#maybe the sukukajas too
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Horizontober day 11: Royal
I didn't forget this time I just had to design two entire characters. It's a Persona 5 Royal crossover featuring our very own Sunhawk Talanah Khane Padish! Doing Persona designs is really hard for me even though I love the game and the aesthetics... I did my best! Talanah's image of rebellion is a cowboy/outlaw.
This is the most niche thing I could have possibly drawn but my target audience is myself so... Deal with it sorry lol
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thebigpapilio · 5 years
Akumas as Personas - Part 4!
Parts 1 & 2 are here! Part 3 is here!
Spells are based off this list; for information on the meanings of spells, look here! Anything that doesn’t show up there is here.
This one covers some of Season 2 & Season 3′s akumas!
Reminder: I made up the Earth & Water spells, which are listed in Part 1!
Captain Hardrock/Licentia:
Anarka would have Physical & Water spells. Her Physical spells would be slashing ones like Zanshinken, Brutal Slash & Heaven’s Blade.
I’d also give her moves like Assault Dive, Heat Wave, & Free Memento.
Arcana: Tower
Zombizou/Good Kisser:
Caline will get Psychic spells, alongside Salome’s Kiss.
Arcana: Temperance (yeah, teacher jokes, but it also works) or Star
Style Queen/Golden Ruler:
Audrey gets Bless & Earth spells, also getting Hama & Hamaon, Rakukaja & Marakukaja, Sukunda & Masukunda.
Arcana: Emperor, actually. The Empress details the need to care for others...
Marc would get Curse, Wind, & Bless spells, with a hint of all the others (with the exception of Almighty) like Agilao & Mazio. I’d also give him Brain Shake, Marin Karin & Brain Jack.
Arcana: Magician
Syren/Best Stroke:
Ondine would have Water & minor Bless spells, geting Salome’s Kiss, Mutudi & Mamutudi.
Arcana: Lovers
Clara/Laura/whatever her name is will get Salome’s Kiss & all the Link spells.
Arcana: Lovers or Chariot
Frozer/Absolute Hero:
Philippe’s definently getting Ice spells, and some Physical ones too. I’d also give him Frost Edge, Glacial Edge, Tousatsujin,  Scarecrow, Sukukaja & Masukukaja, Sukunda & Masukunda.
Arcana: Chariot or Empress
Silencer/Duke Ibel:
Luka gets Physical & minor Water spells (all the hydrokinetic akuma!Lukas have been rubbing off on me), Holy Touch, Saint’s Touch & Makajam.
Arcana: Justice or Lovers
Anansi/Six-Eyed Sandy:
Nora would get Physical spells like Rampage & Herculean Strike all the way! Also give her Salome’s Kiss, Makajam & Disarm.
Arcana: Empress or Chariot
Malediktator/Major Mayor:
Andre would have Almighty & all the other elements like Bufula & Magarula.
Arcana: Emperor all the way!
Bakerix/Bread Baron/DuPain:
Rolland would be Physical for sure, maybe give a Wind spell or two. He’s also assuredly learning Tarukaja & Matarukaja.
Arcana: Hierophant/Temperance
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snowpeawritings · 7 years
8. Yukiko's Castle
Philemon seems to enjoy seeing his Wild Cards live on with their lives…
Persona 4 Golden X FeMC!Reader
"What the...? A castle!?" Chie exclaimed. "Y'think this is the place they showed on TV last time?" The castle looked exactly like it was shown from the Midnight Channel, with the line of horses and everything. But somehow seeing them up-close made it look eerie.
"You're positive that no one's behind a camera for that bizarre midnight program?" Yosuke asked Teddie.
"Program...? I don't know. Maybe people on your side can see stuff in this world. It might be that. And I told you before! There's only me and Shadows here! There's no 'camera' stuff going on. This world has been like this from the beginning."
"'From the beginning'...? That's what we don't understand!"
"Izanami." You said to your Persona, straying from the others conversation
"Did you already have a conscious when you still weren't summoned or were you just in, like, a hibernation state?"
Izanami pondered, bringing her clawed hand to her chin. "I don't think... Maybe. But it is rather hard to explain. You could say I was conscious but somehow I can't move at all."
"Like a coma?"
"If that's what you call it, then yes. However my mind is like a newborn child; undeveloped and fragile. If taught well it will blossom into a beautiful, intelligent, being."
"Is that your ego I hear?" You joked.
"No. It was just to describe the human mind. The mind is much more powerful than you think." You felt someone push and saw Chie running inside the castle.
"Chie!" You called out.
"Geez! We better follow her!" Yosuke said. You, him, Teddie, and your Personas ventured inside the castle. That is until Teddie tugged you back.
"Um, Sensei. I want to give this to you. I gathered all of this stuff so I thought I might give them to you." He handed you three colorful beads, five peach seeds, and five vials full of something.
"Thanks Teddie." You stuffed them all inside a bag you brought and caught up with Yosuke. Teddie following behind.
Castle Floor 1
"Garu!" Yosuke smashed his card and Jiraiya created gusts of wind from his palms. The fish-like Shadows had gotten dizzy and wobbled.
"Now's your chance, Sensei!" Teddie called out.
"Cleave!" You crushed your card and Izanami swept them all away with her naginata.
"Bear-rific job, Sensei!" Teddie praised. You three ran inside the castle, attacking any Shadow that gets close.
"Man, it feels great to be back on the job." Jiraiya said.
"I'm pretty sure you didn't have these powers back in the day." Yosuke said.
"Yeah. Well, it sure feels like it."
"Teddie, is she close?" You asked him.
"She went up a few floors but she's close. It's too dangerous to be on her own. She might get seriously hurt!" He whimpered.
"Don't demoralize the mission, Teddie. You said so yourself that the Shadows only attack us, right? So they probably won't even notice Chie."
"But we still have to hurry up! You saw what happened to me. I don't want that to happen to Chie!" Yosuke yelled.
"Shh! Yosuke! I know you're worried but we have to deal with what's in front of us first!" You pointed at a group of Shadows.
He sighed. "Alright. Let's go!"
Castle Floor 3
"Guys! I sense her behind this door!" Teddie pointed to a double door.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Yosuke was about to open the door but you held his arm.
"Yosuke, don't rush into things. We should at least prepare."
He shook off your hold and pointed at the door. "But Chie is just behind that door!"
