#maybe i can make steps towards top surgery now that i've had this experience. i'm less scared.
sciderman · 10 months
Oh no Sci! Are you okay?
i have a thingy in my peepee hole (and not in the fun way)
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i've been through a lot this year.
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Thirteen - Steve Harrington
Summery- Thirteen is a runaway girl in the woods. She came from Hawkins as an experiment, but three years prior ran away. When the gang is in trouble, El calls out in fear and an unexpected guest comes to the rescue
This is based off a fanfiction I'm planning on Wattpad, so please don't steal ideas.
Hope you enjoy
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Monsters were everywhere, literally everywhere. Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Eleven, and Steve were surrounded, fear settling within each of them.
Eleven was shaking in fear, her telekinesis not working. So she screamed, she cried out for help.
Suddenly, a black wolf lept from the darkness. Its eyes were bright blue and piecing, much to bright to be a normal wolf. Monster after monster it plowed through to get to the children, steppung on the monsters head and legs to save someone.
Everybodys eyes widened in shock at this supposed killing machine, and they all looked frightend, raising any weapon they had. The only person who wasn't scared was Eleven, as the rest stared wide eyed at the bear sized wolf leaping towards them. Eleven just smiled, making them lower their weapons.
The Wolf bowed infront of them, and Eleven tugged on steve's sleave ( she was nearest him) He turned to her.
" On" she whispered to him. His eyes widened.
" On? On? Are you kidding me!?" He whispered harshly. Eleven shook her head. He sighed and cautiously walked to were the wolf stood. The wolf watched him, bowing her head so Steve could climb on. He did, sitting stiffly at the front.
Next came Dustin, then Eleven, then Mike then Lucas.
A loud shriek was heard, and Eleven turned around, only to see all the monsters getting to their feat and making their way towards them. The wolf growled, bearing her teeth, before springing expertly from the rock and taking off. The wolf stepped lightly, swerving between trees, jumping over fallen logs. Steve looked behind him only to see the Monsters still chasing them.
" Hey girl can you go any faster?" He whispered close to her ear.
The wolfs head turned to the side, one eye looking at him before winking.
The wolf flashed blue, and a light was surrounding it. The gang uncovered their eyes to see that she was an eagle. A great huge golden eagle. She cawed twice before taking off into the night sky.
For five minutes they flew, though it felt longer. Steve was cheering, eleven was laughing, the three boys screaming as sge swooped and dived and spun.
She landed safley on the ground, bowing to let the others go down safley. When they were all off she stepped backwards, and a blue light engulfed her.
Then the Eagle became a girl. She was innocent looking and was medium hight, the top of her head reaching Steve's neck, just under his chin. Her doe eyes were wide, luscious lips smiling.
" Thirteen! " cried Eleven running into thirteens open arms.
" Hello Eleven" Thirteen said. She turned to the gang, and sighed. " Eleven knows me as thirteen, but I prefer my real name which is Evan, short for Evangeline. I come from the same place Eleven does. Where are we going now? It's very late, and I dont think anyone should be alone tonight."
The exuses were the same. Everyone had told their parents that they were staying at somebody elses house. Evan sighed.
" Well, I do have a house nearby. Its a one bedroom, though I have four sofas you can sleep on " she said. " It'll be a mess though because I've been a Wolf for over a year in the woods so haven't been able to keep it up."
The group agreed and they walked to her house.
When they got to her house, Evan carefully placed Eleven on the nearest sofa, having carried her a lot of the way home. Mike wanted to stay with her, and Dustin and Lucas wanted to stay with Mike. Evan brought out the blankets and draped them over the sleeping children.
Evan turned to Steve. " We'll have to share the bed, its a king sized double so I dont mind. You go on up, I'll stay in the Garden for a bit."
Steve shook his head. " I'm not tired. I'll join you"
Evan smiled. " It's odd. Being human agian. When I was a wolf, my memories were suppressed. And now everything is coming back"
Steve sank down on the doorstep next to her. " What kind of memories Evangeline ? " he asked hestinatly not wanting to pry but curious all the same.
" I remember the cage that they put me in, wanting me to shift for them. I remember the surgeries I had to make me this way. I remember Eleven. I remember running away. "
Steve nodded. "Well it will be nice to go to school if you're there. It would make life more interesting."
