#maybe like 6'9" or something??
lollytea · 1 year
AND KING!!!! OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABOUT KING WHAT ABOUT HIM WJHERE IS HE IN THE AU!! also were eda and darius old freinds Back In The Day when they filmed the azura movie (maybe darius was like one of the makeup artist's apprentices or something and he kept rising to the top even after eda was fired from the sequels). also how did luz and amity get together and break up (i think u briefly mentioned this in a post) and then back together again? IS MATTHOLOMULE IN THIS AU TOO???? im sorry for the spam but my brain is exploding and i am chasing the dopamine rush
OKAY!!! BACK AT IT AGAIN!!!! Some more tidbits about the AU
-- To explain King, I'd have to first explain his Dad!! Let's talk about Papa Titan!!!
That wasn't his government name but an affectionate nickname he got during his time in the industry. The "Titan" part came from being a hulking 6'9 and built like a brick house and the "Papa" part should be obvious enough. He was a sweetheart who was always warm and fatherly towards anyone who needed somebody like him in their lives.
Titan was a director. More specifically, Titan was one of the greatest directors in Hollywood history. He was passionate about horror and humor and beauty and ugliness and love. There was so much love his work. A real Guillermo Del Toro type.
However, when he met a young Eda Clawthorne at an audition back in the 80s, he was basically a nobody. The Good Witch Azura was Titan's very first big budget project and he was determined to create something deep, magical and genuine.
During their time working together on the movie, Titan and Eda formed a tight bond over feeling like an outsider in this world because of things like medical history, sexual orientation and being lovers of the gross and the weird. They might have been weirdos. But weirdos stick together. By the time filming on Azura had wrapped, Eda and Titan were family.
Azura was a big hit at the box office and it was obvious that the studio had a franchise goldmine on their hands. However, the popularity of Azura among the 5-12 demographic led them to the conclusion that the series needed some drastic changes. Namely, they needed to take a more digestible and child friendly approach for future films. And Titan was just not the director for that sort of thing.
After quite a bit of back and forth over creative differences, Titan was removed for the project. To this day, he's not sure if he quit or if he was kicked out. It somehow felt like both.
(Eda was removed near immediately afterwards.)
Titan did not let this incident deter him and continued working and gradually climbed the ranks of fame until he was considered an irreplaceable Hollywood gem.
He and Eda remained in contact and that familial bond between the two never frayed.
Titan passed away from health complications in 1999. At the time of his death, he had been a single father of one. His infant son King was left in the custody of Eda, his godmother.
At the current point in the story, King is a loud, brash and opinionated eight year old boy who gradually warms into a mature, gentle and introspective soul as Luz enters his life. He likes stuffed animals, video games and making fortresses of solitude out of cardboard boxes and blankets.
However, King wasn't all Papa Titan gave to Eda on his way out the door. He also left behind a large wooden chest that he had packed to the brim with journals and notebooks and scripts and sketchpads and all the inspiration and ideas that he had gathered for future projects over the years. He knew, that his deathbed, that he would never get a chance to execute all of his ideas. Not in this lifetime. But maybe, one day in a far off future, there would be somebody like him and Eda, a lover of the gross and the weird. And he was sure that person would have plenty of ideas of their own. But who knows? Maybe one day they'd need a little extra inspo. His stuff would be their waiting for him. His soul would rest easy knowing one of those scribbled down half baked ideas could have some life into it. And by another weirdo just like him, who would put their own spin on it.
Titan entrusted that chest with Eda, knowing she'd come across another weirdo one day, even though she was adamant that there would never be anyone quite like him. So for years, that stupid box remained locked, gathering dust in her attic. Eda didn't trust the key with anyone.
Until she did.
It was eight years later when Luz Noceda lifted the heavy wooden lid and inherited the last drop of Papa Titan's magic.
