#maybe old human societies weren't that stupid actually
jingerpi · 4 months
do we actually know that the earth is the center of the universe or even spinning. like isn't the whole point of relativity that it's indistinguishable. maybe not the absolute center of the universe but from my perspective it sure does seem like the sun spins around the earth. cos that's where I am. and where all humanity is.
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lesser-mook · 1 year
MHA CHP 393-394 (Exactly how i thought it'd go) Predictable. #1 BESTSELLER "Let's talk about Romance" by Ochako Uraraka *Spoilers*
Magneto had the Holocaust, fought for his race to have the right to live as human beings. Saw his father die taking bullets for him as his mother & others died in a pit of corpses, only he remained:
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But this one was afraid a boy she liked wouldn't think she was cute, she was told not to smile. MAN she had it rough bros amiright.
Exactly how i thought it'd go, that's how it went.
All that trauma, motivation washed away because someone Talked a good game.
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"Live the way i wanted to-", omfg the sheer entitlement. You hung out with lunatics, because deviancy loves deviants.
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Cutest girl in the world with a body count more than an average Firebender soldier. Think about that lmfao.
Your feelings comes before Justice and accountability, absolute horrendous writing.
Not the message of getting help, outreach and empathy isn't the issue. The execution and very dangerous narrative that you get rewarded affection & understanding for being evil, DESPITE being evil.
All you gotta do is cry, and it'll all be okay.
Your fees fees comes before due process.
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Yes, there are rules Toga, and there are parameters in which you have to behave in society.
That is LITERALLY what separates us from animals that live in their own manure & the blood of their prey: Inhibitions, getting a grip despite instinct.
The world isn't wrong because YOU have a problem.
Don't like it? Unplug, go in the woods, feed at your hearts content.
As long as you're here, get in line, live your best one.
Otherwise, no amount of clones is gonna stop the yield of warhead, trust and believe that.
Asking for people's blood is not fucking normal. You're not a victim because you're the outlier. You need help. Knowing what that boy's reaction would be, means you're the problem. Not the world. Brat.
Cringe, forced, very predictable and yet I get what you're doin Horikoshi. "Outreach", reaching out to a soul instead of punching them into submission.
However, this is a very very dangerous "moral of the story", and i will explain why further on.
The main offense is that it's trivializing trauma and her motivations
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-It oversimplifies what they actually went through, cause it just shows that a lot of these villains weren't all that deep or serious about their motivations if a talk is all it took, makes them look housebroken, weak, fickle. Just pretenders looking for attention and a cookie.
Trauma, meditated goals, all that fighting with the Liberation Army to get where they are, and motivations of that scale just doesn't go away because a mf talked a good rap.
Think about everything her squad did to get to this point. All of that is void now because Ochako accepted her feelings? Huh?
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Every serial killers wet dream, try your best to kill someone & for no reason at all they develop Stockholm syndrome. Fighting tooth & nail to be in your life and heart. Again, for no reason at all or a stupid one.
Ochako being Togas hero, saving her from herself is one thing, and it could work, if she visited her AFTER her little ass went to prison.
Otherwise, in this situation, in canon:
What did Toga actually learn? That she did wrong? That her victims were people too? That people aren't disposable things to consume & throw away when bored?
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Like that old woman everyone forgot about that is likely dead, or not. Maybe she showed up in a random panel later, fact is. Toga doesn't give a crap. All Toga cares about is her fragile little ego.
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Does she show remorse for that old woman she forcefully took blood from? No.
But according to Horikoshi, who are we supposed to feel bad for here: Toga
Toga is the victim, disregard the actual victims, their pain, their tears, disregard all that apparently, because she wants to smile. Straight emotional manipulation by the author, just slap a crying child on the panels and pray that the audience falls for it, ignoring the fact that she doesn't deserve it.
Very dangerous message he's playing with here.
Message "Moral of the story" in question:
Toga learned that her feelings are valid. Togas smile is beautiful. Toga is cute. Toga.Toga.Toga. And Ochako offered to be her blood bank for the rest of her life, IF she talked to her. She offered herself up to be used:
Wooow. 100% reward for Toga, and for what? To talk about herself, and her feelings.
Serial killers wet dream. Toga really lucked out today huh, and all she had to do was get out of bed this morning.
She says she won't validate or ignore the crimes of a criminal (twice, because Horikoshi knows 100% that people will call him out on it so he HAS to make her say that), he's smart.
And yet, she then turns around and validates the criminal instead. And what they learn in the end is that they're a special snowflake, not that ANY of what they did is wrong., nor did they have to confront, or accept accountability for it
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Those tears of Toga are of self-gratification, not remorse or humanity.
Everything that would NOT happen in the wake of every school shooter, terrorist, murderer/ psychopath bottom feeder of society. Toga is just handed everything she doesn't deserve.
