh… [sighs] I, um…
                                         [whistle blowing]
Gabby Dawson: Here we go. I’ll make my brother get the rest of
                            your stuff tomorrow. And you are totally welcome
                            to stay with me as long as you want.
Leslie Shay: Thanks.
Gabby Dawson: You gonna tell me what he did?
Leslie Shay: No. You gonna tell me how your date went?
Gabby Dawson: Nope. 
                            He’s good. 
Police Officer: Thank you.
                                    [dispatcher chatter over radio]
Leslie Shay: Come on, give me something.
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Well, I was right about Casey. He’s still
                            into Hallie. And I’m an idiot.
                                                [whistle blows]
                                                 [door buzzes]
Matt Casey: Hi, mom.
Leslie Shay: Tomorrow night, you and me are gonna have a few 
Gabby Dawson: Heh! A few pitchers, you mean.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, that was implied.
                                                 [horn blaring]
                                          [cars & truck skidding]
Shay & Dawson: [gasps]
                                          [truck and ambo crash]
                                                      - end -
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Buyout = Purchase of the target’s outstanding debt.
Internal Affairs Division = A division of a law enforcement agency which investigates cases of allegations of misconduct and complaints against any member of the fire department, and the necessary actions taken.
Toradol = Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Toradol is used short-term (5 days or less) to treat moderate to severe pain.
PIC = Paramedic in charge
C-collar = Cervical collars (C collars) are used to support your spinal cord and head, and to limit the movement of your neck and head. They’re typically meant for short-term use while you recover from an injury, surgery, or pain.
DOA = Dead on arrival
Drive-by vehicle to vehicle = Shooting someone in a moving car from a moving car
Thermal imaging camera = Type of thermographic camera used in fire fighting. By rendering infrared radiation as visible light, such cameras allow firefighters to see areas of heat through smoke, darkness, or heat-permeable barriers.
Maneki-neko = Common Japanese figurine, which is often believed to bring good luck to the owner. The figurine depicts a cat, traditionally a calico Japanese Bobtail, with a paw raised in a Japanese beckoning gesture.
Domo arigato = Japanese phrase meaning “Thanks a lot”. The Japanese phrase said in this episode is part of a Japanese song.
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veryberrybrenda · 4 years
Felix Hauville x f!detective (Lucia)
Summary: The Detective walks in to Felix attempting to cook (Day 2 of @otomefandomevents Wayhaven week 2020)
Everything about the warehouse had become familiar to Lucia, from the elegant and incredibly expensive furniture, to the loud blasting of Felix’s music, but what was not familiar was the smell of something burning. It wasn’t like the usual subtle smoke from Mason’s cigarettes. This was something much stronger.
She followed the trail to the kitchen completely covered in a thick layer of what she assumed was flour and in the center of it stood a man sporting a purple beanie frantically holding a pan spewing fire. He hadn’t noticed her enter since his back was facing her. It was a surprise that the smoke alarm didn’t go off yet.
Beep, beep, beep.
She apparently spoke too soon as the blaring smoke alarm added to the disastrous scene unfolding in front of her. Felix jumped at the sudden noise and dropped the fiery pan onto the tile floor, igniting a rag hanging by the oven in the process. His high-pitched screams now joined the smoke alarm, both signaling catastrophe.
Lucia was finally able to overcome her initial shook and rushed over to Felix, relief flooding his features. “This fire isn’t the only hot thing that entered the room.” Felix released a strained chuckle in an attempt to lighten the situation.
Lucia grabbed the handle of the burning pan off the floor, trying her best to ignore the way the searing heat was threatening to melt her face off. “Save the flirting for when the Warehouse isn’t in danger of burning down,” she countered with her own chuckle.
She made quick work tossing the pan in the sink and grabbing the burning rag with nearby tongs, dousing the flames with water while Felix went to turn off the smoke alarm, reappearing back in a blur.
“So are you going to tell me what you were attempting to make?,” Lucia asked amusement in her voice as she eyed of the burnt remains of what was left in the pan.
Felix also eyed the remains while nervously scratching the back of his head, “Marconi and cheese.”
She raised a brow at his answer, one that she wasn’t expecting. “Packaged or from scratch?”
“From scratch,” he confessed, eyes on the floor and disappointment weighing down his handsome face. It’s strange to think that a vampire like Felix, who can easily best a dozen trappers, gets conquered by a beginner’s recipe.
Lucia reached out to cup her hands around Felix’s face, his glowing eyes staring intently at her. She couldn’t help but smile when both of his hands instinctively came to rest on her hips, not a single trace of hesitation in the gesture. A direct result of their growing bond. “Well I think it was a valiant effort,” she said with a reassuring smile that has him untensing his shoulders.
“You really think so, Lucia?” The warm gleam returning to his eyes as he pulled her closer, leaving only a few centimeters of distance between them.
A confident smile settled on her lips as she booped his nose, “I know so.”
Felix melted at the tender gesture. He’s always the one initiating the affection, but it always feels nice to be on the receiving end, especially if the one giving it was Lucia. “I wanted to make you dinner for our six-month anniversary and I was going to surprise you after work, since you love cooking, I thought I would give it a shot. Like how hard can it be?” A sarcastic smile followed his words, hands dropping from her hips as he took a step back from her. Hurt flashed on Lucia’s face at his withdrawal. “I asked Nate for help and he said he would after his patrol, but then I got ahead of myself, which led to you walking in on this.” He gestured to the mess behind him, now being able to see it clearly, Lucia could spot a puddle of spilled milk by the fridge. Felix inhaled deeply as he continued his rambling, pain emanating from his voice, “I just wanted to prove that I can do things by myself – be independent like you, but apparently I can’t do anything right.” His voice now a faint whisper, “I’m so sorry Luc,” he confessed with heavy sadness that made Lucia’s heart drop in her chest. Every word was another arrow to her heart and rage was now building inside of her.
Rage at a simple recipe making Felix feel like he’s less than what he’s worth. Rage at him for not realizing how he amazing he is even without some stupid dinner telling him he isn’t the most wonderful being in this world that she has ever met.
Lucia grabbed his hand in a firm, but gentle grip, forcing him back into her orbit. “Listen here,” she commanded with a surprising amount of authority backing it that Adam would be proud of. Pointing a finger at his chest, she stared into his eyes with such intensity that would make most men cower, but not Felix. He just continued to gaze into her narrowed eyes, doubt weighing him down like an anchor. “I don’t care about some dinner that’s in the sink right now. I don’t care about having a perfect six-month anniversary, but you know what I care about? I care about you. I care about spending time with you. So fuck having a perfect night because all I want is for you to hold me and kiss me like there’s no tomorrow. Can you do that?” The anger and volume in her voice had been slowly leaving her with every spoken word till the last question came out as barely a whisper.
A few seconds passed before Felix responded to Lucia’s question not with spoken words, but with a kiss, unrestrained and brimming with passion that set her body on fire. However, she didn’t reel away from the flames like last time. She let it consume her. Lucia grabbed a fistful of soft black curls as a moan escaped from her lips when his hot kisses started trailing down her neck, turning her resolve to a mere pile of mush.
With both of them being distracted, no one noticed the dark figure lurking in the shadows leaning near the kitchen entrance smirking with an unlit cigarette nestled between his lips. Nate trailed far behind Mason, confused as to why he had suddenly stopped at the kitchen. Nate got his answer when he heard a soft moan echoing from the room. Happiness overcame him at the thought that his friend was getting his chance at happiness, but he also disapproved of Mason watching them like a pervert. As he pulled Mason by the arm, away from the intimate scene, he unfortunately noticed the state the kitchen was in. He tried his best to quell his rising anger in favor of Felix’s moment, but a good scowling was sure to come.
“Finally, I thought those two would never get to the fun part,” Mason chuckled, cigarette bouncing to the deep vibrations.
Nate rolled his eyes at Mason’s crude comment, but he couldn’t help but smile himself at this perfect night.        
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hookaroo · 5 years
Vocivore, Ltd. (32 of 41?)
Also on FFN and AO3 (ListerofTardis)
Tagging @ouatwinterwhump, @killian-whump, @sancocnutclub, @killianjonesownsmyheart1 and @courtorderedcake <3
***THE MOST WONDERFUL COVER ART BY @cocohook38 HERE!!!!!******
***Chapter 12 animation and art that will absolutely astound you!!!!!!!!!**********
***LETHAL Chapter 19 art in all of its BLOODSTAINED GLORY!!!!************
**POOR STABBED KILLIAN falling into the sheriff station! Ch. 7 & 23 art!!**
Two days ago (continued)...
David. Detective Jones.
His... the Master, watching, listening.
“Killian, it’s me. I’m here.”
His own blade flashing down, plunging into the prince's back, striking off the detective's chest. Smoke and flame, sparks of blue lightning, orders to kill growing stronger, overcoming his battered reason. That was then. Now…
“Can you hear us, Hook?”
Pain, that familiar companion, muted and fuzzy. And words half-remembered, half-commanded. The last thing he wanted to say, obliged.
"I must return."
The grating growl sounded almost as bad as he felt.
"I must return to my Master."
Did the ragged quality of his voice do enough to disguise his utter terror at the very thought? Or did his audience hear lack of conviction? How he would rather perish in that hospital bed than spend one single second more in the Master's presence?
Somehow, Emma managed to keep up a false front, even though she was undoubtedly just as tempted as he was to fling herself at him and express her love after such a long and difficult separation. The story demanded that she turn her questioning to the subject of their supposedly missing daughter. Killian displayed exhaustion and confusion: not much of a stretch, although the drugged haze did not let him forget the fact that they may be under observation. But when Killian reached up toward his throat, he was pleasantly surprised to find the dreadful collar gone. He and Emma could talk freely… if it weren’t for the crowd of onlookers surrounding his bed.
