#maybe they went and got some good headphones… 👀
crmsndragonwngss · 5 months
cUrE hAs nO rIfFs
Please, I am begging, PLEASE listen to music with something fucking better than AirPods
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tmnt-l0v3rrr · 5 days
Hello, my dear. 🥰
Been enjoying ur writing. 👀 Was reading ur yan bay don head canons and it mentioned Donnie essentially summoning Reader like they're a pet and tbh.... I'm like this irl. Idk. Scratches the brain right.
So I was wondering if you'd be willing to rottmnt yandere head canons where the figure out they can summon Reader like an animal? Like maybe they do it on accident/without thinking and they're like "oh... oh!" And it just works. Every. Damn. Time. Even if it's to the dismay of Reader.
Omg thanks for the request 😋
Yandere Donatello x Reader
Kidnapping, yandere content, human pet training, unhealthy relationships, forced love. Overall, dark content. Read at your own risk.
A/N sorry if this got off track I was hungry writing this XP (sorry if it's too short)
800 words
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It was a nice afternoon (at least that's what time you think it is) in donnie's lab. He was working on something nice and easy. His brothers were out doing who knows what- But it was nice. Calm.
He had this nest of bedding under his desk for you, it was nice. Comfy too-
You were sitting there, drawing on some mandala coloring book he gave you with some nice markers Mikey had gifted the two of you.
You heard a small snap and whistle, rising from your position, standing in front of him. Wait- why'd you do that- before you could think too much Don was already talking to you.
“I was wondering if you would want to help make lunch today, I see you picking at stuff all the time. I think it would be good sensory input.” He says, sounding excited about trying to get you to do something. You sit there, thinking about your option like you had a choice.
He whistled at you, quickly getting your head to turn to him- wait… why’d you do that? Why are you answering like a pet? Have you really been here that long…? Time must fly down here, or maybe it’s the sheer amount of times he’s drugged you, or the sewer smells are getting to you.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” You weren't lying, doing something outside his lab or bed sounded really nice, maybe even seeing April or the two casey’s would be exciting, you don’t really see anyone but Donnie and his three brothers, oh and splinter, on a very, very rare basis.
“When do you want to make lunch?” you ask, looking back at him, he hums, finger on his chin. “Maybe after a few more lines of code, only a few more minutes” You go back to your coloring book, filling in the mandala in with a nice blue, followed by purples. The soft sounds of his keyboard and chair lulling you back into your daily daze.
The sound of soft strokes of the marker on your paper fill the labs walls along with donnie’s typing and music overflowing headphones. Once again he whistles at you, getting your attention every time. You’ve been here way too long. He looks down at you, donnie’s smile soft and adoring as always. “Ready sweetie?” You nod, having no reason to argue against it.
The two of you walk out of his lab, you slip on some purple slippers he has at his door for you sense the lair floor is cold and to be honest, dirty too. When you both enter the kitchen, music plays at a normal volume. You see Mikey making what you can only assume is for Raph by the size of it, he gives you both a sweet hello before returning to his cooking, humming along to a song.
Donnie walks over to a chest freezer they had recently bought and filled, they went through pretty fast, keeping in mind that they are mutants. Don grabbed a box of frozen orange chicken, one of his favorites.
He got out a sheet pan and some parchment paper. He whistled to you before asking you to set the oven to 350. You obliged, turning the knob to the temperature before turning back to him for more directions, once again acting like a trained dog. Ready for any commands. What a funny thing this has done to you. Donnie is much more lenient and calm with you now, the first few months were the longest and hardest, adjustment taking longer than Donatello hoped, but everything paid off.
This is proof, you don’t question him anymore, you always answered him and never gave him trouble. “How about you lay out the chicken on the sheet tray? Well I warm up the sauce.” You hum in agreement, grabbing the frozen bag of chicken, laying it out and waiting for the oven to beep, signifying it was done heating.
Donnie prepares the sauce, running it under warm water. He makes a sound with his lips, one you would use to call a dog. “Go into my lab and grab the hoodie off my chair please.” he says, never even raising his head to check that you left.
Off back into his lab, quickly grabbing the desired hoodie then starting to head back.
