#maybe he sees siliver again out there
Dose anyone else feel like Jim hawking would graduate the royal navel academy and continue to be part of the role navy. Maybe I'm projecting on him to much but I feel like if Jim did go to navel academy he wouldn't want to stay in it that long l. I think henwould love academy and love learning how to officially fly but I also feel like he wouldn't be that happy in the royal navy amd he figures that out at the academy. I think he likes his freedom dlto much to want sonthing as stifling as the navy or anything like that could be. I feel like he would go to the school and than realise that he dosent like that and have such complicated relationship with absoultly hating parts of the academy and wanting to make his mom proud
At the end I think he just becomes a merchant ship or sometime of freelancer and goes on adventures. He'll I think I might even be able to see him as part of ship whp goes to knew words for scince but i can't see him as a comander I just don't think he'll like it that much
Maybe I'm projecting and making Jim a little p
Out of charcter but that what I thought about it
Also I never play the treasure plant game or anything so idk about that but those are my thoughts please tell me yours I'm ceriosu to what other poeple thing of this
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beepbeeprichiellc · 6 years
Losers AU Idea (again)
Fantasy AU where the losers are recruited by a frantic kingdom whose fate is fading with each setting sun. Some help willingly, most need persuasion but they find themselves in a mismatched group of nobodies facing something bigger themselves. Together, however, they are stronger than ever.
Ben: The crowned prince of the kingdom, known for his too kind heart and optimistic point of view. The task was forced upon him after the death of his father, and he decided to face it head on. He's the reason for the groups formation and a beacon for their hope.
Mike: The dragon taimer who was shunned for his humane treatment of the beasts. His grandfather had told him tales of when men rode the sky on the backs of dragons and wishes that for himself someday, if he could overcome the fire in the mouths of the animals that had taken his parents. In a world where dragon slaying is righteous passage he is hated by most so when the prince comes to his farm on the outskirts of the kingdom he is afraid of what is to come.
Beverly: The outsider, forced to the woods to advaid her abusive father. After living there for years she's created a quiet and tame life for herself, using what the forest had to offer to thrive. She becomes warry of human contat, prefering the animals over friends. Typically she is able to keep away wandering travlers looking to do her harm, but when the witch who had saved her skin years before shows up, along with the crowned prince and a man smelling of sulfer, asking for her help things seem to start changing.
Richie: The theif who can't keep his hands clean to save his life. Literally, that was where a young warrior found him, in the gallows with the executioners bag of siliver hidden under his shirt and the rope burning the bare skin of his neck. He is given a pardon for his service but only agrees in order to follow the wide eyed, blood stained boy who saved his life.
Bill: The tracker, found hunting down men for bounty in a tavern that frequented wanted men. He felt no shame in what he did, even when his target berated him with his loud mouth and crude words, he did what he had to survive, even if it did leave a bad taste in his mouth. After bagging the petty theif he collects his earnings and begins to head back to his wanderings ways, only to be stopped by a dark eyed, wary man who spoke of tales of war. They talk and by morning, despite every sensible thing he knew, he was heading to the castle to meet a prince about an all new kind of bounty.
Stan: The witch, known by all, feared by most. He keeps to himself, preferring to stay out of the kingdoms business as much as physically possible. There are a few connections that he keeps, for pratical purposes, like the woman who prefers the forest over people and the draggon taimer who sometimes helps him find the ingredients needed for his spells. However he soon finds out that connections mean obligations to this that he himself does not agree with and friends who he didn't know he needed. Everything changes and maybe not for the worst.
Eddie: The warrior whose loyalty is for hire. Those who don't know him think he's too small to cause any true damage, those that do know him can testify that is not the case. Hidden behind his damaged soul is a flickering flame waiting to be reignited although he believesit had gone out long ago. With his new friend and regretable bargaining chip he managed to accidentally save he heads to see the prince about his contract.
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okenenst · 6 years
Erilim Through Our Eyes 1 - You don’t need to be a good shot in Erilim sometimes
The cracking sound of thunder deafened his ears to the thumping muscle in his chest. The sensations of the scorching sand which had slipped its way up into his shirt and down into his boots quickly became non-existent as the screaming blue bolt of energy flew only inches above his head. There was a draft in his hat now. The sweat that had been trickling down his face felt almost electrified for a lingering moment as he stared wide-eyed into the swirling crystalline impact zone which was only four feet away from the sand dune he had pinned himself against, it stretched on for at least another ten feet and emitting a low and crackle-riddled growl as it slowly dimmed.