Emma must have shared his urgency to have a real conversation, for she immediately got to work bargaining for time alone with him. Fighting the persistent pull of narcotic slumber, Killian gladly allowed her to handle the details. Bloody hell, the pressure between his ears was intensifying, voices in the room sounding like they were being filtered through stacks of wool. His damaged stump pulsed with pain despite the drugs pumping into him; he vaguely remembered using it in battle and must have reinjured partially healed flesh inside. But the measured tone of Jones' voice alleviated a small amount of guilt: he would be in a hell of a lot of pain for awhile but would evidently make a full recovery.
Killian listened dully to the negotiations taking place. 15 minutes would be pushing things; 10 was nothing. But it might be his only chance, if bloody Whale insisted on more sedation afterward. Gods, that sounded like nirvana. The drugs would hardly even be necessary; Killian felt as if he could sleep for a month, and dammit, he did not have that kind of luxury.
“...Mr. Zombie Universe…”
That about summed it up. No matter that he looked the part; he felt even worse. While he was on some kind of opioid--he knew that for a fact--the simple act of breathing made some hurt or other fire up in a never-ending carousel of complaint. His arms were doing their blasted skittering again, and choking fog kept swirling behind his eyes. Getting up, he could maybe handle. Escape without alarm, doubtful. As for a long trek… back there…
Killian didn’t realize he was panting, tense and desperate, until Emma leaned over and began caressing his face. She placed a light kiss on the tip of his nose, whispering,
“It’s okay; they’re gone… Killian?”
Through the vise constricting inexorably tighter within his throat, Killian whined,
“I have to go back.”
He couldn’t open his eyes. He would see his wife there, fraught with worry and determined to detain him. Not understanding. And he would relent, and they would lose their only advantage, and all would suffer and die and it would be his fault for being a cowardly weakling--
“Killian, no.”
Choking back a sob, he struggled to detach himself from the fear. “My Mas… the… the monster, it… it’s starting to trust me, that’s why it sent me here, as a test, but it… it knows things, Emma, it can sense things and if I don’t return we’ll never have this opportunity again--”
“Rumplestiltskin lied to us.”
Emma’s quiet statement brought him up short, and he could not help opening his eyes then. An icy shiver of dread shot down his spine.
“Hope? Is she...?”
“No, she’s okay.”
He couldn’t even allow the automatic wave of relief, or his Master would feel it. Killian deliberately swung his bandaged stump against the bedrail, cringing as the spike vibrated within his flesh and ground glass pressed against raw nerves.
“Then what?” he growled. Emma blinked, started to reach for the injury, but grabbed his fisted hand instead.
“Your immunity. You were asleep, but they did an MRI, and Whale confirmed: you’re starting to show the same symptoms as all the others, the ones who…”
Who had died. All of them; they’d all died.
But it didn’t matter. If he failed his mission, the whole United Realms--hell, the whole world--would face that same fate.
“Bollocks. Whale is a damn fool; I’m completely fine.”
“I can hear you.”
He stared at her blankly, and she touched his shoulder.
“Did you forget? I’ve been listening.”
Killian swallowed, sickened by the reminder. The last thing he wanted to think about was subjecting his beloved to his torment. “Aye? What of it?”
Her lips tightened, revealing the struggle to contain her emotions. It’s so hard, she seemed to say. I can’t keep listening to you fall. Bleed. Scream. Suffer. “So you win his trust. Then what? You need to tell me that you have a plan. ‘Cuz I’ve gleaned exactly zero from this guy. And it has to be worth it.”
Killian drew as deep a breath as he could muster. He had to make this convincing.
“I do have a plan, Swan. And I’ll need your assistance to pull it off.”
“I’m listening…”
He thought for a moment, willing his sluggish brain to gather all of the pieces into a coherent thought.
“You… may have gathered that the Master feeds off of negative emotions in addition to the… the screams?”
Emma’s response was drowned out by echoing memories of his own cries of agony, trumpeting loudly in his skull. He hissed and pressed his fingers into his eye sockets, begging the noise to stop.
“You okay?” asked Emma quietly, full of concern. With a final shudder, Killian nodded. “I hate to rush this, but we’re running out of time.”
Mumbling as he massaged his forehead, Killian continued. “Well, it’s weakened by positive emotion--that’s why it sends its slave army to wreak random havoc. The worse the morale around its hideout, the stronger it gets.”
“Kinda got that already, when the bastard was sending you out on your mission.”
“Aye, well, suppose we could turn that to our advantage?” He lay his hand at his side once again, tremors causing his fingers to twitch uncontrollably.
“How? Even if we sent the most annoyingly cheerful and optimistic beings in the Realms, the guard slaves would kill them all before they ever got close.”
“Its camera network,” slurred Killian. An inexorable weight pressed down, the feeling of disconnectedness, of floating through half-reality with nothing to grip. His heavy eyelids at half mast, he struggled out, “Turn all camera feeds into positivity channels--uplifting music, comedies, silly cartoons and the like--at the right time…”
Emma managed to look simultaneously thoughtful and skeptical. “Defeat the scream-eater with laughter? Pretty sure I've seen that one.”
Killian shuddered. “How Pixar managed to come so close with that Waternoose fellow, I’ll never know.”
“Another one to permanently take off the Netflix queue?”
Killian restrained himself from reaching for her hand. He couldn’t allow the comfort, not now. His Master would sense it. “So? Can I count on you to arrange the details?”
“Tell people to add a laugh track to their home security systems… but without letting the cameras see.”
She blew out a breath. “Not difficult at all.”
“Remember, you’ll have the advantage of knowing when the creature is… occupied…” He smiled bravely, and perhaps the early stages of neurological degeneration could explain the quaver in his voice and the flicker of reluctance on his face.
“But, hold on, in the movie, didn’t the laughter produce more energy? For the… monster city or whatever?”
Shifting off of an intensifying throb in one hip, Killian squeezed his eyes shut in brief concession to the pain. “You, of all people, should know not to put too much stock in those things.” He worked to settle, to absorb as much rest as he could before it became impossible once again. “I’m certain it doesn’t work that way in this case. The Master has every reason to be forthright with its slaves. And it has been very clear about its need for negativity.”
“Okay, but… hell, why do you even have to go back? The camera stuff can easily be managed without you in the mix.”
He shook his head once. “It will have to be an exceedingly powerful dose to get past all of the despair the Master has cultivated in its slaves. Someone will need to tune each of the monitors to a positive channel, all at the same time. I managed to do some scouting last night; I think I know where its surveillance equipment is kept. And then, if the positivity isn’t enough... I’ll be there to finish the monster off.”
There was a beat, punctuated only by quiet beeps and the whir of the IV pump at his bedside. Then Emma grimaced.
“It’s a terrible plan. I hate it.”
“Aye,” he agreed. “I concur. But it’s all we have.”
He could tell she was thinking furiously, searching for alternatives, brain turning things over and over so fast it hurt. Her pained scowl could attest to that. He also knew the moment she gave in: her spine sagged in brief defeat before straightening along with a deep breath. Brave determination.
“It’ll work. It will. And then you’ll come back, and magic will come back, and I’ll be able to heal you.” She settled her hand along his jaw, her thumb stroking his cheek. “Promise me you believe that?”
“I…” He averted his eyes, unable to watch her face. “I dare not. Optimism is a dangerous thing to bring into the Master’s presence. I’m sorry, love. You’ll have to carry enough for the both of us.”
She did not speak for the longest time. But then she wrapped his hand in hers and gave it a tight squeeze. “Okay, Killian. Consider it done.”
He looked back at her, and saw that her eyes glistened just as much as his. Desperately, she lunged forward and possessed him with her kiss. And this one, he was allowed to feel. Because this was goodbye, and goodbye could mean forever, and that hurt so much worse than any stab of a knife or pinch of a claw ever could.
Emma was the first to break away. She startled back so fast that Killian sucked too deep a breath and found himself clutching sore ribs. Then he heard the faint buzz of her phone. She pulled it out of her pocket and read the screen with dismay.
“Crap, we only have like thirty seconds until the ten minutes are up. How are we getting you out of here?”
Killian’s sense of time was undeniably muzzy due to the drugs in his system; he would have sworn that no more than three or four minutes had elapsed. “You’ll have to stall them, Swan, unless you care to carry my unconscious self to the forest’s edge.”
Emma cursed again. “Pretend to be asleep.”
Well, that wouldn’t be too hard; the challenge would be remaining alert enough to pay attention to whatever she devised as cover. Closing his eyes, he settled back and worked to slow his heart.
He heard footsteps and then a quiet,
“How’s it going in here?”
Detective Jones. Emma sighed.
“Seemed like we were starting to get somewhere, but he was just so tired. I told him he could rest for a little while and try again later.”
One set of footsteps drew closer, and then the IV tubing lying across his arm was jiggling slightly.
“What’s that?” Emma asked casually, but Killian could detect a note of alarm.
“Dr. Whale prescribed a sedative,” explained the nurse, and Killian cursed inwardly. Maybe it really would come down to Emma having to carry him out.
“Hold on a sec. Please? Could you come back in, say, an hour? He’s sleeping without it right now, and I need to be able to wake him up in a bit to finish his questioning.”
“This isn’t like anesthesia,” soothed the nurse. “He’ll have periods of wakefulness still; it just helps him to sleep more soundly.”
“Yeah, but… he’ll be… super drowsy when he is awake, right? Couldn’t that make it harder to think clearly?”
The nurse paused. “I’m sorry, but it’s doctor’s orders… he's really most insistent.”
“Would one measly hour make that much of a difference?”
During the long silence that followed, Killian waited with bated breath, trying to continue the charade of slumber. Finally, the nurse said,
“I can give it IM, which takes longer to metabolize. He’ll get the required meds, and you’ll get your questioning time.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll be right back--have to get a different needle.”
