#maybe ill watch the vod on 2x speed
respiteresponse ยท 1 year
thank yew!! sorry in preface if this is long. ranboo is, in my opinion, simply not executing the plot that well and hinging everything on the finale thats supposed to only be an hr long is a stupid decision :(. i feel like the whole experience w g loss so far has been "yeah but you have to WAIT for the NEXT part" and thats such a weird way to have a series; so ur saying the series can be poor quality for as long as the hype for the next ep exists? even if its building up to something, it should be competently produced and decently tense.
i watched the second ep. while it started out pretty strong it just fizzled. there were about a handful of cool moments maximum: when charlie was being cut open and his goop was actually blood, and he was screaming in agony. then there was when sneeg temporarily became un-brainwashed but was forced under it again. jerma was cool. scene where ranboo walks into an abandoned mall and smoke rises up, that's nifty. but it's just not enough and i don't see the appeal anymore. segments last way too long, its unfunny, and people are kinda meandering and taking too long to get to the bit.
never apologize for sending me essays i love you . and though i will be fair in saying i havent watched any of the second stream i can recognize some of the complaints you have as things i thought were plaguing the first stream too, ie the meandering and bits taking too long/jokes failing to land, all the waiting around i felt was happening had a super negative effect on me personally watching like you said, trying to wait for the good parts only for the good part to be like . the very last three seconds of the stream where ranboo gets a shot of estrogen in his neck and is kidnapped by masked freaks like that was cool, it was filmed more steadily and seriously and just looked cooler, not even more so better produced but it just felt right haha. that was exciting that made me want to see what was next ! but that was literally it. nothing else piqued my interest except the very last seconds of the stream . and it wasnt enough to get me to come back at least as of now so i understand you sooo much . . if i went into everything with the mindset that i had to just wait for the good stuff i would never watch anything ever LOL so even though like you said there was some cool or interesting moments , genloss seems like its just not cool or interesting overall ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ’”
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