#maybe theres just something wrong with me 💙
spidermanifested · 2 months
❤️💙💖🏳️‍🌈 for FMA. Lay those unpopular opinions on me
oh im feasting today thank you so much
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
see. just by VOLUME id say probably mustang? because he has so MUCH fan content out there and so much of it makes him either a suave cool seductive sexyman or a tragic wet beast whos never done anything wrong. so percentagewise i think itd be hard to compete
However. if we're going in terms of whose personality ive seen get just absolutely mangled to the worst degree. and i think thats whats being asked here. Pppppprobably hohenheim or scar. scar because of racism. and hohenheim because nobody knows how to be normal about a well intentioned fuckup of a parent so instead he has to be literally the devil i guess
oh ling also gets done super dirty as well. people forget that his Airheaded Entitled Royalty act is in fact an act, BUT at the end of the day hes still fifteen years old so he can still be a little dumb and reckless despite being great at strategizing. these layers are apparently incomprehensible to those who want to flatten him into "goofy fun sunshine boy" or "thats basically a grown man right"
id mention the way the women and girls of the series get treated but honestly they either seem to get ignored, Hashtag Girlboss Queen'd and THEN ignored, or made into romantic set dressing for the guys. which is unfortunately too par for the course as far as fandoms go for me to have any kind of novel commentary on it. Sucks Out Here
wiat theres another one but i dont know if im allowed to say it. im scared
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
mustang again
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
HONESTLY???? just going off how my posts on the subject were received im going to have to say its "maes hughes was really conservative and kind of sucked". people did not like that one
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
hmmmmmmmmmmm. trying to rack my brain thinking of one. honestly there isnt really any character im immediately compelled to point at and go CISHET even if i dont like them because im a big enough person to admit that my fellow lgbts can be pieces of shit too. i am not a fan of olivier armstrong but shes definitely a lesbian and roy mustang is bi and deep in the closet and him and hughes had Something going on in boot camp #diversitywin #loveloses
maybe jean havoc. i know some people ship him with mustang, i have nothing against this demographic, however my personal read on havoc is just a larry butz type individual who at most tried to "go gay" out of desperation one time but found out it doesnt really work like that
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leftforthestars · 26 days
ok imfronting for like 2 minutes i need to ramble about something
white holes, the supposed opposite of blackholes. instead of sucking in matter and light and distorting the fabric of time andspace, they expel matter and light. many scientists still dont believe they exist, but that was exactly the case when the idea of black holes was first introduced in 1784 up until the early 1970s, so the existence of white holes is very much a realpossibility.
HOWEVER. despite not being believed in by many, there are still theories surrounding the hypothetical structures. in 2012, there was a theory that the big bang was the result of a white hole!!!!!!! and if this was the case then that means all white holes eject matter spontaneously, and so they would be very difficult to observe. and then there's another theory that white holes are very unstable and just. dont last that long. and maybe could even become another black hole. UNFORTUNATELY this directly contradicts other theories in which:
whiteholes serve as an exit for black holes via wormhole
2. this one is directly connected to the last, seeinf as theres a supermassive black hole for every large galaxy, thered be a supermassive white hole for every supermassiveblack hole.
my personal crazy theory though, is that they exist on another plane of existence which COULD be the opposite of our own. iknow that sounds fucking crazy but hear me out. they have not been found yet. if theyre the opposite of a black hole and connected via wormhole then theres some sort of invisible wall between the two sides, accessible through holes. and yes, the universe is technically infinite despite constantly expanding. think about this: lets say you could teleport to the end of the universe in that very second. the universe is constantly expanding 41.9 miles. thats 67.5 kilometers. PER SECOND PER MEGAPARSEC. thats a lot. and every time you teleport to the end of the universe, theres always more when you get there. in the sense of time, it is infinite, never ending.
ANYWAY considering the technically infinite nature of the universe, the spacetime division only would exist directly around holes, tears in the fabric of the universe as we know it!!!! but the problem is!! you cant make it through a blackhole alive. and even if you could and wormholes are truly the connectors, YOU CANT GO BACK because nothing can enter whiteholes!!!!!!!! BUT. if white holes are on that side and black holes are on this one, howd the big bang happen???????? now this is kind of weird but ill tell you this: itd be an extremely weird tear in the fabric. its like poking a sewing needlethrough a thin cloth - you poke it through one way, the fabric kinda stays around the needle that way. and vice versa. there had to be something that caused it to go the wrong way, whether a single star exploded or something else. so the black hole on that side took stuff and the white hole on the other immediately got rid of the stuff and caused the big bang and the creation of our side!!!!!! HOWEVER. due to the weird fabric tear, the hole could be unstable!!!!!!! and thus it wouldnt last long!!!!!!!!!! so in this way, all previous theories made about the structures could be right in their own ways, while also being a new theory thats absolutely batshit but also maybe possible. and yes im aware my theory is insane
so yeah!!!!!!!!! thankyou for reading my stupid ramble about the theoretical structures that are known as whiteholes and my theory for their possible existence 💙 im outta here
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konata-the-izumi · 8 months
// implied lightfan
GOGO GADJET LIGHTNING AND FANNY GIJINKA REF SHEETS1!!21!!1!1!1!1! Plus nationality hcs and some doodles because yes.