Why? Why were you doing this? Obeying his commands like a fucking pet-
Before you can dwell on it any longer you were already back in the kitchen, holding the hoodie out to him. “Oh, sweetie. It’s for you, I know it’s cold here.” he takes the sweater and puts it on you. There was no fighting it, or protest. You just let him. Like he had always wanted.
He finally has you how he needs you
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steflionheart · 2 years
!! might contain slight Alhaitham story quest spoilers !!
I've been seeing some headcanons about Alhaitham being deaf and therefore wearing his headphones and my mind kinda went places... 🤔
So, watching his character design closely, we can see that the cable disappears somewhere underneath his clothes at his lower back (not going where you might think, mind ya). My idea was that maybe there's some kind of a device hidden, which is attached directly to his skin or body and draws elemental energy to keep the headphones running.
And now, you're asking yourself where I'm trying to go with this... And all I'll say for now is to pls just trust me here. It's gonna be interesting 👀
So, just to keep track of stuff; we got a deaf Alhaitham wearing headphones all the time, which are actually hearing aids, which are connected by a device to his body and need elemental energy to keep running. Good.
Now, throw in only a handful of people who actually know about this or even just the fact that he's deaf in general. These may be for one, his annoying roommate Kaveh bc duh! they share an apartment and spend lots of their free time together. But also, Tighnari knows too, who checks up on Alhaitham regularly bc he knew about it back when they were still students at the Akademiya together (and yes, I personally hc that they all knew each other as students; Alhaitham, Tighnari, Cyno, and Kaveh). Not to mention that Tighnari was the one who helped Alhaitham to find the person who produced the device and headphones. And ofc— Cyno. Again, they all know each other from their time as students, Cyno is also very good friends with Tighnari —as we all know— and ofc it was part of their convos once or twice or even more often.
And yes, I know, I'm rambling and getting into too much detail here. Moving on.
What I'm trying to get at in general is like, elemental energy in my personal hc is linked to one's overall physical and mental energy, as in, the more tired you get throughout your day, the less physical and mental energy you have (duh!), and! that also applies to elemental energy. Which then... causes Alhaitham's device linked to his body to either not work properly anymore or even give up completely when it's below a certain, critical level.
Alhaitham being a workaholic (in his regular worktime only but still) and sometimes —read most of the time— tuning out people or his surroundings completely, he doesn't even notice this happening.
So, Alhaitham being the Acting Grand Sage and all, he and Cyno work together very closely and see each other more often now.
And I'm a sucker for their dynamics so you probably got an idea of where I'm going with this, so bear with me. Or take this as your cue to tap out if this might not be your cup-o-tea (Haino/Cytham) 😉
And here comes the interesting part, so please enjoy :3
One day at work, Cyno's there to discuss some matters about sightings of some group of Eremites going on raids and robbing sprees just for the fun of it and how to go about it.
And at first, Alhaitham's there with him, attentively listening to Cyno's reports and ideas, giving Cyno some of his own suggestions, and sharing his thoughts. But at one point, the General notices Alhaitham responding less and less while checking some of the papers on his desk. He sometimes even only reacts after Cyno repeats what he'd just said.
It gets so bad that Cyno eventually stops talking and simply takes a moment to observe the Acting Grand Sage. His eyes look tired, with dark circles around them, and the crinkles at the corners are especially distinct today. His usually upright posture with squared shoulders is gone, instead, he's lopsidedly sitting in his big chair with his head propped up on one of his hands.
Cyno takes it all in, considers all the facts for another moment, and eventually, a long ago held conversation with his friend Tighnari comes to mind.
"Remember that I told you his device is linked with his elemental energy? This means, by the time he gets tired and his overall energy levels are low, the device can shut off just like that and so his headphones don't work anymore."
"But how does that concern his elemental energy?"
"They're all linked, ya doofus. Physical, mental, and elemental energy all flow in perfect harmony through your body. Means, when one of them gets drained, you involuntarily also drain the others along with it. Easy as that."
Cyno realizes that seeing Alhaitham all tired and overworked must mean that his device has turned off and he couldn't hear a thing anymore. And Cyno should've known, really, considering that he's been somewhat preparing for these situations and has taken one or two —or way more but nobody needs to know— lessons in sign language.
So... without overthinking stuff, he moves closer to the huge desk in front of the Acting Grand Sage until he reaches it. And first, he calls for him. Several times. Saying his name over and over again, three, four, five times— but he never gets an answer or reaction. So with his suspicion confirmed Cyno then goes on and simply extends his hand. He waves it at a low level in Alhaitham's peripheral vision to get his attention.
