#maybe i will go to that concert with my dad and abuela after all
gingus-doon · 1 year
why did no one tell me ozuna & romeo santos did a song together sooner ITS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL ROMEO SOUNDS LIKE A GODDAMN ANGEL
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castillodeleon · 2 years
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The Gears are Turning
Tagging: Maritza and Augustin Del Castillo (Mentions of @antony-malinowski, @detkhamani, @thomas-meier)  Time Frame: before the gotcha day A/N: Augustin doesn’t like how Seb is raising Leo and he’s got his mind set on changing it. Mari won’t accept her father destroying and meddling in her brother’s affairs.  TW: Homophobia 
Martiza was fuming and that in itself was an understatement. Instead of being happy for Sebastián, Leo, and Tony, their father was acting like a complete asshole. There was no surprises there however after the letter the patriarch had written Seb, Mari thought that maybe there was a change of heart. She hadn’t read it for herself and Cami seemed so convinced that maybe their father would have changed his mind about Seb’s life choices. She was glad that her brother was living his own life and happy with his husband and with the news of triplets on the way and Leo and Tony’s Gotcha day, there was plenty of reason for celebration. Too bad no one was talking to anyone and mom was too busy living in their dad’s ass. It was unfortunate, really. Arriving at Luna’s family restaurant, Mari parked her car across the street and spotted her father playing dominoes with his friends. 
She marched right up to him and smacked his shoulder. “Hey. What’s your problem?” 
His friends didn’t even bother to look up. Everyone was afraid of dad. Everyone but Mari. “So are you going to answer me....or?” 
“What is this about, Maritza? I have a game.” 
“I can see that but I have a legitimate question.” She placed her hands on her hips as she waited for an answer. 
“It can’t wait?” Augustin continued played and Maritza moved to sit beside her father. 
“No. It cannot wait. The Gotcha day is in a week. You’re really not going to show? Leo hasn’t heard from you in weeks, dad!” 
“That’s your brother’s fault. He won’t encourage my only grandson to call me that’s his problem.” 
“He’s ten! And my brother knows what he’s doing. What did you write in the letter anyway?” She grabbed a caddy and began stacking dominoes herself. She had no intention of playing but needed to keep her hands busy. 
“Yes, he is ten and should know better. When I was ten, I was helping your abuela sow soles in shoes. They don’t want me in their life. I’m fine here.” 
“Well this isn’t Guatemala, papi and something must have happened. Seb was ready to forgive you!” 
“Forgive me? For what exactly?” Before Mari could answer, Leo was calling her and she showed her father the caller ID screen to let him know before picking up the call. 
“Hey, Lee! Everything ok? Do you need me to get you from school?” 
“No, uncle Khamani is coming with Cannon and Luna and uncle Thomas promised me lessons later. I was calling because dad is taking me to Harry Styles with pops! You wanna come with Cam? It’s in 4 weeks.” 
“Yes! Your dad did mention that to me. Of course. I will be there. I’m talking to your abuelo right now so can I call you back?” The line went silent and all she heard was Leo clearing his throat. 
The complete disillusion in her nephew’s voice made her frown and she knew her father could overhear. “I love you.” They ended the call and she gave her father the death glare. 
“Do you hear his voice? He’s so scared even of your mention. You’re going to that Gotcha and you’re going to behave.” 
“What does he mean Harry Styles Concert? He’s ten! Isn’t that the singer that walks around in skirts and feather boas?” 
“Ohhh so now he’s too young for that but now sewing insoles into shoes? Dad, please. I’m wasting my time. I’m taking mom to that gotcha and if you don’t show, fine but you’re going to have to be a father to Seb and a grandfather to Leo someday. I’m so tired of this. This is his life and he chose it and he’s happy. Be happy for your kid, for God sakes!” 
Augustin stood up and so did Mari, ready to go face to face with her father when he enveloped her into a shocking embrace. “I won’t go but I promise I’ll send a gift to Leo and Antony. Happy?” 
Brows furrowed, she was surprised at the turn-around. She’d take something and this was something. “Okay. I gotta go back to work.” 
As she pulled away, her phone rang again and this time it was her sister. “Call you back Cam...” She text her and began to back away from her father. Maritza was confused and concerned. Something seemed cryptic about all of this. 
“Tell your brother to reconsider that stupid concert. What will Leo gain from that? He’s teaching him things he shouldn’t at such a young age!” Augustin called out but it was on deaf ears. Mari was already back on her phone. 
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loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry XXX. T la sudo
A/N: Everything will come for those patient enough to wait. (My abuela’s words, not mine.)
Unbelievable. He’s still asleep. Is it possible that this is his longest night of sleep? Would he remember what he said last night? Was he hallucinating? He fell asleep right after. I remember when he told me I had recited Roy McBride’s lines on my sleep and I didn’t remember any of it the morning after. Will it be the same for him?