"Yosuke." You said sternly, making him fall silent. "You used up all your soul to conjure those wind spells. Look at you. You can't even stand straight." It's true that he spammed his wind spells against those monsters. You would've helped, but you don't have a Persona that can use wind spells. His figure shook and took a step forward but he collapsed. Luckily you caught him in time.
"See? You can't even stand. Here..." You took out a Soul Drop and squeezed the bottle, letting the drops fall on Yosuke's head. Jiraiya complained about Yosuke having his head near your chest but Izanami jabbed him on the side. He seemed much more better than before. You helped him up and he stood on his own.
"Thanks. So can we go inside now please?" He pouted when he heard his Persona still complaining about him near your chest. You giggled and nodded. You pushed open the doors and saw Chie...
With another Chie.
"Oh no..." Yosuke muttered.
"Yukiko's so good looking... so fair-skinned... so feminine... She's the one all the guys drool over." Shadow Chie said. "When Yukiko looked at me with such jealousy... Man, did I get a charge out of that. Yukiko knows the score. She can't do anything if I'm not around... I'm better than her... Much, much better!"
Chie shook her head vigorously. "No! I have never thought that!"
"Wh-What should we do!?" Yosuke asked. You gripped your naginata tighter.
"Obviously stop her from saying-"
"Aw, crap balls." 
Shadow Chie started laughing like a maniac. The aura around her grew stronger as it filled her with the suppressed emotions Chie has for Yukiko. The smoke died and a tall, feminine figure sat atop three faceless female students who stood on top of each other. It wore a ridiculous yellow hat and matching yellow bra, panties, and boots. It's long black hair cascaded on the floor with a few strands of it sharpened like a knife. She held a whip in one hand and a rope in the other.
"I am a shadow... The true self... What are you guys think you're doing? Trying to defend the 'real' me? Then you're gonna pay the price!" She used her whip to attack Chie but Jiraiya quickly grabbed it.
"Wh-What the-!?"
"Don't worry, boyish-looking girl. Jiraiya's here to-" He was cut short when Shadow Chie whipped him away. He was sent crashing at the chandelier and just hung there.
"I'm okay." He said with a thumbs up. You groaned in his idiocy and smashed your card.
"Zio!" Izanami thrust her palm as an arc of thunder hit Shadow Chie, making it dizzy.
"It's weak to Electricity. Do it again!" Teddie yelled from afar. You did so and another lightning blast hit it. It managed to regain itself and cackled.
"You think you can win 'those' puny skills? I'll show you what REAL skills are!" It cracked it's whip and lightning struck across the room. It didn't affect you, since Izanami is resistant to Electricity but you remembered Jiraiya still swinging on the chandelier.
"Izanami! Protect Jiraiya!" She flew in front of Jiraiya in the nick of time. She took the hit.
"You better start doing something, Yosuke! I'm not the one in pants here!" You yelled. Yosuke nodded and smashed his card.
"Garu!" Jiraiya summoned a blast of wind and it made Shadow Chie stumble but regained its composure.
"It's weak to Wind too! Hit it with a combo!" Teddie yelled.
"Don't even try!" Shadow Chie cracked its whip and a green force field protected it.
"It's raised it's defenses against Wind. Try using a different method!"
"Bash!" Yosuke smashed his card as Jiraiya flew towards Shadow Chie. Before he could, Shadow Chie kicked him in the... nads. Jiraiya screamed an octave higher than usual and fluttered down on the ground like paper.
"Get a hold of yourself, Jiraiya!" Yosuke yelled.
"Now I know how you feel when you fall on your bike..." Jiraiya groaned through the pain. Simultaneously, you and Izanami face-palmed. Shadow Chie taking that as an opening, used her sharp hair to stab Yosuke. Quickly, you thrust your palm as Izanami reverted back to her Arcana.
"Valkyrie!" A swordswoman riding a horse appeared behind you. She galloped in front of Yosuke and blocked the attack. Just when you returned Valkyrie, Shadow Chie cracked her whip as the temperature grew colder.
"Forneus!" A manta ray-like creature blocked the ice attack, however it spread across the room. Luckily, you didn't hear Teddie's ridiculous bear pun when the temperature dropped.
"Ugh, seriously? Quit blocking my attacks!" Before you could move, Shadow Chie raised her whip plus her hair with. "Just die!"
"NO!" Yosuke pushed you aside but he got hit by one of the hair knives. Yosuke managed to get under you so he took all the pain. You two skidded across the floor until Yosuke hit the wall. He groaned in pain and clutched his arm. It was bleeding.
"Are you okay?" His voice felt like it was forced.
"Yosuke... your arm!" You sat up and gently held his bad arm. He yelped. The cut wasn't bad. It only cut through the surface.
"It's not that bad! I can still fight!" He stood up but wobbled a bit.
"But Yosuke-"
"(Name), I'm fine. Let's just beat this thing and save Chie." You pursed your lips. But nodded. "Alright. But if it gets too rough, stay back." His lips formed that amusing smile and grabbed his nata.
"Guys! It's defences are low. Now's your chance!" Teddie yelled. You brought back Forneus and Izanami appeared in it's place.
"Alright. You're back. I was beginning to miss you." Jiraiya cooed.
"This isn't the time to be sentimental, Jiraiya." Izanami hissed.
"Guys, let's focus here." You yelled. "Yosuke, use Sukukaja on yourself. I'll use Izanami's attack spell on you. After that, fire a wind spell when I say so." He nodded and smashed his card.
"Sukukaja!" A green light shone as Yosuke became nimbler.
"Tarukaja!" You smashed your card as a yellow light shone. After that, you changed your Persona to a little green demon with a flaming spoon.
"Eh, get behind me." Ukobach said in a nosy voice.
"Are you done yet? I was afraid you'd chicken out!" Shadow Chie laughed as she raised her hair. You two dodged it as her hair strands was stuck on the floor.
"Now Yosuke!" You yelled. He fired a wind spell together with the fire spell you did with Ukobach. The two spells combined to make a fire tornado that struck Shadow Chie. She screamed as the flames consumed her. Making sure Chie wasn't in the fire, you ordered Ukobach to defend her. The girl that held Shadow Chie collapsed along with her as she evaporated into black mass, leaving the limp figure of the original Shadow Chie. Noticing the battle was over, you summoned back Izanami and helped Chie up.
"Are you alright?" You asked. 
She clutched her head and groaned. "Y-Yeah, I am..." She noticed her Shadow who was silent. "What's the matter...? Got nothing to say anymore?"