All because Ochako saw her cry, ONCE. Zero relation or connection to this little girl.
(This insistence on Ochako's part would actually make more sense if they were sisters, Ex-Girlfriends, or childhood friends. One difference making an entirely different context that makes more sense than this. Ochako saw her cry once, there's no reason for her to be this invested in someone that was/is trying to kill her. Deku's Stockholm syndrome rubbed off on her. Deku & Bakugou all over again. Abusive toxic relationships/dynamics, romanticized over & over again, and all fixed with a bucket of tears. That's all it takes. Welcome to My Hero Academia.)
Translation: Do evil, do wrong, and be rewarded for it with one of your many victims/prey/objects of desire trying their hardest to get you to talk about your feelings. They won't "ignore" what you did buuuut fights their hardest to make it about you, instead of rightfully hating you.
Or bringing you in, so you can get help in a more appropriate setting, with the parents being part of the solution, seeing they were part of Toga's problem in the first place.
Narcissism. Toxic. Sociopath narrative.
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Rewarded for being an evil mf. Toga didn't take accountability, she just wanted to smile, be called cute and she got what she wanted. By her bloodied beaten victim, while floating in the air, butt ass naked.
-The Mind of Kohei Horikoshi
Bright side, ain't gotta deal with edgy Toga anymore thank god. Maybe she'll help the heroes and actually be useful now (on her way to prison). Less chapters wasted on her crap. Tripe lowtier character
Again, I get what you did/what yer doin Horikoshi. It's just a ham-fisted, sloppy, dysfunctional narrative.
Superman does it all the time, but in context, makes more sense. Why? Superman doesn't reach everyone, that's the paradox, the tragedy. He represents hope, but not everyone has it or wants hope. That's IRL reality. It's beautiful when he prevents a young girl from taking her life, but the sad reality is, another girl got acid attacked somewhere else, all because she wanted to go school and learn to read. And Supes wasn't there. That's reality. Can't save everyone.
Rudy Jones, Parasite is a creature with compulsion to drain lifeforce.
When he chooses to be, he is an animal, plain n simple. No excuses are made for this guy, he fucks up, he goes to jail, no amount of crying makes him the victim.
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It's HOW Horikoshi is doing this that's the problem. It's forced, cringe, cheesy, sanctimonious, and more importantly:
Too unrealistic given how monstrous Horikoshi himself wrote these people. You make them that extreme cause it looks cool, all that trauma, drive, and motivation.
And it just melts away cause someone talked no jutsu?
Are you serious K.H? You really think mental health is that simplistic huh? Man.
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Then most of em were frauds to begin with. Not a threat, just lost puppies wanting a treat and a pat on the head. Going by this anyway.
Trauma doesn't just take a hike because someone wants to talk about romance. Jfc.
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It's rarely EVER put as "You'll be tried for your crimes", "Actions have consequences" and that's it!
Or "I'll bring you down", something resembling accountability, and it STAYS that way.
Repeat, ACCOUNTABILITY, "You're wrong, you're going to jail, i'll get you help" and the narrative STAYS that way aka every casual Superman speech to a regular villain.
CHP288 tried it, Ochako had her head on straight, then she saw Toga "cryyyyy"
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Apparently in HorikoshiLand, as long as you're [CRYING] or somethin, the villains are entitled to appeals, extended hands, group hugs, candy, family reunion and emotional TED talks.
It 100% takes control, and autonomy away from the villain character when they're just strung along by feelings of the moment than what was supposed to be their vision for their ideal world.
Because in their minds, "the world is the problem."
The character as they were prior, becomes a joke, thus their vision never mattered because the entire time, apparently they were full of shit.
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Deku should at least cripple Tomura, or Tomura should die fighting AFO to settle his own score. Not cause Deku turned him.
Tomura clutches and beats Deku (Because GEAR SHIFT prevents Izuku from breathing, he can't keep that up forever), but is faced with his own choice: Be AFO's extra layer of skin or be his own man?
Or he beats AFO with Deku, survives mangled & will never walk again or something, but he can simulate walking with flight. And just turns himself in anyway because the "Demon Lord" tripe was AFO's ambition, not his. Everything he knew was him being groomed to be a vessel for some immortal creep.
Or Deku & Tomura both go out like Heroes. Unlikely. But it's an option.
Or AFO just takes him over, and Deku has to do what he gotta do. Like all the legends before him.
At this point, any of those would be the most organic conclusions for old boi Shigaraki. Off the top of my head. Cause ofc, he/they (Tomura-AFO) are not going to win.
Otherwise this "Crying is the answer" mess that completely fucked Deku's Vigilante arc has absolutely neutered MHA's villains' threat level.