The moment the Acting Grand Sage notices, his head snaps up, and he looks at Cyno with plain confusion on his face.
'You're tired. You should take a break.'
Cyno signs the words deliberately slow because he's still unsure and a bit nervous to make mistakes. But apparently, Alhaitham must've understood it because all Cyno gets is a grunt in response and a mumbled "Worktime's almost over, I can handle the rest without a break."
Even his words sound like he must be tired to the bone but Alhaitham being Alhaitham, he won't admit to it. Cyno sighs and shakes his head at the gray-haired man shifting his attention back to whatever reports he was reading before.
But Cyno's not gonna back up from this one.
He goes over and rounds the long desk, taking brisk steps toward Alhaitham. Once again, he lifts his head and looks confusedly at the General approaching him.
Cyno stops right beside the high wooden chair, narrows his eyes at the Acting Grand Sage, and lifts his hands again.
'This isn't healthy for you. You should really call it a day, you can continue things tomorrow.'
But Alhaitham still doesn't budge, waving the General Mahamatra off with his right hand and returning his gaze to the report.
But Cyno's done at that moment, frustration and anger taking over.
He leans forward, grabs ahold of Alhaitham's face with both hands, and turns it towards him before letting go again and signing while still saying the words out loud.
'Listen to me! You drained all your energy, you idiot! You didn't even notice that your device turned off and you didn't hear a single thing I said to you anymore. If you go on, you'll collapse!'
Cyno's agitated, even angry at how much Alhaitham is neglecting his own well-being, his own needs, that the longer he signs, the more hectic his movements become and the louder he gets. He's pretty sure he's making a lot of mistakes but he doesn't care right now. He just wants this idiot of a man to realize that he's not doing himself a favor and that Cyno simply wants to make sure he's alright and takes better care of himself.
Because Cyno cares for him.
A whole lot.
Alhaitham just sits there and stares at him in disbelief, eyes big and mouth slightly agape in surprise. A few moments pass and then some more in which both men are simply looking at each other— Cyno with a big frown on his face and Alhaitham still very much stunned.
Something in the way he's looking at the General makes the latter hesitate for a moment longer but anger builds up again pretty fast.
He covers his face and drags both hands over it in frustration as he groans and signs. 'You're insufferable.'
Alhaitham's eyes grow a tiny bit wider and then, after another —for Cyno seemingly endless— moment, he finally clears his throat and speaks up.
"I... I really didn't notice, my bad. But uh... wh-when did you..."
His words trailing off, he suddenly shifts in his chair. He places the paper he was reading on his desk and sits up straight before turning his upper body more towards Cyno and signing.
'When did you learn sign language? I didn't know.'
Now it's Cyno's turn to be taken aback as his eyebrows shoot up with surprise. He falters for a moment, not knowing what to do or say, so he simply stares back at Alhaitham. He feels a rush of heat creeping up his neck and face as he turns his gaze away, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.
The General takes a deep breath before answering.
'I learned it in case this would happen. I mean, how would I be supposed to communicate with you otherwise?'
He's signing slowly again, taking his time to remember and sign everything right. Alhaitham looks even more surprised now and his voice cracks slightly as he incredulously asks.
"You learned it... for me? I didn't know you'd care for that..."
Cyno's face now feels like it's on fire but he frowns nonetheless, trying to stop his blushing with wishful thinking but it just doesn't work like that. And Alhaitham notices. Of course, he does.
Cyno signs without looking at Alhaitham.
'Of course I care for that, you idiot. And I care for you.'
Cyno is well aware of what he's just said and what it might imply but he doesn't care anymore at this point. He's tired of trying to hide his feelings, despite him not fully understanding them yet.
But he knows that there's something deeper he feels for the Acting Grand Sage. Why else would he go to such lengths for this obnoxious fool?
Alhaitham sighs, lets his head hang for a moment, and shakes it briefly before getting up from his seat. He tries to hide it but Cyno still notices the slight upturn of his lips.
The Acting Grand Sage takes the few steps towards the General Mahamatra until he's right in front of him, involuntarily towering over the shorter man— who is still frowning, arms crossed in front of his chest, and stubbornly glaring at something to his right.