"Stop it, Chie. It's all right." Yosuke said.
"Everyone has different masks, Chie. It's all right. We understand." You said.
"She's right... I went through the same thing." Yosuke said. "So I can understand... I mean... Everyone has a side like this..." Chie looked down and turned so she was facing her Shadow.
"I kinda get it now. You are me... A side of me that I couldn't forgive... That I tried to ignore...  But you still exist. You are a part of me..." Just like Shadow Yosuke, Shadow Chie nodded and smiled as she glowed from her counterpart's acceptance. She glowed blue and, in a glimpse, you swore you saw a womanized version of Bruce Lee. Her Persona turned into her Arcana as it disappeared. You and Yosuke went to her side and the embarrassment quickly flooded over Chie.
"Um... It's true that a part of me feels that way... But I wasn't lying about being friends with Yukiko!"
"Like we didn't know that already." Yosuke joked. Suddenly Chie dropped on the ground, probably due to fatigue. Luckily you caught her on time.
"You alright?" You asked. She nodded weakly and stood up straight again. "Right... You just got your Persona. We need to take you back home so you can rest."
"But... Yukiko...!"
"-Will be all right as long as the fog doesn't show in our world. You really need to rest." Yosuke said. "Come on. We're going back." You, Yosuke, and Teddie led her back to the studio where Teddie will procure a way home. Again.
"I... I'm feeling even worse than the last time I came in here..." Chie muttered. "My head feels like it's gonna split open... Are you guys okay?"
"Only you?" You questioned.
"That's right, you're not wearing the glasses." Yosuke said. Chie looked at you two closely and finally realized that you two wore glasses.
"Oh yeah... What's with those glasses? Did your eyesight go bad?"
"Man... you didn't notice until now? How panicked were you?" Yosuke winced. Not from his wound, but from her innocent stupidity.
"Come on, she was worried about her friend. Of course she didn't realize them until now." Jiraiya said.
"Please, you didn't realize they had glasses." Izanami said. Soon they went bickering again like a mother scolding her child. You two ignored them as Teddie whipped out a pair of glasses.
"Ta daa! I got a pair ready for Chie-chan, too!" Teddie said happily. "Here you go!" He gave her the glasses. It was rectangular and was colored yellow. She put them on and her eyes widened as she looked around.
"Whoa! What the-!? This is awesome! It's like the fog doesn't exist!"
"Why didn't you whip those out earlier if you had them?" Yosuke asked.
"I made them right now! You didn't tell me she was coming! It was all so sadden! I mean, sudden!" Teddie said.
"Huh... so that's the trick. I was wondering how you guys could see where you were going. Hey, is it alright if I keep these?" Chie asked.
"Fo' sho!" Yosuke winced. Not at Teddie, but at his arm. You gasped and rummaged through your bag to find the first-aid kit you packed before coming in here. You grabbed Yosuke's arm and moved his sleeve up. You opened the kit and grabbed a bottle of alcohol and cotton balls. You dabbed some on the cotton ball and gently dabbed it on his arm. He winced and recoiled his hand back.
"Don't move, Yosuke!" You scolded.
"It hurts!" Yosuke whined.
"Just suck it up!" You continued to dab the cotton ball on his arm as he winced every time. When the blood was cleaned, you grabbed the gauze and wrapped it around the wound. You noticed there was a scrape on his cheek, so you grabbed a bandage. It was a cute little cartoon bandage of the 'Phoenix Ranger Featherman R' series where Feather Owl is shown. You placed it on the scrape.
"Do you feel any better?" You asked. Yosuke touched his arm gently.
"It hurts a little, but I think I'll be all right."
"Aw man, I feel terrible about this. I'm sorry, Yosuke." Chie said.
"Heh. Don't worry about it. But promise us you won't go alone next time, okay?" She nodded. "If we don't work together, we won't be able to solve this case or save Yukiko-san... right?"
"I agree." You smiled.
"Me too. I promise as well." Chie said in determination.
"Let's save Yukiko!" You said as everyone nodded.
"Alright, so from tomorrow on, we'll try and come here as much as we can after school... And that includes days off." Yosuke looked at you. "Hey... Would you mind being our leader?"
"Huh?" You blinked.
"You were the first to get this power, and you're way better in a fight than either of us. I think it's best for all of us if you set the pace of the investigation, and we follow your lead. I'm cool playing second banana."
"I agree with him, (Name). You have a lot of power inside you. I can feel it." Izanami whispered to you.
"Alright. I'll do it."
"I knew you'd say that. I mean, I'm more the adviser type, y'know? An ideas man, not an executive."
"I'm with Yosuke. If you're the one calling the shots, I'd feel a lot more comfortable about this." Chie said.
"I'm with Yosuke. If you're the one calling the shots, my pillow will be a lot more comfortable at night." Teddie chirped in.
"Teddie, would you please stop talking? I'm really on edge right now..." Chie mumbled. Somehow you felt the same sensation when you teamed up with Yosuke. But this time, it felt way more stronger, almost as if you felt the hearts of both Yosuke and Chie.
"Okay. Let's get some rest for today so were ready from tomorrow on." Yosuke said. "And don't forget to check the weather forecast. It gets foggy after a lot of rain, so let's keep an eye out. Also let's make sure we gear up for next time." You three went back to Junes after Teddie conjured the TV stack and went home.
The three of you were eating dinner while watching the news. Izanami sat on the couch, watching you three intently as well as the TV.
"What an amazing object. It shows people talking while showing real-time images." Izanami said, fascinated about the TV.
"Hey. Mind if I ask something?" Dojima suddenly asked you. You blinked but shrugged. "You're not getting involved with any strange businesses, are you...?" You blinked yet again, only a little more surprised. "What happened at the station this afternoon... it's still bothering me. Is there... anything you're not telling me?"
Izanami overheard the conversation and instantly went behind Dojima. She sent signals, despite being invisible to your other relatives, all saying; 'Keep quiet!'
"Of course not." You said simply.
"... Is something bothering you? Believe me, I do feel bad that I've been too caught up with work for us to have time to talk..." Izanami slouched in relief.
"What's wrong? Are you fighting...?" Nanako interjected. You and Dojima nervously shook your heads.
"No... We're not having a fight." Dojima said.
"This isn't the police station..." Nanako said.
Dojima grumbled and then turned to you. "I agreed to look after you. So don't get yourself involved in anything that could get you into trouble." He said then he ate again. You three ate together while the weather forecaster pronounces that the weather on will be sunny.