There was no time to stare, though. ‘Thwomp!’ The sound the rifle’s canister being ejected quickly ushered him back to full-awareness. His hand fell to his side; he hadn’t even unholstered his pistol until now. The faded-brown boots were planted firmly into the sand, one after the other as the duster and now partially ruined, wide-brimmed hat clad figure fully exposed himself from cover, the opposition in sight. An inexperienced arm pulled up the small gun, the small sloshing of a green liquid from within the glass canister kept him reassured that he hadn’t forgotten to replace an empty one. Catching a glimpse of the large bipedal reptile duck down behind its own sand dune, one much higher up, actually was relieving. It meant that he had been overestimated, but overestimated in the wrong way.
Bright brown eyes squinted and he braced as he quickly cranked back the lever by its grip with one hand and quickly squeezed the trigger with the other. There was a bright green flash, a glowing beam whirred out of the narrow end and just as it appeared to about to head off into the distance, far beyond his target, it suddenly changed course, diving down to where it had been hiding. It ended with a green splash of light on the other side of the hill. The man crouched back down, despite knowing too well what this weaponed was promised to do, and that his enemy had not seen that potential was a guarantee that things had gone in his favour. But he wanted to make sure, just in case. A few moments passed and all was still quiet, bar the calming winds which were no longer trying to throw sand in his face. A soft sigh was breathed. Now began his trek up the steeper sand dune. Once at the top he spotted his assailant lying sprawled out down the other side of the dune. The face-down crocodile wasn’t dead, his weapon wasn’t meant to kill anyways, but he did worry somewhat in case he had been hurt on the way down.
The slim figure crouched over him, examining his awfully big duster and other articles of clothing. He was a little jealous of the quality and condition they were in compared to his own worn-out attire. That said, he was quite impressed to see such clothing fashioned for a nine-foot bipedal crocodile. Coming back to the matter at hand, he began to poke around his pockets for the item. As the scarf around his mouth was pulled down, he groaned, realising that if it was in the reptile’s front pocket he would have to maybe flip him over.He had the time to do that too. That made it all the more annoying, his shot would likely had put him to sleep for at least a few hours, maybe half a day. Quickly spotting the rifle that was nearly as big as himself, he thought it might make a good wedge to roll him over with. Of course he made sure to check it wasn’t loaded or primed to fire before he did so.
His arms weren't cut out for this kind of work, but it was hopefully the only job of this nature he would have to do, then he could be on his way again. Back on track.
Trying to comprehend just how long he had been out here was a futile effort, as time here, as he had been told by the many patronising ‘old’ folk who had been here ‘longer’ than he had, was soft. While he didn’t really understand exactly what 'soft time' meant, and he had an inkling that many of the people who had told him this also did not know either, he kind of got the general gist of it. While it was a simple fact of this infinite desert, it terrified him deeply.
Tobias and Adi had fled together. The world was falling apart around them and as a last ditch-effort, they set sail for Erilim. Erilim was not simply a location that could be marked on a map, which made finding it a difficult effort, but once you were there you could not leave. But at least it was unaffected by the near apocalypse occuring in the world around it, some even speculated it was a different planet all together, even if you could sail to it across Okenenst’s seas.
But as they arrived and swallowed by Erilim, all their exits cut off from them, they became separated.
Adi shook his head, pulling himself out of the day-dream, focusing back on flipping this guy over. Day-dreaming was dangerous, you really could spend hours or days doing it without even realising, because time was ‘soft.’ It worried him. He was only doing this to find Tobias again; it’s all he wanted. They came here to escape the world together, not to be separated forever. If he knew this… they might have stayed behind on the ending world. How far could they even be apart? Both in terms of distance and time. He knew people didn’t really die of old age here, not that he had ever heard of at least. But anything could happen within the hundred days or years they had been here. He knew he would recognise him if he saw him though, he hadn’t met any other humans out here yet, and neither had the people he met here either.
The lizard flopped over, Adi grimaced as he saw all the sand stuck to his face. He didn’t hate this guy enough to leave him like that, but before he could get distracted he rummaged through the front pockets. He knew these folk were called Agura and he always felt weird about unconsciously applying pronouns to them, they only had one sex and many of them rejected the notion of gender. But Silive had insisted that this one had adopted the male gender after spending however many centuries around others.
The small ball of patterned metal was eventually tugged out of his front pocket, and Adi smiled not out of satisfaction but relief. This heat was getting to him; he still wasn’t used to it. And now with his hat ripped he could feel it even more on his dusty brown mop of hair. He swapped his hat with the Agura’s. He figured that he might as well have been owned it for nearly having his head shot off. He was surprised to find that it fit him snuggly, though. The once pale, now tanned hand wiped most of the sand off his black scales before looking towards his over-sized rifle. Adi didn’t like the idea of this guy really hurting others with something like that, he figured there might be little left of someone if they actually got hit with it. And at the back of his mind he knew he could sell it too. So back to Silive we went, trailing the rifle and with an extra belt of magic-filled canisters wrapped around his waist.
Just another step closer to Tobias, he thought to himself. But how many more?
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