-- Yes, Eda and Darius have known each other since they were teenagers. They went to the same high school (Eda went to public school on and off) and Darius was an intern in the wardrobe department on a movie Eda starred in. They were very familiar with each other and often hung out.
-- I haven't thought too deeply about the development of Luz and Amity's relationship in this AU. I figured I'd provide enough info but leave enough gaps that people who are passionate about lumity could use their imagination to draw their own conclusions. I can tell you about their pre-relationship tension tho:
In 2006, Luz became a little bit tangled up in celebrity gossip at the time for her friendship with known stars Willow Park and Augustus Porter. The two were frequent faces in Luz's silly low quality YouTube vlogs.
At the time, none of the trio were all that close to Amity. She was a celebrity to Luz but basically a stranger, a former friend turned strained acquaintance to Willow and a co-worker to Gus. So of course, Amity was not included in any of Luz's vlogs. They simply weren't close with her.
However, in the eyes of the press who feeded off writing parasocial and invasive articles about the personal lives of teenage celebrities, this was interesting. At the time, the studio producing Hexside was trying to sell the illusion that Willow, Gus and Amity, the show's stars, were all best friends behind the scenes who hung out all the time. And the YouTube videos were directly contradicting that.
This led to a lot of speculation about drama between Amity and the other two kids. Things like bullying, exclusion, bullying etc. Rumors were always swirling around and, in all honestly, it made Amity feel extremely uncomfortable and upset.
She had never cared before about what Willow and Gus did in their spare time. She knew they weren't friend, so why should it bother her? It wasn't until the whole press was drawing attention to her being a friendless loser that it really started to sting.
Sometimes she wished the dynamic she pretended to have with Willow and Gus was real. And during this time, she started to feel a good bit of resentment towards Luz for being the real third piece of this friend group.
So basically, once she and Willow started gradually repairing their friendship, Amity kinda organically developed into the friendgroup. She was chilly to Luz at first but through a series of trial and error, the two began warming up to each other. A shared love of the Good Witch Azura really ignited a passionate friendship between them.
From that point, Luz and Amity became closer with each other than they were with Willow and Gus. They were practically joined at the hip. Yknow those really really really close girl friendships that's clearly gay but they haven't noticed yet? Yeah.
In every other AU I imagine that Luz and Amity get together before Hunter and Willow. Except this one. It takes waaaay longer because Luz hasn't really realized she's bisexual yet and Amity is petrified to confronting the fact that she's a lesbian. She is not only closeted but she is deeply in denial about it.
So ya I haven't thought about the moment they get together but it probably takes at least a year. I'll let the lumityheads come up with their own headcanons about how it happens.
Anyway, yeah, the reason it took so long for this relationship is the same reason it fell apart so abruptly. Amity was scared that somebody was gonna find out. She was terrified. It's hard being a closeted teenage lesbian in any circumstance. But a closeted teenage lesbian in 2008 who also happens to be one of the biggest child stars on television? The whole world is watching her. The stress this little girl is under is insurmountable.
Ultimately, Amity is gonna need time to figure this out. She's gonna need help to break away so she can be with Luz without feeling paranoid. She's under contracts, she's in an abusive and controlling household and work environment. It's gonna take time before this little girl will be alright.
And also, that's not even going into if Luz will take her back after all this time apart. She's been understanding to Amity's situation but also very hurt by being suddenly thrown away. It's Luz's call to decide if they want to get back together, knowing that she's putting herself at risk to get hurt again.
But then again, she has a lot of faith in Amity.
Its a complicated mess and I haven't really planned the whole solution out. Feel free to brainrot about it for me if you want.
-- Anyway. MATTHOLOMULE!!!
Matt begins the story as a slimey, deceitful little paparazzi wannabe. His big brother Steve works on various sets around the studio and sometimes Matt is there because Steve has to babysit and sometimes he's there because he steals his brother's employee pass to sneak on to studio grounds.
