#maybe sort of like the suit pant-type things idols wear when they have to dance yknow
kowaindar0u · 4 months
Me re-reading over my last yusone reply
And then looking at how I've been drawing Yuichi
Seems I must retcon myself and decide that indeed he does wear socks and not just like. Feeted pants (??) LOL
There's no reason he should wear pants like that, I think that's just how I was drawing it cause I'm lazy sometimes, but it's so funny now to imagine like. "Let's go sit by the lake" meaning yuichi just has to take his whole pants off JFNANFSKDJAJAJS
So, no, we'll just say he wears long black socks that match his pants lol. Though perhaps unless one looks closely, or they've seen him take off the socks, they might not be able to tell if they're separate items of clothing or not LOL
That'll be my excuse *nod nod*
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lovelyirony · 5 years
for @tsatskes, one of the best 
Maria Hill went to the library every day after school. Her dad couldn’t pick her up until five-thirty, when he got off work. This was fine with her, seeing as how she liked to read. 
Maria liked biographies. It was odd for a small child, but she liked them. She learned about politicians, musicians, criminals, and actresses. 
In a biography, most everything is laid bare if the person is dead. Sure the family, if living, has some say and control. But for the most part, you are learning everything about this person’s life. 
Including rumors that maybe weren’t just rumors. 
This is how Maria finds out that people can like girls. 
So it doesn’t feel odd when she stares at Lisa Odenning for a bit too long. She knows that she likes girls. 
But she also knows that it’s...frowned upon. Frowned upon in the way her father scoffs at rainbows, tells Maria to wear a dress to a dance instead of the suit she had wanted to wear. 
“I like pants. Dresses aren’t my thing.” 
“You wanna be a lesbian or something?” 
Maria knows it’s not bad. She knows it, like she knows that sunshine feels good on her shoulders. But her dad makes it seem like that. Like it’s wrong to love someone. 
“So? What if I was?” 
Her dad laughs. He fucking laughs. 
“No daughter of mine is gonna be gay. That’s ridiculous.” 
“I need to go to the bathroom.” 
Tile is hard as she drops to her knees, biting her hand to keep from crying too loudly. But what’s harder is learning the fact that it doesn’t matter if your parents are your parents: 
They’re still allowed to dislike you for who you are. 
She stares at her plate at dinner time when her mother chatters on about her workday, how difficult it was handling a group of fifth graders at a field trip. 
“Maria, how was your day?” 
“Just fine? Nothing else?” 
“Nothing that matters.” To you. 
Her mother says she’ll wash the dishes instead of her brother, and her brother gives her a knock to the shoulder and says a thank you, running out to get his bike and play basketball with friends. 
Maria doesn’t tell her mom what’s wrong when she asks. She doesn’t want to talk to her dad either, who tries to talk to her in a softer voice. 
“Mar, did something happen today that we should know about? You know we love you.” 
You know we love you. you know we love you. Do they? Do they love her? 
Or do they love that they think she is who they want her to be? 
Maria has to know. 
So she says it. 
“I’m gay,” she says plainly. “And I like girls and I always will. That’s what happened today.” 
Her dad’s face grows stony. Her mother doesn’t say anything for a moment. 
“You don’t mean that.” 
“Oh what, I don’t?” Maria asks, incredulous. 
“No, you’re confused. You don’t know what you want so you’re acting out.” 
Maria drops the plate she’s drying. It shatters to pieces and a shard cuts her leg. 
Her mom sweeps it up. Her dad doesn’t say anything. Maria walks outside and sits. 
Blood runs down her leg. It dries. She can’t be bothered to clean it up, even when it stains and dries on her pants. 
Her dad comes outside. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. 
“No. I’m really, really not.” 
“You know, we could...ask someone. About those camps that they have.” 
Maria’s face tightens. They want to send her away. 
“What, because I’m not enough?” Maria asks. “Because I’m not your perfect little daughter?” 
“You know, I never said that--” 
“You didn’t have to, I know,” Maria hisses. “You don’t love me. Not really. You can’t bear the fact that you have a fucking daughter who likes girls. Because for some reason that’s the worst thing that could happen to me.” 
He doesn’t say anything. He stands there and looks at her. 
