#maybe my favourite of the album but idk I need to listen to it again
The start of If You Leave Me-
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rubendiasthoughts · 1 year
Okay, so once again I ended up with more random things about boyfriend Ruben in my notes. Thought I would share it with you guys ❤
Ruben Dias as a boyfriend part six - headcanon:
- Maybe sometimes he would zip up your jacket for you. So for example, if you two were taking a walk on an evening and it's getting kind of chilly, he would just let go of your hand for a moment and be like "stand still for a second" and he would move in front of you, zip it up for you and just say something like "don't want you getting cold, pretty girl" and then just grab your hand again and continue walking.
- And I think that when you are telling him something he is so good at paying attention to you. Even if it's just very casual, like maybe you two are doing something in the kitchen and you are just rambling on, talking about how you need to go get a new bottle of shampoo, because yours is almost empty. And maybe you are telling him you don't know when you will get time to go, because you have so much to do in the next few days. And he would be just quietly listening to you, nodding his head. But you realise that he was actually listening to you very carefully when he comes home the next day and he hands you the shampoo saying that he got it on his way back home. And he would get the right one too.
- How cute would it be if the two of you were walking somewhere and he grabs your hand right before you two get on the crosswalk and makes you hold his hand the whole time you are crossing the street??
-And I feel like whenever you two are surrounded by a big crowd, he would let you go in front of him, his hands gripping your hips, so that he could have an eye on you. And maybe if you were walking behind him, your hand in his, he would glance back at you from time to time to make sure you are okay.
-When he is talking to you, maybe telling you a story or something like that, and you get kind of distracted (maybe looking at your phone or something) he would put his fingers under your chin and lift it up, so that you would look in his eyes. And then he would say something along the lines of "you gotta listen to me, baby" or maybe "what's on your mind, pretty girl?".
- He would sometimes take random pictures of you, some of them when you are not even aware that he is taking them. And he would have a whole album full of those pictures on his phone. Some of these pictures would be from your dates (maybe just you sitting on the opposite side of the table from him in some restaurant) but some of them would be of you just sitting on the couch or maybe eating something at your kitchen table...
- Sometimes when you two are just sitting on the couch, he is holding you in his arms, and you two are just cuddling, talking about your day and stuff, he would kiss your nose, then move to your cheek and place two kisses there and another one to the corner of your mouth before actually capturing your lips in a kiss, which would always make you giggle.
- He would never leave for work without pressing a kiss to your forehead. Sometimes it would be just a super rushed peck, when he is in a hurry. But that would always be his way to say goodbye. And maybe sometimes, when he is leaving super early in the morning and he goes to give you the kiss and you wake up he would tuck you in the bed and softly say "you can go back to sleep angel, just wanted to say bye".
- I think that when you two were eating something that you really like and Ruben knows it's one of your favourites and maybe you finished yours first he would be like " Want the last bite baby?".
- Or when you are eating something and it has something you don't like in it (idk like maybe olives or mushrooms or whatever) he would always let you put it on his plate and he would eat it for you.
- Whenever you are going somewhere without him and you have to drive there he would always tell you to drive safely and say "call me when you get there". And he is always reminding you to put your seatbelt on.
- And when you have some kind of appointment, maybe to get your nails done or your hair, he would randomly sent you money for it. And when you are like " Oh no, you don't have to do that" he would be like "let me treat my girl". And when you come back from your appointment, and let's say it was a nail appointment he would be like "Let me see them" and he takes your hand in his, looks at them for a while and says "pretty" and kisses the top of your hand.
-Okay guys, I had the hottest daydream about how it would be like saying hello to Ruben when he comes home from an away game. And I am of course going to share it with you. So maybe he wasn't home for like 3 days or something. And when you hear him get in, the first thing you do is run to him to greet him. When he sees you, he drops his bags on the floor and takes you in his arms. So at first you are just wrapped in his arms in a hug, his lips on your forehead. But then you look up at him and he closes the distance between your lips. At first it's very delicate, but when you feel his tounge brush along your lower lip, you open your mouth for him, letting his tounge in. He would back you up on the nearest wall, your face in his hands. Little whimpers and heavy breaths are already leaving your mouth at this point and then his hands move and his fingers dig into your hips harshly as he sucks on your lower lip. And you just stand there for a while, your back pressed into the wall as he sloppily licks into your mouth, with one hand caressing your cheek. And when he pulls back, he looks into your eyes, still caressing your cheek and he says "missed you, pretty girl".
Hope you liked this 💕 You can let me know what you think 😘
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seaofreverie · 17 days
Sparkstember Day 5: Indiscreet (In The Future)
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Unfortunately it would be a bit of a lie to say that I vibed with Indiscreet right away. Not to say that I didn't like it, but maybe my unprepared ears weren't ready for whatever this album is. It's a lot. And it's all amazing stuff!! Still, I guess it needed some getting used to before I could really GET IT too. Had to stick to the couple tracks that I gravitated towards first (and I REALLY liked those btw. A lot) before gathering up the courage to take another plunge into the whole thing. Probably a lot of that can be attributed to the fact that this was one of my very first Sparks albums: the 6th I listened to according to my notes... I know Indiscreet is a pretty big fan favourite and thankfully, for me it might just be the finest case of gradually enjoying an album more and more with each listen. And I must say I REALLY love it now. EVERY song here is amazing, no doubt about that now.
But returning to the start for a bit, I was ready to get into some more of that (glam) rock side of Sparks I already knew by then from the previous two albums, and I got a bit of that here... Not quite as much as I hoped perhaps, but that was just another fact of life to learn here: Sparks never stick to one thing for too long. And this is when I need to get into the beautiful mix of... everything that this album offers. Early 20th century big band and vaudeville next to rock and pop and even some slightly-punk-before-punk-was-even-a-thing-really, as I've seen In The Future be described as once (more or less)... And then within the tracks themselves, we'll have strings next to brass and horns next to electric guitars next to beepy synthesisers. And let's not forget the most important of them all: the whistle.
The best thing about it all though is that it does not feel jarring to have a mix of all these different things and jump from one to the other constantly. Or, at least, not TERRIBLY jarring. Jarring within reason? Jarring, but in a masterful and knowledgeable way that works in favor of the whole piece rather than against it? You name it.