MHA reads like a story that wants to be everything at once.Have Nintendo, Star Wars, all kinds of inspired characters.
The slice of life happy bright tone, the DC edgy tone, hype up the villains to be uber powerful, ruthless, but when it's time to commit to that...just have them talk about their feelings, or crying, or nerf.
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All For One isn't allowed by the author to kill anyone major, or anyone period.
Despite the fact that he's able to, and every villain around him is cracking and crying like basket cases who just needed a hug.
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These kids wouldn't last a Day with DC COMICS' High tier villains, on god.
Superboy Prime in the early arcs would slaughter these idiots if they tried this shit with him.
In fact, because he's Homelander levels of insecure, if not worse, them trying to appeal to him would just make him kill them faster.
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The Flashes using the SPEEDFORCE to imprison him in a Red Sun prison couldn't hold SB Prime, so Gear shift ain't gonna do shit against him.
Again, for the last time.
Superman [Lore accurate] always gives people a chance, but within context, even that bastard's got a limit.
Imagine that mf trying to appeal to DARKSEID, Doomsday (when he started talking) or Helspont, could you imagine, lmfao
You can be a few genocides short of H1tler Jr. status, but as long you cry, just talk about your feelings, let's talk about romance; The fuck?
Absolutely fucking not. Cmon now with all that.
This is straight infantile.
And naturally it'll get animated, and the sponsored anime channels will say:
It's amazing
the writing is spectacular
the music gave me the feels
"it makes so much sense for her character"
"the power of smile"
something "we've never seen before"
"a masterpiece"
It made me feel-
How it made me feel-
This makes me feel-
All the scripted responses that'll get them likes.
And then forget it exists when the seasons over and done with.
Just like with Season 6. And it didn't take long either. Next Anime of the week just replaced it on the Top 10 listings, and it just disappeared. Like it never existed.
That and the fact that after like 3+ Quirk upgrades for the boys (plus feats in movies), Ochako FINALLY gets a legit Quirk upgrade...in the final few chapters of the entire series. Nice one author. Really breaking that "Shonen Female Lead curse".
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Nice! A major quirk upgrade for Ochako, only took 95% of the story to be OVER to get here. Do better Katara.
Yes someone actually said that back when Season 2 was fresh off the grill.
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Because Ochako did her best against Bakugou, she tried to clutch a last min move on him in the tournament (S2E9), and she got a flashback = She supposedly broke a "Shonen female lead curse", & the most she did after was:
Learn Gunhead Martial arts, repress feelings for Deku-
Watch Deku be amazing against Overhaul, Make a costume change because of Deku, Fail to bring in Toga, and the one everyone knows: Vomits some nauseating speech to defend Deku.
Who/ What is the constant theme in most of those cases? Hint: It's not Ochako's individual evolution than it is most of her changes revolving around Deku.
Sooo that statement aged well didn't it? Lmfao, seems like the curse is alive and well.
Positive note. Again, Toga is out the way.
Art is very good, as usual.
At least I like it anyway, some people really can't keep up with the action, I think it's great, to see all the effort he's putting in the visuals, it is NOT easy to sketch in darks of that scale. He might be using a pad-
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He means well, but it's the writing that's dogshit.
But AFO vs Mecha AllMight, I'm here for it.
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my-merry-idle-mind · 3 years
I've started writing an outline for a fic that's centered around answering one really stupid question: "what if Wan Shi Tong accidentally acquired a human?" and like, I think I might be taking it waay too seriously because im 2000-ish words into a document and barely anything that I wanted to get to has happened!
-how tf did that owl acquire a baby?
-whats the kid's life like if its only been raised by spirits?
- how is the kid's sense of self, humanity, gender, and whatever the fuck else effected by being a human owlet?
-did any malicious spirits try to eat it?
-would it be a knowledge gatherer like the foxes?
-is this Rapunzel meets Tarzan meets ATLA/LoK, yes, yes it is.
-Wan Shi Tong probably didn't want to deal with smol human, so probably sent it to spirit fox daycare.
-when/how did it get a name??
-please tell me it calls that darn owl "Dada"
-its not a proper OC if it don't meet some protagonists, my money is on Lin Beifong, old Toph too
-does it have bending? I like earth bending, that would be nice.
-seriously, what are its pronouns?!?!
-I wanna say it just doesn't have any framework for its own gender. It hasn't grown up in a ~*SOCIETY*~ and is the only human it knows. once It starts interacting with humans in the material world on knowledge collection missions It realizes it needs to be more human-y and maybe self-reflects until they find a more comfortable way of referring to themself. I think depending on what they want to accomplish that day they pick a gender presentation, but they are actually gender:No. they have long hair (bc I likey) and also haircuts just weren't a thing for them in the spirit world (and atla world has lots of cool long hair for everyone).