Persona time
"I bet you're happy, huh?" Jiraiya said as Yosuke changed to his pajamas.
"What are you talking about?" Yosuke asked.
"Well, (Name) was your temporary nurse when we were in the castle. You were near her chest before the battle with that tomboy. And she fixed your arm, in which you were really near each other."
Yosuke scoffed as he went to the bathroom to toothbrush. "You can't get some serious wounds. And if it weren't for (Name), you wouldn't be here."
"My point still stands. You enjoy her being your nurse."
Yosuke spat the toothpaste foam as he wiped his mouth with a towel. He then noticed the yellow bandage you placed on his cheek. His fingers lingered there for a moment as he stared at his reflection.
'Yeah. I guess I kinda do like it.'
a little bit of a note here. For those who are curious about the talking Personas, I got the idea from Kisdota-The Freak Gamer on fanfiction.net. Go check out their fanfiction! It’s such a good read!
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themysterioust · 7 years
YUGIOH PROTAGS: Phantom Thieves (P5) AU
Yugi: if Pharaoh Atem isn't his Persona I'll eat my hat. Unlike most leaders in that his skills are primarily healing based at first with a mix of physicals, but starts picking up the Psi chain of spells around level 15 or so. Refuses to use the Velvet Room as executing his Personas is too traumatizing for him, but every so often Atem manages to convince him to fuse a Persona or two. Code Name is "Pharaoh" because of Atem basically. Probably comes into his Persona naturally without having to take down a Palace, but if he did have one it'd likely be a tutorial level based on the Puzzle or the final dungeon of the game.
Judai: Yubel might be his Persona in this case. His Palace is based on the Dark World incident, with his Shadow becoming a wandering (overpowered) enemy you can't defeat until you go after the Treasure. Skills are focused on the Agi chain with a few debuffs here and there, along with 1 or 2 "attack all enemies" physicals that take a big chunk of HP. Also does not like the Velvet Room due to aforementioned Dark World incident, but being that he is the "master alchemist" he slowly gets used to the idea of executing his Personas and masters fusion somewhat quickly after. He draws the line at the Gallows, though. Code Name is "Ace" because one of GX's well known tropes is its deconstruction of the "Ace" archetype.
Yusei: Junk Warrior is his Persona. The Palace he's recruited in belongs to Godwin- Judai ends up running into Yusei in the Velvet Room while he's trying to get information about a demon he picked up. Yusei likely obtained his Persona before any of the others, but keeps it quiet and doesn't officially join up with Yugi and Judai until they end up fighting alongside each other in Godwin's Palace. (He didn't realize they also had Persona until he saw them being used inside the Palace.) Is uncomfortable with the idea of executions and thus the Velvet Room, so his Persona are usually just whatever demons he recruits on the way to the Treasure. He is, however, EXTREMELY uncomfortable with Lockdown and won't use it. Skills-wise, Junk Warrior keeps the Frei line of spells, Sukukaja/Tarukaja, and spells for removing enemy buffs. Code Name is "Star" because Stardust/Satellite's Shooting Star.
Yuma: Number 39 is his Persona, because Astral is taking up the role of being his Morgana! Yuma approaches the Phantom Thieves on his own with a request on the Phan-Site- he was looking into the disappearance of a friend of his (Rei) and found out said friend had a Palace of his own. He can't conquer it alone, so he's reaching out for help. He's relatively comfortable with the Velvet Room- he understands that the Personas he executes are just parts of him in a way, so he's okay with it but prefers the Electric Chair so he can keep the items they become with him forever. Has a quirk where he'll take on a trait of a Persona he's currently got equipped every so often. Skills are all about the Zio line and a shitton of physicals that power up if you pass the baton to him. For some reason "Forget" ailments never seem to miss him... he also bickers a lot with Judai at first, but the two eventually develop a brother-like friendship. Code Name is "Hunter", since he was a "numbers hunter" in the series.
Yuya: His Persona is Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Yuya ends up being encountered in Mementos, searching for answers about something. However, he has a Palace himself! Suspiciously, he has a Persona already but no Shadow... and what's more, Yuya's reported seeing other people inside what should be HIS Palace! (Aka, Yuya has a giant blinking "hi i'm plot important!" light on in his Palace and you will need 4 separate attempts to crack into it) He's fairly comfortable with the Velvet Room and the concept of Fusion (as he figured out how to resummon Personas from the registry BEFORE THE OTHERS SOMEHOW) so he's in there daily but refuses to use anything but the Guillotines. Like Yusei, he completely abhors Lockdown and won't use it. Skills are predominantly spells from the Garu, Eiha, Kouha, Zio families with Marakukaja and Energy Shower thrown in for good measure. Code Name is "Trickster", because I wanted a "jester"-like name and using Joker felt wrong.
Yusaku: His Persona is Firewall Dragon. Like Yuya, you have to go through Mementos to get him... UNLIKE Yuya, though, he's technically an optional party member. You have to encounter him 3 times in Mementos to figure out his identity, and THEN rank his Confidant up to Rank 3 before he'll start following you into Palaces. He straight up does not give a singular shit about executing his Personas and will use pretty much every function of the Velvet Room with 0 hesitation, a fact that lowkey worries pretty much the entire party. Unlike the rest of the Phantom Thieves, Yusaku has a few extra skills he can deploy while a backup member- in short, he's basically a Futaba who can waltz into battle with you and his skills are skewed in favor of that. His combat skills are the Psi line of skills, a shitton of debuffs and 1 heavy-hitting Physical skill. Code Name is "Playmaker", for obvious reasons. (NOTE - You cannot get the True Ending if you don't go get him so maybe he isn't optional after all, oops.)
