#maybe i just dont understand jjk's power system
satoruxx · 4 months
I swear everything going on is so out of character for yuta.
Like satoru is always treated like a weapon and now it happening again even after his death and it’s by his closest student??? It’s weird and sad honestly
EXACTLY and the fact that there was that whole convo in the flashback where yuta tells gojo that he shouldn't be a "monster" by himself but then now it's yuta going on about how they need to throw away their humanity bc it's sukuna they're talking about, and that gojo was always the one who had to be the "monster" so now it's yuta's responsibilty.
like isn't that just nullifying exactly what yuta said before?? and i get maybe it's the whole "oh yeah you have to sacrifice your humanity bc that's the jujutsu world." but like as someone who was so adamant about making sure gojo didn't do crazy monster shit, why tf is yuta now using his body as a tool, basically forcing him to do crazy monster shit even in death??
idk man my head is spinning the whole thing makes no sense. and like what difference is yuta using gojo's powers supposed to make?? im still so confused about that...
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halcyonfiction · 4 months
Ok like guaranteed Gege is gonna whip smth outta their ass that i barely understand to explain things if (if!!!) gojo’s rly back but here is the explanation I’ve come up with!
-shoko and utahime are on standby during the battle
-Gojo’s reverse technique returned to working order. i feel like it got interrupted but tbh i barely understood half of that fight LMAO (not a knock on Gege btw i have the attention span of a coked up squirrel and can barely string a coherent sentence together when it comes to jjk’s magic system)
-DONT quote me on this but I’m pretty sure it’s real world it’s possible to reattach a severed part of the body if you do it fast enough (probably limited by various complicating factors depending on the situation)
-Gojo JUST BARELY kept himself going with his RCTafter sukuna cut him in half
-long enough to be transported to shoko (maybe with todo’s technique?) (edit: went back and realized that it was confirmed that ui ui bodysnatched gojo so i think this is still a very credible theory!!)
-utahime amplified shoko’s technique in order to give her the power for crazy surgery
That is my theory HOWEVERRRR it doesn’t touch on the gojo left eye theory which i am pretty sold on at this point. I just want uta and shoko to have their damn moment is that so much to ask for!!
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trans-leek-cookie · 2 months
I just saw your tags on the unreliable narrator post and I really want to know what character you’re talking about now
Geto Suguru from JJK. I came for the hot Asian guy with long hair and a cool outfit stayed bc I'm interested in how cults and eugenics hurt ppl irl and also how they're explored in fiction. But between heaven and earth I alone am trying to find a fic that actually treats him being a cult leader as the problem it is and also gets fucking Nanako and Mimiko out of their. Uhhh fuck idk if u know JJK so spoilery ranting under the read more that assumes familiarity (so not like. Explaining specific plot shit bc my brain will explode)
so basically ppl have called out the eugenics shit with like "kill everyone who isn't a sorcerer" and generally they're like yeah that sucks but whatever not important lol. And I've seen like 0 shit actually about how he's a cult leader + how cults are Abusive. And some ppl are like "actually he has a point bc blah blah blah" like okay. If sorcerers were a stand in/comparable to real life marginalized groups. WE DONT NEED MORE "MARGINALIZED EUGENICIST" PLOTS. But even within the story they don't seem marginalized? Like, there are Marginalized Sorcerers, but being a Sorcerer isn't something that's consistently oppressed? The closest thing is either misdirected ableism/sanism ("they see things that aren't there and are assumed to be psychotic" which is its own can of worms) or like accusations of witchcraft which... I guess that's sorcerery based on this universe but irl those were usually used either along with or as cover for other shit (racism, misogyny, land grabs, etc). So hes not necessarily marginalized on that level- tho growing up in a family without other sorcerers mightve caused problems for him that's a LOT different from systemic oppression. And, also? In a lot of cases it seems like sorcerers are relatively privileged with a lot of economic, social and maybe political power? Like the big three families are obv examples bc they're fucking Rich and control the sorcery world so. Y'know. Also it's stated at one point sorcerers receive some like exceptions to the law but aren't allowed to hurt ppl who aren't sorcerers so. Yeag
anyways going more in depth on eugenics- okay real quick terms: negative and positive eugenics. That's not in reference to the quality, "positive" doesn't mean "good" But Rather in reference to wether the action is meant to Reduce "bad genes" or Increase "good genes". And obv negative eugenics includes shit like forced sterilization and murder which I don't want to downplay, but positive eugenics is also coercive and fucked up. For example, forcing ppl to have children they don't want. Which isn't Discussed in the series, but the fact is sorcerers a SMALL minority of the population, and they're already having trouble with curses, so. Theoretically sorcerers would be coerced to have more children to bring the population numbers up. Personally I think that's Not Something Suguru Believes In (I'll get into that but main thing is his eugenics isn't an actual strategy but rather lashing out and ego) but like. There's abuse on both sides of the equation no matter what. Eugenics isn't fucking redeemable.
