#maybe i just dont understand the alfred vision bc religious zealots are a thing that scare me deeply but
ruthlesslistener · 1 year
For the chose violence ask games 1 for Elden Ring, 3 for Hollow Knight and 7 for Bloodborne.
the character everyone gets wrong
-You probably already saw this coming, but Mohg. I understand why people's kneejerk reaction is disgust with him, but people also seem to forget that he is quite literally clinically insane and was also dumped in a sewer as a child to die, with the only 'person' to give any sort of affection to him being the eldritch horror that is the Formless Mother. One of Okina's item descriptions talks about how he stabbed Mohg and Mohg was like 'excellent! we're friends now :)' which gives a lot of insight into just how screwed up his worldview is. That's not to say he's entirely without blame, dude is literally The Devil, but I feel like most people also don't realize that Mohg just straight-up is not right in the head and thus isn't acting out of malice
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
-I don't have a screenshot of the argument nor do I want to dig it up bc I've blocked the person and I'm one of those petty assholes who retains grudges, but sunlight-moth's argument that the White Lady was an abuse victim who did nothing wrong and that PK was her abuser and a colonizer and that this was canon because he's literally white (ignoring the fact that WL's moniker is much more memed on for obvious reasons) rotted my fucking brain. I wasn't the only one either because many others vagueposted about it in the tags, but I think I was the only one who argued directly with them and the entire thread was a fucking disaster
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
-Alfred!! I admittedly don't hang out with the bloodborne fandom that much bc my fixation on that game isn't fully fandom-y, but WHY the FUCK is he so popular?? I get that he's one of the few people who's nice to your character in the entire game, but underneath it all he's actually a fucked-up zealot whose only motivation is religious genocide, and in my brushes with the fandom there seemed to be a lot of people who ignored that aspect of him. He's not a teddy bear my guy, he's a crusader! And that's not a good thing!!
choose violence ask game
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