Killian heard her shuffle away as the IV swung to a halt. He felt Emma brush her hand along his arm, probably in silent apology. The drug would complicate things, for certain, but wouldn't truly be anything his Master would be suspicious of. It knew of his capture, and probably even his arrival at the hospital. It would likely be pleased at his escape and return, even if he did have to collapse and sleep it off halfway back to its lair.
“Has he said anything of value?” wondered Jones.
“Well… not really. Nothing we didn’t already know.”
“I’m sorry.”
Gently, trying to appear as if she didn’t want to wake him, Emma wriggled her hand beneath Killian’s. Then she sighed.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Detective, but you look awful.”
Killian heard a familiar, rueful breath of laughter.
“Who would believe that nearly all of it could be attributed to that man there?”
Emma snickered back. “He’s a fighter, that’s for sure.”
Over the sound of the nurse’s returning footsteps, Emma added,
“Look, I appreciate the support, Killian, but you don’t have to stay. Go home; get some sleep. I’ll pass on any information I get here.”
The nurse folded back the blanket covering Killian’s right leg, and he growled faintly in feigned, sleepy annoyance, while truly wondering what the hell she was playing at. When she’d said ‘IM,’ he’d been expecting a jab in the arm. Meanwhile, Jones was responding to Emma’s suggestion.
“Thank you, Emma, but I’d like to stay. An extra set of ears can sometimes make all the difference in a case like this.”
Emma was thinking furiously; Killian could tell. Startled by the cold touch of an alcohol wipe on his outer thigh, his grumbling flinch was not at all an act.
“Sorry, Killian,” murmured the nurse. She pinched the muscle with one hand, adding, “Quick little mosquito bite, and you can go back to sleep.”
Emma squeezed his hand in solidarity, placing the other hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. The long needle stung his thigh, the sedative drug forming an aching pool within the muscle.
“At least go have something to eat,” Emma urged Jones. “I’ll call you and you can listen in if he starts talking.”
Plucking the needle from Killian’s throbbing leg, the nurse spread a Band-Aid over the sore spot. “All done.”
While she rearranged the blankets, Emma asked casually,
“You wouldn’t happen to have a couple extra Band-Aids with you, would you? I've got some hangnails annoying the hell out of me right now.”
“Lemme see… yup, here you go!”
“Thanks.” Emma’s hand left his shoulder, presumably to take the proffered bandages.
“I’ll be back in probably an hour to check on him,” promised the nurse. “In the meantime, if you notice anything unusual, don’t hesitate to press the call button.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
She bustled out of the room, taking her damn needle with her. Emma patted Killian’s shoulder in sympathy.
“Suppose I might at least get something to drink, if I can manage my wallet with numb fingers.”
Killian could hear the sheepish smile on Jones’ face as he said the words, and he tried not to cringe. He’d done his best not to injure the other man too severely, but still felt remorseful about what had been necessary.
“Good luck,” Emma replied. “See you in a bit.”
As soon as Jones’ footsteps had retreated, Emma sat back with a sigh. “Well, that sucked. Sorry, Killian.”
Killian stretched gently and dragged his eyes open, blinking. Emma winced at him.
“Are you still going to be able to make it?” She seemed to be doing what he was: acting as if they didn’t know anything about what lay in store for him at the end of his trek. He nodded unenthusiastically. In truth, if he ignored the drug side effects, he actually did feel stronger than he had in weeks, which he credited to whatever volume of replacement blood he’d received so far.
“Hopefully at least beyond the point of rediscovery.”
Emma pulled back his blankets. “I’ll do what I can to put ‘em on the wrong track.” She reached into her pocket, retrieving her keys. “Why don’t you take the Bug? You’ll get farther. Just… you know. Pull over well before you start to fall asleep.”
Fighting the sudden chill, Killian accepted the keys as he gathered the strength required to swing his legs over the edge of the bed. His head was spinning alarmingly and he wondered for a moment whether he would need to reassess the distance he had in him. Emma studied the machine controlling the flow of donor blood and saline into his arm; after a moment, she was able to decipher how to pause its program. Setting aside one of the Band-Aids she’d begged off the nurse, Emma reached for the tape securing the catheter to his forearm. Then she stopped.
A sudden sob ripped through her; she put a hand to her mouth as if stifling a cough. She couldn’t look at him.
Grim, Killian glanced a the door. “We don’t have a lot of time, love.”
She scrubbed at her eyes with one hand while picking at the corner of the tape with the other. “It’s… it’s just different, you know? Talking about it versus actually doing it. Actually helping you ditch the hospital and go back to--”
Choked by another sob, she didn’t finish the thought. Killian reached up to clasp her wrist briefly before allowing her to continue to work.
“I know.”
She managed to get one side of the tape undone with the minimal amount of arm hairs as casualties. “It just feels like… if you don’t come back… this is me, killing you, right now. Taking out this IV that could be saving your life, it’s just the same as…”
Emma shuddered, and Killian knew she was picturing that awful night with Excalibur, on the banks of the river. How it felt to run him through with her own hands. As if trying to purge the memory, she violently stripped the remaining tape from his arm, pulling the catheter right along with it and spattering small droplets of blood everywhere. Killian sat passively, allowing the outburst. For the moment.
In anger, Emma crumpled the sticky tape and tossed the wad onto the floor, then used the bedsheet to scrub at the smear of blood gathering around the puncture site. She tore open a Band-Aid and pressed it in place with a shuddering sigh.
“Don't be concerned about the silly IV; my good friend Z seems to have an unlimited supply of the damn things.”
It wasn’t about the IV, of course. Nor even the concept of proper medical care as a whole. Killian pulled his arm away from her attempts to apply pressure over the Band-Aid and reached up to stroke her face. The rough brand scar on his palm caused a tiny wince from her as it brushed her cheek.
“It isn’t you,” he murmured. “It won’t be you.”
Silent, she watched his face. Unconvinced. Unplacated. She pressed his hand deeper into her flesh and raked him with her gaze, as if burning his features and new, unfamiliar scars into her memory. He saw the moment of surrender. The light left her eyes and they became cold, tired points of vacuum. Outer space without stars. At last, her voice came through the death mask, low and flat.
“Why us?”
A shade above bitter, Killian said,
“We’re the heroes.”
A somber, unsurprised nod, and then Emma was back in motion. But with inexplicable intent. Killian couldn’t contain the elevating eyebrow as she shed her jacket and prepared to lift her t-shirt. She waved her hand in vague explanation.
“I don’t know how most of this crap works. But if it turns off suddenly, or loses input, it might alert the nurse’s station, and we don’t want that, right? So we switch, as fast as we can. Hopefully we can set it up reading me, and they’ll think you just rolled over or something.”
Glancing down at the EKG leads attached to his chest, Killian’s skeptical expression didn’t change. “And I’m meant to have thought of this myself, am I?”
“You’re smarter than you look.”
He missed the normal playful tone with which she would have teased him. But she was still stiff, heartless, carefully on guard. Ready now, the t-shirt rolled up and tucked under her chin but with her arms still in their sleeves, she sat beside him. Testing the slack in the wires, she took a breath and frowned in concentration.
“Lemme do it,” she instructed quietly. “You just keep an eye on the door.”
Killian nodded and did as ordered, but watched out of the corner of his eye. Emma dug her nails beneath the first EKG lead, and he knew she was attempting to take as much of the sticky conducting gel with it to ensure a solid connection. She paused to estimate the proper placement on her own chest--right in the center above the sternum--then brutally ripped the pad off of him and slapped it on herself. The loss of a few chest hairs left stinging patches behind as Emma repeated the process twice more. Successfully, by the sound of it: the machine behind them beeped a couple of queries as the transfer took place, but no obnoxious alarm rent the afternoon stillness.
“Not bad, Swan,” Killian praised. He ducked out of the way of the gathered leads while Emma adjusted her shirt back down and checked the monitor for functionality.
“The question will be whether I can stand pretending to be unconscious until someone discovers me.” Emma reached up, unclipped the pulse oximeter from his earlobe, and clamped it onto her own. She made a face. “Think I prefer the fingertip one.”
“Aye, well, it does tend to get in the way when one has only five fingers at one’s disposal.”
The last piece of equipment was the blood pressure cuff, which was easy enough to slip off and then adjust to fit her bicep. And then Killian was free.
He stood with appropriate caution, but still nearly fell--twice--as vertigo, generalized weakness, and drug side effects played havoc with his balance. Emma watched with clenched teeth, no doubt struggling with the urge to tackle him and wrestle him back into bed, the rest of the world be damned. But she contained herself, he clung stubbornly to his equilibrium, and they were again faced with the reality of the moment. Cautiously, Emma got up, holding the EKG sensors in place. She assessed him briefly, cracks in the emotionless mask allowing both tender concern and raging terror to leak
“You gonna be okay, hiking in that?”
Killian glanced down at his gown with a shrug. “It’s no worse than the sackcloth.”
“And… your feet? What about…” She trailed off, and against his better judgment, Killian stepped forward and wrapped her in an embrace. For the sake of his Master, though, he kept his mind on the goodbye, on his concern for Emma. On that disturbing mantra. Hope kidnapped, Hope tortured, Hope dead... Muffled into his chest came the words they both dreaded:
“You’d better go.”
Emma was dry-eyed and tight-lipped as she stepped back from him. He turned toward the window. And neither of them said what was foremost in their hearts.
I love you.
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You don't know you're alive until you're almost dead.