Cyno hears him but he doesn't budge.
He notices the soft shuffling of clothes before seeing Alhaitham's left hand waving in front of his face.
"Do I need to sign now too, so that you'll listen to me?" the gray-haired man asks, voice low.
Cyno hesitates for a moment longer and signs a quick 'No' before eventually turning his head and looking straight into Alhaitham's tired eyes.
His gaze is soft, softer than usual. It's missing his signature sharpness of a former Scribe and an Acting Grand Sage, a man that has a mind at least as sharp as his gaze.
Cyno simply looks at him and waits.
Alhaitham can't help but chuckle, seeing that Cyno is acting like a defiant 5 yo. with a small pout on his lips. Alhaitham clears his throat before he finally speaks up.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it. And I mean both of it. You learning sign language to be able to talk to me when needed and... for caring."
Cyno huffs a breath in a futile attempt to seem annoyed but he knows he can't fool the taller man that easily. Still, he's one who at least tries.
"No need to thank me. It's nothing, really..." Cyno then quietly answers, immediately realizing that Alhaitham's device still isn't working and he can't hear him, so he quickly goes over to sign what he just said.
A soft smile appears on Alhaitham's lips as he reaches out with his right hand, grabbing a strand of Cyno's hair and gently twisting it between his fingers.
"It must've been hard to learn it all, so it really means a lot to me. Thank you," Alhaitham whispers before leaning in and softly pressing his lips against Cyno's forehead.
His hair's in the way and it's over as fast as it happened and yet, the touch sends a jolt of electricity through his whole body and a shiver down his spine.
Cyno still stands there, dumbfounded with his mouth hanging open at what just happened as Alhaitham simply turns around and walks back over to his chair. He lets himself plop down on it and picks up the paper from before.
"I'll just finish reading and taking notes on this report and then I'll wrap things up here. Would you like to keep me company until I'm done?" Alhaitham asks as he looks back at Cyno and adds, "You know... to make sure I don't collapse and all."
Cyno's face is still crimson red from blushing once more and he simply nods in response.
A soft and satisfied smile spreads on the Acting Grand Sage's face before he brings his focus back to the report.
Cyno once again crosses his arms in front of his chest as Alhaitham speaks up again.
"By the way... You should practice a lot more sign language though, you're really terrible at it."
Cyno's head snaps back to Alhaitham and anger bubbles up but he bites the inside of his cheek and just rolls his eyes when noticing the provocative smile on the gray-haired man's lips.
'No,' Cyno decides. 'I'm not gonna give into his teasing this time.'
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leafcabbage · 4 months
If you want to talk more about clingy duo and how they love each other,,, im very much willing to listen,,,, (also if you want to talk about drdi phil im also very interested, was looking at that recent drdi phil post like 👀)
im always happy to talk about BOTH and am preemptively putting a keep reading because i feel this may get long....
drdi clingyduo makes me more insane than i already am. and baybee im diagnosed. anyway... oh man what to say about them. i think one of the things that really gets me about them is that they were separated for like 4(? idk my own fic) years and when they were finally reunited and living together again they both decided they should just like.,.. pretend none of that happened and so they never got around to talking about the time they spent apart? like they straight up dont know things about each other from that time because theyve been pretending it doesn't exist. the healthiest way to handle things, really. tubbo was literally getting frantic payphone calls from tommy who was like actively in crisis and then he comes home and cries so hard about it he throws up and then theyre like "Awesome well tahts Over so we never have to talk about it yippee!!" (until sssd of course but thats only the start.)
like MAN they love each other so much but also neither of them entirely know how to go about things productively and healthily and they both feel like it should be enough that they are together again... and its NOT because they have to actually talk about things!!! makes me crazy.
as for drdi phil. man theres a lot there i havent figured out but i do know that he had his own rough shit in his childhood and he saw techno and went "i can like. do something here. i can help." and then he did. and he did a little blackmailing and maybe some insurance fraud to get the job done, but he did it. also he didn't mean to end up with wilbur in his care. that wasnt on purpose he wasnt ready to to any of that but he kind of stumbled into it due to circumstances. like my man is not foster care certified or anything. im gonna avoid saying more on that until im certain im not contradicting facts i laid out in past chapters, but also if wilbur said something out loud, he might have been lying at any given moment.
anyway all that to say. phil is like... really good at seeming like he has everything figured out when in reality hes constantly pretty sure hes two seconds from like spontaneously combusting. also hes a gamer btw. thats how he knows sneeg they are internet friends. i havent given enough weight to internet friends yet in this story so i will say that now. phil goes through a crazy day of teaching at a university he barely feels qualified to work at and comes home to a house he got for extra cheap rent because a guy died there and has dinner usually with his kid who he never planned to end up with and then puts on some headphones and plays fucking halo or something for five hours before going to bed and repeating it all the next day. what a hero
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torawro · 2 years
Sosa why are you still awake?