They won’t send her to college. They’re not ending up letting her borrow the car for anything. They think she’ll sneak out to kiss a girl or something. 
That doesn’t bother Maria. 
She’s used to the cold looks and never-there-hugs over time. Her brother doesn’t say anything. She jokes to him that she’ll be cut out of the will. 
“You think they’d do that?” He asks. 
“Of course they will. The only reason mom didn’t make me leave the family is because it would cause a scandal at the next goddamn homes association meeting she has.” 
Maria bikes everywhere. And runs. She gets to be pretty fast. She figures it’s practice for when she’s run out of the house at the end of the year. 
But she ends up stopping a robbery. 
There’s a man who asks if she wants to “try out” in a sense, for a job. 
SHIELD. That’s what they call it. She thinks it’s ridiculous. 
She doesn’t tell her parents when she leaves. 
She takes everything she owns, stuffs it into a duffel bag, and bikes to where her new life begins. 
Her brothers calls her and says that her parents are upset. They’re thinking about calling the police. 
“Tell them I’m okay,” Maria says. “I’ll write them soon.” 
It’s petty, she knows. 
But she writes them back with no letter, just two things. 
The pocket knife her dad gave her. And the necklace that has been passed down for generations from her mother. 
A rejection of family, a severance of ties. She will not talk to them again. Her brother may pass updates on her. 
But judging by her experience in SHIELD, she won’t be returning home. 
They think she shows promise. She’s good in the field, deals with professional heckling in the most professional manner possible, and has a stare that takes most agents at least ten years to earn, and got Agent Barton to do paperwork in less than twenty-four hours. 
She doesn’t say anything about her personal life. They know she has parents that she doesn’t talk to, but that’s it. There’s nothing else to learn. 
At least, until Natasha Romanov enters. She’s a Black Widow. Or rather, Black Widow. She’s the lone survivor, doesn’t suffer fools easily, and likes to know everything. 
She and Clint are friends and joking around within two weeks. She knows where Coulson’s secret stash of coffee is within a week. And most importantly, she finds out Fury’s home address. 
(He lives in a nice house in a cul-de-sac and wears t-shirts and sunglasses on his days off. His neighbor on the right calls him Nick and they sometimes grill burgers.) 
Maria Hill is an enigma. Natasha doesn’t like not knowing. 
Or she does like to not know. She likes the thrill of getting information that you’re not supposed to know. 
There is no possibility of that with Maria Hill, because this job is her everything to her. People know that she doesn’t go home for any holiday, only takes off for health concerns, and doesn’t have any friends that she goes out with. 
Maria is alone. 
But there has to be more. Has to be. 
Natasha follows her home. Or, attempts to. 
She loses her on a subway stop. She’s not even sure how she lost her. 
She gets a typed note stuck to her door in the morning. 
Quit following me. I mean it. 
Natasha is suitably impressed. 
And undeterred. 
“Thanks for the note sweetheart,” Natasha says. “But I’m not gonna stop until I get something good.” She sashays away, looking back. “I like the hair, Maria.” 
Maria Hill is nervous. She hasn’t been nervous in three years. And this woman, this insufferable redhead who has the eyes of danger and a smile that could rival Aphrodite, is driving her insane. 
She is nervous. And that? That is throwing off her whole day. She can’t even drink her coffee because her fingers are so jittery. 
Maria hasn’t had a crush in years. She’s quashed them all down, ignored them. They were on people who were in and out, and she’s...well. Her marriage is to SHIELD. 
Natasha Romanoff is...similar. She’s exactly Maria’s type. Which is dangerous to know. 
She tries not to think about it. Tries to not smile as Natasha asks teasing questions. 
“Well, what’s your favorite condiment?” 
“What does that say about anything?” 
“Gives me some specifics about your past life, Maria darling.” 
“Ketchup,” Maria answers. 
Ketchup does not narrow anything down. Natasha just likes learning about her. 
Natasha learns that Maria has poor circulation, enjoys waking up with no alarm (which is insane), and absolutely adores the color blue. Everything, nearly, is blue. 
There are other, more serious things. Maria doesn’t like talking about her parents. Ever. She has a brother who occasionally emails. He got married a year ago and Maria visited at the wedding reception just as everyone was emptying. She has some drama with her parents. 