Cpt Craig Stevens of the United States Space Marine Corps made his way sliding down the emergency ladder as the sirens were blaring through the ship. His augmentations made him faster, smarter and stronger than humanly possible. His eyes saw every detail of every inch even at almost free fall speed. The signs with levels swooped past his eyes, as he saw level 17 he jumped off, ready to turn right and run to the armory. That was, if there had been any working artificial gravity on 17. There wasn't. He tried to turn as he soared through the air at break neck speed, but to no avail. He desperately clawed at everything, ANYTHING, to stop him from hitting whatever was in his path. In the corner of his eye, he saw the large titanium beam he had just propelled himself towards. "Fuck, this is going to hurt", he thought to himself before the violent impact knocked him out.
Mission specialist/engineer Sophia Karlsson woke up as the first alarm sounded. She practically jumped into her uniform, grabbed her utility belt and looked up at the stat screen. Her eyes widened in pure disbelief, and she bolted through the barely opening door, snatching her MPH (Multi purpose helmet*) from the shelf just outside the door. She felt a massive shiver through the floor, and almost fell over. It had felt like an earthquake, in a spaceship! She put her belt and helmet on, and called out for The ships A.I.
"T.I.N.A! SITREP! deploy repbots A.S.A.P and close all air locks! I wanna know what's going on NOW!" Her training kicked her into overdrive, adrenaline rushing through her veins, it felt like ages before Tina replied.
The familiar robotic voice crackled lightly in her ears before complying.
"A hull breach detected at level 6 caused an automated sealing of all adjacent air locks. Atmosphere holding steady at 86%. A.G.I (artificial gravity inducer*) down on levels 13, 17 and 21. Repair bots deployed. Multiple casualties detected. Smoke alarms on multiple levels."
"What the hell is going on Tina?!" Sophia shouted with a slight hint of panic in her voice.
"I do not know." was Tina's simple reply.
Commander George Engel of the United Space Federation, captain of the USF SX Concorde, woke up freezing, disoriented and had trouble breathing. His ears were ringing, he had a blasting headache, and he didn't even notice the gaping hole in his bedroom wall, that he was on the wrong side of, before his heart had stopped beating. His last thoughts were that he did like the view. Ice covered his grey hair quickly, and his eyes glazed over. Along with himself, a large number of bodies were slowly drifting away from the damaged spacecraft.
MS/E Sophia Karlsson knew she could be hot headed, stubborn and sometimes arrogant. But she loved her job, mostly. But trying to repair a ship possibly under fire, ON fire, isn't anyone's favorite job. But her quick thinking had probably saved at least a dozen lives, even if no one else knew it. She connected the last circuit board to the A.G.I control board and rebooted it. The dull thumping of the gravitational generator recommenced. The vibrations were further apart now, like whoever was firing at them were getting bored. Were they under attack? She wanted to know, but didn't expect someone to tell her. But she had to try.
"Tina, get me the bridge on vidcom."
Her helmet-screen came on, Major Erik Karlsson replied. His familiar voice calmed her frantic pulse, and reassured her everything would be all right. She saw only his right side, as he focused on other matters, his helmet sat at the control panel beside him. He looked drenched in sweat, his red beard dripping. He glanced at the screen beside him and smiled.
"Tell me how bad it is."
Sophia quickly summarized what she knew.
"31 unaccounted for so far, 19 badly injured or deceased. Fire is out, A.G.I. is up and running, hull damage manageable and repairs underway. What happened? Sir." She added hesitatingly, not sure of his new position, he shouldn't be on the bridge?
"Tina, give us a private channel." Tina acknowledged their comlink was secure with a sharp beep. Major Karlsson continued. "It was a meteor shower. Caught us by surprise, since the proximity radar had been turned off. Get me the log, I want to know who did it."
"I'll get on it right away. Anything else?"
He turned to face her on the screen for the first time during their short conversation. She wasn't ready for the gash that ran across the left side of his face, where his eye had been there was a bloodied bandage, and his neck, beard and uniform were stained dark red. A bioseal covered the lower right half of his face, meaning he had been treated for his wounds already. The sight was almost too much for her, and tears started filling her eyes.
"I'm just glad you're alive sis. Everyone above me in rank got sucked out when the captains cabin were hit. Every door opened shortly before. Only reason I'm alive is because I heard the doors open, so I got up and closed the airlock between our half and the senior officers department. The officers in training can get loud sometimes you know?"
She realized how close he had been to dying. Her throat clenched up, and he saw the expression on her face and chuckled.
"It's ok sis, I'm not dead yet, and I don't intend to die either. You just keep us floating and we'll be all right, ok?"
She still couldn't utter a sound, so she smiled, he smiled back, that crooked smile was made worse by half his face being missing.
"You didn't feel anything when this happened right? I knew that twin clairvoyancy was bullshit." She laughed out loud, the shock of seeing her brothers face like this had her mind in shambles. If there was one thing he could always do it was make her laugh. He was her big brother only by a few minutes, but he was as steady as a rock, a fixed point in whatever storm they were in. She couldn't bare to loose him.
"Can you take a look at level 6 when you have time? I hate to load everything on you, but I don't know who I can trust right now." She nodded, then quickly realized he couldn't see it.
"Yeah sure." Her voice held, but just barely. He smiled at her again, then resumed his duty as Commander. Talk about a speedy rise in rank.
She terminated the vidcom and collapsed on the floor. Tears streaming down her face, she shivered from head to toe. 50 probably dead. Sabotage. Murder. On a space exploration vessel? Why? How? Her mind was going on adrenaline, shock and recycled oxygen, she needed a drink. Or five. "Tina, secure the logs, and get me Craig on vidcom." She needed him, now, more than ever.
"Captain Stevens is unavailable for vidcom at the moment. Logs are secured."
"Well where the hell is he then?" Her heart skipped a beat.
"Captain Stevens tracker is at level 17. His Multi purpose helmet seems to be in his personal locker." Tina replied.
"Yeah of course, why have your helmet on you, that would be stupid."
Tina didn't reply.
She headed for the elevator, but it was used for transporting injured down to medbay. She sighed and glanced at the sign next to the elevator, indicating she was on level 30. Great. Only 13 flights up by ladder to 17. She opened the service door next to the elevator shaft and started climbing.
The medbay was jam packed. The I.C.U was full, all nurses had been on their feet for 20 hours, and doctors Green and Moreau were exhausted. But finally everyone was stable. They had only lost two to their wounds, thanks to their surgical skills, and fantastic nurses. Doctor Tom Green collapsed on the couch in their shared office. Doctor Frank Moreau was already sleeping in his chair. They had both taken more than one stimpak, and the crash was imminent. He just hoped nothing else would happen for the next six hours. He slowly drifted of to dream land.
Sophia had reached level 21 and her arms and legs were burning. Only four levels to go she thought to herself. She secured herself to the ladder and leaned back to rest for a moment.
"Tina, show me the logs from when the proximity radar was disabled." Pages of green text on a black background appeared on her screen. Last disabled by Tom Hardy, engineering, one hour before the meteor shower hit. "Tina get me Tom on vidcom."
"I am sorry, I can not find Tom Hardy on the ship." Replied the synthesized voice in her ears.
"Show his last known position."
An overview layout of the ships profile were shown on her screen, a small green blip appeared on top of the bridge outer hull as the ship profile turned three dimensional and turned to show his position relatively to the underlying structure.
The proximity radar tower was immediately above Commander Engel's quarters. Coincidence? Perhaps. But she intended to find out.
"Show me Tom's location at the moment of impact." The image showed Tom's blip floating away into space mere seconds before the first meteor hit them. Something had happened, Tom had been there, but she couldn't say if he had been involved in any way. She dismissed the images on her screen and continued her climb.
On the bridge order was slowly returning, as their new captain slowly assessed his new crew members. His voice was firm and clear, but his mind was racing. He had not been vetted for command as he had a minimum of 6 years to clear the experience needed to be even considered. But he had been an officer in USF for seven years, had commanded several ground missions and he was well known for his calm no matter the situation.
Lieutenant Carlisle requested his attention.
"Commander, we have a possible jackpot 90 minutes out, please advice."
"On screen." He replied.
The screen showed what looked like a replica of Earth. Clouds, seas, and land, it looked perfect.
"Any designation Carlisle?"
"Negative sir, unregistered planet."
He had no choice. They were in desperate need of repairs, and planetside repairs would take immensely less time. "Helm, plot a course, slow and steady. Get us there in one piece."
Their unanimous "Aye sir!" made him smile. Ah, to be young and foolish. He was 32 himself, one of the youngest to make officer, and by far the youngest to make commander. But the circumstances were just that, circumstantial. "Now let's just survive this day, and then we'll see." He muttered to himself.
Sophia had reached level 17 only to realize that the door was jammed. Of course, how could it not? Today was not a good day. Everything was going to hell. What more would turn out to be a disaster today? She sighed. She connected her arm-mounted service module to the door, and forced a manual override. The door groaned loudly as it slid almost halfway open, revealing total chaos on the other side. She squeezed through the opening and stepped into the hallway. "Tina, where is Craig?"
"Captain Stevens location is Junction 6 Delta."
She looked up at the orientation signs at the top of the wall. 6 Bravo. She went right, towards junction 6 Charlie. When she reached Charlie, she couldn't see Delta. The passageway was completely blocked by debris. She went straight ahead but there was no way she could get through. She used her card to unlock Charlie 8, whoever lived there wasn't home anyway. The small living space was tidy, and looked exactly like all the others. She opened the closet towards the Delta wall. All closets had emergency doors in them, in case the electronic doors failed. "Tina, open Charlie 8 emergency 2 please." The door slid open, revealing a wall of clothes behind it. She moved the clothes aside and peeked inside. Empty. She stepped through and made her way through the cloned room to the door, which slid open silently. The debris blocking the corridor to her right was a massive wall, but she couldn't do anything about that now. To her right was Delta junction, but no Craig. "Tina, where is Craig?"
"Captain Stevens location is Junction 6 Delta."