I have barely slept and as much as he has had trouble sleeping any other night, last night he peacefully slept through the entire night. Every time I’d wake up and look at him, there he was, peaceful, calm and vulnerable and in contrast I was tachycardic.
Harry’s phone screen illuminates with Hampstead name. I sigh. I’m about to pick up and tell them to fuck off and learn to solve their problems by themselves but I know that would be too much. But, come on, Hampstead, it’s Saturday morning and he’s asleep. Thank God it’s on silent mode.
He put it on silent mode! So if someone had called with an “emergency” last night, he wouldn’t have picked up because he was with me. Aw, I’m so proud of him! I want to kiss him until he wakes up and the suck him off to begin his day.
When the call ends, the missed call text pops up on his screen and only then I see the photo he’s got as his wallpaper. That’s me. My pulse accelerates. I don’t want to take his phone but that’s me. It’s a photo from his sister’s wedding and it’s taken from behind me when we were standing under the flower arch greeting the guests. He couldn’t have possibly taken it for he was right next to me but maybe the photographer did and he liked it. Hampstead texts him and the messages pop up on the screen.
Hampstead: Hey, I was just calling to remind you I still have the tickets for Kings of Leon tonight if you want to come!
I don’t want to read his messages. I know that’s terrible. But they’re right there… And they keep popping. I didn’t know Hampstead and him were friends. He’s never mentioned them.
Hampstead: Last week was fun!
Last week was fun? I hope he’s talking about the congress. But a congress, fun? I mean it can be interesting, it can even be thrilling… But fun?
Wait, what is going on with me? I’m not like this. What do I care what Harry talks about with his friends? Even though he’s never mentioned them… But what do I care he’s never mentioned them? Maybe they’re not that close and that’s why he has never said anything. But then, why would they invite him to a concert?
Before I know what I’m doing, I’m looking for Hampstead on Facebook. The only Hampstead I have friends in common with- those being Mario Matteoti and Harry Styles- is a girl, is a very beautiful girl. Sarah Hampstead. She’s blond and her hair is long like mine but straight. She wears it in a braid in most of the pictures and looks like Rapunzel. She’s a first year residence in Anaesthesiology at Grad hospital. The last picture she posted is a selfie with Harry. They’re smiling at the camera having a drink at some restaurant or hotel and she’s wearing her hair on a braid over her shoulder. It’s from last Tuesday when Harry was supposed to be at the congress.
My heart stops. I hate this. I hate that I’m doing this in the first place and I also hate that I’m feeling so threatened but I remember the fights I’ve had with Harry over her calls and how he walked away from me to take her call when we were at Marie’s house.
I don’t want to think this of him but… Why did he never tell me about her? And why does she think it’s okay to call him at those ungodly hours? And why does he always pick up? And why the fuck is she inviting him to a concert?
Last week was fun. Yeah, that drink they had looked like fun and they looked like they were having a good time on that stupid selfie. The congress. It’s impossible, I know it is, but what if the congress wasn’t a congress at all? I need to stop.
I get up from the bed and don’t know what to do. Do I shower without telling Harry? I mean I know he told me not to ask him if I could shower again… But it’s still his house. Well, fuck it, I need to get rid of the dirty feeling of having spied on him and then doubt him. But what if it’s true? Ugh, stop!
I can’t get their stupid selfie out of my head while I shower. Why the fuck did he never tell me about her if they’re colleagues? There’s a voice inside me that tells me he might have done it precisely to avoid this irrational reaction but fuck it. That’s not an excuse. I’m only reacting this way because he hid this from me. Why would he not tell me?
I guess I’ve acted jealous before, with Camille and that dinner of theirs… But I think when he explained it to me I took it nicely and I showed him I could be rational… Plus, does that give him the excuse to just hide things from me?
Last night he told me he loved me. I gotta focus on that. This Sarah Hampstead can text him all she wants, he loves me. He said it last night.
I forgot my clothes on my overnight bag so I make my way outside the bathroom wrapped in a towel and try not to make much noise but the moment I open the door I realize Harry’s not on the bed. I put on clean underwear and my clothes for the day and find him in the kitchen.
He’s wearing thick grey sweatpants and a white cotton long sleeve shirt and looks so cosy my frustration leaves my body through my pores. He grins when he tilts his neck and looks at me.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
He keeps making breakfast. What is he doing? Is there no good morning kiss?
“I’m feeling like fruit and yoghurt. What do you want?”
“Fruit and yoghurt sounds good.”
“Guay.” He smiles.
Alright, so this is what we’re doing. Then I’m starting the conversation.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Very much so.” He smiles but his green eyes signal for me to have a seat. “And you?”
I nod.
“Take a seat, love.” He chuckles.