And nothing else is revealed about her life. Who her past crushes were. She visits the library when she has a free weekend. 
This is how Natasha finds her in a chair at the local library, reading a biography about Norman Rockwell. Something had seemed off about her all week, her face strange. (Natasha tended to look at Maria’s face. A lot. More than necessary. Clint made fun of her.) 
“He painted the idealized American life,” Maria says. “I like his work. He’s interesting because I probably wouldn’t like him.” 
“Better to see your idols than know them,” Natasha remarks. “Everything okay?” 
Maria is quiet. 
“My brother told my parents where I work.” 
Natasha sits, looks at a biography of some TV host. 
“You know if this one is any good?” 
“Talks too much about family history. Sucks.” 
Natasha picks out another one about Mary Pickford and starts reading. 
They read in silence like that for the better part of an hour. Natasha uses Maria’s legs as her own sort of chair, pressing her back against them. Maria doesn’t say anything but loses her page. 
Natasha gets up, looking at Maria. 
“What’s going on?” 
“It’s nothing. I’ll be fine.” 
“Doesn’t matter if it’s nothing. It’s affecting you enough so that you’re reading about someone else. Sounds like you want to focus on anyone but yourself.” 
“Didn’t know you talked to SHIELD psychologists,” Maria says, mouth quirking up in a smile. 
“They talk at me. I occasionally listen to fit my needs.” Maria laughs some more, getting up from her chair. The white, plastic library card is between two fingers. 
“Let me check some of these out. Then I’ll sit down at coffee with you.” 
It is awkward. Silent. At first. Maria has the books to the side, pressed against a window. She almost never has her back to the window. This is new. 
“What I tell you cannot be flaunted around the office like the cat just got the cream,” Maria says tightly. “It cannot be bragging like you know of Clint’s circus career or Phil’s quite frankly weird obsession with Cap and Howling Commandoes memorabilia.” 
“Airtight,” Natasha says. “You’re my friend.” 
Maria talks. 
“I don’t talk to my parents. Ever. I’m...I like girls. More than a friend way.” 
“You sound like the biggest dork on the planet,” Natasha teases, smiling. “But continue.” 
Maria shoots her an annoyed glance, but she looks down at her coffee, not annoyed really. 
“I don’t talk to them. They thought it was a phase. They tried to get me to go to church or some weird Christian summer camp. I never did. I mailed back anything of family value. I don’t ever mention them. 
Because I...I never could think of myself as part of that family. And my mom found where I live and now she’s calling me to get dinner. And I kind of want to. But I also don’t want to. I don’t know what to do.” 
Natasha sits back. 
“You know, this makes having dead parents desirable right now.” 
Maria laughs. It’s a horrible joke, in the worst taste, but Natasha makes her laugh. 
“I don’t know everything about this, but I suggest maybe talking with them,” Natasha says. “Only if you want to. If you don’t want to, you’re under no obligation. But figure out what you want to do. It’s about what’s right for you, not what you think someone wants from you.” 
Natasha brings Maria into a hug, cradling her body. It’s the perfect hug. 
“This might be a bad time, but if you ever want to do something...I’d be fine with that.” 
Maria is left struck dumb, a pile of books left next to her. 
She decides that maybe instead of having dinner with people she honestly dreads talking to, maybe she’ll take Nat to the trivia night next Friday at her favorite bar. 
They might win something. 
Natasha gets a handwritten note. 
She can tell it’s left-handed, written in slanted cursive, and written carefully. Handwriting tells a lot about a person. 
Trivia night is next Friday. You want to go? 
Underneath is her phone number. 
Natasha texts her an embarrassing amount of emojis in response to the question posed. 
Maria texts back. 
I regret liking you 
oh fuck. 
hehe :) thanks maria i like you back 
Not the worst confession. Not the worst response. It’s a nice start. 
(Fury wins ten dollars. Maria does not like this.) 