He's a bit of a bottom feeder, mostly dumpster diving for celebrity trash since that shit goes for good money online.
However, Matt is dreaming big. And his next plot is not to gather celebrity trash but celebrity secrets. And his target is Augustus Porter.
Gus is thrilled to see a dude his own age on set and happily befriends Matt when the latter gives a sob story about being a loner.
Anyway, Matt betrays Gus, Gus gets burned. It sucks.
There's a later incident where Matt sneaks some of his school friends (most notably his "best friend" Bria) on to set to impress them and they prove to be far more vile and cruel than even Matt can stomach.
Things like stealing actors' phones and journals and gathering very personal text messages and diary entries of their lowest lows.
It's what wakes Matt up to the fact that maybe this isn't the person he wants to be. And maybe he's on his way to becoming that person if he doesn't catch himself before it's too late.
After helping Gus retrieve the private things that his former friends stole, he and Matt form a tentative (but real this time!) friendship. From that point on, he makes semi frequents on set for no other reason than to hang out with Gus.
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In regards to my original post of miguel being an absolute dad to miles
Warning! I'm really weird and random stuff keep on popping into my head! Also cussing(maybe??)
So, I ship spiderdads/miguel x Peter b, so just imagine the found family trope where Peter b and miguel unofficially adopt miles as their son and mayday absolutely loving her new big brother :))))) (I love fluff and platonic stuff, especially found family and father and child dynamics, etc)
.....so yall know Tom and jerry right??? (Please, stay on track with me on this one)
And there's this grey dog in Tom and jerry, called spike, and he has a son, name tyke. And spike is admitted, father rof the year, but like imagine miles having that sorta dynamic with any of his father figures (Peter b, miguel, his actual dad jefferson)
Like, imagine miguel being so proud of miles raising his spanish grade, like he hangs it up in his office like a trophy or something?? (Like how you put your kids art on the fridge)
if anyone decides to bully miles, they'd have to deal with a 6'9 vampire, a police captain, and Peter b who's already comforting miles. Aswell as mayday already biting their Ankles because no body messes with her unofficial big brother >:(
(Not to mention rio with her slipper and miles 42 getting ready to murder someone over bullying his twin, regular miles.)
(Don't click read more unless you want clarification for the spike and tyke dynamic thing.)
This is what I mean, for the spike and tyke dynamic.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"Warm Touches"
Part 1 | Part 3
OCs x F!Reader
You are a young woman who also happens to be a witch- ending up with you in a college of mythical beings... {This story is gonna be silly chaos and will be aimed at my fellow bisexuals.}
Warnings: None.
"Soooo, how's it going?"
"Oh, come now... It can't be that bad. Have you seen any cute guys?"
"The only guy I've interacted with, barely, actively jump scared me by coming out of the wall like a weirdo. Seriously, how does someone not realize that'd be terrifying?"
You were laid on your bed chatting up a storm with your aunt, her laughter over the phone was rather infectious at least. You've found from getting to know her that she has a sort of bright outgoing personality. Your family history is still a touchy subject though, so many secrets that you want to prod at but avoid... Perhaps it's better to leave things alone.
But why would your mother leave the family behind to live a normal human life?
What happened to your father?
Why'd it take so long for your aunt to find you?
"Well, maybe the poor boy needs a lesson on manners."
You're snapped out of your thoughts by her comment, blinking you snort with a disbelieving laugh.
"He's old enough he should know by now."
"Should and does are two very different things, dear."
"Yeah, yeah. I just don't have time to deal with meeting people right now. It's too much."
"Of course. Just don't totally bury yourself in books, forming bonds is good for you."
"Is it?"
"You're a very sassy young woman.... Much like how I was when I was your age."
Some more soft laughter before you said your goodbyes, hanging up the phone with a click and plopping it down beside you.
After a couple moments of careful contemplation, you step outside of your room and make your way down the corridor. Your footsteps aren't exactly quiet, the thuds filling the otherwise eerily silent space. It's only afternoon time so you expected to see more people up and about.