I walk towards my usual stool on his breakfast bar and sit down in front of him. I add some sugar to the coffee he gently prepared for me but my eyes don’t leave him. He frowns as he munches on his apple.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Okay, he doesn’t remember what he said last night. That or he’s messing with me. Or worse, he regrets it.
“Do you remember how you fell asleep?”
“With my eyes closed.”
“So you don’t.”
“You also asked me to help you put the cover over us” he says “and I did.”
I took a spoonful of yoghurt with pieces of kiwi and apple and fill my mouth. Either he doesn’t remember or he regrets saying it and now it’s playing dumb. Maybe the sex was so good he got confused or maybe I dreamt it. I guess it’s okay if I fell first… Even though maybe he doesn’t fall at all.
“What do you wanna do today?” He asks.
I look up at him and search for the lie on his green eyes. Did he not check his phone or does he not want to go to the Kings of Leon concert?
“What’s going on with you today? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I might have plans.”
“What do you mean you might? Do you or do you not?”
“I mean I might spend the day with my mum.”
“Oh, okay.”
We eat in silence. I might spend the day with my mum for real. I’m planning on going to my dad’s next week during the uni break to study for the finals so it’d be good to spend some quality time with my mum before I leave.
“I’m sure you can find something to do.”
He looks into my eyes.
“Alright, what is it?”
“What’s what?”
“Why are you mad?”
“I’m not mad.”
He sighs but his eyes don’t leave me.
“I just mean that you can… Go out with some friends or friend, if you want, and that’s fine.”
“I know it’s fine. Are you worried that I’m going to stay here crying if you leave or what? I can call Adam if that’d make you happy.”
“He’s got plans with Marie.”
“Right.” He has a sip of his coffee. “Well, it’s a good thing I don’t need a babysitter.”
“You could do something with another friend.”
“Yes, I could.”
“Guay.” I shrug.
He narrows his eyes at me.
“All I meant is I understand that people want you around, that they appreciate your presence, you know? It’s nice.”
I look up into his eyes again. His hands are intertwined before him as if he was waiting for my answer.
“Because you’re fun and a good person and a good friend. I think it makes sense that people from your environment want you around.”
“Is that what you think?”
I nod.
“I’ve told you. To me, being with you is… easy and nice.”
Again? He sounds like a three-years-old. I don’t know what he wants me to tell him.
“I guess because of the way you treat me. You’re gentle and caring and kind…”
He lets go of his own hands and covers his mouth with one of them but his eyes give him away. He’s trying to hide a smile. I don’t think I’m saying anything funny. He shuts his eyes and when he opens them, he takes his hand off his face and looks at me with affection and amusement.
“Am I your second boyfriend?” He asks.
My blood freezes on my veins. Please, God, don’t let him ask me about Dylan.
He raises his eyebrows questioningly.
“What does it matter?”
“I’m just trying to understand something.”
He nods.
“What happened with the second?”
Thank, God. At least he knows Dylan is not a light conversation. I look down. I have never really told him about Javier and I don’t think I want to.
“He wasn’t a good guy.”
I see concern flashing on his eyes.
“What does that mean?”
What a silly guy.
“Did he hurt you?”
I look away from him and his hand rests over mine. He understood I don’t want to talk about him.
“I’m sorry, Blue. How old were you?”
He nods.
“What about sex?”
“What about it?”
He rolls his eyes but smiles.
“Have you slept with many people before me?”
“Less than you, that’s for sure.”
His jaw clenches slightly but he doesn’t take his hand away from mine. Come on, Blue, remember you did not want to be harsh to him.
Harry’s eyebrows raise and his neck moves forward. He’s so silly, he’s making me embarrassed.
“Just us three?”
“Yes, is there a problem?”
“No, baby, three is fine.” His thumb caresses the back of my hand. “So I was the first guy you had casual sex with?”
He hums.
“Are you done with your interrogation?”
“Yes.” He nods. “And, baby, whatever the second guy did to you, he’s crazy because you have to be insane to let you go.”
“It’s not easy to be with me.”
“Oh, I know.”
“No, you don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
I stop myself from shivering. Can I tell him? Can I fully ruin the morning by telling him I was in love when Dylan died and that’s not going to change? Because then he will feel like I’m only with him because Dylan is not here and that’s mostly true and then he’d leave me because he must know he deserves better.
“I…. I….” I love you, but Dylan will always have a place in my heart. “I can be very harsh.”
He smirks but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“I know that.” He tilts his neck. “But when you’re not, you’re funny and smart and unique. You’re lovely here” he taps my forehead with his index finger “here” he taps my heart “and your whole body is fucking lovely too, baby. Just own it.”
“Do you really think that?”
“I don’t think that, I know so and it’s a little sad that it takes a random guy like me to tell you for you to see that.”
“You’re not a random guy.”
He smiles.
“Well, have fun with your mum today then. Next week-” He starts but I cut him short.
“I’m going to my dad’s next week.”