Now onto the cult shit. It's not super expanded on besides needing money and curses to like. Kill ppl or whatever. But my interpretation of Suguru is that he started a cult, and believes in eugenics, because his ego was damaged. Like the trauma impacted him and influenced his actions ofc bc trauma Does That but also I straight up think his ego was bruised and he wants revenge.
Like first of all, the wider context- he's a kid who is alienated from his parents and probably most of the ppl he interacted with due to his abilities, which is understandably damaging esp at a young age.
He is then scouted and labeled as a special grade- he is one of three in Japan and I believe the world, if I'm not misremembering. He is on par with Gojo Satoru (category wise) who. Literally "Gojo Satoru's birth changed the world" like that's a NUTS ego boost to get
Anyway Gojo called the two of them "the strongest" literally pairing them up and positioning them as equals so like. Whoo boy. Also special grade sorcerer is defined as "a sorcerer who could single-handedly take down a nation" which okay! Labeling children as essentially weapons of mass destruction. Normal behavior
Then Toji happens and this random fucking guy beats you up. He kills your best friend and the girl you were escorting. But he doesn't kill you- because of your cursed technique being risky to deal with, but also. Obvious subtext of "you aren't important enough to kill"
Then your friend comes back from the fucking dead. Kills the man who tried to kill him. Discovers entirely me abilities and becomes even more powerful. And you are stagnating, with a technique you fucking hate. Your entire power is the power of Other Things.
So like. Understandly, thought maybe not justifiably, your ego is fucked.
So you start creating a new dichotomy: sorcerers and everyone else. If everyone else is lesser, you still have worth because you're Better than them by virtue of existing.
And then you discover 2 children being abused for the thing you have a victim complex over (<- this is also it's own thing I'll talk about) and you murder a bunch of ppl about it (okay this is a little questionable of My Opinions maybe but I could. Not forgive but understand the mass murder bc there's a lot of shit building up and clearly if 2 young girls being badly abused in a small village that implies the majority of people were either okay with it or unwilling to try and help at all. Anyway it's still Bad but like. Understandble mental breakdown trauma kinda bad for me? Also bc most ppl irl recognize murder as being Bad but are Weirdly Forgiving of bigotry yknow)
Anyway you take over the cult that was doing some other shit and my personal interpretation of this is also an ego thing. Bc lots of cult leaders do it for the money, but a lot of them also do it bc they like the feeling of controlling ppl. And there's essentially 2 levels of the cult- everyday people and the people he considers Family (which includes Mimiko and Nanako, the 2 children from the paragraph above).
On the "everyday people" level, there's a feeling of being a revered religious leader, knowing something they don't (curses exist), and the satisfaction of taking advantage of the people you don't like.
On the Family level, you position yourself as a savior and as The Only One Brave Enough To Do What Must Be Done (eugenics genocide) so even if you aren't the strongest you're still Special.