I say this... quite often about Sparks and individual songs or albums of theirs but this time I mean it perhaps even moreso than ever, that this album is extremely unique and truly like nothing else I've ever heard or likely will ever hear. I'd say it poses a bit more of a challenge than some other Sparks releases but once you get through that initial bewilderment (if you DO encounter it. I'm sure many don't but many others also probably do just like I did), the reward is a really great and one of a kind musical experience.
Favourite songs (and other highlights):
Happy Hunting Ground: early fav that I don't really think about all that much anymore... (it's still a total banger though. And, not going to lie, seeing the live performance of this song from Dee Vee Dee renewed my love for it recently). I was REALLY into it in the beginning though. It aligning very well with my hopes for more energetic rock tracks must have been a big part of that
Get In The Swing: idk what to say about it but it's just SO GOOD! Type of song I hear before the album proper that convinces me that yes, this band here is truly something special, I need more of this
Pineapple: it fullfills every need! Most importantly the need for a very singable and delightful tune from the renowned songwriter Russell Mael. It's sure to lift my mood considerably every time I hear it
It Ain't 1918: I think if I had to cut down all of Indiscreet to one song that represents it best as a whole, I would go with this one (Get In The Swing would probably be my second choice)
The Lady Is Lingering
In The Future: DEFINITELY my favourite here, another candidate for one of the best Sparks songs overall, special shoutout to those short instrumental segments between parts of the verses, you know, with the synth line that slows down and then speeds up again?
Miss The Start, Miss The End
Profile: song so good and in line with the rest of Indiscreet that I find it hard to believe it's just a bonus track. Impressive falsetto moments, fun as heck piano lines, all of the songs here are very unique but this one is fun and catchy in an especially unique way, to me
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lil-melody-moon · 5 months
OKAY IT’S HAPPENING, EVERYBODY STAY CALM!! I’ve finally finished my opinion on “The who by numbers” This took me so long but it’s finally here so I hope you enjoy:
Before I start, I feel the need to say (once again) that I really love the design of the cover and the fact that John Entwistle actually drew the cover himself makes it even better. I love a talented King ❤️
Okay, now the opinion you’ve been waiting for:
1. Slip Kid: The cowbell at the beginning of the song?? I LOVED IT. Great intro. I think it captures the vibes of the album really well. Btw Is that Roger on backing vocals?? I love the song. I have no idea what it is about but I love it 🤣
2. However much I booze: Ummm excuse me??? This song is a fucking vibe. Now I understand why this song is your favourite😍 I don’t know what they put in this song but fuuuuck it’s so damn groovy and the melody it’s soooo catchy. Keith’s drumming and John’s bass in this one are superb
3. AAAAA SQUEEZE BOX MY BELOVED, MY BABY. I literally forced all of my friends to listen to this one. They looked at me weird when I played the song for them in the car but idc. Anyway, This one is my favourite and you already know the context behind why I love this one 😏🤣
4. Dreaming from the waist: All I can say about this song is that I absolutely love the dedication John Entwistle and Keith Moon put in this song. All I can hear is bass and drums 👀❤️
5. Imagine A Man: Okay confession. The first time I listened to this song I did not like very much but now that I’ve listened to it a few more times I think It’s starting to grow on me. Also, the line “Imagine a past where you wish you had lived” literally wrecked me, I felt it in my soul 💔
6. Sucess Story: I have the feeling that I’ve heard this song before…. It sounds like a mix between “All the way from Memphis” by Mott the Hoople and “It’s only Rock N Roll (But I like it) by the Rolling Stones. I might be wrong tho but all these songs have the same vibes 🤣
7. They Are All in love: This is probably my least favourite (don’t kill me) the song is good and I like how Keith and John sound together but idk. Maybe I need to listen to it more
8. Blue Red and Grey: IS THIS PETE ON VOCALS TOO?? Holy sweet mother of jesus his voice feels like a warm hug. Is that an ukelele?? YEP IT IS. I’ve read that Pete wanted to commit suicide and that’s why he wrote this song. If that’s true I feel so sorry for Pete :(
9. How many friends: HELLO?? THE DRUMS? THE GUITAR??? Holy fuck I like everything about this song. “How many friends have I really got? Well you can count ‘em on the one hand” THAT’S LITERALLY ME. I only have a few friends but feel so lucky to have them.
10. In a hand or a face: This song reminds me of Baba O’Riley for some reason🤣 Are we absolutely sure that this isn’t a leftover song from “Who’s Next?”
Oh, by the way, I still can’t tell the difference between Pete and Roger’s voices but I feel like Pete sings in almost every song of the album so I don’t really know what to say about Roger’s input in the album except for the backing vocals (he sings beautifully)
Overalls, this album is really fun to listen to, it’s very complete and catchy. From what I’ve read, this album took ages to be completed cause Pete had a writer’s block and depression but I’m so glad he recovered and finished the album. So far, this is probably my favourite The Who album. I still need to listen to Quadrophenia in its entirety tho.
Okay so first of all, to clear your doubts, Pete's voice is the warm one, "However Much I Booze" and "Blue Red and Grey" are sung by him, the rest is Roger. Roger has a distinct voice, if you know "Squeeze Box" by heart, you know Roger's voice <3
Normally Roger sings, occasionally Pete does, Pete and John are always the backing vocals, Keith only shines from time to time, not a single song of his on this one, BUT I'm so glad to hear that the rhythm section is catching your attention this much - you would have to see me grin when you said you can't hear nothing but bass and drums XD
About the stories you mentioned there, I didn't read much, so I believe in what you're saying. I somehow can't bring myself to really dig in the history of the band, I'm probably afraid of a thing or two, but like, I'm so glad Pete recovered from depression as well - he's a lovely guy really, deserving the best <3
I'm very happy that you love the album this much and I certainly can't fucking wait for you to dive into "Quadrophenia". You'll hear my screaming when you send me your opinion, plus... I'm still waiting for your opinion about "Tommy" and the revenge. Take care, my dear and have fun on the path to become a The Who fan <3
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qwertyfingers · 3 months
Is the Get To Heaven dislike real or for jokes?
it is mostly A Joke About Contrarianism. I still like it but its easily my least favourite EE album and has some of their weakest singles aside from no reptiles imo. the fact they still play regret distant past AND spring/sun at like Most Shows winds me up when they will then only play one man alive or reanimator song makes me turn into the fucking jokerrrrrr. but i find myself getting bored during the chorus repeats for those three in a way i dont for tracks from any of the other album? idk. on a technical/"objective" front i'm aware its a very cohesive & well made & Good Album but i also just Don't Like It as much as the others personally. THAT BEING SAID from the wheel->warm healer is a perfect run of music like i have no notes about that. it's complicated!!!