Suddenly you are greeted by the soft scent of vanilla lingering in the air accompanied by something you could describe as similar to the smell of leather. You feel the sudden need to satisfy the intense burn of curiosity within yourself, carefully seeking out where the smell may be coming from.
This is a totally normal thing to do... Wandering around after a smell like a dog... Yep.
You end up at the door to the library which is cracked open, the smell obviously coming from in there. You try to open the door quietly-
Ah... Well, so much for quietly.
You're greeted by the site of a tall slim person who's actively leaning against one of the bookshelves. They have messy long pitch black hair that reaches down just below their shoulder blades, eyes that could be best described as hazel- with little flecks of other colors dancing around the pupil in a mesmerizing display, their skin was sort of a warm beige, their face shape more of an oval.
They stopped leaning on the shelves standing up straight, an unreadable expression gracing their features... They have a more so hourglass shaped body but- all you can focus on is holy shit their tall. They have to be at least 6'9.
"Close your mouth, darling. You'll catch flies."
Your jaw instantly snaps shut and you feel like you could just curl up and die. A flicker of amusement is clear in their eyes as they gaze down at you.
They definitely have a sense of fashion as well- he's wearing a black button up shirt with the top few buttons undone revealing their toned chest, a black waist cincher that laces in the front, dark low rise jeans and black lace up high heeled boots... Then it catches your eye- he has a long pitch black tail that looks very smooth, it looks almost like latex with the slight shine to it, the odd part though is the tail has a curved blade at the tip rather than being spaded or something. Their head tilts slightly as he has a little smile on his face. Clearly they find your reaction amusing.
"I just- didn't expect to see you here."
They don't buy it but at least it doesn't seem like he'll call you out on it. He moves closer and extends his hand for a handshake, the scent of vanilla and leather stronger now- they are the source of the smell... Of course.
"My name is, Sev. You are?"
You accept the handshake just now noticing how long their fingers are, his hand practically envelopes yours entirely. Without missing a beat you provide your name in return and you hear Sev mutter it under his breath... As if they like the way it rolls off their tongue, smooth with perfect pronunciation.
"Well... It was nice to meet you, Sev. I'll see you around I guess."
"You certainly will, darling."
It sounds as though it's a promise being made, an odd feeling prickling at your skin but it's not frightening or painful. Even after pulling your hand away- their warm touch remains on your skin. You hurry back to your room because well- what else do you do in this situation? Holy crap.
The scent of him also sticks with you even after shutting the door and throwing yourself into your bed. What the hell even were they? A demon?
You don't recall seeing a tail like that before... Perhaps you should go through those books again.
He could be dangerous and you just shook his hand!!! What is wrong with you?!?
Too late to take it back now...
{Sev is a character I've had for awhile and didn't know what to do with. They go by He/They pro-nouns in case that wasn't clear! Just wanna avoid any confusion. Also I know nothing about clothing so excuse the bad clothing descriptions.}
{@anna-banana27 @scar-crossedlvrs @sofasoap }
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literalite · 1 year
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vinny (he/him ssssomething? mlm cis man)
if you've been around for any amount of time you know. you know. protagonist of meet me in the woods, caleb vatore's husband. dead dilf dom. i won't him find as he'll
ages like fine fucking wine
devout catholic, as a result pretty tormented generally. blood on his hands but the only blood that has ever mattered to him was that of his younger brother who died, in his eyes, due to his own negligence. passionate despite it all and tries to be a good man. would move heaven and earth and strike down immortals for those he loves. also he's 6'9. i don't believe in heaven but he does so i hope he made it there but i also keep digging up his body to slut him out so uh. sorry vin
boobs. also despite arlo's dilf demeanour vinny is the only one of these two who has an actual kid
arlo bagheri (he/him bicurious (yeah i know laugh) cis man)
side eyes him he was meant for soju's gameplay for eileen but he just couldn't get it together. something something sometimes a man hurts every woman he gets with because he's meant for a guy. maybe idk.