So that's my main analysis of why he became a cult leader, and now I'm gonna make more comments about why I think his shit is "Ego" rather than a (fucked up) desire to actually help ppl
If you wanted to help sorcerers survive: THE CLANS ARE A MASSIVE FUCKING PROBLEM. They hoard techniques tools and knowledge and the Zen'in clan literally cast out Toji who could've been a fuckin BEAST at dealing with curses. The clans reliance of tradition also generally hinders sorcerers ability to grow and improve in ways that aren't Traditional
When he dies the cult falls apart (which: good) but also the members have different ideals like some of them wanna keep doing eugenics, some of them just wanted Suguru to be powerful, and two of them were basically his adopted kids. If you actually had good intentions: CREATE A PLAN FOR WHEN YOU DIE SO YOUR FOLLOWERS CAN ACTUALLY CARRY OUT YOUR WILL AND HELP PEOPLE INSTEAD OF LETTING THEM INFIGHT
And idk if this is totally Ego or starting to move into a separate thing so I just decided to split it up: even when he was "righteous" his beliefs kinda Sucked
Like "the strong must protect the weak". There are inherent sort of... values being placed there, because weak is negative, not neutral. It's relatively minor, but I think it's important to note with how his beliefs evolve.
It's not like "we need to protect the people who can't protect themselves" it's really reductive. There's weak people and strong people and basically Noblisse Oblige but for strength or whatever which isn't really actual kindness or equality but rather pretty much. Pity.
Also he sorts jujutsu sorcerers into "strong" and everyone else into "weak" for the most part so that's... great worldview my guy. Definitely not going to just worsen your alienation from other ppl
so when he goes to "why should the strong protect the weak?" He jumps to "the strong don't owe anything to the weak, and actually the weak should be Punished For Being Weak" instead of. Just doing something else. Just get a fucking job, my guy
Anyway his plan is just garbage top to bottom total mess morally and logistically and he's a traumatized teen who grew into an abuser and like. The trauma influenced that but there were always fucking problems so it isn't "oh he got hurt and is evil :(" it's "he has some worrying beliefs and his trauma is likely making his emotions and ability to reason unstable, and then he finds an excuse to turn that instability into Violence" like. He's not necessarily abusive bc he's mentally ill or traumatized marginalized he's abusive bc he got to a point in his life where he could justify it to himself and it felt Good
And I just remembered this part: for the characters who interact with him I do enjoy that they still like and love him, even though he fucking sucks, because that's very human. You'll love imperfect people, you'll love horrible ppl who hurt you and/or others, and that isn't irredeemable it's just Human because being a Human and Connecting With Humans is complicated like that
I even like it when they excuse his bad behavior! Bc that's a realistic character flaw, to value the person u consider your friend over the people they hurt! It's not ethical, but it's natural and interesting to explore in fiction.
Like... listen. Love a relationship where one character sucks and the other character forgives them for the ppl they hurt and just wants their loved one back. The problem is when the writers are like "aww this is so sweet/romantic/beautiful" WHATEVER. Because it's not??
Someone defending their fucking abusive partner/friend/family member, especially when they aren't victims themselves, isn't fucking sweet it's scary, either for them or others!!!! And I want either to see the characters grapple with the way they excuse their loved ones' abuses and how that reflects on them and their morals, or, if the characters don't do that, for the author to acknowledge it as A Flaw!!!! I'd that too much to fucking ask
Especially with cult abuse, I don't want to say it's necessarily treated worse than any other type of abuse, but it feels really hard to find things related to fictional cults that actually acknowledge the Real Life Damage and Abuse cults do instead of having the cult be 1. Faceless evil 2. A joke 3. Fetishized/romanticized. And like all forms of abuse are similarly distorted in media + fiction, but I feel like ive almost never seen cult abuse portrayed respectfully/accurately, especially in fan works
Anyways for the wild TL;DR I think Geto Suguru's personality is comparable to an anti-sjw trans guy who is getting scarily close to Actual Fascist beliefs and is hurting all the people around him and his ex mutuals are like "he's not that bad" when he is That Bad and I'm so fucking mad about what happened to Nanako and Mimiko. If I think about their canon treatment I get so upset I start to have a headache