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miskick · 7 years
me: ah yes what better way to start the morning than with deep persona analysis
konacoffee-Today at 6:01 AM
Alright but Wouldn't it make sense if Karin's persona was more offense oriented at first because of how she charges forward? Acallaris could deal exclusively with wind and maybe hama skills, but not have any buff skills because she's more of an offense party member And then Persephone would be able to be a little more on the defense sorry if i'm bothering you with this i'm just trying to get a better grip on her persona to make it a little more......... maybe canon-like? yukari deals garu damage, but she's mostly the designated healer of the group, so Karin would be like..... the damage-dealer in terms of wind skills, with slightly lower defense than what you'd may expect, so you may have to keep an eye on her armor. she could deal physical damage, too, maybe with attack, hit/evasion buffs, with hama coming into play later. because she's more offense based, she's a hard hitter, but when she's hit, it's a little more difficult... she can take physical damage without much issue, but magic damage, especially ice can probably take her down to double-digit HP. so the beginning skill-set would probably be something like.... Garula, Assault Dive (or Kill Rush?), Swift Strike, Tarukaja, Sukukaja... with Magarula and Spirit Drain, eventually
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ask-the-phan-site · 6 years
Phan Cam: Horizon Heist: Day 25
>The Arena of Wrath (Peter and Harry’s Palace). We came here, stronger than we can possibly get. Now we were ready. The Shadow at the entrance to the main arena said we needed tickets. One for each of us. Except for Mona, animals get in free.
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I would normally be offended about that, but if it means we only need to find eight tickets, alright, I’ll go with it.
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That’s the spirit, Mona. Now come on, let’s go find those tickets.
>We searched around the building we found an unusual Shadow guard.
Shadow guard: So you want a ticket to get in? You want it? Come get it... If you can!
>The Shadow then changes form.
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Is it just me or does this Shadow seem popular as guards?
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Be careful, guys. Something’s different about it.
Queen: I know. Leave it to me. Persona!
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>Johanna uses Flash Bomb. Though the Oni resisted, he was still left Dizzy. He tried to attack, but missed entirely. Then, Johanna used Atomic Flare and the Oni was gone. All that was left was a ticket.
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Yes! We got the first ticket.
>Queen takes the ticket.
Harry’s voice: Pete, give it to me straight, I’ll never get out of my father’s shadow, will?
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That voice! Are we hearing... Peter’s and Harry’s thoughts?
Peter’s voice: ... No, Harry, you won’t. He won’t allow it.
Harry’s voice: He won’t? I hate him.
Peter’s voice: I know... I hate him too. What’s the use of having these powers if I can’t kill him with them?
Harry’s voice: Yeah. I want to kill him too. But at least we have each other.
Peter’s voice: I know. Thank you for being by my side, Harry.
Harry’s voice: You too, Pete.
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So this is how they really feel about Norman Osborn. I don’t blame them. Though, death may be too merciful.
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Same here. I know Osborn can be a bit of a dick, but heart or no heart, he’s gotta atone for what he did to Harry.
Queen: We should move on. We got one ticket and there are only seven more to go.
>We went further around the arena building until we happened upon a snack bar run by a female Shadow.
Shadow worker: What can I get you tonight?
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A ticket to the upcoming fight if you will.
Shadow worker: If that’s what you want, I’m going to need... $1200. (¥133653)
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That is propitious! I would rather spend that much on a ticket to Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Shadow worker: Good... I’m not suppose to give it to you anyway. But if you want it that badly... Come take it!
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Fox: Then so be it. Persona!
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>Goemon uses Bufula. However, Pixie dodged it.
Oracle: At least Pixie’s not such a strong Shadow. You should take care of her, no sweat.
Pixie: Or is it? Guess this candy girl will do her job. Here, sweets to the sweet!
>Pixie uses Marin Karin. It got him good. And in his Brainwashed state, he uses Sukukaja on Pixie to make her even faster.
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I don’t think so.
>I come in and use Relax Gel and snap him out of it.
Fox: Forgive me, Joker. I got careless.
Joker: It’s alright, Fox. Oracle did say the Shadows here would different. But we shouldn’t give up. Persona!
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>Arsene uses Sukunda. Pixie’s agility goes back to what it was. Then, Goemon uses Bufula again, This time, it got her.
Fox: I don’t need an all-out. I can handle it here.
>With one swipe of his sword, Fox finished off the Pixie. All that was left was a ticket. Fox picks it up as the voices returned.
Ben’s voice: Peter, I know you’re going through some changes. It’s alright. You’re becoming the man you were meant to be.
Peter’s voice: Shut up! Just shut up!
Ben’s voice: Just remember, Peter. With great power, comes great-
Peter’s voice: I SAID SHUT UP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, JUST SHUT UP! To hell with it all! Becoming Spider-Man was the worst thing to ever happen to me. I lost everything because of him. My hopes. My dreams. My life... I even lost Harry because of that... That... Menace. Great power? Great responsibility? Don’t make me laugh... God, I miss my glasses.
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So he thinks becoming Spider-Man has ruined his life. I kind of know how feels. I got involved with Shido and it ruined my life.
Noir: But we managed to someway fix it up. Just as we’ll do with Peter and Harry.
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... You’re right. Thanks, Noir. Let’s keep at it.
>As we moved on, Noir thought about something. Perhaps she has been hard on Crow. She’ll need to think about it more.
>We moved on further until we came upon a souvenir booth being minded by a Shadow. It looked like we might be able to search the booth for a ticket.
Mona: Better let me handle this, Joker. Being the smallest one, I can search the booth without being noticed.
Joker: Alright, but be careful.
>Mona sneaks up to the booth. After searching the back of the booth for a while, Mona finally found a ticket.
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Got it.
Panther: Way to go, Mona.
>Mona was just leaving the booth when... He noticed a toy spider hanging nearby. He couldn’t help but feel entranced by it.
Skull: Damn cat’s going to give us away. Mona, snap out of it.
Mona: I... Can’t... Help it.
>And just like a cat, Mona was playing with the toy spider until the stick it was connected to fell over and made a sound that woke the Shadow.
Shadow: Hey! Give that ticket back, you pesky feline!
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Mona: That can’t be good. Persona!
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>Zorro uses Garula. It managed to knock Queen Mab down. Then, Mona attacked with his sword. After the attack, she get back up and uses Wind Wall.
Queen Mab: Try to beat that, hair ball.
Mona: ... Okay. Zorro, show your might!
>Zorro uses Miracle Punch which easily knocks Queen Mab down again. Then, with another hit from Mona’s sword, the Shadow was gone.
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Sorry, Joker. I let myself get distracted.
Joker: It’s alright, Mona. It happens to the best of us. Even I get distracted sometimes.
Mona: Really? Thanks, Joker. Here, you better hold on to it. I can already get in for free.
>I take the ticket.
Joker: Thanks, Mona.
Norman’s voice: I would say congratulations for being exonerated. But you know I would never believe you to be at fault.
Harry’s voice: ... Yes you would. And this wasn’t even my fault. Or Spider-Man’s.