Anyways, camboy Sukuna? I'll be there ready to drain my life savings for a crumb. I'll be mortgaging my grandmother's voice to hear his broken moan when he finally cums live on air.
i specifically remember at the time u sent this i was awake at aroundddd 5am and honestly i don't even remember SKDJFHSK. i prolly had another late school night finishing hw bc i started late and wanted some leisure time on my phone :(
ANYWAY CAMBOY!SUKUNA? this is something that i've never even considered (maybe even encountered) before and i'm curious👀 PLSSSS NOT DRAINING UR LIFE SAVINGS DKFJGHDKFJG IM DEAD BUT UR SO REAL FOR THAT!! i would do almost anything to see and hear him stroking his stupidly thick and long cock on screen, his chest heaving, his breaths heavy in your headphones as you watch with eagle-like vision the variations in his hand motions--
the same hand motions you use whenever your hands or mouth are attached to his cock. camboy!sukuna was thinking about you while he got himself off, he was thinking about you heavily since he started (he always thinks about you) but it made him hard as soon as he pressed the red 'record' button because he knew you'd be watching.
and of course you were, you were watching your man have a good time, while you were having your own good time right there in your room: your panties discarded somewhere on the floor, shirt pulled up to your chest so your tits were wrapped in the cool air of your room and your favorite biggest dildo being plunged in and out of your warm cunt and imagining it was ryomen fucking you and not some rubber toy. your moans were in sync with each others, and none of his hundreds of thousands of viewers knew that. they'd never know.
they'd also never know that sukuna had to physically hold back from groaning out your name on camera in front of all these people. but you caught it. you heard the hushed syllables of your name tumble past his lips; his broken, deep moans filled your ears, traveled all through your body and went straight to your pussy. and as if it were a signal, you came right there-- nice and hard-- on your bed sheets, sukuna's name the only one on your mind <3
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lovedetlost · 2 years
You can just delete this if you want, I just need to rant to someone 😭
Just a girl trying to live her life by studying for school, reading fanfiction, and looking at options for a first toy and lingerie👀, and every fucking day my neighbors blast music. I can even hear it over my own tv. And a few months ago I tried writing a little note and was like “it would be greatly appreciated if you could lower the volume a little bit” “if the music is not coming from you, sorry for the misunderstanding” blah blah blah. Luckily I went back home since thanksgiving until this week because of winter break. So I haven’t had to deal with it for a while but school has started back up and ugh. (Also I should mention that it’s not a college apartment, where I would be a little bit more understanding about loud music but I live like 15 minutes from campus, one of the reasons I choose to live here instead of closer to campus, being so I wouldn’t have to deal with behavior like this you know? Also I already have a really hard time focusing because I have adhd and I’m on the spectrum, but even not studying and just watching tv or something like right now, it’s still so annoying. But at the same time it’s always in the middle of the day and usually only lasts for like an hour or 2 at most and it doesn’t seem to bother any other neighbors cause I feel like by now if other people have complained, the property managers would have gotten involved right? So maybe I’m just being a Karen (I can’t think of any other word for it lmao) and cry baby. Anyways I have taken a few quizzes and looked into it a bit more and think I’m gonna try the Frankie or Billie
i was just about to turn in but i'll reply to this first!!
as someone with ADHD, i am so very sorry. like if there's noise around me i can't hear or focus at all. i legit got my hearing tested because of it. but i think you've also done all you can. a kind note is really all we have up our sleeves. i would try some over-the-ear sound cancelling-esque headphones playing classical music when you're trying to study or just live. that's how i spend most of my day.