retired early ex college prof he used to do art history now he just paints stuff and does condescending tiktoks about it
he used to have like a Wild late teens twenties years he went to all the protests and the marches and the concerts it blew out his ears but he maintains that it was worth it (it was). you can see residuals of this era by the tattoos he tends to cover up with neat sweaters and the gauges which he doesn't
honest to god probably going to die alone? he's not unhappy about it though he's going to retire to a nice villa in tartosa and spend his days eating grapes or something
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ourobororos · 2 years
ik cyrus is the shortest, but who do u think is the tallest in rr?
lysandre for sure. ghetsis is 6'6 canonically but lysandre is taller to me like maybe 6'9 or closer to 7 ft ^^ cyrus is indeed the shortest at like 5'6 or something but everyone else is in the middle of that
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boltwrites · 4 years
Tenzin is 6'2" and Bumi is 6'4" hhggnbc
Mako is 6' to 6'2".. Korra is 5'7"
P'LI IS 6'9"
how tall is Bolin again???
see the ONLY character height to be 100% confirmed is Korra. all other character heights are either vaguely defined (the creators said that Mako was “like 6’2” or something” in an interview, for instance) or vary greatly from character reference work to on-screen. like in the reference work Tenzin looks to be around 6’2-3 but in the show he’s often times scaled next to Korra as closer to 6’7” (so my headcanon for him is 6’5”, therefore Bumi would be 6’7” since he’s taller).
Pl’i is fucking massive (i love how Zaheer has to stand on his tippy-toes to kiss her fbfjf).
also, considering that Bolin is just a little bit taller than Korra, I’d say that in season 1-2 he’s probably 5’8 or maybe 5’9. i headcanon him as closer to 5’10 or 5’11 by season 4
so basically because Korra is the only one whose height we can reliably trust... we have no fucking clue how tall anyone else is (and also whether Mako’s height includes his hair poof)
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askmyboys · 5 years
Real Name: Its something that cant be said around humans otherwise it hurts their ears (it basically sounds like static mixed with a high pitched noise, it can be damaging to the ears if not careful) | Human Name: Louie | Nickname: He really only has one nickname n that's Lou, sometimes he won't mind being called Louis either though | Gender: Male | Age: N/A- there's really no traces of how old he REALLY is, he's not even sure he remembers himself- | Sexuality: Pansexual | Species/Race: Demon | Height: 6'9" (he's a sizeshifter tho) | Hair Color: Umber Brown (his hair is SUPER messy and dirty looking, sometimes he'll wear a hat like a fedora or something to keep it covered, not like he gives a shit if someone comments on it tho) | Eye Color: Desire Red | Appearance: He'll sometimes wear suits out in public, albeit ALL his clothing is dirty, dingy, and dusty- he just doesn't give a shit about hygiene in general, but he's not too picky with clothes, it just depends on his mood, usually its suits, sometimes its more of a punk-like look, sometimes its just tank tops and boxers, he doesnt. give. a. s h i t- dont test this demon buddy, he'll take ALL his clothes off, he'll go out naked, fuckin public indecency his ass- your lil human laws don't apply to him- He's vERY chumby, got that chub going- big soft boy- His entire fingers ARE the claws, long sharp claws- he also of course has sharp bear trap teeth, his canines both top and bottom are a bit longer than the rest of his teeth of course, his ears are also pointed and he's got a few piercings in there as well and you know he's got the short boxed beard. | Personality: He's just a really carefree, lazy, laid back kinda demon dude- I won't say there isn't ANYTHING that won't piss him off or make him sad, bc you know there's ALWAYS something out there BUT- he just doesn't care, he takes compliments in the form of insults, if ya actually compliment him- well he dont expect that but eh your free to do so, either way it dont make him much different, I wont deny- he's got that SUPER big fuck energy, he be fuckin- he does make a LOTTA sexual innuendos, like a l