Norman's voice: But I just have to wonder... Why return to Horizon High?
Harry’s voice: Because Peter is there and I want to be with him and not you. I want to be with all my friends.
Norman’s voice: Sure, they have equally impressive equipment, but do they have your back? It certainly didn’t seem so during your suspension.
Harry’s voice: Of course they do. Much more than you ever had. I don’t need or want your help. So keep your tie to yourself. I don’t need a chain.
Norman’s voice: Make no mistake, Harry! No matter what you accomplish in life, you will always have the name I provided you. So why not take advantage of all that comes with it?
Harry’s voice: Because I hate having this name. You can have it back. I never wanted it anyway.
Norman’s voice: Harry, I poured my heart and soul into the Osborn Academy so to save you the embarrassment of crawling back to that school. How would it look if you abandon me?
Harry’s voice: I don’t care. All you ever do is criticize me.
Norman’s voice: I beg you, as your father, please stay.
Harry’s voice: ... You are not, never was, and never will be my father. I just want to be with my friends... I want to be with Pete. No one else. Why can’t you understand that, Norman?
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Queen: His father only saw Harry as something he could own rather than love. What an awful man.
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Queen: Is something wrong, Noir?
Noir: It’s just, after hearing this, I just realized, even though he’s connected to Skull, Harry’s story... Is similar to mine. All Harry wanted to do was find his own way in life. To be free. Free from a world where his life has been planned in advance and to away from his father. He wanted to be with his friends. With people who truly love him for him. But his father wouldn’t let him have even that. How could he do that to him? To his own son.
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>She then turns and goes over to Crow.
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But I am ready to forgive you.
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Really!? You are?
Noir: I know that you killed my father, but it was your own who made you do it. Masayoshi Shido was a monster. Norman Osborn is no different. The only difference is that Osborn’s heart is untakeable because he doesn’t have a heart for us to steal. But he will be punished... Through his son. So, Akechi, I forgive you.
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Thank you, Haru chan.
>They hug it out and we move on.
>Later on, we happen on a Shadow doing some ticket scalping.
Shadow: Attention, folks! I only have two tickets left and I’m selling them at the reasonable price of $1000 (¥110875). Each.
Oracle: Reasonable price my butt. That’s $2000 (¥221750) for both.
Queen: Maybe we can convince him to lower the price.
Fox: I believe this is where Panther comes in.
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What!? Oh, alright. As long as I don’t have to do something degrading.
>We made a quick stop at a nearby Safe Room. When Panther came out, she was wearing a different outfit.
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How does that succubus even walk in this thing? I feel like I’m wearing my panties on the outside... I said, I feel like I’m wearing my panties on the outside.
>Skull was silent. Usually, he would be wide eyed about things like this.
Joker: Sorry, Panther. I guess Skull is still thinking about Harry’s true thought earlier. But don’t worry about it. Just focus on the plan.
Panther: Okay, wish me luck.
>Panther goes up to the Shadow.
Panther: (in an ‘innocent’ voice) Excuse me. I heard you have two tickets left. I don’t have much money, but can you perhaps lower the price for me? Please~?
Shadow: Hmm. For you, baby, how about I give them to you on the house. That is, if you will do something for me.
Panther: And, what would that be?
Shadow: How about... A kiss?
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(thinking) The things I do for this job.
>Panther and the Shadow leaned in close... And then she took the tickets before lips could meet. Panther backed away quickly.
Panther: (relieved) Whew! That was close.
Shadow: Hey, you tricked me, little thief! I’ll make you pay for that!
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Panther: (resuming her thief form) Persona!
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>Narcissus uses Nocturnal Flash. Thankfully, Panther dodged it. Carmen uses Agilao. It knocked him down good. Panther attacks again with her whip. When Narcissus got back up, he once again uses Nocturnal Flash and this time managed to make her Dizzy. Panther had Carmen use Agilao again, but she missed.
Panther: Damn! This could be bad.
Oracle: Hold on, Panther. Super move! Ultra Charge! Persona!
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>Necronomicon Charges Panther. Narcissus uses Mediarama to heal himself.
Panther: Okay, here goes!
>Panther attacks. It was a critical hit and Narcissus was down.
Panther: Dance, Carmen!
>Carmen uses Blazing Hell. When it was over, the Shadow was gone. Panther gives Oracle the other ticket.
Panther: Here, take this as thanks for your support.
Oracle: You’re welcome.
Peter’s voice: I wanted to say a few words about why we’re all here tonight: To welcome back Harry Osborn to Horizon High. As you know, Harry couldn’t be with us for a while... And all because of that no good, rotten Spider-Man. And during that time, I think we all felt something. Something that wasn’t there before... I know I felt it most of all... A void... A void in this school and my heart. And that’s because Harry has such a big presence. His heart is bigger, his dreams are bigger... His love is bigger... And his generosity is massive... Of course, the same can be said for his ego. (laughs a bit) But I’ll take it all, because that void has been filled again, and I’m happy to say... Welcome back, pal... I love you.
Harry’s voice: Thank you, everyone. Thank you. You’ve all worked so hard to make this such a special night. Which makes what I’m about to say even harder... I’m... I’m more than happy to be back. Back here at Horizon High. Osborn Academy may be close to the man who calls himself my father, but this will always be my true home... A place where I can live my own life. With the people who care about me and I care about them... Especially Peter Parker... I love you, too, man.
Panther: Gwen told me about this. This is the night of the dance. To celebrate Harry coming back to Horizon. He chose to stay at Oz Academy. But I guess that’s not what their cognition wanted.
Skull: Yeah, this is what Harry truly desired.
Crow: And what Peter truly felt.
Noir: And Norman Osborn wouldn’t have it.
Joker: We better go. We have five tickets. Only three to go.
>We moved on. We happen upon a Shadow who was supporting Harry.
Shadow: I just know Hobgoblin’s gonna win. I just wish Venom could take it easy on him.
Skull: ... You better let me deal with this guy. After hearing Harry’s thoughts and being connected to his mind the longest, I think I might be able to do something.
Joker: Alright. Be careful.
>Skull walks up to the Shadow.
Skull: Hey, I’m a fan, too. Got an extra ticket?
Shadow: Maybe, that is if you’re a true fan. Just answer this little quiz about Hobgoblin. It’s just three questions so it won’t take long.
Skull: Fine. Bring it on.
Shadow: Good. Now, here’s the first question: Who is Hobgoblin’s mother?