Evan laughed. " The creators put a chip in my brain. It basically teaches me everything. Like a computer. I dont need school. It also makes my movements more coordinated, and increase my stamina. Very usefull when I'm running away from things."
Steve snorted, running his hands through his hair. " You should join the basket ball team, this new bully's really good at it, but uses it as an excuse to be a dickhead. It's too bad about the school decision there'd be tons of things that you would enjoy, Evangeline. Sorry, - Evan."
Evan shook her head. " Don't be sorry. I like it when you call me that. The school part? I'll think about it. It would be a pasttime anyway. Also it would be a chance to get back to a normal life. "
Evan felt her eyelids droop, her head resting against Steve's shoulder. He looked down and laughed softly.
" Goodnight Evangeline " he said smiling down at her.
" Shhhh they look so cute! "
" Shut up you'll wake them! "
" Ewww they're cuddling! "
" Great, now you've woken them."
Evan opened her eyes and turned her head to see four children peering down at her and Steve. Their legs were intangled, and he was holding her close her back agianst his chest.
Evan smiled. Maybe life wouldn't be so bad after all.
It had been a week. Today was going to be Evans' first day of school.
Since she wouldn't be able to open the bank account that her parents had left her for another week whilst the details were discussed, Steve had given her money to go clothes shopping. He had gone with her to make sure she didn't pick an outrageous outfit. As it went, he thought that she would be popular with the clothes she picked out.
She was wearing one of her favourite outfits, that she bought. On her feet were black healed boots that went to her ankles. She was wearing high-waisted blue jeans with black belt. A loose black crop top hung off her. It had a little picture of a pepperoni pizza on the right breast pocket with white writing underneath saying " I requested pizza not you." ( Steve had laughed when she picked it up saying that it suited her well). She had a sports bra and leggins and black trainers as she had discoverd she had a talent for Basketball. Blue - Green mirrored sunglasses framed her face.
She had decided to go for a natural makeup look. Foundation coverd her freckles that dotted her nose, mascara and eyeliner made her eyes seem darker and wider. Her lips were painted a luscious pink, standing out agianst the whitness of her teeth. Her long dark hair was drawn up in a high ponytail, with a few strands framing her face. Evan smiled. Time to start the day.
As promised, Steve picked her up, and she curled up in the front seat, her heart pounding. Steve turned to her.
" Ok. Billy Hargrove. I need you to beat him at basketball for me and then I'll do whatever you want " He said sincerely. " You'll also be the most popular, your sense of style will give you good looks, your attitude will make you intimidating and nobody will mess with you. Remember, Spice before Nice"
Evan nodded, before stepping out the car. Although her and Steve weren't dating, they were really close, so she linked her arm with his, held her head up high, and marched towards the school.
It was now PE and unlike most, Evan was looking forward to it. At lunch she had gotten changed into her PE kit with a leather jacket.
So when the coach said Steve's team needed another player, Steve could volunteer Evan.
" A girl? Playing basketball with all boys? Well, knock 'em dead"
Evan smiled before taking off her jacket. She backflipped off the bleaches ( almost giving the coach a heart attack, jumping four levels at once) landing infront of Billy.
The coach blew the whistle.
Billy had managed to get the ball off Steve, and Evan ran up to the hoop, catching the ball at an impossible hight when Billy tried to throw it in. She then dribbled the ball past her opposing side, swerving expertly around the bodies, before scoring a point.
Two points.
Three points.
Half an hour later, after many interceptions coutsey of Evan, her team was winning by 10 points.
At the end her team surrounded her, cheering her name. Even Billy clapped slowly, though he didn't smile like everyone else. Evan laughed before walking over to where Steve was running at her.
He picked her up and spun her around, his hands on her waist, her hands on his shoulders.
And then he kissed her. Her eyes widend in shock before melting into the kiss, her long legs wrapped around his waist. The gymnasium cheered, but everything faded into the kiss.
It was time to go home, and Steve and Evan wwaljed out the school, hand in hand. The walked, laughing about anything in the world. Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Eleven watched them, the boys mouths were agape.
" Stevan? When did that happen"
" They look so happy,"
And they were.
Just for today, everything was perfect. They were together, as it would stay. Steve Harrington and Evangeline Hopper. The powercouple of the school.
The happiest couple.
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