"Show me his tracker on screen." A fluttering image of the junction from above showed him to be just around the corner to the left. She took two steps forward and stopped. Blood. So much blood. She dashed around the corner, careful not to slip in the sticky red substance, her heart beating so hard. "No no no no no, Craig, nooo!" Her panicked scream echoed of the walls. She tried to jump over the pool of blood on the floor, landing on her knees in it, she checked him for a pulse. She couldn't feel anything. His face was pale, eyes half closed, lips blue. "MEDIVAC NOW TINA!" She screamed, she couldn't hold back the tears and panic in her voice. She held her ear above his mouth, and felt the faintest breath escape his nostrils. She couldn't see where he was bleeding from, but she didn't dare move him. An automated emergency stretcher unfolded itself behind her, and beeped loudly to call attention to itself. She slid out of the way quickly, her hands covered in Craig's blood, the stretcher folded itself over him, sealed itself and shot into the emergency transport chute. She sat sobbing on the floor, convinced he wouldn't survive. The floor in the hallway was covered in blood from side to side.
The emergency alarm sound in the medbay, which announced 10 seconds to arrival of an emergency stretcher. Doctor Green shot up from his chair, bloodshot eyes and a headache from hell, but he was awake at once, knowing he didn't have a second to spare. The second alarm meant 5 seconds to arrival, but he was already out the door.
Two android nurses came bursting out into the ambulance room, just as the stretcher came bursting through the door, alarms blaring and red and blue lights illuminating the walls. It landed on the table in the middle of the room and unfolded it's passenger. Doctor Green immediately called out for five units of blood, and turned captain Stevens in his side. He had a deep gash across the base of his neck, but there was almost no more bleeding. "Make that 10 units nurse! NOW!" Nurse Avery, an android powered by Tina, was way ahead of him. She already had two bloodlines connected, as well as stitching the deep wound in the captains neck. Being augmented, he had quick release connections in both his armpits, giving him a fighting chance, but hypoxia will kill any brain, augmented or not. Sophia had made her way to the medbay a few minutes later, and watched through the small window in the door as Tina embodied every tool at her disposal to save his life. A hand on her shoulder startled her, a small scream escaped her mouth before she jolted around and saw Tina's second android nurse Ava. "Forgive me Sophia, I didn't mean to scare you."
Sophia waved her hand at the android, and looked over her shoulder at the lifeless body on the medical table. She whimpered helplessly, tears flooding her eyes again.
"You shouldn't be here Sophia, please come." Tina's soft voice calmed her a little bit, but not much. She shook her head and exclaimed sharply "No! I'm staying here, I need to see him!" Sophia collapsed once again to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, the fatigue finally catching up to her. Tina lifted her softly and easily into her arms, and carried her to the waiting room couch. She held her closely, while simultaneously working on the love of her life. Tina diverted more computing power to the android nurse, helping it make its best effort at saving Craig's life. Artificial intelligence shouldn't have favorites, but T.I.N.A isn't any AI. And Sophia was her favorite human.
Sophia woke to doctor Green lightly shaking her shoulder. The expression of resignation on his face was what she had feared. Her mind in shambles, she had no reason to hear his apologies. She bolted upright and ran to the window. The table was empty. The android nurses stood at their charging stations. Everything stopped, time ceased to exist. The only thing in her universe was pain. A whimper of helplessness escaped her as she slowly lost all power in her legs, the pain inside tore through her like a plasma grenade, and her scream could be heard several levels both above and below. She didn't hear the door opening behind her, the sound of heavy boots on the floor, she didn't hear her own voice screaming, a deafening sound that drenched everything. But when she felt the familiar arm around her back her scream suddenly ended, the other arm grasping her legs and as lightly as a feather lifted her up to his chest. She looked into his icy blue eyes, she could barely breathe, she clutched his hair in her hand, she pressed her face in his neck and she cried. And she slept.
Part II
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myonechicagoworld · 4 years
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                                         [ambo door shuts]
Gabby Dawson: Why didn’t you call Alexa back? I liked her.
Leslie Shay: You know the joke - what does a lesbian bring on a
                     second date?
                     A moving van.
Gabby Dawson: You have major commitment issues.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, yeah.
Gabby Dawson: Can you please put this out in front. I’m gonna  
                           take this stuff to the kitchen.
Leslie Shay: All right. I’m not carving this thing.
TV: Some developing local news now…
Peter Mills: Yo, do we have any spices around here besides salt
                   and pepper?
                                            [tv in background]
Otis Zvonecek: What else do you need besides salt and pepper?
Gabby Dawson: [groans]
Peter Mills: Wow.
Gabby Dawson: This is for the trick-or-treaters. And heads up…
                            Halloween is Chief Boden’s favourite holiday.
Peter Mills: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: Oh, I’m dead serious.
                                      [plastic bag rustling]
Otis Zvonecek: We can see where you’re putting that.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, nobody touches the candy. We ran out last
Christopher Herrmann: I graciously donate my in-laws television,
                                       and I cannot get a piece of candy?
Gabby Dawson: [scoffs]
                           I keep coriander, cumin and bay leaves in the back
                           Um, I used up all the saffron last time I cooked.
                                      [alarm beeps, PA buzzes]
(Over PA): Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.  
                 Warehouse fire, 6620 Oak Park.
                                 [sirens wailing, horns honking]
                                     [squad door slams shut]
Matt Casey: This is the old Triskin warehouse.
Kelly Severide: Looks like the door’s been pried open. Could be  
                         squatters inside.
Chief Boden: Smoke’s already coming out pretty quick. We don’t  
                      have long on this one.
                      (into radio) Engine 51, give me a 2 ½ in the front  
                      door, cover the search team. Truck 81, open up  
                      the back, vent the skylights.
                      Kelly, give me that primary search.
Kelly Severide: Yep.
Matt Casey: Cruz and Otis, raise the aerial and take out the
                     skylights. Herrmann and Mills, let’s open up the
                     back and get in there.
                     Let’s go.
                                         [indistinct chatter]
Kelly Severide: Smoke’s bad. Get the doors down fast.
Matt Casey: Strike.
                                      [door creaking open]
Matt Casey: Done.
Christopher Herrmann: Going left.
Kelly Severide: Mind your step.
                         Call out.
Christopher Herrmann: Fire department! Anyone in here?
                                        [indistinct chatter]
Chief Boden: That smoke’s turning ugly.
Kelly Severide: Fire department! Anyone in here?
Christopher Herrmann: There’s someone in the back!
                                        Let’s go!
Peter Mills: Hey guys, over here.
                   Fire department! Anybody here? Call out!
Firefighter: I got you. Come on.
                                     [groaning & coughing]
Kelly Severide: Hang on to me. We’re gonna get you out.
Victim 1: [coughing]
Gabby Dawson: We got him.
Peter Mills: Fire department!
                             [wood crashing, glass breaking]
Peter Mills: Unh!
Chief Boden: (over radio) All companies, evacuate the building.
Christopher Herrmann: Come on, Mills, let’s go.
Chief Boden: It’s gonna flash.
Matt Casey: Herrmann and Mills still inside?
Chief Boden: Yep.
                      (over radio) Repeat, evacuate immediately.
                      (into radio) Come on, now, guys. We gotta get out of
                       there. Let’s go.
                      Come on, men.
Christopher Herrmann: Come on, Mills.
Peter Mills: There’s a guy still inside. I saw him.
                   Chief, give me one more minute to go back in there.
Chief Boden: No, it’s over. No more minutes.
Peter Mills: H-He could be alive. Just give me one more minute. I  
                   know I can get to him. I know.
Chief Boden: You’re not going anywhere. This building’s about to
Peter Mills: Chief, I could get…
Chief Boden: Enough!
                      (into radio) All officers, take count of your firefighters.  
                      Nobody goes back in.
                      All members out of the collapse zone. Everybody,
                      back up.
                      Back up.
Matt Casey: Let’s go.
                                       [indistinct radio chatter]
Radio Dispatcher: Company 16 and Truck 22…[continues
                               Roger that 25, Ladder 47, Truck 34…[continues
                               indistinctly]…we’re all clear
                                           [fire explosion]
                                         [glass shattering]
Chief Boden: (into radio) Fire up the water cannons.
                                          [water spraying]
                                         [indistinct chatter]
                                           - Title Screen -
Lee Henry Herrmann: C’mon! Let’s go!
Cindy Herrmann: Boys!
                                       [indistinct shouting]
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, give her back the wand. Now!
                                       Hey, hey. Here you go.
Lee Henry Herrmann: Man.
Christopher Herrmann: I thought you were gonna be a superhero.
Luke Herrmann: I am. I’m a superboy.
Christopher Herrmann: That’s the whole costume?
                                        That’s pretty half-assed.
Cindy Herrmann: Christopher!
Christopher Herrmann: What? He can’t put on a cape?
Cindy Herrmann: He doesn’t have a…
                                            [kissing sound]
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
                                       I walked in on your dad again…on the can.
Cindy Herrmann: [sighs]
Christopher Herrmann: The man refuses to lock the door.
Cindy Herrmann: And you refuse to knock.
                             [sighs] This came.
Christopher Herrmann: Aw, crap.
Luke Herrmann: Were you there, daddy?
Christopher Herrmann: Yep, and we kicked that fire’s butt.
                                        Love you, okay?
Cindy Herrmann: Bye.
Christopher Herrmann: Bye.
Luke Herrmann: You can’t leave. I put a force field around the door.
Christopher Herrmann: If you had a cape on, I might believe that.
                                       Come on, I’m late.
Luke Herrmann: No.
Christopher Herrmann: Lukey, hey.
                                       I told you, you don’t have to worry about
                                       me so much.
Luke Herrmann: What if you get hurt again?
Christopher Herrmann: I’ll get better, just like last time. And like  
                                       you did, when your bike went over.