i DO think a lot of my irritation of it is simple contrarianism because I've been an EE fan since 2009 and the fact that Many modern fans have this very strongly held opinion that GTH is The Best One and they'll never make anything like it again frustrates me deeply. like they talk about it the way weezer fans talk about pinkerton and i am tired of it sorry!!!! its been nine years! there are six other albums!! cold reactor is one of the best tracks they've ever put out!!!!!!!!!!!
any criticism i have of GTH needs to be understood as coming from a place of still listening to this album dozens of times a year every year anyway like i listen to everything everything a LOT and these are the deranged rantings of a man who would still rate it at the lowest at maybe a 6.8. basically i just think they should replace the singles with the first three deluxe tracks with maybe some rejigging of the order and itd be a better album ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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Gelsenkirchen (or should I say Swiftkirchen) put so so much effort in those three days that Taylor was there, it was insane!! Renaming the city, creating "Taylor Town" and parties and fun stuff everywhere, it was really great. Since it is the most unknown city on the whole Eras Tour (and believe me, I live nearby, it's pretty ugly usually), it needed to shine a light on the city, especially given that everyone would want to come to Hamburg or Munich (or Berlin or Cologne if she had included those), but no one ever wants to come here. I was so amazed by all of it and I cannot fathom that all of my dreams just came true, it was all a fever dream, it felt like heaven and I didnt think I would ever be able to experience something like that.
N1: I was so so excited, all was perfect (almost)!! The atmosphere was really wonderful in front and inside the stadium, I traded my bracelets, people were there from all over the world. I went with a friend and a friend of a friend and I loved it. I cried when my tickets were scanned and they let me in and when I saw the Stadium from the inside (i didnt cry when I saw Taylor although I was convinced before I would, I think I had nothing left inside me anymore because of all the adrenaline before haha) Paramore was really really good!!! The seats were okay, I was a little irritated that there was a pole (idk what its called) that was a little bit blocking my view of the middle stage, you can see it in the video. It was so so good tho, I lvoed when Kam said "Kannste knicken" i died!! I also loved that Taylor acknowledged the paper hearts but I am so so mad bc i forgot them!!!! I had them all printed out and it feels so bad that I was not one of those people holding them up even tho I could have... It really still makes me so mad, I dont wanna think about it anymore.... anyway..... I was so happy being the first one to listen to Superstar on the Eras Tour, a few people around me definitely didnt know the song and it made me jump and scream even more, everything hurted that day, my feet hurt my lower back but I stood and jumped during the entire thing except for the transitions!!1 I was also dancing so dramatically and it must have looked so embarrassing but idc, it was all worth it!! I loved the face she made on Midnight rain btw
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N2: Boy N2 was so much more relaxed, I wasnt that scared that anything could go wrong anymore, I could sleep better, my feet and back didnt hurt nearly as much anymore (but they still did haha). I once again had the best time (although I didnt like the girl sitting next to me AT ALL but anyway), the seat was so much better this time yay, I LOVED THE 22 HAT GIRL, MAYBE MY FAVOURITE THING OVERALL, I cried for this little baby :'). I loved the face she made on midnight rain again so much, SHE SANG THIS IS ME TRYING!!!!! I COULDNT STAND ANYMORE WHEN SHE STARTED SINGING IT, I HAD TO BE ON MY KNEES FOR A QUICK MOMENT, I loved Hey Stephen sm as well, expecially because people once again were not happy about it around me and I was so so furious, i mean BUT WOULD THEY WRITE A SONG FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I jumped, one time I almost jumped so high that I thought I would fall over the seat right in front of me and crash the girl before me, thankfully I didnt hahahha
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N3 in Taylor Town, Swiftkirchen: It was so so nice being there, I got merch, I ate Swiftcream, we danced to her songs (the dj even played Crazier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), took pictures with all of her albums, and then I went to one of my friends houses and we watched the livestream and BOY I was devastated when she played Better Man and I WAS NOT THERE. I really got a little sad but I dont think I would have even survived another concert right the next day, idk if I am old but I was definitely feeling the toll those 2 days took on my body but it was so so worth it tho!!!
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Today I am just happy about the Gelsenkirchen post on her Insta and tomorrow I will pack my suitcase for Hamburg N1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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imaginespazzi · 5 months
Nivi – hey bestie, you’ve done it again – I wasn’t sure it could get more heartbreaking than the last one and yet!
As always, the writing is- well, it’s everything.
The parallels between high school them and college them was immaculate, and I so wish Paige could have fulfilled her dream of kissing Azzi under the confetti, but alas, maybe in another universe 😉
I loved the little exchange about UConn and California, and how that possibility was always there but Paige could just never accept it.
P and UConn winning the natty this year – it had to happen in at least one universe, so thank you for letting it happen in this one.
Side note: Drew and Paige interactions are always top tier, and very much the type of momentary fluff that I needed to break up the sadness while reading.
Side note 2: I love that I don’t even need to imagine what Azzi wearing Paige’s jersey would look like, but I’m glad ucla au Paige got to experience it too 🥹
The celebration with the team was so cute and of course it would be KK that basically helps break the ice (and her lil innocent “you should bring her around more often” 🥺). Also, all the little moments Az got with everyone else in the team was so wholesome, and ofc queen Nika being a loveable menace who’s always just looking out for her twin.
Side note 3: I love love love the two piggyback moments haha, just because that’s so pazzi core to me idk, I feel like there’s been a lot of photos where Azzi is piggybacking Paige irl, like that’s very much their thing so I adored seeing it incorporated here. But then, the ending. I knew it was coming, but it certainly did not make it hurt any less when we got there. “Fuck,” Paige’s voice is still wracked with sleep, “I thought you left.” “That’s more your style,” Azzi says – this was particularly heartbreaking, but I can’t really blame Azzi, even if P is trying so hard to make things right.
Overall, I may or may not have been tearing up throughout the entire chapter, and it somehow hit me even harder the second time I read through it? I think that’s just testament to your writing tbh.
Thoughts on what’s next:
Do things finally start getting better? It can’t get any worse, can it? (famous last words) 😅
I did wonder actually, whether you’d have them win or lose the natty, only because if they did win which obviously they did here (thank you), could that maybe change P’s mind at all on declaring or not?
I’m guessing she obviously sticks to her og decision and stays, and so I’m super intrigued on what might come next for them.