#Ask to tag#JJK#Cult mention#Abuse mention#Eugenics mention#I wrote mention bc I feel like it's more accurate to a discussion of fictional depictions? I can change that if necessary#Sorry if you don't know about JJK anon I'm fucking obsessed w this guy. I was like ''i want to see his pussy'' and now I'm relistening to a#Podcast discussing cults bc he reignited my dormant special interest. I'm in hell#When (one of) ur favorite character(s) is an objectively awful person in ways that are genuinely fascinating to explore but#The only time they are treated as an Awful Person in fanfic is fucking abuse fetishism. I'm going to start killing the hostages#Anyways I think it's fun to interpret him as a trans man not as like ''haha I support trans wrongs!'' but rather#''theres some interesting narrative + character ideas if u consider this character being gendered femininely but rejecting that#And also it's a good reminder than trans men + ppl assigned female at birth in general can be as toxic dangerous and abusive as#People who were assigned male at birth esp bc they're rarely acknowledged as being capable of the same violence#(which essentially is largely a mixture of bioessentialism and often transmisogyny since trans women r over represented as dangerous)''#And I just. Sometimes you gotta remind ppl that just bc someone was assigned female at birth that doesn't mean they're always going to be a#Victim and never an abuser y'know? Because fanfic writers sure seem to have trouble internalizing that!!!!#And also Togata from fire punch ignited a deep need for trans men who just fucking suck. I need them for my health. I also need to attack#Said trans men for my mental health.#Anyway sorry about the probably disorganized rant I have memory issues. ❤️ I love Suguru and also he should be dug up and shot bc I hate hi
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majycka · 3 years
I was rewatching JJK to see the subtle relationship dynamics we often skip because we're busy grasping the plots and I realized alot of things. Gojo IS an arse but he knows exactly what hes doing when he says or acts a certain way. He genuinely likes and respects Shoko for her skills and the person she is. He is very fond of Nanami (he respects him alot) Yuji, Nobara and Megumi. Its obvious in his actions. He respects Yaga even if he acts impudent at times. He might not trust Meimei but he likes her guts and her honesty. Especially obvious in the panel where she talks about money being a very valuable asset where Gojo thinks she's the most practical in her theory. Giving him the idea that he can pay her to recommend his students because thats how the system works in the jujutsu society and the higherups. Gojo is very observant and careful, more than he gets credit for. His relation with Utahime goes far deeper than just teasing. As opposed to the popular opinion, they dont really hate each other. Their bond is based on trust and familiarity and respect. You dont hate someone and then seem them as the only one you can trust with something. He's clearly very fond of her and they seem to know each other very well. We see alot of hints where he actively makes efforts to tease her knowing exactly what gets her riled up. He also seems to be very attentive of her everytime shes around, probably making sure he misses nothing that he cant embarrass her later for. I can see why people may ship them. Uta trusts his judgement enough to suspect even her own students, also acknowledges his power and strength when she asks him to enter the domain before anyone. Also the scene where he calls her, it was very cleverly animated, soft background music, his fond expression gushing over his students, the effort to show us the screen and the duration of the call, Utahime dressed up casual, it showed the ease with which they communicate showing that despite the very popular teasing trope, they do understand each other and might not tease each other all the time. Is there a chance of romance? Maybe. I dont think both of them are even aware of it within themselves. But if the writers choose to take that road I wont be surprised. That being said, the dynamics of JJK are pretty interesting if we think about it. Yuji and Megumi share a very strong connection since the moment we met. Everyone including us is forced to see Yuji as the most lovable human ever predicting how harrowing it will be when the time will come when Sukuna would be resurrected. A very clever move on Gege's part. Making us fall in love with the protagonist who technically has to be executed for the antagonist to perish. And Im not emotionally ready for that because I love the guy. The fact that there is a great chance Megumi would be the one to do this, their current dynamic is very heartbreaking.
Gojo has really much a different approach in being affectionate to others, in a way of I- don’t-wanna-get-too-attached™ and I guess the teasing helps him channel that. I really appreciate that you pointed out on how he’s able to see the strengths of others even if he’s sometimes very prideful.