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
Peachtober | Day 19: Childhood
Summary: As one of the members of a very popular performing arts middle school in Seoul, you have long decided not to try to be anything above average. The middle of the back was your home and you had never felt like moving until now. In your 12th year of life, your very popular
Reader Gender: N/A
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Now you were a shy human. Not just an introvert, but you did your best to stay under the radar at all costs. Maybe you were the smartest in a certain subject, but you didn’t want to get that academic recognition. You just wanted to get through middle school as quickly as possible, then get through high school, and then go to a college in a different country. Some people wanted to make an impact in the world. Become a legend. Leave their mark.
All you wanted to do was survive.
And maybe get asked to the Costume Dance by Park Kangdae. His name really made sense as not only was he the cutest and most smart and kind boy in school, but his father was Park Jimin, a former idol. You stared as you changed your shoes to the school issued ones since he passed by. However he himself was nothing like his father, not super bubbly and cute but the complete opposite. A Bad Boy of sorts.
Infamous. Often got in trouble for not wearing a belt or not tucking in his shirt, but you adored him still. His hair was longer than most too. He was different. He stood out. He was beautiful and smart, a hard worker, but also way out of your league. Kangdae swore like a sailor no matter if teachers were around or not, but never ever in front of his father. All respect was to be earned with him.
“You know he’s not that big of a deal.” Said Chwe Sanghee, the daughter of Yoo Jeongyeon and Chwe Vernon.
It was no surprise that famous children were going to this school as it was a middle school designed to create future idols and actors. Generation after generation of idol families went here in the hope to recreate the success their parents had or even surpass them. There were a few exceptions, like you. However, you were glad that you didn’t come from a famous family because it made it easier to blend in to be average.
Heh, to be average in a school of born celebrities. This was reflected in every aspect of the school as nothing was broken for too long and the technology inside was nothing but top of the line, state of the art. All the programs on it also very expensive and paid for by the school. The building itself was also very nice. Always clean and spotless because it had janitors unlike most schools where the students were in charge of keeping it clean.
Not to mention the uniforms. Royal purple and the blazers were made out of silk. They were very genderfluid and the rules didn’t dictate who could and could not wear a skirt or pants which meant you wore pants all the time unless they started to chafe or annoy you. Also, the freedom of a skirt was fun. Of course, the shorts underneath were up to the students but had to be black. The socks that went into your school loafers had to be white, mostly white, or black.
Sanghee bent this rule to her will by wearing white socks with ribbons built into the design while you opted for regular white ankle high socks. Average. Kangdae always wore black socks.
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“I heard he sticks gum underneath his desk.”
“He would never!” You said. “He’s way too nice for that.” you said as you threw your backpack over your shoulder.
“Well, it’s what I heard.” She replied.
You rolled your eyes, “Sanghee, you should be more careful about saying stuff like that. It could ruin his career before it’s even started. He could start being known for not caring about the property of others and then people will label him a delinquent and no one wants to work with a delinquent.”
Your long time friend pinched your cheek, “Cute little worry wort.”
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At lunch, you sat with the brown haired beauty and couldn’t help but stare at the boy who had recently dyed his hair blue to play “Flounder” in the My Little Mermaid Jr. musical we were doing soon. He wanted to be an actor like his uncles Taehyung and Jin even though they weren’t his uncles by blood. A foreign girl with curly hair had gotten red braids put into her hair in order to play Ariel. She sat next to him, blocking your view of him.
You leaned over and nearly fell out of your chair, but Sanghee held you up, “I swear, Y/N. You should just ask him to the Halloween Dance since your crush on him is so big!”
“What? No? I...I couldn’t dare ask him to go with a nobody like me.” You said. “Anyways, he’s too popular. I can’t hang out with too many popular people or I might actually get noticed by people.”
“Do you honestly want to play a background character for the rest of your life?” The asked.
You nodded as if the answer obvious, “Yeah. I don’t have any too high expectations, and I make everything feel complete. That’s good enough for me.”
She sighed, “I don’t understand you, Bean Paste.” your friend called you the affectionate nickname because you had chosen it as a group name in elementary school for a sports competition. “But I respect ya.”
Then she ate the pizza crust you didn’t like because it was always too burnt. You asked how she did on the recent test and of course she landed in the top ten. As predicted, you had gotten 50th spot but were so close in getting 48 because of Lee Yun not doing as well as usual. Middle of the pack was the perfect place for you. However, you couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to spend one day with Kangdae.