o t of them- he's got that big chaotic evil fuck energy, dont give a shit what gender or whoever you are- you can want to be perceived as a threat- if he likes you he gon f l i r t- in fact someone wanting to be a threat- now thats hot, he's like a cat mixed in with a dog almost, can be very lazy one moment and he's up and going the next, will eat ALL your food and drink all your drinks even tho he legit doesn't need too and then HE'LL call YOU a bitch for not having anymore food or drinks. Big Bastard, I don't know if I'd say he's REALLY evil n shit, he does love to cause trouble, scare some people- but for murdering people n torture and doing all that? Bah, that's a bit TOO much work for him, now if he HAD too? Oh absolutely, he could and WOULD murder if it was necessary- but nah the most yer gon get outta him is scares, him causing trouble around your house or depleting your food and drink supplies too quickly (tl;dr: Carefree, lazy, laid back- he's ALMOST impossible to piss off or make sad, too many gross sexual innuendos, big bastard, chaotic evil fuck energy, can and WILL flirt with you, like a dog/cat mix one minute lazing around the next minute he's ready to go n bother people, hide your food and drinks if you wanna survive otherwise your gon be fucked ....n-not literally- I mean unless you'd want too, he's gross and smelly and will NOT take a bath, he wants to s m e l l like death and any other horrible things so fuck u) | Side Facts: This character is the death of me, he's broken the fourth wall which I wouldn't deny he could probably do and strangled me to death with his bare claw hands- I just genuinely wanted a gross, bit too sexual demon character for some reason but listen, he might be a monster but he's not a MONSTER and by that I mean if you dont wanna do the "fun stuff" in that regard he'll respect that, consent matters- he might be a creep and every horrible word in the world combined but he's not like THAT, he DOES have standards like THAT anyways. If ya don't wanna do that fun stuff at LEAST go out n scare some people shitless with him, or help him bother some humans- or if he's feeling particularly lazy, he'll crash at your place n just, well, bother YOU instead- and he'll probs try to scare ya once or twice too but eh that's to be expected- I will say- he's DEFINITELY a deal maker-like demon, he DOES make deals n stuff from time to time- he DOES enjoy doing it every so often, bc most of the time he gains ownership of someone's soul every now and then but other than that, its still a lotta work- like he doesn't wanna do it all the time, besides who's gonna care that he ain't making deals like he's supposed to. He actually doesn't stay in hell too often, its MOSTLY bc of preference for the living world, humans are there and their MUCH more easy and fun to mess with than other demons (other demons h a t e him, their disgusted by him which to him? ....G o o d, die mad about it then babe~) Satan and him tho- now Satan albeit he does NOT like the smell at all he hides that bc of Lou's personality, he can v i b e with him on the carefree n laid back part for sure ....justpleaseLouisastheliteralrulerofhellIamgoingtobegyoutopleasetakeabathorsomething...) He likes Satan much more than he thought he would, for the literal ruler of hell that dude's pretty chill- ....ok come on let's be honest here, you know as well as I have Louie has absolutely flirted with Satan once or twice, hell- he's flirted with MANY demons before- needless to say not uh many of em liked it which hey I mean its not the response he really wanted nor expected but pissing off a demon can be fun plus they can be REALLY violent ...he may or may not be a masochist and a bit of a sadist even? oh and uh before my dumbass forgets, he's got some powers aside from sizeshifting, he can shapeshift into a few things, mimic other's voices, or even like disappear really quickly- that's only if he needs to get out of situations or make it seem like a person's c r a z y maybe- just maybe but shh, etc- a few other things- you know how demons are- that's good enough for now I guess? I HAD more stuff to say bout him but I genuinely forgot- whoops- but if I think of it dont worry- ye'll know
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