Like will they try going back to being just friends? Even though they’ve already tried and failed and knowing that would never be enough for Paige. But can they really not be in each other’s lives??
Will they try seeing other people again??
Summer’s coming up in the timeline and they’ve never spent an entire summer apart, so what will they do this summer? 😔 Or will we have a big time jump?
So many questions, and only you have the answers, Nivi.
Favourite lines/quotes:
The moon shines against Azzi’s face and Paige thinks that so much has changed, but Azzi’s still that kind of beautiful
“Do you know what my answer would have been?” “Yeah,” Azzi says softly, squeezing her hands, “yeah I do.”
Alternate lyrics that came to mind while reading:
Talk about our future like we had a clue. Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you.
In another life, I would be your girl. We'd keep all our promises, be us against the world.
Oh, and in honour of your love for Taylor, a Taylor lyric that came to mind was specifically this:
And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home - mainly from the perspective of Paige getting almost everything she’s ever wanted, except the thing she wants most.
PS: I don’t really listen to Taylor’s music much anymore (nothing negative, just a shift in my music tastes these past couple of years!), but if there’s anything you think I should definitely give a listen to from her latest album, let me know!
As always, thank you for all you do for us. Have a wonderful weekend 💗
Much love, -🙋‍♀️
Hi bestie, one thing about me is that I will find a way to make it worse! 🤪
Thank you my sweets, it always means the world <3
I'm glad you caught that because I wanted to hint at the idea that it wasn't just a random decision of Azzi's part to choose UCLA and that she'd always been considering it.
If I can add Drew and Paige interactions, best believe I will find a way to do it. That's another relationship that's so precious to me.
Shoutout to the one anon who asked for Azzi to wear Paige's jersey in the universe as well because I took that and ran with it so I hope they liked it, because I liked their idea (come say hi!)
The team scene was one my favorites to write honestly, especially just in general KK is so fun to write because she's so fun and I need my chaotic family (Paige-Azzi-KK-Ice) to be a thing in every universe.
YES the piggybacks are just so Pazzi-core and I know this is an au but I like to take things from what we already know about them and just tweak it to keep some semblance of realism. Also piggyback are just really cute and Paige seems like the kind to beg literally anyone to carry her anyways
Things will get better because I actually don't know if they can get worse (actually they probably could but it might be hard to come back from lol) but things getting better is gonna take a lot
See if Paige changes her mind and declares, things become easy for them with her going to LA and I'm not in the business of making things easy for them lol
You think I have the answer to these question but truly what I write is just as much a mystery of where my inspiration will take to me as it is to you. So we'll see but we're on the ascent upwards, so no more other people lol!
As for Taylor, the new album's pretty good babes if you wanna go listen! Lowkey a lot of the songs work pretty well with this fic lmao. But my favorites are loml and Fortnight I think.
Always love your detailed takes on the new parts and just seeing you in my inbox always makes me smile <3
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alexturne · 2 years
My incoherent morning rambles about Perfect Sense 😭 for @damselinmistress
Oohh wow I'm listening to perfect sense again and it's so so so so so beautiful. I will die and cry and scream and climb the walls with emotion if they play this live... I need to see it
This song is just so beautiful.. it clenches at my heart and it made me cry the first time i heard it and it's just... The most intensely nostalgic, sweet and melancholic experience.
Nostalgia, this is the band, the sweetness and ease of them, and this was the song that came together the easiest, it was quick and easy and natural, and it was just them doing their thing together. Alex said its his favourite, he treasures this so much, it's obvious already.. and it's so beautiful... The perfect ending, so beautiful, so pretty, like this is the perfect song. Like i will not be okay if they play this, i will be bawling my eyes out.
Maybe it's too emotional, maybe it's the golden trunks of this album, the one he won't be able to do live... Idk.... All i know is that i love this band with my entire heart and that this song has been ingraved onto my heart and will forever leave me changed. I can't believe they were capable of this.... This.... I'd walk down the aisle to this song... I'd be buried to this song... Omg I'm crying.
"Sometimes i wrap my head around it all and it makes perfect sense"
Isn't that just the most gorgeous thing??
This seems like the most important line of the song.
"Keep reminding me that it ain't a race when my invincible streak turns onto the final straight"
That's what they are to him. Keeping him grounded and keep him going and they encourage him and on track to where they're supposed to go.
"If that's what it takes to say goodnight, then that's what it takes" feels like a line one of the band have said that has become some sort of mantra for him, a way to remind himself if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes. Like a "it is what it is" type deal, a way to free himself of his endless perfectionism and his need to constantly go over things again and again and obsess over every little thing and instead just let go and let it be what it is.
I cry because this is a band of brothers and they love each other more than anything and they're on the same page and they trust each other so much and it's just so beautiful. He could never have done this without them and they trust his gut so much, it must be the most overwhelmingly emotional experience to have your best friends in the entire world just trust you and put their livelihood and their life into your hands, and they just trust him to do it.
And then it becomes the easiest thing. The last song written, the most easy to get out, the one "nearly written and done in an afternoon" is the one about his boys 😭
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Who is your most loved person?  I'd say my parents. I'm *really* bad at expressing it but I really think this is the case. They were the first people I thought of, too.
Have you ever been bullied?  Oh you have no idea how much you can be bullied over a name.
Who makes you the happiest?  I'd be lying if I didn't say BTS.
What is the most heroic thing you’ve ever done?  I like to think I saved a life once. I won't delve into it much but I had an orgmate who tweeted something in an extremely distressed yet decided tone and I caught it the second he posted, so I took it as a sign to reach out privately even though we weren't close outside of org work. Stayed with them for like half an hour until they calmed down. It doesn't matter to me whether they still remember that night or not, but I do like to go back to that moment when I need a little self-reminder that I can do nice things too.
What calms you down when you’re upset?  BTS bro.
Have you been betrayed in the past? How?  Yeah I have had a friend spill secrets of mine. Yes multiple ones, and yes it's the same person. I've had her blocked everywhere since 2009 and have no plans to ever talk to her again.
Who do you miss the most?  Nobody in real life.
What’s one sweet/candy you miss from your childhood?  Coffeebeat from Meiji. We used to have a local convenience store that would sell this bundle of Meiji candies - idk how to explain it but it was like a sampler bundle? So like tiny portions of different candies, and sold as one product - and I would only ever eat the Coffeebeats. All the other candies in that bundle, I gave to my sister.
Also, I FOUND WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE OMG. It's this one!!!