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Because of a bet you lost with your friend Sunghee, you would be going to the Costume Dance with her. Couple costumes but you got to choose what the two of you would be dressing up as. Because you had been into indie games as of late, you chose to be Sans from Undertale with Sunghee being Frisk. There was one thing that would make your outfit different than what you were hoping because of the theme this year was ‘Formal’
So, you simply wore your school dress shirt since it was white and a blue blazer with black shorts. White shoes and socks and then you painted a skeleton upon your face with your father’s help. Sunghee showed up in a blue and purple striped long sleeve dress with a layered skirt, blue tights and brown heels on. Her already brown hair was made short with the use of bobby pins and hair gel. You have her the locket from the game you had gotten after months of searching.
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Because the person you were dressing up as had no hair, you simply slicked and pulled your hair back to make it smooth and flat. It’d be quite a bit of trouble to get it out later, but that was later. Your other father took your pictures and then sent you off with Sunghee’s butler. She was a nice 30 year old that had worked for her family for some time now because her parents were so busy.
When they were home, they did their best to spend time with their little girl. They would build collections to make sure they never felt too far away. Every once in a while, she’d get a seashell or a leaf from whatever country her parents were in at the time. Paris, New York, Vietnam, Egypt. They were all labelled in her bedroom too, type and year.
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Soon enough, you were at the dance and sitting on the bleachers. Sunghee was talking with her other friends somewhere. This was the only downfall of not being known by many people and only having one friend, you felt rather lonely. Part of you wanted to go out and dance with someone, grab them by the hand and have a bit of fun. However, you were afraid.
“Hey, Sans?” Someone called.
You looked up and it was a young man dressed in a formal white suit with a red cape and matching boots. There was a blue and yellow cummerbund around his waist. Red gloves. Whoever it was, they were dressed as Papyrus!
“Can we take a picture together? Sunghee said this was your idea.” You knew that voice anywhere. Even in the dark room with blinding lights that rotated and the music being way too loud, you knew that it was Park Kangdae.
You just nodded and he sat next to you, taking his phone out. The both of you smiled and he took a few pics in succession. Then he asked if you wanted to dance. You nodded and he brought you to the middle of the dancefloor. Your heart couldn’t believe it. Actually getting to dance with your crush to mediocre pop music.
“Hey, by the way, what’s your name. Sunghee just said you were her friend.” He said brashly but that was just his way of talking.
“It’s Y/N.” You replied.
He moved his face closer to your’s, “WHAT?”
“Y/N!” You said louder. “Y/F/N, we have acting together.”
“Right, you play singing coral in the musical, don’t you?”
“Y-yeah, that’s me.”
Kangdae smiled and chuckled, “You’re really good at dancing in that dumb costume they have you in. I thought you were really cute during dress rehearsal on Wednesday when you rolled your eyes when Kim Heechul’s grandson messed up his line.”
He thought you were cute when you rolled your eyes!
“Oh, um. Th-thank you.” You replied, blushing. “I think you should have gotten the part of Prince Eric.”
You felt like you were standing out too much, but you wanted to talk to him since he was here dancing with you.
“Me too, but my cousin is more popular than I am. It’s no surprise that he got that part.” He replied.
His cousin was of course the child of Kim Namjoon’s first wife. She was like me, not a fan of the spotlight but in love with someone who lived in it. What was I thinking? I was only 12. Twelve year olds couldn’t be in love, could we? I just really really REALLY like Kangdae. He seemed to not hate me since we talked and danced for a few more songs together.
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He even talked to me the days after the Dance. Although he knew I didn’t like being known, I told him the truth. It wasn’t so bad if he was the one who got to know me. He was really kind despite what everyone seemed to think Kangdae didn’t make me interact with others if I didn’t want to. His friends were nice too.
Maybe, just maybe if it was just a few people who knew me, it would be ok. I used to be scared to be known by anyone. Then Sunghee happened. Now Kangdae happened. Two other friends happened too. Right before Kangdae’s dad came to pick him up in person after the last play rehearsal before tomorrow’s show, he handed me a folded up note.
I opened it in the back of my dad’s car.
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He liked me?
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hotarutranslations · 6 years
Juice=Juice’s Kanazawa Tomoko “20 questions 20 answers” haro puro love talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20thanniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its Juice=Juice’s Kanazawa Tomoko!!