His expression changes and he uses the napkin to clean his mouth but he did it mindlessly for his mouth was already cleaned. That has me thinking.
“But what happens next week?”
“No, nothing.” He smirks.
I give him a look letting him know I am not buying it and he clears his throat.
“It’s just… I knew you were on holidays and I had some days off that I haven’t taken because of my addiction to work” he jokes “so I thought in order to show you that we are making progress and also to spend some time together, I could take some days off next week and… We could do something. But it’s okay, you’re going to visit your dad and I should have probably told you sooner.”
My heart swoons. He used his days off for me. He might not remember what he said last night or he might even want to take it back but this is what someone who really does love spending time with me would do. The next thing I say, I say it in a frenzy, in a love rage, even before I can process it.
“Come with me.”
His green eyes set on me as he considers my invitation. I feel embarrassment flooding my cheeks and my neck.
“To Capitol?”
“Yes, have you ever been?”
“I have not.”
I could have guess it.
“So you’ve travelled all around and you’ve never been to one of the most beautiful cities in the country?”
He smirks.
“Well, I should decide whether that’s true, don’t you think?”
“So you’re coming?”
He weights his options looking at me but suddenly his expression falls into one of disbelief.
“Don’t invite me out of pity, Blue.”
I frown and my eyes narrow. Is that really what he thinks of me?
“I didn’t invite you out of pity. I invited you because I want to spend those days with you. I’m so happy you finally decided to get holidays like the rest of people and the fact that you wanna spend them with me only makes my heart flutter so are you coming?”
My confession makes him smile again and I smile foolishly back at him. The way his dimple forms on his left cheek even before his teeth are shown sweetens my mood and my blood.
“Are you sure?”
I nod.
“What are you gonna tell your dad?”
“The truth. I don’t lie.”
He hums as he tilts his neck and raises an eyebrow, calling my statement into question and I shake my head weirdly amused.
“I got a train ticket for Wednesday morning, do I get another one? Or do I cancel mine and you drive us? It’s a little less than 4 hours away.”
He’s going to say yes, I can tell, I can see it on his face; how is eyes have a sparkle about them and his smile reaches them. He’s loving this. His expressions always give him away. He’s an opened book.
“I don’t mind. We can drive.”
We both grin.
We decide to spend the morning together before I go have lunch with my mum. I might invite him to that as well. Mum might get jealous if she knows Harry’s gonna be spending a few days at dad’s and she only got a dinner. Harry’s on his closest, picking his clothes for the day I guess when I call my dad.
“Hey, dad.”
“Hey, Berry. What’s up?”
“Hi, I was just calling to ask you… Would you mind if I bring someone along on Wednesday?”
“Not at all, honey. Is Jason coming back?”
“No, it’s not Jason.”
“Ollie then? Marie?”
“No, it’s a… It’s a guy.”
“Oh!” I shake my head at how thrilled my dad sounds and the way Harry looks at my with a side smirk. “A guy! That’s great, Berry. Is he a special guy?”
“Yes, dad, he is. He’s my boyfriend.”
“Your boyfriend.” He repeats.
“Yeah, okay, so you’re gonna pretend you didn’t figure that out after the wedding photos I sent you. You don’t go to a wedding with just anyone, dad.”
As Harry makes his way to the bathroom, he walks past me and slaps my ass cheek loud enough so that my dad can hear it and I jump.
“What was that, honey?”
“Uh… It was just… Uh… My notes. That fell. On the floor. Because I’m tidying up.”
Harry looks at me and silently chuckles and I shake my head and swat his arm playfully whilst he walks to the bathroom.
“Oh, okay, darling. Well, thanks for calling and don’t worry about anything, I’ll make sure everything’s ready. Why don’t you text me what food he likes so I keep that in mind when doing the groceries?”
“Well, he’s not picky, dad. I think he’d eat anything.”
“Good then I’ll cook my special rice. I can’t wait to see you!”
“Me neither.” I chuckle. “Bye, dad, love you.”
“Bye, Berry, love you too.”
While Harry’s in the shower, I pick up my clothes from last night and kept them on my overnight bag and make his bed. I try not to think about how crazy we both are. Last night he told me he loved me and this morning I found out that Hampstead is a girl and he acted like he didn’t say anything last night and interrogated me and then I invited him along to my dad’s. In Capitol. Where I met Dylan.
I think I’m going to faint.
I go on The Golden Girls group chat searching for counselling.
Indie: Are you guys awake????
Jason: Yes, everything okay?
Ollie: Awake and ready to listen.
I guess Marie’s busy. Well, these two would do.
Indie: Hampstead is a girl.
Jason: Who the fuck is Hampstead?
Ollie: She’s an anaesthesiologist who works with Mario and Harry.
Indie: Has Mario ever mentioned her to you?
Ollie: I don’t know. I guess he might have.
Jason: What happened with her???