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Do you have a favourite celebrity chef?  Baek Jongwon :D I get so excited when BTS does stuff with him or when I see him on my favorite Korean variety shows.
Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds.
Is there anything coming out soon (books, albums, movies, video games) that you’re looking forward to?  Oppenheimer is already out but I have yet to watch it...maybe this Saturday! I've been meaning to take myself out on a weekend. As for music, just Taehyung's and Jungkook's albums.
How do you go about finding books/movies/music to read/watch/listen to?  Books: I never really read anymore but I'm bound to check a book out if it's related to my interests, like if I find out a favorite wrestler is coming up with a memoir.
Movies: I can pick up movie recos from anywhere. All I need is a plot that resonates with me or with my type of movie (read: drama).
Music: I listen to solely BTS these days but if any of the members share a song reco then I'm likely to check it out. So far my favorite music taste has been Joon's.
What’s a band/musician you were really into for a while but who you don’t care about or hardly listen to anymore?  Banks and alt-J.
What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated?  It wasn't recommended to me per se but I was once invited to a birthday gathering where we were treated to watch Me Before You, and I remember not liking it all that much.
Do you find it difficult to keep up with online friendships?  Yes, which is why I quit that life many years ago. It's hard when you're on different timezones, and even harder when you drift apart. After losing my circle of friends from my wrestling fandom, and after experiencing Carley go on and off the radar 1 billion times, I've been too scared to make online friends again.
Has there ever been a person you regret ever being friends with?  Kind of.
Do you think you have a good understanding on love?  I don't know. What counts as 'good'? I don't think I'll ever understand love completely; all I know from it are my own experiences.
What do you want to do on your honeymoon?  I'm not sure, actually. Never really thought about it. First thing that came to mind is to go to South Korea but I feel like I'm just saying where I want to travel HAHAHA
What do you think of your parent(s)?  They are very hardworking and have always done the most and best they can for us.
I do wish my mom did not inflict/pass on so much of her mental anguish on us when we were kids, and I wish she didn't treat us and talk to us and get frustrated with us as if we were adults when we were like 5...but the older I get, the more I understand where she was coming from. I get it. But just because I'm able to empathize now doesn't mean I've forgiven all that happened in the past.
If your best friend confessed that they can see the future, you would…?  I would tell her to get real.
What’s your least favorite pizza topping?  Pepperoni, salami, beef, pork, pineapple.
What’s your dream pet?  I don't have a dream pet. For me, all I need are dogs.
Most unattractive male name, in your opinion?  Bob or Mark.
Is your pet dog male or female?  I've only ever had male dogs.
Have you or would you try shark meat?  I would.
Do you know anyone that’s pescatarian?  I'm pretty sure I do - I think Joanna may be? - but I just wouldn't be able to identify who off the top of my head.
Do you think the government has a cure for cancer, but is hiding it from public?  I highly doubt that.
Do people normally describe you as sexy? No.
Was your ex born in America?  No.
Has your best friend ever made you cry?  Um, only happy ones. She kept me alive when I couldn't do it for myself, and I tend to get emotional when I think about those days.
Do you still talk to the person you liked six months ago?  I haven't liked anyone in nearly three years.
Has anyone ever talked you into doing something you didn’t want to do?  Isn't that the experience of everyone with an Asian parent ever?
Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture?  The biggest smile I've ever done, yes. I was in Bangkok, posing right in front of the arena where Yoongi was performing that evening.
Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you?  I don't like anybody.
List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently.  Considering resigning before I get my next promotion; Our family vacation in December that I really don't want to happen; Work-related reimbursements that I need to request ASAP; Figuring out when to be firm and when to be loose as a manager; Taking my dogs to their next vet appointment.
Would you ever wear black lipstick? Do you know anyone who does?  I never wear black lipstick and no I don't know anyone who does.
If you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark colour or a light?  I don't really wear eyeshadow.
Do you combine your socks and underwear in the same drawer?  Yes, I do.
Does the last person you kissed live within walking distance?  No.
Is there someone you could hang out with all the time, without ever getting bored of them?  Probably not. I love my friends, but at some point I'd also prefer my own company. I was overseas with my close friends for just 5 days, but after that I couldn't wait to be on my own hahahaha.
Do you know a girl named Beth? Tell me about her.  I used to. She was a semi-online friend from the wrestling community; like we weren't close by any means, but we were part of the same community 'clique' and would always be cool with each other whenever we'd interact. She's from the UK and had a CM Punk-related username. She's very pretty, too.
Do you think the last person you kissed has ever lied to you?  Yes.
Have you ever been hit on by somebody way too old for you?  No.
First kink tried?  Choking.
First time doing oral?  I was 18.
Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them?  Well, not these days, but yes I used to. Yeah I like receiving them too, as long as I'm actually *with* the person; otherwise I imagine I would be grossed out.
How much teasing do you like?  It's not my favorite thing in the world but I can play along. I'd rather be teased than do the teasing, though.
Are you okay with name-calling in bed?  I don't think I've ever experienced it...but I'm open to exploring and figuring out if I'm actually into it.
How often do you do unprotected sex?  I used to be in a same-sex relationship so this wasn't really something I worried about.
Do you like wearing/seeing people in lingerie?  Honestly not into it.
Are stockings/thigh-highs a turn on?  Not for me.
How many other people know your bra size?  I doubt anyone else does.
Do you have any friends you’d sleep with?  Nope.
Does the person you like have any flaws?  I don't like anyone.
Has anyone ever given you a ring? Why?  Yeah, just for funsies.
Creation theory, evolution or the Big Bang theory?  Anything but creation.
What was your last serious conversation about?  I'm so sure and I'm too exhausted to try to remember.
Have you ever been into a real cave?  Yes.
Have you ever posted mean comments on YouTube?  I don't think so. I rarely comment on YouTube anyway.
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game):  I'm not a big gamer but something that comes to mind is that Flash bartending game lol. Strange, but very nostalgic and very very fun.
Who was the last person to play with your hair? Are they cute?  I can't remember...maybe Angela? She's the likeliest to do so anyway.
Who was the last person close to you that died? Did you cry?  Marisse's dad. I didn't cry, but there was a heaviness even though I haven't seen him since I was 7. He and my grandpa used to be close, and seeing him after all these years, but just at his wake, reminded me of those memories I have of them together.
Do you know anyone who uses medical marijuana?  No, that's not legal here.
Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth?  I have a cousin who apparently passed on, but I'm not sure if what happened was a miscarriage or death in childbirth. We don't really tackle Sophia within the family, but I wish I could know more about her. I only learned about her to begin with from Facebook, although I wish I didn't have to learn about a dead cousin that way.
Do you agree with the “they’re just being kids” excuse?  Idk I feel like this is such a vague statement. There are some things that can be excused, but if a kid is like committing arson or beating up other kids or abusing animals then I'm not letting that slide.
Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen?  Never.
What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you?  She has implied that I am worthless in a million and one expressions.
What’s your stance on spooning?  It's cute, until a certain point. I prefer cuddling so I can face the other person :)
Do you currently want a new computer?  It'd be cool but I'm not too pressured to get a new one. Like I've said in previous surveys, I only ever use my personal laptop for taking surveys now. Spending 100k for a new laptop is just such an expensive way to take more surveys LOL
How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?  I feel like they would be nonchalant. I'm 25 and they mostly leave me be at this point + they have their own tattoos so why complain about mine?
Who is your truest friend?  Angela.
Who is your oldest friend?  Angela.
How long have you known them?  18 years.
Where are they right now?  I'm guessing she's at home.
Have you ever dated a friend of one of your siblings?  Nope.
Have you ever dated someone who had a child?  I have not.
What has been your biggest failure in life?  Hmm, probably my first and last relationship.
Do you trust yourself?  For the most part.
Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances?  Honestly, no. If it happens, it happens; I support abortion as a choice but it's personally not for me.
What was the last bug you killed?  An ant, I think.
Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else?  By myself.
Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why?  No idea.
What is the funniest thing a child has ever said to you.  Not to me but my aunt once told me a funny story about my then-10 year old cousin; apparently the two of them had been going grocery shopping and were stopped at the alcohol section. My aunt, bless her heart, was asking my cousin what flavor of soju to get, to which my cousin exasperatedly replied, "I don't know mom, I'm 10." one of my favorite stories ever looooooool.
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trappedward · 2 years
In a deep, dark forest
To begin this blog, I felt it only appropriate to address one of the topics that was the main reason I started this in the first place.
That's right baby we are starting off strong with Kikuo. It should be of no surprise then that Kikuo is my favourite artist, considering I partially dedicated this blog to him and my first post is about his latest song (that you were going to discover as you read on).
So, In a Deep, Dark Forest has finally been uploaded to Spotify after being teased on his Instagram and formally released 2 weeks ago! To be honest, it's felt way more like a month than 2 weeks but also my concept of time has been so fucked up recently. Regardless of that, let's move on to what I really want to say about this song.
(Feel free to give it a listen if you're a passerby or a fan that hasn't heard the song yet so you can gather your own opinions before reading mine)
Again, to no surprise, I LOVE THIS SONG. I never listen to songs on repeat, usually I'll put a few songs in between and then re-listen. HOWEVER I could not help but put it on repeat a few times when It released on Spotify just a little bit ago.
It's classic Kikuo; upbeat yet distorted tempo and whacky little sound effects if you listen carefully. It's why I love his music so much. I've rarely found music artists quite like him and every time I listen to his music, I either find something new or find that I listen to it differently than I last did - if that even makes sense?
But I'm not here to just summarise. After all, I've DEDICATED this blog to my interests. That means I'm doing this properly baby - I'm breaking down every aspect of THIS ONE SONG that I feel like talking about for my own sick pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen, let's properly start the blog.
For this song Kikuo diverted from his usual use of Hatsune Miku and instead decided to use Qi Xuan as his vocalist. Now I'm fully aware that this is not the first time Kikuo has used Qi Xuan's or another Vocaloid's voice bank - he has dabbled with Stardust Infinity and his song ローディーローディー/ Roadie Roadie features Qi Xuan. I just felt the need to point this out because for the past few years we have seen KIKUOMIKU 1-6 so I was interested to see that he had tried something else for the first time in a while (aside from collabs with Si_ku and Hanatan, etc). Anyway... Qi xuan! I personally think her vocals were amazing for this song. Don't get me wrong, I adore Miku and I absolutely understand why she is one of the most liked vocaloids. She's always amazing for Kikuo's music. This time though Qi Xuan just seemed like a more obvious choice in hindsight. While her voice is still soft (just like Miku), it sounded a bit more lively in somes parts as opposed to Kikuo's Miku usually being pretty deadpan or emotionless. Qi's smooth, more exasperated vocal seems to fit the flowy aspects of this song and make it sound sort of like a tide. Drawing out and then back in. She just has a bit more emotion at parts idk... maybe I'm just way too used to the atypical Kikuo Miku that hearing something different feels more realistic in terms of making it sound like an actual person.
From what I understand from Kikuo's description on the youtube upload of this song, the artwork was a collaboration between him and Si_ku. Which like.... HELLO?! When was the last time Kikuo drew one of his own album or single covers? And to do a collab with his star artist Si_ku? MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN I say. I absolutely adore Si_ku and her artstyle and that she is constantly working with Kikuo. Having them work together to make the artwork is just... it's incredible to me. It's got the usual style of Si_ku mixed with that "grimeieness" that Kikuo usually exploits. I've stared at it for so long just looking at the intricate details and colours hidden within all the lines spewing out from the main subject. Imagining Kikuo and Si_ku in the same room making this is so cool to me and IDK MAN I'M JUST FAN-GIRLING SO HARD RN.
I follow Kikuo on Instagram. As much as it is an annoyance to me, I use Instagram a lot (more than Twitter). Can you imagine my surprise when I saw Kikuo's icon at the top of my screen in the stories bar? The speed at which I clicked was that of mach 20. I. WAS. NOT. DISAPPOINTED. This is probably not the right spot for this segment of the blog but do I care? No. Anywayssss seeing his behind the scenes process and getting casual updates throughout the week was awesome. I've always enjoyed watching him deconstruct his process especially since he doesn't actually know anything about music theory. He just does whatever sounds good to him and it's so garbled but insanely interesting as he explains why he makes the choices he does, how it isn't based on any logic in regards to making music but because of some reason that is akin to his creative process. If that makes sense. I'm sorry if my speech is hard to understand because I'm multi-tasking atm and rereading my sentences doesn't always help me edit. Ok I digress for the millionth time. Kikuo's instagram stories were not something I thought he'd take interest in starting considering that he really just works at his own pace being the NPC he is. Not complaining though and I will happily eat my meal.