Skull: Emily Osborn.
Shadow: Correct! Then again, anyone could look that up. Next question, I won’t go so easy this time: When is Hobgoblin’s birthday?
Skull: December 31, 2000.
Shadow: Correct! No many people can answer that. Alright, here’s your last question: What... Is his greatest dream?
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... To be free.
Shadow: That’s... (irritated) Correct! Damn! I don’t have an extra ticket, only the one. But if you want it... Come get it.
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Skull: Persona!
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>Makami uses Tarunda. Luckily, it didn’t work. Captain Kidd uses Zionga. It knocked Makami down. Skull attacked again. It was a critical hit. After another attack, Makami got back up.
Queen: Be careful, Skull. I have a feeling he’s about to do something bad.
Makami: And now for the knock out!
>Makami uses Dream Needle. It puts Skull to sleep. He could do nothing but snore after that. But at least he regain some health and energy from it. Then, Makami uses Double Fangs. It hurt a lot what with Skull asleep, but it was enough to wake him.
Skull: Okay, now it’s personal. Let’s go, Captain!
>Captain Kidd uses Assault Dive. It was a critical hit and Makami was down. Captain Kidd uses Assault Dive again. After the attack, the Shadow was gone. Skull takes the ticket.
Skull: Got it! I wonder what’s going to happen now.
Peter’s voice: What am I doing with myself? Uncle Ben said I should become a scientist, but he also said I should be Spider-Man. Trying to be both is just too much.
Harry’s voice: I hear you, Pete. Being the son of Norman Osborn is becoming a pain. Trying to get out of his shadow is just as hard as well. Living in a world where everyone knows who I am and have expectations. I can’t take it anymore.
Peter’s voice: I know that, too. My friends and family expect me to become a great scientist, just like my father. At the same time, the whole city expects me to do great things as Spider-Man. Well, everyone but Jameson. Maybe he’s right. All these things have been happening ever since I became Spider-Man.
Harry’s voice: And I actually agreed with him. I ended up despising Spider-Man for everything wrong in my life... Not knowing it was you under that mask. Now I’m torn. I just don’t know what to do. I can’t stand it. I wish all of it would just disappear. That things were different. But that will never happen here.
Peter’s voice: Then... Why don’t we run away? You know, leave this place. Leave New York. Leave this life of ours. Go someplace where we can start over. Start a new life.
Harry’s voice: Yeah. A place where no one’s even heard of New York. Never even heard of Oscorp, Oz Academy, Horizon High, the Daily Bugle... Never even heard of Spider-Man.
Peter’s voice: Our personal Paradise. Where we can be whatever or wherever we want... But let’s be practical, no such place exists.
Harry’s voice: Actually, that may not impossible.
Peter’s voice: Really? How so?
Harry’s voice: Well, you’re going to find this hard to believe, but... Before we started dreaming about the Phantom Thieves, I often had this dream of a far off place where...
>The voices become silent.
Noir: It sounded like they wanted to escape. Someplace where they can be together.
Queen: And what was that about that dream Harry had before we came along?
Panther: I don’t know.
Crow: Maybe if we continued on and find more tickets, we’ll know.
Joker: Right. Let’s go.
>We moved on a bit further around the Palace. Then we happen upon an open set of door leading back stage. We walked through the hallway until we happened upon a window with a machine on the other side.
Noir: This must be where they make the tickets.
Crow: Good. If we had known about this sooner, we would have finished this a while ago.
Joker: It’s not your fault, Crow. Tickets are normally made elsewhere.
Queen: It looks like there are two Shadows guarding it.
Crow: You better let me handle this.
Noir: I’m coming with you. You might need some help for this.
Crow: Right. Just be careful.
>Crow and Noir enter the room.
Shadow 1: Hey, what do you think you’re doing!? You want a ticket? Go buy it.
Crow: True... But this is more cheaper.
Shadow 2: Man, you got a mouth on you. We’ll just have to show you some manners.
Noir: Just try it.
Shadow 1: So be it.
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Crow and Noir: Persona!
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>Rakshasa uses Tarukaja on himself. Thoth uses Psy Wall on himself.
Oracle: Be careful. That Wall will protect his weakness.
Noir: Don’t worry, I know another way.
Crow: I have faith in you, Noir. Now go, Robin Hood!
>Robin Hood uses Kouga on Rakshasa. It knocked him down.
Baton Pass!
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Here goes! Rush them, Milady!
>Milady uses One-shot Kill on Thoth. It was a critical hit.
Noir: Now let’s get them! Time to punish them!
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>After the attack, Rakshasa was left weak and Thoth was still standing. Rakshasa attacks with Giant Slice on Crow. It took major health from Crow, but was enough to finish Rakshasa. Thoth uses Megido. Thankfully, it wasn’t that harmful.
Crow: You call that an Almighty attack? This is an Almighty attack. Now, Robin!
>Robin Hood uses Megidola. It was harmful enough to completely lower Thoth’s health.
Noir: And now to finish this!
>Noir takes a big swing of her ax and the Shadow was gone. After working the machine, we printed two tickets. Making a total of eight.
Queen: That should be all of them.
Harry’s voice: Before we started dreaming about the Phantom Thieves, I often had this dream of a far off place where... Where the skies are in eternal daybreak. A vast beautiful landscape with a town not to far. And in this town, a huge castle-like clock tower. It’s all so serene. And the people... And this going to sound weird... The people... The people have swords that look like keys.
Peter’s voice: (laughs a bit) Sounds like something out of a video game. But still, sounds like a great to go. The way you describe how peaceful it is, it’s almost like... Like you were actually there.
Harry’s voice: Don’t I know it? I feel like I should be there. And I want to be there. And... Pete, I want you to come with me. In that world, we don’t have to worry about things like Oscorp or Spider-Man. Together in that world... We’re free.
Peter’s voice: That would be great, Harry. I know Aunt May will be alone with me gone, but I can’t stand being away from you, either. I love you, Harry Osborn. More than you can ever know.
Harry’s voice: I love you, too, Peter Parker. Even more than my ‘father’.
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I see. That sounds like a fantastic place to go.
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Swords shaped like keys? Could he mean...
Panther: It sounds that way.
Skull: I wonder... Could this be like what happened on Thanksgiving?
Joker: Could be.
Mona: We have all the tickets we need. Now can get into the main arena. Let’s show them to that Shadow.
>We returned to the entrance to the main arena and showed the Shadow the tickets.