Indie: I know this is bad guys
Indie: But this morning when I woke up she had texted Harry
Indie: And I didn’t purposefully read his texts but they just pop on his lock screen and I couldn’t help it
Indie: I mean I read them unintentionally
Jason: Just stop excusing yourself and tell us what happened
Indie: She invited him to a concert tonight
Indie: And she said “last week was fun!”
Ollie: Wasn’t Harry on that congress thing?
Jason: Shit
Ollie: Stop it. Don’t listen to JJ, he’s a jealous freak.
Ollie’s typing… And I try not to freak out at Jason’s assumption. She is right. Jason is the jealous type. That’s why I need Ollie’s point of view.
Ollie: I mean they work together. Probably they just went to the congress together too. It’s normal.
Jason: Yeah but why the fuck would she text him that it was fun on a Saturday morning? Like days after? She clearly was trying to initiate a conversation.
Ollie: Who cares about her intentions?
Indie: The thing is Harry’s never mentioned her to me
Indie: And he always picks up her calls even when she calls at like 11 pm on a Friday or worse like on AM on Saturday morning like what the fuck?
Indie: And we have even fought over her calls and he’s picked up.
Ollie’s typing… Jason’s typing…
Jason: I just searched her on Facebook. You’re prettier.
I smile at his attempt.
Ollie: Talk to him.
It’s Ollie’s words that have me thinking. Talk to him. So she thinks there’s something to talk about. And Ollie’s laidback and she is not one bit jealous but she also found it weird. Shit.
Harry’s phone rings and my eyes inevitably search the screen. It’s from the hospital.
“Baby!” Harry yells from the bathroom. “Can you see who’s calling?”
“It’s from the hospital.” I let him know.
“Fuck” the shower stops “can you pick up and tell them to hold on a sec?”
I pick up the call and bring his phone to my ear.
“Hi, Harry will be with you in a second. He asked me to tell you to please hold on.”
“Uh…” A female voice answers. “Excuse me, who are you?”
“I’m…” I cover the microphone with my hand and talk to Harry “she asked me who I am.”
“Well, tell her.” He laughs. “Who is she?”
“I’m his girlfriend. He asks who are you?”
“His girlfriend?” She sounds surprised. “Oh, I… I didn’t know he…”
“He’s here.” I cut her short.
Harry is smiling when he brings the phone to his ear.
“Hi, sorry, I was in the shower.” He listens. “Oh, hi, Hampstead. What’s up?” He listens.
So Hampstead. What a surprise! And she didn’t know he had a girlfriend, of course.
“Uh… I think that was Danny. I didn’t work yesterday so I am not sure. You should probably ask him. I think he’s on call so send a message to his pager.” He nods as if Hampstead could see him. “Yeah, no problem. Bye, Hampstead. Have a nice day.”
I scroll senseless shit on Twitter so I don’t snap at him. I need to calm down. I need to control this fucking oppressive feeling on my chest but my mind is racing.
Why did he not tell me about her? I think they must be friends or at least friendly if she thinks it’s okay to call him when he’s off duty, especially when freaking professor Gibbins is on call and is the one signing that patients’ paperwork. And he even gives explanations on why he doesn’t pick up on the first tone when he’s off duty. I was in the shower… What do you care?
And why did he not tell her about me? I mean, even Jason could tell her intentions with a single text. I’m guessing it’s a lot more obvious on a day to day basis… And Harry didn’t catch up with that? Why did he never just casually mention he had a girlfriend? He doesn’t even have to tell her about me, just about the roll. Just to have her know that there’s someone sleeping in his bed already.
We haven’t talked much on our stroll along the park behind his apartment. It’s a nice park, with lots of green and trees and wide white stones path for people to stroll like us, or go for a run or walk the dogs. We’ve past some families too. Dads and Mums playing with their children on the grass and I’ve seen Harry staring at them with a hard expression.
I don’t know what’s going on through his mind but he seems to be as pensive as I am. Maybe he’s thinking about Hampstead too.
“Uh, I did tell doctor Hampstead I’m your girlfriend” I say out of the blue “just so you know.”
He tilts his neck to look at me with a confused expression.
“You did?”
“Yeah.” I frown too. “I mean I did tell you she asked me who I was and you said to tell her.”
“Yeah, no, I know what I said.”
I hum and look away.
“Wait, is that what you’ve been thinking about?”
I look at him.
“Is it not what you’ve been thinking about?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “Hampstead called in the morning, she had a doubt about a patient I couldn’t answer and then I hang up. That’s all the thought I’ve given it.” He chuckles.
“She could have called Professor Gibbins… Specially if he was on call… And still she called you.”
Harry frowns as if he wasn’t following me. I sigh.
“She sounded surprised when I let her know I was your girlfriend.”
“Are you serious?” His tone sounds surprised at the realization.
