#maybe it's ooc maybe it's maybeline
awkwardcourage · 2 years
Why did I just imagine Hughie getting Butcher into playing Red Dead Redemption? And consequentially getting somewhat super into it, feeling a little twinge during the yennel mission and then quitting entirely when Lenny dies in the game?
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thewardcn · 4 years
[is now the time to tell everyone that I firmly hc Highever to have a very Highland accent/dialect or is it too late to convince everyone]
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starslung · 3 years
my brain is all over the place today, i think i’ve blog hopped like 12 times but i don’t know where to be ?? i’m gonna go clean the kitchen and listen to an audiobook but i’m on disco ( csi celeste#2491 ) if u wanna vibe or order me to actually write on one of my 8000 kids
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ishkali · 4 years
I’m still trying to decide what to do about the wolf skull mask that Lexi has.
Like... Should it be a tool for summoning? Or can it be used to boost his magic/change his shape??? Maybe that’s a reason I can give him sharp teeth--
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secondhandmckie · 5 years
//Molly and I deserve smooches and cuddles honestly
So do that pls
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CHAOS 96 - Levi vs. Thor
OOC: Written by Knox!
Terra Skye: Well, our World Champ is in the house AND she's not fucking around with any questions about Ken Davison. Johnny Vegas: I don't blame her.. That slimy piece of shriveled old dick meat. Terra Skye: Oh my God.. Really? Johnny Vegas: Yeah. Really. Fuck that guy, and fuck Kyra and fuck anyone who thinks that guy doesn't look like a dickhead.. both literally and figuratively. The opening riff to "Ruina Imperii" by Sabaton echoes through the arena's speaker system as the lights dim. A few seconds pass before an almost demonic looking Sah'ta Thor. He is dressed in a pair of black jeans and a red t-shirt with a golden pattern of the Seven Deadly Sins with the words Sin Incarnate in white. After a moment of standing at the top of the ramp He starts towards the ring with a purposeful stride. Getting to the ring he looks at his foe for the night with a look that promises impending. After a moment he pulls off his shirt revealing his scarred toned muscular upper body. He turns and starts pacing in the ring as he stares down Levi, who was already in the ring. Johnny Vegas: I can’t believe they booked this. Levi is gonna lose, and die. Terra Skye: You shouldn’t doubt her Johnny. But Thor is an impressive opponent, renowned the world over. Johnny Vegas: Which is why she's most likey gonna lose the biggest loss of her life... Death. DING DING!! Adrienne Levi stares Thor down defiantly as he walks to the middle of the ring. She walks to meet him. The two jaw at one another for a moment before Adrienne hauls off and goes for a haymaker only to have it deftly blocked by Thor. He laughs in the rookie’s face. Adrienne responds by swinging another fist only to have it blocked as well. Adrienne chases Thor around the ring, swinging wildly only to have each hit either blocked or evaded. She eventually goes for a clothesline only to have it ducked and be nailed with a neckbreaker. Terra Skye: Thor showing impressive quickness and ring savvy. Thor leisurely gets back to his feet. Adrienne remains on the ground a moment, holding the back of her head. She rolls onto her stomach and pushes herself up to her hands and knees only to have Thor drop a knee on the back of her head. He follows this up by locking her in an arm bar. He wrenches hard around for Adrienne to scream, but it’s a scream of resolve as she manages to roll onto her back and break Thor’s grip. Terra Skye: Levi breaking Thor’s hold. It’s been an honor to watch her improve week in and week out. Johnny Vegas: I’ve personally enjoyed watching her lose. Boy: MAYBE SHES BORN WITH MAYBELINE! They both scramble to their feet where Adrienne hits Thor with a dropkick. He gets back up quickly only to eat another one. Adrienne runs and bounces off the ropes and as Thor gets vertical, Adrienne hits him with a running DDT. She then locks Thor in a side headlock and begins to rain blows onto the side of his head. Thor pushes to his knees though with Adrienne holding onto the hold. Thor however gets to his feet and widening his base he lifts Adrienne up and nails her with a suplex. Johnny Vegas: Thor has an answer for everything the rookie is layin on him. Terra Skye: it’s true, he’s using years of experience but you gotta admire Adrienne’s heart Johnny Vegas: No I don't. Thor rolls on top of Adrienne and begins to choke her with both hands. The referee gets to four before Thor releases, holds his hands up and then dives right back in with the choke. He begins bashing Adrienne’s head into the mat but breaks once more at four and stands, pulling Adrienne with him. He lifts her up and nails her with a powerslam. He goes for a pin. Johnny Vegas: Here we go! ONE TWO Adrienne gets her shoulder up! Thor instantly transitions into another blatant choke, breaking it at four and getting to his feet. He waits for Adrienne to get to her knees and charges in, nailing a running knee into her face. He goes to her and presses a boot on her neck. He presses down as Adrienne grabs his ankle and kicks desperately. Thor removes his boot at four, smirking confidently. He begins yelling at Adrienne to get up! She does slowly, using the ropes. Thor waits and as she stumbles forth, he goes for a roundhouse kick but Adrienne evades and sweeps Thor’s leg out from under him. Terra Skye: it’s felt like Thor has controlled most of the match but Levi. Won’t. Die. Johnny Vegas: There’s a shirt. She runs and bounces off the ropes, nailing him with an elbow drop straight to the chest. She gets to her feet and bounces again, nailing a second elbow. She bounces to her feet practically and then off the ropes. She does a handstand and transitions into a leg drop across Thor’s throat! She rolls on top of him and goes for the pin. Terra Skye: Impressive athleticism! Levi hooks the leg! ONE!! TWO!! Thor kicks out, instantly sitting up. Adrienne gets to her feet and goes for a shining wizard but Thor evades it. She gets to her feet as Thor is getting up as well, charging in for another attack but Thor ducks her clothesline. She turns around into a roundhouse kick, followed by another! The two of them both fall over. Thor grasping his throat and trying to right his breathing and Adrienne holding the side of her head. Terra Skye: What a grueling contest, I couldn’t call a winner on this one if I had to! Thor sits up first, getting to his feet as Adrienne struggles to find her footing. He measures her up and waits for her to throw a punch before ducking it, spinning her around and trying to lock in Heretic’s Curse but Adrienne manages to slip his grasp and rolls Thor up with an inside cradle!! Terra Skye: Roll up!! Johnny Vegas: Kick out Thor!! ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! DING DING DING!! Adrienne releases the pin and rolls out under the bottom rope. She checks her surroundings as she backs up the ramp to be sure Insidious wouldn’t spring up like Daisies and try to attack her. Kelly Carmichael: Here is your winner...Adrienne Levi! Terra Skye: Holy shit! She did it! She beat Sah'ta Thor! Johnny Vegas: What the fuck did I just witness?! Boy: MOTHERS WITNESSES ARE GONE! Terra Skye: You just witnessed someone who you had NO faith in do the unimaginable! Congratulations to you, Adrienne! What a BIG win here tonight heading into WAR! Johnny Vegas: Well, Mac Bane better watch out because Thor is going to be swinging that hammer even harder now... He doesn't look too happy right now. Terra Skye: I'm sure he isn't. He controlled a lot of this match, and I guess in his mind Adrienne Levi just embarrassed him, but there's no embarrassment in losing. There's a lot of talent around these parts and everyone has their nights. But let's head into another break before we come back with the next match!
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