Same here. I’m usually skeptical with the boy teases girl trope, but, man, gojohime was really well executed for this. That trust is just there, you know. (CANON FACT: Utahime hates Gojo “most of the time” not “all that time” skskskks soo yeahhh it’s hard to believe she has deep rooted hate for him.) Despite Gojo hailing himself as The Strongest and tending to do things alone, he deadass just went to ask Utahime’s help when he consider her “weak.” Just like you said, Gojo is self-aware, and I think he knows that they’re some areas he lacks. He turned to Utahime because she has better emotional intelligence to find the traitor. Since Gojo is waaaayyyyy UP there, he utterly can’t get into the perspective of people beneath him (so he can be an arse like that and still manage to get away with it *cough* the higher-ups *cough*). This can be disadvantage that could make the jujutsu politics side do some secret plans behind him. But with Utahime who can get along with that side and is “below,” she can somehow fill in the gaps of the areas he lacks. I would say that Utahime is strong in the weak assets of Gojo, vice versa, which could mean that Gojo still has respect for her abilities. With this suggestive evidence they’re showing us, I want to believe that Gojo and Utahime had other times when they were in cahoots together ಠ_ಠ. There’s just so much potential for this ship as well as Utahime’s role in this series in playing a part in the jujutsu politics.
The addition of that ed music made it kinda romantic lol and omg Gojo’s smile there was something else. A part of me believes that he’s just like that with everyone else butttttttt my gojohime braincell said no. Aha. For Gege, I have high doubts that he’d pull something out this ship(if he does I guess it would be really tragic), but, FOR anime writers, I totally agree that there could be :’D like adding more crumbs here and there idk idk. (OR MAYBE GEGE IS ACTUALLY WORKING W/ THE ANIME WRITERS TO ADDS THOSE DETAILS IN THERE)
Yep. Gege is really evil(affectionate/derogatory) for making us invest to dynamics and characters that has a questionable endgame. To be honest, at this point, I feel like favoring to any of the characters would leave you just crying in the end. I’m totally always bracing myself for that every time I read the series.
As for itafushi dynamic, I feel like that could mean that if anyone is to survive by the end of series, there’s a high chance(???) that it’s Megumi.
EDIT: Addressing about Anon saying Gojo bribing Mei Mei, it seemed to be disagreeable. Someone actually had went a deep dive analysis for this.
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seoafin · 3 years
jjk & tower of god chapter on the same day,,, i spent all of my brainjuice talking abt tog w some friends + working on my wip so this one might be incoherent LMAO but nsjdhfjd this my 2 cents for the chp (1) - 🐱
first of all, the zenins shld just eat shit 🥰 the bar is just nonexistant now 😭😭😭
also maki’s mother said sth that hits way too close to home for me too🥴
the maki & mai, megumi & tsumiki "make a place where they are happy” parallels...mai,, maki wanted a place where u'd be happy!!! 😭😭😭 good points abt any interesting nuances the original jpn might have had though
and lmao megumi's "ew no" face ,,, i didn't think he could make a face like that JDJJDJD ,, once again i think his outsider-insider status is interesting but the amount of ppl counting on him/leaning on him bc of strategic position is a lot. ig this is what kamo meant by supporting the 3 families,,,, gojou indeed is playing the long game. megumi in the meantime, very persistent in not getting more involved in clan politics, not using power that is offered to him, or leveraging it - in a way it is good, and it also makes sense with "stress is other ppl" but is interesting from a structural pov. megumi may not rly give a shit abt the rest of the jujutsu world. if the ppl close to him are affected, then he cares. otherwise, forget it.
also im interested in power implications here bcs it sound a little like there’s a slight split b/w leadership and everyday zenins and im curious what it's like if u have no connection to the top of the clan,, and again higher ups being unaffiliated with the 3 clans so they have to appeal to them. curious what other talents the gojou clan have and what they're known for bc clearly it's not just gojou, they still have power without him and still have a stake in the shifting power structure. kamo must be busy too...