First off Lightning!1!1!1 ⚡️⚡️⚡️ and yes i headcannon him as French.
Theres literally nothing wrong w/ my gijinka of him, hes literally perfect ahhh 😭😭😭 I LOVE HIM SM RAGGAGHAGAHAGHAJAJAJAHS i might platonically steal him from fanny /JJJJJJ
(NO BUT SERIOUSLY WHY DO I WANNA GIVE MY GIJINKA OF HIM A HUG SO BAD??????????? WHAT?2!2?2?2,2?1,1?,1,1,2?1?1,1,,1?1,1?1,1?1,1?1,,1,1?1,1,??1?1??)
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I love him grahhhhhhhhh 💛⚡️✨
heres some side doodles i did of him 💛💛💛
(is it just me or does his face look slightly different here? maybe bc lack of makeup or something but it still looks good either way 🥰🥰🥰)
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OMGGGGGGGG 💛💛💛💛💛 *epic fangirling noises*
Oh and also this one thing i can’t remember why i drew it- at least i got to draw my daily dose of lightfan yay
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There’s also a couple more side doodles of him that i did but i reserved them for another post 🤫🤫
And now for Fanny’s!1!1!1!1 🌀🌀🌀 i hc her as haitian! (fun fact im of haitian descent myself lol)
I’m so glad i finally have a consistent hair texture for her yay. Now one thing I’m currently having trouble drawing consistently is her face. She just looks different averytime i draw her help 😭😭😭 (you’ll see once you get to see the side doodles i did of her, actually i currently have the same problem w/ my ruby gijinka ever since i redesigned her 🥲)
Btw i drew her w/ no face paint this time cause i wanted to actually make her other facial details visible.)
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Anyways off to the side doodles (I’m not too proud of these).
i actually tried drawing her w/ different hairstyles (i usually almost never give human characters the same hairstyle or outfits twice lol, but since i had trouble with finding a consistent hair texture for my fanny hummie she was one of the exceptions)
Also this is what i was talking abt when i said i couldn’t draw her face consistently…
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OMG WHAT????? FANNY IS SMILING2?!1?2?2!1?1!2?!2?2? (I don’t like this doodle either LMAO, in fact i think it’s my least favourite of all three of them)
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And finally small side doodle again
This one is definitely better than the other three lol
I really need to practise drawing my fanny gijinkas face properly or else ill end up with odd results like the latter three-
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Anyways that’s all the refs i have for now! I’m working on some for my other character gijinkies as well so stay tuned lol
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skynecraft · 2 years
I really wish art was something I enjoyed doing like it used to be 😔
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5view · 7 years
Get to know me tags
I was tagged by @fatescenario thanks!!💙
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Name: Emilie
Gender: female
Star sign: gemini
Height: about 1m65, im a smol
What’s your middle name? Keeva (i actually like it a lot better than my name but what can ya do)
Put your music library on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?
Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club
Yes No Maybe - Suzy
Prom Song - Lana Del Rey
Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi from the movie Aashiqui 2
Winter Bird - Suran
Victim + Cheers - Mino, ft. B-Free & Paloalto
Grab a book nearest you and turn to page 23. What is line 17?  “But strangers that we were then, we stood for five long seconds and held the stare, while all the parallel worlds, all the parallel lives that might’ve been, and never would be, whirled around us.”
Ever had a poem or song written about you? lmao no  🤧 but a few nights ago i dreamt that i ended up dating hayley kiyoko and she did so... 😂
When was the last time you played air guitar? ohhh umm a while actually?? i dont remember lmao
Who is your celebrity crush? varun dhawan, ravi, hyuna, yongguk, but the #1 in mi heart is mino 💞  and as maja said i miss his chubby cheeks too i hope my boy’s still healthy 😢
What is a sound you hate? Love? i hate when a fork is scratching a plate!! i love when its morning in spring/summer im looking out my window and the sky looks lovely and i can hear birds!! (only if im already awake tho lmao)
Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens? yes and yes. if u don’t believe in ghosts/spirits you’re gonna think i’m crazy but all my life i’ve had experiences with paranormal stuff asldflglsldf so how can i not. and as for aliens, it’s impossible that we’re alone in this universe,, sooo
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? no,,, i’ve had traumatic experiences bc of cars when i was younger but my parents are pushing me to get my drivers license so i need to get my shit together i guess:/
Do you like the smell of gasoline? its alright
What was the last movie you saw? Lipstick Under My Burkha
What’s the worst injury you’ve had? hmm idk ive had a few that were bad... (im such a human disaster rip) just bc its the last one i’ve had so i still think about it a lot (mostly cuz theres a constant reminder on my face) is when i feel head first and opened my head  😷
Do you have any obsessions right now? no... i havent been able to focus on anything for the last two months 
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? kinda. i can get past it if but i won’t ever forget
Are you in a relationship? im the human form of the forever alone meme  😪
I tag: @namtjoon @ayzis @ohwinners @http-lance @softdongdong @prickedmp3 if you want to ofc
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