Calm down, Indie. Don’t talk to him in a way you’ll regret, don’t talk in a way you’ll regret. I count to tent in my head. 1, 2, 3, 4…
“Are you jealous?”
I take a deep breath. 1, 2, 3, 4…
“Blue, talk to me.”
“I’m counting to ten.”
“Are you really that mad?”
“I’m not mad.” I stop him right there. “I just feel stupid.”
I’m about to tell him last night he said he loved me and… For a second I thought it was true because I love him too but then… This fucking whole Hampstead thing, I just… I am embarrassed that I am more invested in this than he is and I don’t want him to know that.
“Listen, you just never mentioned her despite all the times you’ve talked to me about work and she calls you at very weird times to be work related and… I mean she’s… Pretty.”
“How do you know that?”
He’s not denying it. Sometimes his sincerity is too much. I guess it would have raged me if he had denied it but knowing he thinks she’s pretty doesn’t help my jealous fit.
“That’s what matters? Of everything I said.”
“It kind of does.” He tilts his neck.
“I saw her.” I lie. “On Facebook.” I decide not to.
“This morning.” Later on, I will analyse this and realize I’m getting defensive but for now all I feel is my shoulders tensing up and my honour being harmed. “And I saw a picture of you two together having a drink on Tuesday night when you were supposed to be on that congress.”
“Supposed to be?” His eyebrows raised on his forehead. “Excuse me but can I not have a drink with whoever the fuck I want?”
“Yes, of course, that’s not what I’m saying!”
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying you’ve kept this from me for no reason. I mean why didn’t you tell me?”
“So you think just because I didn’t tell you that means I- what? Cheated on you?”
I don’t answer him and his lips part.
“I can’t believe you.” He sighs. “The only reason I didn’t tell her about you is the same reason why I don’t tell anyone at work about you and it’s because you don’t want me to.”
My mouth shuts and my lips purse on a thin line.
“She’s a colleague, just like any other person working with me and I haven’t told you about her because well, there’s not much to tell. She’s just a first year Anaesthesia resident and she’s a bit lost likewise I was when I was a first-year resident and likewise you will be when you are on your first year of residency. So I remember what it was like to be scared, not to know what to do and… She reminded me of you and…  That’s why I help her.”  
My brain is working a mile per hour and it’s hard for me to catch any thought with how fast they just pass and go.
“So what you’re saying is I have no reason to be jealous.”
“Of course, you don’t.”
“Okay, then why didn’t you tell me that she invited you to a Kings of Leon’s concert tonight?”
Every sign of frustration is removed from his expression and instead he looks at me stern but expressionless or at least I don’t know how to read this.
“You read my texts?”
I shut my eyes.
“I didn’t purposefully read them, they just pop in your screen and don’t give me that because we both know you’ve stuck your nose on my texts before.”
“I have never gone through your phone.”
“Oh, no, I know, I wouldn’t be here if you had.”
“But you get to do it?”
“I didn’t! I didn’t even pick it up! It was just there! And it popped, I couldn’t.. I mean I had just woken up, I truly read them without thinking, I would never purposefully go through your phone.”
“Okay, okay” His hands move in the air to stop my rambling. I think he believes me. “And the fact that I don’t even have my messages hidden, doesn’t make you think that I have nothing to hide? I mean I could have them and, by the way, that would be perfectly legit and wouldn’t even mean anything but you’re saying it- they were right there. It’s not a secret.”
“Then why are you not going?” I challenge him. “Kings of Leon are awesome.”
“Would you like it if I went?” He challenges me back.
“This is not about what I want, what I want doesn’t matter here. This is about you. If she’s just a friend and I have no reason to be jealous, then why won’t you go?”
He takes a deep breath and rest his hand on his hip. Now it’s him who’s counting to ten.
“She is just someone I work with to me but-” He raises his eyebrows before he unlashes the beast “I am not an idiot and… I don’t want to give her the wrong impression.”
“Was it that hard to acknowledge that?” I ask him.
“Was it that hard for you not to assume the worst of me without even talking to me? You always do this, Blue. I mean I already knew you thought I was a junkie but now also a cheater?”
Wow, that was low. So he’s going to through that at my face. I already apologized and he knows how terrible I feel about that and now he’s using that against me? I feel a lump on my throat and try to swallow it so I can speak.
“I… You know how much I regret that.”
“Yeah, well, maybe other than regretting it you should stop doing it. Why can’t you just trust me?”
I frown and look down at his feet.
“Last night” I start “you… and I…”
“I knew you would do this.” He cuts me halfway. “I knew that you were going to pick a fight because you got scared last night but… I’m tired of you using me as your punching-ball, Blue. You unleash all your frustrations on me and I thought I could take it, you know, but… I don’t want to… I’m tired of waiting for you.”
“Waiting for what?”