MAKIIIIII ,,, honestly my heart hurts a little seeing her getting beat up in recent chapters. but i’m rly happy,, shes FINALLY getting the focus she deserves and i’m confident she will make a recovery and she IS in fact the one leading efforts on the zenin side. im rly hopeful she can take over the clan one day and no longer say she's not good enough
that stomach wound is bad news though so im wondering how she will come back from that,, that she didn't know her own father's abilities says a lot, too. i wonder if she could see the extension of his blade, or if she hasn't been able to see/understand many ppl abilities
im hopeful for next chp now. u can do it maki!!!!
flashing back on these bits, it makes more sense now why megumi wasn't melting down post-shibuya,, seems most information came to him in a sort of timely and calm way? also i rly have to wonder if gojou did not spend a decade plotting in front him bcs he's done it before,,,, like the whole clan head scene in megumi's middle school years....in a way i imagine he wouldve seen that gojou come out of the high school and watch him get more serious as he acquired even more skin in the game
all the time though i wonder abt megumi's tendency toward inertia and nonaction to things that would seemingly give him power and trying to understand it and that IS him being selfish and that IS,, imo the biggest indication of what he actually does or doesn't want. he wants it, he will act and work on it immediately himself. he doesn't like it? act like it doesn't exist. it make me want to shake him around like NO!! megumi pay attention!!! But his reaction to this clan stuff is a contrast to his behavior in recent chapters imo
and more mahjong references,,, between this and yuuji’s pachinko,, i wonder abt the undercurrent of gambling haha. a gamble for the shaman world and who will come out on top? a contrast to the flowy ocean imagery that connects shaman stuff out to the rest of the world
also this ,,,, there's that one jp tweet (i cant find it again😞) that talks about how toji, as the point of distortion, created megumi, who is currently playing a potential convergence/healing/uniting role (if he actually takes it on as a responsibility lol) and connects this back to the medicine buddha,,, whose mudra (hand sign) is used for chimera shadow garden. with the commentary abt ppl with heavenly restriction needing to know what to throw away in order to become strong or tap into their full strength and toji’s commentary at the end of fight with gojou,,  i actually always felt that toji died not having been entirely resolved with himself bc he talks abt going against the self that decided to forget abt self-respect, to live without thinking abt himself or others,,, in a way, living selfishly, for himself, by ignoring anything immediate and i think he succeeded for a while bc he didnt even remember megumi's name. he remembers it when he talks to getou abt him being thankful for toji not killing him bc of potential drawbacks
and at the very end he thinks of megumi again and that last act does think of someone else, like a "life before your eyes" moment where toji thinks about how the zenin's treatment of him led him there or how his return to shibuya ends with him remembering how he gave megumi back to the zenin,,, i think atm of his death he was starting to think he did want to care, in a different way, or that he needed a different paradigm. or,, maybe he was just starting to realize how far the zenin thinking had set into him
so we dont rly talk abt that being an enlightenment moment for toji but i kind of think it was. that megumi has the potential to become a pivotal piece as a legacy of distortion is interesting. i dont actually think toji set up everything intentionally bc he didnt know megumi's ability, and i dont think he wouldve thought that far. i think a lot of the heir and inheritance stuff is sth naobito set in after seeing megumi's development under gojou. it's clear now everyone has been keeping eyes on everyone else
at some point there's some interesting discussion to be had abt megumi and privilege - i'm surprised the canon characters dont hate him more for having stuff just fall into his lap, and so i liked that maki pointed this out that he could use this and he shld bc theres a frustration there - and yet at the same time megumi himself seemingly feels very little attachment to the zenin and the shaman world still. he just cares abt his little circle of people, and it's a very intentional choice, based on his good/bad ppl thing
u cant really affect the entire world, but u can assert urself on the environment around u and decide what u do and dont act on. this part of megumi is more teenage boy and kind of toji-like, i think,,, hence the emphasis on action
u express ur effect and existence through action, who u kill or who u save. toji having very little, while so much falls into megumi's lap while he doesn't want it, doesn't want to acknowledge it, likely doesn't want to take part in a system he doesn't like or, having been raised under gojou's wing, resents or finds corrupt or useless, or doesn't even think on bc he thinks its above his pay grade and gojou's there - this is also megumi's moment to solidify his own direction and commit to working in the system or out of it
the "not caring" is a defensive measure in a way too, i think. i dont think megumi is Big Good and wants to save everyone and everything and the world to be good and pure, i tend to think of him as a resigned chaotic neutral, who wishes he could be good orz
ANYWAY i think there's some interesting juxtapositions with the whole toji > megumi thing, that someone who is born without, restricted, births and creates someone full of blessings. its very shaman-like, action then reaction
AND i wish u luck on ur final paper (bless ur eyes to see incels bc i’ll just log off for the day when i saw one (1) of them on the net) AND DONT FORGET TO TAKE A REST,, the self care is much needed me thinks <333 (2) - 🐱
i love u 🥺🥺😭😭😭 you take care of yourself too!!!