I would love to continue but I have lost track of my thoughts because I had a 2 hour interval at one point when writing this because I got distracted ACK. I may do a part two but that is only if I can get my shit together and not have like 5 different people trying to message me at once (I'm grateful for all of you though FR). For anyone who somehow is interested in this or has made it to the end of this post, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me your thoughts on the topic / this song! I would love to discuss it even if only briefly in the notes. That's all, bye bye.
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drunkjaked · 2 years
another tag game im so happy rn..
three fav solo artists?
1. wonstein
2. seulgi
3. jaehyun ig??? idk try again and forever only are so good help me
five favourite bgs/ggs?
1. enhypen
2. le sserafim
3. nct
4. newjeans
5. stayc
top 5 favourite mvs?
1. tamed-dashed (seaside ver) - enhypen (this counts right???)
2. 90s love - nct u
3. up! - kep1er
4. love dive - ive
5. glitch mode - nct dream
top 3 leaders?
1. jungwon !!!
2. chaewon
3. soobin
how many albums do you have?
like 20 something??? 25 maybe? idk there's more than i have space for anyways
do you share/have a birthday close to an idol?
most likely but none that i know of (dec 17).. closest to my knowledge is j + ni-ki (dec 9), then sunghoon (dec 8), and then soobin (dec 5)
fancy date w bias or at home date w bias wrecker?
this is so so so sick and twisted.. im such a casual date whore .. so impurities chaewon.. ur coming home w me (sorry yunjin) - couldn't possibly use enha because jake is my bias and bias wrecker sorry
mvs or live performances?
ugh good question.. im going with live performances but specifically like group fancams because i love seeing the choreo i need to see it.. i hate not knowing
fav album + song of your ult group?
dimension: dilemma !!! ig you could say answer bc it's the repackage.. but yeah.. it's that .. and my favourite song is upper side dreamin it's literally like infectiously good
three fav maknaes?
1. ni-ki
2. haechan
3. eunchae
rap or vocal line?
vocal line does it for me every time without a doubt amazing perfect lovely
what song got you into kpop?
album you have on repeat?
dimension: dilemma because i listen to upper side dreamin at least 4 times a day
if you were in a kpop group, what positions would you have?
hmm.. not sure.. im like not particularly good at anything .. im a really good casual dancer though like i cut up in the club seriously,,, i'd make a terrible leader.. i think i'd be like a visual filler .. like she's untalented but devastatingly good looking.. that would be me.
UGH THIS WAS SO FUN THANK YOU @bruh-changbin FOR TAGGING ME .. IM. GONNA TAG @forjongseong if you want and anyone else who sees this on the dash and wants to give it a go !!!
(also if you want me to tag you in any of these when i do them let me know and i'll tag you every time i always feel so nervous tagging people !!!)
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cohendyke · 1 year
top five albums? maybe why you like them too :3
AUVH. UGH. okay again probably in no particular order it would break my heart i think
all things must pass by george harrison: ohh. oh my god. guys. best beatle best post beatles album. every song fucks i don’t think i’d survive without it. it’s for the eldest daughters really… ugh. man….
falsettos (revival) cast album: falsettos is just so good. i love the story i love the characters i love that it’s a relatively accessible musical since it’s sung all the way through so you don’t need to see it on stage to know what’s happening which is cool!!!
hot fuss the killers: the killers are SOOO FUCKING UNDERRATED WHAT THE FUCK.. god. all these things that i’ve done is my favourite song ever but everything else is soo good. man…. cornerstone early 2000s rock. listen to it
shadowland kd lang: this is one of the only country albums i really and truly care about and i am well aware i am not beating stereotypes (canadian or otherwise aka lesbian ones) here but i don’t care…. good god she can fuckinf sing. and i love torch songs soooo. yeah. i also unironically love the album cover…. god. okay well. just listen to it and you’ll understand probably. please listen
self titled hozier: you already know. idk what else to say like this is tumblr.com you’ve probably listened to it
honorable mentions: white album, abbey road, queen ii, songs from a room and songs of love and hate, graduation (im sorry….) the great escape, violator, music for the masses, george harrison self titled, KIND OF BLUE……. the suburbs…. okay
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yoonia · 4 months
Just read that post and I'm so sorry half lycan was removed for no damn reason?!!! What a shitty thing to do... 😐
I know you're active on inkitt, I used to follow you there as well but inkitt interface is really slow so I think perhaps you can explore ao3 if you already haven't and maybe fanfiction.net, I used to read a lot of Harry Potter fanfic on the latter one.
I've been a bit away from tumblr so I'm sort of behind and catching up on my favourites and any new updates, so did you post anything new in the last few months (christmas onwards) bcz I've been wanting to catch up😆🥺
I'm otherwise okay, I started reading a lot more on my kindle and started a bookstagram last June so I've been enjoying creating content and writing reviews... But i did recommend the shifter universe to a friend recently ♥️ did you continue the yoonkook reader and alphas inferno chapter?
I feel like re reading the bear shifter Jin fic again bcz Jin is coming back home 🥺
Which solo release was your favourite? Did you attend DDay screening?
Oh yeah, Inkitt is amazing. but both the site and the app are still growing and developing slowly so the interface might not be the best right now. It's starting to grow into a mesh between wattpad and AO3 (for fanfics) so it's a promising site, yet I'm still keeping an eye out just in case things are changing there like in Wattpad. It's been helpful to cross-post there as a backup so far. I'm gonna need time to reorganize my account there, though.
I've been focusing more on my fairy prince Yoongi series and this Jinkook series I'm starting. My latest oneshot was this christmas fic with Tae (idk if you've seen this already)
I'm glad you're doing okay. Oohh I've been reading too but my reviews are usually only on goodreads. I'm not too good with social media so every time I thought about sharing my reads on instagram or something, I keep skipping on it. so that's pretty admirable if you're now sharing content through your bookstagram
Thanks so much for recommending my shifters universe! I'm slowly working on BMR, Yoonkook's story, and Joon's. I'm planning to post Joon's story and the new chapters of BMR starting next month so that might be something to look out for :')
I sadly didn't attend DDay screening since I was travelling out of town. Did you go? if you did, what was it like?
I think the solo albums that I have playing constantly are RM's Indigo and V's Layover album because they're so comforting to listen to. I listen to DDay when I'm driving LOL
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OK, first impressions of TTDP, but I am in school and I do not have access to the lyrics and my first language is not english so I don't get half of them.