                                       Us Herrmanns’, we’re tough bastards.
Luke Herrmann: [whispers] You said bastards.
Christopher Herrmann: [whispers] Don’t tell mom.
                                       [sighs] Okay.
                                       [whispers] Come on. Come on buddy.
Luke Herrmann: [whispers] Okay.
Christopher Herrmann: I love you buddy.
Kids: Happy Halloween!
Chief Boden: Happy Halloween.
                     Guess what? After school, I’m gonna break out a
                     bottomless bowl of treats.
                     Gonna come back and get ‘em?
                     You’ll bring ‘em back?
Kids & Adults: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Go on, then. Get out of here and come back.
                      Y’all look great.
Kids: Thank you!
Peter Mills: Yo Lieutenant, can I ask you something?
Matt Casey: Sure.
Peter Mills: In general, when Chief says, ‘everybody out of a  
                   building now’, how much time do we really have?
                   A minute? 30 seconds? What?
Matt Casey: Don’t beat yourself up, Mills.
Peter Mills: See, the things is, I was closest to the victim. I-I could  
                   see him, you know? I…
Matt Casey: When Chief says “now”, he means now. Not 30  
                     seconds, not any seconds. Got it?
Peter Mills: Yeah. Yeah, I figured. Thanks.
                                           [locker door slams]
Kelly Severide: Ah!
                                             [punches locker]
Jose Vargas: Morning Lieutenant.
Kelly Severide: Morning.
Jose Vargas: You get hurt the other night?
Kelly Severide: Mind not turning the locker room into a chat room?
Jose Vargas: Yeah.
Joe Cruz: Just take the damn piece of candy already. She won’t
Mouch: I’m not climbing onto the counter.
Joe Cruz: Hey, did you guys hear that Casey’s gonna…testify
                 against Detective Voight’s son?
Otis Zvonecek: Apparently, Dawson’s brother says it’s a risky  
                          move, and…Voight’s a dangerous son of a
Mouch: I wouldn’t put my ass on the line like that.
             Uh Lieutenant, you need any help with the Detective  
             Voight situation, you let me know. When I became  
             union rep, they…sent me a bunch of brochures.
Matt Casey: I’m good, thanks. Just need to testify at the  
                    arraignment, once it’s set.
Christopher Herrmann: You see this crap?
Peter Mills: Why is it crap?
                    I just mean that that’s what happened, isn’t it? So…
Christopher Herrman: Where is the headline about how we busted
                                     our humps and saved three guys, huh?
Chief Boden: Okay, everybody, listen up.
                      Today, our very own Jose Vargas transfers from Truck
                       to Squad.
                       As of now, he’s officially a member of Rescue Squad
                                        [clapping & cheering]
All: Whoo!
Mouch: Big time Vargas.
Otis Zvonecek: Make sure to bow next time you walk by.
Matt Casey: Best of luck.
Jose Vargas: Thanks, Lieutenant.
Nicki Rutkowski: Hey, Lieutenant Casey, I just saw your car out
                             Something happened to it.
Matt Casey: What the hell?
Joe Cruz: This is why I can’t stand Halloween, man. The punks,
                 they go wild.
Matt Casey: My gym bag got lifted.
Christopher Herrmann: Right in front of the station.
                                       Call the cops. File a report.
Matt Casey: Yeah, I should.
                                   [alarm beeping, PA buzzes]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3. House fire, 220 South Kilbourn.
                                            [sirens wailing]
                                        [squad door shuts]
Kelly Severide: [into radio] Fire is out on arrival. Hold on incoming
                          companies. We’ll do a little overhaul.
                          You okay, ma’am?
Lady 1: I’m fine.
            I must have dropped a cigarette or something. I was  
            cleaning out the garage. So stupid of me.
Kelly Severide: Well, good job putting it out.
                          We were here a few weeks ago. Fire in your car,  
                          parked out front.
Lady 1: The car is old.
Kelly Severide: Two fires in two weeks?
Lady 1: Bad luck always comes in streaks.
Man 1: Yo, yo, afternoon officer.
Kelly Severide: I need to check inside, make sure the fire didn’t  
                          get into the adjoining wall.
Lady 1: All right.
                                            [train passing by]
Kelly Severide: No heat. That’s good.
Lady 1: Me and my late husband.
Kelly Severide: How long were you married?
Lady 1: 45 years, till he passed.
Kelly Severide: Wow. What’s the secret?
Lady 1: I never asked.
Kelly Severide: [chuckles]
Lady 1: Just counted my blessings every day [chuckles]
                                              [door opens]
Capp: She say what happened?
Kelly Severide: Mm-mm.
                                   [laughing in the background]
Christopher Herrmann: What the hell happened?
Leslie Shay: It went out.
Mouch & Otis Zvonecek: What?
Chief Boden: It just need a new cord. Nobody panic.
Leslie Shay: Go ahead. Try it.
                                             [remote clicks]
                                            [applause on tv]
Otis Zvonecek: Yes.
Chief Boden: Ah.
Otis Zvonecek: Halloween horror marathon, channel 11.
Mouch: We are back.
Marc Thorne: My brother died because he was homeless and  
                       poor. If he had been a firefighter or a banker in    
                       a fancy apartment, they would have found a  
                       way to save him. It was recorded on cell phone:
[video recording…]
Peter Mills: Chief, give me one more minute to go back in there.
Chief Boden: No, it’s over. No more minutes.
Peter Mills: H-He could be alive. Just give me one more minute. I  
                   know I can get to him. I know.
Chief Boden: Not going anywhere. This building’s about to flash.
Peter Mills: Chief, I can get…
Chief Boden: Enough!
[end of video recording…]
Marc Thorne: Even his own man wanted to go back in and save
                       my brother’s life, but the Chief on the scene,  
                       Wallace Boden, said no.
TV: So the investigation continues…
                                             [remote clicks]
Peter Mills: [sighs]
Nicki Rutkowski: Hey, there’s another request for an interview  
                             about the fire from some blogger.
Chief Boden: The answer’s the same. No comment.
Nicki Rutkowski: Got it. And Peter Mills wanted to see you.
Chief Boden: Send him in.
Peter Mills: Thanks.
Nicki Rutkowski: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Hey, Mills, what’s up?
Peter Mills: Um, when I asked to go back in, I apologise if that was
                   out of line.
Chief Boden: Not another word. That is exactly the attitude I want  
                      from all my men.
                      Forget the news report.
Peter Mills: Yes, sir. Thank you.
                                              [door closes]
Chief Boden: You’re welcome.
Leslie Shay: Hey, we got our first trick-or-treater.
Hallie Thomas: Hey guys. Happy Halloween.
Leslie Shay: Happy Halloween, lady.
Gabby Dawson: Sweet shoes.
Hallie Thomas: Thanks. Uh, are you a runner too?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, I just did my first 10k a couple months ago.
Hallie Thomas: Oh, wow, that’s-that’s my race too. I’ve been  
                          training for the next one. I’m trying to get in
                          under 48 minutes.
Gabby Dawson: That sounds like a good goal.
Hallie Thomas: How’d you do?
Gabby Dawson: 45:20.
Hallie Thomas: Wow, that’s…great [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles]
Leslie Shay: Casey’s in his quarters, I think.
Hallie Thomas: Awesome, thank you. I’ll see you guys.
Gabby Dawson: Yep.
Leslie Shay: Bye.
Gabby Dawson: It was somewhere around there.
                                          [door opens]
Matt Casey: Everything okay?
                                          [door closes]
Hallie Thomas: Of course. Why do you look worried?
Matt Casey: [exhales] I-I’m not worried. Just…surprised.
Hallie Thomas: Well, I was thinking about our new plan to start  
                          fresh, and I realised…
Matt Casey: What?
Hallie Thomas: That there is something that we talked about doing  
                          and never did.
Matt Casey: Yeah?
                                          [blinds rolling down]
                                                 [lock click]
                                           [knocks on door]
Nicki Rutkowski: Chief, this is Sondra Sherman.
Sondra Sherman: I’m an attorney with the city’s office.
Chief Boden: How can we help you today?
Sondra Sherman: I need to ask you some questions about the  
                              Triskin warehouse fire.
Chief Boden: Why?
Sondra Sherman: The city’s been contacted by…an attorney for
                              Marc Thorne, the victim’s brother. There are
                              some concerns about the way the fire was
Chief Boden: My sympathies go out to Mr Thorne, but if I hadn’t  
                      handled the fire the way I did, not only would his  
                      brother be dead, but so would my men.
Sondra Sherman: Mmhmm. And how long was it after you called  
                             your men out that the structure exploded?
Chief Boden: I don’t know…exactly.
Sondra Sherman: Huh.
Chief Boden: About a minute.
Sondra Sherman: And did one of your men tell you there was  
                              someone still inside?
Chief Boden: Yes, he did, and he wanted to go back in and get  
                      him. I said no. Seconds later, there was a
Sondra Sherman: I wouldn’t ask you these questions unless I had
                             to, Chief. We don’t think you did anything
                             wrong, but an M.E.’s report will be released
                             soon, and if it says his brother was alive up  
                             until the explosion, Thorne will come after  
                             you, the department, and the city of
                             The city completely supports you. You shouldn’t
                             feel bad.
Chief Boden: I don’t.
                      If we’re done here, I have some work to do.
Sondra Sherman: [chuckles lightly]
                                      [door open and closes]
Kelly Severide: Wait here, guys.
                                       [squad door shuts]
Kelly Severide: Hey, Bobby. Thanks for coming.
Bobby: Hi. How you doin’?
Kelly Severide: Good.
Bobby: So what’s the deal here?
Kelly Severide: You tell me.
                                         [knocks on door]
Kelly Severide: Mrs Grady, how are you, ma’am?