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Kanazawa Tomoko = Born July 2nd 1995, 23 years old. Hometown Saitama. Blood type B.
Q1: Tell us the origin of your name!
My father liked Nakajima Tomoko-san who played Hotaru in the drama “From the Northern Country” (Fuji TV 81~82), so it comes from Nakajima-san’s name. He picked Tomoko, but worried over whether he should pick Hotaru, but after all he chose Tomoko.
Q2: Who is a senior you admire?
Former C-ute-san’s Suzuki Airi. Before I joined Hello! Project I supported her as a fan, and now I’m thankful to be able to call her my “senior” as I love her. After all when you speak of Suzuki Airi it’s her really pretty singing voice. I think that Suzuki Airi-san’s best weapon is that anyone would think her singing voice is nice, I want to be able to also sing in such a wonderful way.
Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as?
What should I do~! Um, Morning Musume ‘18’s Makino Maria-chan. Isn’t her style really good? I went and saw Morning Musume-san at their Nippon Budokan live,  even though I was far away I could see her style was striking, I have the impression that any costume suits her. If I were to become Maria-chan, I think I’d wear a lot of different clothes in private (laughs). For example, I could wear tight pants that I cannot wear myself, I’d also want to wear cool costumes at lives.
Q4: What are you the best at in Hello! Project?
An unbalanced diet. I’m the type that can get into anything and I’m able to eat the same thing for a whole week. It has drawbacks though (laughs), after the thing I’m into’s boom has passed, I will still only ask for that thing from the shop. I don’t think I can lose to anyone else with that, I think I’m always eating the same things. Recently, at home its butter rice (laughs). I like eating with butter and soy sauce so I’ll eat it every day.
Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project!
Everyone does their own makeup, they have image of really being skillful with their hands. I don’t really know what other idols do so I don’t have anything to compare it to but, there are members who change their hairstyle throughout one performance. I can only make it straight on my own, since I’d have to curl it or put it in twin tails on my own. That’s one thing I think is amazing about Hello! Project.
Q6: Who would you want to be in a special Hello! Project unit with?
Oh man, thinking about it is fun so its super troublesome (laughs). Recently, I’ve been into Taiyou and Ciscomoon, I like Inaba Atsuko-san’s voice. Since I also like Morning Musume ’18 Oda Sakura-san’s voice, I think it’d be fun to sing together with the two of them. I have the impression that they have sexy voices, they’d have like fakes in succession, I’d want to sing something adult-like and sexy.
Q7: Tell us a Juice=Juice song you like!
“Synchro”, it’s on the new album. The lyrics are like we’re singing about ourselves, before we show it off to everyone we feel like there is a lot of emotional attachment to the song. From the era of 5 people to 7, and now that we’ve become 8 people it has become a very meaningful song to sing. I want you to carefully listen to the lyrics.
Q8: What is Hello! Project song you like?
On C-ute-san’s album, Suzuki Airi-san’s solo “Yes! all my family”. I really like that song’s lyrics. Things that are common in everyday life, I think that its happy, I’ve thought ‘isn’t that natural?’. Since it’s a song of becoming aware of happiness, I really like it.
Q9: What is the difference between current and previous Hello! Project?
Its somehow like this, recently there is the image that we’ve become aware of the 16 beats in a song. It felt like before the choreography would be in 8 beats. Of course before the foundation was that of 16 beats, I wonder if it’s that we now pick up the sound in more detail. I think that the ‘getting into it’ is completely different from the past. The dances are completely different.
Q10: Other than yourself who is your oshi?
Tsubaki Factory’s Asakura Kiki-chan. Recently, she got a shortcut, and her freshness has increased. In any case she is always smiling, not just on stage, even backstage if you make eye contact she’ll smile and its really cute. Since you can feel energetic just by looking at her, I definitely want everyone to look at her a lot (laughs).
Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
There isn’t anything like that, ah that’s right~ my shoulders (laughs). The joints in my shoulders are soft. Therefore, when I’m dancing I think there’s a part where you’ll understand it, so I’d like you to look at my shoulders. There is a normal flapping like hey hey that a bit different from everyone else. My inner muscles are a bit weak, although it feels like I’m making my shoulders a weak point. I also think they’re cute (laughs).