His words hurt me. Deeply. But I try my best to hold my tears at bay. I don’t want him to see me crying, especially because I don’t want him to stay if he doesn’t want to but he just confirmed every fear I’ve had lately. I am toxic. I am bad for him. I am hurting him and he doesn’t want me.
“For you to open up and let me in and trust me but you don’t and… It hurts, Blue… Uh… I think it’s best if we take a little break…”
“No, Harry! I- I’m sorry.”
I wipe my tears as I keep trying not to cry but this is happening. He’s finally doing what he has to do and yet I don’t want him to. I knew this would happen but I thought… I was trying very hard to let him in.
“Please, don’t cry.” He sighs. “This is how you fix everything. You hurt me and then you cry and I forgive you and when I scare you, you do it again but I… Maybe I’m asking too much of you, I’m not saying this is all your fault. I just thought I didn’t need you to feel the same way I did, I thought I could just… Maybe you’re not ready and… I think you have to work on some things before you are.”
“Harry, please… I… I…” My eyes search his and I can tell then that he is indeed waiting, like he said he was and it’s out of respect that I don’t say it.
“What? You what?”
I know what he wants to hear. He’s been wanting to hear it since this morning. He remembers what he said last night, he was just looking for my reciprocation, but I won’t do this to him. I won’t tell him I love him because I’m afraid of losing him.
“I think you’re right.”
I see the air leaving his chest and I feel a punch on my throat when I see the pain in his eyes. If this is what he wants, then why does he not look happy? Oh, right, it’s because I am that toxic to him. I am no good for him but he doesn’t want to let me go because I have become that toxic person that gives him just enough for him to stick around but not what he deserves.
He wants all from me. He told me last night, but I can’t give it to him. I just can’t. Jason’s words swirl around inside my mind and laugh at me. D’you think any other person would have stick around long enough…? He doesn’t deserve this and I love him, I do. But that’s why I’m letting him go.
I don’t even remember how the goodbye was or when he left or if I was the one who did but after crying my eyes out like a dramatic widow sitting on one of the benches of the park, I manage to get my phone out to ask for the girls.
Coco: Dad told me Harry is going with you to Capitol this week so I’m going too :)
How can something happen so suddenly? He was happy to be going to my dad’s this morning and two hours later he just breaks up with me?
The Golden Girls group chat has also been active.
Marie: Let us know when you talk to him!
Ollie: How did it go?
Jason: Bet they’re fucking.
Marie: Jason!
Indie: Can we meet?
Jason’s calling me.
“Fuck, Indie, where are you? I’ll pick you up.”
“We broke up.” I cry.
“Fuck. Send me your location.”
I do and I wait. This reminds me of that time I picked him up in the middle of nowhere after David Dick abandoned him like a dog. Only this time, I’m the bad guy.
I am terrible person and I don’t know what else to do. Maybe I am destined to be alone and maybe that’s not a bad thing. After all, the whole problem was falling in love because then I will be leaving Dylan behind and I know people don’t understand but people haven’t lost the love of their lives. It’s not a fucking easy thing.
But still, Harry doesn’t deserve that I unleash all my frustrations on him like he said I do because he’s right, I do that. I do that all the time and I treat him like shit because I don’t want him to treat me as someone I’m not. I don’t want him to think I’m this lovely person who deserves to be loved because I’m not. I’m the girl who let her boyfriend died.
That’s yet another thing people don’t understand. But Dylan was begging for help. That’s why he kept smoking and that’s why he had thrown his entire life away. It was his way of letting us know he wasn’t okay and instead of supporting him or loving him I just… I kept fighting him and telling him he needed to stop and… I wasn’t what he needed me to be. I failed him. And then he died. And I will never live past that.
The emergency lights of Jason’s car attract my attention and I get on the car and rest my head on the back of the passenger seat. He drives to the girls’ apartment and we make our way inside in silence.
The girls are sitting on the couch with a worried expression on their faces.
“It’s not what you think.” I start. “It had nothing to do with her.”
“Then what the fuck happened?” Ollie frowns.
So I tell them. I tell them about my confrontation and I tell them what he said and I tell them I agree and Jason says then you didn’t break up and I just look into his eyes because we both know that’s not true.
“But what did you tell him?” Marie asks. “I mean when he said all those things about you not being ready and all that? What did you say?”
I shake my head.
“Because I think he’s right.”
“He’s not.” Olivia frowns.
I can tell she is angry. No, she’s furious. I’m not used to this reaction from her. Usually, she’s the one who keeps calm and manages to calm us down. Marie is the one who gets mad, she’s the protective one. So to see Ollie like this is new to me.
“He’s fucking not.” She almost yells. “I mean are you kidding me? He knows what happened to you! He knows and he still didn’t tell you he had had an accident himself! And he chose not to tell you that sometimes he smokes weed when he knew that’s why Dylan died.”