Shadow: What!? That’s not possible!
Joker: Now will you let us in?
Shadow: Let me think... No. I won’t let you in. It’s Venom’s and Hobgoblin’s orders not to let the Phantom Thieves in. Now beat it! ... Or do I have to make you?
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Mona: Tch! We should have done this from beginning.
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Be careful, guys. This guy is really strong. Your best chance is with Nuclear and Psychokinesis.
Queen: Good. But for extra measure, we better use our Ultimate Personas?
Noir: Right. I was thinking the same thing.
Mona: I’ll help too.
Joker: So will I.
>I change Personas while Queen, Noir, and Mona change to their Ultimate Personas.
Joker, Queen, Noir, and Mona: PERSONA!
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>Kohryu uses Concentrate to help me with my next spell. Anat uses Marakukaja to boost our defense. Astarte uses Tetrakarn on Mona. And Mecurius uses Masukunda to lower Abaddon’s speed.
Go! Power up!
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>Necronomicon uses Matarukaja to raise our strength.
Abaddon: Taste my fury!
>Abaddon uses Gigantomachia. Luckily, Mona was protected, but Abaddon absorbed the attack and we got it bad.
Joker: We are not done yet. Go, Kohryu!
>Kohryu uses Psycho Force. It was strong and managed to get Abaddon down. I decide not to use an All-Out-Attack this time. Anat uses Freidyne and Astarte uses Psiodyen to further hurt it. Mercurius uses Mediarahan to fully heal us. Abaddon got back up.
Abaddon: You... Shall not... PASS!
>Abaddon uses Taunt on Noir. Noir becomes enraged.
Oracle: Be careful, everyone. Noir’s not happy right now.
Joker: Don’t worry, I’ll stop it before she does anything.
>Kohryu uses Psycho Force again. Unfortunately, it missed. Anat uses Atomic Flare. That missed too.
Oracle: Come on, you guys! Don’t give up!
>Then, Astarte uses One-shot Kill which Abaddon absorbed. Mona uses Harisen Recovery and snaps Noir back to normal.
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I’m sorry!
Mona: It’s alright, Noir. It happens. We didn’t expect this Shadow to do that.
Joker: It won’t get away with this.
>Kohryu once again uses Psycho Force. Abaddon was down again.
Joker: Now, everyone, charge!
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>The Shadow was gone.
Joker: Now let’s go in. Peter and Harry, here we come.
>We entered the arena to find a stadium where a fighting ring was in the center. And in the fighting ring was a light where the Treasure is mean to appear.
Panther: So that’s where the Treasure will be. I wonder what form it will take.
Fox: When we went into Octavius’s Palace, his Treasure took the form of a small sun, but in reality, it was a ring. Since Peter and Harry share a Palace, it must be something they share.
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I suppose.
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Me, too.
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Don’t worry. Whatever it is, we’ll take it and change their hearts.
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You’re right. Thanks, Joker.
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Thanks, Joker.
Mona: Excellent. We’ve established a route. Now all we have to do is send the calling card to make the Treasure appear and steal it.
Skull: Oh! Let’s make it flashy this time. Since this is going to be a really big heist, we should make the calling card real special... Like a video.
Oracle: A video calling card? Like the one we did for Shido? I suppose. But it may take a while. I’m not even sure we’ll make it with the deadline.
Joker: We’ll manage. We just have to have faith.
Mona: You’re right. We’ll do this.
>With our minds and hearts set, we leave the Palace for now to be ready for the heist ahead of us.
0 notes
thebigpapilio · 5 years
Akumas as Personae - Part 3!
Parts 1 & 2 are here! 
Spells are based off this list; for information on the meanings of spells, look here! Anything that doesn’t show up there is here.
This one covers some of Season 2′s akumas!
Kagami would have plenty of Physical moves like Twin Slash & Tempest Slash. I’d also give her some Nuke spells to represent the sonic blasts.
After Oni-Chan, she gains some Curse & Electric skills.
Arcana: Fool, Priestess, or Tower
Gigantitan/Big Baby:
Just Physical attacks for August. I’d also add Tarukaja & Matarukaja.
Arcana: Chariot or Sun
Dark Owl/P-Strix:
Mr. Damocles would have Physical, Nuke & minor Wind spells. I’d also give him Sukukaja, Masukukaja, & Rakukaja.
Arcana: Emperor or Chariot
Santa Claws/Jolly Fat Man:
Santa would have mostly Heal, Bless & Ice spells, with a hint of Almighty, Earth & Water spells. He would have Ice & Wind resistance as well, and also learn the spells Tarunda & Matarunda.
Arcana: Judgement, hands down.
Collector/Monsieur Ogul:
“Gabriel” should use Physical & slight Curse spells, also carrying Triple Down, Leg Reaper & Scarecrow.
Arcana: You’d think the Emperor would be the only one, but the Hierophant & Chariot (due to its reverse meaning) work very well too!
Prime Queen/Phase #1:
Nadja can use mainly Electric & Nuke spells, with a hint of Psychic. I’d also give her Sukukaja & Masukukaja.
Arcana: Priestess
Despair Bear/Tough Stuff:
Jean would have Psychic & Curse spells, with the spells Brain Shake, Marin Karin & Brain Jack, Sukunda & Masukunda, Scarecrow & Disarm.
Arcana: Hanged Man
I’d give Markov Electric, Nuke & slight Psychic spells. Additional spells include Brain Jack, Weapon Crusher, Armor Destroyer, & Arm Crusher. 
Markov would probably gain the Regenerate skill as well. Maybe give him Dekunda to represent his memory drive?
Arcana: Temperance, due to Markov accepting his lack of humanity despite his human personality.
Glaciator/Ice Creamer:
Andre will certainly have Ice spells, with a hint of Hama/Hamaon or Mudo/Mudoon. I dunno which.
Arcana: Lovers
Sapotis/Little Masters:
Ella & Etta would be able to use Physical & Curse spells, with attacking spells like Punishing Bite & Fang Smash. I’d also give them Sukunda, Masukunda, Rakunda, Marakunda, Tarukunda & Matarukunda.
Arcana: Justice
Gorizilla/Super Simian:
Adrien’s bodyguard “Gorilla” should get Physical spells up the wazoo! I’d give him Kidney Smash, Weapon Crusher, Arm Crusher, Disarm, Sukunda & Masukunda (the last two represent his smelling skill).
Arcana: Strength
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