Fortnight - I love it, they're voices match so well, which I was not expecting
TTPD - way lighter production than I was expecting, really fun to listen to
My boy only breaks his favourite toys - Oh, this is angry, I love it. It's giving a bit Mr. Perfectly Fine in the lyrics, can't explain it
So long, London - THIS GURL DOES NOT BREATH. Almost every song until now at a certain time start having a faster pace with no stops. It's giving Hermes from Epic: the musical.
But daddy I love him - so love story but with an idgf Juliet, I love it.
Fresh out the slammer - fun listen, didn't mark me
Guilty as sin? - it's giving red. Don't ask me why, idk. Also, the last chorus starting without any instrument 😩👌
Who's afraid of little old me - I, what? This was amazing, my mouth was opened the whole time, the CHILLS THAT I GOT. If I was alone I would be screaming. Favourite production FOR SURE. Also my my was going jude, jude, jude, jude, jude, the whole time so that's a bonus
I can fix him (no really I can) - the delusion and the fact that it ended with "whoa maybe I can't" *chef's kiss*. Also I need an acoustic version and to play this on a guitar
loml - wrf was that ending? The background voices? The LOSS of my life? Anyways this was what I was expecting from the album, very folklore, love it
I can do it with a broken heart - this pre chorus was another perfect example of the fast-paced, where the hell is she breathing, music parts. Also I'm imaging her singing the chorus with the biggest fakest smile, which makes everything so much better
The smallest man who ever lived - that bridge... I am fucking speechless, that was something. Also she took a breath between the first chorus and the second verse like she is bracing herself, I'm gonna cry
The Alchemy - honestly, a vibe, I feel like that are so many lyrics passing over my head, but there is a woman speaking so loud in a fucking library, so I can't hear shit. Also, the door is open and it's break time
Clara Bow - ok, I'm late for class but I've finished the album. Need to search all those names and again, I feel like the meaning of the song passed over me, but it sounds awesome.
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December 16th, 2023 - New scent
Tumblr media Tumblr media
────────────────────────────── Woke up at 1 or 2 PM No breakfast ofc I got a perfume as a gift last night ──────────────────────────────
Hey, how are y'all?
I slept at 7 AM and remembered that I might go to my mother's shop and work with her. It actually was my idea before my holidays started, but maybe I'll do it now. Probably next week.
I also got a new perfume. Last night the mother of the classmate who asked me for my History notes sent me this perfume as a gift for all my help. I love it! It smells so sweet, I like that kind of scents. This one, which you can see at the top, is an imitation of Olympéa Solar by Paco Rabanne. Absolutely beautiful.
Moving onto the picture, I also added my non-binary bracelet and a few paper clips to separate the subjects I'll have at school. Yes, I reached a quite elevated level of boredom that made me think about school life again. I might use that perfume for class and turn it into my ✨️signature scent✨️. idk
I even tried making a bag with all things I may need there. Money, pills, extra shirt, pads, all thise things. The problem is... how am I gonna pack everything? Of course there are gonna be a few items, but I'm not sure about which bag I could use. I'll think about it.
I don't have a reason why I chose that song of the night. I just wanted to. But speaking of songs, I've been listening to more Slowdive. Last night I listened to Pygmalion and Slowdive a few hours ago.
Pygmalion is great. However, I wouldn't consider it my favourite one. It has pretty good songs, but some of them are... not my cup of tea (*cough* Crafy for You *cough* Trellisaze). My favourite ones are Rutti and Visions Of LA.
The self-titled album was awesome tho! I wish I knew wth they say on Go Get It - it sounds fire anyway. My favourite songs are Don't Know Why, Everyone Knows, and No Longer Making Time. I only have to listen to Everything Is Alive and I'm done.
Then I have to listen to the three EPs and stuff. But we are focused on the albums right now.
I was gonna say that I've been feeling joyful these days... but no. I had a few mood swings today. And I can't deny it, I can't lie about that.
But it's not up to me, it never really was. (see what I did there? lol we love Björk) So I don't mind it a lot.
I'm HUNGRYYYYYYY I'll see if there's something to eat before dinner lol
Bye-bye. Rest well.
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fakeoutbf · 2 years
hello hello ✨ i've been good! things are getting a bit hectic but i'm looking forward to some relaxing time in the next couple days 🫣
oh yes about the meal thing!! that i over eat it then get bored of it but i'll randomly eat it again one day and then over eat again, it's a big vicious cycle i'm afraid but i love it still!! it always happens without fail
ooh i've only listened to stick seasons and i need to like properly sit with it and give it a listen but i didn't know about the other albums, i'll listen to them over the holidays. noah sounds like the kind of music i should listen to when it's cold outside and i can be in bed all day feeling all my feels 🫶
that's the thing about 1d though, they really did have banger after bangers they'll be my favourite dudes always!!
i do agree about italy, it sounds like a beautiful place! when the golden mv came out, i saw it with my parents and my mum instantly fell in love with it and subsequently the song and so i've promised to take her to amalfi coast one day 🤍
ooh i would definitely want to live in scotland. like that's something that i've always wanted and i just feel like scotland is a place that i want to completely give myself to. i'll probably try to move there in a few years, but if not that's definitely a place that I'd want to settle in or retire in!
gonna ask you a vague question today, what's love to you? 💌
- s 💌
hi hi 🫶🏻
okay but stick seasons feels like a roadtrip album to me, like driving through a forest highway in the cold weather i need that in my life. but yes, he definitely is a comfort artist to me, i was / i am is also a top tier album, and busyhead and cape elizabeth especially both have songs that make my heart ache so bad ❤️‍🩹
also i need new 1d music bad, thankfully niall is giving us new music next year and maybe zayn too but 1d please come back 😔 do you like the others’ solo music too or just harry and louis?
idk how i forget the golden mv exists ajejrnsk but exactly! i see the amalfi coast then venice and florence and small italian towns and vineyards and i just wanna be there 🥺
oh scotland sounds amazing! ngl idk much about it but the uk has always interested me too. i remember seeing a few programs there while i was in uni and if the whole pandemic hadn’t happened and i had money rip i probably would’ve taken the opportunity. is there anything in particular that you love most about it?
i was definitely not expecting that question 🫣 but in so many words, love is soft, love is trust, love is loyalty, love is the everyday moments and the little details, love is a warm embrace, love is patience, love is sharing, love is safety, however that may apply to you. what’s love to you? ❣️
sending you a warm hug and lots of good vibes for the start of the week 💗💕💓💖
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