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): I’m fine.
Kelly Severide: We just had a-a few questions about those fires
                         that you had.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): They were accidents. I don’t know any more
                                  than I’ve already told you.
Kelly Severide: Okay, we just wanted to make sure that there are  
                          no more…incidents.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): Sorry.
                                               [door shuts]
Kelly Severide: Someone set fire to her car two weeks ago. This  
                          morning, her garage burns, she says…
Bobby: So she said they were just accidents.
Kelly Severide: They weren’t.
Bobby: But why do you think somebody would come after her? I  
            mean, she lives alone. She keeps to herself.
Kelly Severide: Pick a reason.
Sondra Sherman: I have a suggestion.
                              If you do a sit-down with Marc Thorne, that
                              could help minimise the damage.
Chief Boden: A sit-down?
Sondra Sherman: Yeah. A “Beer in the rose garden” kind of thing.
                               You, Thorne, attorneys for both sides.
Chief Boden: Whose idea was this?
Sondra Sherman: Sit-down was his. Beer was mine.
                             Sometimes a simple conversation can avert a  
                             major lawsuit. Maybe all he wants is an
Chief Boden: I doubt that.
Sondra Sherman: Chief, I don’t think you understand. If we can’t  
                              make this go away before the M.E.’s report  
                              comes back, your job and your livelihood are
                              at risk.
Chief Boden: I am not going to apologise. I did nothing wrong,
                      neither did any of my men.
Sondra Sherman: Look, the city completely supports you.
Chief Boden: You keep saying that, and in the same breath, you  
                      tell me my job’s on the line.
Sondra Sherman: We…
Chief Boden: [chuckles] I really do have work to do. I’m gonna go
                       do it.
Nicki Rutkowski: I have a favour to ask you.
                            Can I borrow your house key?
                            I just want to set a little something up for Kelly in
                           his room. Champagne, candles. I think my dad  
                           showing up at your apartment maybe pushed
                           him away.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, I don’t think it’s your dad showing up so much  
                     that’s the problem as much as him announcing that
                     you’re engaged.
Nicki Rutkowski: I wasn’t hiding that.
Leslie Shay: Where’s your ring?
Nicki Rutkowski: It’s being resized right now.
                            So, can I have the key or not?
Leslie Shay: [chuckles] Not. At all.
                                   [alarm beeping, PA buzzing]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61. Hand laceration, 310 East Pearson.
                                        [background chatter]
                                 [indistinct chatter over radio]
Leslie Shay: Oof! You got a nice bleed going there.
                    Yikes. What happened?
Victim 2 (Chef): I was, uh, chopping, and suddenly there were…
                          screams, so I took my eyes off the onion. Next
                          thing I know, my hand’s gushing blood.
Gabby Dawson: Screams?
Victim 2 (Chef): A reaction to a two-tier baby carriage and…
                         matching car seat.
Leslie Shay: Wiggle your fingers for me.
Victim 2 (Chef): [exhales]
Leslie Shay: Ah, it’s not bad but, yeah, you’re gonna need stitches.
Lady 2: The mom-to-be had a dizzy spell when she saw the blood.  
             Can one of you guys take a look at her.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, yeah, sure.
                           You’re not gonna believe this.
Leslie Shay: What?
                     Hey, Clare.
Clarice: Oh, my God.
             Um…honey, this is…Leslie Shay, my old girlfriend.
Leslie Shay: Hi.
Gabby Dawson: There are two patients. We’ll take this one with the
                           hand lac, so you can grab the other lady if you
                           don’t mind…
Leslie Shay: Actually, I just put Clarice in the back of our rig, so…
Gabby Dawson: And I said we would take him, so…
Victim 2 (Chef): It doesn’t matter to me.
Leslie Shay: Here you go.
                                        [ambo door shuts]
Leslie Shay: Alright, I’m just gonna check your vitals and then
                    have a listen and make sure everything’s okay
                    with the baby.
Clarice: Okay. I just haven’t felt a kick in a while and then the dizzy  
             spell came on so suddenly.
Daniel Schwartz: I’m sure everything is fine, sweetie.
                               [blood pressure cuff pumping]
Leslie Shay: Blood pressure’s good.
                     All right, I’m just gonna lift your shirt off your belly  
                     and have a listen.
                     Heart rate’s 140. It’s perfect.
Clarice: [exhales] Thank you.
             Thank you, Les.
Daniel Schwartz: See? That baby’s already got a flair for the
                             dramatic. The teen years are gonna be…fun.
Clarice: [chuckles]
             You know what I still have of yours? Those old blues  
             records that your mom gave you.
Leslie Shay: Oh, yeah. Forgot about those.
Clarice: Yeah.
              I mean, you know, I-I can get ‘em back to you at any time.
              Why don’t you, um, just give me a call and we can figure it
Capp: Who was that?
Kelly Severide: That’s Mills’ sister, Elise.
Hadley: Wow. When is the next family picnic?
Kelly Severide: Hey, let me give you a hand with those.
Elise Mills: I’m good, thanks.
Kelly Severide: You sure?
                          If this food ends up on the floor instead of the  
                          table, it could cause a riot.
Elise Mills: [giggles] You’re Severide, right?
Kelly Severide: Kelly.
Elise Mills: Peter called, said he was supposed to make lunch and  
                  he got busy.
                  He didn’t sound so great. Is everything okay around
Kelly Severide: It’s just another day on the job. Your brother’s a
                         good kid.
Elise Mills: Yeah, he is.
                   I gotta get back to the restaurant. Thanks for the help.
Otis Zvonecek: Give me the ball, give me the ball.
Truck 81 men: Ohh!
                        Ohhh! [laughing]
Marc Thorne: My name is Marc Thorne. I’m here to talk to Chief  
                       Wallace Boden. Is he here?
Chief Boden: I’m very sorry for your loss, Mr Thorne.
Marc Thorne: Chief Boden! You knew my brother was in that
Christopher Herrmann: Did you?
                                       The guy was homeless, keeping warm in a
                                       warehouse. You’re his brother. Where have
                                       you been?
Peter Mills: Herrmann, come on.
Chrisopher Herrmann: No, sorry, I’m not gonna be quiet.
                                      ‘Cause a few weeks ago, I almost bought  
                                       the farm, trying to save a stranger. It’s  
                                       what we do, every day.
                                       It’s what we tried to do for your brother.
                                       Chief Boden made the call he had to
                                       Just be glad you never have to do that.
Christopher Hermann: What is this?
Leslie Shay: We heard you represented, Herrmann.
Gabby Dawson: So, I’m gonna throw out a name…Clarice
All: Oh ho ho…
Christopher Herrmann: Ow.
Peter Mills: Wait, who?
Joe Cruz: The bitchy ex-girlfriend.
Leslie Shay: She wasn’t a bitch, per se.
Matt Casey: She…was a little full of herself.
Gabby Dawson: Well, she’s now got a news status update. She is  
                           now Clarice Schwartz, married to a dude, and
                           seven months pregnant.
Otis Zvonecek: Oh!
Otis Zvonecek: Did I not call that?
Joe Cruz: [laughing manically]
Otis Zvonecek: Did I not say she had one foot in, one foot out?
Leslie Shay: You did not say that.
Otis Zvonecek: Well, not to you, maybe, but did I not call that?
Christopher Herrmann: He called that [laughing]
Leslie Shay: [sighs] Yep.
Man 2: Look, he’s got candy. He’s got a bunch of candy.
Chief Boden: Oh, look at you. That costume is terrifying. You’re
                      about to scare the neighbours to death.
                      Want some treats? Give me that. Whomp.
Man 2: I saw your picture online. I read about what happened. Keep
            your chin up. You did the right thing.
Chief Boden: Appreciate that.
                      Halloween is about the kids.
                      Thank you for coming.
Man 2: Come on, guys, let’s go.
            Get some more candy? Should we get some more? Let’s
                        [tv in the background, howling noises]
                               [alarm beeping, PA buzzing]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Ambulance 61. Man down, 3500…[indistinct
Joe Cruz: Oh! Vargas wants back on truck already, huh?
Jose Vargas: Yeah, yeah.
                             [siren wailing in the background]
                               [siren wailing, horn honking]
                             [music thumping, crowd noise]
                                      [truck door shuts]
Matt Casey: Coming through.
                     Excuse me. Everybody, make way. Coming through.
                      Anybody seen an injured person?
Gabby Dawson: Is that our guy?
                           Okay, nevermind.
Leslie Shay: Halloween sucks.
Matt Casey: Looking for an injured person.
Lady 3 (Sexy Nurse): Thank God. He’s over here.
Joe Cruz: Excuse me can we get some room, please? Excuse me
                 can we get some room?
Matt Casey: (into radio) Okay, got a location on the victim, Witches’
Gabby Dawson: (into radio) Copy that. Right behind you.
Leslie Shay: Excuse us.
Gabby Dawson: Watch out, guys.
Matt Casey: Hold his head steady.
Firefighter: Guys, come on.
Victim 3: [grunting]
Peter Mills: I got it.
Gabby Dawson: Hold his head.
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Leslie Shay: Did he take any drugs?
Lady 3 (Sexy Nurse): No, j-just a couple of beers. Then all of a  
                                   sudden his eyes rolled back in his head  
                                   and he…he dropped and just started
                                   jerking around.
Leslie Shay: Does he have a history of seizures?
Lady 3 (Sexy Nurse): I don’t think so. This is only our second date.
Gabby Dawson: Alright, ready.
                           Turn him over.
Man 3 (Fake fireman): Hey, let me help out, fellas.
Matt Casey: Stay back, sir.
Man 3 (Fake fireman): Yeah, how about giving me a c-4 tube and  
                                     a Lidocaine drip?
Christopher Herrmann: Let ‘em do their job.