Jason’s mouth opens but he doesn’t have time to say anything for Olivia’s palm rests in the air before him as a sign of stop.
“I don’t think it takes a detective to imagine that Indie might have some issues with weed.” She says through clenched teeth. “And you still listened to him and you forgave him and he fucking decided to still break up with you and now you get jealous, once, and he throws all that at you? I seriously can’t believe him! He’s turning you into this monster and you’re believing it and you’re not!”
I frown concern and surprised when she starts crying. Marie’s hand rests on her shoulder as we all remain silent and she just wipes her tears away.
“No, this is not about me.” She sniffs. “It’s just… I’m tired of seeing you like this, Indie. I’m tired of having you thinking everything is your responsibility and I think you’ve had enough! Fuck! And I’m mad because… You… You lost your fucking boyfriend and you would think he would understand some shit is fucking hard for you and instead here I have my friend crying in my house because this fucking selfish idiot made her feel as if she was some cruel person… You’re not.”
Olivia rests her back against the cushions of the couch and takes a deep breath. She sobs a little more and I find myself pouting as I stare at her.
“When Jack left me for Dulce, you were there for me. When my parents got a divorce, you were there for me. When my brother had the accident, you were there for me.” Her voice croaks again. “And every time Marie’s been sad, you’ve just left everything to come be with her and when David dumped Jason in the fucking highway, who did he call?”
Now I’m crying too and so is Marie.
“So no, I won’t have the best person I know thinking she’s a monster.”
I hug her and we both cry and only when we’ve calmed down, I call my Mum and tell her I’m having lunch with the girls. I promise her tea and biscuits. Selfishly needing some Mum-daughter time too.
After lunch, Ollie falls asleep on the couch halfway through the movie and when it ends, I catch Jason staring at her with a tender smile on his lips.
“She’s fierce, that one.” He whispers.
“Thank God she didn’t have Harry at hands’ reach.” Marie adds.
I giggle softly.
“I know, I wasn’t expecting that.”
Jason’s eyes set on mine and I know he’s trying to read my mind. I let him.
“I think they’re both right.” Jason whispers.
I frown.
“She doesn’t know what we talked about just yesterday.” He reasons. “Maybe if she knew, she wouldn’t have been so hard on him.”
“What did you talk about yesterday?”
“I… I told Jason I felt terrible for the way I treated Harry sometimes. I know it’s just self-destructive shit. I hate doing it but I do and I’ve ended up hurting him. I mean he was right about that pattern he figured out. I do get scare and then push him away and then I regret it so he forgives me and we start all over again.”
“Do you really think you’re bad for him?” Marie whispers.
I look ahead. I think yes. We’ve fought a lot of times. Love is not supposed to be so hard. I think that’s the idea that’s been passed through generations because of Wuthering Heights or Pride and Prejudice but I don’t think that’s what love is. Love should be like loving a brother or a mother. It shouldn’t hurt, it shouldn’t bring more pain than happiness.
“Adam says he thinks you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Harry.” She tells me. “He says he hasn’t seen Harry this happy since before the accident and that he can see the old Harry coming back. When he said that, I thought the same thing was true for you. I can see you, really, fully happy sometimes. So, as much as I was against you two at the beginning, I cannot agree with you on this.”
“We had a fight at your beach house. There I accused him of being an addict and he said he was an addict, but not to weed.” I nod my head. “Now, if this was some sort of toxic love movie, I would be thrilled that he said that but I’m not. I don’t want him to be addicted to me because addictions are not healthy.”
“I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it like that.” Jason says.
“He did.” I assure him. “We fight too much.”
“You’re a girl who lost her boyfriend and who thinks she doesn’t deserve to fall in love again and he’s a guy who thinks he ruins his sister’s life and put her on a wheelchair so he also thinks he doesn’t deserve love. Why do you think you fight?”
“See? We’re not good for one another.”
“I beg to differ.”
“So if you don’t want that, what do you want?” Marie asks.
“I just want him to be happy.” I shrug. “He’s genuinely good and I don’t want to hurt him.”
Both Jason and Marie smile but I frown.
“He turns you into such a softie. You really like him.” Marie smiles.
“Of course, I do.”
She smiles.
“He told me he loved me last night.” I confess and both my friends grin and get closer to me. “This morning I thought he didn’t even remember but he just thought that it was going to scare me so he didn’t mention it. He did give me a lot of opportunities to tell him myself so I guess he was just finding out if I felt the same.”
“Well, do you?” Marie asks.
“What does it matter now? He doesn’t want me.”
“There’s no way he loves you on Friday night and doesn’t want you on Saturday morning. That’s not how love works.”
I shrug.
“It’s not the same, you can love someone and still don’t want them.”
“You’re head over heels in love with him like a bitch.” Jason states as if he had just realized that.
I sigh.
I don’t deny it.
Yes, I am.
I am head over heels in love with Harry.
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