oooh good ops baby. i reckon maybe try the frankie? it looks like it could go slightly in if thats something you're wanting to explore? damn. now i want a new toy hehe
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faebriel · 3 years
kai faebriel ranking of songs on dreamland. btw i am extremely biased
1. tokyo drifting - this song fucks. what a strong fucking single seriously (was this a single? can’t remember. feel like it was). just makes me so hype every time i listen to it. i very keenly remember walking home from the train station the day before my state went into our first quarantine in 2020 blaring this song in my headphones as a massive storm rolled in and thunder and rain was making a racket all around me. ideal song listening experience that is a core memory. this is on the list of songs that i wanna animate to if i ever get good at it. fucking kickass song
2. tangerine - this one wins a really high place bc i loved it the first time i listened to it and i still love it now, it didn’t have to grow on me like some others. or maybe just bc it’s been on one of my oc playlists for two years. idk. it’s a nice little bop, i really like the instrumental. i like the phrasing in the lyrics and the track has a very nostalgia-blurred feel to me and i really like it. it’s such a jam and the fact that it hasn’t gotten old for me in two years is very telling /pos
3. your love (deja vu) - ok i might be dating this list too much bc i am just having a Moment looping this song right now but it is so good. i just love the vibes. it’s so dramatic i’m obsessed. i love the progression of the instrumental throughout it builds tension really well. the last two mins of this song get me outright vibing. i LOVE the ending it’s so tense and i’m yayyy. the feeling of obsession really comes thru with this song esp in the bridge and i just love the energy of it sm
4. space ghost from coast to coast - I ALWAYS FORGET THIS SONG EXISTS DESPITE IT BEING ONE OF MY FAVES 😭 god this song is such a vibe. it really does feel like a standout compared to the other songs on the album, in both tone and story - the storytelling in the song actually reminds me a lot of htbahb which is probably why i like it so much lmfao. has so many good sounds i really love this song
4. it’s all so incredibly loud - ngl for a long time i just kind of dismissed this song as a discount version of waterfalls 😭 but i gave it another listen recently and i do loveee it. originally waterfalls was 4 but after listening to them back to back i had to move this one up. this is another song that feels very dreamy but in a more hostile way than dreamland and i LOVE that. this feels like a song with a Mission (to slowly and gradually Rise in tension) and it fucking achieves it. also is on my writing playlist lol
5. waterfalls coming out your mouth - i fucking love this song but i can’t listen to it in front of my parents without getting fuckin HIT with those lyrics in the first verse LMFAO. it’s not really a song you’d think is good for singing along to but fucking belting out the lyrics of this one is so fun esp from the bridge (?) to the last chorus. this song does really feel like a waterfall so they got that right
6. dreamland - this is a nice song. definitely dreamy. i like the audio effects (”all around your head, all around your head”). i like that it ties in the stories from other songs in the album bc i remember it dropping before the album did and everyone listening to the lyrics like 👀
7. domestic bliss - oh this song is heartbreaking lol <- not laughing. kind of an interesting one to rank bc like something like heatwaves is definitely easier to listen to and one i’ve definitely heard more of but this is a better song if you get me. the instrumental is really nice (i want to say pretty but idk if that’s the right word) and the building throughout the bridge is really really nice. i love the introduction of the strings (harp or something?) in the last chorus too. really really good song
8. heatwaves - one of my friends called this song “boring, but in a good cruisy way” and he was probably right. this is the vodka cruiser of songs on dreamland. it’s a fun single and i do like it it’s like a 6.5/10 for me. consistently played on my way home from work for like six months which has good associations. i think it’s a song that’s very easy to like without paying much attention to it so it’s kind of a good option to go a bit viral if you know what i mean. same as pork soda for htbahb (although i like pork soda MUCH more than heatwaves both in general and compared to other songs on their respective albums)
9. hot sugar - ok this is a song i really consistently skipped over but listening to it again this slaps.......the chorus and hook are really nice. i like how the whole chorus of vocals comes in to slap you around. otherwise i don’t really click with this one sorry
10. helium - i fuckin forget this song exists sorry. i do like the riff in the beginning. it’s fine but i do find it a little boring personally compared to other songs on the album and by glass animals in general. i do really like the loop back to dreamland at the end though
11. melon and the coconut - ok i don’t ever listen to this song bc i kind of just aggressively don’t care about it but NOW the high pitched voice in it just reminds me of tubbo’s voice changer so i am Never going to be able to take it seriously sorry. 
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