Peter Mills: All right, come on. Move it out.
Gabby Dawson: Watch out. Come on. Make fast.
Man 3 (Fake fireman): Don’t tell ‘em you’re homeless. They won’t
                                     help ya.
Matt Casey: Hey! Hey!
                    Go. Go.
                    You got your head screwed on straight?
Christopher Herrmann: These people mouthing off at us.
Matt Casey: You rise above it.
Christopher Herrmann: It won’t happen again.
Matt Casey: Let’s get the hell out of here.
                                      [train in background]
Sondra Sherman: Chief, wanted to let you know the M.E.’s report
                              came in.
                              Jonathan Thorne died from injuries sustained  
                              during the explosion. The department is putting  
                              together a committee now.
Chief Boden: This doesn’t change anything.
                                           [dramatic music]
                                    [door shuts, lock clicks]
Nicki Rutkowski: Lieutenant Casey, there’s someone out front for
Matt Casey: Detective Voight.
Hank Voight: Got some good news for you, Casey.
Matt Casey: Yeah? What’s that?
Hank Voight: Well, I heard about what happened to your car.
                      I don’t normally handle this kind of thing, but…to  
                      be honest, I felt like I owed you an apology after  
                      my behaviour the other day. I was out of line.
                      So I put my guys on it, and we caught the little
Matt Casey: And how’d you know it was him?
Hank Voight: Come here.
                      This yours?
                      There you go. He had it on him.
                      And make sure nothing’s missing, will you?
Matt Casey: [scoffs] This isn’t mine.
Hank Voight: Well, the kid must have stashed it in there.
                      You know, there’s a simple, honest solution to all our
                       problems. One that keeps my son out of jail and lets  
                       you and I get on with our lives. All you gotta do is
                       change that report.
Matt Casey: I’m not gonna do that.
Gabby Dawson: [groans] Last year [grunts] we went through four of
                             these. This year we barely finished one.
Matt Casey: Not the best day.
Gabby Dawson: What is it?
Matt Casey: [sighs] Detective Voight showed up here…tried to  
                     bribe me with a wad of cash.
Gabby Dawson: What? Wha…we’ve gotta call my brother and tell
Matt Casey: I’m just gonna…testify and let the courts handle it.
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] Well, what does Hallie say?
Matt Casey: I didn’t tell her.
Gabby Dawson: Why not?
Matt Casey: I don’t know. I don’t wanna worry her, I guess.
Gabby Dawson: You should tell her.
Matt Casey: Yeah. Yeah, I probably should.
                     I’ll see you later.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, later.
                                                [jazzy music]
                                              [liquor pouring]
Leslie Shay: [slurring] I mean, you should have seen Clarice’s
                     apartment. It was…like a museum; all this fancy
                     breakable crap everywhere.
                     The place she and I used to live, there was peeling  
                      paint, dripping faucets…but it’s great. You wanted
                      to hang out there all day long, you know?
                      Will you pass me a lime?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Leslie Shay: They had a floor-to-ceiling wine rack. I mean…she  
                     used to hate wine [slurping]
                     She drank beer. I loved that about her. I guess she  
                     drinks wine now.
                     [liquor pouring]
Kelly Severide: How long did you two…
Leslie Shay: Three years.
Kelly Severide: Mm.
Leslie Shay: Yeah I mean, it wasn’t like, you know…a casual thing.
                     It was…uh…we were serious. Or at least I thought we  
                     were. Turns out I may have overestimated her
Kelly Severide: [chuckles lightly]
                                           [rapping on door]
Leslie Shay: Really?
Kelly Severide: No offense…I’m not taking advice from you right
Leslie Shay: This is a new low.
Nicki Rutkowski: Wanna help with this?
Kelly Severide: I was engaged once too…
                                               [door closes]
                                                [door shuts]
Sondra Sherman: Just wanted to pass along some positive news.
                             The…Thorne situation has been resolved.
Chief Boden: Resolved how?
Sondra Sherman: Marc Thorne has dropped all plans to sue the
Chief Boden: You gave him a payout.
Sondra Sherman: [scoffs] There’s a settlement in the works, yes.
Chief Boden: You yourself said we did nothing wrong.
Sondra Sherman: You know, you should be happy about this.  
                              Thorne was willing to settle quickly and for
                              a reasonable amount. There’s no further risk
                              of impact on you, and you continue to have
                              the city’s full support.
Chief Boden: Appreciate that.
Sondra Sherman: Take care, Chief.
Chief Boden: Yeah.
Hadley: How many?
Kelly Severide: Three.
                                        [alarm blaring, PA buzzing]
(Over PA): House fire, 220 South Kilbourn. Engine 51…
Jose Vargas: 220 South Kilbourn.
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3…
Kelly Severide: Damn it!
(Over PA): Ambulance 61.
Chief Boden: Truck and Engine are near the scene. They’ll meet  
                       you there.
Kelly Severide: What happened?
Joe Cruz: Molotov cocktail through the front window. Fire’s under
Kelly Severide: The woman who lives here, Mrs Grady?
Joe Cruz: With Dawson.
Gabby Dawson: Just breathe in, nice and easy. We’re gonna get  
                           that smoke out of your lungs, okay?
Kelly Severide: Is she okay?
Leslie Shay: Yeah, smoke inhalation. Oxygen will clear her up.
Kelly Severide: Hey, can you give me a second?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): [whimpering]
Kelly Severide: We could have lost you.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): [whimpering]
Kelly Severide: I won’t go to the police, okay? I promise you that.  
                         But you gotta talk to me.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): [whimpering]
Kelly Severide: Okay?
                                              [rap music]
                                            [baby crying]
                                        [banging on door]
                                  [lock clicks, door opens]
Man 4: Who the hell are you?
           Hey, what you doin’?
Kelly Severide: Shut up. Sit down.
                                           [door closes]
Kelly Severide: Mrs Grady. On Kilbourn.
Man 5: [scoffs] We don’t even know who that is.
Kelly Severide: She’s the one who called the cops about the drug
                          dealers on her block. She’s also my aunt.
                          Listen to me.
                          I hear about one more ember going anywhere near  
                          Mrs Grady or her property again, I’ll come back
                          here, break your kneecaps, and drag you down to  
                          the police station. You don’t have drugs on you,
                          I’ll plant them on you.
Man 4: You can’t do that.
Kelly Severide: The hell I can’t? It’s a firefighter’s word against a
                          couple bangers. Who they gonna believe?
Christopher Herrmann: Extra, extra.
                                       Firefighters are off the front page. Back in  
                                       the black smoke we go until another
Matt Casey: Another day, another story.
Christopher Herrmann: I wonder how much that Thorne is getting  
                                        from the city.
Mouch: Why work for a living when you can sue someone instead?
Kelly Severide: Morning, Chief.
Chief Boden: Our assistant Nicki has quit.
                      According to her father, she has broken off her  
                      engagement, left for Europe for a while, so will
                      y’all just let me know if you hear of anybody
                      available for the position?
Gabby Dawson: Leslie Elizabeth Shay.
Leslie Shay: What?
                     It’s…it’s not a big deal.
Gabby Dawson: No, it is. And…I’m sorry but I’m not gonna pretend
                           like I don’t remember peeling you off the floor  
                           after that woman broke your heart.
                           She is married now. Taken. Unattainable.
Leslie Shay: I know.
                    I just wanted my records back.
Gabby Dawson: I’ll buy you a new set. I promise.
Peter Mills: You wanted to see me, Chief?
Chief Boden: Yeah, Mills, come on in.
                                             [door closes]
Chief Boden: I know you’ve been…struggling ever since the
                      warehouse fire.
Peter Mills: I was close enough to see him. If I’d had one minute, I
                   might have…
Chief Boden: Let me tell you about one minute.
                      I’ve been there.
                      Most of us have.
                      In my case, I was sure.
                      Surer than you are right now, even. That if I’d had that
                      one minute, I’d have been able to go in there, rescue
                      those people.
                      My best buddy and I, we went running back in.  
                      The fire was trapped in the ceiling.
                      Couldn’t see it, so we didn’t know. We didn’t have  
                      one minute. We lost the victims. I lost my friend. I got  
                      a scar on my back that reminds me every single day  
                      about the price of playing ‘beat the clock.’ And it’s  
                      my job to make sure that you never get any kind of  
                      reminder. You understand me?
Peter Mills: Yes, sir.
Chief Boden: You got it in you. You will make one hell of a  
                      firefighter. Just like your dad was.
                      Go on.
                                               [door closes]
                                              [radio chatter]
                                            [somber music]
Radio: We’ll be opening up the phone lines shortly to take your  
            calls to talk about the Bears game on Sunday…
            [continues indistinctly]
Peter Mills: Hey, Karen.
Karen: Hi Peter.
Peter Mills: How you doing?
Karen: Good.
                                       [background chatter]
Kelly Severide: So where should we go? Restaurant? Bar?
                         Strip club?
Leslie Shay: Yeah, okay.
Kelly Severide: Hey, you all right?
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
                     I just always thought she was the one [sniffles]
Kelly Severide: C’mere.
                         Strip club it is.
Leslie Shay: [chuckles]
                                            [phone ringing]
Joe Cruz: Fifty-One.
                Oh hey, Hallie.
                You alright?
                 Hold on.
Matt Casey: Hey.
                                 [tires squealing & skidding]
Hallie Thomas: Matt, what is going on?
Matt Casey: [sighs]
                                                - end -
Arraignment = Court proceeding at which a criminal defendant is formally advised of the charges against him and is asked to enter a plea to the charges.
Flashover = Near-simultaneous ignition of most of the directly combustible material in an enclosed area. It involves a significant increase in fire growth and development.
M.E.’s report = Medical Examiner report.
C-4 tube = Bike tube
Lidocaine drip = Local anaesthetic
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