-amab? afab? fuck if I know!
-no but seriously, its not a proper OC if it doesn't get fluffy (maybe even smutty) with a protagonist, so umm.. that might actually be something I need to know. hmm.
-is this just a self-insert? I promise it's not. Am I trying to figure out how tf I feel about my gender and overall queerness? yes, yes I am.
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aslaton8-blog · 5 years
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Happy Birthday to me...
Well, my birthday was yesterday but I didn't get to enjoy it at all. Ryan is out sick with the flu... I didn't plan any celebration because those never turn out well. Last time I threw a birthday party this girl Ashley made it all about herself. She tripped out on mushrooms and started screaming at the top of her lungs just because she wanted to, then invited us to her party in her head "you should come see this!!!"
That was almost 6 years ago and I haven't had a birthday party ever since. Really the only birthday party I can remember that I actually enjoyed was when my father surprise me by taking me to the fire station and surprising me with my first bicycle. I was 7 years old...
All I fucking wanted this year was to spend my birthday with my husband because we haven't been as intimate lately due to my sexual abuse and being pregnant. Really that's all I really wanted besides that donation for the baby Penguin which I got before my birthday when in came in the mail labeled with the WWF organization as the sender. That's never a problem; receiving gifts before my birthday. I only care that I don't receive gifts on Christmas or in Christmas wrapping paper. I love my little plush penguin but I love my husband a whole lot more. I can't even spend the weekend with him. I mean we spend weekends together but this is my birthday weekend, this is the day that is supposed to remind me that I belong here and that I'm not a mistake and that I matter and have purpose.
I've been invited to Christmas parties and to Winter Solstice parties but none of which I feel like celebrates my existence. With 8+ billion people on this planet, I need to feel like my tiny little flower bud of impact is meaningful. I almost see this as a reflection from the world that I'm dead inside and unrecognized as a part of life. A man who is dead and no longer with us is very important this time of year. Mother Earth gets recognized this time of year. But Ashley... Well she's just a piece of rock that fell down that mountain and hit someone in the head. Just here, existing for everyone else to stand on.
I know this is my depressed brain talking. When my husband feels better I'm sure I'll bounce back like I always do, but that isn't the point. I know everything will be okay eventually but while it's not, I should be allowed to express my anger without someone taking responsibility for it. It's a virus. I want to blame planet Earth or God or Allah or Krishna but that's the human brain always looking for something to blame.
I don't blame myself for my mood. I always feel like I have guns pointing at me and I'm helpless to defend myself. I can't make my husband take vitamins. I can't suggest anything for his health, he's a nurse. There is really nothing I could have done. So I get to sit here writing a pessimistic blog about how lonely I am this weekend. It's my fucking birthday weekend. I can't even feel angry because I'm pregnant and on Lexapro. I need to get it out somehow. I'm sick of feeling down by one fucking silent battle or another.
All I wanted was to be with my husband on my birthday. Why do people win things so much that just don't matter enough in the long run and I actually ask for things that matter and I not only get denied what I want, I also get spit in the face by one of my friends telling me I should do something for Ryan on my birthday.
Direct Message:
"Hey, you can completely disregard this, but maybe instead of you getting something for yourself, you can get something for Ryan. I know it's not perfect, and you're completely entitled to your anger, but it's just a thought"
In response to a post I wrote complaining that Ryan wanted to give me money so I could go shopping to replace his absence. 😭😭😭 I felt like throwing a tantrum. I hate this society. I do and have done things for other people my entire life. Here I am trying to make a life for myself and care about myself for once and I get all this backlash from my environment that I'm not putting out or helping other people enough and that's why I deserve this lonely birthday. Fuck you planet Earth. I'm killing you in my story. You're an asshole to me. You have been from the get go. Everything I have now is because of ME! and my hard work on all the mental damage you did. I deserve better.
I won't help you anymore until I see you working on your own darkness. Stop dumping it all on me. You created this mess, now take some responsibility for it mom and dad... Whatever that means... they weren't parents... they were assholes. I mean my dad killed himself and ran away and couldn't even face the damage he did to me when I confronted him. What a coward. Own up to your shit people. I mean I did. I wasn't always the best person, I didn't start with breaking the cycle. But I confronted what I've done. I didn't get met with love and forgiveness. But that's the point of actually caring about what you did to somebody. You're not going to want to complain about how they react. You can't, you damaged them. This is concerning my ex-husband. I was extremely verbally abusive to him calling him stupid and all sorts of names well kind of like my father used to do to me. That's no excuse, though.
I faced the consequences, I dealt with them and now I'm trying to move forward. I haven't been in that relationship in seven years so I don't know why I'm still paying for it while that sociopath gets clean away from it. I'm sick of fighting your demons for you. Go fight your own God damn demons.
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