Q12: What is work you would like to challenge?
Since I like talking, I want to do work as a moderator or MC. This year I’ve gotten to widen my talking work.
Q13: What do you want us to see most from Juice=Juice?
Juice=Juice is a group that really loves lives. I think that the number of lives in Hello! Project is a lot but, in any case I want you to see a live. Within that everyone is conscious of their singing, ‘this song is like this’ is something we’ve recently decided to talk about, so I have the desire to make those things alive (laughs). Also the members that have said this are Takagi Sayuki-chan and Danbara Ruru-chan, listening to them sing every day is moving and wonderful anyhow. Therefore, I’d like everyone to hear those two.
Q14: What will you be doing in 20 years?
Realistically thinking, I think it’d be difficult to be active in Hello! Project (laughs). But, it’d be nice to have some kind of connection to Hello! Project after 20 years. Just being a fan supporting them would be fine, watching that era of Hello! Project would be the most ideal. If I could contribute in some way to the shape of that Hello! Project, that’s something I can vaguely imagine. Although I can’t make any particular promises (laughs).
Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
I think that my fans know I’m not good with fish; I really can’t eat fish at all. I say that now but, actually recently, I was able to eat salmon. I like to have it gone through the fire a bit, but I can eat it raw also. Since it’s kind of like paccio. Ah, carpaccio (laughs). If carpaccio is available, if you haven’t tried it you should as it is very delicious. From there salmon became no problem. I just say that I’m bad with fish, I can’t really say “I’m into it”…As I didn’t think I’d say it (laughs).
Q16: After the 20th anniversary what do you want to be able to do?
I’m always thinking that I want to improve my performing but, I’ve suddenly though that it really isn’t a personal thing. I went and saw Cirque du Soleil’s “Kurios”; there was someone using a yo-yo, I thought it was something really wonderful. I wrote it on my blog, and the yo-yo performer sent me the yo-yo. Therefore, now my personal goal is to make improvement with the yo-yo. It would make me happy if I was able to show it in some sort of performance. I have about 10, but I’m in the situation where I don’t really know how to use them, but with a little progress, maybe I could show some skill. Since I got a DVD for practicing, while watching I can do a ‘walking the dog’ (laughs).
Q17: What would you be if you weren’t an idol?
Up until high school I just had an ordinary life of going to school, originally in middle school I wanted to be a civil servant. Therefore, perhaps if I had gone as normal I would have been a civil servant. My relatives aunt did clerical work at a school, and it happened to be my school. I always saw her, and I came to want to do work like that. Therefore, if I perhaps did not become an idol, I think I’d also be a school clerical worker around now.
Q18: What are you most into right now?
Its yo-yo’s but, other than that…my little sister gave me an aroma set as a birthday present. I’ve used aroma’s up until now but, now I’ve come to use them more than before. When I’m reading a book I’ll have an aroma scent; since its more healing, it’s like I’ll read and aroma therapy. It’s something trendy so I can’t talk much about it though (laughs).
Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project? Tell us an episode!
The most troubling question (laughs)! Honestly I don’t do much with anyone other than the Juice=Juice members. Therefore when talking about who I get along with, I think “Is there no one?” but I feel a bit embarrassed and don’t say that (laughs). However, in terms of hanging out with a member in private Miyamoto Karin-chan is easy to invite. We’re in the same group so I know her schedule, so I don’t really have to worry about her refusing right? Therefore, if I want to see a movie I’ll often contact Karin-chan or (Takagi) Sayuki-chan, so it’s like that (laughs).
Q20: What is an idol to you?
I originally really liked idols so, my image is, a bit different than ‘you can become whoever you want as an idol’ or ‘the sense that you can go and meet them’. For example for an artist, you certainly have a strong memory of going to their lives and having an exciting time together but, with an idol it’s like idolization; to me it’s like they’re close but very far away. In this world they really have the presence of being transient. Cheering for them, there is always the worry that one day my oshimen will graduate, they really have a strong image of transience. In reality, they’ve all certainly thought of wanting to continue for a long time, this is something I think very strongly, as a fan looking at them they have a pale transient feeling, huh.
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