#maybe i'm spouting bullshit!! but hey!! maybe it helps lol
wanderingcas · 2 years
i'm doing the 30 days of yoga program with adrienne mishler on youtube (which, if you've never heard of the "yoga with adrienne" channel before, HIGHLY suggest checking her out) and she said something today in the practice that made me go oh shit okay.
"align with the most current version of yourself. because the current version of you is arguably the best version."
and as someone who has been grieving my past sel(ves), dealing with huge life changes and wondering wtf i am in the wake of all that change, it hit me like a ton of bricks. there's things that i still hold onto that served a past version of me - but not the current one. that's why things have been feeling so ... hard? it's like i'm trying to put on a face/attitude/behavior that's not even mine anymore. and it's subtle changes, my core being isn't (totally) profoundly altered, but it's enough that it's causing discord in me.
idk if that helps anyone - but it helped me. align with the most current version of yourself - whoever you are and whatever you need right in this moment. not what you were 5 years or even 5 minutes ago. because we're naturally changing all the time, forever until we die, right?? so why fight against the tides.
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theamityelf · 8 months
Hey! (this is my first time asking and i'm nervous asf) So we know Matsuda and Sakakura played roles into making Hajime become Izuru. How would you interpet Makoto finding out about this information and how they treat Reserve Course students? I know canon him likes to see the best in people but for the sake of Hinaegi/Kamuegi how would you make him react? Like could you imagine pregame Makoto seeing how Sakukura has Hajime on the grown with his foot on him spouting his bullshit to his boyfriend who already has major insecurities or finding out during/after the tragedy.
Ooh, I think, if he walked up on that interaction, he would push Sakakura. Not even as a planned thing; he just would run and shove Sakakura off his friend. Or try to. Sakakura would probably not be bested by the maneuver and Makoto might end up on the ground himself. I could see Sakakura, without budging from Hajime, just flinging an arm out to shove Makoto aside and barking, "Get to class, luckster; this doesn't concern you." And Makoto would not leave; he would argue back.
My thought is, this guy tried to punch Monokuma twice; I think his seeing the best in people tends to take power dynamic into account. When the Remnants of Despair are under his power, he sees the best in them and wants to help them. When he's under Monokuma's power, he's pretty consistently aggro towards him. When he meets Junko in the trial, he's determined to win against her. When she loses and is about to start the execution, at that point the power dynamic has shifted and also he doesn't want her to die just in general.
So yeah, coming up on a situation where someone drastically bigger and stronger than Hajime is literally stepping on him, I think he would get up in Sakakura's face and stay in his face until something happens.
My personal dream version of that scenario (other than the happy, 'Hajime sees that having someone care about you is more important than having a talent and makes huge progress in unlearning the Hope's Peak mindset' version of events, which is nice but maybe not as fun) is:
Makoto intervenes. He's persistent. Sakakura shoves him in a way that causes a mild injury. Nothing hugely debilitating, but something that bleeds and will leave a scar. I'm picturing him skinning an arm or leg on the ground, something like that. Hajime feels powerless and like he got Makoto into trouble because he was too worthless and Makoto is too loyal.
But this is Makoto, so of course they don't get far into the confrontation before one of his classmates/friends spots them. If we're being nice, maybe it's Sakura, who could absolutely take Sakakura in a fight. If we're adding insult to injury, though, let's say it's Byakuya. Because while having Sakura break up the fight by being level-headed and strong would still feed into Hajime's feelings of inferiority, having Byakuya, who was already vying for Makoto's attention, be the one to save the day just because of who he is would add that extra sting.
So Byakuya is able to end the confrontation with his family name and his air of confidence, and Makoto thanks him and then turns his attention to Hajime. (Which would annoy Byakuya more, if the broader situation hadn't turned out so in his favor.) Hajime just can't look at either of them, because the past few minutes have been humiliating and only further cemented in his mind that he doesn't deserve Makoto. Makoto comforts him, and I imagine he's able to get Hajime to look at him and he sneaks Hajime into the infirmary inside the main course building, to get looked at, and eventually Hajime is back to smiling and making conversation.
But he's decided he's going through with the Hope Cultivation Plan.
And later, Izuru sees the scar on Makoto and asks about it, and when he finds out how he got it, Sakakura earns a very powerful enemy.
(I'm honored to be your first ask! I hope my response was satisfactory, lol.)
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
Damn last time I posted here I said I'd see you the next evening but now I'm here 3 days later. Sorry about that XD
Life really will screw you over like that.
Anyways, now to the points...
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"Also I agree with the user, show proof or shut your mouth you dumbass." Lol that sure is ironic, considering the fact you give no proof of any of the claims in your post, especially when I know the stuff about Club and Tri is wrong, and you're also supporting the Probium person when all they do is scream baseless slander and isn't even brave enough to fully admit they're against Club, when it's obvious they are. Probium, very much like you, doesn't want to hear anyone but themself and spouts whatever bullshit they want. (And I'm not sure what pronouns Probium uses, so I'm just gonna use they/them for them for now. If someone informed me what pronouns they use, that'd be helpful. Bc I'm not gonna unblock them just to check lol.)
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Nah the reason he was banned is bc you petty losers mass-reported him, smh. "I wont mention they are for their safety" You only care about their safety when they're on your side, hm? "Cuz tri twat stalks this blog like the petty bitch she is." Uhh no??? You're the ones who harassed her and the reason why her and everyone else against you looks at your blog is bc we want to prove your shit wrong and stop you. Keep crying over people defending themselves, lol. " those rp journals have been deleted, alongside his ‘pushing his special needs agenda woa is me boo hoo’ journals." Special needs agenda?? HELPPP these people are making up the new "gAy AgEnDA" over their bigotry LMAOOO. "Dont bother coming back, we will always be watching," Honey you can't say that then tell me you aren't creepy, obsessive stalkers lol. "WE WON." Yeahhh no you didn't, Club's friends, such as me, will always support him and remember him fondly. I'm still on DA and contributing to his group and also speaking up for him here, and you can't do nothing about it. Club also has amazing friends who miss him and still want to talk to him. And despite how big you talk, there's nothing you can do about it. It's pathetic.
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Ain't no way DADramaNow expects Club to be able to identify every single one of Sam's THOUSANDS of alts lmao. How the Hell is someone ALWAYS supposed to know???
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Lol here's an instance of DADramaNow attacking a kid just bc he's friends with Club, and also calling him a "pedo in training"?? Ew. "hey robert, if ya hate pedos, why ya hanging with club pedoverse? " Hmm maybe bc he's not a pedophile?? And once again, if Club WAS a manipulator and groomer, that would be fucking horrible to blame and attack the kids for being manipulated. Face it DADramaNow, you aren't the good guy either way.
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Proof, lol? And remember sweetie, screenshots don't count!! <3
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Tbh I wouldn't want to be in those groups anyways if they believed your ableist bullshit.
Anyways that's enough for now, I'll HOPEFULLY be here again tomorrow evening, bye Tri!
Looks like those criticizing our existence just want leverage, as always.
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