also ur right...all this political intrigue im so curious i need to know how the jujutsu world is structured in terms of the higher ups and the clans. like i assumed that the three clan elders WERE to some extent also part of the higher ups???? but now it seems that the higher ups are a separate entity altogether, so like checks and balances i suppose. except both the higher ups and the clans are corrupt so no balance there 😭
the chapter implied the zenins are losing when it comes to the power struggle between the three clans. im interested. i want to see them all rot!!! like i also said though it’s going to be interesting to see the state of the kamo clan though, considering “noritoshi kamo.” like what do you even say to that???? im going to be surprised if it doesn’t affect their standing in the jujutsu world but then again the kamo clan IS one of the big three.
megumi really is a character that was blessed in all regards but like. doesn’t want anything to do with it LOL he really said ‘this is a pain no thanks.’ like gojo like megumi i suppose. i agree with u the whole toji and megumi set up....genius....i also love their juxtaposition. it’s so interesting and another source of irony.
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sleepysandy · 4 years
jjk s1 ep 1
just checking this out
i dont like shounen usually
magic system always gotta be weird
but everyone says that this one has no romance
so im just gonna see if its as cool as everyone says
also i saw a cute guy lmao
do i need to pay attention to understand this
strong start lmao
op slaps
is the panda a character
or a pet
oh so this is the song thats been playing
theres a lot of characters oh no
is the old man gonna die
this is a cute club
this guys hot
i have no idea what hes talking abt
who tf us zenin
he cursed??
thats depressing
what a way to go
last words go hard as f
raising his hand lmao
are they rlly gonna die
three people gonna die in ep 1
the hand gestures are funny
i cant take the fights seriously when they tutting like that
ew cannibalism
why he strong anyways
was he a normal person before
no idea whats going on
wait no ed
ep 2
this guys hot
who is this sukuna guy
why were they asking a kid to get it anyways
havent explained why hes so strong in the first place
so did the 2 senpais die
ok they aint
what happened to the school anyways
animations pretty cool
the schools cool tho
who is this mf
ok thanks for explaining
wtf was that intro
where did gojou go
i wished he just let the grandpa explain
suddenly gojou appears
is it the start of classes or something
ed so cute
i have seen the ed everywhere and its so cute
ep 3
so no closure on the senpais
how do u even apply to this school
like how do u even discover u can see curses
whos the dude in the op
she is me
does she not hear whats going on
do u just get born with curses
lmaoo get wrecked kid
its funny that they yell out moves
sis is me!!
i think shes dead
so has fushigoro been going to classes by himself
that was kinda ominous laugh
who is this old man talking
oh it was kinda ominous
ep 4
also before watching this i thought sukuna was a long lost bro
dont know why i assumed that
doggy cute
what have they been doing anyways
if theyve seen curses ever since
this kinda funny
he gains cool abilities through sheer will
the voice is diff when its sukuna right
i think people like shounen cus it cuts at the perfect time
ends like a cliffhanger
i just want to get to the ep with the cute guy
ep 5
did he eat the finger
why take off the jacket
ok hes eating the gross finger
wtf was that
all dark haired characters do is brood
so is megumis gig is animals
this guy got issues
lmao he just laying there
i do love that trope tho
ripping the heart from the chest goes hard af
wtf are those
aw they sad
oh they mentioned zenin before
oh the pandas a student
i dont know whats going on with those things
ugh i wanna see his powers already
maybe ill watch it later
0 notes